Danny Phantom PT6


I woke up to my head pounding my throat aching and it made me happy. Happy because I was experiencing a hangover.

'I can get drunk.' I thought to myself.

"I CAN GET DRUNK FUCK YEAH ! ! !" I yelled only to clutch my head in sweet sweet hell.

"Fuck that hurts." I whispered to myself.

"Hey there handsome." Smiled Shego as she leaned against the doorway.

"Hey." I shot back while holding my head in my hand.

"Do you want to know how many liquor stores you robbed and drank dry last night or how high the pile of broken bottles got where you were drinking?" Shego asked, her smile looking fakely sweet.

"Nah, I'm good." I replied back as I went to stand up but got hit with a feeling of vertigo that put me back on my ass.

"No you're not good." Shego's mask broke as she marched over and grabbed hold of me.

"Shego what?" I started to questions.

"You drank enough to kill a thousand people by alcohol poisoning.

How could you do that to me after I just finally opened my heart up to someone to you.

What about Desiree and Kitty do you even realize how much you worried about them? Do you care?

You want to run around and collect girls like there matchbox cars or playing cards.

But, then what drink yourself into a grave after you start making an actual commitment to them." Shego started letting things out as angry tears ran down her face.

"Shego, it had nothing to do with you or our moment together or them. Last night I heard someone cry out for help and went to help them only for it to be a setup.

I killed the woman that stabbed me literally in the back by snapping her neck then I executed her lackeys.

After that I went through an essential crisis and I grabbed a couple bottles of expensive whisky and it did nothing with certain questions plaguing my mind.

I started diving into bottle after bottle drowning my problems while trying to anyways it took about a dozen liquor store worth of booze before I even felt a buzz.

Once I got the buzz going though I wanted more. I wanted to see how far I could actually go. I wanted to know that I was alive and that I was human.

I'm sorry I worried you and made you think I didn't love or care about you and that you weren't important to me because you are.

But I also need to figure out who I am now so please be patient with me. I'm only a man, I'm going to make mistakes and I'll need amazing women like you to keep me from going too far." I replied placing my thumb in her chin and my index under it holding her in place as I tried to kiss her.

"No no no, you need to brush your teeth, you have rank ass breath. Get cleaned up and meet me for breakfast later." Shego said while swaying her hips out the door.

Smiling at Shego's antics I laid back down in the bed.

'Wait a minute didn't I see Des and Kitty last night? Nah, probably just a drunken hallucination.' I thought to myself as I let my eyes drift closed once more.

Waking up feeling refreshed, jumping out of bed, walking into the bathroom draining my mighty dragon letting it angrily spew its mighty flames into the toilet.

'Mighty dragon, hahaha.' I laughed softly at referring to my cock as a dragon.

After pissing for a solid two minutes my groin no longer felt like it was going to burst getting cleaned up.

Leaving my room in nothing but a towel since the clothes I wore last night reeked of booze.

I noticed all the goons except for a few slimmer and curvier ones were doing their level best not to look at me but I just shrugged my shoulders and carried onwards about my day.

Entering a door that was labeled supply closet grabbing myself a henchman uniform getting dressed in at least some well leaving the mask off.

Exiting the storage closet continued into the kitchen that had a 24/7 buffet line on making a plate before demolishing it.

Still feeling hungry by the time I was done eating the first plate and by the time I was full there were piles of plates that covered the entire table I had been eating at.

'Sweet, I have a Shaggy metabolism. I love cartoon logic sometimes.' I thought to myself as I started on my way down to the laboratory that Tech-rakken was working in.

I was walking by a security office when I heard the sounds of multiple women moaning looking in.

I saw multiples of myself gangbanging fifteen hot ass henchwomen in only remains of their ripped uniforms.

'The fuck, I blacked out. Note to self do not drink like that again.' I thought to myself before using my technopathy, copying the data to my T-phone before erasing any and all traces of my drunken trespasses off of the island's security mainframe.

Well also making sure there weren't any other copies on the web or on any other connected device.

Looking a bit closer at the video I noticed Desiree and Kitty were there with Shego trying to rein me in and judging by their fed up expressions I could tell they were pretty tired of my antics.

I watched another video where some of the henchwomen were still fully clothed and I was using some of Drakken's beam weapons to try and harm myself.

'Yeah no wonder Shego seemed so upset earlier. I'm such an ass.' I thought to myself while I continued on my way to the lab no longer watching the videos of my drunken stupidity and was thinking up ways of properly apologizing.


Entering the high tech lab I saw that Tech-rakken had made a lot of progress. The permanent fixed portal was half way through construction while advanced mathematical formulas covered white boards that were sporadically placed all throughout the American football stadium sized Laboratory.

Making a couple dozen duplicates while also utilizing my technopathy I helped complete the portal while dialing in the ghost zones frequency.

The only problem was that we needed a primer to penetrate the barrier between the ghost zone and the KP-verse since the dimensional barriers were too strong for just the standard energy output of the portal machine.

'Hmm, we could use the motorcycle to generate enough energy to penetrate the dimensional barriers, though it'll probably destroy the bike in the process though it's an acceptable loss. I'll just remove the portable portal generator.' I thought to myself before confirming my idea with Tech-rakken who agreed it was the only quick and effective solution at this time without him creating a collection device and placing it in natural ecto wealth springs.

Such as cemetery, mass graves and anywhere tragedies have occurred. His plan was to construct a few dozen of these devices and once they'd collected enough energy use them to power a dimensional drill to create a pathway into the ghost zone.

Though that had considerable risks like drilling into a different dimension or completely unraveling the barriers between dimensions.

But this way was much safer then the drill plan since it's a fully concentrated definitive lance that will only penetrate the barrier between the ghost zone and the KP-VERSE.

And the dimensional barriers would heal instantly while they'd heal in a way that my ghost portal would become a natural entryway like it had always existed where it was.

Shadow traveling outside having the shadows eject my motorcycle in front of me. "One last ride." I muttered as I caressed the gas tank as I mounted the bike.

"Mind if I join?." Shego asked as she already settled in behind me, her arms snaking around under my arms as she glued herself to my back.

"Not at all in fact it'll be nice taking you for the last ride on her." I replied easily as I zoomed off into the brightly lit, by the sun skies.

"This is a lot more fun than Drakken's hover car." Shego shouted into my ear her joy clear in her voice.

"Yeah she's awesome." I let out a sad sigh as I started back towards the island.

"Sorry you have to get rid of your motorcycle." Shego replied much more softly into my ear before kissing my cheek.

"Thanks Shego, but it's worth it if it gives me a permanent way home and back here without a massive layover." I replied back as I landed us in front of the villa for Shego to get off of the bike.

Shego got off the bike leaning over, giving me a chaste kiss and a seductive smile as she turned around strutting into the villa.

"See you later Handsome." Shego waved lazily over her shoulder as never stopping her strut.

Phasing through the reinforced ground and into the underground laboratory parking close to the assembled portal.

"It will take me a few days to create the apparatuses for the energy transference master." Tech-rakken said while kneeling in front of me in an amalgamation of Drakken's and Technus's voices.

(Ring ring Ring ring)

My phone started ringing and vibrating in my pocket. Looking at the caller ID I saw Kim's face and her phone number.

"He." I started to say hello but was immediately cut off by an excited Kim.

"Ohh my god this thing is amazing. It takes pictures like a camera and does video. It has night vision and so many other cool things.

Thank you so much and don't even get me started on this amazing watch. Ohh, I totally need your help on a mission, it's so a sitch." Kim continued talking my ear off.

"I'll be there in a bit just send me your location by hitting share the location option that pops up after hitting the three dots at the top right corner." I told Kim as I hung up and my screen opened to the navigation app.

"Hmm Cambodia, isn't that where a monkey totem is?" I asked myself out loud.

"Oh well better get going." I sighed as I entered a hover jet that looked similar to a Quinjet that had a red and black color scheme matching Drakken's henchmen uniform colors.

Landing in an open area near the monkey temple I could see Ron biting his fingernails while shivering and shaking.

'Right, the mystical monkey master is monkey-phobic, how could I forget.' I softly chuckled to myself as I finished the landing sequence.

'Good thing Vlad created the best simulators to program me to be a pilot so I could achieve Danny's dream of becoming an astronaut.

Exiting the craft I heard Lord Monty Fiske asking about me to Kim who replied I was backup Incase anything went pear shaped since Cambodia had a lot of separatist militants.

"But he is without a weapon." Pointed out the vertically and horizontally challenged knock off of Alfred that was combined with Penguin.

"Hahaha." I couldn't help but laugh.

"Weapons, I don't need no stinkin weapons, i am the weapon." I joked as I went ghost felling a tree with an ecto-beam fired from my index finger.

"By God, that is amazing." Replied the pudgy butler in his safari outfit as his Lord's eyes widened in shock and jealousy.

"Y-you." Ron stuttered.

"Hey Dante, where's your motorcycle?" Kim questioned looking a little sad not to see it there, a sadness I felt in my heart. It'd only been a short time but I'd truly come to love that old girl.

"She's being repurposed into a way to make it so I can travel between here and home freely." I replied feeling my shoulders slump of their own volition.

"Are you going to be leaving soon?"Kim asked while poking her index fingers together as her bottom lip jutted out and started to quiver.

Shooting her a smile. "Not too soon I'd come and see you before I go back anyways Kim you don't have anything to worry about." I replied back to her.

"Right this is all very well good and everything but Ms.Possible there is a piece of ancient history awaiting us and I'd very much appreciate it being retrieved as soon as Possible." Monkey Fist said snobbishly with his nose up in the air.

"Right, Ron you stay here and keep watch, call me on the communicator, Dante you're with me." Kim said in an all business way, that I found it incredibly sexy.

Kim started into the mouth shaped entrance to the monkey temple. "You know you're pretty sexy when you're all bossy like that." I whispered into Kim's ear as I rested my hands on yer hips.

Kim slapped my hands gently while shooting a look over her shoulder that just screamed bad boy and not in the sexy way.

"Mission first." Kim said as she walked forward stepping onto a trap door that opened up sending her falling down at a fast rate of speed. Well I flew down after her her hands grabbed mine slowing down are descent.

Turning intangible we slowly floated down we went through the two stone barriers that were clashing together without any consequences.

"Thanks sorry for the drama." Kim said shyly as she moved my hands down to her waist line of her cargo pants her face having a slight blush.

"F-for you're safety, temple raiding can be dangerous." Kim said in something of mock confidence,

"Mmm, I feel safer already." I whispered into Kim's ear as I ran a hand over Kim's belly just the right amount of supple and ridgid.

"Mmm, st-stop mission f-first flirt l-later." Kim struggled not to moan as she started grinding her bubble butt against my hardening clothed cock somehow triggering the walls to started moving in on us.

"Ohh come on why does this place keep interrupting us." I growled as I flew Kim and I upwards waiting for the floor to finish closing up.

Landing gently on the floor Kim started to move ahead triggering a flaming arrow batteries firing from multiple monkey eye and mouths. To which I turned us both intangible letting the arrows pass through us.

We kept moving forward when suddenly we were mentally bombarded with monkey cries and screams luckily I had made wishes that protected me from mind attacks and mind control magical, technological and mutation slash powers.

Kim on the other hand was getting a full assault and was clutching her head nearly falling down into a pit filled with sharp spikes for impaling but luckily I had a solid hold on her.

"Where are the snakes." Kim said just as a dozen green scaled snakes with long venom dripping fangs.

"Right there they are." Kim sighed as I as I made us intangible just in time to dodge the striking snakes flying us downwards allowing Kim to grab the totem setting off another booby trap but I just returned us intangible and flew out of the temple landing right in front of Monkey Fist and the others.

"Here you go, Lord Monte Fiske." Kim smiled politely as she handed Monkey Fist the jade idol.

"Ur-ahh-ahh-ahahah, finally at long last the jade idol is mine. I mean the museum's." Monkey Fiske laughed like a monkey ooo-ahh-ahh as he held the idol to his chest looking not at all like a supervillain nope no sir totally not obvious.

"Come Ms.Possible, Mr.Phantom we have a camp set up this way." Monkey Fist invited to his camp so he could steal the jade Idol without drawing suspicion to himself.

"Actually I can fly everyone home in my hover jet. It should only take an hour or two to reach your estate, Lord Monty Fiske. Besides, this jungle is not a very safe place to stay right with us disturbing a large den of venomous pit vipers to retrieve your totem." I replied calmly while provocatively placing my hand on Kim's hip running my thumb across the bare flesh it could reach.


'Blast it this fool is ruining my plans to steal the jade monkey totem without anything leading back to me. I need a banana.' Monkey Fist thought to himself knowing if he refused and the idol disappeared all suspicion would be leveled against him.


It only took an hour to fly to Monty Fiske's manor where we parted ways while Ron constantly got in the way of my Kim time.

Once we were over the Stoppable residence I grabbed Rob by the back of his shirt on the collar and went over to a door in the floor of the ship that opens up so people can parachute out hooking the repelling line to his belt before pushing him through the hole.

Retrieving the line I went back up to the pilots seat while Kim kept giving me shy glances.

"Sorry about Ron, he wouldn't take no for an answer after I told him you'd be joining me on missions." Kim said while looking down at the floor no longer looking at me.

"I understand it's hard to end something that's come to be second nature to either of you easily but Kim it's for his, yours and those you rescue and the world's safety that your partnership with Ron ends." I told her in a soft but firm tone.

"I know, I just don't want to lose my best friend. He's the only one that's stuck by me since Kindergarten." Kim said while looking up her bottom lip quivering as tears started in her eyes.

"Kim." I said while sighing softly understandingly.

"Think about it this way, eventually Ron is going to meet a girl and start blowing you off to spend time with her making out, having sex or just going on dates.

I hate to say this but childhood friends don't last forever.

You eventually outgrow each other right now you and Ron are codependent because of circumstances but when those circumstances change it'll be all the harder on you in the future.

Let me help you Kim let me fill the void Ron will eventually leave in your heart let me become more than he ever could have." I said softly as I picked her up, putting her in my lap running one of my hands down her spine that arched into my touch as my other hand came up to cup her chin.


Kim's nimble fingers ran through my hair as her other hand rubbed my abs as she brought herself in closer for a kiss as I continued to run my hand up and down her spine as my other hand slid up her bare stomach.

Kim's initiation of the kiss was shy and timid even as her touch was exploring as they left my abs and hair gliding across my upper body, my neck, shoulder, biceps and arms.

As my one hand finished slipping underneath her shirt and against her sports bra gently squeezing her left breast making Kim moan into my mouth while she jumped in my lap.

Kim tried pulling out of the kiss but the hand I was using to run up and down her spine I moved up cupping the back of her neck my fingers splaying out into her hair keeping her head right where I wanted it.

"Mmmphwahh mmphhshwickswahh." Kim moaned-spoke into my mouth as I made her bra intangible and let it fall to the floor.

I started rolling her hard nipple around with my thumb. Our kiss became sloppy and intense as Kim started gyrating her hips, my hand leaving one breast going to the other.

Kim's hands went underneath my shirt before she grabbed the bottom hem lifting it up over my head breaking our kiss finally.

But that didn't stop her from grinding her hips against me even as she leaned back panting and flushed as she pulled off her black missions top throwing it across the ship cupping her own breasts.

"Do-haa haa you ha like them?" Kim asked a bit shyly as her hips grinding pace slowed to a crawl as she unconsciously self-consciously bit her lower lips.

"Love them." I leaned forward taking one of Kim's nipples into my mouth and my hands cupped both breasts while the nipple that wasn't being occupied by my mouth the other was being toyed with by my thumb.

"Ohh ohh th-thaaat feels so mmm gooood Dante." Moaned Kim just as there was a knocking noise from outside the ship while Ann Possible stood there with her hip jutting out a hand resting on said hip while the other propped up her chin with her thumb.

"EEEHHHHHH M-M-MOM ! ! !" Kim shreek yelled as she jumped off of my lap covering her breasts with her hands.

'What is the universe trying to cock block me or is it just bad luck though then again moving too fast with a young woman like Kim could be detrimental to any future relationship with her.' I thought to myself as I plucked Kim's sports bra and top off the floor.

Putting Kim's bra and shirt back on her for her using a mix of intangibility and skill gently kissing her neck making her let out a shuddering breath and a soft moan.

I don't think Kim saw it, but I did. Ann had a jealous angry twitch on her face when she saw me not only dressing Kim but kissing her as well.

'Must be someone's been stewing since that little incident in the kitchen.' I smirked to myself internally.

Kim and I walked to the door of the aircraft that opened from the side of the ship.

"Text me later, maybe we can pick up where we left off." I teased as I cupped her ass.

"St-stop my mom's watching." Kim protested as she pushed my hands off of her backside.

"I'm sure she enjoyed the show, I know I did." I continued to tease.

"DA-NTE ! ! !." Kim yelled, turning around smacking my chest while turning bright red. Well, I just smiled at her in return.

'Though it has been a long time since mom, he-hem did that with anyone (blush) maybe mom and Dante should, bad bad Kimberly Mom would never. But maybe she.

No no no, that's just dumb I've been watching too much porn on the porn app on the phone Dante made for me.' Kim thought to herself as she pressed the button to open the door of the hover jet before exiting it with Dante following her out of it.

"Hi, Mrs.Possible I greeted with a friendly smile and a wave and I noticed her eyes shine even as her lips pouted slightly.

'Yup, she's definitely been stewing since that kiss in the kitchen the other day.' I thought to myself as I thought about a good way to conquer mother and daughter.

'Hmm, good thing the Jet has cameras all over it.' I thought as I removed the video from the hard drives of the jet, uploading them into my mind before I summoned a phone for Ann out of the Shadow plane.

"Hi Dante, I'm glad to see you and Kim are getting so close." Ann said while her emotions were a raging storm of jealousy, envy and lust.

"M-mom." Kim expressed as she covered her face with her hands which I was starting to see was a very common thing with her.

"Would you like to stay for dinner, Dante? We're having pizza and wings." Ann invited me to dinner again.

"I'm not one to turn down a meal offered by a beautiful woman." I replied with a cheesy look on my face. While Ann giggled Kim looked a little lost

Before a small smile curled her lips then just as quickly as the smile came it was gone and she was shooting me an angry pout as she blew a loose strand of her red-orange hair out of her face. Well she whispered so the drama softly.

'Well well well Kimmy has a naughty streak doesn't she? wanting me to go after her mother and her at the same time such a naughty girl though I gotta admit I wouldn't mind having her call me daddy especially once I make Ann my own.' I thought to myself.

'Do I really want Ann for myself? She comes with the extra baggage of two sons. Hmm yes yes I do redhead milfs for the win.' I thought to myself as I olgeled Kim's and Ann's asses as they walked ahead of me Ann had her arms threaded through her daughter's as they compatriotically whispered back and forth to one another.

'It's nice to see a mother and daughter with such a strong bond. it'd have been something unheard of in my old world.'

Sitting down at the Possible dinner table again I took out the fancy looking box that held the phone inside it.

"Mrs. Possible this is one of my inventions. It's a T-phone like the one you've probably seen Kim using. I'd like you to have one and give me feedback on it in the form of online reviews. If you wouldn't mind that is." I told Ann as I slid the phone box into the middle of the table.

"I was going to ask about that, I saw a magazine that had a picture of you on the cover of it standing in front of a giant tee with various other company logos on it calling you the next Jobs Steve. I'd be happy to test out your inventions.

I hear these phones can only be bought at Club Banana in special colors and sizes while the ones sold at smarty mart were of a more mundane variant." Ann replied excitedly, snatching the box from the table like a cobra strikes at its prey.

"Yes, I'm trying to keep market exclusivity to make the phones more popular with the rich crowd. So I can expand my business through less explicit means and offer my product at a lower price for lower income families so everyone can stay and be connected." I replied while I felt Kim grab my thigh.

Her squeezing was firm but not rough but her look promised questions as she looked into my eyes with question marks forming in her own eyes.


Bonnie was looking over the latest finance magazines that her father insisted she read so she'd be prepared to take over his investment firm when he decides to retire.

And surprisingly or not she had a natural talent for finance, something Connie and Lonnie had zero talent for and when they found out she had a talent that they didn't they started emotionally and verbally abusing her.

When her eyes landed on a very familiar handsome black haired blue eyed teen in a designer Sharmani 4 piece suit with a red tie.

Bonnie unconsciously gulped as her mouth watered. It wasn't his money, his power or any of that that made Bonnie salivate nor was it because he stood up to her protected Kimmy.

Obviously she wasn't happy about him protecting Kimmy but it was him standing up to her all the guys in her life were weak willed and crumpled before her.

Just like her daddy did with her and her mother. Just like grandpapi did for her grami and mama.

A strong man that would put her in her place was exactly what Bonnie wanted in a man; the fact he was rich and powerful was just a bonus.

'I'm totally going to steal him from you Kimmy.' swore Bonnie in her mind.

"I'll make you mine." Bonnie said aloud as she kissed the face on the magazine.


"Let me walk you out." Ann said as we finished eating pizza and wings James Possible was absent for dinner.

Ann walked ahead of me, slipping on her shoes as she walked out the front putting a lot of sway into her hips as she did so.

Loving the way her skirt hugged her hips and ass in all the right ways. 'Damn James Possible you are a dumb ass to cheat on this hot piece of ass and neglect her.' I thought to myself as I started walking abreast from her.

Ann languidly stepped up the ramp into the hover jet showing off her long toned legs and fair skin.

Once I was inside the aircraft Ann glued herself to my chest. "It's not fair, you know. You kiss me make me feel wanted, desired and then I find you with my daughter stripping her naked and playing with her breasts while you've left me all alone." Ann said while looking up at me with pouty lips that looked just like her daughter's, the bottom lip quivering slightly.

I couldn't help but gulp redheads where my kryptonite and always have been and always will be. combine that with Ann and her daughter's deadly looks and pouty lips I knew I was completely at her mercy.

Leaning down I pressed my lips against hers as my hands went down to her hips. Ann immediately sighed hotly into my mouth as she deepened the kiss as soon as my lips touched hers.

One of Ann's hands slipped underneath my shirt caressing my abs just like her daughter did earlier as her other arm wrapped around the back of my neck and her fingers ran through my hair.

My hands slid downwards gripping Ann's sizable bubble butt lifting her up into the air, her legs wrapped around my waist as I pushed her up against a support beam of the aircraft.

"MOM, DANTE ! ! !." We both jumped apart at Kim's yell.

"Ohh my god honey, I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me." Ann said as she ran out of the hover jet with tears in her eyes running into the house slamming the door behind her.

"I'm not even mad about you and my mom making out I was just going to let her know Mrs. Lorriel was going to drop off the twins in half an hour." Kim said as she walked over to me.

"So, my mom huh?" Kim asked as she teasingly ran her index finger over my heart that was pounding on my chest hot from fear but pure desire if Kim hadn't come in when she did I would have fucked Ann right here and now.

"Yeah, you and your mom are great and your mom deserves someone who's going to love her and satisfy her needs just as you do." I replied.

"Hmm." Kim hummed as she pressed her body against mine, her green eyes searching for something.

"As long as you promise not to break her heart. 'or mine I'll allow it." Kim said while biting her bottom lip. While mentally taking on the last bit.

'Plus it was so hot watching Dante make out with my mom. God there's totally a sitch in my head if that makes me horny.' Kim thought to herself.

"I can't promise I won't ever break either of your hearts Kim, but I promise I will always love you and Ann. And I'll do whatever I can to make you both feel loved and satisfied forever." I told her as I kissed her forehead.

Making Kim smile, before she blushed wildly and ducked her head into my chest nuzzling her face against my chest.

I could hear Kim mumbling some words into my chest but couldn't decipher them.

"Kim, I can't understand what you're saying." I told her gently. Making her look up at me with watery eyes and a look that told me she was seconds away from crying.

"I caught my dad cheating on mom when I was nine after coming back from a mission. Mom was pregnant with the twins and visiting Grandma for the weekend.

He bribed me with supporting me on going on missions as long as I kept his secret. There were so many times I wanted to tell mom the truth but I was afraid missions are my life. I didn't want to lose being able to go on them." Kim confessed through sobbs as the tears fell freely.

"I'm a horrible person and I pretend to be a hero." Kim cried out as she tried to push me away, probably to go hide like her mother did.

'Wow, that's a lot to carry on anyone's shoulders but damn massive mood swing, much maybe Kim's on her cycle.' I thought to myself as I pulled the crying girl tightly against me she fought it before sinking into my hug in defeat.

Running my fingers through her hair brushing it with my fingers as I rubbed circles into her lower back.

"You're not a bad person Kim. I wouldn't have fallen in love so easily with a bad person. You made a mistake out of fear your father never should have put you in that situation, never should have made you lie for him, never should have bribbed you.

And I'm sure missions weren't the only reason you didn't tell your mother about what you saw, it was because you also didn't want to make her cry. Right?" I comforted Kim while putting the blame on who it really belonged to.

Kim nodded into the crook of my neck as her hands that had balled up into fist that gripped my shirt tightly released and she cautiously hugged me around the middle.

"Ohh Kimmy." Ann said softly, making Kim jolt in my gentle embrace before she held me tighter and tried to disappear inside of me.

"Kim, Kimmy, Kimberly Ann Possible." Ann said in a mothering tone that was gentle but firm but Kim only held onto me tighter. Ann let out a sigh as she hugged her little girl from behind.

"You don't have to blame yourself honey I'm the one who should have realized something wasn't right sooner. I saw you looking scared, nervous and guilty.

While I was pregnant with the twins and I should have done something about it then I shouldn't have put it out of my mind like I did. I'm so sorry honey I'm a horrible mother." Ann confessed as she started sobbing that made Kim spun around like a speedster and hugged her mother both hugging, sobbing, crying laughing together making my head spin.

I still smiled at the mother and daughter pair as I slowly moved away to give them space for their moment but woman's intuition kicked in and I found myself brought into the hug.

"Your boyfriend gives the best hug Kim and he's an amazing kisser." Ann said softly as she hugged me while one hand gripped my ass.

'And he has an amazing body so muscular and god I can feel how big his cock is. It's bigger than James's by at least six inches. He's going to wreck Kimmy's virgin pussy.' Ann thought to herself while a little voice inside her head whispered. 'and mine.' making the woman flush pink at that thought.

Kim was blushing at her mother's words as kim.exe crashed the word boyfriend making her short circuit. While her heart fluttered in her chest as she developed that warm fuzzy feeling all over inside and against her skin.

Slipping my arms around their waists sliding my hands down theirs hips down to their ass grabbing both mother and daughters bottoms enjoying the difference in the two's posteriors.

Ann's ass was softer and more buoyant while Kim's was more firm and toned.

"Watch it, mister, you haven't even bought me dinner yet." Ann teased while she covered my hand with her own and squeezed my hand down harder on her ass.

I smiled at her. "Then would you like to go out on a date with me Ann anywhere in the world you name it." I replied while kissing her lips it was a quick gentle kiss.

Ann gulped while suddenly looking nervous I noticed Kim was operational again and looking at me with happy eyes but a pout on her lips.

"Don't look at me like that, Kim, you can ask for a date anytime you want to." I smiled at her kissing her nose making her and her mother giggle.

Looking back at Ann I saw looking at me with bedroom eyes as her one hand started rubbing the bulging crotch of my pants.

(Beep Beep Beep)

The sounds of a car honking snapped Ann out of her little trance making her sigh as she removed my hand from her ass before kissing my cheek.

"I'll call you when I decide where I want to go." Ann said before leaving the aircraft. 'That doesn't involve a bed.' Ann thought to herself as she struggled to leave without pushing things with him further.

"I better go, I have cheerleading practice in the morning before classes. Are you coming to school?" Kim asked while looking at me with hope filled puppy dog eyes.

"Hmm, to watch you dance around in a short skirt definitely." I smirked.

"Dummy." Kim muttered while blushing as she kissed my lips tenderly.

Goodnight Dante, see you tomorrow." Kim waved goodbye as she walked backwards out of the aircraft.


'Why do all these women keep falling for me and are so accepting of me? It just doesn't make sense women are instinctually greedy when it comes to their male partners slash mates.

Whereas men are instinctively greedy for more female partners slash mates, is this the effect of Desiree's wishes or is there something else here, a higher power or something else at play?' I questioned myself there's no logical way Kim would so readily accept me making out with her mom or Ann so easily coping with her daughter catching her in the act if there wasn't.

"Shit look at Shego a fight and a fuck later and we're in a committed relationship, I mean sure love at first fuck isn't completely unheard of and it's not like I'm ungrateful or anything but damn things just seem too easy and are going my way too well." I continued out loud as I closed the hatch to the hovercraft setting auto pilot to return me to the island.

"And then there's arriving here in Middleton instead of returning to Amity Park, Like how the fuck is that possible, how the fuck was I able to travel through the dimensional barriers so easily well it's a major fucking pain to create and power a portal to do so." I continued talking out loud to myself.

"What's that saying don't ask questions you might not like the answers too? Well whoever made that saying obviously hasn't gone through shit like this." I said out loud while sighing as I massaged my temples.

"Husband, are you okay? Kitty and I can feel your turbulent emotions even with the dimensional barriers separating us." Desiree asked while saying as she tried hugging me from behind only to go right through me.

"Ugh, this is so frustrating I wish Genie or Eden had time to open the door from this side for me so I can be there with you." Desiree sighed in exasperation.

"Genie as in lived in a lamp Genie? and Eden, the girlfriend of Genie from the series?" I asked.

"Yes, they are both technically my cousins but I hate Eden. She's the one who helped some mortals trap me in a bottle for some time." Desiree said while clenching her fists.

"I'm sorry your cousin betrayed you. What could possibly keep that blue guy busy? Nevermind probably a certain streetrat that became Sultan right hahaha." I joked, chuckling softly.

"Actually, well I'll let you see for yourself someday." Desiree replied with a loving smile while her eyes glimmered mischievously.

"So, will you share with me what burdens your mind my love?" Desiree whispered softly into my ear her voice soothing like sitting on a lake side during a warm summer night gazing up at the full moon and the stars.

"It's kind of all of this, I mean Shego fell for me and grew attached to me in a day Kim's been slower but it's still fast, and Ann we were a second away from fucking when walked and Kim's cool with it it just doesn't make sense to me. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy it." I verbalized things I felt were wrong.

"Hehehe-HAHAHAHA, haa haa ha. Sorry sorry, I feel like Spectra would be the best one to explain this to you given her background in the medical field.

So you know that your body is experiencing puberty correct? ("Yes") good well given your not only experiencing human puberty but you are also going through an ecto-maturation.

It's similar to puberty, I'm not a doctor though so some of this is just my opinion. Factor in your instability I'd say you're puberty is supercharged that means you're producing a lot of ecto-enriched slash enhanced pheromones.

That are very attractive to women in both their own developmental period or at the prime sexually charged years." Desiree started explaining things to me in her opinion of the situation.

"So I'm an aphrodisiac slash catnip for all pubescent teenage girls and milf mother's?" I asked while gaping slightly at that thought.

"In my opinion yes, but I also believe it's a double edged sword. It also means you are a lot more susceptible to the pheromones the women around you release. Hence you're easily falling in love and into bed." Desiree continued.

'Plus, those wishes I wrote for you. And had Kitty wish for you privately after you left. Also help with adding and keeping the women you are attracted to. After all, my husband will be the greatest man to ever be and he deserves the greatest harem ever made.' Desiree thought to herself remembering all the naughty things she'd wished for for her husband.

"Wow, thanks Des that really clears things up for me." I replied with a smile in my voice and on my lips.

"It's too bad I can't kiss you right now." I continued my smile turning into a smirk.

"(Humph) It's not nice to tease your wife, husband." Desiree humphed while her purple colored pouty lips made a cute pouting gesture.

I struggled to hold back a laugh at her cute display. 'Ooph critical hit, It seems all women can pull off cute.' I thought to myself.

"Sorry not sorry, you look too adorable like that." I told her in teasing honesty.

"I'll have my revenge, husband, I swear it. You've been warned." Desiree said while an evil smirk quirked her lips.

"Hmm, revenge you say, I'd say you're already having it having you so close and unable to hold you is pure torture." I confessed the last part in a soft voice. Making Desiree's eyes widen comically before they became half lidded with lust.

"You're lucky you're so sweet my husband." Desiree replied is a husky whisperer.

"Wait Des, you're projecting your mind or your astral form or something here. Can you not possess a body that already exists here and use it like your own?" I asked curiously, excitement leaking into my voice.

"That…could be possible but there's the risk that once I take over said body I'll be trapped there forever." Desiree replied while she twirled a lock of hair around her index finger pondering as she rested her chin against the palm of her other hand.

"Have Kitty make a wish that bypasses and removes that possibility or make a device with a safety feature that prevents that." I replied in a rush of words that sounded close to a whoosh as they left my lips.

"Or you could wish for the ability to travel the omni-verse without it negatively affecting you and your powers." I also tacked on.

"I can't grant wishes on the omni-versel level. I'm not powerful enough, I could gain more power by granting every wish I hear in our world but that would lead to its destruction." Desiree replied while letting out a tired sigh.

"Just making these full dive devices that media from your old world inspired took a lot out of me." Desiree continued sounding defeated.

"Hey, look at me." I told Desiree, making her look into my eyes.

"It'll be a few more days and then I'll be able to return home to you and Kitty." I said in comfort.

Desiree smiled softly before that smile twisted into an upset frown. "I have to go now, husband. I love you." Desiree blew me a kiss while she poofed out of existence.

"What was that all about?." I questioned no one but myself and the empty aircraft.


"Hello cousin." Expressed a blue skinned female Genie.

"Hi Genie, for a moment I thought you were Eden." Desiree replied happily hugging her cousin tightly there equally large chests smooshing together.

"No, we broke up and she's dating Ale now. Jasmine is busy running her empire.

While Ale is the king of thieves now instead of the prince of thieves he married some other girl when he and Jasmine realized they just weren't right for each other and I have never been happier for one of my lamp holders.

Wait a second something is different about you, you're missing something. Hmm, WAIT YOUR SHACKLES ARE GONE YOU'RE A FREE DJINN NOW THAT'S AMAZING DESIREE I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU ! ! !." Genie yelled excitedly while she jumped up and down still hugging Desiree and both of them became a blur.

"Hahahaha, yes my husband freed me from my curse." Desiree replied while smiling that love tranced smile as she thought about her man. Making Genie jealous since none of her relationships with anyone from her dimension have worked out.

"Don't get that look Genie, I'll introduce you to him and I'm sure you'll end up very happy for the rest of eternity." Desiree replied with a smile and a soft giggle.

"Desiree." Genie said with a veritable storm of emotions.

"Shh, he's perfect for us you'll see he's so loving and compassionate and so sweet and caring you'll fall in love immediately and he'll fall for you just as fast." Desiree continued that same lost in love look on her face.

"And he's not held back by the restrictions of the maker's of your universe, he's already making a harem so it will be exactly like it should be for us. We'll have lots of harem sisters." Desiree continued.

'Desiree sure is in love but I'll see for myself how he really is after all he's trapped in one of my universe dimensions.' Genie thought to herself devising a plan that would reveal his true colors.

"Tell me Desiree, what universe is he in? I'll go check up on him for you in person." Genie asked honestly while keeping her plotting to herself.

"It's the one with a girl named Kim Possible in it." Desiree told her easily.

"Wait can't I just come with you Genie?" Desiree asked, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"No better not, yours, mine and his presence might destabilize the dimension and cause it to collapse. If you were to seal your Djinn powers maybe but I wouldn't ask you to do that." Genie said only to have her eye poke out of her head shaped like torpedoes when she sensed her cousin sealing off her powers even if temporary it's torture for a Djinn to seal their abilities like this.

"Desiree what." Genie started to question her cousin.

"Being apart from his is the worse torture imaginable sealing away my abilities is only a slight discomfort compared to the pain I've been feeling in my heart at being unable to be close to him.

To feel his warmth to bask in his attention the feeling of his lips against mine his hard throbbing cock ramming Into my depths the feeling of his hot seed spraying into my womb." Desiree was saying when a gag formed in her mouth silencing her while Genie blushed fiercely and tried denying the fire she felt between her legs.

"Fine, fine you can come but let me go first and check out the situation of the dimension first okay, please?" Genie all but begged. To which Desiree agreed with a hesitant nod.


Genie pov.

'I can't believe Desiree the Djinn, who hates all men and women with a deep fiery passion, fell in love so easily with a man.

Wow this is amazing, it's like the barrier opened up for him as if he belonged here and happily let him in without any damage or scars at all.

This shouldn't be possible unless he's a. No, Des would have told me she wouldn't have kept something so important from me.

Reincarnates are so important to omni-verses because they breathe new life into them or kill them off when they need it, their practically our version of gods.' Genie continued to think to herself as she inspected the barriers between dimensions and universes for damage.

"If what I think is true then Desiree is right, her husband really is special. Even if she didn't come out and say those words exactly, I know she meant them in her heart." Genie expressed out loud while feeling happy slash jealous for her cousin's happiness.

'Let's see what he's up to. highschool why would he want to go to highschool, never mind I see the answer to that question.' Genie asked herself while coming to her own conclusion.


After a poor night's rest right up until Shego snuggled into bed with me I sat awake in anxiety thinking about going back to school.

Highschool wasn't bad for me but it wasn't great either. I hated having to waste eight hours plus a day there when I could have been working and making money to help out with taking care of my younger sibling.

Family was always my driving force, friends that might as well be family were my second. I ended up pushing most people away for some reason or another mostly my own faults.

I worried I would end up doing the same with Kim or anyone else I might grow involved with at Middleton high. But feeling Shego's warm soft body snuggled up against me, those thoughts melted away and I fell asleep hugging my green skinned beauty.


Waking up to a warm wet sucking force around my cock and the wet slurping sounds.

(Murphshlick Murphshlick Murphshlick Murphshlick.)

"I could get used to this." I groaned as Shego deep throated my cock.

"Today's your first day of school I thought you deserved a special wake up." Shego said while smiling saucily as both her hands worked my shaft expertly.

"I wouldn't mind waking up like this everyday." I joked. Making Shego smirk.

"I don't know about everyday, wouldn't want to spoil you plus a girl deserves to feel special too." Shego replied as she took my cock back into her mouth.

"Why don't you put that juicy pussy over here so I can make your morning special too." I replied in a moan as Shego swirled her tongue around my cock head.

Shego swung her hips over my head mounting my face putting her tasty light green folds in front of my face making me salivate as her nectar dropped from her wet sex onto my nose.

Smirking evilly as I enjoyed the way Shego wiggled her hips above my face as I used my ghost tongue penetrating her depths wriggling my tongue through her insides making her scream around my tongue as she squirted all over my face.

I felt her teeth scraping against my cock that sharp sensation of pain mixed with the warm wet tight pleasure of her throat and mouth pushed me over the edge.

While I continued to move my tongue around her depths as I played with her clit with my fingers.

"Pahhh, ohh fuck handsome I should ngh ahh have mmm fuck yes let you eat maaaahhh pussy sooner fuck." Moaned Shego as she stroked my cock with both of her hands.

Slowly removing my tongue from her sex. Making her moan sadly even as she tried crushing her pussy against my face.

"Nooo don't stop." Shego moaned depressingly at the absence of my tongue. Using my pseudo-telekinesis lifting Shego up into the air with it I flew up holding her right side up.

Shego wrapped her legs around my waist as both her hands cupped either side of my head as she leaned in to kiss me channeling a bit of ecto-energy into my mouth to disintegrate any residual jizz left in her mouth.

So I didn't have to taste it. Our kiss was deep but gentle as our tongues wrapped around each other and our lips moved slowly.

"I think I like flying in your arms the best." Shego whispered with lidded eyes and a smoky husky voice.

I laughed softly as I started trailing kisses along her neck up her jaw to her ear. "You ain't seen nothin yet babe." I teased as I gently bit her earlobe, pulling back on it slightly before letting it go.

"Ohh mmm, show me handsome." Moaned Shego.

Flying us into the bathroom shower peeling Shego off of me making her pout sadly as her one eyebrow lifted up looking at me questioningly.

Making me smile at her as I turned on the water looking around I noticed the shelves on and cutouts in the shower were now filled with feminine care products, expensive ones at that over a dozen all put together.

Bath oils, soaps, conditioners, shower sponges. "I see you made this room ours." I said with a warm smile and was rewarded by a now very shy, self-conscious, timid and submissive Shego standing in front of me covering her breasts with one hand as the other covered he sex one leg crossed over the other as she leaned against the shower wall.

"This is a nice change of pace, you like this." I said as I cupped her chin gently, running my thumb over her green lips.

"I can take everything out if you don't like it." Shego replied, nervousness clear in her voice.

"Hmm, and why would you do that?" I asked. While knowing why in my heart.

"Don't make me say it please." Shego replied, tears starting in her eyes.

Feeling like a dick for pushing her so far I smiled lovingly at her as I gently kissed her lips. "I'm happy to share a room with you." I replied as I ran a hand up and down her tummy stroking it softly.

"Mmm." Moaned Shego at my touch.

"But you should keep your own bedroom and everything, because I have other lovers and you or they may not want to share the same bed and everything with you. And you may just want your own place where you can have privacy and everything." I told her, trying to make my thoughts known to her.

Shego smiled shyly. "I still have my own quarters with an extra set of everything in it. After last night I realized my place was beside you in all things. I want us to have our little place where." Shego started to express what she felt. When I put my thumb against her lips silencing her.

"I understand we should have a space together where we can be a couple." I replied with a smile as I duplicated my hands by 4 more turning on the water and grabbing a bottle pouring some soap onto my hands rubbing them together to lathering them up with soapy bubbles.

"Now move those hands so I can worship my beautiful girlfriend's body." I smiled at her lewdly, making Shego flush deeply as she dropped her hands to her sides as I started soaping her up.

Shego got a bit of her bravery back and grabbed the bar of soap I'd been using for myself, rubbing it against my body as I washed her front.

Her hands tracing my arms soaping me up moving around my upper torso as I concentrated on her hips, sides, tummy breasts, collarbone and neck.

"Ooh this is so nice, I've never done anything like this before with anyone." Sighed Shego as I spun her around washing her back and shoulders before moving down to her delicious ass that under the pretenses of washing her I molded the pliant ass flesh under my fingers.

"Mmm do you like my ass handsome? I put a lot of work in to get an ass this fine." Shego wiggled her ass a little in my grip.

"Love it, just like I love all of you that I've gotten to see and I'm sure I'll love everything I come to discover about you over time." I whisper while pressing myself up against her back, my hard cock hot dogging her ass.

"Flattery will get you everywhere Handsome." Shego sighed hotly as my hands slid from where they were resting on her hips up to her breasts cupping them from underneath as I started snapping the soft balls while rolling her erect nipples with my thumbs.

"W-wait I want to wash you fi-mmm-rst." Shego struggled to keep her moans out of her voice.

"Sure thing." I said while pulling back, my hard cock covered in soap suds springing up and down a few times before Shego pressed her body up against mine rubbing herself against me.

Her hands nimbly ran all over my body as I made an avatar body to finish what I started with her. Washing down her legs before grabbing the shampoo massaging her scalp with my fingers while also running them through her long, voluminous silky soft hair.

"Ohh yeah massage my hair mmm more mmm hnn it fweels so good." Moaned Shego like she was about to have a soft orgasm. Smirking at her cute slash erotic reaction to having her hair washed by me.

"When's my turn?" I jokingly teased.

"(Haa) Okay." Shego sighed in fake exasperation. But a wide smile lit up her face replacing the small one she'd been wearing.

I tried very hard not to but I started purring at the feeling of Shego's fingers against my scalp and thru my hair as she stood behind me pressed flat against my back.

A weakness I'd always had in my old life that few girlfriends had discovered about me and was surprised it carried over into this new body of mine was having my head rubbed just like this.

"Hmm, handsome it seems I found another weakness of yours." Shego said with a smirk in her voice. Her mask came back on now that she had found a weakness to exploit but I didn't mind.

"Mmm, you're one of my weaknesses too." I spoke softly pretending like I was trying to hide something or that I was embarrassed about it. But it was nothing more than an act, something Shego missed on her little power trip.

So she wasn't expecting what I did next using spectral manipulation like I did to kill that bitch turning around putting my hands on Shego's hips spinning her around backwards so her ass was facing me.

"Wh-what?" Shego stuttered in questioning shock.

"Don't think that just because you found a weak spot you hold all the power honey." I teased with a smirk on my lips and a tenderness in my voice especially when I saw the frightened look Shego shot over her shoulder at me.

I started smacking her ass cheeks not too hard though it was just enough to make them jiggle and shake.

(Smack smack Smack smack )

"Ahh ahh no do-don't spank me ah agh." Shego moaned while she braced herself up against the shower wall by throwing her arms of hands landing against the tile walls as her fingers splayed outwards to help support herself.

"Does Shego like getting her butt spanked? I joked teasingly as two of my reconstituted hands slid up her inner thighs with feather light touches.

Another set of hands slid up to her breasts cupping them roughly while pinching her nipples with just the right amount of force.

Shego's whole body started to tremble as I dominated her, completely moving my hands away from her ass, ceasing my spanking, removing my hands from the insides of her thighs, replacing them with my hard throbbing pulsating cock.

Slowly I started sliding back and forth with my hips slowly fucking her thighs making sure my cock brushed against her dripping wet folds.

"Mmm mmm yeah ju-just like that handsome mmm." Shego moaned softly as she started to move her hips in time with my thrusts.

(Beep beep Beep beep Beep)

The sounds of an alarm echoing through the room sounded in the bathroom even over the noise of the shower.

"Ahh ahh, that's your alarm to mmm see Kimmy's cheer practice, Handsome." Shego moan-sighed as she tried pulling away from me to stand up.

"That just means I'll have to speed things up." I growled as I slammed home inside her cunt knocking on her womb entrance.

"AHHH FUUUCCCKKK! ! !" Shego yelled as she had an explosive orgasm while her cunt clenched down around me making me blow my load inside her.

"Sorry gotta go babe." I said to Shego as I turned her and myself intangible while shutting off the water leaving us clean and dry as I flew us back to the bedroom softly throwing her into the bed while I threw open the closet door.

And was greeted by the sight of a walk in closet with his and her setup my side filled with both dress wear and casual wear.

I was about to call over my shoulder to Shego but I turned around only to see her passed out with her eyes partially open and only the whites of her eyes visible as her tongue lolled on her cheek.

Grabbing my phone out of my shadow I snapped a picture of Shego in her current state and sent it to her.

[I know some of your weaknesses too, 😍🥰 love you. Thank you for picking out a wardrobe for me. See you later.] I texted her with her pictures attached to the message.

'God I suck at text messaging.' I thought to myself as I put my phone back into my shadow and started getting dressed grabbing a button up black silk t-shirt, black jeans and black combat boots.

'Ahh, just my style.' I sighed happily.