Danny Phantom PT5


… a few hours later.

"Haa that was amazing." Shego said while releasing a content sigh.

"It was, you are." I replied feeling fully sexually sated for the first time.

"Hahaha. So are you, you win.' Shego sighed defeatedly.

"Nah we both do." I said softly as I planted a kiss on her forehead before getting out of bed taking a shower putting on my clothes minus my Shego destroyed shirt.

"Going to see Kimmy?" Shego asked with jealousy clear in her voice.

"Yes." I replied honestly.

"You don't hate her do you? You envy her because her family supports her and her being a hero." I asked slash told her my reasoning.

"No I don't hate Kimmy I honestly think of her as a little sister. An annoying little sister that always sticks her nose where it doesn't belong. And yes I do envy her and the family she has." Shego sighed as she hugged me from behind, planting kisses along my back and shoulders.

"Don't hurt Kimmy, I remember what it was like when my first love broke my heart you never get over it not really." Shego sighed softly, resting her cheek against my shoulder blade.

"I doubt I'd ever be her first love. But I also have no intention of breaking her heart. I want her to be mine." I replied back.

"You need a shirt. Though it is a shame to cover up this yummy bod." Shego joked as she pulled away.

"Mmm, wouldn't wanna make Kimmy have a melt down." I joked.

"Are you going to be busy today?" I asked thinking up a few ideas to amass a fortune in this universe.

"Yeah I'm free with Drakken on one of his building sprees, how did you manage that anyway he's been less Drakkkenish and more I don't better at everything." Shego replied while asking a question.

"Currently he's being possessed by one of my shadow henchmen or servants like the two you fought yesterday and don't worry no harm will come to him so your name and reputation will remain intact." I replied cautiously as my muscles tensed in preparation of a fight.

"Really, as long as you don't ever do that to me I'm okay with it plus it makes this gig easier." Shego replied while she crossed one arm underneath her chest while her fingers on the other supported her head as she looked at me, her head leaning to the side.

"So what is it you want my help with?" Shego questioned, sounding intrigued.

Smirking I started to make a duplicate of myself but invould feel that wasn't quite the right word for it. It'd be more of an Avatar.

Different from the way Vlad taught me I didn't breathe my will into it, rather I left it an empty shell before I connected my mind to it.

Using my computer like brain I was easily able to handle the influx of data from the new avatar body and controlled it just like it was the one I was born into or rather made into.

"I want to establish a large corporation that spans from retail telecommunications, various service industries and what not while I amass the funds to start my own project." I told from my avatar.

"Sounds interesting when do we start?" Shego asked as her eyes shined with excitement.

"As soon as you get cleaned up." I replied from both bodies.

"Wanna join me?" Asked Shego naughtily as she cocked her hip out while smacking her ass.

"Then we'd never get anything done." I joked back.

"Mmm but there's two of you now." Shego smirked saucily.

"Let's not go there at least for now." I replied leaning forward kissing her lips softly with my prime body.

"Fff-iii-nnn-eee. Give me an hour and I'll be ready to go. Our first stop will be Club Banana HQ." Shego said while swaying her hips as she entered the shower making it incredibly difficult to resist the urge to pounce on her.

"Of course you'd want to take over Kim's favorite clothing brand, haha." I laughed as I left the room heading for my motorcycle using my prime body.

Flying back to Middleton stopping at the mall leaving the bike floating over top of the mall going ghost turning invisible and intangible flying through the ceiling.

Accidentally into a woman's bathroom, exciting it quickly I flew around for a few minutes until I found Club Banana grabbing a black T in my size.

I noticed only Monique, a very good looking dark skinned girl with big booty wide hips and decent breasts with curly long black hair. Was working at the store alone.

'Damn they leave a fifteen year old here to run the store by herself. That's some bullshit. I'll be changing that once I own this company.' I thought to myself as I flew into the changing room returning to human putting on the shirt going ghost again before flying back to my motorcycle.

Arriving at Bueno Nacho I saw Kim just entering as I landed into a parking spot turning visible again.

"Hey Kim." I hollered while waving. It was cute the way she jumped like a scared cat and flushed red her body language instantly turning shy. But what really took my breath away was Kim's outfit, which was a body hugging black dress that left her arms and shoulders exposed and came to rest just above her knees. wearing both red high heels and earrings.

"Wow, Kim you look amazing." 'But I can't wait to strip that dress off of you.' I complimented Kim while thinking about hiking that dress up as I pressed her against the wall of Bueno Nacho making her into a woman.

(Obviously for any female readers I know losing your virginity doesn't make you a woman just like the same for boys becoming men. You grow into and earn those titles you don't just get them for spreading your legs or sticking your cock inside a pussy. ✌️)

"Th-thanks, I called mom and told her about meeting you for lunch and she rushed home and took me out shopping and made me wear this. Sorry." Kim replied, looking extremely self-conscious.

Getting off my bike, walking over to her grabbing both her hands making her blush an ever deeper shade of red as her eyes widened frantically and her head dropped down looking at the pavement.

"Kim, look at me." I commanded softly but firm enough she'd know to do what I told her to.

"O-Okay." Kim looked up at me while fidgeting nervously.

"Don't ever apologize to anyone for being beautiful and flaunting it. You are an extremely gorgeous young woman. Anyone that says anything other than that is a fucking tool and or just jealous of you cause you got what only other people can dream about." I informed her while never breaking eye contact while also enjoying how her emerald colored eyes glowed at my words, her flush lessening until it was a light red.

"Th-thank you, mom tried telling me the same thing. But it sounds so much I don't know better and real coming from you." Kim said while a small smile spread across her lips before she moved forward as fast as a striking cobra kissing my cheek.

"S-sorry, I don't know why I did that." Kim apologized, her blush deepening again.

"You can kiss me anytime you want, beautiful." I smirked as I let go of her hands.

'God that was so bad.' I thought to myself as I had to stop myself from slapping myself in the face.

"Eep." Kim squealed before spinning around showing me her back as her long voluminous red hair smacked against my upper body and face.

'Cute, (sigh) I hope she can get past me having other lovers.' I mentally sighed.

"Kim, you wanted to talk about yesterday right? Well, do you have a place we can go where no one would see us or hear us? I'd rather not let people know certain things about myself until I'm ready to reveal them publicly." I asked, thinking the school's gym might be a good place to go to.

"Right, we can go to the old community center that's abandoned." Kim said easily.

"I sometimes go there to train. It's still in good shape." Kim continued nervously.

"Sounds good to me, I'll drive, you give me directions on the way." I told her.

"Kay." Kim replied excitedly.

"Umm." Kim hummed embarrassed as she tried pulling her dress down to cover her ass.

I tried very hard not to smirk at her expressions. "Well we could ride in a special way, usually only people really close do this but it's the only way all of Middleton won't end up seeing your panties." I told her while I picked her up by the waist sitting down on my bike with her in my lap facing me.

"Wh-what are you do-doing." Kim expressed while steam shot out of her ears and top of her head.

"Just protecting that cute butt of yours from the eyes of pervs and mean girls, couldn't imagine how bad they would pick on you if they saw the Pandaroo undies your wearing." I teasingly whispered in Kim's ear while pulling back, kissing her cheek.

"Ugh, so not the drama." Kim said before giggling.


It was very distracting to drive when Kim was glued to my front with her arms wrapped around my neck, her face pressed into the crook of my neck.

Her hard nipples poking into my chest. The smell of strawberries from her hair made me hungry. since I hadn't eaten anything since the tacos the night before at Kim's house.

With Kim's directions we arrived at the community center ten minutes later. Regrettably Kim jumped out of my lap like a frightened cat. as soon as I came to a stop in front of the building.

"That was a nice ride." I joked. Only making Kim's blush worse.

"I-it was." Kim nodded while walking up to the door of the community center, sliding a tab that wasn't visible unless you knew it was there, slid it downwards and pulled out a key.

"That's neat." I told her with a bit of mirth leaking into my voice.

"Yeah, the mayor had it done for me for saving his granddaughter from some kidnappers a couple years ago." Kim replied her shy behavior melting away at the subject of her missions

"You're pretty amazing you know, running around the world saving it and the people who live in it you remind me of someone from back home." I complimented her while hinting at Danny.

"The twins mentioned your sister is a hero, are you one too?" Kim asked curiously.

"Yeah, about that, let's get inside. I want to tell you everything." I told her, anxiety creeping into my voice.

"Dante, are you okay?" Kim asked in concern.

Sitting down on a pair of bleachers grabbing Kim's hand pulling her down beside me on the bench.

"So let's start my story from the beginning." I sighed deeply.


I was having a hard time absorbing everything Dante was telling me about himself and his life from his totally a sitch family situation.

Him being a clone and living everyday in agony as his body broke down and only put itself back together because he fought to live.

He's so strong to be betrayed by the hero, the girl who you were literally created for because your father slash creator was obsessed with the woman who gave birth to the girl you were created from so you could start a family together because he realized he would never win the woman's heart.

To be tossed aside and have your replacements paraded around in front of you because you were defective.

I knew I shouldn't be crying but the tears just kept falling from my eyes the more I learned about him and how tragic his life had been. My arms wrapped around his chest and I pulled myself tight to his chest.

'WIVES AS IN MORE THAN ONE. Okay Kim not the end of the world I know people with more than one wife and girlfriend and there all happy and love each other like Mr. Pamrishman or Mrs. Laroche.

So not the drama, there's no problem too big or too small that I Kim Possible can't handle because anything is possible when you're a Possible.

Plus I don't want to be like mom and dad. I want to be happy and loved, not cheated on, behind my back with some little blonde bimbo that's only a couple years older than my own kids.

K-KIDS what are you even thinking Kim you're way too young to have babies. But maybe with him, hehehehe.' Kim's mind was all over the place as she thought to herself.


After finishing telling Kim my life story I started showing her my powers. At the end of it I made her a bouquet of ice roses and channeled a lot of ecto-energy into them to the point.

I could instinctively tell they were indestructible and wouldn't melt no matter what temperature they were exposed to but only felt as cold as regular ice cubes.

"Since you're stable here you could be a hero with me. We could be a team and mom's right if Ron keeps going on missions with me people will die." She sighed sadly her shyness around me mostly gone.

"I'd like that but, I'm a mur." I started to deny Kim while telling her I'm a killer.


"I'm not a murderer because I eat meat, you're not a murderer because you've eaten ghosts. Don't ever say something so dumb again it's so not a sitch." Kim said seriously as she softly caressed my cheek where she'd just slapped.

"I'm also currently taking over the company that owns Smarty Mart and Club Banana using possession and under to get what I want. I'm no hero Kim, I'm a villain you should be taking down, not taking on missions." Told her seriously but made no move to move away from her.

"I decide who I take down and how not you." Kim replied with her lips in an angry pout and her eyebrows scrunched up. Making me smirk.

"Don't smirk, dummy until I rehabilitate you into hero material I'll be kicking your butt after our da-date." Kim said while stuttering out the word date.

"I'm also fucking Shego." I told her and I could see genuine happiness in her eyes before she quickly returned to her angry pout.

"You better bring everything you got Kimmycub if not I'm going to be spanking that sexy little ass of yours." I replied with a devilish smile on my face.

"You're so on. (Tummy rumbling) but first dinner." Kim replied while blushing.

"Mmm, if you're not careful Kim I'll be eating you for dinner." I smirked as I rested my hands on her hips pulling her close to me, my one hand sliding from her hip to her bubble butt sinking into the soft ass flesh a tiny bit.

"Aaaggghhhnnn, st-stop." Kim moaned and lightly protested but didn't push me away.

I smirked as I stopped shaping her one ass cheek and pulled away.

"Wh-what wh-why did you stop?" Kim asked shyly while stuttering.

"Look at the little miss hero is actually a naughty girl, who knew?" I teased while asking a rhetorical question.

"Am not." Kim huffed as she stormed off towards the door, her hips swaying seductively and it was so natural I could tell she wasn't even trying to do it.

'You are mine, Kimberly Ann Possible, whether you know it or not.' A rumble reverberated in my chest at that thought.

Quickly catching up to her sitting down on my bike while Kim took the initiative this time around sitting on my lap wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck blushing wildly as she did so.

"You never answered my question, will you go on missions with me?" Kim asked in a small, almost fragile way.

"Sure somebody's gotta keep you from getting blown up." I teased gently.

'Don't worry I'll make you see the hero I saw when you saved Ron and I. Even if I have to kick your butt to do so.' Kim thought to herself as she snuggled in closer to Dante as the cold wind was starting to get her in her skimpy black dress.

'I like being close to him. He's so warm and he smells so delicious even though I can't place what it is that makes him smell so good.' Kim's thoughts continued.

I noticed we entered a more high end of Middleton when the shops and eateries looked more ritzy and glamorous. Noticing a Greek restaurant that had an old timey look while being surrounded by the gaudier fair I decided to take Kim there for food.

"How did you know Geryos is my favorite restaurant?" Kim asked exorbitantly in excited astonishment.

"I didn't, I just liked the look of the place compared to others." I replied honestly, making Kim release a small giggle as she jumped off of my lap and seemed to vibrate in excitement.

Once I was off the bike Kim excitedly grabbed my arm practically pulling it out of its socket as she dragged me to the entrance that had an Oldman with graying hair while wearing a nicely tailored suit standing there waiting to open the door.

"Hello Kimberly, it's nice to see you again and who is your friend?" Asked the Oldman in a grandfatherly tone of voice as his eyes twinkled like a certain wizard headmaster.

"Hi Mr. Riveair, how is Mrs. Riveair? And this is Dante we-were on our first date." Kim replied easily right up until the word date stuttered out of her lips and she started to fidget nervously.

"Hahaha, you and my little granddaughter Bon-bon sure have grown up into fine young women. And thank you for asking dear her treatments have been taking alot out of her, but enough of that enjoy your date young lady. And you youngman are a lucky one so be sure to show the young lady a good time." The Oldman replied kindly to Kim but when he looked at me I got the feeling that if I made Kim upset I'd be sleepin with the fishes.

"I will sir, and I already know how lucky I Am. Kim's an amazing girl even without all the heroics." I replied while only looking at Kim who was blushing deeply. As the Oldman laughed while opening the door.

We were met by a young woman wearing a similar tailored suit as the old man who greeted Kim fondly and teased her about her first date. Everyone that was dining or working gave Kim fond greetings as we were led to a table except for a girl with brown hair turquoise blue eyes light tan skin and a similar build to Kim whose reaction was to clench her fists glare at Kim while she clenched her jaw.

'Bonnie Rockwaller hauh, hmm another girl I want to fuck but probably not to get too deeply involved with.' I thought to myself as I pulled out Kim's chair for her and used Pseudo telekinesis to push her chair back in fluidly.

"Can you order something good for me Kim? I've never eaten Greek food before." I asked while telling her my inexperience with greek cuisine.

"Of course I know exactly what to get you'll love it." Kim replied excitedly.

A few minutes after ordering Kim was telling me about her adventures babysitting and hero-ing while I found myself being pulled into her green eyed gaze while most things went in one ear and out the other.

While in my avatar body Shego and I had finished taking over smarty Corp and all of its subsidiaries along with some smaller business and tech companies. Using my technopathy/kinesis to change machines around alter their functions and what they would produce automating what I could.

Before uploading the specs for the smartphones, smart watches, tablets, laptops, desktops and camera doorbell systems along with all of their component parts. Before I uploaded myself into a few of the server systems I got along with my purchases fully recreating the operating software and suite for my Turnip or T franchise.

The process was much easier this time around than when I tried it in my new home universe of Phantom there wasn't even a comparison between the two.

'Different universes different effects on my physiology? or is Spectra's ability just that powerful with the addition of being able to feed off of positive energy?' I asked myself these questions as I completed the software and suites for my Turnip operating system while initiating a battery of tests to make sure everything was running perfectly.

Hacking the patents and trade marketing offices across the world expediting, passing and approving my products tests at the same time my first products had come off the assembly line being uploaded with my software before being delivered to Shego to try out.

Everything from my first universe was available to play, watch and listen to but certain content was restricted behind paywalls but currently Shego had unrestricted access to everything that wasn't Kim Possible and Danny Phantom related.


Kim and I were just finishing up a delicious meal of something I'm not going to bother trying to pronounce before I download the Greek language to my mind. But of course Kim being the main character of this story couldn't go an entire date or day without her childhood friend turned Nemesis coming to spew some of her own self-inadequacy into hate onto Kim.

"Hey Kimmy, where's Ron-Ron? Are you two timing that loser boyfriend of yours. Hey, why don't you come with me and leave this loser to herself." Bonnie said rudely with her nose up in the air the whole time she ran her mouth.

"Only loser I see is the brown haired girl that looks like she's never heard of a brush before ruining my first date with a beautiful girl. Buzz off already Muppet reject." I told her coldly.


"Fine by me, if your family can't manage you I doubt they can manage this restaurant any better." I snarked back, totally done with this bitch.

"Mr. Riveair, he didn." Kim started to make an excuse for me though a flimsy one.

"Grandpa, I was just coming over to say hi to Kim when this jerk started being rude to me. H-he called me a loser and a reject. Waaa waaa wahhh." Bonnie said, crying fakely.

"There there Pumpkin grandads here, you young man. I want you out of my restaurant you're no longer welcome here now or in the future. And Kimberly I thought you would have better taste in boys but alas." The Oldman comforted his fake ass bitch of a granddaughter while kicking me out and chastising Kim for her choices.

"Whatever Oldman, sure hope you don't go out of business because of this little tramp. Come on Kim let's go." I replied while grabbing Kim's hand, throwing down a couple hundred dollar bills I stole from Drakken.

"I'm sorry Mr. Riveair." Kim spoke softly with her head down, disappointing an adult really hitting her hard.

'Damn, this girl is making me feel bad. At least she wasn't banned from the restaurant like I was.' I sighed to myself.

"You shouldn't try to apologize for other people, Kim. I said what I meant and I meant what I said you also shouldn't take that girl's abuse so much." I sighed letting out the thoughts in my mind.

"You wouldn't understand you're a boy, a bad boy." Kim spoke so softly I struggled to hear it.

"That I Am Kim never pretended to be anything else, you have to decide whether or not you're going to take the opinion of one Oldman that only took one person's words for what transpired tonight to heart or not. Come on, let's get you home, it's getting late." I said softly as I wrapped my arms around her waist, going ghost flying off into the sky turning invisible and intangible to not be affected by the cold.

As we were flying through the air Kim released a sigh while relaxing into my arms as her's wrapped around my middle.

"This is way better than any of the other ways I've flown before. Thank you. I had a nice time on our date." Kim whispered into my ear before pulling back, pecking my lips before trying to hide her face into my neck.

"Yeah, ghost powers are the best mostly because of this I love the freedom that driving gives me but nothing but maybe your kiss beats the feeling of flying through the sky like this." I replied with teasing honesty.

"(Humph) You've kissed other girls." Kim harrumphed cutely into the crook of my neck.

"Yes but you're my first kiss while flying and I wouldn't change that for anything." I confessed and could feel Kim's blushing increase due to the warmth coming from my neck.

"Thank you for telling me everything about you and revealing all your powers and stuff, an-and thank you for staying with and defending me against Bonnie.

I was afraid you'd choose her over me. Almost everyone but Monique and Ron have."Kim said softly as she kissed my neck. Though it made my heart twist slightly since I hadn't technically told her everything yet.

"(Snort) no reason to thank me beautiful redhead's are my Achilles heel." I joked semi teasing semi honestly.

I felt Kim snort against my neck as her hold around my middle became tighter.

I could tell she liked hearing that even if it did make her snort through my emotional sensing ability.

Kim's positive energy was over flowing so much that the negative energy I had felt when we left the restaurant was completely washed away.

Landing right in front of her house I regrettably started to pull away from her.

"We're here." I told Kim softly.

"R-right, Goodnight." Kim startled and started to sprint towards the door to her house but I could let our impromptu date end without a proper kiss.

So I quickly spun her around back towards me, one hand on her hip as my other grabbed the back of her neck.

Her head naturally raised up to look at me, her eyes wide and frightened as I pressed my lips against her teasing her lips with my tongue.

Her lips opened and her own tongue started probing my open mouth cautiously. As I explored her mouth enjoying the way she let herself fully lean into me as her arms came up and wrapped around my neck.

"He-hem." A male voice cleared their throat but Kim and I didn't pull apart.

"Look Kim's making out with her boyfriend." The twins repeated over and over again.

"He's gonna catch cooties." Giggled the twins.

"That's enough for you two." Ann said in a calm voice with amused undertones.

Kim and I sighed hotly into each other's mouths. Kim jumped out of my hold bolting past her snickering mother, her twin little bro's making silly faces with their tongues sticking out while Mr.Possible stood there looking a bit jealous while he glowered.

"Goodnight Mrs.Possible, twerps Mrs.Possible." I called out as I flew up into the air.

"Goodnight Dante." Replied Ann, smiling while there was a desire in her eyes while she looked at me.

"See yeah, Bro." Shouted the twerps as they ran back into the house laughing and yelling Kim's got cooties. The whole way.

I took off into the sky not waiting to hear whatever bullshit would come from James Possible's mouth.

"Did he just fly?" Asked James Dumbly.

But didn't get any reply to his question. His wife had already gone back into the house and shut the door.

'Damn Kim's a good kisser for her first time.' I thought to myself as I sunk into the shadows without even realizing it and exited out of them on the island.

'Wow, I can shadow travel, that's amazing. Wait, if I can travel through shadows can I return to the ghost zone using Shadow travel. Hmm let's give it a try.' I thought to myself.

"Nope doesn't work, probably only works in the primary dimension and travels through a secondary that connects only to the primary dimension. Who knows I'm not some super-power worshiping geek." I spoke to myself as I turned back into human and threw off my clothes before going for a swim in the ocean.

The water was surprisingly warm. I noticed some sharks and kraken swimming around in the water with me but they seemed to ignore me even as they danced around each other swimming through the surprisingly calm waters.

"Hey handsome I'm surprised you haven't been turned into fish food Drakken's genetically engineered pets usually eat anyone that enters the waters around the island. " Shego called from the shore.

"What can I say? They have a natural instinct to know who the real apex predator is." I joked.

"Hahaha, okay handsome so you wanna come join me in the private grotto where I can swim to or should I go take a nap." Asked Shego as she bit her index finger while posing sexily.

"Join me here, they won't bother you as long as I'm here and if they do I'll just make us intangible." I told her in reply as my cock came fully erect.

Shego slowly started stripping off her catsuit, wiggling her hips swaying back and forth hypnotically. I found myself slowly agonizingly stroking my own cock at her pleasant torturous strip tease.

"Excited?" Shego teased demurely.

"For you always." I replied back easily. And was surprised to see Shego blush and an honest smile tease across her lips as she exposed herself to me fully as she glided across the sandy beach towards me like some kind of nature fae.

The way the gentle rays of light shined against her light green skin making her emerald green eyes glow.

'Damn I got it bad for her, it could be worse though at least I'm hittin it.' I thought to myself.

"Let me take over." Shego whispered huskily as her one hand replaced mine stroking my cock while her other arm wrapped around my neck.

I could only laugh in reply at her action as I gave myself four extra limbs running my hands all over her body while slipping my middle finger into her wet warm sex making her moan into my ear as she leaned in closely as I slipped my ring finger in as well while my thumb started toying with her clit.

"Ahh ahh mmm yeah just like that." Shego moaned hotly into my ear as she started to nibble on my neck.

"Shit Shego I'm close your hand is just way too good." I groaned into her shoulder.

"Mmmee too your fingers are about to make me cum, cum with me." Hotly sighed Shego

"NAHHH." Moaned Shego as her insides trembled and my fingers and palm became drenched in a thick viscous nectar.

"Urgghhh." I groaned as I started firing rope after rope into the water hitting her body in the process.

"I love you Dante." Shego sighed as she rested against me fully.

"I love you too, Shego." I replied honestly.

"I want to feel you inside me now." Shego half demanded and half pleaded.


I woke up in a hammock I made last night after Shego and I made soft slow love in the ocean, Out of my ecto-energy.

Looking down, seeing her sleeping peacefully against my chest, I was filled with the same warmth I was last night when I told Shego I loved her back.

Gently running my fingers through her soft silken green locks.

'How did I get so lucky with multiple beautiful women falling in love with me accepting me for who and what I am.' I thought to myself as I looked up at the sky as my one hand continued to run through her hair gently as my other rested against her hip.

'God I hope Des and Kitty are okay. My connections to them have been so weak since I got here I can't feel them. And Sam I hope she's okay and I need to make up with her as soon as possible. Hehehe Possible lol.' I continued thinking in my mind as I felt fingers start drawing lazy circles on my chest.

"Don't worry you'll see them again soon." Shego whispered as she placed kisses against my chest.

"Yeah, sorry I'm thinking about them when I'm here with you, it's not fair to you." I replied back softly.

"Don't apologize for worrying about people you love, not to me, not ever." Shego playfully growled as she gently smacked my chest.

I smiled at that so hard my face started to hurt as my hand drifted from her hip to her ass.

"Ugh uhh, mister as punishment for not thinking about me and only me no nookie for you for the rest of the day." Shego whispered huskily.

'Even if it seems like a punishment for both of us.' Shego thought to herself as she felt that big hard cock rise up between her thighs landing against her ass heavily.

"I have to go back to testing that stuff you gave me." Shego said lightly.

Smiling softly. "It can wait until after you help me with this." I smirked as I lifted her hips up, spearing up into her folds.

"FUUUCcckkk youuu ahhh." Moaned Shego as she started slamming her hips up and down my cock. As she laid flat against my chest. As her hands clamped onto my shoulder as she slid her knees up to support her own weight as she really started to fuck herself silly on my cock.

"Fuck Shego you're amazing at this." I groaned.

"Yea yeah yeah ooo so fucking good." Shego moaned.

"You're close mmm I can feel it cum with me baby ooh knock me up put-ahh baby in me." Moaned Shego as she started to cum her brains out as she stuck her tongue out and her eye rolled up into the back of her head.

'Glad I learned that trick with enhancing my cock and cum with ecto-energy to increase pleasure last night.' I thought to myself while visualizing knocking up Shego.

The mental image of her Ann and Kim all barefoot with swelling bellies wearing nothing but thin robes Ann cooking Shego playing games on her phone while Kim looked over the catalog to Club Banana baby edition.

Desiree and Kitty floated into the room while Ember walked in with a portable speaker bragging about the nursery rock she'd just finished for her nieces.

While Sam came marching in skirt dancing in the wind sitting in my lap kissing me deeply before demanding that I knock her up too. Pushed me over the edge making me have the most powerful orgasm yet.

A rush of air left Shego's mouth in a scream as my cock broke into her womb and my seed filled it to the brim to the point it expanded and more of my seed exploded around our connection.

"FFF-UUU-CCC-KKK ! ! !." I yelled out as my balls ached like I'd just been punched in the nuts.

'Maybe next time I should enhance my entire body and not just my jizz and my cock.' I thought to myself through the haze of pleasure and pain.

Shego was on my chest unconscious her tongue lolling out and a small puddle of drool growing on my chest.

'So my ghost willed sterility should have been off right so hopefully Shego's really knocked up.' I thought to myself as I went ghost flying to the bedroom I'd previously taken as my own to find it completely repaired and with a few devices for me to use on a nightstand.

While another nightstand had Shego's phone on it I knew it was Shego's because I painted it in a green and black color scheme that matched her clothing.

"I really hope our baby gets all of his or her looks from you my forest fae." I spoke softly as I placed a kiss on the top of her head.

'Wait baby what am I thinking. This is insane kinds are a massive fucking headache that only get worse the older they get.' I thought to myself but the image of Shego hold a light green blanket cooing down at a baby with a smile filled with love blew those thoughts away.

"You'll be an amazing mother I know it Shego but my on the other hand I'll be a horrible father." I said softly as I laid down on the bed unable to fall asleep so I grabbed my T-phone Ultra with T-pen.

Entering the book store slash library app I started reading about a certain book about a boy with a blue scaled dragon named Saphira.

"Why are you still awake?" Shego asked in concern.

"Thoughts about parenthood couldn't fall asleep." I replied honestly.

"Parenthood, why would you, ohh my god no you didn't think I was serious. When I said put a baby in me. Shit shit shit, I'm not ready to be a mother and having a baby messes up everything down here." Shego sighed exasperatedly.

"Stupid ghost powers." Shego continued but this time with a giggle.

Surprising me as she leaned up to kiss me only to let out a pained groan.

"Fuck we were a bit too rough did you really fuck my womb?" Shego let out a pained sigh but her smile was bright.

"I take it you're actually happy about getting knocked up."I joked.

"Yes I mean no I don't know it's all just happening so fast." Shego said softly before kissing me gently on the lips.

"I know we just met. but I can't imagine life without you. And yes I know how corny that sounds but it's truly how I feel from the deepest part of my soul or core." I told Shego honestly.

"Mmm it's the same for me and today or maybe yesterday reinforced it seeing the way you took over, over a dozen companies a few world spanning I knew I'd found the right one for me." Shego smiled honestly.

"Hmm, did it turn my cute sexy villain babe of a baby mama on, seeing me take so much for myself?" I joked.

"Mmm maybe handsome, but you'll never know. Hehehe. So how was your date with Kimmycub?" Shego teased before asking about my date with Kim her eyes sparkling.

"It was great until some little cunt named Bonnie came over and started bullying Kim I told her off and she got us kicked out of the restaurant and me banned permanently.

So that kinda put a damper on things but then I flew Kim home and we had a bit of a make out seshhh in her driveway.

So all in all it was a pretty good first date." I replied.

Shego pouted cutely even as her eyes glowed in happiness.

"Kimmy gets a dinner date and a private flight air ghost and I have to go around working all day and didn't even get taken out to a fancy restaurant." Shego fakely complained while letting out a sigh.

"But you got hot and steamy ocean sex and then more sex later little Kimmy is probably rubbing her tight little virgin cunny raw." I joked.

"True true." Shego smirked evilly.

"You know that custom phone you made for Kimmycub I'd in the drawer and thanks to that little photo shoot you allowed or did through your other body filled the gallery up with a lot of great material for little Kimmy to play with her pussy too." Shego smirked saucily.

"You should take it to her now." Shego said honestly.

'And take her cherry while you're there.' Shego thought, making her sore pussy tingle pleasantly.

"What are you trying to get rid of me?" I asked genuinely curious if that was her end goal.

"No, but I do want you and Kimmy to find happiness together like I found it with you. Kimmy puts on a good mask but really she's a lonely girl just like I was until I met you. Please go take it to her tonight." Shego asked just barely away from pleading.

"Okay Okay twist my arm why dontcha, jahaha. I needed to go see her soon anyway. She wants me to join her in hero work and I need a way for her to get a hold of me to do so." I replied back as I phased through Shego making her moan.

"That was a lot more pleasant than I thought it would be." Shego said hotly.


Flying back to Middleton and the Possible residence with the phone and smartwatch I'd made for her, the smart watch has multiple features that can help her on missions and escape certain situations like a bond watch and a communication device all rolled into one with an ecto-energy blaster built in.

Flying around the house finding Kim's room phasing through the glass window. Into Kim's room seeing her cuddling up against a body pillow in a white loose tank top and a pair of white panties with Pandaroo on them.

"Muwah wuuhhh muwah, wiss me Wante." Kim mumbled in her sleep as she kissed her body pillow and her hips moved against her pillows softly almost imperceptibly.

'This is good blackmail material, For the future.' I thought to myself as I recorded Kim sleeping kissing and grinding against her pillow.

Setting the devices on her nightstand while leaving a little note for her about using them to get ahold of me to go on missions with her.

I had the urge to lean down and move a strand of hair out of her face before kissing her cheek but decided against it leaving the way I entered.

Flying through the sky I didn't immediately return to the island. I just enjoyed sharing through the sky with nowhere to go.

'I should start working with Tech-rakken on either making a new full portal or some other solution to get back to my universe.' I thought to myself as I continued to fly.

"HELP SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE ! ! !" Cried out a voice I barely heard and had to enhance my hearing with ecto-energy and moved in at top speed.

Plummeting down towards the ground I noticed a woman surrounded by a group of large guys dropping down in front of the woman coating my hands with ecto-energy. I started beating the guys up faster than they could react, breaking a few arms and legs in the process.

I was about to fly away when I felt a knife start to slide into my back before I turned intangible letting the knife knife hand go right thru me grabbing the knife.

Clamping down on the wrist with a vice-like grip.

"AHHHHHHHH LET GO OF OF ME YOU FUCKING FREAK ! ! !" Screamed the woman from before.

"I see it was a setup to lure in a sucker by crying for help while your crew pretends to be about to violate you and then you guys mug the poor sucker and probably kill them so they can't alert people to what you're doing." I said coldly.

"Bitches like you deserve to die." I continued coldly as I turned my body around using spectral manipulation, putting my hands on either side of her head, turning them sharply, being rewarded by a sharp popping sound as I let the body fall to the ground.

Powering up my index fingers with energy firing blasts into each one of the four guy's four heads. Before I took to the skies again I looked around for any recording devices but didn't find any even with my technopathy.


Monique looked out her window feeling disgusted with herself and the crew that ran their neighborhood listening to that loud mouthed La Puta, yelling at the top of her lungs trying to lure some sucker into a trap.

Tonight though Monique grabbed the phone and prepared to dial the cops she didn't want to walk out tomorrow morning on her way to work to see another body on the ground.

But then this good looking white boy with snow white hair and glowing green eyes landed in front of that puta and started pounding her crew into the ground.

Monique wanted to shout out a warning to him but fear gripped her heart calling the cops was one thing but if she opened her window and hollered down her and her mom could be dead or worse by morning so she bit her lip as she watched as a knife started on a trajectory towards the white boys back.

Monique felt her heart ache at the fact she was going to watch him die. But then the knife and the puta's arm slid through his body like he was an illusion before he just turned around without turning, brought his hands up and snapped the Puta's neck before shooting a green beam into the crew's muscle heads.

Monique felt something rising up from her stomach as she covered her mouth with her hand hiding behind the windowsill, afraid that if the white boy saw her he'd kill her to get rid of any witnesses.

Monique didn't dare move from her hiding spot, not even as the sun rose of the screams alerted her to the bodies being found or the sirens of the police.

Not even her mama walking in finally shaking her broke her out of her trance or the dozen phone calls from her boss she stayed there too terrified to move.

Too terrified of the white boy with glowing green eyes and snow white hair.



"FFF-UUU-CCC-KKK ! ! !, what was I thinking killing those fuckers in such a public place." I sighed to myself after a loud outburst.

"Wait, the problem wasn't killing them in a public place but killing them to begin with." I continued talking to myself as I flew, turning invisible entering a liquor store grabbing a couple handles of expensive whiskey before flying out taking a couple of deep pulls.

As I sat on top of a billboard looking up at the sky counting the stars while I kept taking drinks from the handle without even realizing it.

"The star constellations are different from my home universe. And I never really had the chance to look at the stars in the Phantom universe." I spoke out loud as I opened the second handle of whiskey.

"Dammit I can't even get drunk." I growled as I threw the bottle against a brick wall of a building across from me.

'Ghost powers are pretty fucking awesome supernatural healing factor awesome except for being unable to get drunk and everything else has been a roller coaster ride.

Would I go back to being a normie if given the opportunity? Nope even with all the negatives having powers and a more known clock counting down on my life. It's worth it.' I thought to myself as I started flying through the sky again.


Sending shadow to rob a liquor store for me as I floated in the sky laying on my back like I was lazing about in a pool drifting in the breeze.

'I should get those mind control things Drakken steals and use them on certain bitches, like Bonnie and make them my slaves. Whoa whoa where the fuck are these thoughts coming from? Is my physical instability starting to affect my mental stability.' I started thinking up things while questioning my own mental stability.

I thought having the ability to make avatars of myself would be cool and a good way to get out of doing things I didn't want to do but I'm still the one handling a bunch of paperwork for my new company and shit I'm just using another body to do it in another place.


Back in Phantom-verse.


"Desiree, are you sure he's okay? It's been almost two days since he entered that portal to a different universe?" Kitty asked with concern and anxiety clear in her voice on her face and in her body language.

"Yes he's fine I can see him and I've communicated with my cousin Genie to keep an eye on him for me until I can find the door to the universe he accidentally traveled to." Replied Desiree while her hands and eyes glowed in a purple light.

"Can't I just wish for something to transport us there and back." Asked Kitty exasperatedly.

"Ughhh, technically yes but unless you want something similar to happen to you like with the Fenton portal then no.

Universal travel is even more complicated than dimension or plane traveling like we do between the ghost zone and Husband's dimension.

The only reason the husband is unaffected is because his soul is special. I could travel on my own but I won't abandon you sister wife." Desiree replied as she rubbed her temples and scrunched up her nose to abate her growing headache.

"I don't want to leave him alone; he's spent enough time alone so even if it means you have to go on your own I'd prefer it over leaving him on his own." Kitty replied, crossing her arms underneath her breasts.

"He's not on his own anymore he's got one new partner and two more ready to fall for him thanks to those wishes I had him and you wish for." Desiree replied.

"Why am I not even surprised he's already got more girls especially with those naughty wishes you added on." Kitty replied with a naughty giggle.

"Hehehe, I just want our husband to have everything he wants in life or rather unlife. You know once he has his instability taken care of he'll become immortal.

We're going to have to get used to him going on adventures to other universes on his own collecting women he fancies and desires will become normal for us." Desiree told her sister wife Kitty something unimaginable at this time as if it was common sense.

"Why does he have to do it on his own? Why can't we adventure together? I want to see new things, new worlds, new species too." Kitty whined petulantly.

"I'm not saying we'll never go on adventures with him but for the most part husband. is a free spirit we can't chain him down to us completely we'd slowly kill him that way." Desiree continued calmly being much older than Kitty she was able to come to terms with who the man she loves, her hero, is at his deepest parts.

"Ugh, this is so frustrating." Kitty pouted while angry tears started in her eyes.

"I know Kitty, trust me I do. All you have to remember though is that he loves you and that his heart belongs to you and always will." Desiree comforted as she hugged her friend and sister-wife.

"Thanks Des, his heart belongs to you too." Kitty whispered as she hugged her sister wife tightly in return.

"So, how are the wraiths working out on your farm?" Desiree asked.

"Good those drones are a great labor force and will make sure we always have all of babe's favorite food ready for him to eat. He will also have supplies for his adventures." Kitty said the first part happily while the last bit came out sounding bitter.

"Hehehe, you're such a good wife Kitty. Hey you remember my husband's wish that allows me to seek out scaled revenge against those that have wronged me?." Desiree giggled while complimenting Kitty before a devious smirk marred her lips.

"Ye-yes b-but I thought we were even." Kitty stuttered as she started to tremble.

"Hahaha, we are. I'm thinking about that little bastard friend of the ghost girl, the black one that dresses oddly." Desiree replied with her voice filled with a bit of venom in it.

"Yeah but what about him?" Kitty asked uncaringly.

"He and Johnny were friends once his ghost abilities resurfaced. He was there that night with Johnny when he was going to use me again.

He made me grant a wish for him that the ghost girl would ignore any pleas for help and return home that night as fast as possible and attack anyone that tried to prevent her from doing so." Desiree explained to Kitty.

"Wait wait, are you telling me that he's responsible for the ghost girl ignoring Babe and abandoning him? Why didn't you say anything? Why didn't he see it when you linked together?" Kitty started firing off questions.

"Husband was overwhelmed by what happened to me while I was alive. Can you imagine five thousand years of even more vile treatment affecting him? No,

I wouldn't allow that. So I ended the memory sharing early. Please Kitty keep this between us. Husband may misunderstand my intentions." Desiree told her friend while pleading with her.

"I understand, but you should tell him so he won't misunderstand when he finds out later. And he will find out later especially when we get revenge on that little piece of shit." Kitty replied with a vicious bloodthirsty smile.

"Wait what was the little bastard planning to do anyways?" Kitty asked.


"He planned on raping that girl our husband likes that's friend's with the ghost girl." Desiree replied.


"I wasn't thinking, I didn't care, you pick the only thing I cared about was spending time with my hero. At that time." Desiree replied.

"So what kind of revenge are we going to seek out on him?" Kitty asked with the same vicious smile.

"I think I have the perfect punishment for someone like home." Desiree smiled, making a chill run down Kitty's spine.

Before she leaned in whispering into her friend's ear.

"Ohh that is great, terrible yes but great all the same." Kitty replied while letting out an evil cackle.

"You have been watching too much of our husband's culture." Desiree teased with a smile.

"Nut ugh, you just haven't watched enough." Kitty replied back bumping her shoulder against Desiree's the two of them bursting out into a fit of giggles together.

"I'm sorry I never tried to get to know you better Desiree." Kitty said softly as a choked sound came from her throat.

"Kitty, don't worry about the past, we can build a strong friendship and sisterhood together and make up for the time we lost." Desiree replied while hugging Kitty.

"Now let's cement our new best friendship by getting revenge on that little bastard." Desiree said. As the two ghost girls stood linking arms as Desiree misted them both to Amity Park.

"Should we tell the goth girl about her best friend?" Kitty asked worriedly.

"Hmm, I doubt she'll believe us, we'd have to show her proof." Replied Desiree her voice sounded like it would be too much of a headache to bother with.

"I know how to get her to believe us though you'll have to grant a few wishes." Kitty told Desiree while tapping her index fingers on her shiny red lips.

"Very well then I will follow your lead sister." Desiree replied with a smile. As they misted to the goth girls location which was surprisingly their man's bedroom at the Manson manor. In a rather explicit position.

"DESIREE, KITTY WHY ARE YOU HERE WHERE IS DANDAN AND WHY HASN'T HE COME HOME YET ! ! !?" Sam yelled while questioning the two ghost gals while naked covering her breasts as she sat on a pillow.

Desiree snapped her fingers clothing Sam in a harem girl outfit in Sam's color scheme.

"Husband was accidentally transported to another universe don't worry he is actually getting on quite well there his instability is less unstable.

But husband is not why we are here, we are here to discuss your brown friend that dresses funnily and names technology." Desiree replied to Sam's questions easily.

"Wait, I can't believe you expect me to believe this. That Tucker. One of my best friends since I was seven years old is a rapist with ghost powers and that, the night I met Dandan.

Dandan inadvertently crashed his evild plot to rape me. Come on I know we're not friends but I thought since you two were with Dandan that we'd be at least on good terms.

Get out of my house." Sam replied angrily to the two ghost gals looking hurt before telling them to leave.

"We can prove it to you." Kitty replied to her, stopping Desiree from misting them both away.

"Desiree, I wish that Tucker Foley was here before us bound in unbreakable, un-unlockable Ecto-ranium restraints and that he or it, will be unable to lie or decieve us in any way and will tell Samantha Manson every evil deed he has done since his ghost abilities resurfaced.


Sam felt disgusted to her deepest core by the things Tucker was telling her he'd done since regaining his ghost powers while every time he tried to go ghost in an attempt to escape or harm her and the ghost gals he'd writhe in agony due to the Ecto-ranium.

She tried not to enjoy his pained screams but after finding out Tucker had been undermining her and Danny's friendship ostricheing her so he'd have an easier time raping her and putting a bitch like her in her rightful place.

Well Sam stopped feeling any pitty and love for her former best friend of seven years and wished Dandan was there to consume his twisted ghost core and then kill him for good.

And God here she was condoning murder she should feel guilty and disgusted she should be puking up the contents of her stomach but she wasn't she was a proper Manson lady when she needed to be and Ladies held their shit together and ran this world from the shadows behind puppet men.

At least those were the lessons she'd learned from her mother and grandmother though she'd rebelled against being a proper lady on the outside she was very much one on the inside and as a proper lady it was her responsibility to handle this mess with the help of her two new ghost gal friends.

"I think I have the proper punishment for this insect ladies." Sam said to the two ghost girls as she walked over and linked arms with them making the other two smile.

In Tucker's place now kneeled a brown skin girl with a big bouncy booty large buxom breasts. Long brown curly hair, rich brown eyes wearing only a sexy maid outfit while still being bound in ecto-ranium bonds.

With her head pressed against the floor.

"How may I serve you mistresses? When will the Master return from his trip to punish me for my transgressions?" Asked the now female Tucker.

(Name for girl Tucker other than Slave? Lol jk but seriously name ideas that don't immediately make me think of a tummy tuck. )

All three women smirked evilly looking down on the helpless brown skinned girl that used to be a monster.

"Wait, what about Tucker's family?" Sam asked in concern of Mr. And Mrs. Foley.

"Make the wish dear." Desiree told Sam gently.

Sam wished for a new good Tucker Foley to exist and replace the old Tucker's place in his family and then wished for the Foley family to relocate to a new place.

"That was a very kind wish, Samantha." Said Desiree.

"Mmmhmm, you go girl." Kitty said while the three hugged.

"Th-thanks." Sam stuttered as she rubbed her arms nervously as a nervous smile pulled at her lips.

"We'll work on that." Desiree said, shooting a fond smile at Sam before making eye contact with Kitty who nodded subtly while giving Sam a similar smile.

"We'll send the present to the lair to wait until Husband's return." Desiree said after a moment.

"So are you guy's going to help Dandan get back home from the universe he went to by accident?" Sam asked curiously.

"He may make his own way back before I can locate the natural way there." Desiree replied, rubbing her temples in preparation of a headache.

"Why can't you just wish to know the location of the door or for a portal machine to travel there? Asked Sam exasperatedly.

"I asked the same questions, I guess portals to other universes are very complicated and can cause a lot of damage if not exactly done right.

Babe is a special case I guess due to his origins he's exempt from the negative repercussions of dimensional and universal travel." Kitty replied, sounding lost.

"Of course he is and of course it is." Sam sighed as she stomped her foot glaring angrily at the floor.

"Why don't you go to bed goth I mean Sam we'll keep you up to date on whatever we find out about (giggle) Dandan." Kitty said while patting Sam on the head before Sam pushed her hand away pouting.

"(Humph)" Sam huffed as she stomped her feet out of the room heading for her own bedroom.

"I believe we should tell the husband that his little housemate is aching for him." Desiree said with a laugh in her voice and a smirk quirking her lips.

"Hehehe, your so bad sister, ahh I like that it's nice having a sister." Kitty replied with an honest smile and watery eyes.

"I enjoy it as well sister." Desiree replied as she hugged Kitty as she misted them and their present to Dante back to the ghost lair.

"Can you make a viewing screen so I can watch over babe when I miss him or just to reassure myself he's safe and happy?" Kitty asked once they reappeared inside the shared ghost lair.

"Ohh that I can do easily." Desiree smiled as she snapped her fingers creating a pair of VR goggles and handing them to Kitty.

"This will do what you asked for, just be careful not to invade his privacy too much." Desiree replied with a teasing smile.

"Desiree can we use this to send like a phantom of ourselves to that universe and control it through this like in that anime that had full dive VR?" Kitty ran to Desiree excitedly.

"That…is…a BRILLIANT IDEA ! ! !" Desiree exclaimed.

"We have to watch this anime so I can get a better idea of what this full dive entails, to the TV ! ! !." Desiree exclaimed, somehow making it sound exotic and sexy.

Thirty eight hours twenty four minutes later…

"I can definitely make something like this but you'll have to wish for it exactly as I write down something as complicated as this there can be no mistakes." Desiree told Kitty seriously.

"Got it sis, operation wish commencing." Kitty replied seriously in return only to break out into a fit of giggles.

"And done, these full dive helmets will allow us to send our minds to Husband and use illusion-esque bodies while there to communicate with him and it should help him pinpoint the coordinates he'll need later on if wishes to return to that universe." Desiree sighed tiredly as she presented the nerve gear.

"EEEHHHHHH ! ! !" Kitty squealed before jumping on Desiree and hugging her tightly nuzzling her cheek against Desiree's.

Desiree pushed Kitty off of her with a strained smile on her lips as Kitty started nuzzling her nerve gear helmet like it was a fluffy puppy.




Glass littered the ground underneath the billboard making the ground glittering in the moonlight like precious gems under the light.

As a green eyed white haired teen kept knocking back bottle after bottle of booze singing away without a care, the songs broke up by hiccups and burps.

His words slurred his body swaying precariously upon his high perch only a few street walkers and homeless paying him any mind.

When two gorgeous ghostly gals materialized on either side of him.

Things had gotten pretty blurry and the ground looked really far away. But I was feeling good and buzzed when suddenly I felt my connections with Des and Kitty come rushing back in at full throttle.

Looking left and right I saw both Des and Kitty looking at me in concern. I moved to pull both in a hug.

"I wissed u both sho-much." I expressed drunkenly as I tried to hug them both only to have my arms go right thru them and started to plummet towards the ground.

"Hahahaha." I laughed wildly as I plummeted to the ground.

"Husband." "Babe." Desiree and Kitty called out to me in concern at the same time.

"We should get him somewheres safe." Kitty sighed.

"We can't actually physically interact with him, we'll have to use Shadow to transport him to where and who he's been staying with." Desiree replied while summoning Dante's Shadow to move them to where he's been staying on the island with Shego.

"Who are you? And what are you doing with handsome?" Shego growled as her hands glowed with green fire.

"Down girl we're his women his wives." Kitty answered with her nose up in the air, her arms folded underneath her chest looking down on Shego.

"Kitty, she's the lover I told you about earlier." Desiree told Kitty while letting out a sigh.

"WWWHHHAAATTT ! ! !" Kitty yelled.

"Ohh so you two are Desiree and Kitty, Dante told me quite a bit about both of you. Is he drunk?" Shego replied while looking at Dante while slapping a palm to her forehead.

"Why don't the three of us tuck handsome into bed and have a ladies night and do some bonding." Shego said with a mischief filled smile.

"That sounds delightful." Desiree replied, smiling mischievously.

While Kitty nodded and smiled.

"You'll have to tuck him in Shego. We can't technically interact with this world in a physical sense." Desiree told Shego as she looked sadly at her husband dancing around to his own tune with his head bobbing back and forth while his one foot was tapping a rhythm in the floor.