Fallen In TVD

"Drink Azazeal, it will help with the thirst and complete your transition." Esther said softly as she ran her fingers through my hair while offering me Tatyana's wrist which I found myself savagely biting into as she and Esther were the ones giving off the sweet delicious smell.

The smell though was nothing compared to the taste of the hot blood flowing into my mouth and down my throat making the burning ache recede if only slightly.

'Kind of tastes like Swiss Miss hot chocolate but made with half and half and water instead of just water.' I thought to myself as memories from a very distant past me started coming back to the forefront of my mind memories I hadn't quite forgotten but buried deep away to protect them from all the blood and destruction.

'It's funny I buried myself away, turned myself into a drone to protect myself from what I'd become what I was doing and yet shedding blood destroying a life becoming a Vampire is bringing back who I was completely.' I thought to myself as I enjoyed the sweet taste of blood in my mouth.

'I-I, can taste again I can taste again, for the first time in eons I can taste something.' I thought to myself in wonder and amazement as I felt tears falling from my eyes as I greedily grabbed the arm that Esther had tried to take from me.

"Azazeal, Stop it if you drink anymore Rebekah will die." Esther's words snapped me out of greedy feasting.

Having a mouth full of blood I grabbed the delirious Rebekah kissing her forcing the blood into her mouth starting her transition into a vampire.

I could hear and feel her jaw changing her teeth growing longer in my mouth we started a bloody kiss, each of us drank in the other's blood.

'Pain it feels so sweet I never realized how dull my existence had become until now.' I thought to myself as Rebekah moved into my lap both of us feeling charged.

"Ahh Aza I love you." Rebekah moaned into my mouth.

I heard a bellow from Mikeal and I could easily predict him coming for us I moved quickly kicking Mikeal through a wall only to have him vamp-speed back inside the long house.

My angel blade fell into my hand from angelic garb my instincts as an eons old warrior telling me to put him down here and now.

Only to feel myself get hit with a wave of magical energy that welded me to the wall of the long house Rebekah out of my grasp.

I felt a pain in my chest and saw Mikeal plunging his hand into my chest.

"Mikeal enough." Esther roared as he was restrained to the other wall all I could focus on was Rebekah's neck twisted at the wrong angle feeling like my life was over even though I knew she should be alright.

I let out an agonized roar my grace exploding out of me along with my wings extending fully.

"BEKAH ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!" I moved in a flash I was in front of Mikeal my fingertips pressing into his chest I could still fell Esther's magic restraining me and I could feel Ayana joining her.

"We'll have to put him under a spell Esther he's lost in a rage and won't see reason." Ayana said making me rage all the more.

"I'LL HUNT YOU TO THE END OF THE EARTH FOR THIS I'LL INVADE HELL RETURN TO HEAVEN JUST SO I CAN DESTROY YOUR SOULS FOR TAKING MY LOVE FROM ME ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!" I raged as I thrashed against the magic restraining me as Ayana and Esther chanted in unison I could feel myself slowly being pulled into darkness.

"If she asks we'll say he didn't survive the transition." Esther finally said as she fell to the ground exhausted Ayana joining her as they finished sealing the tomb that held the half crazed with grief fallen angel vampire hybrid.

"We have another problem to solve Niklaus's true nature shall be revealed to Mikeal soon." Ayana told her friend and coven sister.

"I do not think I can cast a binding spell to hide it after restraining Azazeal and creating his tomb even with your help Ayana." Esther replied to Ayana a voice filled with exhaustion.

"I'm depleted as well and my ancestors will not offer me anymore of their strength due to helping you break the laws of nature from hence forth we are no longer a coven of two Esther." Ayana said as she shakily stood to her feet leaving Esther behind who had burst into tears as soon as her friend disappeared into the treeline.

'Another sister gone all for Mikeal and children.' Esther thought to herself while looking at the pentagram carved into the stone doorway that locked Azazeal away.

"I am sorry Azazeal I never expected for you to have such an extreme reaction to the transition. I'll give you a few years to settle down before coming to free you and reunite my daughter with her love." Esther apologized while making a vow one she would never get the chance to complete.

'If you knew the death and destruction you wrought in your rage at seeing your precious Bekah's neck snapped you would understand why Ayana and I moved against you.' Esther thought to herself as she lifted herself up from the ground wiping away angry incessant tears that wouldn't stop falling.

Esther lay dying on the floor a gaping hole in her chest where her heart should be, she quickly chanted the incantation to free Azazeal from his slumber but dying before she could remove the spell keeping him trapped on his bed made of stone and the magic keeping the tomb sealed.

I woke up taking a gasping breath I tried to move but couldn't I tried to flex my grace to free me but couldn't I could only lie on my back inhaling and exhaling breaths while staring up at the cave's smooth rock ceiling.

'A prison, they imprisoned me, Bekah, save me my love.' I thought to myself as I waited and waited, my body feeling as though it was on fire as it constantly cannibalized itself my spark of grace constantly being consumed by my body to prevent me from fully dessicating.

Time lost all meaning to me it was just darkness and agony with insects crawling all over my skin as my clothes had rotted away.

I waited and waited for my Love to come rescue me but she never came. None of the family I'd come to love and see as my own ever came for me.

"So much for Always and Forever." I spat venomously as I closed my eyes coming to terms with the fact I was going to be in this hellish prison for eternity, abandoned by love by family, wishing everything would go back to being dull and meaningless like it was before I fell for Rebekah before I realized all I was missing the night I turned into a vampire.

"Are you sure this tomb will hold all of those Vampires Emily?" Asked a male voice questioningly.

"Yes, Master Gilbert this prison was created by one of my very powerful ancestors with the help of another very powerful witch to imprison one of the first vampires ever to walk this earth and desecrate it with their demonic existence." Emily replied as I heard footsteps approaching me.

'Is this a dream?' I asked myself as I soon had two living humans on either side of me one black skinned woman and a white skinned man with a full beard.

"By God, such an ancient evil. Vampire's are." The man named John said.

"PleAsE K-ill M-eEE." I begged with a raspy broken voice just wanting my suffering to end and finally go to the empty where all angelic and demonic creatures go when they die even those that die without a miniscule amount of grace.

"Hahahahaha, Why would we put a filthy devil creature like yourself out of its deserved suffering and torment? Death is too good for your filthy kind." John said as he continued to laugh at the agony I had experienced enraging me.

"I'll CoMe fOr yOu I'll take your wives and daughters at night, show them pleasures no man ever could. Leaving them starving for more. I'll make you watch before I turn you into what I am and then force you to starve as they drink their fill of my seed, and when you beg for mercy, I will laugh at you and throw you in here and leave you to suffer as I have." I told him my voice was coming back to finally using it after so long.

"Filthy beast." He turned around with rage in his eyes and I hoped I'd enraged him enough that he would kill me but Emily stopped him.

"He is trying to goad you into killing him master Johnathan he can't move from his bed made of stone the spells imprisoning him here are too powerful." Emily placated him as she lovingly caressed his arm making John snort and leave while Emily turned to look at me curiously.

"I thought you would beg for freedom." She said to me and if I could I would have shook my head, no, in reply.

"What good is freedom after love has betrayed you, stabbed you in the back and left you in darkness for what has felt like an eternity? No death, true freedom, that is what I want." I questioned her before telling her what I desired.

"Maybe your love is lost but it can be found again." Emily left me with those parting words.

"Find my love again, huh not a bad idea thank you Emily, If I find no when I find the Mikealson's I'll kill every last one of them for abandoning me here, saving Rebekah and Nik for last, I'll savor torturing them to death." I vowed to the creaking and shifting stone walls of my prison a blood thirsty vindictive smile warping my face as I truly fell after so many years forsaking the smallest shred of my angelic nature I had held onto by being a protector and healer.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!." I laughed like a madman as the final dregs of sanity slipped from my fingers, gone was the fallen angel living a simple life in a simple village of werewolves. Now all that was left behind is a vindictive and vengeful original vampire looking for the satisfaction that I'd been denied for so very long.

Having a goal in mind, I waited patiently for my chance at freedom after Emily opened the tomb and made a hole in the spell. Its strength was slowly diminishing enough so that after a bit of time I could just barely wiggle my toes and fingers.

Again my prison was opened and I could sense new un-Alived beings, being brought inside.

"That is the last of them." A male voice said while the witch Emily replied by immediately chanting her spell to seal the prison once more but her trespasses into something she fully didn't understand made the spell restraining me deteriorate even further now I could move my whole hand and wrist while I could roll my ankles.

"I will be free, once I am all those who betrayed me, abandoned me, used me will suffer." I said in a laugh as twenty or so vampires that were shaking off the effects of Vervain moved towards me their faces warped revealing their true nature as predators all but one that is a beautiful Asian featured woman.

That if I remembered correctly was named Pearl, in the show The Vampire Diaries she had my lusts for pleasures of the flesh flaring to life.

Even as she stood back away from the pack of hungry vampires that launched themselves at me, as they bit into my flesh draining the few drops of blood in my veins only for my grace to spark and heal me they fed over and over again draining my body of blood.

But with every time they drained me dry I felt my grace coming back a little bit stronger each time. I could also sense my grace inside of them with a flex of my will I pulled on my grace and watched as each one, suddenly became rigid and screamed as the powerful and bright divine light, that was my grace illuminated then from inside out bursting from their eyes and mouths.

Leaving the burned out dessicated husks on the floor of my prison, all those flickering embers of grace rushed back into me feeding my flickering candle flame of grace nurturing it and with that the last magical bonds restraining me to my stone bed snapped.

I felt two lusts one for blood and one for the asian milf before me I moved at a speed that shocked me, grabbing at the v of her dress ripping it off of her exposing her naked form to my eyes. Harshly pressing her against the wall lifting her up slamming my throbbing member into her depths making her cry out as I buried my fangs into her neck.

"Please use me however you nnn want, but I beg y-ooo-u don't kill me I nnn want to be ahh reunited with my d-aww-ughter." Moaned Pearl as I raped her and drank her blood.

"I'll reunite you with her." I grunted out as I released my built up seed inside of her, being pleasantly surprised when she also found her own release.

"THANK YOU ! ! !" She screamed out a thank you while experiencing her own orgasm as I continued to drink her blood, blood not as delicious or rich as the first blood I drank but lighter airer with a hint of sweetness.

Pulling away from her neck licking up the few droplets of blood leaking from the holes I made their watching in fascination as they closed up.

Bringing my wrist up to my mouth biting into it tasting salty iron with a hint of something more, bringing my wrist up to pressing it against the deliriously moaning Asian woman's lips who moaned as she started drinking my blood like it was the most delicious thing she'd ever tasted.

Feeling her drink my blood like this while having myself still buried deep inside of her twitching depths felt almost as good as the sex and release I'd just felt with her. I found myself moaning along with her as I buried my fangs into her neck once more.

Drinking from her as she drank from me my grace flowing between our blood connection only miniscule amounts but building slowly growing ever so slightly as we continued our erotic dance. Our intimate union that went deeper than anything I shared with Rebekah.

"What are you? you taste like nothing I've ever tasted before, you tasted divine." Pearl said to me as we laid entwined upon my stone bed.

"I was once a fallen angel of the lord, now, I'm like you. But I've been trapped here for what's felt like forever in a constant state of healing and dessication, it's been pure agony." I replied to her and she pulled my head onto her breasts and started humming a child's lullaby while caressing my hair lovingly.

"I'm sorry." Pearl whispered softly and I could feel the sincerity in her words and touch.

"Don't be, it's what I deserve after everything I've done I was a fool to think I could find and experience love." I replied to her, her hands and lullaby only pausing for a split second before continuing again.

"Love, can be hard." Pearl replied in a voice that held a deep pain and sadness.

"Tell me about your daughter." I said to her changing the subject from things best left for later and to suffer through alone.

"Hahaha, Annabelle is a sweet, caring, and loving girl but she is also driven and headstrong at times, just like her father was when he was alive.

She's beautiful too, so much so I sometimes find myself jealous of her looks, wishing that I had been turned before becoming a mother." Pearl replied to me honestly talking about her daughter in a loving way.

"I think you are very beautiful Pearl." I told her as I nipped at her nipple making her gasp in pleasure.

"You will think even more so of Anna." Pearl replied as we restarted our vampiric union once more.

Some time had passed but with Pearl as company very very pleasant naked company my prison didn't seem too bad anymore.

"I think my strength has returned enough to get us out of here my dear Pearl." I told her as I stood up from my stone bed after finishing another long bout of our vampiric love making.

Pearl blinked up at me from her position on her back in surprise since we started our relationship she'd only talked about her daughter and expunged her strength beating against the door of the prison and coming to me for comfort, food and sex.

"We are escaping this place?" Pearl asked in disbelief whose eyes then widened in shock as I unfurled my wings letting them expand fully for the first time in what Pearl informed has been nearly 900 years.

"We are." I replied with a vicious smile as I was getting closer to my vengeance against those who wronged me.

Surprisingly Pearl didn't show the excitement I thought she would at the prospect of finally leaving this place.

"Once we are free from here, will, we be going our separate ways?" Pearl questioned me looking like it was the last thing she wanted to do.

"We don't have too, I've grown rather attached to the woman that freed me from this unending darkness and solitude who even taught me in the use of my Vampiric abilities." I replied to her as I straddled her on the stone bed encasing us in my wings as I made real love to her for the first time, no blood sharing no roughness just a very long pleasure filled embrace filled with passionate kisses and loving touches.

"Ahh-ha-ha-ha, I know this place holds a lot of darkness and pain for you...but to me this place will always be the place I found love again." Pearl panted in my ear as she rested her chin against my shoulder.

"Let's find Anna." I replied to her as I stood from the stone bed spreading my wings outwards teleporting us out of my prison and Pearl's "love nest.".

"Wait my daylight... I'm not burning to death in the sun." Pearl muttered as the sun's early morning rays shone on her pale but healthy skin.

"Neither are you." Pearl gasped as she ran her fingers along one of my more prominent scars that an angel blade had dealt to me.

"You have the blood of a divine being running through your veins I'd be surprised if anything short of an angelic or an infernal weapon could harm or kill you." I replied to her as I sunned my wings against the rays of light feeling the breeze ruffling my feathers pleasantly.

"You, truly are the most wonderful man I've ever met." Pearl whispered as she kissed my chest before moving back spreading her arms out openly enjoying the sun lighting up her skin as she danced and twirled in the open area of the forest the tall green grass tickling her shins.

'I wonder if they will be sticking to the church fire story from the series or not.' I wondered to myself as I looked around finding the burnt remains of a building that looked like it had built over the entrance of my prison.

"It looks like a long time has passed since we met." I finally said to Pearl breaking her out of her joy filled moment making her face become deadly serious.

"We should find accommodations and clothes." Pearl replied to me very seriously.

"I have to find my things first." I replied to her as I tried to feel for my angel blades and angelic battle garb.

I was guided along until I came to the entrance to the caves that the non wolf touched would take refuge inside during the full moon.

"What is this place? some of these cave paintings are even older than I am." Pearl whispered in a questioning voice.

"This was a sanctuary on the nights of the full moon for those who weren't wolf touched that lived inside the village." I replied as I continued into the cave system heading for where I felt traces of divine energy.

"Wolf touched... as in werewolves?" Pearl asked in surprise.

"Yes, that was how Mikeal and Esther referred to them as well but since my home was amongst the tribe of natives I followed their ways and teachings." I replied to her as we came to a very familiar cave the same cave I took Rebekah's maiden hood in, A stone dias that hadn't been there on my last visit to the cave.

On the foreign stone dias my things rested on it like it was an altar to the dead. Dressing in my battle robes sheathing my angel blades in the inner sheaths of my battle robes.

"My totem, it's gone." I muttered.

"Was, this totem important?" Pearl asked gently as her hand rested on my shoulder.

"No, it was just a carved piece of wood on a leather cord. It means nothing." I replied to her as I stood up looking at Pearl's naked body removing my outer robe draping it over her shoulders.

"Thank you, Azazeal." Pearl said softly as she slipped her arms into the sleeve holes and pulled the robe around herself.

"Come on we have to find you some better fitting clothes and some food...I don't know about you, but I'm famished even with our blood sharing." I replied back to her waiving off her thanks before changing the subject to food and clothes.

"I am also hungry." Pearl replied as she locked her arm with mine and we walked out of the caves side by side.

We happened upon an injured boy crying on the forest floor holding his arm that was broken badly with bone sticking out of his flesh.

'My first instinct isn't to heal him like it would have once been to, it's now to tear him apart and feast on his blood even though the boy couldn't be older than 10 years of age.' I thought to myself as my dry throat ached to feel warm blood flowing down it once more.

(whhaaa whaaa)

"Help me Mister, Misses please." The boy cried from his position on the ground feeling the way Pearl gripped my arm tightly I wasn't sure if she was trying to give me strength to prevent me from tearing his throat out or using me as an anchor.

"Please help me." The boy wailed his wailing getting to me as the smell of his blood tickled in my nostrils.

'I can't hold back anymore.' I thought to myself as I pounced onto the boy turning his head to the side burying my fangs into his carotid artery, Pearl soon joining me we'd pull ourselves from the boys neck swapping the blood back and forth between each other's mouths before returning to our meal.

The boy was dead cold on the ground as Pearl and I started to fuck our mouths dripping with his blood faces stained with it.

"Jack Jack Jack, where are you sweetie Mama is worried about you." A woman's voice called out at the same time Pearl cried out in orgasm.

"Second dinner is here, maybe we should have, a little fun, with her before draining her dry." I groaned as I found my release inside Pearl's wet, embracing depths.

"It haa will nnn be ahh mmm haa ha haa good practice for compulsion." Pearl replied as she clung to me tightly making me smirk.

"M-my apologies." The mother of the boy we'd just had for a snack said as she walked upon us entwined on the forest floor before she could cover her eyes.

Pearl and I were on either side of her gently cupping her chin while grabbing her ass that was hidden by her dress making our eyes meet.

"You will only feel pleasure from whatever I do to you or tell you from now on, you're every thought it is how can I please this man with my everything I'am." I said to her while looking her in the eyes using the compulsion technique Pearl taught me.

"I will feel only pleasure no matter what you do or tell me, you are my only reason for existing you are my everything." She replied absent-mindedly as Pearl started removing her plain drab colored dress.

'I love being a vampire.' I thought to myself as I took the rather beautiful woman up against a tree while whispering to her and pointing out her son's dead body only making her moan boisterously as I continued to take her while offering her wrist to Pearl to drink from.

I could feel the woman's life slipping away from her, her sweet honey flavored blood was down to the last dregs I let her drop to the ground grabbing her by her long honey blonde hair looking into her dazed blissed out eyes.

"Return to normal." I compelled her quickly her dazed and blissful expression turned to that of fear as she struggled to look at the corpse of her son she only managed to let out a single agonized sob before dying.

For some reason her dying cry, struck a chord in me I felt sick for less than a moment at what I'd done to her while also relishing in the pleasure I experienced while doing what I did to her.

'If this is what it was like for Damon, I can understand why he seemed so unhinged and villainous in the first season of the show.' I thought to myself as I watched Pearl dress in the woman's discarded clothes feeling resentful of them from hiding her beautiful body from my eyes.

"Don't make that face." Pearl said to me in a giggle after catching the way I was looking at the clothes she was wearing only for her to hike up the dress to just below her stomach.

"See you still have easy access to me whenever you want." Pearl continued as she fluttered her eye lashes at me while giving me a saucy smile.

"Come on let's find us a temporary place to stay." I said to her as I stole her off her feet and put her in a princess carry as I took off into the dusky sky.

"It's beautiful up here." I heard Pearl whisper over the wind as I glided on air currents.

"It is, when I was an angel though I was never able to just fly and enjoy it there was always a purpose to flying." I replied as I enjoyed sharing something like this with Pearl.

"What was it like being an angel?" Pearl asked in a considerate voice.

"It...was bloody." I replied back to her as for me it was since I was a warrior class angel I wasn't a paper pusher or management.