TV Items V1

So here I Am sitting in my chair next to the tv watching some illegally downloaded cartoon episodes Ben 10 to be exact. I watched Ben Tennyson throw a paper airplane at the back of his teacher's head and then sink down into his desk chair.

I enjoyed the banter between Ben and Gwen. It was cute how they let how much they care for each other show through insults because of their environment and mostly from Ben being bullied and his parents not doing their job by explaining things to him and acting like his friends.

Their antics actually managed to make me smile a real smile for the first time in a long time but they didn't manage to make me laugh.

But I kept noticing a green dot on the screen that was bugging me because it always seemed to be directly in my line of sight.

Leaning forward I double tapped the dot gently only for the green dot to turn into a film that covered the entire screen.

"Fuck" I said as I looked at the screen now entirely tinted green.

Out of stupidity I pressed my finger against the screen and instead of being stopped and hearing a creaking sound my finger sunk into the screen.

I was wrist deep into the screen before the implications of what that meant started to dawn on me. My heart started to race as a cold sweat started across my body. My vision started to get blurry like on an old tube TV when the signal was bad.

The world around me started spinning as I became light headed feeling something snap onto my wrist. I ripped my hand backwards before I lost consciousness.

I started coming back to consciousness, my head still feeling light and my body promising to collapse under any load I might try to put on it so I stayed still even as my throat ached for some water.

'It's been years since I had a seizure, luckily that was just a baby one and I didn't do too much damage to myself staying in the chair.'

Trying to move my right arm gently I was surprised that it was seemingly being weighed down by something turning my head looking down at my arm.

"Holy FUCK ! ! !" I shouted in amazement and shock since on my wrist was none other than the omnitrix from the original series.

'Man this is one vivid dream.'

I chuckled slightly at that thought as I lifted my wrist up to my face inspecting one of the most overpowered devices in cartoon history.

Pressing the little green button pointed towards me like Ben does in the cartoon I was amazed when the dial popped up with nary a sound.

In a black silhouette with a green backlight within the shape of an hourglass. I kept turning the dial cycling through the different aliens.

All ten of the original Aliens were available in the omnitrix's playlist but none of the other ones Ben unlocked throughout the original series were available at the moment.

'This has to be a dream.'

"Well if this is a dream…it won't hurt to try it out right?" I asked myself outloud.

'Hmm, who to turn into first? Wildmutt nah too big and slobbering, Four-arms too big, Ghostfreak too scary and possibly lead to Zs'Skayr escaping the Omnitrix into my world so next, Heatblast nope don't want to burn the house down, Diamondhead? hmm nah better not, Stinkfly nope not until summer time. Ripjaws? Maybe if I was near a lake or an ocean, so that leaves me with XLR8, Upgrade and Greymatter.

Hmm, I really just want to turn into XLR8 and run all over the place at superspeed buuuuttttttt video cameras traffic cameras security cameras and satellites might spot me sooo probably go Greymatter make some piece of cloaking tech that would make me invisible too earth's current level of technology.' I thought to myself as I went around the room grabbing old earbuds wireless and not my Walkman, a couple old ass IPhones I have in my dresser, a broken tablet, an old TV remote, an old Xbox controller, an electric rechargeable razor and some batteries of miscellaneous sizes.

"Better grab out some tools as well." I said to myself as I started grabbing out a cellphone repair kit, a dremel with multiple different attachments and a multi bit screwdriver set that had every bit that was commonly used in mainstream electronics, autos and household items and last but not least a soldering iron and wire.

Selecting Greymatter gently pushing the dial back down into its recess in a flash of green light that momentarily blinded me, my whole perception changed and I knew and understood so many things I could never dream of comprehending or learning about.

Taking apart all the technology in a slow but methodical pace constantly hearing myself snicker about how primitive earth and earth's technologies are before he or I started build a phablet like device that had capabilities beyond that of a supercomputer, while having 5G connectivity at all times anywhere on the planet earth free of charge while also emitting a cloaking field that would keep me undetectable by all surveillance devices on earth it even had an interactive 3D holoprojector like the ones seen in the MCU movies that Tony Stark uses.

I even wrote down notes and instructions that my tiny human brain would be able to understand when the Omnitrix timed out. With a few warning beeps and then in a flash of red-light I was back to normal.

"I really hope this isn't a dream that I'm going to wake up from any second." I said to myself.



While I was waiting for the watch to recharge I continued to watch Ben 10. Ben still had an Omnitrix so I didn't steal his maybe I just duplicated it. While looking at the tv screen, I noticed that up in the right hand corner of the tv a green dot with a white X in the middle of it.

Clicking on the X the green tint shrunk into a singular dot again pressing my finger against it I moved it upwards in the very top right corner releasing it there. Grabbing my phablet using a free streaming app I put on Heroes and noticed the green dot was in the same place on the tablet as it was on the tv.

Switching to the episode where Niki Sanders finds the briefcase with two million in cold hard cash and a pistol inside. Repeating the same process as with the omnitrix earlier I tried pulling the briefcase through but the physical screen was too small.

"Activate holo-screen." I spoke the command that Greymatter set to voice activate some of the devices features.

'While time to try it.' Reaching through the holo-screen it worked. I was able to pull the briefcase out of thin air.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA, I'm fucking rich now motherfuckers."

Ejecting the magazine from the pistol while also pulling back the slide ejecting the round that was in the chamber.

Stashing the pistol and mag underneath my bed in a tote smiling as I felt the crisp bills underneath my fingertips grabbing a couple stacks at ten thousand a stack throwing on some clean clothes.

"Once outside the watch let out a tone and turned green again. "Activate cloaking mode." I commanded.

[Cloaking mode activated]

"Time to go XLR8." I said out loud feeling giddy at the Ben 10 reenactment.

It took me one minute and forty seven seconds to travel the twenty one miles to the city of Utica at five hundred miles per hour.

Tapping the omnitrix faceplate I turned back into human before the watch would time out.

I was only a block away from the shopping center that has a best buy, Walmart, Staples, Barnes & Noble, a pet supply store, an arts and crafts store and a few other shops.

Walking the rest of the way to the store barely dodging a car.


"FUCK YOUUUU, YOU HAD A FUCKING RED LIGHT YOU IN BRED COCK SUCKER ! ! !" I shouted at the speeding away vehicle while flipping it off.

Just to have a state police cruiser fly by me going at least a buck twenty not more than a second later.

'These fucks are gonna get someone killed.' No sooner than I had that though I could just barely hear the sounds of rubber screeching on asphalt, the shattering of glass, the shearing of metal and a scream.

'I sometimes hate it when I'm right.' I thought as I put my head down and continued towards best buy.

"Ohh my God look at this girl." Random chick on phone.

"Ohh my gawd that just happened up the road." Replied girls friend.

"(Sniffle) that little girl died walking out of Chucky cheese chasing after her toy, that's so heartbreaking." Replied the first girl I heard talking.

My heart ached at hearing how a little girl died.

'You could have saved her if you stayed as XLR8 for a few more seconds.' I told myself as I walked to the part of the store where one of the items I wanted was displayed.

Grabbing an Ion Outdoor bluetooth radio karaoke speaker/movie projector with a rechargeable battery I then went to the apple section of the store grabbing the newest IPad Pro with the biggest screen and most storage.

The latest and greatest Apple watch with cellular capabilities the most advanced MacBook available with the 4080 graphics card before going to the console gaming area grabbing an Xbox Series X/S, a Nintendo switch OLED, a PS5 a bunch of controllers each.

Before going to the cell phone vendor, getting the newest most expensive Samsung phone models and repeating the process with the IPhone.

Walking up to the check out area with a cart filled with some of the newest and greatest tech I got some odd looks from both fellow customers and employees.

Grabbing a few Xbox, Playstation and Nintendo gift cards along with a pack of King sized M&M's I started stacking up my bounty on the cashier counter.



Walking out of the store feeling lighter than I had in a long time finding a secluded spot scanning the area to make sure I was alone.

Selecting XLR8 on the Omnitrix I disappeared from the area leaving behind a fluffy cloud of snow.

Going back home, I stopped to grab some take out from a Chinese place while throwing down more than the food was worth and kept on on my way.

Emptying one of the bags except for an Xbox gift card, a bag of m&m's and the apple watch exiting the house again and slapping the face plate turning human again.

Reentering the house, pulling the watch out of the big clear bag with Best Buy's logo printed on it in big black lettering, throwing beside him on the couch while setting the takeout on the table.

Grabbing my bounty of tech goodies tearing apart packaging spreading everything out on my collapsible desk setting the tools from earlier on it.

Starting to take the console's casingings off, once done with that I nodded while looking at the watch smiling.

'Now let's see what you can do with the most advanced tech on this planet, little brainiac.' I thought to myself.

Transforming into Greymatter once more taking apart the rest of the expensive tech hearing myself mutter that this was barely passable as level two technology before everything was cannibalized even my recently created phablet.

"This is unnecessary. You only need one of these here putting four just wastes energy and will cause overheating issues.

Hmm-hmm put this here recalibrate it like so…10 times the computing power with only a fraction of the previous energy consumption.

Energy cycles here will stop energy leakage, recycle it and make this a self-powered self-sustaining device after the device is connected to a power source for 4 earth hours.

Rewrapping this coil here will help in the heat distribution and exhaust now the processor can sustain peak operating loads indefinitely.

Tweaking the antenna frequencies like so will give this device free uninterrupted connectivity at all times and at the fastest speeds this planet can currently reach.

I must give it to these humans, they have made quite a bit of progress for such a short lived primitive species." I spoke as Greymatter as I tweaked and toyed with the technology in front of me and insulted my species while complementing them.

"Hmm, let's quickly remove the limiter, activate the menu, telepathic controls/AI of the omnitrix and make sure this one is completely separated from that boy's omnitrix." Spoke me as Greymatter before I started tweaking and toying with the Omnitrix.

[Limiter removed] spoke a mechanical voice that was feminine in nature.

[Telepathic link synchronized] spoke the same mechanical voice as before.

[Omnitrix customization menu]

[Omnitrix has one pending recalibration, four software updates] spoke the same voice as before but inside my head instead of outloud.

[Life-form lock mode now available]

[Automatic D.N.A scanning On]

[User D.N.A enhancement/replacement/healing function now active Bearer's template has been stored inside Omnitrix designated as its only user/operator. Please program voice commands at earliest convenience for integral security and safety functions]

'Muhahahaha, Unlimited Powahhhh.' I evilly laughed inside my head having a Palpatine moment one that even my new Galvin mind appreciated even if he or we found it below tadpool-ish.

Galvin me continued work on the tech parts on the table that hardly resembled their original forms only the casingings were left mostly untouched.

The Xbox X and PS5 were combined, jailbroken, shrunk down to the size of the Xbox Series S while gaining things like satellite TV, true full dive VR and their own interactive holo display.

The IPad received the same treatments as the phablet but with newer internals it's capabilities far surpassed the first Galvin modified piece of tech.

The apple watch also received the same upgrades and surpassed the phablet not by as much as the IPad but by a large margin it was even upgraded with defensive, offensive, stealth, cloaking and a few other capabilities.

While the IPhone and S23 Ultra were combined into the Phablet the thing now has like five processors, a godly amount of ram, capabilities of the watch and previous generation of phablet.

while having a self sustaining power source just like the Galvin me put into all the other new pieces of tech by modifying the original power sources and power system.

Then the projector radio contraption, the little Galvin me modified its power cell to be like the one in all the other devices while increasing the lumens of the projector to make it have a better brighter picture.

Then I had the idea of making microprojectors. My idea was to have them look like little cubes that could make a holo-projection big enough for me to walk through.

Galvin me's and human me's theory of me being able to enter the tv-omniverses was correct so we'd have an emergency exit whenever we or I needed it.

'God it's confusing being a Galvin, it's like I'm me but also a different person at the same time, I didn't feel like this at all being XLR8.'

Finally I was done modifying the tech so I tapped the hourglass symbol going Upgrade completely forgetting I could have just given a mental command to do so.

Following instructions and mental notes my Galvin transformation dumbed down enough for me to actually understand while he/we also pointed out specific blueprints and atomic bonds so I didn't short things or make them explode like Ben tended to do when he used Upgrade.

Merging with the Galvanically modified technology creating new casings out of the old ones creating a coating the element proofed the electronics and another one that made them a hundred times more durable than they originally were before I demerged from the tech and turned back into human me.

Putting on the smartwatch trying out the offensive capabilities by firing a blaster bolt or particle beam at my wooden dresser surprised to see a smoldering scorched hole that went through the two inch thick board through the both boards the made the drawer and penetrated halfway through the other side of the dressers board.

"Well that should be good enough to protect myself with, I can't really test out the force field bubble at the moment though and it's getting pretty late."

'I could always visit Adam, give him the pistol and ask him to shoot me with it.'


'Next things I should get are the charms of Bezel, especially the resurrection stone, man…Hex had his neck snapped and then got up again an hour later, if that.'

Scrolling through the episodes finding the ones I needed grabbing the Archamada Book of Spells, Gwen's charm of Luck, Hex's necklace thingy that had the Resurrection, Pyrokinesis, Electrokinesis and Telekinesis charms on it and his weird bird skull staff.

Skipping ahead to the next big Hex episode, grabbing the Keystone of Bezel off of Gwen's wrist forearm cuff thing along with Charmcaster's magic bag.

Holding the charms over Hex's necklace, the additional charms snapped into place the Keystone moving to the center of the six as they all started glowing in yellowish gold light.

Putting it on myself I felt a rush of euphoria and just energy that had me rocking back and forth as my hand found the spell book which opened on a magical gust of wind that came out of nowhere.

I found myself casting a spell in what sounded like gibberish as a twister of green energy surrounded me that slowly turned purple in color as the necklace the charms were on melted off of my neck and started sliding down my right arm.

My body also felt weird as if it was turning fluid and in a constant state of motion before it started to get very hot I looked down at myself and noticed the fat on my body was literally just slowly melting away as the tornado of energy around me grew larger.

Loose clothes were being pulled into the tornado along with blankets and other knick knacks and whatnots.

The weight that I always felt when I took a breath vanished and I finally knew what it felt like to take a deep full breath, something I'd never been able to do being born with Asthma.

My mind started to become less hazy and I could think many thoughts at once where before it was just a chore to do things and think at the same time.

My muscles swelled with new strength and mass before being compacted back down repeating the process over and over again only growing slightly larger.

While my body went through astounding changes from obese to barely having any body fat with strong steel like muscles as the already to large clothes I wore became to large with my pants that I already struggled to keep from falling to my ankles finally fell, and the shirt that hung down to just above my knees was raised upwards but I still swam in it as my horrid scoliosis was cured.

My vision became sharp and clear. I could look at the bright LED light that lit up the room before the magical energy outshone it, no longer seeing those lines that came off it curved in semi-circles.

"This is Fucking Awesome! ! !" I expressed my excitement.

The whirlwind of energy started to close in against my skin making me feel a pleasant tingle all over as it slowly seeped into my pores while it started to grow smaller.

My body started to glow a dull pink but as more energy was absorbed by my body it started to shine while the light also grew into darker shades of pink before turning violet.

Looking down at my arm I was shocked to see that the stones were gone and in their place was a sleeve tattoo that rapped all the way around my forearm with little circles and the markings the charm stones had while on the back side of my hand the Keystone was a red tattoo and part of the sleeve.

"Wow, that looks amazing." I exclaimed quietly to myself.

'But how in the hell am I going to explain the rapid changes in my body and this Tattoo to my family for fucks sake how am I going to explain away the Alien device on my wrist that looks almost nothing like a watch…Fuck.' Feeling overwhelmed by these questions I collapsed into my chair feeling that emptiness starting to creep back inside.





Seeing the mess in the room caused by my magical metamorphosis I sighed as I thought about cleaning everything up and throwing away the things made of glass or crystal that broke.

Everything that was messed up in the room glowed in soft pink light. The broken things snapped together like a magnet while there was a bright flash of pink light like a welder when it's touched between pieces of metal that only lasted a millisecond before it returned to the original glow.

The beds were made and the clothes picked up all of them had that light pink glow as everything was put back the way it should be.

'Okay that was cool as fuck. Thanks magic…telekinesis charm you're both awesome as all fuck.' I expressed in my mind and I felt this tingle in my chest like my magic was pleased at the compliment and praise.

Reaching over for the grimoire I was surprised when the book gently flew into my hand glowing slightly as if it was pleased being called on again so soon.

It even turned its own pages again to an enchantment that I could put on a necklace that would make people see me as they always have.

It was a very simple spell that required a bit of blood and for me to channel some magical energy into the pendant that and chain or cord that had a strong imprint of myself on it and a shirt chant of words that looked like gibberish but I could instinctively feel the power behind them.

Setting down the necklace I'd had since forever that my grandmother called a barbed trinity but would never tell me what it truly meant.

Setting it down on the flat piece or marble I use when burning candles. while grabbing my Karambit knife chanting the words that felt so familiar in my throat but sounded so foreign gibberish like feeling my blood sing my magic dance.

cutting my palm feeling the slight pain that at one point would have been the only thing telling me I was still alive if I was still in my cutting phase, watching as the drops of ruby liquid sizzled as it touched the silver pendant and chain as it started to glow in green light.

There was a sound of a wind chime twinkling in a soft breeze signaling the spell slash enchantment was successful.

Putting on the necklace I felt like a glove rested over my hand but it covered my entire body.

'I just casted a spell, I just used magic for realizes, this is so fucking amazeballs.' I chuckled to myself.

'Ahh shit I better clean and gauze my hand.' I thought absent-mindedly.

Looking at my palm I noticed there was nothing there but a few beads of blood whipping my palm on my boxer briefs and not feeling even the slightest twinge of pain.

Bringing my palm up to my face not seeing any cut or dried blood I just stood there blinking.

'Resurrection Charm…equals…healing factor…sweet.'

Opening the bedroom door walking into the small hallway corridor into the bathroom hitting the switch turning on the bathroom light.

Walking to the sink looking up into the mirror feeling stunned by the familiar stranger looking back at me.

My usual hazel eyes that seemed to change colors with my moods were an amber color now with dark gray rings around the outside that faded into amber while around my pupils was a bright orange and red sunburst.

My hair that had been dulled from a glossy black with copper orange undertones were no longer dull but glossy, shiny curl messy mop.

My skin looked so smooth and healthy, not the red splotchy mess it'd become.

I no longer had big black circles under my eyes that just wouldn't go away no matter how much sleep I got or how much water I drank.

Pulling my shirt over my head I couldn't help the gasp that left my throat at the sight of my body from the neck down.

Running my finger over the hard ridges of abs while I just stared blankly at the image in the mirror.

"I love magic." I whispered softly as I smiled from ear to ear.

Walking out of the bathroom in my underwear carrying my shirt in my hand throwing it in a hamper on my way into the room going to my old dresser grabbing out an old dark gray button up shirt leaving it unbuttoned while also grabbing a pair of old blue jeans from the same dresser drawer getting redressed.

Sliding the phablet into my pocket that looked high-end and futuristic while I set the other things on the entertainment stand breaking down my collapsible desk putting it away.

Pocketing a few of the holo-cubes into my buttoning shirt pocket while lining up the large projector with a large patch of clean white wall. Sending an image from my phablet of the first episode of Young Justice.

'If I have to get stuck in any tv-verse one with wonder woman and Zatana are pretty good choices in my book.' I thought to myself as my heart started to beat rapidly, my breaths growing heavy as my palms began to sweat.

'Maybe…I…sho-uld…waaait until I have the ultimatrix.?' I questioned myself nervously.

'Wait, what the fuck am I afraid of I have a fuckin magic stone that can heal me from even death, fuck it let's GOOOOO ! ! !. Kinda wish there was somebody here for the, hold my beer moment.' I thought to myself, pushing away any doubt or nervousness.

Watching until after the ice themed Villains were taken care of by their respective hero sidekick duo's feeling conflicted by clone Roy Harper's aggressive attitude about being treated like a kid.

The league responded to Zatara's call for help dealing with a magical apocalypse. Leaving the sidekicks behind after dropping some juicy bait for them to go after something Bruce Wayne is known to pull so he can get even more useful pawns.

Going XLR8 clicking the green dot on the screen of the phablet running through the green tinted screen in a grayed out version of the world looking at Kid Flash frozenly dangling by a handhold on a window sill.

Looking down and the phablet clicking the little white X the world resumed around me in full color. The smell of fire smoke and diesel exhaust fumes from the fire trucks filled my nostrils as the crackling and sizzling of flames being sprayed with water filled my ears.

Closing the visor that was a natural part of this Aliens body I sped forward running up the buildings wall grabbing Kid Flash by his wrist hoisting him inside the Cadmus labs front that hid the real Cadmus below it.

Within seconds Robin was standing next to his friend Kid Flash and the Kaldur was entering using a spire of water to enter and stand next to his friends.

"Thanks for the hand Dino-guy, never seen you around before must be new." Said Kid Flash his body tensed and ready to spring to action if I proved to be a threat the same with Robin and Kaldur.

Opening my visor I shoot a finger smile at the three sidekicks giving them a two clawed salute. "Hi I'm a hero from another universe called XLR8. I ended up here when I was saving people from my earth from a fire in a lab similar to this one but…a piece of tech called the interdimensional viewer.

Exploded and somehow in the ensuing explosion I was sent here to just outside this lab I saw the fire and you dangling by a handhold and wanted to help out.

Really hope you guys are the good guys and that I didn't just inadvertently help the supervillains that were robbing the place." I joked nervously.

"Thank you for the assistance friend, I'am Kaldur'ahm also known as Aqualad apprentice to the King of Atlantis, Aquaman, my friends and I are currently here without our mentors knowledge investigating the suspected nefarious nature the league of justice, which is a league of superheroes suspects that Cadmus labs has." Spoke Kaldur in a regal diplomatic way as Robin started messing around on his holo-screen wrist gauntlet thing.

"Guys…Dino-person, something isn't right about this place." Robin started to say as Aqualad cut him off by running into the hallway.

"I thought I saw something in that elevator, something that didn't belong here." Spoke Kaldur diplomatically but his voice showed his concern.

"Yeah that elevator doesn't belong here, it's a high speed deep level elevator, something definitely isn't kosher about this place." Spoke Robin excitedly.

"You guys hang here, I'll go check it out." Kid Flash started to run off but I grabbed him with my claws with enough strength to stop him but not enough to cut into his skin.

"We should stick together Kid, this place smells…weird like really weird and not in a pleasant way like whatevers down there could easily kill you kinda weird." I said knowing about all the genomorphs in the lower levels.

"He's right my friend, this place gives me an uncomfortable feeling." Kaldur spoke seriously.

"I agree we should stick together, if this place is on Batsiz radar then it must be dangerous." Robin pitched in.

"Aright Aright we'll stick together, you can let go of me now XL-ER-EIGHT. Did I say that right?." Kid Flash asked with real concern.

"Close enough." I replied with a fanged smile.



I moved faster than my new teammates could blink standing in front of the elevator shaft forcing open the elevator safety doors.

"That is a long way down." Joked Kaldur.

"Stand back for a sec, guys." I told them and was surprised when they each did so.

Tapping the omnitrix's symbol while selecting Stinkfly as my transformation.

"Stinkfly." I said aloud as I was engulfed by a flash of green light.

"Ughhh dude you reek." Complained Kid Flash.

"I must agree my friend, you smell quite awful." Kaldur said half teasing half serious.

"Wait, you can shapeshift, that's so cool. So totally whelmed." Said Robin.

"In this form I'm known as Stinkfly." I said to the guys lifting off of the ground.

"Grab onto my legs and I'll carry us down the shaft." I told them to which they complied quite easily.

By the time we reached the twenty fourth floor my entire body was aching from the stress of carrying three people.

"Are you alright my friend?." Asked Kaldur.

"Not really, not to be rude but you guys are heavy, pick a floor to land at please." I replied tiredly.

"Floor twenty six is as good as any said Robin

As he swung forward using my arm as a springboard while Kaldur let go landing less gracefully but still combat ready while Kid Flash nearly fell down the elevator shaft but Kaldur caught him by the costume and pulled him further onto the ledge.

Turning me again just as Kal was through the elevator doors I walked out right behind him resting my hand on Kid Flash's shoulder before he could run off like he does in the series.

"Okay guys, stay close to me I have a cloaking shield around me that makes me invisible to all surveillance technology, at least it does in my world I'm hoping it does here too." I said quietly but keeping my voice even and controlled while Wally's mouth hung open in shock Kaldur looked like he had a question on the tip of his tongue while Robin let out a chuckle but nodded his head in agreement and confirmation.

"Aqualad you take the lead I'll follow you up from behind, Kid you're behind me, Robin you protect our backs, let's move guys." I commanded in a miliristic tone my uncle beat into me all those years ago.

"Copy that." Kid Flash replied with his usual spunkiness.

Kaldur nodded in confirmation as he put aside any questions he was considering asking as we fell into formation.

Feeling an odd wait on my neck and shoulder I looked down to see Charmcaster's bag.

'Did I put this on after pulling it out of the TV, I can't remember. Oh well what does it really matter? It's here and it could be useful.' I thought to myself.

"Hey man, what's up with the purse?" Kid Flash questioned his curiosity mixing with his amusement.

"It's a magic bag, not a purse, and it was a gift from a friend that happens to be a girl, a very pretty 'psychotic girl that has no idea she gifted it to me.' Girl, Shh we need to be stealth." Chipped in Robin breaking up mine and Kid's conversation.

"I'm so jealous." Replied Kid.

"I wish a pretty girl would give me a magic bag, even if magic is fake." Snarked Kid Flash.

"Magic is very much real, Kid, you should be careful. Magic has a way of getting even with those who disparage it, also your friend Aqualad uses magic. I can feel the mana coming from him." I told Kid while noticing how Kaldur tensed slightly but relaxed just as quickly but in his moment of distraction he nearly walked out of our corridor and into the path of the mammoth sized G-trolls.

'The show definitely didn't show these monstrosities in all their glory.' I thought to myself as I watched two pass by us walking abreast of each other it looked like someone slapped together an elephant and a gorilla sent it to a Star Wars universe to evolve for a few thousand years. Before bringing it back over, the thing was nightmare inducing seeing it up close and personal like this.

My hand shot out to pull him back by his shoulder instinctively but he was just a centimeter too far out of my arms reach but still he jerked back as if I'd grabbed him.

'Right I have Telekinesis, how did I forget that. I'm such a fucking retard.' I thought to myself.

'Yes, yes you are. You're going to get them killed trying to play hero. You're nothing, you will always be nothing." Whispered a voice in my head.

'I won't. Even if I'am just playing pretend I'll be the best damn pretender ever and I'll have their backs.' I replied to the voice in my head.

'(Snort) you'll have their back, just like you had all of theirs? (A slide show of everyone I'd ever let down or drifted away from cycled through my mind) you already are the greatest pretender. Pretending you care about anyone other than yourself, pretending that you're not a worthless monster piece of shit just like him like them.

Your new "friends" will see you for who and what you really are. But they won't even hate you, you're not worth hating, no they'll pity you they'll be disgusted by you. You'll end up all alone again. But don't worry we're always here for you in the dark in the pain in the misery. We're all you'll ever truly need.' Whispered multiple voices in my head.

'Shut the fuck up and leave me ALONE.' I replied to the voices in my head screaming the last part at them.

'Fine, we'll be quiet for now but you'll see, we're always right in the end.' The voices had to have the final word before my mind became quiet only for my imagination to start filling up with various scenarios all of them leading to exactly what the voices in my head described happening.

"Yes, nothing odd going on here." Kaldur said exasperatedly.

My spellbook was in my hands. Quickly casting the spell that was on the page highlighted in pink light. It was a spell to make us temporarily invisible to everyone and everything but each other for a short time.

Receiving astonished looks from Kaldur, Kid Flash and Robin in return for my spell casting.

Quickly bringing my index finger up to my lips in a silencing motions since if any of us spoke my spell would be dispelled.

Receiving a nod from each in return but I could see from looks in their eyes I was going to be facing a barrage of questions sooner rather than later.

Once the cost was clear Kid Flash was the first to break silence.

"Okay, first you're a velociraptor that can run just as fast as me. Next you're a big smelly bug now you're a guy who-who just pulled some super advanced tech out of nowhere and called it magic. WHO ARE YOU ?." Kid Flash questioned excitedly while also preparing for a fight.

"Kid this is not the time, but I agree we need some answers." Kaldur said as he looked at me like I was a puzzle he needed to figure out immediately.

Robin was plugging into a computer terminal completely ignoring us.

"Hey, what about you Rob, Don't you want answers?" Kid Flash questioned his friend exasperatedly.

"He already gave them to us, he's from another universe, he's a hero, he can shapeshift and he can use magic. I'm whelmed, but I'm good with the answers he's already provided." Robin replied calmly while his excitement was peeked by what he was seeing on his wrist holo-screen.

"Man, the security in this place is almost as bad as the batcave." Whined Robin.

"Here let me help." I said as I came up beside him pressing my smartwatch against a USB port while activating a hacking program the Galvin me created.

"We're in, that's an amazing program you have there. Would you mind sharing it with me sometime?" Robin questioned trying to keep his excitement down.

"Sure I'll clone the program for you here sometime in the near future but we have more important things to worry about right now like we're to send these files too." I replied back to Robin.

"That's gonna be a problem, this is a closed network and we're down too deep for me to connect with the league servers or the batcaves." Replied Robin as he ran his fingers through his hair letting out a sigh.

"Get what you can, find a map of this installation and anything that needs us to investigate it immediately." Commanded Kaldur.

"On it." Replied Robin.

"Guy's I should be able to store everything on their mainframe, to this." I said as I pulled my phablet out of my pocket.

"What, how ? There has to be hundreds of terabytes worth of data. On their servers." Kid Flash replied reflexively.

"There's a petabyte of data here." Robin said calmly while making eye contact with me.

"It'll take awhile but if you guys can cause a distraction I might be able to get everything." I replied calmly, not breaking eye contact with the boy wonder.

"I believe him. Let's go cause a distraction and investigate something labeled as project Kr big Kay little are the anatomical symbol for kryptonite. It could be a weapon to bring down soupes." Robin spoke rapidly, something I didn't remember him doing in the show.

"How long do you need to download the data?" Asked Kaldur.

"At best 15 minutes at worst an hour. This thing only has five processors, three mid to low grade and two high end processors with a logic diamond storage interface. So buy me as much time as you guys can." I shot back to Kaldur.

"How?." Is all Kid Flash asked.

"Later." I replied to his question.

"We will buy you fifteen minutes. anything over that and the risk to all of us increases too greatly we will rendezvous here in fifteen. If we don't go to the surface and contact my king with this." Aqualad said as he handed me a cylindrical device that had a place where you'd push down with your thumb on the side of it and a microphone at the top.

I looked him in the eyes before nodding in confirmation of his commands.

The three of them took off running down a corridor leaving me to my own devices.


Once they were far enough away from the new guy Wally couldn't hold it back anymore.

"Are you guys sure we should be trusting this guy? I mean look at everything he's done and said so far." Kid Flash brought his concerns up to his friends.

"While I agree, he is mysterious. I do feel he is a good person and genuinely wants to help us. He also seems lonely and in need of friends. It is too soon for me to make a decision on him though for now I will wait and see." Kaldur replied to Kid.

"Ohh come on Kaldur you can't be serious." Protested Kid Flash.

"I agree with Kaldur, yes he kept his shapeshifting and magic from us at first but he revealed them when the situation called for it." Robin replied to his friend.

"Whatever, I don't trust the guy." Kid Flash said.

"You're just mad that he's faster than you and better looking." Robin jabbed at his friend teasingly.

"Am not." Kid Flash replied half-heartedly after getting hit with some facts.

"Enough joking around you two, let's complete our objectives and meet back up with our new friend. I've had a bad feeling since we slept up with him." Kaldur said seriously, making the other two teens became serious.


'Sorry guys but some things have to happen so the story can progress closely to canon.' I apologized to the three I hoped would become my friends and forgive me if they ever found out I had fore knowledge of what could happen to them.

Sifting through the data searching for the real Roy Harper's location and the process to cloning so I could make my own project phoenix. 'Thank you Rick' I sent out a prayer to the patron Saint of alcoholism and technology.

'Gettin swifty in here.' I heard inside my mind.

'Okay really hope that was me and not that guy.' I thought to myself imagining Rick dissecting me to figure out how I can travel to different universes without a portal gun.

The download lasted five minutes before alarms started blaring. 'How did they get spotted so fucking fastly.' I cursed in my head as I quickly casted the spell from earlier again from memory.

'Should I go save them now or rescue Speedy?.' I questioned myself.

'Speedy first then them second.' Replied a colder version of my own voice.

'It's hero time, XL-ER-EIGHT I CHOOSE YOU.' I fanboyed in my head.

Eighteen floors down five hundred meters down the main corridor take a right and I'll arrive at the cold storage room.

Pushing myself to max speed I arrived at the massive vault-like door holding my watch up to the hand scanning pad. It turned green. There were clicking sounds as cold air burst out of the seam between the door and its frame.


Back on the twenty sixth floor the three teen heroes were knocked out cold being loaded into pods similar to the ones the Superboy was kept inside of.


"Omnitrix scan for new D.N.A." I ordered mentally.

[Scanning…detected six corrupted D.N.A samples detected. Adding to the database one sample Alien in origin repairing corrupted D.N.A., D.N.A repaired new Alien added new Aliens unlocked adding to playlist.]

[Please name new sample, sample still damaged, find source material for full repair.]

"Kryptonian." I replied mentally.

[Registered new sample is Kryptonian. Partial Kryptonian transformation now available.]

'Does that mean it's a watered down version of Kryptonian powers like Superboy? Most likely.'

[Confirmed nickname Superboy registered.]

Looking around the room there were hundreds of pods stacked up on top of each other hooked to racks. Some of them contain Genomorphs like the ones in the show in various stages of development.

Others had malformed Genomorphs or abandoned projects other's held what looked like aliens and alien technologies, others had people in them while some of them had what were supposed to be people but must have been malformed clones.

Even finding some Lex Luthor clones. "These could come in handy, hey spellbook you got anything to keep these functional while I store them in the magic bag?" I thought and asked out loud.

'Huh, It's a little surprising that the book didn't automatically appear in my hands showing me the spell I would need.' I thought to myself.

Slowly the book appeared in front of me and though it was a book and books couldn't show a spectrum of human emotion. The book seemed embarrassed and shy with the way it was open and the pages curled downwards slightly as if trying to cover itself with its hair.

'Aww, aren't you just the cutest little spellbook ever.' I thought to myself as I comforted the book by gently rubbing its spine causing the book to shudder.

"Hey-hey it's more than alright if you don't have a way to keep technology powered up, don't worry your my spellbook and I won't ever abandon you because you don't have a solution for my every problem or want." I tried to comfort the book and was rewarded by the book leaning into my touch and vibrating as if it was purring.

"I'am kinda surprised you don't have a stasis spell or some sort that would work in this situation though." Upon hearing my words the book instantly flipped its pages showing me exactly what I mentioned and a few others, one of them being turning people into stone totems like Charmcaster does.

The stasis spell I chose would keep those I casted the spell on asleep and in a small time phase that time passed so slowly that it appeared to be entirely frozen to human perception.

Quickly casting the spells on two Lex clones before opening my magic bag watching as it sucked them inside still inside their pods.

Continuing on searching for Roy I passed a wonder woman clone and couldn't help but lick my suddenly dry lips, my hands twitched and an overwhelming urge to take the princess of themyscira for my own nefarious purposes.

'I shouldn't…I definitely shouldn't give into these urges.'

I could feel my spellbook silently judging me as I casted the same spell on the princess also stashing her away in my bag. Following this row of pods I quickly found a few more superheroines.

Of them Shira Hall, Black Canary, Vixen, Fire, Ice, Gypsy, Mira queen of Atlantis and Huntress all of them look like their Justice League Unlimited counterparts except for Mira with all of them being devoid of clothing.

My mouth started to water looking at all the sexy super clones as my jeans became uncomfortably tight.

'You're a sick fuck.' I berated myself but still repeated the spell I used before placing the clones in my bag.

I kept walking until I found another superheroine that had Project Power Girl written on it, even a data pad attached to the side.

Looking through the data pad I found that they had been able to create an almost perfect Kryptonian from Superman's D.N.A except for the fact that no matter what they did the pure Kryptonian clone always ended up female no matter what they did.

And even though they kept trying to program her she was resistant to it and constantly deviated from the light's plan for her so project Power Girl was terminated and she was placed here.

'Project Match and Kr must have come after Power Girl if I remember right in that old Justice League cartoon her name was Galatea.' I thought to myself before repeating the same process as before once again.

'God, I'm such a shifty fucking person thinking with my cock taking these poor girls created against theirs and their source materials wills.' I told myself as I continued to search for Roy Harper.

'Nothing says you have to use them to carry out your fantasies. Take them to a new world, let them live out their lives in peace, find their love and happiness.

Plus what do you think they were created and kept naked for? to replace the originals if they should turn from the light.

Fat chance of that sure they might serve a purpose if that ever happened but think about how many men and women would sell their souls for a chance to fuck one of these beautiful stunning creatures with abilities that can rival the gods.

Now think about the men and women here in this universe being saved and protected by them in actuality they'd do more than just sell their souls.

Now think about all the sick fucks that hate them for being women for being powerful what would they give what would they do for just a chance to have them at their mercy.' Said two other voices, the voice of my bleeding heart and then the realist.

"Omnitrix, why did you not detect the Thanagarian, Olympian and pure Kryptonian D.N.A?" I asked the Omnitrix through the mental connection.

[Samples were either too far out of scanning range or were protected in a hermetically sealed chamber with a shielding that blocks the wavelength of D.N.A scanner. At the time of scanning.]

'Good to know for future reference.' I thought to myself just as I found Roy's Pod.

"Hmm, should I thaw you out now or…hold off until we're out of here." I asked Roy even though I knew he couldn't answer.

"Chances are you'll be disoriented, hostile and weak to the point you won't be able to move under your own power. So sorry bro you gotta remain as a cap-cicle for a little while longer." I told him making a reference nobody in this universe would understand except for the omniscient beings and the watchers.

"Hahaha, Cap-cicle, hahaha I crack myself up." I laughed quietly.

Casting the spell I used on the others on the Roy prime before storing him in my bag along with the others while also pulling out a mana bomb the size of a soft ball.


This seemed better in my head than in words thoughts?.


"Turn off cloaking. This is a message for you Lex Luthor, Vandar Savage, The Brain, Queen Bee, Ancient one-The Demon's Head, Ocean Master-Orm.

I have seen what you have done to the clones of the female heroes of this world and I will pay you all back in kind for what you have subjected each of those poor creatures too in due time here is a little sneak peak at the destruction I will reap upon each of you.

Vandar from one immortal to another I understand humanity tends to fade whether you are a young immortal or an old one.

But in the many times you have been powerless, you have been subject to the whims of others with powers above your own. It still sickens me to see you have stopped being a conqueror and become a slaver.


Filling the Mana bomb with my own mana watching as it grew into the size of an NBA basketball sending the mental command to the omnitrix to prepare to shift into Ghostfreak.

I slowly let the mana bomb slip out of my hand. "Enable cloaking."

"Ghostfreak." I commanded mentally as the mana bomb touched the ground. I became intangible and watched as the entire room was wiped from existence leaving nothing behind but myself and a perfect spherical shape of the Mana bomb.

'I should probably check on the guys and make sure my interference hasn't messed things up too badly.' Ghosting through walls I found the guys and Superboy running through corridors.

"I hope our other new friend contacted the league." Robin said as he turned another corner while typing away on his wrist computer.

"I believe our new friend was the one to cause that explosion aiding us with Superboy's help to escape what would have been our deaths. I can also forgive him for choosing to come after us instead of following an order I gave him after all we are not a team." Kaldur spoke as he sliced a G-elf in half with his water bearers.

"Kaldur, that's an awesome idea, we should form our own team, our own league, you, me, Rob, SB and magic boy, maybe even Speedy will join us. What do you guys think?" Kid Flash asked excitedly.

"The idea has merit if we escape here with our lives and our mentors don't kill us for going behind their backs." Smiled Kaldur while replying to Kid Flash.

"I'm in, I could use some time away from Gotham and the Bat." Robin Chipped in.

"I'm in." Gruntes Superboy.

Transforming back, joining them running. "Me six, I'm in. That is if I still qualify after disobeying an order." I joked, making everyone jump while Superboy moved to attack me.

Throwing up my hands in a disarming manner while wearing an at ease smile Superboy slowly relaxed before we all started running through the corridors together.

Superboy took the lead following a voice in his head leading us to a dead end with an air duct vent.

"This is perfect." Robin exclaimed happily.

"Not if you're claustrophobic." I said in return.


"I'm deactivating internal security measures, Kaldur the grate." Robin said calmly as his one hand blurred as he typed away on his holo-screen.

"Don't neglect to check and see if there are motion sensors, Robin." I Chipped in.

"May…I ask why you were down this deep when we left you on the twenty sixth floor." Kaldur asked.

"I found something in the data, something that took persistence over everything else. I'll go into more detail later though." I replied.

"There…here, let's move." Said Superboy

"Right, thanks man, totally didn't overlook those." Robin replied unconvincingly while his thanks were genuine.

I let out a quote chuckle to myself as I was the last one to enter the vents following behind Superboy using my Telekinesis putting the grate back into place and then using my Electrokinesis to quickly weld it shut to buy us an extra handful of seconds.

My eyes didn't get fucked like they should have by looking at the ark of electricity coming into contact with the metal. 'Must be because of magic or the healing factor, probably both.' I thought to myself as I turned around and caught up with Superboy's backside.

'The walls are closin in, I'm about to lose my mind ann my life.

I'm running out of time, someone save my life, I'm running out of time, someone save my life.

I need a doctor, call me a doctor to bring me back to LIIIIFFFFEEE.

It's too late, I'm gone, tell them, I love them, tell them, they did, nothing wrong.' I sang in my head making a beat up as I went trying to take my mind off the coffin-like conditions we were traversing.

"Why'd you stop singing?." Questioned Superboy.

"Huh, sorry I thought I was doing that in my head." I replied to Superboy feeling embarrassed at being caught mixing and mashing songs from my universe to make new ones.

"I liked it, I've never heard music before." Said Superboy sounding lost.

"That wasn't music man, I'm a horrible singer, when and if we get out of this you and I will go to some concerts so you can see what real music is like." I told Superboy.

"I'd like that." Superboy replied.

"If you two are done flirting we're here." Snarked Kid Flash, sounding hurt that he wasn't invited.

"Ooo, somebody's jealous." Joked Robin as he kicked a grate that let us out on the first underground floor of Cadmus Labs.

"That is enough, all of you, I fear this was too easy." Spoke Kaldur in a commanding but worried voice.

"You just had to jinx us." I muttered to myself as we were surrounded by various types of Genomorphs with the horned goblin guy Dubbiplex leading them with Guardian and Desmond standing just behind him.

"Get them." Commanded Desmond. But the Genomorphs didn't move and neither did the Guardian.

"Fine then, I'll handle them myself." Roared Desmond in rage as he popped the cork out of a glass vile with a blue liquid inside of it downing the thing on one gulp.

"You guys get out of here I'll hold him off while you call for reinforcements from the league and clear out any civilians and fire crew." I said as I transformed into Four-arms.

"You did not leave us alone, do not expect us to leave you." Replied Kaldur while Superboy let out a snarl and charged at the now mutated Desmond that was still wearing some of his old skin.

Superboy seemed to be winning until Blockbuster started kicking his ass. Blockbuster was about to deal a devastating double fisted blow when he was intercepted and thrown off course by a few exploding robinrangs.

Using the moment of distraction I charged forward wrapping my smaller arms around Blockbuster's torso before charging through walls using his body as a shield.

Once we reached an open area I threw him away from me he quickly got up charging forward towards me.

Dropping my stance I prepared to deliver the mother of all uppercuts as Blockbuster cocked back his fist in preparation of punching me.

'I really hope they listened to me and did as I asked.' I thought to myself.

'This feels great, way better than those fights I used to get into.'

Performing a double uppercut launching Blockbuster up into the air grabbing his feet in my two large hands I began to spin in a circle building up speed before releasing Blockbuster watching as he was launched through the ceiling and further away crashing through another ceiling.

'Up up and away, blasting off again, you meddling kids.' I started joking to myself in my head before I jumped up through the hole I created using Blockbuster as a projectile.

Landing in the front version of Cadmus's entry hall creating a crater in the floor from impacting it.

Kid, Robin, Kaldur and Superboy entered the room just as Blockbuster came crashing down through the ceiling once more before he could try getting back up again.

Launching myself over to him curb stomping his head multiple times creating an even deeper creator then the one created by his crash landing.

I was going to keep pounding on him till he turned to powder but I felt a hand on my smaller arm turning to see Kaldur looking at me with a disapproving look.

"I believe he has had it, my friend. The League is on their way here." Kaldur said calmly.

Grabbing hold of one of Blockbuster's arms with one of my larger arms dragging him outside of Cadmus Labs and a few feet from the entrance.

Only to hear a rumble and watch as the build collapsed on top of itself.

'What a beautiful bright full moon.' I thought while looking up into the sky.

'It doesn't seem like enough time has passed for it to be night time already.' I thought finding it odd it was so late at night.

Soon we were surrounded by members of the Justice League, the fliers setting up a perimeter around us. Then the leaguers that were without powers were carried in by a green lantern.

In a flash of green light I was back to normal walking towards Wonder Woman, Shira Hall, Carter whatever and another GL.

Kneeling in front of Wonder Woman. "Princess Diana of Themyscira it is an honor to meet you in person." I spoke softly but loud enough to be heard as Superman and Batman were talking to the guys.

"Thank you, I apologize for not being able to greet you properly as you have done for me." Replied Wonder Woman.

"No need for an apology." I gave her an easy carefree smile as I stood to my full height.

"I actually have an agenda for approaching you, I've come across some very sensitive…and private information pertaining to yourself and a few other female League members." I said while leaning in close whispering the names of the women who had been cloned.

"I will inform them we need to stay behind so you can share this information with us." Wonder Woman Replied.

With that said she leaned over to Hawkwoman who in turn looked at me skeptically before moving towards Black Canary.

I had many eyes on me as I made my way back over to where none more intense than the three female league members here.

"Get on board or get out of the way." I heard Superboy say and couldn't help but crack a smile before a mad cackle escaped my throat.

"You tell um Superboy." I said as I laughed.

"You find this amusing." A cold voice asked me to look up to see the Bat glowering at me.

"Yeah I do. You seem like the type to manipulate this kind of outcome to happen. And judging by the way you had that Cheshire grin on your face when Superboy over there stood up to you guys you got exactly what you wanted." I shot back at him unfazed by what should have been his most intimidating stance.

I could feel the stunned looks I was receiving from everyone but the Bat. While also feeling some glares pointed at the Bat from the team's mentors and his own protégé.

"Give me three days." Batman said before walking off. Superman, both Lanterns and a few others took off with Blockbuster. The team left looking at me in concern but still left. leaving me with a few members of the league besides the ones I asked to stay behind.

But they walked off leaving me surrounded by the three of them.

"You have the three of us alone, what is it you wish to discuss with us." Shira asked/demanded.

"Hawkgirl." Spoke Black Canary.

"We should definitely go somewheres private. What I'm about to show you is disconcerting to say the least." I said keeping the anger from my voice as best as I could.

"We can take a Zeta tube to the Themiscrian embassy." Wonder Woman offered.

"That'll do, Princess-." I started to say but was cut off.

"Please, just call me Diana or Wonder Woman, there's no reason to stand on ceremony. I'm a warrior first." Said Wonder Woman.

Smiling at her. "Thank you Diana, as for a name you can call me by Sean works just fine." I replied back. Receiving a smile from Wonder Woman in return while Shira cleared her throat.

Following the three gorgeous babes trying very hard not to stare at their asses which looked absolutely delicious by the way.

"Omnitrix D.N.A scan."

[Scanning two new D.N.A signatures added. adding to the database new transformations available. Name transformations at earliest convenience.]

'The one with wings is a Thanagarian. The other one is an Olympian.'

[Confirmed. Names registered.]

'Wonder Woman has a nice thick Bubble Butt with a pair of long strong legs. While Hawkgirl has a meatier fatter butt probably due to flying so much. While Black Canary has a nice toned one but a bit flat compared to the other two.' I compared the three women's asses.

'He is so comparing our asses right now.' Thought Black Canary.

'I'm glad Carter isn't here right now. He's got such a jealous streak and would be trying to strangle him for checking me out so much. Not that I mind it's not like mine and Carter's relationship is going well lately especially not after he cheated on me with Star-Girl.' Thought Shira as she unconsciously put a bit more sway into her hips.

'Yes look at me with those lust filled eyes ever since my relationships with Bruce and then Clark fell apart I have only laid with women. If he proves to be a competent warrior I will take him to bed. If he's a competent warrior in the bedroom I will take him as a lover.' Thought Diana not adding anything more to her gate as she knew she didn't need too.


After following the three to a junkyard we entered a delivery truck that was in rather good shape and after seeing the zeta tube tunnel machine I could understand why it was so well preserved.

"I just have to add you as a guest with Zeta tube permissions please step forward so the scanner can get a full body scan of you." Said Diana as she typed away on the touchscreen computer keyboard.

"Sur thing, Diana." I replied back stepping forward into a spot on the floor with a rectangle made of tape as I was covered in a grid of green light.

[Please register a name for Guest A-04]

"Dial." I said quickly.

[Registered A-04 Dial.]

"Why Dial?" Questioned Black Canary.

I just shrugged in return to her question before answering.

"It was the code name of a hero in a book I liked." I answered, trying to play it off as a whim and hoping none of the women noticed the heat in my cheeks.

'God, I'm such a loser.' I thought to myself.

If the smirks on their faces was any indication they noticed it and found it funny.

"So is this a wormhole generator configured for transportation of organic matter?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"I don't know, if you want to know more about Zeta tube I can introduce you to a friend at Star Labs." Replied Black Canary.

"Nah, I'm good. I can already teleport using magic or one of my transformations natural abilities." I replied absent-mindedly only realizing I was revealing something I should have kept to myself.

"You are a wielder of magic?" Asked Diana curiously.

"Yeah." I replied while my spellbook materialized in front of me.

"You ladies, look like you've had a tough battle, and you my dear are injured." I said while giving Black Canary a look.

"If you'll allow it I'll heal your injuries and cast a cleansing spell to remove the grime of battle." I grinned at them.

"You are a healer, that is rare even on Themyscira." Diana said as her eyes twinkled.

"How did you know that I was injured?" Asked Black Canary asked, crossing her arms underneath her chest.

"You're gate on the walk here and the way you've been holding your arm close to your chest let's not even get into how tense some of your facial muscles are, that are usually indicators of pain, fatigue or annoyance." I replied back.

"So you were staring at our asses." Sighed Shira.

"Well yeah, I'm only a man. What, did you expect me to stare at the moon when I had three celestial bodies right in front of me?." I smirked.

Black Canary rolled her eyes while Shira snorted while Wonder Woman gave me her own smirk.

"Also angel your left wing is sprained isn't I noticed your descending flight was a little harried earlier and you walked the whole way here. Diana other than being covered in stone dust and having a few pieces of it in your hair you seem perfectly fine probably due to your Olympian nature." I said while taking a very long look at Diana.

"May I heal you both?" I asked, letting a bit of my concern for their health show in my voice.

"I'm fine with it but let's get to Diana's place first so I can sit down and my ankle and hip are killing me." Replied Black Canary while releasing a hearty sigh.

"Fine I'll allow you to heal me as well. But don't get any ideas about pulling anything." Shira replied while activating and raising her mace in a threatening manner.

I just snorted and shrugged. There was a subtle hum of energy coming from the tunnel before the humming and light grew louder and brighter. Giving a short bow while gesturing with my hands after you.

'There's no way I'm walking through that thing first.' I thought to myself.

Shira and Black Canary snickered at my show while Diana was looking me over with a calculative gaze.

'Good he's showing ample caution at something new and to him untested while hiding his hesitancy well enough from his observers. But he can't hide from me, I've learned to read people over the course of my five thousand years of Ara Ara.' Thought Diana as she unconsciously licked her lips.

"I will go through first, so that my sisters don't attack our new friend here on sight. Follow after, in a few minutes Canary, Hawkwoman." Diana said as she walked through the Zeta tube.

While left alone with Shira and Canary I started typing in keywords to find the evidence I needed on what had been done with their D.N.A and then what had been done to their clones made from their D.N.A.

I accidentally hit the play button on one of the videos that featured all of the same women except Power Girl in a torture/sex dungeon all begging Master to either hurt them more or to stop my stomach turned at what I saw being done to the three league members I'd met so far.

"What is that?" Hissed Shira venomously snapping me out of my dazed state, making me pause the video as I moved outside as burning liquid moved up my throat as I started vomiting.

Once I stopped retching I noticed Shira holding her mace loosely with arms that hung limp at her sides. While Canary was wiping her own face clean while some vomit landed on her costume.

"Sorry I didn't want either of you to find out that way. I was just trying to compile all of the evidence so you would believe me when I accidentally clicked play. I had no idea it was that bad." My voice sounded choked and hollow all at once.

"Is there more? Were those video's of us? Did someone mess with our memories?" Black Canary asked.

I knew she knew that the people she saw in that video looked just like her and her friends.

"They are and they aren't. It would be best for all of us to only have to go through this once we reconnect with Diana." I replied with my voice sounding fragile to my own ears in the same way Canary's was fragile and desperate.

"Carter was there." Shira mumbled repeatedly as her body trembled.

My eyes widened. I hadn't even noticed that not that I knew what he looked like without his helm on to begin with.

I slowly approached the Thanagarian warrior resting my hand on her shoulder just as her mace slipped from her grip thudding into the floor.

I stood there shocked as she collapsed into me wrapping her arms around my waist as she cried into my chest.

Canary made her way over on shaky legs hugging her friend and me at the same time as her face hid in my shoulder.

Cautiously I returned their hugs by wrapping my arms around their lower backs and pulling them closer trying my best not to join them in shedding tears not just for the clones but for these women who were equally just as violated as their doubles even if emotionally.

My shirt became wet with tears and snot before both women pulled away Shira's eyes filled with a fire that promised to consume everything in her path of revenge.

While Black Canary's eyes were as cold as steel her blue eyes radiating a frigid cold that promised a new ice age was coming.

I felt a chill run down my spine and it wasn't from fear, not even close to it even. Not when these two women with red puffy faces tear marks staining their cheeks. But with eyes that swore vengeance with bodies tense ready for battle.

I found myself incredibly aroused though luckily enough my body knew it was definitely not the right time to show that.

"I know you both are beyond furious and you want to immediately go after the scum in the video but also the scum responsible for all of that to begin with. But this involves more than just the two of you and every woman has a right to know and go after those responsible also.

I swear to both of you. On my immortal life and mortal soul I will aid you in any way I can if you see it fit, I will be the blade that cuts down your enemies so you can remain the heroes that you are. And not become those you fight against. " I vowed to both of them as my mana swirled around them in a violet maelstrom and chains connecting me to them formed.

"What was that?" Questioned Black Canary, her eyes wide in shock.

"I made an unbreakable vow. If I don't follow it I'll lose not only my magic but also my life." I replied to her question.

'I don't know if those are the actual consequences but it feels like they are and most of the magic I've seen always seems connected to how the caster feels.' I thought to myself and my mana hummed.

Shira looked like she wanted to say something but shook her head before nodding instead.

Black Canary rested her hand on my shoulder drawing my attention to her. She shook her head in a way that told me she didn't want that.

"I think it's time we go meet with Diana before she gets the wrong idea." Shira said I could tell it was meant as a joke but her heart wasn't in it.

My spellbook materialized in front of me, opening to a cleansing spell casting it quickly since it was only a one word spell in that foreign language.

My clothes and body were cleaned along with Shira'a and Black Canary's.

"There, now we don't look like we just came from one of those cheesy sad romantic movies." I joked trying to release some of the tension from our environment.

Entering a room with white marble columns while the floor was rough hewn granite there were pedestals and stands with Greek and Roman weapons and art displayed.

The archways over the doors showed depictions of the gods battling the titans or Amazonian fitting men and beast alike funny how the men and beasts were always on the same side.

'Feminism taken to the extreme.' I chuckled in my head.

"I will guide you to her majesty Diana." Spoke a soft voice of a blonde woman wearing a white toga with nothing underneath.

"Wait just a moment." I muttered as I was drawn to a sword that looked like any plane Kopis but felt like it was calling to me through my mana.

'Take me, wield me.' Whispered a voice in the wind.

My fingers were a hair's breadth away from touching the hilt of the blade when a vice like grip grabbed my wrist.

"You are a guest of her highness Diana, so I will not have you chained for trying to touch a relic belonging to Themyscira. But try to touch anything with your filthy male hands again and I will remove them myself." Spoke a redheaded Amazonian wearing full battledress.

"The blade it's magic was calling to me, thanks for staying in my hand no telling what would have happened if I actually touched it. Also even if you cut off my hands they'll just grow back, so find a better punishment." I replied sincerely before giving her a smirk.

She snorted as she released my wrist. "Follow Daria, and do not let me see you again, filthy male." Replied the redhead with a voice filled with disdain.

"I could always cast an invisibility spell on myself to make my presence more tolerable ohh mighty Amazonian." I snarked as I watched as her hand went to her blade.

"Try me." I said as my hand went to my bag.

"Sister, that is enough he is Diana's guest and therefore our guest unless you wish to break the ancient laws remove your hand from your blade immediately." Spoke a blonde Amazonian in full battle dress that I never heard approaching.

"Tch" the redhead made a sound of discontent.

"Please follow me," said the same soft voice from before.

"Sure thing." I replied half-heartedly as I didn't take my eyes off of the redhead who was glaring at me or the blonde who looked down on me.

Removing Hex's staff or rather my staff from my magical bag along with a small stone golem tossing the golem to the blonde.

"A guest is required to give a gift to their hosts if following the old ways here's mine, a stone golem." I said before I started levitating in the air sitting cross-legged as the staff floated beside me as I followed the woman in the toga out of the room.

Being rewarded by a shocked squeal and a loud thud as the golem activated. "Hahahaha." I laughed loudly.


"Oww, what was that for?" I asked, looking at Shira with a betrayed expression only to receive a smirk while her finger pointed in the direction of the actual culprit who had a look that screamed we'll be talking about this later.

'God, why do I feel like a naughty child that just broke an antique lamp that was passed down through the family. Because I was horsing around the house doing things I should know enough not to do.

Mmm, she looks so sexy like that with her hip cocked out while her hand rested on the opposite hip with that look. Fuck, I must be some sort of freak to be getting turned on by this.' I thought to myself.

Blowing her a raspberry then shooting Shira a cocky grin as the little rock golem that acted like a puppy running away with the toy in its mouth ran past us followed by the redhead and the blonde.

I even heard a giggle out of our guide at the sight of the two women chasing after the large dog sized rock golem. While we continued to follow after the three seeing many Amazon's giggling and laughing, some who saw me looked at me with disdain while others looked at me like I was a piece of meat.

We arrived at a large brass door that was left slightly ajar and I couldn't wipe the honest smile off my face at seeing the little rock terror in Diana's lap being petted by her while she cooed like it was the most adorable thing she'd ever seen.

"Princess Diana, I must insist you allow me to destroy that menace." Said the red headed Amazon.

"Nonsense Barta, it's just a baby and it's rather adorable. Where did this little one come from?" Asked Diana.

"It was a gift, given by your male guest." Replied the blonde.

"Hmm." Diana hummed.

"Hehem, Princess your guests have arrived." Spoke our guide before bowing at the waist and retreating behind us.

"Thank you Daria, Daria, Barta, matry you are dismissed." Spoke Diana in a tone that brokered no argument.

"Yes princess Diana." Three voices spoke in unison.

The redhead managed to growl at me before exiting the room.

"Don't mind Barta, she's just rather protective of me after my last…break up…especially around men." Sighed Diana as she rubbed the bridge of her nose while closing her eyes.

I couldn't help but arch an eyebrow at that. "Let me guess the master manipulator that likes to dress up as a Bat?" I snarked.

"Yes." Replied Diana looking old and worn out two things that definitely didn't fit her well.

"You can do a lot better than him or that blue spandex wearing teddy bear with blue eyes. Like me for example." I said while wearing a fake plastered on smile while pointing at myself with my thumbs.

"Jeez kidding, you two don't have to give me death glares you know." I sighed as the little rock golem launched itself into my chest.

"Oof, hey watch it there pup, you might hurt yourself charging at me like that." I whispered as I petted the cute little rock monster in my arms as it snuggled its head into my chest.

The little brat jumped out of my arms and returned to Diana like I was yesterday's news, not that I could really complain. If I'd I had an option of whose chest I could snuggle into; it'd be hers too.

"Before we get started on anything, why don't you two take a seat and let me heal you both up." I said while turning to face Shira and Black Canary.

"Will any of the other names I mentioned be joining us?" I asked Diana.

"No, I will contact them later after I decide whether they should know or not." Replied Diana, playing her role as a political figure perfectly.

I just shook my head in disappointment of her decision as I walked over to the large table Shira and Black Canary sat at.

"Ready ladies, who's first?" I asked calmly.

"Heal my wing first." Replied Shira.

"No problamo." I said as I went to stand behind her as she sat on the backless stool.

My spellbook materialized in front of me like it always seems to do when I need a spell.

Shira's off white feathers felt so soft against my fingers I thought for a second I was touching cotton balls.

As I chanted my spell a soft pink light radiated from my hands and fingers that I slowly moved across the entirety of both Shira'a wings back and shoulders.

"Mmm-ahh-nghhh-th-that-haa-feels-so-good-mmmphhhh." Moaned Shira.

"Thanks." I smirked while my pants became tight again and my face burned with warmth.

"Haa-ha-haa-ha-haa." Shira was left a panting mess as I finished healing her, her neck and face flushed at least the parts I could see anyways.

"Sorry, the effects of my healing aren't usually that intense, must have something to do with your being a Thanagarian." I muttered while awkwardly cocking my head to the side and scratching the side of my head.

"It-haa-is-al-haa-right-I-found-it-quite-ple-sahaa-nt." Replied Shira while she wiggled on her seat almost imperceptibly.

'Guess my magic picked up on my perverted fantasy and was trying to make it happen for me.' I thought to myself imagining three superheroines at my mercy before I quickly shook those thoughts away.

"You still okay with me healing you after seeing that Black Canary?" I asked.

"She is." Replied Shira, managing not to pant as she replied for her friend while smirking at her.

"We'll have to remove your jacket." I said softly as I stood beside Black Canary. She looked up at me with questioning eyes.

"Spell needs direct contact with afflicted areas for full effect." I answered her unspoken questions clinically, receiving a nod in reply.

Gently helping her remove her Jean jacket I was surprised by her black and purple bruised shoulder and arm.

"Why didn't you immediately go to a hospital with an injury like this, dislocated rotator cuff, internal bleeding swelling around." I could hear the anger in my voices as I listed off her injuries.

"Bustier off now." To which she complied and allowed me to remove it.

"Three cracked ribs, one broken." I muttered as I inspected her side while casting an analysis spell letting out a harsh breath from my nose.

"I was going to go to the med bay at the watchtower when Shira said I was needed." Replied Black Canary sounding thoroughly chastised.

"So it's my fault you're walking around aggravating these injuries." I sighed as she tried to gently shrug her shoulders.

"You're a strong woman." I said softly.

"But your life…Should come first." I said in a voice so soft I doubted anyone could hear me.

Moving back up her body to her shoulder working my magic again and being rewarded with soft moans and some hardy pants from Black Canary as I healed her.

'Ohh-oh if this keeps up I'm going to explode. Shira you traitor.' Moaned Black Canary in her mind.

'This is making me wish I was injured and in need of healing.' Thought Diana.

"Hmm, not really sure why you both are showing such extreme reactions to my magic, but you'll have to hold on a little longer, Canary. I still have to heal your hip and ankle." I said trying very hard to remain sounding clinical as Black Canary's entire body was flushed red and her thighs were clamped together as a puddle of her nectar had started to form on the ground beneath her seat.

"Hhgggnnn" Moaned Black Canary in reply as I gently removed her combat/biker boots then slid her leggings down to mid thigh pretending not to notice the string of girl cum that stained them.

Sliding them back into place zipping her bustier back into place before moving down to her leg and ankle finishing up seeing her experience another release as she buried her face into her hands.

I couldn't help but feel slightly bad for putting her in this state quickly putting her clothing back in order casting a cleansing spell to clean up the physical mess I'd made.

While wondering what kind of repercussions I'd be having come my way as I sat down on a stool as far away as I could get from the two women I couldn't help but feel like I took advantage of.

Grabbing one of the mini projector cubes from my shirt pocket I slid it to the center of the table while sinking it up to the display on my phablet.

"So Canary, Hawkwoman and I got a glimpse of what we're in for by looking through this evidence." I started to say but was quickly cut off.

"I am not some weak flower in need of protection. Show me." Commanded Diana using her experience as a warrior and a politician to get things moving. And I could only sigh and do as she commanded anything less would be disrespectful to her and her people.

What the three of us saw earlier didn't prepare me for what we continued to uncover. At the sight of the prepubescent young clones of the superheroines by villains, the rich, powerful and influential people on the video my vision went red.

Inside Diana's chambers she watched as herself and her friends' clones were assaulted in different manners. She was furious but she kept her composure just as mother taught her.

But the young warrior that introduced himself as Sean has proved to be a very attention grabbing commodity between being able to withstand Bruce's stare like he was nothing and expose his less known side.

His being a wielder of powerful magic even being able to create life in the form of a rock golem.

But as a video displayed herself and a the others as children being violated the smell of ozone filled her chambers as lightning crackled off his form mana so thick and powerful became visible to not only her eyes but also Shira's and Dinah's they each saw the young man's eyes glowing purple as the mana surrounding him became a raging maelstrom that threatened to bring the building down around them.

'Is he a demi-god, a child of Zeus like myself.' A stray thought entered her mind as she made her way towards him, his mana washing over her but not harming her or even her friends in any way.