Danny Phantom PT4


"Are you boys behaving?" Ann asked as she walked over with a hand on her hip and the other under her chin before smiling a warm motherly smile.

"Of course mom." Both twins answered their mother.

"Okay Okay, hahaha, go wash up and set the table." Ann told the twins once we were alone outside. Her warm smile faltered a little bit.

"Thank you, for what you told them. My husband thinks we should unanimously support Kimberly in whatever she wants to do but he doesn't see the repercussions the way I and the boy's do." Ann sighed tiredly.

Taking a chance I walked over resting my hand on her shoulder in comfort and was rewarded by Ann's hand coming up and resting on top of my own.

"Come on I have to get dinner started and if the neighbors see us out here together the rumors of me having an affair with a young stud will be all over Middleton." Ann said with a teasing smile as she held my hand and gripped it before releasing it, turning around putting some sway into her hips though it was covered up by her lab coat.

'I think she wanted those rumors to start. Hahahahaha.' I mentally laughed as I followed behind Ann at a measured pace so I could watch her hips sway deliciously.

"Shoes off out here Mrs.Possible?" I asked while entering her home that was a mix of modern and classic shique.

"It's fine Dante, the boys rarely ever take their shoes off and James wears his throughout the house most days forgetting he's wearing them" Ann said, while hanging her lab coat on a coat rack revealing the pencil skirt she wore underneath that hugged her bubble butt in all the right ways.

Ann looked over her shoulder at me, seeing my eyes glued to her ass. She gave a little shake of her hips. "My eyes are up here." Ann said with a smirk in her voice and on her lips.

"HAA haa ha. So not regretting it, A view like that is too hard to resist." I said with a smile. Ann Possible just smirked before swaying her hips into the kitchen.

Taking off my shoes, placing them neatly by the door before moving towards the kitchen Ann was struggling to reach a pan above the sink.

So I moved behind her using my flight ability to levitate a few inches to reach the pan pressing myself against her ass lightly. Landing back on the ground handing her the pan, noticing a light pink blush around her neck.

"Thank you Dante, I've forgotten what it was like to have a man around to help in the kitchen." Ann said somewhat subdued.

"I better call James and remind him about dinner. That man would forget everything if it wasn't for me." Ann said with a fond smile on her face as she talked about her husband.

"I can call if you'd like Mrs.Possible." I offered so she could continue cooking dinner.

"Really, thanks Dante the number is right there on the back of the phone." Ann said as she started humming as she started heating the pan putting butter into before adding spices and herbs.

Dialing the number the phone ran for quite a bit before it was picked up by a breathless female voice. Putting the call on speaker phone as soon as I heard a breathy moan through the speaker.

"Hello Doctor Possible's office he can't come to the phone right now." I noticed Ann jolted as her body tensed.

"Hi I'm calling to talk to Mr,Possible it's about his daughter Kim." I said into the phone.

"Ohh ohh James don't stop I'm sure it ahhh nothing it's Kim after all." Moaned the female voice disappointedly.

"Hello this is Doctor Possible, is there something wrong with my daughter?" Asked the cheating Doctor.

"She was involved in a large explosion and has a minor concussion. She should be at home by now with her mother. I tried contacting you earlier but there was no answer." I told him through the phone.

"Ahh sorry about that, my assistant and I were quite busy with some research. And thank you for informing me about my daughter but she's fine nothing to worry about Doctor?" James Possible said while asking for my name.

"Phantom, Doctor Daniel Phantom, pleasure to make your acquaintance Doctor Possible even if it is over the phone continue enjoying your research with your assistant Doctor Possible." I said back through the phone emphasizing the words research and assistant.

"Hahahaha, I would but it's about time for me to go home to the ball and chain for dinner." James Possible laughed before replying to the co-con spiritually as if we were the oldest of friends and confidants making my stomach turn.

"Hahahaha, I believe my son is there now, your daughter rescued him from a Doctor Drakken and a Shego and my son saved her and a Ronald from getting blown up. Oops gotta go, a new patient just came in." I said before hanging up the phone noticing how heavily Ann Possible was leaning against the stove.

"Mrs.Possible." getting no response from calling her by her last name.

"Ann." I called softly, resting my hand on her bicep.

Ann quickly spun around looking ready to murder only to find me and not the target of her hatred, powerful hatred and many more negative emotions the negative energy coming off of her was so potent I was already feeling buzzed.

Looking at me Ann's strength seemed to leave her as tears started to fall from her eyes her knees gave out and I grabbed her slowly helping her to the floor.

"Why why why I thought we were happy sure we don't have sex like we did before having kids or even since having the twins, bu-but I-I." Ann tried reasoning with herself.

I sighed to myself as I hugged her. "It's not your fault guys are just assholes, they see something new and shinier and they go after it not caring about who they hurt in the process. And James if a fucking massive asshole idiot because you are drop dead gorgeous any guy would sell their soul to be with well except if there gay." I told her making her laugh a twisted broken thing of a laugh.

"What about you? Would you sell your soul to be with me?" Ann asked while pulling back from me.

"I'm an asshole too, I have two girlfriends back hoke a couple girls I'm reeling in and more I want and here I am planning to fuck a hot green skinned chick a sexy little redhead and the red heads sexy milf mother." I told her honestly.

"Kahakahaha, at least you're an honest asshole. If you want to fuck me meet me at the sunset motel by the Bueno Nacho." Ann whispered in my ear before kissing me full on the lips.

Returning the kiss hungrily I spun us around and pushed her onto the floor as I slid my one hand up her leg past her skirt when I heard two pairs of feet starting to trample down the stairs.

Pulling Ann back up to her feet putting her back in front of the stove flattening her skirt before quickly sitting at the bench seat at the table. Just before the twins ran into the room and started pestering Ann about letting me give them a ride on my motorcycle which she agreed to.

So the twins and I went outside. I took Jim first around the block and back a couple times before dropping him off and taking Tim. Getting back with Tim I noticed the driveway was still empty which was kinda surprising since it's been a good thirty minutes since I started giving the twins rides.


'Half an hour and that jackass isn't back yet. I doubt Ann will go through with having an affair even if she is hurting.' I thought to myself as I walked into the house smelling the delicious scent of the food mixed with a fresh fruity smell of a woman being fresh out of the shower.

Walking into the kitchen seeing Kim standing there in a pink tank top with thin straps that left her toned tummy exposed and a tight pair of booty shorts showing off her bubble butt.

My pants growing tighter at the enticing sight as she spun around her hair still damp as a few beads of water slid down her neck collar bone to her breasts.

She deliciously blushed before trying to hide behind her mother. Who quickly slid out of the way making her daughter stand out all the more.

"He-hey Dante, hope the twerps didn't bother you too much." Kim joked with a shy smile.

"Nah, they only caused a mild migraine." I joked back with an easy smile.

"Hey." Both the twins shouted at once.

"Heheheheh." Both Kim and Ann laughed together at their exclamations.

The table was filled with taco toppings, soft shells and hard shells. As Ann set a large bowl of seasoned cooked burger meat on the table.

"Aright kids go ahead and dig in, it seems your father has decided to come home late again." Ann said, and I seemed to be the only one who noticed the faked sweetness in her voice that concealed the venom underneath it.


'What did I do? I just made out with a teenager on my kitchen floor and didn't even try to stop him when his hand was going up my skirt.

I'm so fucking wet I can feel it running down my legs I even told him to meet me at a motel tonight so he could fuck me.

He's the same age as my daughter. I can't have sex with him can I?' And just like that the sounds of that little whore trying to hide her moans as she fucked my husband played in my mind.

'I can fuck him and I will.' My mind was made up. I'm going to cheat on my cheating bastard husband with a young stud that's the same age as my daughter.

Mmm look at those abs way sexier than James gut. And those arms are just so muscley I bet he can hold me up against a wall and pound my pussy so good.

Hmm I better get him a shirt Kimmy and I both can't seem to take our eyes off of his bare chest even while he ravenously devours my cooking.

'Will he devour me with the same vigor?.' I asked myself.


'D-does he think I look pretty? I even put on a top that showed my boobs like Mom and Monique recommended for seducing boys.

He's looking at me, hehehe, he's staring at my boobs. Is that his thing it's pushing against his jeans and look at those abs? I've only seen things like that in the magazine's mom buys me for "my alone time, to help me relax." I thought to myself mentally making the same air quotes mom did the day she handed me the magazine's and told me what they were for.

Eep what am I thinking. I tried to hide behind mom as I felt myself blushing and didn't want to embarrass myself but mom quickly moved out of the way.

That's it I have to distract him so he doesn't notice where I'm staring or what I was thinking I'll use the twerps.


I know it's fast with Ann but she's spent twenty years as a devoted loving wife and she's shown to have a massive temper and a bit of a reckless streak in the show. Plus she's gone probably more than a few years without any sexual satisfaction so finding out about the affair having someone young showing her attention she's been sorely neglected I feel like this would happen and it also happens a lot in this country.

It doesn't have to be an actual chapter though it could be an aux chapter let me know you're thoughts on it.


James Possible walked into the house wearing a stupid smile on his face.

His tie loose hair mussed up smelling of calone his shirt that i assume was previously tucked in neatly was haphazardly tucked in and rinkled.

as he walked into the kitchen just as we were finishing up eating.

He leaned over kissed Ann and I could see her starting to sink into their routine before her eyes turned dark and the negative energy that I had felt earlier that had ebbed slightly returned with a vengeance.

"Hi honey sorry I'm late things were really hectic on the new satellite project." James told his wife lying to her as easily as he breathed.

"It's fine dear, I know how hard you work." Ann replied with fake sweetness.

"Hi daddy." Kim said loudly as she jumped up and kissed her dad on the cheek.

"Hey dad." Both twins said as the hugged him after Kim sat down.

None of her kids noticing her clenched fists or the slight trembling of her shoulders moving my foot over I rubbed her shin gently to snap her out of her funk.

Her head snapped over to me and she shot me a relived thank filled look before rubbing her leg back against mine and pulling away.

"And you must be Kimmycub's new friend. I talked to your father on the phone earlier." James said wearing a cheshire grin as he was probably reminiscening banging his assistant.

"It's nice to meet you Doctor Possible. You have an amazing daughter if it wasn't for her I might be dead." I said to him as I shook his hand tightly making the man flinch but her tried gripping back with equal force but I let go of hid hand before he could.

"From what you're father told me Kimmycub might not be here if it weren't for you as well." Ms.Possible replied while sitting down at the table next to his wife and luckily the phone rang right at that minute.

"I got it." Ann said and practically jumped out of her seat.

"Doctor Ortega is supposed to be on call this is ridiculous I'm a neurosurgeon not a standard practicing doctor. She had a car accident ohh my is she okay?

Yes yes I'll be right there." Ann said as she hung up the phone.

"Dante it was nice to meet you I hope to see you again real soon. Honey, kids I probably won't be back until late tomorrow or even the next day. Okay love you bye." Ann said before practically running out the door stopping just in time to grab her lab coat.

"Please tell Mrs.Possible that I appreciated dinner and that it was delicious." I said while standing up from the table.

"Wa-wait Dante." Kim called after me and stood up as well.

"Yeah what is it Kim?" I asked while turning around to look at her.

"Umm, can we talk about what happened today maybe tomorrow at Bueno Nacho?" Kim asked shyly poking her index fingers together while looking at her feet.

"Ugh, yeah sure." I replied while scratching the back of my head.

"Thanks." She said with a shy but bright smile. That made her father cough into his hand while the twins whispered to each other.

'Of course she wants to talk about ne walking through walls and flying. Dammit plot armor where are you when I need it.' I thought to myself as I walked out of the Possible's residence after putting my shoes on.


Riding around on my motorcycle trying to decide whether to go to the motel and see if Ann is there or go to the address Shego gave me. I started to get this feeling that if I didn't go to look for Ann something bad would happen.

Pulling up to the motel I saw a punk bothering Ann and knowing the mood she was in she might just let him have what he wanted. "Hey mommie how' bout you come with me and forget about that looser yur waitin for." The punk said as I pulled up behind him on my bike.

Slamming my hand down on his shoulder making him bend his knees at the impact. "Why don't you run along now before this loser decides to reduce the population of retards in this town by one." I told him coldly as the urge to kill the ant increased.

"R-Right." He said looking at my eyes before looking downwards but then threw a lefty at me catching his punch in my hand I twisted hearing the satisfying crunch and crack of bone.

"ARGGHHH ! ! !" The punk cried out before I mentally commanded shadow tendrils to gag him.

"You're going to run along now. before I decide to throw away my manners and make good on my threat to cut down the number of retards in this town in front of the lady." I told him coldly, enjoying the fear coming off of him and the feelings coming from Ann herself.

The punk nodded his head rapidly as his pants turned a darker color in the front as he bolted as soon as I let go of his fist cradling his arm against his chest as he ran away.

Looking at Ann I could see she was a mixture of shocked and horny.

"So that call?" I asked.

"Totally fake was a telemarketer, I just had to get out of that house away from him someplace I wouldn't have a constant reminder of him and what he's been doing. If you hadn't shown up when you did just now I'm not sure what I would have done." Ann confessed.

I nodded. "Did you get a room already?" I asked, to which Ann nodded, pulling the key out of her lab coat pocket.

"I was waiting for you before I went in, but then that guy came and I almost took him in instead. Thanks for coming. I didn't think you were going to." Ann said while fidgeting as she started towards the room she'd rented.

"I told you before, didn't I? I'm one of the guys that sell their souls to be with you." I jokingly teased and once that door was open I was on her spinning her around as I slammed the door shut pressing her up against the just shut door.

"Inviting me here to fuck you and then confessing how you almost let that little punk ass bitch have what's mine." I growled in Ann's ear. As I ripped open her top, keeping her pinned against the door with my body.

"I-it felt so good to be desired by two younger guys." Moaned Ann in reply as she tried and failed to grind herself against me.

"You want two younger guys making you their bitch?." I huskily growled the question as I made her bra intangible before removing it.

"Ahh fuck yes I want two young studs to worship me to fuck me senseless to knock me the fuck up and send me home with a limp leaking and covered in their young virile cum." Moaned and proclaimed Ann sluttily as I played with her breasts.

"Too bad I don't share with others." I teased as I removed Ann's skirt with an extra pair of hands.

"Mmm." Ann moaned as I pinched her nipples gently.

"But don't worry I'll fuck you so good you'll walk with a limp for a week and return home drenched, filled and impregnated by my seed." I told her as I moved her drenched panties to the side and slid a finger inside her.

"Ohh mmm that feels so much better than my ahh own fingers." Ann sighed hotly.

"Haha, I'm sure it does." I chuckled as I pulled away from Ann stepping back.

"W-why did you stop?" Ann asked, sounding self-conscious as her hand grazed over some stretch marks.

Smirking at her before replying. "I think you owe me an apology for getting me all turned on earlier and leaving me high and dry." I replied grabbing the crotch of my jeans that had little to no give.

Ann bit her lip sexily while I sat down on the edge of the bed kicking off my shoes towards a corner of the room as Ann gilded towards me.

Slowly sinking down to her knees as her hands rested on my knees and her breasts jiggled slightly.

Slowly she unbuttoned my jeans, her hands trembling more than you'd ever expect from a woman that operates on people's brains daily.

Before she moved to my fly slowly unzipping it.


If I wasn't wearing boxer briefs she would have received a meaty smack to the face. Lifting my butt up slightly Ann instinctively took that as her que to pull off my pants and underwear at the same time.

Ann's eyes glued to my cock as it bounced upwards like a spring loaded knife.


"It's so big." Ann said in a gasping voice as she wrapped both of her hands around it slowly moving them up and down.

"And hot it's throbbing, the smell it's so strong and manly." Words poured from Ann's lips as I gently ran my fingers through her hair before taking a handful lowering her head so her lips pressed against the head of my cock.

Ann's soft little tongue flickered out of her mouth giving the head on my cock a little lick making me shiver.

Pushing her head lower making my cock head penetrate her lips enjoying the way she moaned at taking me partially into her mouth.

Her tongue danced around the head of my cock as she started sucking creating a strong vacuum.

With her lips as the seal pushed her head down further making half my cock disappear into her mouth before she started to gag.

(Glurgkh Glurgkh HAA Cough cough)

Even though Ann was gagging she didn't immediately pull herself off my cock when I let go of her hair.

As she looked up there were some tears in her eyes along with a fire to prove herself as she pulled all the way off and coughed some thick saliva up.

"I've never taken a cock so big so deep…I saw a porno once when a young big cocked stud throat fucked a horny house wife. I want you to use my throat like it's my pussy. Ann said her voice filled with lust.

"Hmm, you seem to want a lot for a woman that can't even get me off like this. But fine, I'll give you what you want. Lay down on the bed and hang your head off of it.

Good girl, just like that, now open that mouth of yours nice and wide." I somewhat teased Ann about her lacking oral skills while giving into what she wanted without making it seem like I was eager to throat fuck her.

Holding both sides of Ann's head slowly sliding my cock into her open mouth only for her to reward me by quickly sealing her lips around my shaft as her tongue messily licked the head of my cock.

Pulling back out so the head of my cock rested against her pretty red pouty lips before thrusting forward in on harsh rapid thrust enjoying the way her tits bounced and jiggled as the feeling of her esophagus stretching out around my girth.

Pumping in and out of her throat enjoying the wall my balls smacked heavily against her nose.

(Shlur Kghk Shlur Kghk Shlur Kghk Shlur Kghk)

Sounded from her mouth and throat as her hands clawed at my muscular thighs as I continued relentlessly pounding her throat.

"You like that bitch?" I questioned as I groaned.

"I bet that young little slit your husband's been fucking does this for him every day under her own power under his desk she doesn't need the babying you do." I said to her viciously as I was about to pull out of her mouth and throat only for her hands to grip my ass harshly, her trimmed nails digging into the little bit of soft flesh there as she tried to pull my hips forward.

'I know it's cruel to compare her to some young slutty twenty year old that's probably been taking cock since she was twelve but I can't help it, the mixture of her positive and negative energy just feels way too damn good.' I groaned as I let Ann pull me back into her throat.

"Yeah, show me how good of a bitch you are Ann." I tried to keep the moan out of my voice as Ann started to move her throat muscles to work in her advantage.

"Fuck I'm getting close. Tell me bitch where do you want it in your throat or all over this sexy mature body of your's." I asked as I used an additional set of hands to squeeze her breasts.

Being rewarded by Ann's screaming orgasm as her pussy gushed pushing me over the edge one rope shooting down her esophagus straight into her gullet.

While another two fired into her mouth as four more landed on her face, tits and stomach.

Ann quickly rolled over coughing up the thick white fluid from her throat and mouth.

I didn't see much of her face but it was a mess much like the rest of her snot leaking down her nose as drool and cum stained her face along with tears she shed from oxygen deprivation.

She was gasping for breath as she looked up at me, her eyes filled with a wild reckless abandon.

"Are you just going to stand there all day staring or are you going to fuck me like you promised." The words came out rough and scratchy but the challenge was clear enough making me smirk evilly.

At my smirk Ann involuntarily shuttered but didn't resent her challenge.

"I'm going to make you so addicted to my cock that you'll forget all about your loser husband and his tiny dick." I growled pulling her off the bed flipping her around in the air suspending her just above my standing erection.

"A-all T-talk." Ann managed to say before I dropped her down on my hardness her head shot backwards along with her back trying to escape off my cock as her mouth opened in a silent scream as there was no air left in her lungs from the impact.

Holding onto her ass and lower back continuously pumping up into her as I held her as she hung limply squeaks, squeals and grunts coming from her with my every thrust as she struggled to take in more than a sew sporadic gulps of air.

Is a surprising display of strength Ann wrapped her long toned legs around me one at my waist while the other lower down around my leg as her arms came up and wrapped around my neck.

Her head coming to rest against my shoulder her insides stretching out and conforming to the shape of my cock while keeping a strong firm grip in her soft velvety folds.

"I'm about to knock you up Ann, are you ready for another baby. If not too bad you're getting one anyways." I panted out feeling my impending orgasm rapidly approaching Ann's fold clenching around me ever tighter at the mention of being impregnated.

"Wabby awother wabby pwease I wallways wanted more wabbies." Ann babbled as she orgasmed again for probably the sixth time since I first started fucking her standing up.

The mental image of Ann barefoot in a kitchen making dinner like earlier but with a swelling stomach from pregnancy pushed me over the edge pulling her down as far onto my cock. as I could while pushing upwards feeling the squishy wall I'd been pounding against give way I started ejaculating into her deepest depths.

"AGGHHH ISSHO HOT ITS BWURNING ME SHOMUCH NNNGGGHHHAAA ! ! !" Ann managed to scream as her entire body tensed and trembled violently as a veritable flood drenched my lower body.

Ann's entire body fell lifeless in my arms and against my body. If I hadn't felt her soft warm breath tickling against my chest I would have thought she'd died.

'Damn maybe I was a little too rough on her for her first time in a while, though I'm still fucking rock solid.'

Laying down on the bed with Ann on top of me looking up at the ceiling. 'Not that I mind the sex and everything but what is this some kinda hentai-verse am I Stud Phantom now?

And why an unstable clone body? What is it about me that Desiree's literal universe altering wish granting abilities couldn't fix it.

And how the fuck did I go from the ghost zone to a Kim Possible dimension or verse just from opening a portal from their it didn't happen to Johnny.

Also why the fuck am I even doing this sure Ann Possible is a hot milf cartoon character I guess and I mean I did lie and kinda manipulate the situation to her here but really though why is it because I could die at any moment and I'm living like it's my last or is there something more at play here am I just acting out long forgotten fantasies.

(Sigh) I'm thinking too much I should just enjoy the ride of this life and see where it leads and fuck a lot of beautiful women along the way.' My mind wandered at random thoughts.

Ann woke up and started crying an hour later hitting my chest.

"This is all your fault. I can't believe I cheated on my husband with some fucking kid I just met. Get the fuck out." Ann said through her sobs and tears but I didn't move to leave just like she didn't move off of my chest or remove my semi-hard cock from her folds.

"I SAID GET OUT ! ! !" This time she yelled her voice cracking though while she did so.

"Is that really what you want? Even though you're still laying on top of me with my cock inside you?" I questioned.

She didn't answer or move, just trembled while laying on top of me to bring my arms up. I wrapped her in a hug, making her fidget slightly before she stilled.

"Why?" Anm asked without any question attached to it.

"Why what? Why did I put the call on speaker phone? Why did I pretend I was someone I wasn't? I honestly don't know, I just did.

Would you have preferred to live in ignorance of your husband's affairs? Would you have preferred I didn't show up when I did and instead of me you ended up some glory hole to a bunch of punks and sold off into sex trafficking ring or some other twisted shit." I replied to her questions with my own.

"I don't know." She replied her voice sounded so small and frail I felt my heart hurt a little for her.

"You want me to go?" I asked her wondering if I should leave and let her work things out on her own hoping she wouldn't hurt herself or do something stupid if I did.

But she softly shook her head no as her arms snaked around my neck holding onto me. "Do-don't go, stay." She replied softly.

"You said you'd sell your soul to be with me. But I sold mine to be with you." She said with some strength returning to her voice.

"And you haven't made good on your promise yet." She looked up at me, her eyes bloodshot and puffy while she tried wearing a demure smile but failed to pull it off.

"Ohh yeah I seem to remember someone passing out because my dick game was too much for her." I jokingly teased as I grabbed a handful of her ass as my cock went rock hard inside of her.

"Ahhh." Ann moaned sexily.

"Dick game, really? (Snort) You just took me by surprise. Is all little boy. I'm going to rock your world with this sexy milf body of mine and make you forget all about your girlfriends and my daughter." Ann teased as she started gyrating her hips leaning backwards making her tits jut upwards into the air.


"Haa haa haa." Ann panted into the mattress as she wiggled her butt around in the air.

"I can still remember his dick." Ann teased in a breathy voice.

"You think you're pussy can handle anymore pounding I teased, wasn't it you that begged for a break." I teased as I brought a hand down on Ann's ass loving the way it rippled.

"I can take as much as you can dish out." Ann replied, her voice sounding less breathless but unsure.

"I still find it hard to believe everything you told me. What's it like to have superpowers?" Asked Ann, who figured out I had more hands and arms than I should have.

"It should be cool but my father was rather harsh in his training, making my power less fun and freeing and more of a chain to achieve his goals. That was until I was proven to be defective and got put into storage." I replied as I gave myself a second cock sliding it into her folds, getting it nice and wet in a mixture of our fluids before pulling out lining one cock up with her puckered rosebud and her red puffy pussy lips.

"Wa-wait I've never had it in my ass before." Ann said, panicking.

"Good, then I'll be the one breaking it in." I said as I thrusted into both her holes mercilessly.

"AHHHHHH AHH AHH FUUUCCCK YOU FUCKING FUCKER ! ! !" Ann yelled at the top of her lungs as her hands balled into fists as she held onto the sheets tightly.

"Not just any fucker a motherfucker. God your ass and pussy feel fucking amazing Ann I already feel close to cumming." I moaned out as her sphincter pulsated around my one cock and her vaginal walls milked the other.

"OH oh oh fuck I-i feel so fucking full mmm I should have tried anal years aaahhhOOO." Moaned Ann as her walls started to spasm erratically I could feel my two cock rubbing together through the soft tissue separating them.

"N-N-N-NO More I can't take anymore AHHHHHHH YOUR SHOOTING ME SO FULLL ITS SO WARM I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOUR COCK YOUR COCKS." Moan screamed Ann as I gave her a double cream pie.

I couldn't help but groan, falling on top of her back burying my face into her neck and hair finding a clear patch of flesh on her neck. I bit her to leave a hickey.

"Ahh what are you doing, I-I have to go home to work people will see people will know." Ann protested but didn't stop me from leaving more hickeys along her neck.

"They'll know anyway you'll be walking funny for a week." I teased while softly chuckling as I dissipated the extra cock and limbs while pulling free from her sex watching as my cum came out of both Ann's holes.

"My ass hurts go get me some ice." Ann said and even though I knew she didn't mean it in the way that it looked but the way she gripped her ass cheeks and spread them revealing her gaping asshole looked so erotic.

"If we weren't in a motel I'd tell you to go take a warm bath to ease it." I told her softly as I got up putting on my jeans looking around the room more I noticed another mattress.

A kitchenette area, an ice bucket and bags were resting on the kitchen counter but then a dirty thought entered my mind.

Taking off my jeans again energizing the cold energy in my core channeling in throughout my body but concentrating the majority of the energy into my cock.

Looking down I saw my dick turning blue holding it in my hand.

It felt cold as ice but there was nothing wrong with it and it seemed fully functional.

Smirking evilly climbing onto the bed. "Wh-what are you doing?" Questioned Ann, but it was too late as I slid it her gaping asshole while her hands were still spreading her cheeks.

"EEEHHH IS SOO COLD ! ! !." Shouted Ann as I bottomed out in her ass.

"Ah ah ah ah it's like nghhh-ahhh you're fucking me with an ice cuuube." Ann moaned.

"That's because I am, it's one if my many abilities get ready I'm about to flood your bowels with my frigid seed." I told her as I froze over my fingers running them down her spine.

"OOOOO CUMMING." Moaned Ann as she squirted on me from the extra stimulation from the cold and the strokes of my cock in and out of her depths.

Filling her ass full of frozen cum laying down on the bed that was saturated with both mine and Ann's bodily fluids I looked over to see Ann's eyes rolled up in her head, her mouth open, tongue sticking out as her eyes were glazed over and glass.

"Ooh ahh it feels so good like having an ice pack in exactly the right place." Ann sighed when she recovered enough to talk.

Soon she moved closer to me resting her head against my chest as her eyelids slowly closed.

(Snort) "Did I make you fall in love with me I wonder." I asked out loud in a soft voice so as not to wake her. Only for her to open one eye and smirk up at me.

"Did I make you forget about my daughter and your girlfriend's?" Ann asked and even though she was trying to sound light hearted and teasing I could hear the self-consciousness in her voice.

Looking down at her, seeing the hope slowly leave her eyes. "No, but you did make good on rocking my world." I replied honestly yet softly as I leaned down kissing her forehead.

"I can't be with him anymore, and I'm not sure I can handle being with someone that has multiple partners." Ann said while biting her lower lip demurely.

"Hahahaha." I laughed at her confession.

"Don't laugh." Ann said harshly as she smacked my chest.

"Sorry sorry, but just because we had sex didn't mean I expected you to instantly become my girlfriend or wife.

God Des and Kitty became what is essentially my wives before we even slept with one another.

If you want to be with me I'll work to be with you. But I won't throw away the women in my life to make it happen even if my relationship with them is new.

I love them and I could easily come to love you with the same intensity as I do them.

but I won't force you into anything I know you're hurting right now and this was a decision made out of hate and self-destruction.

Though if we did get involved in a more intimate manner than sex. [I said while looking into her eyes seriously and could various emotions flickering in her gaze]

Then you would be mine and only mine I'd kill anyone that tried to take you from me tried to hurt you

and if you betrayed me I'd rip your soul from your body and turn you into my shadow servant." I told her in all seriousness feeling her shudder against me but instead of being repulsed and pushing me away she snuggles in closer to me.

"A-and if I told you I liked that possessiveness of yours and it turned me on, would you think there's something wrong with me?" Asked Ann while biting her bottom lip nervously.

"Nope I don't think there's anything wrong with you and if there is there's definitely something wrong with me for not being able to tell." I replied back to her softly while smiling.

"Ohh there's definitely something wrong with you wanting to fuck an ugly old woman like me." Ann said self-deprecatingly to which I smacked her ass hard.

"Mmm oww." Ann moaned and then covered with an expression of pain.

"You might be a bit on the mature side but you're definitely not old or ugly. I wouldn't fuck an ugly woman I might be a degenerate but I'm no dog fucker." I said half joking half seriously.

"You didn't say I was beautiful." Ann replied looking disappointed.

"I think my cock staying perpetually hard throughout all the interactions today or I mean yesterday and today show how attractive and beautiful I find you." I said while looking to the partially curtained windows seeing fresh rays of sunshine leaking through.

"Honestly I can't believe you're still hard and able to keep pumping out thick creamy loads still." Ann blushed while talking.

"Yeah, also I should have told you this before but my wife Des made me make a wish for unlimited sexual stamina, slightly addictive, lightly aphrodisiac.

And for delicious tasting cum that tastes like the person whose tasting it favorite dessert from any point in their life that they were the happiest and that my balls will never be drained of that cum no matter how many times I cum." I told her honestly.

"Th-that is a lot to take in. I thought your powers were amazing but. Des's powers sound almost divine." Ann said, sounding lost before speaking again.

"I was kinda wondering why you're cum tasted like my Nana's chocolate chip cookies." Ann joked trying to lighten the heavy atmosphere her own thoughts brought on.

"Yeah Des has had a tragic existence but she is amazing despite that and not because of her powers that were a tortuous curse for her before I came along and put a stop to it.

Imagine being unable to deny anyone what they wanted from you your entire life and only just managing to find a loophole that allowed you to release the tiniest fraction of your hate and pain." I started to talk about Desiree's past but my voice cracked and my eyes became wet.

"That sounds horrible. I'd rather just be a regular person than have powers if it meant living a life like that…What are your intentions with my daughter? Is it you just want to have sex with her? Be her friend? Make her your's?" Ann asked a bit of motherly concern shining through in her voice.

"I want to get to know her before I make any permanent decisions about her but yeah I want to fuck her I want to make her cum her brains out on my cock." I replied honestly to her questions.

"I-I'm okay with it as long as your honest and upfront with her about your other relationships and stuff. But if you break her heart I'll make you regret it." Ann threatened.

"Ohh should I tell her how her mommy loves my cock?" I jokingly teased. Only to receive a deep blush and a shy shake of her head.

"I think I should be the one to do that." Ann finally answered.


Riding around on my motorcycle trying to decide whether to go to the motel. To see if Ann is there or go to the address Shego gave me.

'I have bigger fish to fry than sticking my dick into a nice tight hole for the night like getting home faster.' I thought to myself, deciding against going to either woman.

Reaching out through my connection I could feel Shadow-Techrakkon was busy setting up a new laboratory and that Shego wasn't with him.

Is it him or them I wondered as I started driving towards the location I felt my servant at. Pushing a little red button next to the accelerator a jet of green flame shot out of the tailpipe as I broke the sound barrier.

Taking to the dark skies flying as fast as I possibly could while realizing I hadn't seen land in awhile it was all ocean below me as I reached a medium sized tropical island.

When I was within a hundred yards of the island defensive turrets rose from the ocean and land. Some of them fired energy beams of some kind while others fired missiles and shells at me, turning intangible.

I bypassed all of the defensive measures landing in the driveway of a massive island villa.

And was greeted by a couple dozen henchmen in red body suits with only their mouths and noses exposed wielding rifle-like weapons all pointed at mwa.

Shadow-Techrakkon soon appeared through the cobblestone driveway in front of me a decent space between his henchmen and me while he kneeled down in front of me making all his lackeys lower their weapons.

"I am starting construction of a secure laboratory master and will start working on the solutions you have asked for as soon as possible." Spoke Shadow-Techrakkon in a hollow mechanical voice that was still an amalgamation of Drakken's and Technus's voice.

"Good, have someone guide me to my quarters." I commanded just as the sun was rising.

I could hear some whispers amongst the henchmen asking what in the fuck was going on and who the fuck I was and that somebody had to contact boss lady Shego immediately.

'At least not all these guys are complete idiots and the all respect Shego enough to call her boss.' I thought to myself while a scrawny looking henchman guided me onto the villa.

'This place was definitely decorated by a woman, it feels homey but functional. Probably Shego.' I also thought as I was led to a room with a large mahogany door.

Opening the door I was met with a room tastefully done up in a modern setting with a king size bed, a full attached bath, a walk in closet and a large entertainment system.

Shutting the door behind closing the curtain to the massive window that overlooked the island and the ocean before stripping off my clothes.

Not that there was much of my shirt left at this point taking a quick shower in the fully stocked bathroom drying off crashing on the big soft bed with only a towel around my waist falling asleep as soon as my head touched the pillows.

I was floating around in this green void and there were these sounds I could tell they were there but I couldn't exactly hear what they were.

I kept feeling this pulling sensation in the direction the sounds came from but it was so weak it was negligible.

Slowly my eyes flickered open at the feeling of a soft weight on the mattress I was sleeping on.

"Well well look who I have here on my island in one of my beds completely at my mercy." Whispered a succulent and familiar voice.

Opening my eyes fully to the welcomed sight of a green skinned beauty in a green bra, green eyes shining with mischief in the low ambience of the room.

"You really know how to break a girl's heart, handsome, get me all hot and off with a younger girl and don't even come to make up with me when I took valuable time off from work." Shego said while making a pouty face as both her hands splayed out across my bare chest.

"Sorry." I replied honestly. Making Shego look stunned.

"It was a hard decision to make but I'm pretty much stranded in a foreign world with no money and no identity and people I love and care about back home are probably starting to get really worried about me. So I came here to Drakken to get help with finding a way to return home." I continued letting my emotions leak into my voice.

"Wooow-wooow, I was only teasing. No need to get all serious on me." Shego reassured me, while some concern started to show in her body language as she removed her hands from my chest and covered her breasts.

"These people worried about you that you love, are they girlfriends?" Asked Shego.

"Wives, a friend and an adopted family. I doubt my father cares that I'm missing." I replied honestly.

"Right wives, I was so stupid to think I could." Shego started to say as she made to get off the bed.

My hand shot out grabbing her wrist in a firm but breakable hold.

"My wives know who I am on the deepest level and they accept me for all my faults and they are more than okay with me sleeping around or bringing more people into our family. The two of them even joined a competition with two other women to see who could get me to fuck them first in their little group of friends.

So if you're feeling wrong about coming onto me or wanting to have sex then don't if you want to just have no strings attached sex with one another I'm cool with that if you want something more than I'm happy to make a go at it." I told her honestly without breaking eye contact.

A saucy smirk spread across her lips. "I'm not them." Shego said her smirk turned sadistic as her hands glowed green but mine did at the same time as well as I coated my hands with a thin membrane of ecto-energy.

I found myself being flipped through the air but thanks to my supernatural nature.

I landed easily on the balls of my feet still gripping her wrist. Before I could say anything a high kick was rocketing towards my head.

"Ohh it is so on little girl." I said while smirking. Catching her leg in my hand like it was nothing even though it made my hand go numb.

But Shego didn't pause, she quickly sent a palm jab at my throat but it didn't connect since I turned myself intangible releasing her in the process.

I noticed Shego was smiling like a kid that just opened the present she'd wanted all year on Christmas day.

Shego took a battle stance, her hands glowing with a green fire as she folded one hand in a come hither motion.

Smirking, I decided to take her up on her challenge. 'This is going to be a lot more fun than sparring with Vlad.' I thought to myself.

We blurred around the room throwing punches and kicks at one another a few would connect here and there but for the most part we would either deflect or block the hits I would let a lot go right thru me.

We both lost track of time. My towel had long since fallen off and Shego's underwear didn't survive the first ten minutes into our fighting.

There were smoking holes all over the room walls, floor and ceiling. The impressive entertainment system was busted and smoking shards of glass littered the floor.

Shego and I were slick and matted with sweat but still there was a primal passion in our movements the way even as our bodies protested even as our punches and kicks became weak we continued our fight.

Neither one of us wanted to lose to the other to submit. But our exhaustion was getting the better of us, sure I could go ghost and be able to trounce her thoroughly but I didn't want that. I was having too much fun fighting her like this.

I threw punches but my leg slid into a hole in the floor and Shego didn't move out of the way so we both went crashing to the floor together.

I put both my hands out to catch my weight so I wouldn't land on top of here but now I found myself on top of the beautiful green skinned woman who was shining tantalizingly even with her wet matted locks plastered against her face in places the heavy heaving of her chest as she sucked in air.

I wasn't able to resist my urge to kiss her to make her mine diving forward smashing my lips against hers my tongue forcing its way into her mouth like it was committing a B&E.

Shego returned the kiss with the same unflinching unsubmissive will and fire she displayed throughout our fight.

Her tongue battled mine, her hands roamed my body, one of them finding my hard aching cock her nimble fingers.

Feeling amazing against my burning rod even though her finger couldn't wrap around my entire shaft. Her hand started sliding up and down my length.

Her hands were surprisingly soft for a woman in her line of work. Her touch wasn't hard or dominating, it was soft and teasing.

Not wanting to be out done I gave myself an extra pair of limbs, picked her up off the floor and moved to the untouched bed.

Our kiss never broke even if it was sloppy and messy neither one of us wanted to stop.

Her legs came up wrapping around my waist, her wet hot core rubbing up against the base of my shaft as my cock was trapped between us rubbing up against our stomachs.

Laying down on the bed supporting myself on my elbow as my one hand slid underneath her head into her wet hair, the two other's going to her c-cup tits while the other gripped her bubble butt that was the perfect amount of bounce and firmness.

Her one hand continued to stroke my cock while the other made blazing trails across my back with her gentle touch.

I felt her hand guide my throbbing hard cock to her drenched nectar oozing lips making us both groan into each other's mouths.

We both mutually pulled away from our messy french kissing. "Th-ha-is doesn't haa ahh mean you nghhhn win." Shego said while panting.

"It doesn't mean you won either." I replied as I slowly pushed myself inside of her and she was almost virgin tight. Making me moan and grunt all at the same time.


"And you're so fucking tight I'd think you were a virgin." I grunted out.

"Ahh mmm you feel so fucking gooood oh oh oh yeah just like that." Moaned Shego as I shallowy pumped into her with only half of my cock.

"I'm only halfway in." I whispered into her as I leaned down planting kisses along her neck.

"OH fuck mmm mmm I don't know shiit oh yeah don't stop I'm gonna cum I'm gonn fucking cum all over your donkey dick you bastard." Shego moaned and sighed as both her hands started to claw my back as her insides started spasming while constricting around my length.

Feeling her close to cumming I slammed all the way inside her smacking her servex and feeling this squishy fleshy wall blocking me from going further as we both started orgasming. It was so intense.

I collapsed down onto Shego's spasming body even as her back arched upwards burying my face into her neck as a primal roar of passion left my throat as I pumped her full of my seed.

My mind going fuzzy as I laid on top of her feeling the exhaustion from out fight and our fuck increase by ten.

I woke up sometime later with my head on Shego's stomach, my arms wrapped around her waist, her one leg thrown over my back as her one hand rested in my hair.

'I figured I'd wake up to an empty bed not like this. Hopefully I didn't force her to stay while asleep.' I thought to myself.

I started to turn intangible to get out of bed without waking her since her breathing seemed soft and even like she was asleep.

"Wait." Shego called softly. I looked up and I saw a pensive frown on her face.

"Look I'm not into the whole sleeping with another woman's guy hoe's before bros and all that but.

I haven't felt that good since I can't remember when. So if we're going to do this we're going to do it right. I want to know about you so tell me about yourself and I'll tell you about me." Shego said with a bit of hesitation but there was more there was hope hidden in her gaze as she looked down at me and I looked up into her eyes.

"Sure." I replied while smiling before starting from the beginning of my new life leaving no detail out except for the fact I was a reincarnator.

After a couple hours of talking about our pasts I learned about Shego's career as a hero, the betrayal of at least one of her siblings and how she was always ostracized amongst her brothers for being a girl.

And I shared a bit of both Desiree's and Kitty's lives with her so she could feel that she has some kindred spirits in my wives.

"Wow, what's it like to go through gooificatining?" Asked Shego a mixture of curiosity and caring.

"It hurts, it feels like every single cell in your body is burning and melting. It's scary losing control of your body, not even being able to sit or lay down on something solid." I shuddered at the thought of gooifying I know my description didn't do it justice.

"It sounds horrible and similar to when my power's first came in. I couldn't control them at all and I kept melting everything close to me.

Luckily my mother was able to male these clothes for me. If not I would have had to spend all my time naked.

I felt so weak, vulnerable, scared and alone. No one was there for me, no one tried to help me learn to control them, sure my mother made me these clothes.

But that was the bare amount of what she did for me unlike how she treated my brother's with helping them step by step training them and teaching them new ways to use their abilities." Shego expressed while her free hand punched up in the comforter on the bed while her other hand in my hair started rubbing a bit harder.

"I don't know you being naked all the time sounds like a pretty tantalizing sight, these long toned legs.

(I said as I gave myself a few extra hands ghosting them over the skin of Shego's legs.)

This amazing shapely ass that I could bounce a quarter off of or use as a pillow. (I included as I grabbed two handfuls of her ass.)

[Ahhh mmm stop being a tease nghhh.] Moaned Shego softly.

This nice soft yet toned tummy. (I whispered as I ran my tongue along the just barely visible ridges of her abdomen.)

These perky full breasts I just want to suck on, play with and snuggle into forever and ever. (I teased as I took one of her hard nipples into my mouth, sucking on it like a newborn babe.)

[Ohhh gawd that feels amazing ohh don't stop sucking and playing with my breasts.] Moaned and commanded Shego as she started to grind her hips.

'Should I give myself and additional head? Nah.' I thought to myself as I started kissing my way up from her breast.

This neck that's just begging to be covered in love bites. [I teased while a vicious smirk contorted my lips as I started kissing, biting and licking all across her neck, collarbone and shoulders.]

These pretty pouty emerald green lips that are just begging to be kissed all day long. (I continued by kissing her lips continually with varying degrees of intensity. Before biting her lower lip and pulling on it slightly before letting it go.)

These adorable green eyes that I know if I look into them for too long I could spend hours getting lost in their emerald depths. ( I whispered while our gazes were locked on to one another.)

And don't get me started on these beautiful soft locks of hair so green that it appears black. or this light green skin that looks so gorgeous in any setting whether it's got a nice sheen of sweat or droplets of water sliding down it from a shower or just getting out of bed." I continued to complement and tease Shego's body.

I found myself on my back. Shego on top of me, her face flushed, her breathing heavy as she grinded her pussy against my hard cock without letting it slip in.

"Do-don't think you're teasing, got to me. I just rested up from our spar earlier and am ready for another round to settle who won." Shego said while her face was flushed it made her appearance more cute than sexy.

"I've been waiting on you gorgeous." I teased, enjoying the way Shego bit her bottom lip as she jerked her hips lining up my cock with her entrance before sliding down my throbbing length at a torturously slow pace.

Shego started riding me as a cowgirl but I couldn't let her have all the fun so I leaned up resting on one set of elbows while my other hands went to her hips and breasts.

'Hmm, that could work.' I thought to myself as I formed another hand from just below my abdomen and just about my cock using it to stimulate Shego's little green clit.

"Ohhh so not fucking fair you che-eee-ating bastard." Shego moaned as her tight folds clenched around my intruding shaft tighter than before.

"All's fair on love and war, gorgeous and this is a war I plan on winning and conquering the jade beauty I see before me." I joked.

"God that's so fu-uuu-ccckkk fucking cheesy just wooorrryyy about fucking me aaannd put your mouth to betteeerrr use." Shego moaned while chastising me.

"Even if it's cheesy I felt the way your pussy spasmed and twitched when I was talking. I know you liked it. And I want you Shego I want you for good." I told her honestly as I made my neck longer as I initiated a passionate kiss.

"Ahh ahh ahh I mmm want mmm you ngh too." Moaned Shego as she replied as her mind was clouded with pleasure and lust.