Danny Phantom PT7


Kissing Shego's forehead before I sunk into the shadows and came out of them at the location of the sign for Middleton High.

Noticing how only a single bus was there letting out a few kids I was worried I was too late to see Kim's practice but then I heard a beep from behind me.

Turning around I saw Ann's car. She waved at me with a smile on her lips as Kim jumped out of the car.

"You actually came." Kim expressed happily as she threw her arms around my neck hugging me and I leaned in planting a chaste kiss against her lips only to feel an impact from the side.

"Come on Kim, personal space we're going to be late." Ron the master of cockblocking and annoyingness said as he grabbed Kim's arm and started pulling her towards the gym.

I quickly brought my hand down on Ron's shoulder making a lung full of air rush out of him in a humph sound.

"Ron, I'd appreciate it if you didn't grab my girlfriend like that and interrupt us while we're having a moment." I said as I looked down at him as Kim pulled Ron's hand off of her.

"G-girlf-girlfriend, Ki-Kim, what's he talking about?" Ron stuttered as he dropped to his knees and tried hugging her around the waist but I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt with one hand holding him back while I wrapped another around her waist pulling her against my side.

"R-Ron, Dante and I are dating, I think it's best we stop going on missions together and you should quit the cheerleading squad." Kim told Ron gently.

"K-K-K." Ron seemed stuck in a stutter as he started to cry.

Kim fell against me like all the strength left her body and I could tell she was about to cry too.

So I quickly sunk in the shadows while holding her tightly reappearing in her bedroom as Kim broke down into powerful sobs that made my heart clench for her.

"Why does it hurt so much?." Kim sobbed into my shoulder as her body trembled.

'Because you secretly loved Ron and you were both written for each other and I came in breaking the fourth wall taking you for myself maybe I don't know.' I replied to her question in my mind.

"Hurting friends to keep them safe always hurts like this." I lied to her while I rubbed her back.

"How would you know Kim?" Replied angrily, pushing me away as she clenched her hands into fists.

"I don't really know, never had the chance to make or lose any friends. I was just trying to help you." I replied.

"Well stop it, stop trying to make me feel better, stop trying to be there for me, just leave me alone." Kim yelled while pushing on my chest roughly.

"Okay Kim, I'll stop. I replied as I stood up to leave. "Call me if you change your mind." I told her as I stood up from my seat on her bed turning away from her as I was about to leave through the door.

Only for Kim to grab my shirt. "Don't go, I'm sorry, so the drama." Kim said in a crackly voice as she looked up at me with a quivering bottom lip, her face stained with tears.

"Believe it, so not a sitch." I replied with a smile and a concerned voice as I scooped Kim up in my arms before sitting back down in the bed with her sitting on my lap and snuggling into my arms.

"That's my hero phrase, you have to come up with your own." Kim said while her cheek rested against my chest.

(Snort) "I don't need a phrase. it wastes too much time and leaves you open for an attack." I told her.

"No hero phrases, no kisses." Kim replied petulantly.

"That's fine I can always just go get kisses from your mom." I replied in a teasing voice and Kim pinched my sides in response.

As she was looking up at me with big watery green eyes and a soft pout on her lips I couldn't help myself from leaning down playfully biting her bottom lip.

Both of us ignored the ringing of her watch and smartphone as the playful bite turned into a steamy make out slash up session.

I pushed Kim onto the bed putting my knee between her legs enjoying the way she started moving, gyrating her hips softly as her hands moved to take off my shirt.

Using one arm to hold me up. While I made another one which worked in tandem, with the free that was running up the outside of her thighs while the other one I just made started to brush her exposed tummy and now that I had a good look at her I realized she was in her cheer uniform.

"Well well Ms.Possible skipping school so you can make out with your boyfriend while wearing school property. Someone has to teach a naughty girl like you that there are repercussions in life." I said using my best mimication of an authority figure.

As I flipped her over onto her tummy bringing my hand down on her ass sharply. "As punishment for your blatant disrespect for your school, your uniform and your cheer squad I sentence you to twenty spanks and kisses all day long." I continued in that same authoritative tone as I continued spanking Kim's ass enjoying the way she squeaked and squealed with every slap and tried to cover her butt with her hands after the third slap but I held her wrists to the bed.

"EEE PWEASE STOP IT I PROMISE I'LL BE A GOOD GIRL I WON'T BREAK THE RULES ANYMORE DADDY ! ! !" Kim yelled out into her mattress loud enough for me to hear what she was saying clearly.

"That's not good enough Kimmycub as your daddy. I have to teach you right and that means punishing you when you deserve it." I told her my voice filled with fake sorrow.

"PWEASE I'll do anything you want ANYTHING I promise Daddy." Kim begged even as she lifted her butt up and wiggled it in the air a little until it hit my clothed crotch.

Looking at my hand I noticed it was wet. 'Damn is Kim a soft core M?' I wondered to myself.


Kim pov

Ohh my god what did I just say. I'm so wet and horny b-but am I ready for that am I ready to lose my to him.


"Ooo ohh oh oh yesss that fweels soo good daddy." Kim moaned out loud.

"Does Kimmycub like it when daddy rubs her horny little cunny while he's supposed to be punishing her." I asked teasingly.

"Yesss." Kim replied.

"Kim, do you want to go further or should we stop?" I questioned as I continued to rub her tight little virgin cunny lips through the thin fabric of her panties making her moan softly and sigh hotly.

"M-more." Kim stutter moaned.

And of course a screen came out of the wall showing the upper torso and face of an overweight African American boy.

"Ohh, s-sorry K-Kim, b-but y-you have a mission." Wade said through the screen stuttering.

"Damnit Wa-A-de." Kim expressed in angry exasperation.

"Sorry Kim but it's an emergency. Lord Monte Fiske was attacked mid-transport to the museum and the Jade idol was stolen by a ninja that used Tai Shing Pek Kwar. Fun fact Lord Monty Fiske is also a practitioner of Tai Shing Pek Kwar also known as Monkey Fu." Wade said as he showed a picture of a damaged suv and a beat up Bates and a bruised Monkey Fist while an SUV was flipped over upside down and on fire.

"I can't go Wade. I have to go to my cousin Larry's house since I missed family game night the other night." Kim replied as a holographic version of her appeared in front of us.

"I'll handle it for you Kim, it's so not the drama." The holo-Kim replied.

"Wade, please don't do that." Kim said while I silently watched on feeling eternally aggravated at being cock blocked again by this universe's constant interruptions.

"Aww, come on Kim please let me try out my new invention please." Wade begged Kim.

"No, Wade, it's too risky, it can wait until tomorrow." Kim replied firmly putting an end to Wade's pleading.

Making him sigh while the screen receded back into the wall.

"Sorry that ruined it, didn't it." Kim said while looking at me sadly.

"Yeah kinda, but I'm sure we could pick up where we left off if you want to. That is if you want to." I replied to Kim as I caressed her ass.

"Mmm, I-i want to but school." Kim replied.

"I'm sure you can miss one day Ms.Possible I'll even go and check on Lord Monty Fiske for you and recover the totem for you while you have a family night." I told Kim as I slid her drenched panties over sliding my middle finger into her wet hot little cunny.

"Ooo that feels so oh much betterrr than my fingerszzz." Moaned Kim.

"Just wait until you feel my big fat cock stretching out this tight little cunny of your's." I leaned down whispering in her ear as I planted kisses on the side of her neck.

"Ohh ohh oh I'm I'm CUMMING." Moaned Kim as her cunny clenched around my finger, her cum squirting against the palm of my hand.

"Such a naughty little girl cumming from daddy's finger in your pussy so easily." I teased as I brought a hand down on her rump while I continued to slide my finger in and out of her sopping wet cunny.

"Yes yes I'm such a naughty girl for daddy." Moaned Kim as her cunny continued to clench my finger tightly.

"Mmm, yes you are." I whispered as I freed my hard throbbing cock from my jeans. Flipping her skirt up smacking my meaty cock against her ass.

"I-is th-that yo-your p-penis?" Questioned Kim nervously, and more than a little frightened.

"It is but daddy's naughty girl knows what it's really called, doesn't she? no reason to pretend to be so innocent with daddy, now is there call it what it really is Kimmycub." I teased as I started grinding my hardness against Kim's panty clad butt.

"Daddy's cock, Daddy's cock is so big and hot it feels good against my butt just like daddy's fingers feel so good in my pussy." Kim replied with a hot wanton moan.


'If anyone else cock blocks me from taking Kim's virginity I'm going to kill them and fuck Kim over there cooling corps.' I growled in my mind as I put my fist through a wall of some random building in Middleton.

Spotting a gas station I walked over getting a pack of smokes and a lighter sparking up the smoke before I'd even fully exited the store drawing a shout from customer and store worker alike.

Blowing out a large breath of smoke. 'Ahh, that feels so good.' I mentally sighed on exhale.

'Maybe I overreacted a little.' I continued thinking to myself Monique really needed her best friend I guess and part of Kim's charm is how far she'll go for the people she loves and cares about.

"Just sucks we were so frickin close." I sighed out loud as I took another drag from my cig.

"I guess everything happens for a reason though, I did promise to go check in on Monkey Fist and recover the Jade idol for her." I continued speaking outloud while walking down the sidewalk only for Ron and Kim to pop up out of nowhere.

"Hey, Kim, Ron, Kim I thought you were going to spend time with Monique and later with your cousin Larry to make up for missing family game night." I asked while looking at her intently.

"Yeah, so not the sitch, she was fine after a little talk, so not the drama." Kim replied.

'Something doesn't feel right about her, I can't feel her emotions and Ron is all over the place.' I thought to myself as I started to reach towards her but Kim moved away and Ron seemed to trip into me.

"Well I was just about to shadow travel to Lord Monty Fiske's manor." I replied easily as I started to sink into the soft swirling shadows beneath my feet.

"Cool, what's that?" Asked Ron.

Smirking evilly I pulled all three of us down into the shadows and appeared out front on the manor I'd previously left Monkey Fist at.

Looking around I noticed Kim wasn't where she was supposed to be and all that was in her place was empty space.

'Wade that little fat fuck I'll roast him for this.' I growled in my mind as my fist crackled with purple lightning.

"Woo dude cool it with the sparkly hands." Ron said, making me look at him, my anger being directed towards him making him tremble and throw up his hands in a disarming manner while backing up.

"Go knock on the door Ron." I told him, making him jump and run towards the door. Ron started incessantly pressing the doorbell button while muttering "bad road I told Kim this guy is bad road.

"Who is ringing the bloody doorbell over and over again?" Shouted the voice of the butler Bates.

I was only about to greet Monkey Fist when he started having some sort of mental breakdown and started yelling about how he was a master of Tai Shing Pek Kwar and that he stole the totem so he could become a true mystical monkey master while showing off his accomplishments.

Ron started screaming and escaped making Monkey Fist chase after him while I walked into the ritual space and was encased in mystical energy that I could feel strengthening my body, mind and spirit while also uploading the forms of Monkey Fu to my mind.

"NO ONLY I CAN HAVE MYSTICAL MONKEY POWERS ! ! !." Monkey Fist shouted as he moved to attack me while Ron started to run into the ritual space to gain his power up at Larry's guidance through Wade's holographic technology.

However before Ron could enter the ritual area and gain mystical monkey powers I had Shadow swallow the totems before I combined Vlad's extensive combat training and incorporated it into the Monkey Fu.

Monkey Fist kept acrobatically jumping around; most of his attacks pointed at me came from his feet while I would allow most blows to pass harmlessly through me.

Before striking out with my own Monkey Fu moves while coating my fast and fists in ecto energy enhancing the damage my hits made, Monkey Fist dropped to the ground bloody and bruised while Ron stood there with his mouth gaping in shock.

Rufus pulled a sign out of where I honestly don't want to know and started parading it around like a WWE announcer that read "WE HAVE A WINNER ! ! !."

All the while the little guy made happy shouting noises into the air. It was kinda cool. And I could easily see now why he was Ron's best friend.

"That was awesome, no wonder Kay-Pee wants you on missions instead of me." Ron replied, shoulders slumping as he ducked his head towards the ground.

"Kim just wants you to be safe Ron you wouldn't believe how much it broke her heart to tell you that though. She's still your friend Ron that'll never change." I told him as I rested my hand on his shoulder.

"Th-thanks man, and I'm happy you and Kim are dating, sorry for ruining your guy's time together earlier today." Ron replied as he rubbed the back of his head nervously.

The holo-Larry was standing there clapping rapidly "this is even better than." I didn't hear what he was about to say because holo-Kim replaced him.

"Good job guys, the authorities are on their way to arrest Monkey Fist just wait a little longer and then you can leave." Kim said she looked at me and I could see something in her gaze that something was off when she looked at me even though it was just a holoimage of her.

'Wonder what's up with her?' I thought to myself mentally.

After waiting for a bit two police vehicles pulled up two officer's exiting each vehicle. All four cops thanked Kim for her work which she accepted and then gave Ron and I credit as an afterthought, something I didn't really mind but found odd given her usual personality.

Once they finished taking Monkey Fist into custody I handed over some of the other stolen monkey themed artifacts Lord Monty Fiske had stolen but kept the idols in my shadow since I didn't want anyone else to gain powers through them along with one very special half of an artifact.

Ron looked like he wanted to say something but stopped himself which was a good thing in my book. Taking Ron back with me to Middleton, dropping him off at Bueno Nacho as he requested, I decided to go collect another dangerous monkey related artifact that could be used to travel through time and space.

Flying to tri-city my destination being the Tri-city museum which held a piece of The Tempus Simia within its walls just waiting to be taken by mwah.

'I wonder if this monkey relic can get me back home? I only have three days left until my date with Ember and I miss being able to hold Des and Kitty in my arms.' I thought to myself as I flew into the city sporting the oddly shaped museum from afar quite easily.

Turning invisible and intangible I sunk through the all glass ceiling without any consequence and started looking for the monkey related relic after a couple hours.

I found that it wasn't on display so after looking for and finding a computer terminal in one of the offices that was marked curator.

Looking through shipping records manifests and yet to be cataloged and displayed pieces of history before I found what I was looking for.

Grabbing the relic with my shadow storing it along with the totems just as my phone started ringing.

(Ring ring Ring ring)

"Mushi mushi." I said into the phone jokingly.

"Sorry, wrong number I guess, bye." Kim said through the phone, sounding a bit troubled.

"Kim it's me, I was just joking around, what's wrong Kim? you sound upset" I said into the phone my voice filling with the worry I felt inside that started when I saw that look on Kim's face through the holo-Kim.

"I…can you meet me at the community center that we went to the other day? I…" Kim asked, her voice sounding fragile to my ears.

"Of course I'll be there in a minute." I said into the phone as I hung up.

'Okay something is definitely off with Kim I wonder what could it be?' I thought to myself as I shadow traveled to the abandoned community center.

As I came out of the shadows I felt an overwhelming amount of negative emotions and energy radiating off of Kim.

The closest thing to the feeling the energy gave me as I absorbed it was walking outside in negative thirty degree weather and being assaulted by 100 mile per hour winds with a wind chill of negative fifty degree weather.

A part of me hated how good it felt because I knew it was Kim's anguish while another part of me loved it and wanted more so much more of it.

Kim was sitting on the ground huddled into herself, her head resting against her knees.

Her arms wrapped around her ankles I could easily see her taking shallow breaths through the trembling of her body.

"Kim." I called softly as I approached her cautiously since something didn't feel right about any of this.

"Kim it's me, Dante." I said as I rested my hand against her knee next to where her forehead touched it.

"Mmm." Looking closely I now noticed thin transparent fabric wrapped around her wrists and ankles while when she brought her head up she was gagged.

"MMMM MMMM MMMMMM." Kim started moving frantically in her bonds as her eyes widened.

(Clap clap clap clap clap.)

"Quite commendable, arriving within a minute when you were previously so far away." Said a steely voice belonging to a woman, a voice that demanded respect as the sound of strong footsteps echoed against the walls of the building.

"You know kidnapping someone important to me like this is a good way to get yourself killed." I replied back in an equally steely but razor sharp voice.

"Hahaha, yes like the five members of the south street gang that you executed quite efficiently just the other day." Replied the woman in an amused almost amicable tone of voice.

"If you think you can blackmail me you're dead wrong. Emphasis on the dead part besides there is no evidence that I did anything of the sort. I don't even know where south street is." I replied, with some faked amusement leaking into my voice.

"You're mostly right, just eyewitness testimony of a teenage girl that saw a white hair green eyed boy kill in self defense which could be admissible in court as hearsay." Replied the woman, her voice sounding genuinely amused now.

"Mmm, must be that eye patch is fucking with your eye sight my hairs black and my eyes are blue. 'Much like you, when I'm done with you. hehe I made a rym.' I mentally added on to my response to Dr. Betty Director, the Director of GJ or Global Justice KP-verse's version of SHIELD.


"Mmm, must be that eye patch is fucking with your eye sight my hairs black and my eyes are blue. 'Much like you, when I'm done with you. hehe I made a rym.' I mentally added on to my response to Dr. Betty Director, the Director of GJ or Global Justice KP-verse's version of SHIELD.


"Hahahaha, I like you, but you see we not only have surveillance video of you…what did you call it going ghost but we also have surveillance footage of you exiting a portal from the ghost zone into our world. And yes Global Justice knows about ghosts and the ghost zone you're not the first ghost to come to our world, however you are the first half ghost too." Betty said her arms crossed underneath her medium sized breasts.

"This place is wired, isn't it? It's how you have so much information on me." I replied hoping that was the case and that it wasn't that Kim betrayed the trust I put in her.

"Yes and no junior agent Possible here gave me a full briefing after your date together." Betty Director replied with a smirk quirking onto her lips at my poorly concealed hurt filled expression that made its way onto my face.

"I see." I replied back as I slowly sunk down into the shadows while in the shadows I called the last piece of the Tempus Simia to me to combine the two pieces together as I exited the shadows next to Shego in our shared bedroom in the island villa as I had Shadow absorb my bike.

As I wrapped my arms around the unsuspecting Shego's waist while holding the artifact desperately wanting a way home making a swirling green portal open up in front of us.

I flew into it with Shego in my embrace she didn't even make a sound of reproach and i could tell through my power's and her positive energy was that because she loved me with her entire being and trusted me with her life.

As soon as I was through the portal with Shego in my arms I was immediately greeted with the feeling of being in my ghost lair and my head and face was immediately squashed into large marshmallowy soft milky smelling breasts that until that moment I hadn't even realized I'd been crying.

'Don't be a pussy, don't cry over some girl you barely knew, don't be such a prime example of your zodiac sign.' I mentally chastised myself even as I made another set of arms to hug myself tighter into Desiree's warm loving embrace.

I felt Kitty hug my other side as well pulling out of Desiree's breasts. I noticed a watery smile on her face. "I didn't expect your plan to create a portal to come to fruition this quickly, husband but I'am happy you are home finally." Desiree said with so many emotions in her voice as her positive energy overflowed making me feel intoxicated from it as she pressed her lips against mine instigating a slow but passionate love filled kiss.

I could also feel Shego's and Kitty's positive energy and emotions making the sting I felt from Kim's fabricated betrayal fade away into an echo. Releasing Shego and breaking my kiss with Des I turned in Kitty's hold and initiated a searing kiss with her as my hands snaked down to her ass under her red skirt as I gripped her perfect butt.

'It feels good to be home.' I quietly thought mentally as a weight I'd been carrying around since my dimensional displacement melted away leaving me feeling like I was on cloud nine.

I grabbed Desiree while keeping Kitty in my embrace flying the tree of us into the master bedroom on the second floor of the house. Des snapped her fingers making both of their clothes vanish with poof sound and a small cloud of purple mist.

Before another cloud of purple must and a bamf sound deposited a naked Shego on the bed.

"Thanks Des, for including Shego." I said wholeheartedly.

"Of course Husband she is our sister wife after all her place is beside us in all things though of course we all will have our private time with you as per the chart Kitty and I created of course it's just a loose guide line for you to use husband." Desiree started to ramble but I shut her up by placing the head of my hard cock against her lips.

To which she happily took it into her mouth swirling her tongue around the head and the additional length that was inside.

"Handsome I'm happy to be in your secret ghost lair thingy but I do have people back home that I love and care about and your portal isn't finished yet." Shego said trailing off when she looked into my eyes.

"Handsome, what happened?" Shego asked in concern as she walked over and hugged me from the side as Kitty went underneath me to play with my balls but I made another cock for her to suck.

"Kim, she betrayed the trust I gave her, she's a GJ agent." I replied, hating how hollow yet filled with emotions my voice was.

"Kimmy isn't an agent. I don't know what's going on but I'm sure Kim wouldn't betray your trust, she's just not that kind of girl." Shego replied, kissing my cheek while she rubbed my abs, chest and back.


When Desiree heard what was said she had a sneaking suspicion as to who was behind this turn of events and the next time she saw her she'd be kicking some Djinn ass.


"I have to go back Kim…could be in danger…I shouldn't have run off like an emotional little bitch." I said as I reluctantly pulled away from my lovers.

"We're coming with you." Kitty and Desiree said in unison voice's filled with firm resolve.

"As long as it's safe for the both of you." I started to say but was immediately cut off by a groan escaping my throat as both Kitty and Des attacked my cock and my balls with their ghostly mouths.

"Maybe she can wait a little while longer." I groaned as both Desiree and Kitty were doing amazing things with their mouths as Shego massaged my shoulders.


Laying in my bed in the ghost lair I share with Kitty and Desiree both of them taking my right and left sides snuggling against my shoulder blades in their human forms and Kitty's human form almost matches her ghost one exactly except she has fair white skin red hair and green eyes.

While Des has her dark tan skin, long and slightly curly black hair. While Shego with her light green skin her long voluminous green hair that is such a dark shade of green looks black rested on my chest after the four way fuck fest we'd just finished each of the girls having a fucked silly and satisfied expressions on their faces.

While I brought the tempus simia back out of the shadows. "To think I could have just went and got you that entire time if I wanted to return home, what a fucking joke." I laughed darkly to myself.

'Am I now a master of time and space? That'd be pretty dope if I was.' I thought to myself.

'Hahahahaha, now I don't have to worry about missing my date with Ember, and why don't I go do that now and get it done and over with.' I thought to myself as I slipped from my girl's embrace and flew towards the Fenton portal that laughably had signs pointing towards it's direction with Jack Fenton's face all over them.

"At least the guy makes things easy for the ghosts." I chuckled out loud as I flew through the portal and right through the Fenton ghost catcher that made me scream out in agony as it felt like goodification magnified by a thousand.

"AGGGGHHHHHHHH ! ! !" I screamed as I tried holding myself together, flying out of the Fenton Works building and into Danny Fenton's room where she was lying spread out on her bed, her fingers working her little virgin cunny into a frenzy as she writhed on the sheets.

"H-eLL-p M-e." I called out to her as I collapsed onto the ground becoming dead to the world around me as a sense of cold numbness started to fill me.

A secret lab below the not so secret lab a buxom woman in a blue jumpsuit could be found working tirelessly to stabilize the young teen boy that was a clone of her daughter.

A flame of maternal instinct, a love towards the boy, a roaring inferno in her heart as she worked on improving the compound her husband created to weaken and kill ghosts but was actually a supersoldier serum equivalent for them.

Danny was almost constantly obsessively checking on her male clone terrified that if she left him for even a moment he'd be gone forever just like Dani so even when her mother told her to lay down and get some rest to which she adamantly refused and kept herself pressed up against the glass cylinder where he was suspended in concentrated and purified ectoplasm.

"Mom?" Danny called her mother's name questioningly.

"Not now Danielle, I'm busy, something is off with his D.N.A. It's like there's a different strain of D.N.A that's corrupting what would have otherwise been a stable hybrid chain between human and ecto. Look at this." Maddie said while she put the image from her microscope onto a large monitor so Danny could see what she was seeing.

"I know I've seen this somewhere before I just can't remember where." Maddie continued to say as she let out a sigh filled with resignation.

"It looks like fruit loops ecto acne." Danny told her mother as she awkwardly scratched the back of her head. Which made Maddie jump out of her chair and hug her daughter tightly to her chest.

"You're such a brilliant girl Danny I wish you'd use that big brain of yours more often." Maddie exclaimed, kissing her daughter's forehead with that information, her fingers blazing over a keyboard on hand coming off the keyboard to write some words on a notepad at random.

"MMMOOOM ! ! !" Danny said as she scrubbed her forehead where her mother had kissed her.

"That sick BASTARD MADE A BABY WITH MY BABY I'M GOING TO DISSECT HIM AND KEEP HIM ALIVE IN ENDLESS AGONY ! ! !" Maddie Fenton shouted as she started weaponing up with hightech weapons and an energy sword that had dual blades of glowing green energy.

"MOM WHAT ABOUT DANTE HE NEEDS YOU ! ! ! WE CAN ALL KICK FRUIT LOOP'S BUTT LATTER ! ! !" Danny yelled to get her mother's attention back.

"Right, thank you Danny." Maddie said with a calm smile as she set her weapons down on an empty metal table.

Danny just looked at her mother and nodded dumbly in response to her mother not sure who was crazier, her mother or her father.

"Hmm." Maddie hummed as a pensive look started to form on Maddie's face as she ran simulations.

"Danny?" Maddie called out her daughter's name inquisically.

"Yeah mom?" Danny replied in curiosity.

"I need a fresh sample of Vlad's D.N.A to isolate that issue his genetic string is having with yours." Maddie told her daughter as she rubbed her temples and closed her eyes for a second only to see her daughter fly through the ceiling of her secret lab.

"I guess we're more alike than you want to admit, Danny." Maddie said with a fond smile as she stood up walking over to the tank resting her hand against it.

"I'm too young to be a grandmother." The scientists teased herself as she inspected the face of the boy as he was suspended inside the ectoplasm.

"So handsome is this what Danny would have really looked like if she was born as a boy or is this because of Vlad?" Maddie hummed curiously to herself.



Danny busted through the large doors of the castle.

"VLAD GET YOUR CRAZY BUTT OUT HERE SO I CAN KICK IT." Danny shouted as she started firing ecto-beams off at random destroying some of Vlad's prized football memorabilia.

"Ahh Danielle what a pleasant surprise, have you finally decided to swear off Jack Fenton as your father and become my daughter?" Vlad asked in a voice filled with arrogance.

"Never." Danny replied, punching Vlad in the stomach while he had his arms spread out in a hug welcoming gesture.

"Cough cough cough, Very well Danielle if that's how you want it." Vlad replied as he went ghost and made a couple dozen duplicates and proceeded to hand Danny's ass to her quite thoroughly. Danny was bouncing off of shields Vlad's duplicates would make when she was sent flying in their direction.

"(Sigh) Tell me dear girl, why are you really here?" Vlad sighed as he set the beaten Danny into a high backed comfy chair as he took a sip of wine. Danny looked up at him with anger and hate filled eyes.

"I need your D.N.A to save my clone." Danny replied venomously.

That made Vlad choke on the sip of wine he was about to swallow. "Very well then." Vlad replied pretending not to care in the least but Danny saw through the thin facade in a surprising display of her strong instincts.

Vlad phased through multiple floors before entering his lab taking multiple samples of his D.N.A through his human form, his mid-shift form and his ghost from sealing them all away in a secure carrying case before returning to Danny.

"Call if you need more." Vlad said in pretend haughtiness.

"You love him." Danny said in shock as she took the case from him noticing how Vlad developed a light flush even as he charged up a pink ecto-beam pointing his hand at her making Danny fly through the wall and back outside trying to stop herself from laughing or throwing up she couldn't decide.


"Vlad gave me all of these samples when I asked for them…Mom…I think he loves him…like you love me." Danny told Maddie feeling like she wanted to laugh and throw up at the thought of Vlad loving anyone.

"Of course he does." Maddie replied a bit absent-mindedly as she was comparing the two genetic samples under the microscope.

"I think I have a way to not only stabilize him but to also make him stronger. Danny, do you trust him?" Maddie turned around and asked her daughter though it was hard for most people to tell with her face mask and goggles Maddie was asking a very serious question.

"He's me right? I know I'm not awesome but I'm a good person and a hero and I know he is too whether or not because Vlad raised him so do it mom." Danny told her mother, making Maddie smile happily and nod as she walked over to a console attached to the cylindrical chamber where Dante rested suspended in ecto-energy.

As Maddie typed away commands on a computer terminal a frame with dozens of needles slowly descended into the tank some needles were long with heavy gauges while others were short with light gauges as a neon green liquid flowed through translucent tubing to the needles that pierced all over Dante's body.

I woke up feeling thousands of sharp stings all over my body. I on reflex went ghost only to feel gentle but firm hands rest on my shoulders holding me in place.

I saw Danny through a green distortion and my heart thumped in my chest.

'Beautiful.' my traitorous mind whispered in my ear. At her glowing green eyes and that long silky white hair, her fair blemish free skin.

'Why am I here? Wait that's right I was going to go to recover the reality gauntlet and the three gems from the men in white and the track down circus freak guy and steal the power gem from him. But I accidentally flew through the Fenton Spector separator. And now I'm in this chamber. Why aren't I dead?' I asked myself as I tried very hard to peel my gaze away from the beautiful female version of Danny Fenton.

'God what is wrong with me this girl left me for dead and I'm fucking crushing on her because she's pretty.' I angrily thought to myself.

A new wave of fire flooded into my body as this thick green ooze was pumped into my body through the needles that had just penetrated my skin.

I tried to scream and fight against Danny's hold but she held steadfast and unshakable. My world was burning agony and then sweet cool relief before I felt myself grow stronger at a rapid pace.

My head pounding while my body thrummed with foreign power not knowing how to handle all of this from Danny saving me with Maddie's help Maddie who was coming up from behind an overturned desk she'd must have taken cover behind to the new surge of strength.

I turned intangible flying through the ceiling of the underground lab through the Fenton lab always shown on the TV show through the house and ops center into the sky before I picked a random direction and flew away at top speed breaking the sound barrier as I did so.

"He left." Danny said in shock as her mother came over and wrapped her in a hug.

"He's been through a lot and woke up in a strange setting. He'll be back sweetie, trust me mommy knows best." Maddie said co-conspiratorially to her daughter in comfort while hoping she was right and that the young man came back home to them because in her heart she truly believed that this was his home.

Flying through the sky enjoying the feeling of the wind rushing through my hair.

Landing on a power line slash phone line pressing my hand against the signal accelerator I was able to enter the world web and through that.

It was a cakewalk to track down the men in white and freakshow's location and luckily they were both in the same place. And so was the reality gauntlet and its gem's.

'Should I include Des, Shego and Kitty? Nah…I also have to return to Kim and make sure she's safe. I'll just use the tempus simia to return right when I previously left to make it like I never left at all.' I thought to myself still feeling regretful over acting like a bitch and running away.

Getting all the information I needed I started my flight towards the Men in White's secret base located in Amity Park.

I tried phasing through the walls but I was repelled back and electrocuted by a ghost shield smirking to myself as the electrical current felt like a deep tissue massage as I reared back my fist punching the thick cement wall.

Making spider cracks and a dent form into the wall on my second blow with an ecto-energy enhanced fist my fist went right through the cement and rebar reinforced wall.

While on the other side manipulating my ecto-energy into a claw-like apparatus I pulled, making a me-sized hole in the wall that I crawled through after turning human.

Once inside the base pressing my hand against a wiring junction looping the security feeds so everything would seem normal.

Making two duplicates, one to stay here and monitor the security system while my other duplicate would retrieve the gauntlet and three gems stored with it while I would retrieve the power gem and kill Freakshow.

Moving through the base easily avoiding men in white patrols thanks to the mental communication with my duplicate that was tapped into the security system.

I entered Freakshow's cell, ripping his ear ring out of his ear that had the power gem attached to it before firing multiple ecto-beams one between his eyes and just above his eyebrows line another into his heart and one each lung.

'Double tap chump this is a Quadro tap.' I joked thinking about one of the best zombie comedies I'd ever watched that had the hottie Emma Stone in it.

Reconnecting with my two duplicates at my diy doorway taking the reality gauntlet with the three gemstones already inserted into their slots.

Sliding my right hand into the gauntlet as I used my left hand to insert the ruby triangle shaped power gem into its slot just below the elbow of the gothic esqued gauntlet.

'Now let's see if I remember the proper sequence to unlock the power to control all reality. Hmm, I think it goes something like this. form, fantasy, form, life, fantasy, power source.' Pressing the gem in that sequence the gauntlet glew with radiant light as I felt it connect with my soul I could feel the very fabric of reality and how to alter it. I could see through dimensional barriers into worlds familiar and ones new.

"UNLIMITED POWAHHH ! ! ! MUHAHAHAHA ! ! !." I threw my head back and laughed in my best Sidious reenactment and I turned a piece of the rubble from the wall into Vader.

"How may I serve you Master ?" (Ooopsh) Asked Darth Vader with his breathing sounds.

"Rise my apprentice." I commanded coldly.

"Yes my Master." Vader replied, making his breathing sounds.

"You are to find this man." I told Vader using the gauntlet to form an image of Vlad out of water molecules in the air.

"And?" Vader asked with utmost respect and servile intentions.

"Attempt to kill him of course my apprentice, why else would I summon you." I commanded and commented like that was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Forgive me, my Master, I will leave at once." Vader kneeled and bowed his head for forgiveness.

"Do not fail me again, apprentice, you are replaceable." I told him coldly as I considered hitting him with lightning for a more dramatic effect but decided against it.

"Yes Master…I will not fail you again." Vader replied as he continued to prostate himself in front of me.

"If you succeed in this mission I will restore your dearest Padmé back to life."

'and cuck the ever living shit out of you.' I tacked on inside my head as I left Vader to ponder that information.

'Having Darth Child Slayer as a minion is awesome.' I laughed inside my mind feeling giddy as all hell.



"If you succeed in this mission I will restore your dearest Padmé back to life."

'and cuck the ever living shit out of you.' I tacked on inside my head as I left Vader to ponder that information.

'Having Darth Child Slayer as a minion is awesome.' I laughed inside my mind feeling giddy as all hell.


Lifting up my arm in front of myself before snapping my fingers, a doorway opened up in front of me turning the knob. I entered my ghost lair to find it had exploded to unprecedented dimensions.

"HUSBAND, HANDSOME, BABE." Three voices shouted in unison as I was tackled in a hug by the three of them.

"What happened? Kitty and I couldn't feel you anymore after a flash of pain you were just gone." Desiree asked with tears falling from her eyes as she peppered my face and neck with kisses along with Shego and Kitty doing the same.

"Sorry girls, I went through the Fenton portal…accidentally flew through a device of their creation that almost killed me." I replied awkwardly scratching the side of my head with an additional limb I instinctually created.

"You could have just asked for me to transport you there." Desiree said with a very upset look on her face.

"Ha…ha…haa…you were asleep and I didn't want to wake you or these two." I replied by making additional arms to hug each of them tightly.

"But it was worth it not only am I complete and stabilized now I'm stronger than ever and have the ability to control reality itself." I said while proudly raising up my reality gauntleted arm showing it off waiting for praise.

"The reality gauntlet…Husband…how?" Desiree asked, her voice filled with wonder and anxiety.

"Well the Guy's in White did most of the work collecting the gauntlet and the three stones while they had Freakshow in captivating who had the final gem he wore as an earring." I replied to Desiree whose face instantly turned into a happy smile.

"Well then I guess it was destiny that the gauntlet came into your possession." Desiree continued as she gently cupped my chin kissing my lips gently.

"I take it…this thing's… a big deal if the girl who can grant wishes is talking about destiny." Shego said while she rested her hand against the gauntlet curiously.

"BIG DEAL BIG DEAL ! ! ! Babe is basically a God now that he had the reality gauntlet, even, I know that much." Kitty outrageously yelled before settling down.

"Okay girl, no reason to go all crazy…this isn't my universe remember." Shego told Kitty with her usual spicy attitude.

"Sorry." Kitty replied, sounding embarrassed and chastised all at once.

"Husband…not that I don't want to be greedy and keep you here so we can catch up on lost time but Samantha has mentioned you are supposed to attend school and your date with Ember is tonight." Desiree said to me, sounding regretful as she snapped her fingers.

Returning to my feet and I felt a little different as I looked down and saw that was now wearing a nice black suit and jacket and had a black leather glove over my right hand camo flashing the reality gauntlet.

"Yeah…I…should go see Sam and my adoptive family. Also my date with Ember…Desiree I wish for inspiration for taking Ember out on the best date of her life." I said and wished as plans for dozens of perfect dates settled into my mind but I was still planning on using my original idea first.

Snapping my index and thumb once more making a door appear out of thin air that would lead into my bedroom at the Manson manor.

Walking through the door I found Sam sitting on the bed hugging a pillow to her chest with her face buried into it and her shoulder's trembling slightly.

Tentatively I started calling out her name. "Sam…Sam…hey Sam I'm back sorry it took so long." I said softly as I moved towards her, making her look up at me, my heart clenched slightly at the sight of her bloodshot tear filled eyes and the mess of her black makeup running down her face.

Sam jumped up from the bed and threw the pillow she was previously clenching onto as if her continued life was dependent on it.

At me hitting me squarely in the face before the pillow could even fall to the floor. I felt her slamm into my body.

The pillow cartoonishly fell from my face slowly impacting the top of her head before hitting the ground.

Sam was looking up at me and I was looking down into those Amethyst colored pools.

I went to open my mouth to say something but was cut off by Sam aggressively and out of inexperience trying to kiss me and shove her tongue down my throat all at once.

My hands instinctively snaked down sliding down the sides of her body to her hips before moving to her pert soft little bubble butt.

That I gripped tightly lifting her up into the air where by some primal instinct Sam wrapped her legs around while burying her hands in my hair fisting her hands in it.

Sam's skirt tickled my wrists as I pressed her up against the wall one hand leaving her ass making its way up her exposed midriff underneath her shirt and the sports bra underneath where I started to ravish mold the soft breasts flesh under my fingers.

'Not enough hands.' I thought to myself as I was losing myself. In the moment as I produced more hands to roam Sam's nubile and curvy body.

Sam's kissing was messy, inexperienced, wet and all around just sloppy but she has a natural talent for it and improved rapidly.

I noticed Sam was a natural sub she liked being played with and having her kisses dominated which wasn't too surprising given the show she puts on for everyone to make herself seem like an unapproachable tomboy goth girl.

Reluctantly pulling out of the kiss that Sam tried very hard to keep going as she aggressively grinding herself against my raging hardon that was only separated from sliding inside her wet dripping sex by a thin thong and thick black jeans.

"We...haa…haaa…should stop…haa here." I panted out reluctantly, my lips mere centimeters from Sam's lips, our hot breaths tickling each other's lips in a teasing promise of more.

"Haa…haa…I don't wanna, I saw you first and everyone else has been with you but me." Sam protested with fire in her eyes as her hands timidly undid my pants.

"You shouldn't do something like this out of jealousy." I chastised softly even as I made our bodies intangible so our clothes would fall to the floor.

"Not jealousy…" Sam replied with a pouty on her lips as she tried squeezing my cock but her small hands weren't big enough to fit all the way around it unless she used both.

"I love you." Sam said as her already flushed skin burned even brighter.

'For now…' I thought to myself as I started kissing along Sam's collarbone and neck making the virgin goth moan loudly.

'Hmm, I wonder if this will work?.' I thought to myself as I combined the Reality Gauntlet with the Tempus Simia and wished for time to slow down to almost a stop.


As I was about to give into my urges I stopped and realized the Reality Gauntlet was putting off a soft blue light turning my arm slightly. I was able to see the blue gem glowing.

'Stop making my sex fantasy with Sam come true.' The gem's glow stopped and Sam came out of her lustful state and noticed how we were but didn't react the way I expected her too.

"Mummphhahh." She moaned out as she shoved her tongue down my throat.

Pushing the tip of my cock slightly into her eager little cunny lips only for Sam to thrust her hips forward impaling herself on my cock with half of my member stretching its way through her depths.

Sam's head fell back asleep, she moaningly shrieked out at a volume that had to alert the entire house.

Using my body manipulation, extending my neck like a snake so I could reach her lips, sealing them with my own.

Our tongues entwined in a ferocious dance in her mouth as I pounded in and out of her tight sopping wet little cunny.

And made an extra set of limbs to play with her soft large perky tits and they're hard enough to cut glass nips making her eyes roll up into the back of her head as she started to cum on my cock.

"EEEEEE ITSH COMING ! ! !." Sam screamed out as our mouths became separated again as both of us fell over the precipice into an orgasm.

I started filling Sam's cunny full of my hot cum flooding her womb before moving to the bed kissing along Sam's collar bone as I slowly slid in and out of her.

"Yes yes yes…they were right they were right I should have mmm done this ahh the night we mmm met." Sam moaned as she pulled my hair up into a kiss.

"It was worth the wait, Sammykins." I teased softly through the kiss as I played with both of her tits while gripping her ass tightly.

Giving myself a second cock slowly pushing into Sam's virgin asshole wanting to dominate her fully for our first time together.

"Nnnggghhhhaaaannnnn my assshhh." Sam cried out as I picked up the pace pounding her asshole and pussy at a fast and furious pace.

Sam's eyes had rolled back up into her head as she was creaming on my cock and I filled her asshole and cunny at the same time with thick ecto energy enriched cum.

I just kept pounding away at my little gothic lover with overwhelming force as I slowly used the reality gauntlet to turn her into a halfa like I planned to do with all my girls.

We were soon floating against the ceiling as Sam was now giving back as good as she got as she rode me like I was a motorcycle.

"I love you." Sam moaned out as she gets one final stroke downwards making me release inside of her before she fell asleep in my arms.

"I love you too Sam." I said sotly kissing her forehead as she turned back to human while I made us intangible so all of our fluids fell to the floor making an awful mess for the maids to clean up.

I flew Sam into her bedroom and tucked her in before dressing myself in a goth rocker outfit through my reality gauntlet making time return to normal as I willed myself to Ember's ghost lair.

(Knock knock knock)

"You really came." Ember said in a whisper like she couldn't believe I really came for her.

"Of course I did Em." I replied, calling her sweetly like we were already lovers and loving the way it made the ghost rocker blush and her flaming hair turn pink.

"W-wait her a minute I need to get ready." Ember stuttered slightly and made to shut the door but I grabbed her with my ecto energy pulling her out the door.

"You're perfect the way you are." I told Ember as she was wearing a black leather bralet a choker with little metal studs in the shapes of spikes and a tight leather mini skirt while on her feet were a pair of skull themed steel toed platform boots.

"So where are we going on our date?" Ember questioned while looking very insecure and unsure of herself.

It's a surprise." I whispered to her as I opened a portal to KP-VERSE and walked in dispatching my avatar to pull the GJ agents into the shadows, disarm them and tie them up with shadow chains.

While sending Kim home safe and sound before it's time for us to interrogate Betty Director through any means necessary.

"Where are we? This place is different." Ember suddenly said while tensing.

"We're in another world, don't worry you're with me I won't let anything bad happen to you Em, you're my girl." I replied back softly while pulling her tightly against me so there wasn't any gap between our hips.

"Y-Y-Your G-g-girl." Ember stuttered out as she blushed a dark pink and her flaming hair burning pinks danced happily in the air.

"Yeah my girl…you have been since you started that competition since I saw you fingering yourself to me fucking Desiree and Spectra…there's now way I'd let anyone else have you ever even if I need to make a cage out of Ecto-ranium and keep you prisoner for eternity." I told her as I suddenly pushed her up against a brick wall and kissed her I could tell through the kiss Ember was in experienced but she sunk into it and returned it with enthusiasm nonetheless.

"Come on, I want to show you your surprise." I whispered to her as I disengaged from the kiss only to find Ember cutely having her eyes closed and leaning forward trying to seek out my lips.

'So cute that's definitely gonna be my screen wallpaper from now on.' I thought to myself mentally uploading and changing my T-Phone's wallpaper to Ember at this moment.

During that kiss I'd turned Ember into a halfa and right now she was standing in front of me with long curly red hair kept together by a hair band, her soft creamy white skin on display and I couldn't even begin to decide which way Ember was more beautiful.

Because to me it was still Ember and Ember was beautiful.

"Come on, we're going to be late." I whispered as I pulled her against me and flew into the sky flying to the Middleton SmartyMart where I'd used my Reality Gauntlet to set up a flash concert while also sending invites to everyone with a T-Phone.

Looking down below us as I made us invisible even though I'd only sent the alert out that Ember McLain would be playing her ten minutes ago there were at least 10,000 people swarming the stage below as remember Ember blared over the massive walls of speakers as my Avatar completely controlled through me hyped up the crowd.

Landing backstage hearing the crowd cheering Ember's name filled me with something that made me feel warm and fuzzy especially when I saw Ember looking at me with an expression that looked so lost yet pleased at the same time.

"This is your surprise Em, I made you an established commodity through my music streaming app you're a rockstar. No one will ever forget your name, not as long as I live, not for a billion years." I told her as my eyes started to water as Ember started to cry as she hugged me with enough force to crush my ribs.

Ember kissed me with such heat and passion I felt like I was being consumed alive and I loved every moment of it.

"This, so doesn't, count as a date babypop." She finally said through her tears as she stopped the kiss.

"Maybe not…but it's the only thing I could come up with on my own to show you how serious I am about you Em." I said softly as my Avatar on stage started to say

"and now presenting THE ONE AND ONLY, YOUR FAVORITE FLAMING HAIRED ROCKER EMBER MCLAIN." With that I turned Ember back into her ghost form holding her hand making us appear in a column of blue flame on stage.

(EMBER EMBER EMBER EMBER) The crowd went into a frenzied cheer, people shouting I love you Ember and so many other things and profanities like come sit on my face Ember.

"ARE YOU READY TO ROCK EMBER! ! !" Question through the mic.

"YES ! ! !" The crowd replied.


"YES ! ! !" The crowd deafeningly shouted.

"Before that I want to thank the love of my life, my babypop, for making all of this possible…everyone thank him with me." Ember said as she pulled into a fiery kiss on stage to the crowds mass cheers and thank yous.

Suddenly the fans started cheering "duet duet duet." Over and over again so I materialized a piano behind us giving Ember a chaste kiss before sitting down on the bench starting to hammer out a haunting melody.

That would seem at home during a nightmare while my clones Ember's supporting musicians all tagged in.

Playing the violin and drums along with some guitar work as Ember got into it and started nodding her head up and down while tapping her right foot.

Making my voice deep and scary.

"You thought you could escape me." And it sounded at home with a metal core band.

Ember doing an improvement for lyrics.

"No don't…I don't want to be forgotten."

"Everything gets forgotten in the dark."

"No, let me be in the light, I want to be remembered."

With a peel of evil laughter let loose from me, Ember strung a chord on her guitar that sound like a scream and a victorious cry all at once and from there my piano work changed from haunting to filled with life as Ember started singing on the mic, my fingers blazing across the keys.

As I focused on Ember who was shining in Radiant light as she sang a new song she must have just written on the fly never forgotten.

And the crowd loved it.