Starting in Teen Wolf as a Homosuperior from the tomorrow people.


"So that's your wish to be John Young the Homosuperior but with the alteration to make it so you can kill with all of his knowledge and training, and that if you get turned into anything else you'll retain your powers. This is probably the most conservative wish I've ever been asked to grant.

Just for this alone I'll give you the ability to travel to any universe you want. Your Starting world will be Teen Wolf. You'll be the same age as the main character. You won't have a family but I'll set you up with enough money to live comfortably and have a good life, kid."-Omniversal being.

'Make this entertaining for me hehe.'-Omniversal being.

I didn't even get to say thank you before I was unceremoniously thrown into a cornfield. Looking around this place pulled at my heartstrings. I knew this place quite well down in that little gully I built my secret base. Over by that stream just coming out of the tree line I had built a hunting blind.

This was my past life's family's farmland looking south. I could just see that big old white barn with a Welsh Dragon symbol on it. I felt my eyes start to water as the familiar silhouette of my father started bringing the cows in while a younger version of myself. Was horsing around on the old Can-am DS 450 I used to have that I had wrecked after rolling it for the 7th time and ruining the motor.

Walking through the cornfield hoping over the barbed wire fence I walked through the pasture heading towards the main dairy barn. I watched as my dad tensed up when he saw me. I guess he's not my dad anymore.

'But it still hurts a bit seeing him become hostile towards me.'

"Hi my name is Shane Jameson. I was with some friend's party on the state lands last night and somehow they forgot about me and left me behind. If I help out with chores you think you could give me a ride to Utica once we're finished."


Jason POV


At first, I was on edge seeing this kid walking through my pasture towards the barn but for some reason. Once he started talking I had a sense of deja vu.

It was like I was talking to Bub. I guess them sharing the same first name was most likely the reason for the sense of familiarity with him.

After agreeing to let him help with chores I was surprised he set up everything just the way Bub does. Even over-tightening the clamp for the bulk tank. It was like I was watching a skinny blonde version of my son.

Chores flew by having both Bub and Shane doing chores with me. It was nice to see how fast the two became friends.

After dropping him off at the train/bus station. I couldn't help but feel like I was saying goodbye to someone important to me.


Back to Mc


That was nice after teleporting to the local best buy in the appliances section. The usually abandoned part of the store without cameras reaching into my pocket.

There was a black master card with a sticky note with the pin written on it. Buying a prepaid iPhone and scoring the number of the cute salesgirl at the same time.

Once I finished setting up the phone I called the number of a provider that offered certain services for everything a person needs to start a new life.

I was set up with an additional identity besides the papers that were in the backpack the R.O.B sent me here with.

The guy even brought me a nice Tahoe interceptor for me, when I said I needed a set of wheels. After ditching the sim I put in a new one and activated it going online I started looking at real estate listings.

There was a nice two story house for sale in Beacon hills that looked similar to the house the Argent's lived in during season one and until season 3 or 4 and it only listed for 250k so I bought it.

It's currently 2012 so I decided to invest a million dollars into Bitcoin. Which was currently $13.38 a coin so ended up with around 75K In Bitcoins and was planning to sell 4K worth when they hit 20K and sell the rest when they hit just below 70k in 2021.

Having a little bit less than 900k left to live on for the remainder of my high school career. After getting into my Tahoe I headed to the bank name on the card and withdrew 20k in cash. Afterwards I drove back to the farm with two bank envelopes with 5k in each.

Putting one under the console clip of the 2001 f-250 pickup and handing the other to my younger self telling him to tell his old man thanks for helping me out and to keep the money I gave to him a secret between us.

Getting back into my Tahoe and starting on my way to Beacon Hills California I started my 48 hour road trip to some Eminem while drinking an Arizona green tea with honey and ginseng.

After 12 hours on the road I got a room at a motel and slept for around 18 hours before getting back on the road everything was going great until some little blonde number that just whipped past me in her convertible and then merged into my lane and locked up her breaks.

Nearly causing me to rear end her before I knew what was happening she was out of her car holding a sidearm pointing it at me bullets thumped against the bullet resistant glass.

I slammed the gas pedal to the floor while cutting the wheel hard to the left, just barely drifting around her car while I dialed 911 and reported what happened.

"I made hostile contact with the supernatural in question. He was rather handsome looking but showed no supernatural abilities; he did however drive and react as though he'd been trained by some form of law enforcement agency from the way he drove and his immediate instinct to call it in. A more thorough investigation is in order before elimination or recruitment can be carried out. Kate reporting in over and out.-Blonde speaking

'You wouldn't even be on our radar if you hadn't used that fixer the Werewolves use to get papers.'-thought Kate.

After stopping at a State trooper highway barracks I gave my in person statement and all the details of the woman and car used in the assault. While another State Trooper went outside and took photographs of the damage which brought another round of questioning about the bullet proof glass.

Where I explained it away as living in a bad neighborhood of Utica NY to which the officers were still suspicious. It dawned on me that the truck had a dash cam. So I handed over a micro SD card so they could watch the video.

They released an APB out on the woman and vehicle. Letting me know there was a local garage that could replace my windshield.

Once I got there and talked with the person running the shop. Luckily they had a windshield of the same grade of glass in the right size for my Tahoe.

After a couple hours of replacement time I was back on the road again. But this time I decided to stick to only driving on back roads and truck trails to get to my destination.

'That Woman once they sketched her out looked a lot like Jill Wagner. She played as Kate Argent in the TV series.'

Stopping at a roadside diner ordering a T-bone steak with 6 eggs sunny side up and a full stack of strawberry waffles. I chowed down before dialing a number from my past life even though I knew it was a long shot.

(Unknown- This sparkie what can I do for you)

'Wow it works now time to say the code phrase.'

"Hello Sparky I need something that goes boom."

(New feminine voice- hello sir this is the organization what do you require.)

"Yes I need the full package delivered and installed at X location with full party favors."

(Of course sir and I assume you have payment at the site.)

"Yes I'll have it upon my arrival at location X."

(Very well sir I'm sure you know the consequences for failure to pay.)


My new home will have top of the line security bullet resistant windows air filtration devices. A panic room fully stocked with a year's worth of food and water.

Various weapons and racks for them along with custom built furniture. That will have hidden compartments with weapons in them. A fully stocked munitions and explosives locker.

My trip ended up being a lot longer than it should have been between. Camping out in my truck, cooking over campfires to stay off the grid. Even going so far as to ditch my new IPhone and swap license plates and registration stickers. It would have been easier to steal different cars but this was a way of minimizing my exposure.

After five extra days of traveling time compared to the 48 hours it should have taken. I arrived in Beacon Hills. The forest here is beautiful and I got to enjoy driving the truck trails and enjoying the natural beauty.

The show really only shows a small glimpse of forest and usually it's out of season. As I was driving down a trail I ended up driving right past the Hale house.

'Wow the show doesn't really show the grandeur of the Hale house which from the looks of it was more of a brick, stone and wood compound.'

Getting out of my truck I walked towards the house only for a young woman with luscious brown hair wearing a tight red top. A Pair of booty shorts with a black leather jacket. Wrapping up the I'm a badass werewolf bitch don't fuck with me or I'll claw your eyes out look. Comes out and stands on the front porch with her arms crossed glaring at me.


"This is private property you're trespassing."-Laura.

"Ahh really sorry, I'm just moving here from Upstate New York and was driving the old truck and logging trails and ended up here. This may be kinda awkward to ask of you but do you think you could help me out by guiding me around town.

Or even just giving me directions to help me get to my new place?. I wouldn't normally as but I was kinda dumb and dropped my phone in a lake a while back and wasn't able to find it."

"No, I don't have time to show you around. But all you have to do is drive straight down that path and you'll hit black top.

Take a right turn and you'll come right into town, take a left and you'll be leaving Beacon Hills."-Laura.

"Cool, thanks for the help. Ahh my name's Shane by the way see you around maybe."

"Yea maybe we'll see each other some other time."-Laura.

'Laura Hale is still alive should I interfere and prevent her death. Nah better not stick my nose where it doesn't belong.'

Getting back in my Tahoe I followed the directions Laura gave me and rolled past the welcome to Beacon Hills sign.

Following the written directions to my new home I pulled up on the lawn because the organization's contractors' big box truck was parked in the driveway.

Waiting for me was a very stoic looking woman wearing an eye patch with considerably large assets.

"Payment is due. What method will you be using today?."-Liaison.


She held out a card reader to me.

"Swipe please."-Liaison.

"All set, thank you for your patronage. Here's my card if you require anything else from the organization I will be your liaison on this card is a personal line that I can be reached 24/7 365 days a year. Good day Mr. ?"-Liaison.

"Wick John, Wick."

"Have a nice day Mr.Wick."-Liaison.

'I couldn't help myself. It just seemed like such a perfect alias to use.'


After my new "Liaison" left I went to the circuit city here in town to buy what I would to make a bug detector and my own listening devices.

'Why make listening devices well let's tweedle and Dee talk about werewolves and werewolf shit all the time at fucking school. It might sound a bit creepy. Well, it is creepy. But I'm also planning on making spy cams and putting them throughout the school as well. I'll have to work on special lenses so that all the wolfy features don't get blocked out by the light refraction of the werewolf eyes. But I have a month or so before school starts so it should be enough time.'

'Some might ask why go through all of this, what's the point?. Plain and simple blackmail to get the bite and insurance not to be killed off or betrayed by an Alpha or Hunters. Because if they do the world gets both video evidence and biological samples from what most would believe to have been faked were-whatevers.'

'Man I want to be a werewolf kanima hybrid. Benefits prehensile tail, wall crawling, paralytic venom, claws that have paralytic toxin glands, a regeneration so strong it can take two full clips of at point blank range. Around two tons of physical strength, heightened senses, cool looking eyes with slit pupils. Maybe becoming a Chimera would be best with their immunity to mountain ash.'

Looking around the store I grabbed spools of wire in different gauges, wire strippers and cutter, a good quality soldering iron, crimper, and battery's small microphones for hands free calling in automobiles. Along with a few other miscellaneous things. Like an internet router, wifi broader, MacBook, IPhone, IPad a few burner phones some ZipZaps, radio transceivers and a CB radio.

I wanted an Xbox 360S and PS3s but they didn't have any in stock so that was a bust but ehh I can go to Wal-Mart or Bestbuy to get my fix. After ringing me up the cashier looked at me like I was crazy but I didn't care my total came to $6,798.00 dollars.

'Damn I'm kinda blowing through my money too quickly at this rate it won't last the year.'

Deciding I wanted something to eat I figured I'd ask the cashier where a good place to go was.

"Hey Miss, where's a good place to eat out around here?."

"Sorry buddy you may have money but you're not my type."

'Wow overestimating yourself much bitch.'

"Hahahaaha, I'll admit you're pretty easy on the eyes but you're way too self-absorbed. I wasn't hitting on you, I just moved here and wanted to know where it was good. But Fuck You too."

Grabbing my bags I walked out before she could reorient herself. Getting into my truck after putting everything in the back. After cruising around I found a retro looking dinner with a good crowd and a familiar looking jeep.

'You know what fuck it. I'll eat here.'

"Stiles come on, I have to get to work."-Scott.

"Just a few more minutes Scott, Lydia is wearing that hot fishnet outfit. I need some good looks for the bank."-Stile.

'Damn bro's got a point Lydia looks sexy as fuck right now.'

Unfortunately Lydia completely missed Stiles practically jizzing in his pants looking at her. But noticed me staring at her a little too long.

'Shit the last thing I need right now is the attention of Queen Bitch of Beacon High.'

Sitting down in a booth with my back towards Lydia and her secretly gay boyfriend. I ordered some chicken tenders with sweet potato fries along with a caesar salad and a coke.

While I was waiting for my order I ended up having boy wonder drop into the seat across from mine.

"Hi I'm Stiles Stiles Stilinski. That's my friend Scott.

You're new in town would you like to hang out with us sometime we'll show you around and stuff."-Stiles.

"Stiles come on already."-Scott.

"Yeah man I'd like that my name's John, John Young. I don't have a phone right now because my dumbass dropped it in a lake but if you write down your number. An I'll hit you up when I get a new one."

"Cool, Here you go, these are Scott's and I's home and cell numbers give us a call whenever."-Stiles.

"Will do man, thanks."

'Stiles is a pretty cool dude Scott is a fucking dud though. I honestly don't get their friendship. Scott's a self-centered little prick and Stiles is a nice caring guy with ADHD. Ha kinda answered my own question didn't I.'

After new bro and the little prick left a truly gorgeous strawberry blonde with an amazing body and vibrant green eyes. Sat down across from me.

"Hi I'm Lydia Martin and I throw the best parties and you're invited to come."-Lydia

"Thanks but no thanks. I just moved here and need to get familiar with the area. Maybe next time though."

Using my Telepathy just to see what was going on in that head of hers.

'He he just turned down a personal invite from me, Lydia Friggin Martin. I'm going to make your life in Beacon Hills miserable nobody and I mean nobody turns me down and gets away with it.'-Lydia.

'WOW ! ! ! Psycho Bitch much.'

Unintentionally I read Jackson's thoughts and let's just leave it at it was sex all sex nothing but sex only there were no female appearances. It was the whole LaCrosse team and coach with my own addition to his fantasies.

I had to work hard to keep from vomiting and showing anything on my face but it was really hard to do so.

"Humph, well if you change your mind here's the address. Come Jackson we're leaving."-Lydia.

Jackson sighed and muttered something I couldn't hear.

'Poor guy being a gay and faking being straight to stay popular. Or because he's afraid of his own sexuality or because he really loves Lydia. Who knows but I do kinda feel bad for him even if he is a stereotypical Jock.'


The chicken tenders were awesome and so were the sweet potato fries. So I ordered another round of them to eat there and one to go as I was eating. Laura Hale entered the diner.

She seemed a bit lost and out of it. Deciding to offer to buy her lunch for the help she gave me earlier I hollered to her.

"Hey Laura."

"Huh, oh it's you I see you found your way here."-Laura.

"Yup, thanks for your help. Since you helped me out earlier I'd like to pay for your food in return."

"I don't."-Laura.

"Come on please I owe you a and want to set things straight you don't even have to sit with me."

"Haa, fine thank you."-Laura.

It was surprising when she flopped down in my booth. She seemed way too stressed out for such a beautiful woman. Deciding to talk to her and let her vent if need be I asked what had got her looking so worn out.

"You probably won't know this but that burned down ruin is my former home. Well the fire was ruled as an accident but I studied fires and how they behave in New York. And I believe it was arcsin in part due to the melted stone in places."-Laura.

"I take you lost people. Loved ones I mean I'm sorry for your loss I know it doesn't mean much coming from a stranger."

'No, it does actually thank you, Shane."-?Laura.

"Yeah, hey this is going to sound strange. But I'd be willing to help out in any way you need. Especially if it's to get justice for those lost."

"I, you know what, I could really use some help. So yes, please help me get justice for my family that was killed in the fire."-Laura.

"We got this. Laura now tell me what you know and what you suspect. Do you have notes on the things you've already found?."

I noticed a new light filled Laura's eyes.

"How could I have thought that I'd be fine with not getting involved with her. Even though she's been through a lot she's like a ray of sunshine. On a dark stormy day.'

"Well I have some of my notes but most are back at my old house. We can go there after we finish eating. I mean that is if you want to."-Laura.

"Of course, I want too Laura I'm now your friend and partner. But it's almost dark so it won't do much good trying to inspect the scene of the crime. So we'll stop at my place and grab some things and then go to your old home for a walk through. Gather up your notes and possible evidence, go back to my place and organize everything. Comb over it together and make sure neither of us have missed anything."

Laura was looking at me oddly and I realized I may have overstepped. And reached too far. But my feelings were assuaged by a megawatt smile.

'Damn I'm a sucker for pretty and damaged girls.'

We decided to get our food to go. I combined my second order of food with my to go order. Before Laura and I left together in my truck going to my place.

Pulling into my garage I noticed Laura tense at the sight of the weaponry cages. But she quickly relaxed.

She must be thinking I'm a hunter. Well she isn't wrong but my experience and knowledge is towards regular animals and Tomorrow People. Thanks John, your skills are invaluable. Being a hand to hand specialist, demolitions expert, expert marksman, spy and assassin.

"Hey Laura there's been Animal attacks happening around here lately right?."

"Yes, Why?.-Laura.

"Right, well going into the dark spooky woods at night unarmed is a bit dumb. Do you know how to handle a sidearm?. You know what, never mind. I'll give you a crash course on using one.

Look here to make sure the red is out. That means the safety is off. Then all you do is point it at what you want to shoot. And squeeze the trigger with the pad of your finger. Don't use your joint to pull the trigger.

But before you do all that pull back the slide like so. Slap your loaded clip in and hit this little switch here that will rack a round up into the chamber. Then you can squeeze the trigger and a bullet will exit the barrel."

"Got it, Why do you have so many guns and other weapons?.

Because sometimes you need to keep yourself and people you care for safe and I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Hold on let me grab a tranq gun and fill some tranq darts with Ketamine. We'll avoid killing it if it happens to attack us and call the local Sheriff's station and DEC to take it off our hands."

(The Tranq gun looks similar to a scorpion machine pistol with a clip that slots in from the top that holds 6 steel darts. That can be filled to 600cc for max volume.)

After I finished loading 3 clips for the Tranq gun I grabbed 2 headlamps. Normally used for rock climbing or any night time sport. Put on two hip holsters for my two's and a cock holster with two spare clips while the tranq gun had a tactical shoulder holster. With clip slots weaved in around the upper torso.

After finishing my Peter prep we were ready to go. Laura kept casting furtive glances towards my direction but didn't say anything. Looking through her notes I could see she had only talked to the insurance investigator and the bus driver. But they couldn't tell her who was behind the attack on her family. Because they never saw each other's faces both said they all wore masks and got paid through the mail.

Doing a walk through of the house not even using the knowledge I had from the show and just my ultra training. I easily noticed the burn trail the fire took and it was too unnatural to be anything but a man made accelerant with the way it ignored nearly ½ of the house.

"Only a chemist would think pouring this concoction on the floor would make it natural. A pro wasn't incharge they would have used an incendiary device. Next to a known fire hazard for something they wanted rules as an accident."

"You seem to know a lot about this kinda stuff. Plus all the guns and what not are you some kinda secret agent or something?."-Laura.

"I guess you could say that in another life I was someone who would be someone sent by a powerful organization to do things similar to this."

"How, though, you look younger than me?."-Laura.

"Heh, you'd be surprised by the number of both government and unsanctioned organizations that take in unwanted orphans and turn them into the best killers."

"Is that what happened to you?."-Laura.

"In a different life."

"Sorry it must have been hard on you."-Laura.

"It is and it isn't. When it's the only life you know your mind naturally adjusts to it."


"Alright so I have a couple of ideas on who did this. Well not exactly who did it. But I have an idea of the types of people who participated. Most should be easy to sniff out and break once they see you and you start asking questions.

But one thing I can tell for sure whoever did this was making a statement. I don't care what kinds of things your family was into, it's none of my business and I won't press you for answers. I'll tell you my theories and you can make your own connections.

This was premeditated but it was also a crime of passion whoever was the ringleader behind this got off on it. While also getting off on the fact she or he got away Scott free I'm leaning more towards a female perpetrator though. Since women are more prone to use a fire to make a statement where guys prefer a boom.

Whoever she is she had a connection with your family most likely a sexual one. With someone younger, weak willed and easily manipulated she'd have been in her mid twenties while her mark was in his mid to late teens. Most likely grieving from the loss of someone or something he had cared for deeply."

"Derek."-whispers Laura.

"Who's Derek?."

"My little brother."-Laura.

"Well then I'd say he's your best bet for solving this. He probably knows in his heart that it's his fault most of his family is dead and acts out because of it."

"Thanks for your help."-Laura.

"What do you mean thanks we're not done being partners or friends. I'm going to help you get justice for your family even if it's at the end of a barrel."

I was tackled into a hug by Laura who was crying into my chest.

'Damn so much for my thoughts on her being some badass werewolf chick. Sure she probably is but right now she's just a heart broken girl letting out some of her pain. She's probably been blaming herself for her family's death all this time.'

Everything was going good until the hairs on the backs of my arms and neck stood on end. And Laura immediately went alert. Moonlight touched the floor next to my head shining in through a broken window.

'Ohh shit tonight is the night Laura is supposed to die.'

"You have to get out of here now."-Laura.

"No, we have to get out of here now."

But Laura was already out the door and running towards. Whatever had terrified the forest into silence and altered both of our danger senses.

"Stupid girl you don't run towards the monster in a scary movie you run away from it."

I got up and ran after her just in time to hear her scream uncle Peter.

"UNCLE PETER STOP IT'S ME LAURA. (sounds of claws impaling flesh and choking on blood sounds)."-Laura.

(Blinking: short range teleportation of 20 yards.)

Blinking until I saw Laura being held up in the air by Peter proudly displaying his kill. Shooting all my clips into Peter while Blinking around him. I Blinked onto his arm pulling Laura free and Blinking away before using normal TP and ending up in Deaton's vet clinic. Who was luckily still there tending to a recent patient he performed surgery on.

(TP: Teleportation. TK: Telekinesis. TY: Telepathy.)

"Help her please."

"Laura, What happened?."-Deaton.

"She said uncle Peter and some big ass Lycan looking thing had its claws in her stomach holding her up in the air."

"Alright, put her here on the table."-Deaton.

After hours Deaton performing magic. Laura's breathing evened out her color was still pale but not dead body pale. When I was brushing away a strand of her sweat drenched hair from her face. All of a sudden her eyes opened and were quickly fading from red to orange eyes she bit into my arm. Before falling back down to the stainless steel table.

'Shit Fuck shit fuckity fuck this shit hurts.'

"Guess you should have kept your hands to yourself."-Deaton.

"Yeah thanks captain obvious for stating the obvious. Thanks for saving her. If you could keep me teleporting here a secret I'd appreciate it."

"Yes, well I make it my business to protect the Hale's and you're now a Hale as far as I'm concerned. There is one problem though, Laura can't stay here while she recovers."-Deaton.

"Is there a neutral ground where she can receive the care she needs?. I have a small medbay setup at my place but nowhere near what she'll probably need before she recovers."

"If you have the place I'll bring the equipment and a person I trust to watch over her."-Deaton.

"Fine with me but this person you're bringing in better be someone you'd trust with your life."

"She is. She's my sister."-Deaton.

'Brayden. yes she's a fucking hotty and I have a massive crush on her I hope i don't accidentally fanboy over her.'

"I kinda left my truck back at the Hale compound. So do you have a way to transport her comfortably?."

"Not at the moment. But my sister Brayden will. Excuse me while I call her. Also you might want to sit down. It looks like you're about to begin your transition."-Deaton.


But then everything went dark and I woke up to Brayden shaking my shoulder to wake me up.

"Come on Beta get up. We have to get out of here so my brother can open up for business. "-Brayden.

Standing up I turned around and smacked into something. Strangely I felt free all over looking down. I noticed I was pretty much naked. Looking over my shoulder I saw Brayden giving my body an appreciative glance here and there.

"That's new, never seen a Beta with a lizard tail or scales and fur before."-Brayden.

"Wait what?."

"You have a tail and are completely covered in small scales combined with the usual werewolf features except your eyes are golden with slit like pupils like a reptile."-Brayden.


"Ughhh, Just look in a mirror and put those clothes on. Or don't I don't mind the view. "-Brayden.

(Mc looks similar to Natsu in dragon force mode. But with green scales a tail, claws and real life looking. Also warp over the elongated ears and K-9s along with the sideburns of a werewolf over top of scales he looks like himself still and has hair and his dangly bits.)


Putting on the slacks and button down shirt that were on the chair for me I got dressed.

"Can you remind me to thank Deaton for the clothes."

"You're welcome. Mr.Young or is it Mr.Jameson?.-Deaton.

"Either one works. Should have figured you'd look into me."

"Yes, well when one of your skill sets shows up it's prudent to at least know who we're dealing with."-Deaton.

"I wasn't complaining about it, Oldman. What did you find out?."


"Nope, just curious."

"Doing a soft check on everything about you seems normal at a quick glance. Except for being an emancipated 16 year old formerly a ward of the state of New York. But on a deep look it all seems fake like you're a ghost. That has had government level aid in concealing your identity. And then there's that low level identity you made about a week ago."

"Haha, Goodwork Oldman but I sure hope you covered your tracks while doing all of that. On my way here I was attacked by someone. I hope you didn't lead them right to me."

"You said one with my skill set, are there others like me around here?."

"There are some people who can do what you did, yes, for whether they are the same as you I don't know."-Deaton.

"Come on, pretty boy let's go."-Braeden.


Getting into the panel van I started giving Brayden directions to my place. While pondering what it means that I'm more Kanima than werewolf. Since Kanima are pretty much werewolves with identity crisis. I figured it must be part of having a whole different set of memories and experiences added to my own.

When I say I got all of John's memories and experiences I mean all of them. From having sex with Cara Couburn to Astrid Finch. To being responsible for Tony the newspaper stand guy's death and also going through the Annex Project procedures.

John knows pain and suffering like few do. Being abused by his foster parents. Thinking of Jedikiah Price as a father only to get stabbed in the back by him. Getting cucked by Stephen.

'Maybe I should have gone with that guy Killian. The one John and Stephen fought together. That was going around and blowing shit up.'

"So what name should I call you John or Shane?."-Braeden.

"Either one both were or are my names."

"How about Shane then."-Braeden.

"Works for me what should I call you."

'My chocolate skinned goddess.'

"You can call me Brae or Braeden."-Braeden.

"Nice to meet you Brayden. Tell me how does one normally get involved with all this craziness?."

"Usually you're born into it. My big brother and I are however many generations back Druids. Some are like you who get accidentally involved. Others are targeted and forced into it. But there's always different scenarios so there's not just one definitive answer I can give you."-Braeden.

"Your brother seems to have some pretty strong feelings towards her, almost paternal."

"Hahaha, Yeah De was in love with her mother. But she was wounded and passed away before anything could come of it but of course big brother the sap that he is made a vow to look after them for her."-Braeden.

"That's sweet to love someone so deeply. You're willing to look after their kids once they're gone. I'll probably never have that but I can appreciate it."

"Snort, Great pretty boy's another Sap."-Braeden.

"Hey, Am not."

"Uhuh sure whatever you say."-Braeden.

"I mean it, I'll never love someone like that again. It's too easy to be betrayed."

"Who betrayed you?."-Braeden.

"Her name was Cara. There was someone like us whose name was Stephen. Cara and I were having some troubles mostly because of Stephen constantly calling her for help and cock blocking us. Things just added up she found out unlike the rest of our kind I could kill. She ran into Stephen's arms and slept with him in our special place. Then there was Stephen's friend Astrid who I kind of clung to after I lost my powers for a bit but. Ahh let's just leave it at that."

"It sounds like you're still hung up on this Cara."-Braeden.

"Nah, not really it feels like another life if anything but it taught me a valuable lesson the more you love someone the less you should trust them. Because it's always the knife that comes from those you love and trust that stabs you in the back."

"That's a very sad way to look at life. But a good way to stay alive."-Braeden.

"We're here, hold on and I'll go open the garage."

After scanning my thumb print and typing in an eight digit code the garage door started to open. Braeden pulled in and hopped out of the van letting out an appreciative whistle.

"Nice setup you have for yourself here."-Braeden.

"I'll give you a referral to the people responsible for the modifications to this place if you want. Come on, the light duty medbay is down in the panic room."

After a good half an hour of just getting Laura and her gurney down into the basement. That was the panic room. That was retrofitted with tank armor to make it safe and secure along with oxygen scrubbers and water cleaners. Braeden left to go get all the additional medical equipment she'd need to take care of Laura long term if need be.

After waiting in the basement sitting next to Laura watching the security cams monitors. I saw Braeden pull up so I typed in the code to open the garage door from here in the command center. After she was in I locked it down and grabbed my two's before going to help her unload the van and move everything downstairs.

"What's with the hardware?."-Braeden.

"I'm going to go get my truck and some groceries. After all, I can't be feeding my guest M.R.E's. It's not proper house etiquette."


'You're cute like this. And a good guy going this far to help out a friend you just made a day ago. That Cara girl doesn't know how good of a guy she let go."-Braeden's thoughts.

"I don't mind m.r.e's after all there pretty much all I've eaten for half my life."-Braeden.

"Heh, Don't worry about it. Besides, it'll give me a chance to show off my talents in the culinary arts."

"If I didn't know any better I'd think you were trying to flirt with me."-Braeden.

"Who knows."

I said as I returned her teasing smirk with my best smile.


After giving her my best smile I TP'd to my truck. Looking around inspecting it to make sure it hadn't been tampered with. Before going into the ruins and gathering Laura's notes. Taking some photographs of where it was plain to see even after all these years of being exposed to the elements, the accelerant trail and the untouched areas.

'This case though goes deeper than an insurance investigator a fire martial never would have signed off on this being an accidental fire. The signs are just too obvious that this was a crime. I know Stilinski is a good Sheriff so once I get a more concrete trail of evidence I'll drop it off to him.

But I doubt the Argent's will let it lay to rest; they'll probably hire a third-party to bust her out and send her to the main branch in France. That's if Gerard and those loyal to him don't move to silence his own daughter first.'

'Or since Peter is a big bad Alpha now I could just leave everything up to him. But he's not blameless in all of this either; he knew his nephew/son was being played by the huntress after his own manipulations of Derek led to his first love's death.

With Laura in a coma for the foreseeable future I'm not sure what to do. I know this really isn't my problem or my business. But it doesn't stop me from wanting to help her. Ughhh why am I so weak to pretty faces with damaged history.'

Going to where I shot Peter full of Tranqs I found most of them on the ground along with the clips. So I retrieved them might as well these Tranq darts are $100.00 bucks a piece.

Once I'd collected everything I got back in my truck and headed for the small mom and pop grocery store near my place. Buying around $2,000 worth of groceries and toiletries along with some booze with my John Young identity papers. I decided I had enough food stuffs for a few weeks.

I grabbed most of the higher-end feminine care products for both Braeden and Laura just in case they had need of it.

'Call me a simp if you want but after having two step-sisters and a little sister. I probably am cause I seen and put up with three. 1 teen 1 pre-teen and one real little sister grow up and go through all that shit.

I wouldn't wish it on anyone and if me being considerate of two women that will be my guests for an indeterminate amount of time makes me a simp than so be it.'

"Buying these for your girlfriend?."-cashier.

"Yeah she threw a wooden sandal at my head saying she needed pads or something. I didn't know what to get so I just grabbed the most expensive stuff that covered three different categories."

"Hahahaha, You're a good boyfriend dear but might I suggest some chocolate. Ohh never mind I see you grabbed the extra large packs. I see you have some experience."-cashier.

"Haa, Some but not much."

"At least you're making an effort dear. It's more than most women can say."-cashier.

"Ma'am do you guys deliver bulk groceries to people say, once every two weeks?."

"We can dear but it's rather expensive and for the most part you'll get what we have in stock. Would you like a form to fill out?."-cashier.

"Yes please, thank you."

"No problem dear, have a nice day."-cashier.

"Thank you, you too."

'Damn I bet she's a gossipy old crone.'

After loading up my truck I got into drive away when a note appeared out of nowhere in front of me.

"Hey this is your friendly neighborhood Omniversal being. I noticed that money in the universe I sent you too doesn't last long so I set you up with a bunch of high value high dividends paying stocks. Your average monthly income will be around 2-10 million a month. Also your checking account and identity will be good in all multiverses that use a banking system that uses cards or chips as a way to pay for things. Along with your identity and identification papers. So have fun, babye."-your sincerest R.O.B.

'Huh he's pretty cool. I thought he would have forgotten about me by now. Whelp guess that solves my money problems.'

Getting back to the house I threw most of the food stuff into the chest freezer in the garage. While bringing most stuff into the house with me.

"Did you buy enough stuff?."-Braeden.

"Probably, I grabbed some care products you and Laura will need. Look through it and pick out the stuff you want and write down. What you'd prefer in the future."

"Okay, thanks I was kind of worrying about that stuff since from monitoring her the last couple of hours and last night. I think I'll be here for a while."-Braeden.


"Hey, can I ask you something?."-Brayden.

"You can ask, I might not answer though."

"Why are you going through all this, for someone you've only known for a day?."-Braeden.

"Honestly I'm a sucker for a pretty face."

"Snort, Yeah whatever don't tell me then."-Brayden.

"Hahaha, You want the truth? I really don't know when I first met her yesterday. I knew she was nothing but trouble and decided to stay out of it. But then I was sitting in the Diner enjoying my food when I saw her walk in looking weathered and broken. Before I could really think over what I was doing I hollered over to her and she joined me. She told me her story and I decided to help her get justice for her family."

"Snort, I guess you really are a sucker for a pretty face."-Braeden.

"Yup, Hey Braeden can you explain to me about why Laura had red eyes before and why they faded to an orange and before passing out they turned a yellowish color."

"Ahh, Yeah I forgot you were new to all of this Honestly. So the red eyes when it comes to werewolves means their an Alpha, Beta's eyes are a goldish yellow color unless they've taken an innocent life then their eyes will be blue symbolizing they're killers of innocents. As for why Laura's eye faded from red to orange then to yellow is because most of her Alpha juice was taken by that other werewolf. And what little embers she had leftover she used to turn you and that about covers it anything else you want to know?."-Braeden.

"Yes do you keep tabs on werewolf packs that have Alpha's that are criminals and use their abilities to harm, rape, kill and whatever else people."

"Yes but why?."-Braeden.

"Because I want to be an Alpha. And I want to find one for Laura. I bet if she gets new juice or a new flame she'll recover quicker."


"That might actually work but you're nowhere experienced enough to go toe to toe with an Alpha."-Braeden.

Smirking to myself I ejected my claws and started excreting a small amount of the paralytic venom. Which my body now naturally produces and Blinked behind Brayden giving her a light precise swipe on the back of her neck paralyzing her.

"What the fuck asshole. Wait holy shit you paralyzed me with a tiny scratch. You better not try anything or else I swear I'll torture you to death."-Braeden.

"Calm down, I might not be a good guy. But I'm definitely not that kind of guy either. Jeez, I just wanted to show you I had a way to handle an Alpha."

Holding Braeden in my arms before carrying her over to the couch and laying her down.

"I'll call big brother once this wears off and have him call our sister to get the information you want."-Braeden.

"Thank you Braeden. Sorry for paralyzing you. If you want I can whip up a few vials of my venom for you to use in the future."

"If you do that I'll forgive you for this."-Braeden.

I also decided to fill Tranq darts with my venom. It'd be 1 venom tranq to one Ketamine tranq every clip.

'Twelve clips should be enough to take down two whole packs. If not, I'll rely on my natural weaponry.'

Filling up 8 vials of venom for Braeden I decided to start practicing my new abilities and training to incorporate them in with my old ones and fighting styles. Braeden was up and moving five hours ago but it took her a total of three hours to fully recover from the toxins effects.

'Damn if Russell had had these abilities combined with the way he fought he'd be damn near unstoppable. The wall crawling combined with Blinking and full range Teleportation is massively op not to mention the natural weaponry and the additional limb along with the 2ft long prehensile tongue.'

After a good eight hours of hard training I didn't even feel winded or hungry. I needed heavier weights though because I lifted 800lbs like it was a Friggin pillow.

Going to the master bedroom. My bedroom I got undressed and hopped in the shower completely zoning out. Enjoying the feeling of the water hitting my skin like a heavy rain. I might be the only person who feels this way but when you're taking a shower it seems like it washes all your problems away even if it is only temporary.

Getting out of the shower and walking to the kitchen wearing nothing but a towel. I grabbed a Cole out of the fridge and my towel fell just as Braeden sleepily walked in to get a drink.

"I know I said I don't mind the view and I don't but that doesn't mean you have to constantly be naked around me."-Braeden.

"It's not like I'm trying to be. the knot that was holding my towel up came undone."

"Uhuh, sure it was. Why are you drinking soda at 4 in the mornin?."-Braeden.

"I forgot to buy a coffee maker."

"Hahaha, You bought at least 10k in stuff in the past two days and forgot the most used appliance in the world. Hahahahahahahaha. Anyways I need my morning cup of coffee."-Braeden.

"Yea yea, What do you want Star Bucks or D&D?."

"Either's fine with me."-Braeden.

Putting on my pants I got in my truck and went to get coffee. Looking around and noticing the Walmart I decided to stop and also grab a coffee maker. Looking around the store to find the small appliances.

I found the top end K-cup maker it was surrounded by like a 100 different kinds of ready to go coffee. So I just grabbed that and one of each of the big boxes of different flavors and blends while also gabbing the powdered creamers.

Going to the checkout I was surprised to find Lydia here at 4 am alone.

"Hey, Lydia right good morning."

'Who, ohh it's the guy that turned me down. (Gulp) he's half naked, damn he's better looking than Jackson and I doubt he uses steroids like Jackson does."-Lydia.

"Hey, Earth to Lydia, hey come on seriously snap out of it."

"Wha-what did you say something?. Sorry I zoned out, are you finding your way around Beacon Hills alright. Well never mind it doesn't matter you should come to my party this weekend there will be plenty of important people there. You'll need to know."-Lydia.

"Sorry I can't, a friend of mine is visiting from New York and she already made plans for us."

'Grrr, again I swear I will make you suffer for this. But damn is he H O double T Hott.'-Lydia.

"But how about you give me your number and let me know the next time you throw a party and I'll do my best to try and make it."

'There is no try, only do or do not. Ahh no bad Lydia you left your geekiness behind before High School don't backslide now.'-thought Lydia.

It was hard work trying not to laugh at Lydia's quoting of Yoda. I mean seriously it was cute as fuck and totally didn't suit her Queen Bitch persona.

"Are you buying something Lydia because if not I'd like to cash out."

"Oh ah no I was just here visiting my cousin Ariel."-Lydia.

"Hi I'm Ariel. Her cousin, nice to meet. Say this friend of yours that's visiting is she your girlfriend or ?."-Ariel.

"No, just a friend. My girlfriend, well my ex girlfriend cheated on me a bit before moving here. I haven't dated anyone since. Our breakup was around a year ago now."

"I'm sorry to hear that my ex cheated on me too."-Ariel.


After cashing out I noticed Lydia had snapped a photo of my shirtless upper body. But I didn't mind it. Wishing the two to have a good morning I left and stopped at D&D ordered a shit ton of blueberry munchkins and chocolate glazed munchkins before returning home.

Braeden sat at the table looking irritated. before I set down the drink holster and the 4 boxes of munchkins. A radiant smile lit up her face as she took her coffee my own and two boxes of munchkins before going downstairs and hollering back.

"There's a bunch of potential targets on your Ipad for you to look over. I'd recommend The Slaughter Twins though. They're both Alphas and run a large sized pack together. And have a penance for kidnapping, raping and eating girls from the ages of 4-16. They can usually be located at a slaughterhouse 250 miles from here."-Braedan.

After hearing what she said I'd already decided they and their pack would be my targets.

'This is going to require some serious recon. Estimated pack numbers 53 not including the two Alphas. Why? Haven't the Argent's moved on these monsters they're all rapists, kidnappers and murders."

Going back to the armory I started packing up flashbangs, tear gas, pepper spray and explosives grenades all in 40mm rounds that can be fired from an M40.

While also packing an FNP90 chambered to 5.56-Nato. And 12 30 round clips. I'd breach with crowd control measures and use the Tranq gun to knock out as many as I can as fast as I can.

Once I ran out of Tranqs I'd switch to the P90. After that I'd resort to my claws. Originally I had wanted to become an alpha and try to absorb the energy. Of the wolves made by the alpha I was going to kill but there's just too many of them.

Going down to the basement to tell Braeden I'd be leaving for a few weeks.

"Hah, You're going already. Whatever, don't die Ohh by the way there's a big bounty on a few of those guys and the twins. So bring back their heads or something so you can make some money off of it."-Braeden.

"Sure, see ya."

The Slaught Twins operated out of a slaughter house just outside of Bakersfield. After watching the place for a few days I realized this place was just way too busy to be just supplying their pack with food, human or otherwise.

Too many normal everyday looking people and refrigerator trucks coming and going. I didn't understand why until one over zealous beta tries raping a what I thought was a pretty blonde woman with a big rack turned out to be a windigo.

'What happens when I bring this place down? Those Wendigos and Rugurus are still going to need to eat. Shit man this decision went from easy to hard real fast. I guess this is why the Argent's left them be since they were providing a service that kept the supernatural out of the spotlight.'

Deciding I'd had enough staking the place out for one day I went to a local bar/grill to get some food and a few drinks. Not that the booze even gave me a buzz anymore I still enjoyed the taste and the soft burn in my throat.

I was sitting down enjoying a nice steak. (It was cow not human.) When a distraught woman practically fell in through the door.

"Please help my baby's gone missing."

Something in the air changed the once hospitable place turned sinister. I heard multiple dark mirthful chuckles throughout the place. Even the waitress who brought me my dinner who seemed kind and bubbly wore a twisted malice filled smile towards the woman.

"What's the bitch doing out of her pen?."-some big scarfaced mofo that had a 50,000 dollar bounty on his head.

"Who knows that's Terry's bitch last I heard the boss had taken a liking to his daughter, ain't seen Terry in a few day's."-waitress.

"Hahaha, Boss is probably enjoying the daughter while lady boss is enjoyin Terry."-scarface.

"Is this whole town run by the slaughter pack?."

"Quiet ya bunch of idiots there's an outsider sittin over there eatin dinner."-older looking woman.

"So what gran, he's one of our kind and he doesn't seem to mind us."-waitress.

"Hey youngin, you care about what's going on in front of ya?."-gran.

"Not unless it affects me Ma'am, and this doesn't affect me."

"Good be seein it stays that way ya hear."-gran.

Letting myself shift a bit I looked into her eyes.

"Don't threaten me ya old bag'a'bones or else I'll be using your bones as toothpicks."

"Hahaha, you're a funny one youngin. But you're too green to give me a challenge. How long it been since you got the bite?."-gran.

"Few day's."

Loud laughter filled the place. But I just smirked and Blinked around the room, paralyzing everyone. Which including the chefs in the kitchen, there were 30 people in total besides myself.

Grabbing a sturdy cleaver from the kitchen. I cut off the heads of bounties while curb stomping on everyone else's skulls killing them instantly.

"You'll pay for this youngin just you wait."-gran

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't or maybe I already have. I hope you and your ilk burn in hell bitch."

Gathering up the severed heads I put them in the industrial freezer before sitting back down to finish my meal. The woman who came in distraught was no innocent. I'd seen that much when I took a quick look at her eyes. They were blue just like everyone else's here so far.

Dragging the rest of the bodies to the walk in fridges to clean the place up a bit. I figured since it's the only bar and restaurant in town I'd be getting a few more visitor's before days end. And even more after that once people realize their family wasn't coming home that night.


Going out to my truck and grabbing my gear. I started setting up the place for a siege. Setting up the claymores Braedem recommended I bring with me at key entry points. And the restroom doors just in case.

I was ready to wage a defensive battle. Against a town of possibly a thousand people. Contact was made just after I killed my second bottle of jack and my third bottle of Hennessy.

The fight against the main forces felt like it took hours but really it only lasted at most 20 minutes before the place lit up in fire. And I came out of the blazing fire swinging. There were 20 werewolves including the two alphas. I tranqed them right out the gate.

Blinking around their remaining pack members also using tranqs until everyone was down I plunged my claws into the brother's heart. A power rushed into me. I felt my body grow a little taller and my muscles became denser.

Looking around at the rest of the unconscious pack I started going around and plunging my now longer and dull gray colored claws into their chests as well.

Feeling a much smaller surge of power feeding into me from them.

If someone was to ask me to describe what I was feeling the closest thing I'd be able to explain it with is imagine. Your high on X feeling good and loose like just the air touching your skin makes you want to moan out in pleasure. Now combine it with snorting an 8-ball and a handle of henny and you'd come close to what it feels like.

In my state of euphoria I almost killed the sister that I had previously spared so Laura could take her spark. Snapping myself out of it forcefully by breaking my arm. Which was fucking hard to do in the first place I came down from my high.

Grabbing the titanium steel alloy arm & leg cuffs Braeden had gone and gotten before for me before I left. I secured the sister after gagging her and throwing her in the back of the truck. I went in search of big chest coolers to put the severed heads in for transport back to Beacon Hills.

After an hour of search I was able to find four sturdy chest coolers. That I put both the frozen heads in and the fresh ones in before filling the coolers with bags of ice. Before leaving I went to the slaughter house. What I saw there was deeply disturbing. But I carried on and made my way to the main office. Located a bank vault sized safe. It took a while to open it but I finally managed to do so.

'Holy shit I just hit the mother load.'

There were diamonds both cut and uncut along with some other precious gems. Gold bars and most importantly cold hard cash. There was so much it'd take at least two trips with my truck to clear out. So then I went in search of an enclosed trailer finding a good sized u-haul one. I hooked it up to my truck and emptied out the safe while also tranqing the sister again since she had woken up.

After I was done with my looting I started my trip home after dumping gallons of bleach everywhere I had gone. And then on myself which did not feel good at all after driving 50 miles away I got out, stripped naked. Lit my clothes on fire, waited until they burned to ash and put on some clean clothes after dousing the sight in bleach.

After backtracking, making false trails and waiting to see if I had any pursuers it took me two days to get home. I went through a lot of ice to keep those heads fresh for Braeden. As soon as I got home I was ambushed by Braeden, Deaton while Morell sat at my kitchen table chuckling at everything that was happening.

"What were you thinking? You slaughtered an entire town."-Braeden.

"Of killers, rapists, and human meat traffickers."

That made all of them stop and take a double take.

"Are you injured, do you need me to patch you up?."-Deaton.

"Nah Doc I'm fine they didn't stand a chance against me."

"Hello miss.Morrell I presume, thank you for your Intel even if it was a bit lacking it helped me be prepared."

"You are welcome. It seems my network has become lacking. I will have to resolve this error. I'll be taking my leave now. It was nice meeting you Mr.Jameson I'm sure we'll get better acquainted in the future."-Morrell.

"I'll be taking my leave now too. I'am glad to see you are alright Mr.Jameson."-Deaton.

"Your bounties are in the coolers Braeden."


"Deaton before you go, would you assist me in helping Laura kill and absorb the Alpha spark from the p.o.s?."

"I'm not comfortable with this so no I won't help you."-Deaton.

"Hmm, figured you wouldn't be"

"AHHHHHHHH, You really brought back their severed heads but I was already paid."-Braeden.

"Well there your problem now."

Grabbing the female twin out of the back of my truck dragging her by her hair kicking and screaming down to the basement. Forcing Laura's claws to eject I forced her hand into the fighting screaming woman's heart. Laura woke up and roared into the sky before falling back onto the table unconscious.

'I sure hope this works.'

Taking the dead body up the stairs and stripping it of clothes. I poured lime and a few other chemicals on the body to dissolve it faster. Within hours there was nothing but red jelly in the tub. Unplugging the drain and running the water while pushing the hair down the drain the body of evidence was gone.

[10] Hanging with Stiles and offering to fix his Jeep

After cleaning the tub thoroughly. I hopped in and took a shower before going and laying down to get some shut eye. I woke up when someone jumped on me and kissed my lips forcefully pushing their tongue into my mouth. Opening my eyes and rolling over pinning my assailant to the mattress. I saw it was Laura that had attacked me in my sleep.

Not that I minded being attacked in this kinda way by the Phoebe Tonkin look alike at all. I just honestly didn't know how to react. In my hesitation to show dominance I found myself back to laying on my back as she pinned my arms and grinded herself against me.

'Something seems off about this. I better stop this before things go too far, not that I want to but because I feel I should.'

Rolling her back over I used my tail to bind her hands above her head as she whimpered in need. And get grinded her naked sex against my body.

'That's it that's why this feels off she's in heat.'

Scratching her with one my claws she became unable to move her body and whimpered and whined even more in need. I teleported the tranq gun into my hand and shot her in the thigh. It took three darts to knock her out.

I tucked her in and sat in my leather chair waiting to see what would happen when she woke up. While she was sleeping I called Stiles to see what was up and If he wanted to hang out.

"This is Stiles, I got style leave a message after the beep."-Stiles voice-mail.

"Hey man, we met the other day at the diner. I figured I'd give you a call."

Within five seconds of hanging up the phone Stiles managed to send 50 text messages.

"Like hey man I thought you forgot about us, umm my Jeep broke down and I'm stuck at the reservation outlook."-Stiles.

"Send me the address. I'll come see if I can help you out."

Getting to the reserve I see Stiles just pounding away at the ignition button.

"It sounds like you're starters shot, Stiles."

"Wahhh really?."-Stiles


Well looking around I felt eyes looking at me from the forest. Looking over to the area of the forest I felt the gaze coming from and I noticed ice cold blue eyes looking back at me.

'Malia. To force Malia to shift back early or not to?."

"Hey man, are you alright you've just been staring into the woods for a while now?."-Stiles.

"Come on Let's hook-up the tow straps to your Jeep and pull it back to town."

Since my place was the closest we towed it there. Once there I opened up the garage and wheeled out a a large 72 drawer toolbox and turned on the air compressor.

"Aright Stiles listen up from today till school starts we're going to spend everyday fixing this Ole'girl up."

"Wha I can't afford."-Stiles.

"Don't worry you aren't going to. I need a project to take my mind off of some personal issues that I have and the best way for me to do so is to get covered in grease and oil while repairing an older automobile."

"I don't know."-Stiles.

"Look man I'm not super rich but I make more in a month then your dad will in his entire life. Seriously man let me do this if not for you than the Jeep and for your mom."

"You you know about my mom?."-Stiles.

"Nope but I can tell this was hers and it sat until you got your license."

"Fine but I'm going to pay you back for everything."

"Hahahah, you already are Stiles I haven't felt this relaxed in awhile."

With Stiles and I working together we had the tub stripped down to the bare metal floor. I quickly spotted a lot of the reason why Stiles had so much trouble with the jeep. Rat nests were all throughout the poor girl.

I let Stiles take my truck home. It's not like I needed to go anywhere for awhile and I was really into the idea of fixing up this old CJ. If I did need to go anywhere Braeden's van was in the garage so I was set.

It took me a few hours to remove the tub from the frame. But with my strength and endurance I wasn't even breaking a sweat. I noticed quite a few neglected housewives peeking out their curtains to get a look at my chiseled naked upper body.

Inspecting the wiring harness and the vacuum lines I was shocked that this poor Ole girl hadn't gone up in a ball of flames yet. Making a list of parts I'd need I decided to do a compression test on the engine which is a sturdy straight six.

I wanted to shout out fuck when performing the test two cylinders had zero compression. Which is no comprende. The rest were pitifully low as well.

By the time I was done with my inspection and looked over my list I noticed. I was already at 70% of the Jeep. The only thing I'd be leaving alone would be the frame.