TV Items V1 pt2


My mind was a mess. I was seeing myself in the place of the immature clones, a sense of powerlessness that I hadn't felt since back then kept closing in on me.

It felt like I was drowning. The rage that I'd at first felt was suffocated in fear and torment of the things I'd never opened up about to anyone.

I felt like if anyone knew all of what really happened or how long it truly went on before things were partially discovered no one would accept me anymore and all of that fear, pain, agony, loneliness and paranoia that I so masterfully learned to bottle up and bury came bubbling up to the surface.

I was alone in the dark hearing the soft sobs of a child moving towards them. I saw a younger me sitting with his face buried in his knees. Wearing baggy sweat clothes, my body trembling in fear.

The young version of me looked up with eyes a completely black void.

"Why did you hide me, why didn't you tell someone, why do you hate us?" Asked the hollow voiced black eyed version of me.

"I'm sorry." I whispered back.

"Whywhywhywhywhywhywhywhy?" It kept asking.

[Omnitrix has detected unstable brainwaves of the bearer. scanning for defects. Defects detected. Defects caused in conjunction. With premature birth and genetic defects of both maternal and paternal parents has caused mental disorders and health disorders.

Bearer has been deemed incapable of making decisions based on mental state emergency protocol taking over repairing defects.

Error Bearer's D.N.A is too corrupted. comparing to the database. Confirmed best sample located is Olympian D.N.A fusing now.

Fusion complete. Defects no longer detected, Bearer's mental state is returning to baseline. New baseline being established.]

After hearing the omnitrix there was a flash of green light and now the younger me had aged up to ten or eleven eyes no longer a pure black void but now looked like galaxies swirled inside of them.

"It seems you got my gift finally." Spoke the younger me.

"Gift?." I questioned.

"Yup, remember how things seemed to get better after you were resuscitated after that whole debacle?" Asked the younger me to which I nodded.

"Good good, while you see we or I rather was given an option by the powers that be. I could split my soul in half or I could move on to the afterlife whole. But I think we both know I couldn't just abandon our little brother like that, especially not when we were coming in and out of things and saw the kid crying calling out for Bubby now could we." I shook my head no.

"Exactly, so I made a counter offer and that was that part of me took a job for the powers that be while the other part remained back on our earth to help look after our loved ones.

Honestly I had no idea how devastating those effects would be on the me that stayed behind that emptiness, that constant void, the bipolariarity. I'm sorry for all of that but I think we both agree it needed to be done." I nodded agreeing since I thought the same.

"Shoo, I'm so glad you feel the same way. So anyways I was given an assignment to liberate a soul on my old earth low and behold it was my other part and damn what the fuck happened to us was my first thought.

But then I realized I only left behind the fractured pieces of myself and was like ohh fuck gotta do something to fix myself so I decided to give you an ability I picked up somewhere along the line and see if you could liberate yourself.

I thought it was going to work at first and then I kept hearing your subconscious speaking to your conscious mind and damn we got some major mental issues since I last checked and we were turning into uncle Ben.

So here we are confronting our issues man to man. I abandoned you and left you alone in the dark. I'm sorry for that. But hey I think that ability I gave you makes up for that now you can assemble a harem of all the sexy cartoon or TV babes you want and become a God if you want to. So what do ya say? am I forgiven?.`` Asked my younger me who I punched in the face.

"Okay, I deserved that but that's your only freebie." The younger me smiled while blood stained his teeth.

"Sure I forgive you, thanks for the ability." I replied.

"Awesome, also you know all of this is real so stop acting like being in young justice-verse is a dream and stop being a fucking simp, sure those three are pretty hot but there's plenty of hotter bitches you can sniff after in other places. So stop embarrassing us, you simp-mister." Sighed my younger self.

"Also stop referring to me as your younger self. Sure I may look like we did on the day we died back then but with all my travels I'm a few millennials old at this point. Oops gotta run but remember what I said no simping." Snarked my older shota self.

"That's even worse, hahahaha." He yelled as he was fading out of my perception.


"So how was visiting your other part dear?" Asked a very familiar Amazonian princess.

"Simping after a version of you, Shira and Black Canary." I replied to my wife of a few million years.

"So, he's just like you." Diana teased.

"Ohh yeah, I think someone needs to be reminded who's the man in this relationship." I snarked back as I bent her over the counter delivering a hardy Smack to her bare backside.

"Ahh." Moaned Diana.

"That's right, moan for me babe." I said as he leaned in to kiss her.

Only for Diana to spin around and pin him against the floor.

"Has she done the trial by combat with him yet?" Asked Diana.

"N-noo-ohh fuck Diana." I moaned.

"Maybe I should go visit that version of myself and give her a few pointers." She whispered in my ear before biting down on my earlobe.

"Don't you dare." I replied back only receiving a snicker in reply.

"Hey. No fair you can't have him all to yourself." Shouted a voice that sounded exactly like that of Diana's.

"Did he also find a clone of me?" Asked the original Diana.

"Mmm-ohh-yeah-D-just like that." I moaned as the other Diana joined in stroking me off as they bit licked and kissed all of his other weak spots.

A woman that seemed like a younger twin of Diana if her nose wasn't just a little different slid herself down my hard shaft.

"Donna, you brat." Both Diana's yelled in unison.

"He-HAA-sorry sis you snooze you loose." Moaned Donna Troy as she started bouncing herself up and down their my cock.

A few hours later in a large bed.

"So do you think he'll end up with the other me like we ended up together?" Asked Diana.

"I don't know." I replied while sighing.

"He probably will. After all you're much too good to let slip away even if it means sharing you amongst sisters." She whispered as she kissed him lovingly.

"I don't know, he's like I was when we first met, young, controlled by his emotions, sensitive and." I was silenced by another loving kiss.

"All the things that made me fall for you harder than I ever did Steve, Bruce or Clark." Whispered Diana.

"No way." I replied since this was the first time we had ever talked about this.

"Yes way, hehehe, you know mother she taught me all men were the same and they all looked at women with only lust and any other look was a mask to get what they wanted." Spoke Diana softly.

"She wasn't wrong." I replied, receiving a giggle in response.

"Mmm, she wasn't right either you showed me that by being you." She said softly.

"Also, "simping" really you know how much I hate that term." Diana said, looking none too happy.

"Hey if you saw him make the vow that I did or saw him practically drooling over you like I did you'd agree with calling him that." I defended myself.

All she did was raise an eyebrow while resting her head on her propped up arm.

"He kneeled to that version of you to greet you for fucks sake. I mean I know he didn't really believe it was real but it is. Hey, why are you laughing?" I questioned.

"Ohh no reason, just remembering a certain someone who lost to me and then came back at least once a week for a rematch until he beat me and then asked me to marry him after our first time having sex." Replied Diana, wearing an evil smirk.

"Huh, wonder who that could be." I replied while looking at the ceiling that was made of stars.

"Yeah, I wonder." Diana teased.


"Diana, what's happening to him? He's growing taller and his skin is changing color to a bronze." Asked Black Canary as she held onto the table tightly.

Shira readied her mace to knock him out. But decided it wasn't necessary when the maelstrom of energy lightning and pink fire started to recede.

"Sorry." I muttered as I found myself back in Diana's chambers, most of the supporting columns damaged or all together broken. Bronze and stone statues of women and men either naked or wearing Greek battle dress holding weapons in poses melted or rubble.

Other pieces of furniture were strewn about the massive room along with various weapons, clothes, broken pieces of pottery and crystal/glass.

"It's just things, I'd rather you tell me what happened and what caused the change in you. I feel connected to you now." Diana said her one hand was still on my shoulder while her other stroked my forearm.

Shaking my head because I really couldn't put into words what happened just now as I waved my hand that didn't have Diana coping a feel of the arm attached to it.

Everything that was broken or thrown about was encased in a soft pink glow slowly moving to where the belonged soon the entire room was restored to Its previous state.

"I should be going." I said softly, still feeling out of it and wanting some time to myself.

I went to stand up, my knees banging against the table causing it to creek while it made me fall back on to the stool.

"I think you should stay here for a little while." Said Shira while looking me over.

"You could also use some new clothes, yours seemed to have ripped apart during your umm growth spurt." Hummed Black Canary as her eyes trailed my face and upper torso.

"Huh." I expressed a little out of it as I touched my face not noticing any difference but when I moved my hand to the center of my chest I felt bare skin and ripped/tattered cloth.

"I'll have Barta take you to the bathing pool while Daria and a few other seamstresses make you a toga to wear." Said Diana as she gave my bicep a squeeze before walking to the large metal doors. I could hear her giving orders to the redhead and the blonde girl that was wearing a see through toga.

Barta entered the room looking furious but came to a full stop while looking at me.

Standing up I was thrown off by how I was now looking down at the fiery redheaded warrior instead of looking at her face to face.

Noticing some things I hadn't before maybe because I had been looking at her at an angle before but she had the greenest eyes I'd ever seen along with a light dusting of freckles on her face.

Her skin was sun kissed that went well with her polished bronze armor that had red highlights. She wore a little battle crown on her head that was accented in red.

"Follow me." She said her voice was not holding the same animosity or disdain it had earlier which also caught me off guard.

I went to take a step and found myself tripping over the remains of my shoes falling forward into Barta who caught me like I weighed nothing and then smirked at me in a condescending way that made me want to tear into her.

Instead I gave her a little zap with my Electrokinesis making her jump and yelp. To which Diana laughed a hearty laugh before smacking Barta's ass making the woman flush to a color of red as rich as her hair.

Pushing off of her kicking off my shoes hearing my pants tear at the quick movements I couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"I'm gonna be naked by the time I reach the baths." I muttered.

Only for the soft voice belonging to Daria to pitch in. "The men on Themyscira do not wear clothes so don't feel embarrassed; it is nothing that all Amazon's haven't seen before." She spoke with a voice that sounded teasing and serious all at once.

"Who said I was embarrassed? I just feel bad about ruining my only set of clothes." I said while thinking about just ripping them off the rest of the way.

"And men on Themyscira I thought that was a big no no unless they were in the dungeons or being used to breed and or educate young Amazon's." I said in reply.

"Hehem, why don't we have this discussion some other time. Diana said with a slightly flushed neck and chest." Making me raise an eyebrow.

'Looks like I'm pretty close to the truth, maybe too close judging by the looks on Daira's and Barta's faces and the stunned disturbed looks Shayera and Dinah were giving Diana.' I thought to myself.

Daria gently took my wrist pulling me along behind her while Barta walked behind me. We walked a ways before we entered a large bathing room similar to a Turkish bath house or a Japanese bathhouse.

There were dozens or warrior esque women in various displays and stages of dress some were even fucking in their own little baths.

"Look at the way he's drooling over our sisters, filthy males. I don't understand why Princess Diana craves their attentions so." Barta's voice filled with disdain.

"I think you spend too much time being jealous of who your princess gives her affections too." I replied back.

"He's right, you know Barta." Replied a new voice belonging to a raven haired teen that was wearing bracelets like the ones Diana wore.

"Donna." Hissed Barta.

"Barta." Sighed Donna Troy also known as Wonder Girl.

"Don't mind her too much, handsome." Said the teen as she pressed her hand against my chest sliding it downwards wearing a lecherous grin.

"She's just upset Big sis hasn't bedded her since she discovered cock." Teased the teen.

"(Snort) I doubt the princess would appreciate you trying to seduce her guest Donna." Spoke the blonde earlier today.

"Since he's Diana's guest he's also mine and that gives me the right to pursue him before any of the other cock hungry sluts here Serena." Laughed the teen as she shot the blonde a challenging look.

"Let's get you out of these rags." Donna said with a saucy look.

"Unless you'd prefer to do it yourself Barta, I know you're curious about a man's body. I've seen you watching hard-core porn and peeping on Diana and our sisters having their holes stuffed and pumped full of baby batter." Donna naughtily teased and exposed Barta's voyeurism.

I looked over at Barta who was blushing furiously with an angry glare maring her face. Before she turned to me her angry glare turned to a shy almost fragile one as she grabbed my forearm and started to pull me along behind her.

Hearing more than a few catcalls and wolf whistles, the loudest of them all from Donna.

"Yeah Sis, don't let him leave your bed until you're good and pregnant." She shouted just as the doors closed behind us. Though Barta never raised her head or slowed her pace until we entered a dorm room like apartment with its own separate bathroom and shower, a queen size bed and kitchenette.

"Hey are you okay?" I asked softly even if she was a bitch earlier no one deserved to have all their secrets exposed like that.

Her shoulders trembled slightly either in laughter or tears.

"I'm sorry." Barta said in a voice barely above a whisper.