Danny Phantom PT2


Kitty woke up an hour later feeling a pleasant soreness and tingling in her stomach as she looked up at her man leaning forward planting a soft kiss on his lips before gently slipping out of his tight hold.

Picking up her clothes entering the rooms private bathroom climbing into the rainfall shower washing away the scent of and grime of sex.

Taking the shower wand washing the cum out of herself before sighing turning intangible watching enraptured as massive puddle of cum splashed on to the showers tile floor.

"So much, good thing both ghosts have to want to get pregnant before intercourse to actually get pregnant." Kitty sighed outloud feeling a slight regret at the waisted opportunity to get 'knocked up' She thought affectionately to herself about having a baby with Daniel.

Exiting the shower becoming tangible again getting dressed sneaking her way to the bedroom door only to freeze when she heard his voice.

"Wuv you Kitty." He said in his sleep.

"Love you to baby." Whispered Kitty as she slipped out the door only to trip over the goth girl Sam whose clothes were all messed up as she was laying in a puddle of her own juices a sexy little pink thong left discarded on the floor.

Snickering to herself Kitty bent down picking up the passed out teen her mischievous side wanting to put her in bed with the girls obvious crush. But decided against it ghosting into each room until she found the one she assumed belonged to the little goth due to all the blacks reds and purples that decorated the room. Tucking her into bed while brushing some hair out of her face.

"If you want him throw everything you got into pursuing him I'll only accept the best of the best for my man goth girl." Kitty said gently.

Skipping her way back down the hall a mischievous smirk on her lips as she picked up the soaked underwear sneaking back into the bedroom she's just recently left putting the panties in her man's hand gently moving his fingers to make a fist.

She left the room for the final time that night flying towards a natural ghost zone portal located in the local cemetery that she hoped would still be open.

Back in the ghost zone she flew to the layer or realm she now shared with Daniel. Wondering if there'd been any new changes to the place since Shadow kidnapped her.


Desiree floated down to the sleeping prince on the bed after Kitty left. Playing with his messy sweaty shoulder length black hair before leaning forward pressing her lips against his.

Feeling a pleasant tingle travel down her back at the contact with him. "See you soon my hero." She whispered softly before teleporting back to the ghost zone.


Waking up to the soft rays of sunlight shining on my face noticing the distinct lack of the soft feminine warmth that should have been beside me. Sniffing the air and myself confirming the scent of sex I knew what happened last night wasn't a dream.

Feeling something damp and soft in my hand I brought it up to my face seeing the pink material letting most of it fall from my hand.

"Where have I seen these before?" I asked myself as the image of Sam unknowingly flashing my a view of her perky bubble butt played in my mind causing my cock to go from semi-hard to hard and ready to party.

Bringing the thong up to my nose not even considering the implications that it was in my hands smelling the sweet and tangy scent that belonged to Sam as I started stroking my sticky hard cock.

Imagining Sam naked on her knees in front of me stroking and licking my cock while looking up at me with those gorgeous amethyst colored eyes.

Pushing her breasts together wrapping them around my cock giving me a titty fuck as she licked and sucked on the head cutely.

"Sam, (ugh) yeah Sam, just like…that, use those big sexy tits, those soft little hands and those cute pouty lips." I groaned, as I heard a gasp from the doorway my eyes snapped open to see Sam flushed a bright red her one hand covering her mouth as she used the other to support herself on the doorframe I felt myself cum the cum splattering against my legs as Sam bolted out the door when her eyes met mine.

"Well this is a bit awkward." I sighed to myself. Standing up from the bed I walked into the adjoined bathroom taking a lukewarm long shower letting the water wash away my worries at least for a little while.

"Damn this shower is amazing, what's it called again a rainfall or waterfall shower wait are those side jets too wonder how you turn those on." I spoke out loud.


'Ohh my god ohh my god ohh my god.' Sam kept saying in her head over and over again as she ran back to her bedroom slamming the door behind her.

"He was jerking off to me while smelling my thong last night nghhh-ahhh." She moaned as she started fingering herself while she played him calling out her name as he stroked his big fat cock.

'He called my boobs big and sexy. Does that mean I have a chance?' Sam thought to herself.

"Ahh ahh Dandan yes fuck me like Kitty yes yes YESSSSS Haa ha ha ha." Sam panted as her knees trembled after fingering herself to completion.

Sam was a blushing mess sitting on the floor of her bedroom wondering if Daniel was the one who tucked her into bed and stole her panties to masturbate with.

Though not that'd she'd ever admit it she found it very hot and flattering it made her feel sexy and beautiful, something that with her mother and father constantly trying to control everything about her from what she wears to what she eats to how she uses the bathroom.

Then there's the lack of positive male attention except for Gregor but she didn't really care for him at all in the way that she already did for Daniel. and then there was her perv of a best friend Tucker who checks her out often but it makes her skin crawl when he does.

Sam shakily made her way into her private bathroom taking a bath where her mind constantly teased her with various errotic visions of her and Daniel with both Danny and Kitty making appearances.

Sam was very glad today was a day off from school because the last thing she wanted to do was put clothes on and half to deal with other people.


Vlad was again sitting in his office looking over some research that his scientists had sent him when his fax machine and phone rang at the same time picking up the cordless phone while standing up and walking to the fax machine.

"Hello Mr.Masters this is Ida Manson's legal representation. I am calling to inform you that Mrs.Manson has started paperwork to adopt your son and bring him into her family. She wished me to inform you in these exact words "if you don't comply I will destroy you."

Right now you should be receiving all the proper paperwork to sign over custody rights. Please have your legal team review them at your earliest convenience. Have a pleasant day." The sleazy voice on the other end of the phone said with fake sincerity.

"She wants to take my MY SON FROM ME ! ! !" Roarded Vlad as a massive surge of pinkish-red ecto energy exploded from his body destroying the entirety of his office and the wall of his castle.

"I'LL KILL THAT MEDDLING MANSON BITCH." Vlad roared as he shot up into the sky breaking the sound barrier as he flew towards Amity Park.

Even though the flight only took roughly ten minutes at him flying half his top speed he'd calmed down considerably and instead of the white hot rage he'd felt earlier it was now something cold and forged of steel as he floated over the Manson estate.

Turning intangible and invisible he ghosted through the house finding Ida and his son together in a game room playing air hockey together and just like that all his anger was gone.

He hadn't seen a smile like that on his son's face since he taught him fencing and to play piano.

That smile that could fill a room with light and happiness died the day he had to reprogram Maddie to purge the emotional programming because she had become too possessive and obsessive of both him and Daniel.

But of course Daniel didn't understand that all he understood was that his mommy was dead and the person in her place that sounded like her and looked like her through the hologram was a stranger.

In this moment Vlad was happy he altered his son's ghost sensing ability not to detect him or else this moment would have been lost.

With a sad yet happy smile on his face as a few tears slipped from his eyes Vlad flew back to his castle in Wisconsin.

Calling his legal time and a few carpenters he had a fresh set of documents and around fifty people at his castle restoring the damaged areas.

Holding the papers in his hand he wrote a little note for Ida asking her to hyphenate it so his son would at least still carry his name even if it would be Manson-Masters now.

Sliding the papers in a large manila envelope flying back to Amity Park while invisible he put the envelope into the mailbox attached to the mansion wall by the front door before flying to a local high-end real estate broker to buy some property in the town.


I was just walking into the bedroom after getting out of the shower, my hair still damp with nothing on but a towel when Ida burst through the door on her scooter.

My hand instinctively charged up and ecto-beam but I was able to call the energy back inside before anything bad could happen.

The old bat was all smiles not even realizing how close she was to dieing just then.

"Morning dear I brought you some clothes. And pee-you it reeks of something awful in here. What did you do last night?" Ida asked with a knowing look in her eyes but a teasing smirk on her lips that was the same one Sam wore.

I choked on my own tongue while feeling myself gain a full body blush at Ida's teasing especially with that look in her eyes that told me she knew exactly what went on in here.

"Come come let's go have some breakfast while before I give you the lay of the land. Hahahaha Lay hahahaha. Whoopee I'm hot Tday." Laughed Ida in a jovial mood.

'Yeah she definitely knows I got laid last night. Though I wonder why she's so cool with it.' I thought to myself as I grabbed the clothes out of the scooters basket and returned to the bathroom to get dressed.

While looking at the clothes I noticed they were all black and the materials felt soft yet durable and sturdy and of even better quality than the one's Vlad always made sure I had.

But instead of suits, slacks and dress shirts these were what looked like denim jeans and a v-neck t-shirt a new pair of silk boxer briefs while the socks were cashmere.

Walking out of the bathroom I was immediately swarmed upon by Ida as she fussed with my shirt removing the crinkles while in a surprising display of strength pulled me down by my shoulder and started brushing out my hair before taking a pair of scissors giving me a little trim.

"There, now you still have that wild look to ya but it's a slightly manicured wildness." She nodded to herself like I was supposed to understand any of what she meant when Vlad was a firm believer of hair gel and slicking it back.

"Thanks…I think." I replied unsure of what to say.

"Ohh you're welcome dear. Now you'll be like catnip to my Bubeleh. Kkkukukukukuku." Ida declared while cracking madly.

My eyes popped out comically when my brain finally registered her words.

'Is she really trying to get Sam and me to hook up this fast? I mean we only met last night. And almost had a hot kiss in front of her house and then you woke up with her used panties in your hand jerking off in front of her while holding them to your nose fantasizing about her aloud.' I thought to myself.

"Ohh don't give me that look I might be old but I'm not dead and I remember what it was like to be your age. Heh, I could tell you some stories." Giggled the old woman as she had a faraway look on her face and a slight pink tint to her cheeks.

But suddenly her face turned serious as she looked me in the eyes with an indecipherable gaze.

"Listen to me dear when I say this because in your case it could be even more true.

Life is short and it can be cut down at any second don't let common practice and convenience get in the way of love and happiness if you love something or someone or maybe even multiple someones.

Put your whole heart into pursuing them. If you like someone enough and feel that it will turn into love and stop at nothing to make it happen.

If you have something to fight for. Fight until your body is broken and can't move anymore, fight to your last breath and then some. Like I told you dear last night, don't give up, don't lose hope and especially don't let go of love. They will guide you through the darkest of times." Her eyes radiated a power and sadness so deep I wanted to hug the woman but I knew she wanted reassurance. I was taking her words to heart so I nodded while keeping my lips shut.

"Good, now let's go raid the breakfast buffet." She cheered out as if we'd never had a serious moment to begin with as she cruzed out the door like a hurricane making me run to keep up.

"Ohh by the way have you seen my Bubeleh? I asked her to wake you up earlier but she never came back down and it doesn't seem like she woke you up." Asked the old woman in a slightly worried tone.

"Ohh-oh." I said feeling glad she was watching where she was going instead of looking at me or else she'd see me blushing fiercely while looking down at the floor.

"Sh-she woke me up by slamming the door open and saw me naked and ran off down the hall." I told her part of the story.

"Hahahhahaha, ohh I'm going to enjoy teasing that girl over this for a month no no a year." Laughed the old woman happily while she did a little happy dance on her scooter.


Kitty had thought she had entered someone else's layer at first due to how different it was compared to before but her core told her this was home this was where she was Queen.

Her home that had been a one story house with an attached garage surrounded by motorcycles and Motorcycle parts was now replaced with a three story farmhouse with a semi enclosed porch deck with a sliding glass door.

White painted shutters a stone and brick path carved into the ground leading to a red basement door while the front door has a little white porch with flowers placed on the porch strategically in hanging pots and regular flower pots.

A little three stall garage across the street from the house that was empty with the doors open. Up the driveway a little further there was a big white barn with a red Welsh dragon on the side of the building.

Following the driveway out behind the house and the farm barn there was an even larger pole barn with a repair shop on one side and a large open space that had all of the motorcycles and parts; the bikes were evenly rowed and spaced out while the parts were placed neatly on shelves.

Further inside the pole barn there was a moonshine still some barrels and things she didn't know the name of while fields and pastures surrounded the place on two sides.

Her eyes filled tears at the so familiar yet so foreign to her at the same time. Her heart ached; this was the type of place she had run away from all those years ago.

She had wanted something dangerous and mysterious. She left while her parents were asleep in their beds and wound up as a biker club bitch where she met Johnny and died shortly after meeting him.

He was only an initiate so he couldn't make her his woman; she was property of the club. She was a free use bitch not that she wanted to be but once she was in, the only way out was death.

One night after being pushed too far she'd finally had enough killed the club president and Johnny had run away with her.

Their former club chased them down bullets whizzed by all around them they jumped the tracks in hopes of getting away but the train caught the back tire causing there bike to spin back around throwing them into the train the both fell underneath the tracks they survived like that for a good thirty seconds before they finally died.

Once they woke up in the ghost zone they were tied together she did her best to make it work but Johnny he was a pig once she was free from the club in death did she realize that.

"Kitty, where were you? we've been worried sick about you, and what the fuck happened here?" Asked Ember Mclain as she marched her way up to her bestie while a busty redhead with her hair up in devil horns was looking around amazed at the changes in her friend's ghost lair.

"Em, Penny what are you guys doing here?" Asked Kitty shocked before remembering that she was supposed to meet her girlfriends for ladies night at the ghoul gal club but Shadow kind of interrupted that.

"Did you not just hear me? We've been sitting at our booth at the club waiting for you for the last four hours." Ember asked in a concerned but angry tone once she saw her friend's tear stained face.

"Did you and Johnny have a big fight? Is that why you're crying honey?" Asked Penelope Sinistra as she quickly hugged her upset friend Ember sighed and joined the hug as well.

All Kitty could do was rapidly shake her head no of course she and Johnny had had a fight that night that's why he was in the human world last night to begin with.

"Johnny's dead." She whispered.

"Thank Fuck for that I wish I'd done it." Ember all but shouted her happiness.

"I must say I'm quite pleased with this turn of events as well." Sinistra agreed with Ember.

"Though I'm surprised you still have your own lair since it needed both you and Johnny's wills to form heck it even grew to ten times its original size." Hummed Spectra in thought.

"We have a lot to talk about girls." Kitty finally managed to shake off her funk.

"It's very homey in here." Whispered Ember as she entered the house.

"Yes it is, but it's not quite Kitty's style with the hardwood flooring and the rustic walls." Spectra said, looking around the place.

"Spill Kitten." Commanded Ember.

"Okay Okay give me a minute. So Johnny wanted to fuck but I put my foot down because I was going to meet up with you two at the club.

Johnny and I had a screaming match left to the human world while I broke down in tears like usual.

So I was sitting on the couch about to call you guys to see if we could go back to one of your places to just have a quiet night in to watch movies and eat ice cream. You know one of our usual girl nights.

But here I was when I felt my link with Johnny snap and settle in with someone else and he's so much better than Johnny or me his soul is so beautiful.

I lived through his life all of it and then Shadow rose up out of the floor in front of me and took me to him. We had the best sex ever, like totally mind melting sex. And that's about it." Kitty told her friends.

"I think I speak for Ember when I say this, we are both happy for you but we need more we're not letting you get involved with another asshole." Spectra said in a worried voice.

"He's not." Kitty hissed venomously.

"Easy there tiger, we're your friends remember." Ember said placatingly as she put her hands up in a non combative stance.

"S-sorry, just don't be mean about him you girl's don't understand we lived each other's lives from start to finish and then saw our ghost lives I know him he knows me." Kitty said with a fire in her eyes.

"Aright honey we'll give him the benefit of doubt and put our faith in him but the second he gives us any doubt." Spectra said while miming a knife across her throat.

"He won't but thank you Penny, Em." Kitty gave her friends a bright smile.

"I'm happy for you Kitty, but how did Johnny's link with you transfer to him?" Asked Ember.

"He knocked Johnny out when he was trying to rape Desiree ripped off his core and absorbed his energy." Kitty told them barely above a whisper.

"I thought only that vampire Plasmius could absorb other ghosts like that." Spectra said, to which Ember nodded and hummed in agreement.

"He's he's Plasmius's son. And he's a half that needs to feed on ghost energy to survive." Kitty said in a small, almost fragile voice.

"WHAT ! ! !" Bothe Spectra and Kitty screamed in unison.

"I was hoping you could teach him how to feed off of negative energy so he wouldn't have to always kill to stay alive." Kitty's voice was barely above a squeak.

"I'll do this for you Kitty but first how old is he and are you willing to share." Spectra gave her friend a lewd smile.

"If you can help him I don't mind sharing him with you. Also he has a crush on Ember and there's a few other girls including Des that will be after him anyways." Kitty replied with nervous excitement.


Ida and I were sitting at a truly massive table as maids put food on plates for us before bringing them over to us.

The food was to die for the bacon cooked just right so it was soft with just a little bit of crunchiness.

The waffles were big thick Belgium ones that had strawberries, bananas, chocolate drizzle and whipping topping on them big sweet sausage links.

"Madam Manson this was addressed to you, it is from your legal representation." Spoke a butler in a penny coat with an English accent.

"Thank you Jiles." Ida replied.

"Happy to serve Madam." The man said with an honest smile.

'I'm sure you do.' I thought to myself.

Soon we were joined by a woman with orangish-red hair with deep blue eyes at least triple-D cup breasts wearing a massive diamond in each ear and a glistening pearl necklace.

In a pink dress that left her arms exposed while she wore delicate looking white gloves and expensive shoes on her long pale legs.

Though they looked completely different in their hair and eye color there was no denying this woman was Sam's mother.

While she was quickly followed up by a somewhat good looking blonde haired man with baby blue eyes and a permanent haughty scowl on his face. Wearing a button up shirt with a sweater vest over top of it and Khaki pants.

"Who is this? I don't remember giving any of the staff permission to bring their children here." Spoke the man with his nose in the air.

"This isn't your house Boy and you will do well to remember that before I have you thrown out on the streets." Spoke Ida with a steely voice that made the man quiver and turn beat red in anger.

"Mother please. Who might you be, young man?" Asked Pamela Manson as she was looking me over with an investigative look but not an unkind one.

"This is your new brother Pammy, I'm adopting him."

" (cough cough cough) Huh" I choked out as my milk went down the wrong pipe.

"What?" Both Pamela and Jeremy said at the same time.

"I believe I said that perfectly clear, did I not Jiles?" Asked Ida already knowing the answer.

"No ma'am you were crystal clear." The man said practically wagging his tail looking for praise for being a good boy.

"Mother, you can't just adopt someone." Pamela started to protest.

"I can, I will and I already did Pammy say hello to your little brother Dante Manson-Masters." Ida declared proudly.

"Masters as in Vlad Masters. Mother." Jeremy started to say.

"Don't call me mother boy, it's Madam Manson or Mrs.Manson to you." Ida replied coldly with a chilly glare.

"And yes Dante is the son and heir to one Vlad Masters Ceo and owner of VladCo but he has found himself unfit to be a father and has asked me to fill the parental void in Dante's life." Ida replied with warmth and care shining through the earlier chill.

Sam's parents both sat down at the table rather tensely though Pamela quickly recovered and gave me an honest welcoming smile.

While her husband kept giving me looks between a glower and an ass kisser, it seemed he couldn't decide what to do.

"So Dante or should I say little brother tell me what kind of things do you like to do?." Asked Pamela.

'Have sex, kill ghosts, have sex with hot ghost babes. Riding motorcycles illegally distill moonshine.' I thought to myself.

"Well sister" I said, giving the bona-fide milf a saucy smirk.

"I like fencing, playing the piano, riding motorcycles and talking with beautiful house wives." I replied, still wearing that same smirk.

"Hehehehe, I see my little brother is a flirt too." Teased the older woman as she stared into my eyes a light dusting of pink gracing her neck and chest.

Our little staring match was broken when Sam came marching into the room in black combat boots, black cargo jeans that clung to her body in all the right ways and a tube type bra thing that only covered her breasts. While her raven black hair was left loose instead of tying it up in that ridiculous knot ponytail thing.

"You look beautiful Sam." I said absent-mindedly as I was unable to take my eyes off of her.

"Tha-thanks Dan." Sam started to say but Ida cut her off.

"Dante, Sam this is your new uncle Dante Manson-Masters I hope you two can get along well." Smirked Ida giving her granddaughter a wink while she wiggled her eyebrows.

"GRA-GRANDMA Stop it, you're so embarrassing." Yelled Sam as she turned bright red and her stomps became light steps as she walked the rest of the way to the table with her head down while pulling out a chair next to me. As soon as she was in her seat I felt a flash of pain from my shin.

'Ohh it is so on, I'm going to make you scream my name and beg for mercy my sexy little niece.' I smirked as I looked at her.

Sam raised her head at me with a cute pout on her lips and a look in her eyes that pleaded with me to save her.

"Do-don't worry M-mom we'll get along great, maybe a little too greatly." I stumbled with my words slightly as I was being pulled into Sam's amethyst colored eyes and then to her purple painted lips as she bit her bottom lip in a way that was just way too sexy for the breakfast table without her being naked and laying on it waiting to be devoured.

"All done Dante?" Ida asked excitedly.

"Yeah." I replied struggling to remove my eyes from Sam.

"Good good, let's start the tour in my favorite room." Ida cheered happily as she started wheeling out of the room drifting around the corner up on two wheels.

Sam giggled as she watched her grandmother go. "See ya later Sam." I said softly as I took off after the old speed demon.

"See you." Sam said in an unusually small voice while giving me a shy smile.

'Okay what happened to the girl that was punching and smacking me last night?' I questioned myself while noticing Sam shooting furtive glances.

'Something to think about some other time.' I said to myself as I shook Sam and her parents from my thoughts.

"Finally you caught up, come on, get in the elevator with me." Ida said excitedly.

Once we were alone in the elevator Ida was nervously fidgeting in her scooter.

"Are you okay?" I asked since I was worried for the older woman.

"Yes, but I was wondering if you're okay with me adopting you. Do you like the new name I gave you?" Ida asked, her voice filled with nervous energy.

"Like it. I love it. It's actually mine and not someone else's. About earlier would you like me to call you mom?" I asked softly.

"Good I'm glad you're okay with everything. If you feel comfortable with it I'd love for you to call me mom, Dante." Replied the sweet old woman as she started to cry.

I felt my own eyes watering as I picked her up out of her scooter in a hug. One she returned with bone crushing force.

"You can give me a stronger hug sweetie this old woman is made of pretty stern stuff." Ida choked out somewhere between a laugh and a sob. Making me tighten my hug just a little bit more.

"Th-thanks mom." I whispered back softly. 'You were right Maddie I found a family after all. I wish you could be here though.' I thought in a mixture of happy sadness.

"Thank you for accepting this old lady's desire. You know I lost my first born and my first husband in the camps. You look so much like him like my son it nearly broke my heart when I first saw you and Sam together I thought I was seeing a ghost." Sobbed the sweet old woman into the crook of my neck before kissing my cheek and patting my back.

"He-hem, Now set me down dear we're here." Ida cleared her throat while I helped her back into her scooter.

The elevator doors opened with a ding and I let out a gasp. The room was the size of a large warehouse. There was a movie theater in one part separated by multiple dividing walls, a bowling alley and an arcade with every typical game found at an arcade.

There was a snack station, a popcorn maker, a soft drink machine and boxes and boxes of candies put on display like at a movie theater.

"Welcome to my haven." Ida said while spreading her arms grandly.

"WOAH ! ! !." I said dumbly.


Ida and I were having a hell of a time playing Skeeball, air hockey and the water gun game where you shoot it at a target when I noticed she was getting tired.

"How'a bout we take a break from the games and watch a movie together." I said, receiving a nod and a smile in return.

Once we reached the theater area I walked over to the computer that was hooked up to the projector resting my hand on the tower putting my thumb over the usb port uploading the Christian Bale Dark Knight series.

"Would you like anything from the concession stand?" I asked.

"Yes please, diet coke and popcorn with extra butter." Ida replied.

Making the drinks and popcorn commanding the computer to start playing the movie.

"This is a very good movie. I wonder why I've never seen or heard of it before." Ida made a comment that wasn't really a comment.

"Who knows maybe it just wasn't a big hit." I replied while looking anywhere but at her.

"Mmmhmm, you know you can tell me anything dear." Ida said while patting my hand gently.

"Thanks mom." I replied back easily.

"You're welcome dear." Ida said before turning back to the movie.

"Umm this is a little awkward. I mean you just adopted me or are in the process of doing so but I gained a new ability the other day and I believe that with it I could create a billion dollar company." I started to try and sell my idea to Ida.

"Every child of the Manson family gets 100 million dollars on their eighteenth birthday for you. I'll give you yours early but your business will succeed or die on its own dear." Ida said in a business-like tone.

"Thank you. I'll make you proud, I promise." I vowed to her.

"You don't have to make me proud Dante, you just have to live your life and seek out your own happiness. But, I know you will, dear." Ida replied in a knowing tone.

"How many of these movies are there?" Ida inquired genuinely curious.

"Of this actor three. Total I think seven or eight." I replied.

"You could make a lot of money off of these. You should think about how to do so." Ida said with a knowing smirk.

"Hahaha, you sly cunning old tramp you." I teasingly joked.

Ida and I watched the last two movies together. The staff brought us lunch which was chicken tender and onion rings.

"That was a wonderful day, thank you for spending it with this old woman." Ida said a bit sadly as she climbed back into her Scooters seat.

"Thank you, for giving me a home and a family." I replied honestly.

"You'll never have to thank me for that dear. Now about what we discussed earlier, these are the details for your account and I'll have Jives bring you a debit card for the account later. Now I'm going to go hit the hay." Ida said while letting out a tired yawn.

Going our separate ways I returned to my room and started looking at the prices of industrial buildings that were no longer in use and found a former tech company with all of its facilities still intact so clean rooms, production lines and everything were still there waiting to be used again for twenty-five million dollars.

Putting in an offer for fifteen million I no more than started looking for server farms and building materials for the devices I planned to make.

Uploading myself into the computer in my room I started creating an ecosystem called Turnip. A parody of what Apple was in my old world.

It was quite easy to do since the Manson mansion had their own server farms in the house and a master supercomputer.

"Danda I mean Dante, are you in here." Asked as she cautiously opened the door to her new uncle's bedroom the memories of him having hot sex with Kitty on the bed to jerking off with her thong this morning played in her mind filling her stomach with butterflies.

Not seeing him she jumped on his bed sniffing it though sadly the maids had already replaced the bedding so she wasn't getting the smells she was looking for.

Rolling onto her back laying spread eagle letting out a breath of air. "HAAA, why is this so hard? Does he actually like me? We-we almost kissed yesterday it felt so right. I wonder where he is." Sam asked herself questions out loud.

I was just getting done with the framework for my Turnip operating system. When I felt the attack coming quickly exiting the computer returning to my normal form.

My blood boiling turning into ectoplasm, my flesh melting turning into bubbling goo I kept trying to hold myself together but I was failing.

'I can't die not yet, not like this.' I told myself.

I felt soft hands enter my gooified body parts. "Don't worry I'm here, just follow my voice you can do this Dandan. Concentrate everything's going to be okay." Sam whispered softly while her hands moved in comforting motions as my body gooified and solidified.

"It HuRtts." I screamed out my voice breaking. It hurt more than it ever had any of the other times.

"Shh shh, I know it hurts but you have to come back, think about Kitty and how she'd feel if you were gone just as soon as she met you. Think about how much it's going to hurt me to lose you Dandan I know you don't want to hurt us so fight for us. FIGHT IT! ! !" Sam commanded.

"AAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH ! ! !" I screamed out and with a force of pure will I managed to stabilize myself again.

"I-cough-Ne-cough-Eed." I started coughing out.

"I know you need energy to absorb. I'm going to get my thermos just promise you'll still be here when I get back." Sam said worriedly.

"Prom-cough-ise." I coughed while shakily holding out my pinky to her.

"Hehe, dummy." She giggled soft before gently slapping my chest.

I let out a somewhat faked whimper. To which Sam's fair complexion turned pale.

"S-sorry." Sam said in a small voice.

"Forgive you for a kiss." I said my voice cracking.

"K-K-kiss." Sam turned beat red as she quickly stood up and marched out of the room.

'Pretty shy for a girl that put her drenched panties in my hand while I was asleep.' I thought to myself while letting out a soft snort.

'Thank you, Sam. If it wasn't for you I might have given up from the pain.' I sighed internally.

Sam came running back in clenching her Fenton thermos to her chest. "How do we do this?" Asked Sam nervously.

'This odd she was always pushing Danny to be a hero but here she is about to be an accomplice in a crime.' I thought to myself wondering what was so different about me that she was willing to turn her moral compass.

"Usually I take their personification of their ghost core and absorb it but I'm too weak to fight against." I trailed off looking up into Sam's worried amethyst colored puffy red eyes that were growing watery.

"I think I can help, the thermos has a function that makes it like a blender. Will drinking the ectoplasm help?" Asked Sam her hands starting to shake.

"Not as efficient or effective but yes, it'll work." I replied weakly, my voice still crackly.

"O-Okay." San said just as she was about to press the button.

"W-wait." I stopped her.

"Maybe I can absorb the energy through the thermos. I don't want to make you like me." I said softly while turning my head away.

"Shut it dummy, I'm doing this because I want to." Sam said gently as she pressed the button the thermos made a whirring sound while it vibrated slightly and I could just barely make out the pained screams of ghosts.

Sam pulled her knees underneath herself pulling my body up by grabbing underneath my shoulders. My head was resting against her stomach, her breast resting against the top of my head, her soft lilac perfume tickling my nose along with something else I couldn't quite place but found the smell pleasing.

Sam unscrewed the lid bringing the thermos to my lips gently and slowly tipping it upwards. Thick ecto-energy slowly slid into my mouth with the consistency of malaise.

It had an indescribable taste but it wasn't a bad one, just different from anything I'd ever tasted. Slowly drinking the liquid while Sam softly hummed a lullaby. As her fingers slid through my hair in a comforting manner I found myself struggling to keep my eyes open.

My last thought before falling asleep was who knew Sam could be so maternal.


Waking up I felt half of myself laying on something hard while my head and upper chest were laying on something warm and soft that smelled so good.

Looking upwards I noticed purple fabric straining against what it contained while my head was resting on bare flesh while warm fingers were still splayed through my hair.

'I fell asleep on Sam.' I thought to myself as I ran my fingers across her slim tummy that wasn't taken up by my head.

"Mmm Anan." Moaned Sam while asleep.

"If you moan like that Sam I might not be able to hold myself back." I whispered as I gently pressed my lips against her stomach.

Pushing myself up off the floor kneeling next to Sam sliding my hands underneath her sleeping form lifting her up gently.

Carrying her to my bed laying her down while moving back to my recently vacated position on her tummy falling asleep almost as soon as my head touched her body.

Sam opened her eyes looking down at God; she didn't know what to call him Danny, Daniel, Dante, Dan and her personal favorite Dandan.

A part of her couldn't believe what she'd done especially when she's always reminding and ensuring Danny stays a hero but here she is killing ghosts to save someone she has a crush on.

No crush isn't the right word, she had a crush on her best girlfriend Danny but she knew she wouldn't want to kiss Danny the way she wants to kiss Dandan.

Wouldn't want to rip her clothes off and run her hands all over Danny's naked body.

But Dandan ohh Dandan she aches to rip his clothes to feel his bare hard muscles under her hands to kiss him to grind her pussy against him like she does to her pillow.

To lick and smell that big hard cock to taste that thick stuff he shot into Kitty last night. To have it inside her to have him slamming into her while he kissed her body and sucked on her ugly fat boobs.

"Th-that he likes, so they're not ugly." Sam said out loud as a smile lit up her face as it became bright red and her panties started getting wet.


Pamela had been trying all day to get a moment alone with her daughter. She'd seen the way her Sammy-kins was looking at her new adopted uncle. 'God, mother I swear I should have had you condemned years ago. But what's done is done.'

And she'd seen the way her new uncle Dante looked at her. It was the same way she looked at her first love and she wanted to make sure if they were going to be active that she's taking her contraceptives.

"She's not in her bedroom. Could it be? I better hurry." Pamela said out loud before she ran down the hallway she didn't bother knocking but what she saw took her breath away.

"They look like they were made for each other." The words unconsciously slipped from her lips in a whisper.

"They do, don't they, I saw it last night when they were about to have their first kiss." Ida said softly while placing a hand on her daughter's back.

"Mom Jesus Christ, you scared me." Pamela said breathlessly.

"Hehehehe. I know." Laughed Ida softly before replying cheekily.

"We should stop this before it goes too far." Pamela told her mother hoping she would agree.

"It's not our place too, besides it'd just make the wall between you both insurmountable. Besides, they are good for each other. My Bubeleh needs him and he needs her." Ida replied sagely.

"B-but what if she gets pregnant? What if he breaks her heart and cheats on her." Pamela protested.

"Then we will be there for her when she needs it. Now let's go have a drink while we discuss why you haven't divorced that little bastard yet." Ida said with a steely voice.

"I'll join you in a minute, I haven't seen my Samny-kins smile like that since that day." Replied Pamela is a pained whisper.

Once Ida had gone Pamela quietly swore. "I'll do what it takes to protect my Sammy-kins from you even if it means giving my body to you to do so." While saying those words out loud Pamela bit her lower lip in anticipation.


"Haa, silly girl you're going to ruin what little is left of your relationship with Bubeleh if you go through with this." Ida sighed as she clicked a button hiding her control center behind the fireplace as if it was never there to begin with.

"Though I must admit that little bastard getting cucked by a big dicked young stud will be quite enjoyable to watch." Mused Ida.


Desiree had just finished making repairs to her palace inside of her lair. "It's time I bring my hero here." Desiree said aloud to the empty room.

In the center of the was a large rectangular area padded with a baby blue mat with hundreds of pillows placed around the edge. At the rest of the floor level there was a foot and a half stone backing where someone could rest their backs while their feet were in the sunken area.

If someone was to name what the room looked like or what they'd say it would be used for they'd say it was an orgy room.

Misting into the room she'd last seen her hero, she was surprised to see the ghost girl's friend in bed with her hero with his head resting on her stomach and her finger splayed throughout his hair. They looked so cute together though it was a bit out they were both still fully clothed.

A naughty smirk spread across her purple lips as red eyes shined mischievously. As she misted herself and the sleeping duo to her lair.

Moving the girl to a raised cushioned dias putting a blanket over her while she laid on top of her hero inside the orgy area of the room, her head resting over his heart listening to the steady beat.

[Da-bump ba-bump Da-bump]

The beat was steadily lulling her into a slumber but after energizing some of her energies she managed to stay awake.

'How long has it been since I felt like sleeping? How long has it been since I last slept? Maybe as long as it's with him I can dream again.' Desiree pondered in her mind.

Waking up to the feeling of a slight weight on my chest while breaths tickled my neck while fingers played with my hair and another set ran up and down my chest and abdomen.

I was greeted by ruby red eyes instead of the amethyst-colored eyes I was expecting too.

"Desiree, is this a dream?" I asked tiredly.

"No it is not though I'am flattered you dream of me." Replied Desiree with an amused voice and a victorious smirk.

"Where are we? You kidnapped me, Sam, is she okay, tell me you didn't hurt anyone please." I asked, noticing how a pained look flashed across her face and shined in her eyes before she lightly shook her head.

"The girl is fine, she's asleep over there. I didn't hurt anyone to bring either of you here and I left illusions in your place so no one worried either of you were missing.

I-i just wanted a chance to talk with you privately in a place of relative safety granted there are some that have wished for access to my lair and for me to be unable to harm them." Desiree started to explain why she'd kidnapped him and Sam to her hero.

"I wish for you Desiree, to be freed from your curse from now until the end of time you will only grant wishes you want to." I said before she could say anything further.

Tears beeded up in Desiree's eyes and started to run down her face as her mouth gaped like a fish. "So you have wished it, So shall it be." Desiree granted my wish the silver cuffs encircling her wrists opened while a wave of magic washed over me being released from Desiree.

"I'm free, truly free, you freed me." Desiree said as she looked at me with tear filled eyes that filled with a look of worship.

"Of course I did, I'm not going to willingly help everyone take advantage of a woman, beautiful or otherwise if I can do anything about it." I replied honestly while whipping a few tears from her face.

"Hurry wish for something ridiculous please I want to make sure." Desiree pleaded.

"Okay, I wish I had a set of Westar 35 blaster pistols from the Star Wars universe." I said giddly.

"So you have wished it, So shall it not be. Hahahahahahahahaha I'm truly free. You truly are my hero." Desiree proclaimed before she slowly brought me into a deep kiss moaning into my mouth as our tongues danced and battled against one another for dominance.

I was running out of air so I had to tap on Desiree's shoulders when that didn't work I grabbed her massive tits that were even bigger than Pamela Manson's. To which she only moaned and tried increasing the tempo of the kiss.

Sam was my saving grace as she grabbed Desiree by her long silky black hair while shouting. "He can't breathe you cow titted ghost slut."

Desiree threw a look over her shoulder. "You're just jealous he was kissing me and playing with my breasts and not yours." Desiree said in a Humph.

While I was coughing and gasping for air. "She's-cough-cough-not wrong Desiree I still need to breathe.

"Hehehe, sorry my hero I'll remember that for future reference." Desiree said while giggling and flushing a darker green.


"Desiree, I have another wish for you that I want you to grant." I said calmly while looking her in the eyes.

"Wh-what is it?" She asked almost timidly.

"I wish that anyone that ever abused or took advantage of you and your powers should have whatever they wished for undone. And that they received a punishment befitting their crimes against you." I wished while hoping that this wish I'd just made would allow Desiree to get some closure for all that she's gone through and some justice.


In a certain lair Kitty, Ember and Spectra were watching movies they'd never heard of before on a massive screen while each demolished a gallon of ice cream.

For Kitty it was mint chocolate chip, for Spectra it was forbidden chocolate and for Ember it was Chocolate chip cookie dough.

"So Kitty you said this Dipstick has a crush on me?" Asked Ember wearing a devilish teasing smirk while the normally blue flames that were her hair had pink flames inside of it.

"Mmmhmm." Kitty replied absent-mindedly as she was too zoned in on the movie watching as the Anakin guy was choking the woman pregnant with his babies to death.

"Do you know why he had a crush on Ember? Honey." Spectra asked, wondering if she could use this to her advantage.

"Besides her being hot, he likes her music a lot, and as a minor musician himself he can also feel Ember's tragic story through her lyrics." Kitty replied.

"He-he understands my lyrics are about m-me?" Ember questioned with a slight stutter.

"Mmmhmm, NOOO DON'T LEAVE HIM ALIVE YOU IDIOT ! ! !" Shouted Kitty at seeing Obi-Wan leaving Anakin Skyjerkwad alive.

"You sure seem to like this movie Kitty." Ember said teasingly.

"Nope this movie sucks." Kitty shot back almost immediately while blushing and looking anywhere but at her bestie.

"I mean come on the laser sword guys were betrayed by their soldiers and friends in the white armor then the guy that was supposed to be the hero slaughtered a bunch of kids. It totally sucks ass." Yelled Kitty just as everything but her red leather jacket, purple scarf and gold ring with a green jem.

Spectra was left with nothing but her sunglasses on while Ember's make up, rocker outfit and guitar disappeared. There was a pulling sensation on them but since they were inside Kitty's lair whoever was trying to take them couldn't.

Kitty feeling pissed off let the sensation take her so she could rip whoever stole her and her friend's shit a new asshole. What she didn't expect was to be pulled into her friend Desiree's lair to see her rubbing her tits and hands all over her man like they were together.

"Hey sis nice to see you, husband here freed me from my curse and wish that anyone whoever abused me and my gift would have their wished undone and would be dealt a fair punishment in line with their crimes against me isn't je the best." Desiree smiled her eyes shining mischevioisly.


"Hu-husband." Sam and I both stuttered.

"Well of course there's no way I'm not going to be with my hero and curse breaker." Desiree said as if everyone was stupid.

"Umm do I get any say in this?" I asked slightly put out I mean sure Desiree is gorgeous and I'd like nothing more o have her as a part of my harm to use those nice big tits as pillows when I want a nap.

"D-do you not want me my hero?" Asked Desiree while biting her lower lip more tears starting to build up in her eyes.

"No, I mean yes, I want you but isn't this a little to fast. I mean Kitty and I we have some sort of link or bond that let us live throughout each other lives and everything." I Started to explain but was quickly interrupted by a hot kiss from Desiree.

Pulling back from me with serious eyes. "Wish it so that you and I have the same connection as you and Kitty." Desiree pleaded while looking up at me with puppy dog eyes.

Sam felt a knot in her stomach. 'If he has Desiree and Kitty will he even want me at all anymore?' Sam asked herself feeling insecure about herself and where she stands.

Kitty spoke up before anyone else could. "I wish that Desiree would have a connection slash bond with Daniel like I do." Kitty made the wish before anyone could protest or prevent her from finishing.

Like that I was pulled into the past wrapped up in rough cloth while my face burned from the cold as a woman that looked a lot like Desiree held me in her arms.

Rocking back and forth humming a lullaby. Time seemed to fly by from blistering heat to freezing cold as the wagon we were in moved.

At times a man dressed similar to Aladdin would enter the wagon kiss the woman and my forehead before laying down to sleep.

Sometimes there were sounds of metal clashing against metal screams for help, splashes of something hitting the ground.

Eventually we arrived at our location, people came for days on end, wagons were loaded and we moved again.

Soon I could walk on my own. My mother taught me how to dance so I could ensnare a husband with my skills like a cobra enchants its prey with its dance before striking for the kill.

My father taught me numbers, letters and words while also teaching me to wield a blade.

One day a man came to visit. I learned he was my uncle and that I was going to be enrolled in an academy.

I was so excited. As much as I loved the caravan and meeting new people I wanted someplace safe to stay for once where I didn't have to worry about someone taking me against my will.

But it was all a lie later that night my uncle plunged his blade into my father before assaulting my mother saying how you should have chosen me.

Now I'll have you and your daughter before I plunged my dagger papa gave me for my birthday into his jugular but before he died he stabbed mother in the heart.

I walked outside of our tent to find a few survivors of the caravan raiding everything of value. I grabbed some gold mama kept hidden while also grabbing her necklace papa gave to her as an engagement gift not minding it be drenched in blood.

Before making my way to the city that was half a day's walk from where the caravan had camped.

Only realizing I'd forgotten water too far to turn back I pushed on making it to the city half dead and stained in blood.

The woman who ran the best brothel slash dance hall in the city took me in when she asked if I had any skills. I told her everything I had been taught. She had me do the books and pay the wages while also getting on stage to dance.

One day I thought my saving grace had come when a rich powerful man had bought out the entire place just to see me dance for him.

He continued to come for months until he revealed himself as the Sultan when he promised me my heart's desire I took it.

I would be a queen. I'd have my own nation but upon arriving at the Sultan's harem palace the first queen flew into a rage since I was younger and prettier than her and had him banish me.

But the Sultan didn't leave it at that he'd spent too much gold on me without return. If he couldn't take me as a wife he'd take me as a whore.

I was a day's walk from the palace half a day's ride when the Sultan and his troops ran me down.

I begged and pleaded for him not to, but he had his men rip my clothes from my body before violating me. Once he was done he spat and pissed on me.

Before giving his troops the go ahead time lost all meaning there were just cocks and more cocks I bit some off and broke my jaw I scratched someone's eyes out after they thought I was broken. In the end I was stabbed through the heart by an officer.

'Make it stop.' I screamed I was losing my sense of self in Desiree's memories.

I was pulled from the memories, my head pounding my body feeling like it was made of ice.

"Dandan, listen to me, you have to snap out of it." Sam cried.

"Yes, my hero, please come back to us." Whispered Desiree.

"I'm so sorry, I never should have wished for that." Cried Kitty.

"What the hells going on with this Dipstick? Desiree, can you turn up the heat and the light there's ice growing on the walls." Ember said in annoyance.

"Shh, Ember, this is fascinating and the misery coming from him is orgasmic. I think I've gained fifty years worth of youth just in the past twenty minutes." Replied Spectra.

Desiree was looking up at me with a fear filled gaze.

"It's Alright." I told her softly as I petted the top of her head.

"That seemed a lot different than when our bond settled in." Kitty said in worry.

"It was and it wasn't with you it was like I was by your side through it all but. With you Des I-i lived through being a newborn in a caravan to your last moment of life." I said softly wishing I could forget those phantom sensations.

"What ya mean lived as her you mean you were a little girl?" Shouted Ember.

To which I nodded.

"I'm sorry." Desiree said as a choked sob wracked her body.

"Shh, don't apologize." I said as I wrapped my arms around her pulling her into a hug.

"B-but" Desiree tried to protest.

"But nothing, you had no idea it would be like that and I don't blame you for it, I just hope I don't have to experience the ghost things the same way." I replied to Desiree trying to comfort her.

"Desiree I wish that everyone but you and I were returned to their homes or Lairs." I asked while looking into her eyes imploringly.

She nodded. "So shall it be." Everyone around us poofed into purple mist.

"You don't mind if I stay here with you right Desiree I don't think I'm ready to be around anyone other than you after all of that." I said while looking away feeling embarrassed.

"M-my domain is yours Hu-husband." Stuttered Desiree cutely while she nuzzled her cheek against my own.

A few seconds later a crashing sound could be heard. "Hey what do you think you're doing wishing me away." Kitty all but yelled as she came charging into the room with bloodshot eyes and running mascara.

"It's not about you Kitty, he just needs some time away from other people to get his mind straight." Said Desiree not knowing what can of worms she was opening.

"Away from people but not you, you wanted away from me. I thought you loved me or was it all just a lie." Kitty wailed in pain and betrayal.

"It's not that Kitty, I just need some time alone with Desiree. There's something I need to talk to her about about what I saw and experienced. I love you Kitty. I know you know and can feel that." I told Kitty honestly as my voice cracked.

"How did you get here anyways?" Desiree asked.

"Feel your core, your lair combined with ours.' Replied Kitty, as she walked over planting a kiss on my lips.

"Don't take too long, okay I know your sending her away probably hurt goth girl just as much as it did me." Kitty said before swaying her hips sexily as she walked away, throwing a smoky look over her shoulder as she left the door.