TV Items V2


So there I was sitting in my chair watching some illegally downloaded episodes of Ben 10. Trying to get out of the funk I'd been in for a couple of years now.

But there was this green dot that was always in my direct line of sight and it was bugging the living shit out of me.

Finally I was so sick of it I leaned forward tapping softly against the TV screen where the dot was located having nothing happen I quickly double tapped it.

Now instead of a green dot the whole screen was covered in a thin green film that stretched from corner to corner tainting the whole image green.

"Fuck." I said out loud as I slammed my hand down on the glass entertainment stand none too gently, making the whole thing shake.

'Why does this shit always have to happen to me? I know I'm not the greatest person and I'm definitely not a saint but what did I do to deserve this. I can't even enjoy one of my top ten childhood cartoons.' I complained in my mind feeling even more down and shitty than I did previously as I brought my hand up to the screen on the part where the Omnitrix pod almost turns Ben into an overdone pizza.

Out of some buried masochistic tendencies I stupidly pressed my fingers against the screen and was shocked when I didn't hear any creaking or cracking sounds as my finger slowly sunk into the screen.

The screen itself seemed to ripple as my finger sunk into it, no maybe not the screen but the film. In another shocking display of stupidity from myself I put a lot more force behind my finger, my whole arm sinking into the screen.

I was forearm deep into the screen of my tv before the implications of what was happening started to sink into my thick skull just as I felt something jump onto and clamp around my wrist snuggly.

Making my heart start to race and beat erratically as a cold sweat started across my body. My vision started to get blurry like on an old tube TV when the signal was bad.

The world around me started spinning as I became light headed feeling even in my delirious state I managed to rip my hand backwards out of the screen before I lost consciousness.

I started coming back to consciousness, my head still feeling weightless, my vision blurry but with clarity slowly returning.

Though my body promised to collapse under any load I might try to put on it if I tried to get up from the chair anytime too soon so I stayed still even as my throat ached for some water.

'It's been years since I had a seizure, luckily that was just a baby one and I didn't do too much damage to myself staying in the chair.' I thought to myself as my mental fog started to clear along with the almost drunk like sense of discombobulation.

Attempting to move my right.

'The one I ohh so stupidly pushed into the TV screen.' I thought to myself as I snorted at myself in contempt.

I was surprised that it was seemingly being weighed down by something relatively heavy, turning my head looking down at my arm more specifically my wrist only to be rewarded with an astounding sight.

"Holy FUCK ! ! !" I shouted in amazement and shock since on my wrist was none other than the Omnitrix from the original Ben 10 series.

'Man if this is a vivid dream slash hallucination I don't ever wanna wake up.' I thought to myself as I tentatively pushed the little green button the primes and or activates the Omnitrix just like I'd seen Ben do in the cartoon ohh so many times.

After pressing the Button gently I was rewarded by the dial popping up and radiating a neon green light and the sound of the activation charm.

Depicted inside the light glowing green light of the Omnitrix's face plate was a black silhouette of one of the ten original series playlist Fouramrs to be exact.

Feeling like I did when I was a little kid reveling in the childlike glee that felt almost exactly like it did when after I mowed a shit ton of lawns for people and rewarded myself by buying the toy Omnitrix for myself with the money said people paid me for doing so I kept spinning the dial cycling through the all ten aliens of the playlist repeatedly.

"This is fucking awesome." I said out loud as I put a lot of thought behind which alien I wanted to turn into first.

'Okay, who to turn into first? Wildmutt nah too big and slobbering, Four-arms too big, Ghostfreak too scary well not really scary as a transformation but the whole possibility of Zs'Skayr escaping the Omnitrix into my world and or possessing me making me a prisoner in my own body, so yeah NEXT ! ! !' I stage shouted in my head as any good producer sitting through auditions would be proud of before continuing my mental process of eliminations on which alien I should turn into first.'

'Heatblast nope don't want to burn the house down, Diamondhead? hmm nah better not, Stinkfly nope not until summer time. Ripjaws? Maybe if I was near a lake or an ocean, so by process of elimination that leaves me with XLR8, Upgrade and Greymatter.

Honestly I really just want to turn into XLR8 and run all over the place at superspeed.

buuuuttttttt video cameras traffic cameras security cameras and satellites might spot me sooo probably should go with Greymatter.

While Greymatter I can make some piece of cloaking tech out of the old non-working pieces of technology I have kicking around here that I've never thrown away since I had the intention of taking them apart.

And use those pieces of tech or rather their components to make something that would conceal me from earth's current level of technology.

For all intents and purposes making my actions invisible to the world and in turn. Turn my already nearly invisible self truly invisible in the digital slash technological sense.' I thought to myself as I went around the room grabbing old earbuds wireless and not my Walkman, a couple old ass IPhones I have in my dresser, a broken tablet, an old TV remote, an old Xbox controller, an electric rechargeable razor and some batteries of miscellaneous sizes.

"Better grab out some tools as well." I said to myself as I started grabbing out a cellphone repair kit, a dremel with multiple different attachments and a multi bit screwdriver set that had every bit that was commonly used in mainstream electronics, autos and household items and last but not least a soldering iron and wire.

After I finished assembling all the old pieces of tech and tools, I set them on my collapsible desk which I had pulled out and set up prior to collecting everything, lining up all the tech and tools in a neat and orderly fashion.

Before activating the Omnitrix again being rewarded with that activation chime and the neon green light along with that oh so familiar black alien silhouette that made my heart sore in excitement.

Turning the dial slowly, finally landing on or selecting Greymatter.

I gently pushed the dial back down into its recess unlike Ben who would slap it down harshly so that way the Omnitrix didn't shift to a different alien like it almost always did to him since its sensitive controls were never intended for harsh treatment that Ben constantly subjected it to.

I was enveloped in a flash of green light that momentarily blinded me, my whole perception changed and I knew and understood so many things I could never dream of comprehending or learning about.

Taking apart all the technology in a slow but methodical pace, constantly hearing myself snicker about how primitive earth and earth's technologies are before he or I started to build a phablet-like device that had capabilities beyond that of a supercomputer.

While having 5G connectivity at all times anywhere on the planet earth free of charge while also emitting a cloaking field that would keep me undetectable by all surveillance devices on earth it even had an interactive 3D holoprojector like the ones seen in the MCU movies that Tony Stark uses.

I even wrote down notes and instructions that my tiny human brain would be able to understand when the Omnitrix timed out. With a few warning beeps and then in a flash of red-light I was back to normal.

"I really hope this isn't a dream or a hallucination that I'm going to wake up from any second." I said to myself again out loud because I was the happiest I'd been in a very very long time.

Sitting back down in the chair before I picked up the new device sitting on the desk in front of me.

I started playing with the device that operated on an extremely improved and upgraded operating software that could still use all of its factory stores and apps like they were nothing but the simplest of applications.

While still holding the power and capabilities to put the most advanced supercomputer of my world to shame.

In between playing with my new Phablet downloading music and customizing settings and other stuff.

I continued to watch Ben 10 and was a bit miffed to see Ben still ended up with an Omnitrix on his wrist even though the one he should have retrieved from the crashed pod 'so definitely not a satellite.' I mentally snorted at that thought.

Was resting snuggly on my wrist like it was always meant to end up there and not on Ben's or more specifically Max Tennyson's wrist.

'Well I'm glad I didn't ruin one of my favorites childhood cartoons but this has a lot of implications that go way beyond my comprehension.

Better make a note to have Greymatter think on this the next time I transform into him, is it him, us or me?' I mentally thought and questioned myself in my mind but I was quickly brought out of my mind by a gentle hum and chime as the Omnitrix's face plate turned back to green signifying it was recharged and ready for use.

Before using the Omnitrix again I figured it's about time I finished the first episode of the series.

While finishing out the episode I noticed that up in the right hand corner of the tv there was a vibrant green dot with a white X in the middle of it that stood out against the green film that covered the screen.

In a moment of an instinctually inspired urging I pressed my finger on the X the green tint shrunk into a singular dot again.

pressing my finger against said dot it seemed to vibrate underneath my fingertip like an app when you press and hold it on a touchscreen phone.

Having a good idea of what would happen if I moved my finger around the screen and was rewarded by seeing that.

I was correct in my assumptions as the dot reacted the way I had expected and expanded to the size of my fingertip which allowed it to easily be dragged unilaterally around the screen after messing around with it for a minute or two.

I moved my finger and in turn the dot upwards in the very top right corner releasing it there by removing my finger from the screen the dot slowly shrunk back down.

To its original size resting just outside of the picture whereas before it was a nuisance to my viewing pleasure it rested perfectly in my peripheral vision.



In another surprising display of inspiration I grabbed my new Phablet quickly downloading a free streaming app once it was done downloading.

I opened the app and typed in the name of a show I'd relatively recently finished called Heroes. Finding that the app had streams for the show available I quickly scrolled through the episode until I found the one that I was looking for.

Once I started playing the episode I noticed the dot was in a similar position to its counterpart on the TV's screen.

Scrolling through episodes before finding the episode I was looking for in the first place it being the episode where Niki Sanders finds a briefcase with two million in cold hard cash and a pistol inside pausing the episode.

Quickly repeating the same process as with the omnitrix earlier I tried pulling the briefcase through but the physical screen was too small as only the briefcases handle came out of the screen while it got caught on the frame of the screen.

'Good to learn now there's a limitation on what can be pulled out of a TV show or whatever I try to retrieve an item from is dependent on the size of the screen I use to reach into in the future.' I thought to myself feeling a bit down by such a limitation.

'Good thing Galvin me incorporated holographic technology into this Phablet for me.' I continued thinking in my mind as I verbally commanded the holo-screen to activate.

"Activate the holo-screen projector, mirror device screen on holo." I verbally commanded speaking clearly.

Holding the phone in one hand while I reached into the projected screen with the other I was able to easily retrieve the briefcase through the current approximate screen size of the holo screen of fifty inches.

Powering off the phone screen as laughter started to bubble up and out of my throat before turning into a mad cackle that would put most supervillains to shame.

"MUJAJAJAJAJA I'M RICH JAJAJAJAJ ! ! !." I laughed and cackled loudly as I caressed the briefcase as if I was golem caressing my precious.

Opening the briefcase, revealing fresh and crisp hundred dollar bills in ten thousand dollar stacks along with a chrome finished pistol with a pearl hand grip resting on top of a few stacks.

Removing the pistol, keeping it pointed away from myself as I checked to make sure the safety was on before pulling back the slide ejecting the round that was in the chamber.

Before also removing the magazine that had six more rounds in it putting the ejected round back into the magazine making it seven rounds I put the pistol and mag in a lockbox I keep in my closet locking the lockbox to keep the gun safe.

After safely stashing the pistol away in a safe and secure place I returned to the briefcase that was now resting on the collapsible desk next to my Phablet.

Grabbing a stack of bills, a smile finding its way onto my face as I felt the crisp bills underneath my fingertips grabbing a couple stacks of bank banded stacks at ten thousand a stack out of the case before closing and locking the briefcase before stashing it in my dresser buried underneath pairs of blue jeans.

Since I was already in the dresser I grabbed out a clean set of clothes and threw them on quickly. Before walking into the bathroom using the toilet almost as quickly as I got dressed before moving over to the sink to wash my hands.

I froze just as I finished washing them when I looked up into the mirror. My hair long curly mess while my beard came down to mid chest big black circles under my hazel colored eyes.

"I look like a wild mess." I said to myself outloud as I also took in the loose clothes with my obese body still showing through them my red splotchy skin around my nose and underneath the dark circles of my eyes.

''I can't go out looking like this.' I thought to myself as I removed the shirt I put on and went to retrieve my hair trimmer.

After cutting my hair and beard I looked a little more presentable with a close cut on both beard and hair making them the same length. Brushing off the loose hair before I put my shirt back on.

Walking back into the room I felt a sense of crippling dread at going out and being seen by someone I used to know but I powered through it as I loaded up my front pockets with thirty thousand dollars in cold hard cash.

While also picking up my Phablet exiting the small one room apartment as I put my shoes on, closing the door behind me before turning around and locking it.

Walking down the steps to the outside of the brick three story apartment building my feet landed on the sidewalk in an area mostly hidden from prying eyes taking a quick glance around before voicing the verbal command to activate cloaking mode.

"Activate cloaking mode." I commanded and received a mechanical voice responding.

[Cloaking Mode Activated.]

Bringing my hand up to chest height activating the Omnitrix turning the dial selecting XLR8. Pushing the dial back down being enveloped in a flash of green light before the green light faded I was gone leaving a small flurry of snow behind in my wake.

It didn't even take me a minute to travel the twenty one miles it took to reach the city of Utica at five hundred miles per hour.

I was only a block away from the shopping center that has a best buy, Walmart, Staples, Barnes & Noble, a pet supply store, an arts and crafts store and a few other shops.

When I decided to stop in an alleyway tapping the omnitrix faceplate I turned back into human before the watch could reach its time out.

Walking the rest of the way to the store as a normal human coming to a crosswalk I pushed the button and it gave me the go ahead and cross light while I was walking across the four lane road I had to quickly move out of the way of a speeding car.

I barely dodged the car as it zoomed by me laying on its horn.


"FUCK YOUUUU, YOU HAD A FUCKING RED LIGHT YOU IN BRED COCK SUCKER ! ! !" I shouted at the speeding away vehicle while flipping it off.

Just to have a state police cruiser fly by me going at least a buck twenty not more than a second later.

'These fucks are gonna get someone killed.' No sooner than I had that though I could just barely hear the sounds of rubber screeching on asphalt, the shattering of glass, the shearing of metal and a scream.

'I sometimes hate it when I'm right.' I thought as I put my head down and continued towards best buy where I intended to buy some new tech to make upgraded and better things for myself to use.

Walking into the store I heard a couple of young women chatting about the chase and car wreck being posted on TikTok and Snapchat already.

"Ohh my God Becka, look at this a girl was just hit by a car in a high speed chase with the police as she was leaving Chuckee cheese." Random chick on phone.

"Ohh my gawd that is just horrible Tricia." Replied the girl who had her nose buried in her phone friend.

"(Sniffle) That's so heartbreaking." I heard another woman speaked, as it seemed that she'd also been eavesdropping on the two girls' conversation just as I had been.

My heart ached a little at hearing how a little girl died in what was probably my place.

'You could have saved her if you stayed at XLR8 for a few more seconds.' A small voice inside my mind said in a self-deprecating way as I walked to the part of the store where one of the items I wanted should be displayed.

Grabbing an Ion Outdoor bluetooth radio karaoke speaker/movie projector with a rechargeable battery I then went to the apple section of the store grabbing the newest IPad Pro with the biggest screen and most storage.

The latest and greatest Apple watch with cellular capabilities the most advanced MacBook available with the 4080 graphics card before going to the console gaming area grabbing an Xbox Series X/S, a Nintendo switch OLED, a PS5 a bunch of controllers each.

Before going to the cell phone vendor, getting the newest most expensive Samsung phone models and repeating the process with the IPhone.

Walking up to the check out area with a cart filled with some of the newest and greatest tech I got some odd looks from both fellow customers and employees.

Grabbing a few Xbox, Playstation and Nintendo gift cards along with a pack of King sized M&M's I started stacking up my bounty on the cashier counter.

The cashier scanned my items without issue and looked at me with dollar signs in her eyes when I set down twenty grand on the counter still in their bank bands.

But sadly she went through all the bills with that marker pen that tells them if the money is funny money or not so that increased the time I spent at the store by a large margin.



Walking out of the store feeling lighter than I had in a long time.

'Though my physical appearance has become worse over the past few years I'm glad to see my strength hasn't waned.' I thought to myself as I easily carried all of my purchases in their large durable plastic bags.

Walking until I found a nice secluded spot to transform into XLR8 again scanning the area to make sure I was alone.

Finding that the area was clear I activated the Omnitrix reselecting XLR8 on the dial before I disappeared from the area leaving behind a fluffy cloud of snow in my vacated position.

On my way back home, I stopped to grab some take out from a local Chinese place checking the bags that rested on the counter for customers to pick up rifling through the bags finding what I liked before throwing down more than the food was worth and kept on on my way.

Emptying the bags onto the kitchen table keeping one end clear so I could eat my dinner.

"Damn this is some good sesame chicken and chicken and mixed veggies, the crab rangoons aren't too bad either." I said out loud as I continued to eat my food.

Finishing up my dinner washing up my dirty dishes and utensils before I went over and started grabbing my bounty of tech goodies tearing apart packaging spreading out my new goodies on my collapsible desk that still had the tools and some leftover components remaining on it from earlier.

'Before I get into all of this I should do something really smart, like say unlock master control functions using the episode from Ben 10 alien force episode war of worlds.' I thought to myself as I scrolled through the episodes finding the one I was looking for.

Playing the episode that I needed for what I wanted and was rewarded by my Omnitrix reacting the same way Ben's did but instead of his voice coming from my Omnitrix it came out as a neutral male sounding voice.

[Master Control Functions Unlocked.]

"Everything's unlocked, how many Aliens can I turn into?" I asked out loud.

[1,000,903 Genetic Samples available.]

"Ohh yeah baby I can turn into any alien I want. Now I have to figure out whether or not my Omnitrix has all of the functions that the alien force and omniverse one's have.

"Omnitrix all functions that are currently unlocked." I commanded.

[Unlocked functions are:

Instant transformation between forms;

No time limit on transformations unless energy is completely depleted and that the self-sustaining energy source can reproduce;

All one million nine hundred and three transformation's available;

DNA repair functions both for bearer and none bearer functions available;

Telepathic link synchronized;

Omnitrix customization menu.

Life-form lock mode now available

Automatic D.N.A scanning On

Stealth mode that makes the Omnitrix appear at the same level of technology that is available on the planet while also in transformation makes the face plate invisible.]

[Omnitrix has one pending recalibration, four software updates] spoke the same voice as before but inside my head instead of outloud.

[User D.N.A enhancement/replacement/healing function now active Bearer's template has been stored inside Omnitrix designated as its only user/operator. Please program voice commands at earliest convenience for integral security and safety functions]

Once I finished listening to the Omnitrix I started to remove the game console's plastic casings to make things easier for my Galvin transformation. Now done with all of that I nodded to myself while looking at the watch smiling.

'Now let's see what you can do with some of the most advanced mainstream tech available on this planet at this time, little brainiac.' I thought to myself as I activated the Omnitrix.

Transforming into Greymatter once more taking apart the rest of the expensive tech hearing myself mutter that this was barely passable as level two technology before everything was cannibalized even my recently created phablet.

"This is unnecessary. You only need one of these here putting four just wastes energy and will cause overheating issues.

Hmm-hmm put this here recalibrate it like so…10 times the computing power with only a fraction of the previous energy consumption.

Energy cycles here will stop energy leakage, recycle it and make this a self-powered self-sustaining device after the device is connected to a power source for 4 earth hours.

Rewrapping this coil here will help in the heat distribution and exhaust now the processor can sustain peak operating loads indefinitely.

Tweaking the antenna frequencies like so will give this device free uninterrupted connectivity at all times and at the fastest speeds this planet can currently reach.

I must give it to these humans, they have made quite a bit of progress for such a short lived primitive species." I spoke as Greymatter as I tweaked and toyed with the technology in front of me and insulted my species while complementing them.

'Muhahahaha, Unlimited Powahhhh.' I evilly laughed inside my head having a Palpatine moment, one that even my new Galvin mind appreciated even if he or we found it below tadpole-ish in maturity.

Galvin me continued work on the tech parts on the table that hardly resembled their original forms only the casingings were left mostly untouched.

The Xbox X and PS5 were combined, jailbroken, shrunk down to the size of the Xbox Series S while gaining things like satellite TV, true full dive VR and their own interactive holo display.

The IPad received the same treatments as the phablet but with newer internals it's capabilities far surpassed the first Galvin modified piece of tech.

The apple watch also received the same upgrades and surpassed the phablet not by as much as the IPad but by a large margin it was even upgraded with defensive, offensive, stealth, cloaking and a few other capabilities.

While the IPhone and S23 Ultra were combined into the Phablet the thing now has like five processors, a godly amount of ram, capabilities of the watch and previous generation of phablet.

while having a self sustaining power source just like the Galvin me put into all the other new pieces of tech by modifying the original power sources and power system.

Then the projector radio contraption, the little Galvin me modified its power cell to be like the one in all the other devices while increasing the lumens of the projector to make it have a better brighter picture.

Then I had the idea of making microprojectors. My idea was to have them look like little cubes that could make a holo-projection big enough for me to walk through.

Galvin me's and human me's theory of me being able to enter the tv-omniverses was correct so we'd have an emergency exit whenever we or I needed it.

'God it's confusing being a Galvin, it's like I'm me but also a different person at the same time, I didn't feel like this at all being XLR8.' I thought to myself as I continued working on new inventions.

Finally I was done modifying the tech so I tapped the hourglass symbol going Upgrade completely forgetting I could have just given a mental command to do so.

Following instructions and mental notes my Galvin transformation dumbed down enough for me to actually understand while he/we also pointed out specific blueprints and atomic bonds so I didn't short things or make them explode like Ben tended to do when he used Upgrade.

Merging with the Galvanically modified technology creating new casings out of the old ones creating a coating the element proofed the electronics and another one that made them a hundred times more durable than they originally were before I demerged from the tech and turned back into human me.

Putting on the smartwatch trying out the offensive capabilities by firing a blaster bolt or particle beam at my wooden dresser surprised to see a smoldering scorched hole that went through the two inch thick board through the both boards the made the drawer and penetrated halfway through the other side of the dressers board.

"Well that should be good enough to protect myself with, I can't really test out the force field bubble at the moment though and it's getting pretty late." I said out loud feeling giddy about having a laser gun of sorts.

'I could always visit Adam, give him the pistol and ask him to shoot me with it.' Thought to myself half heartedly about visiting my best friend slash extended family.

"That..could…wor-k…may-be." I allowed myself to say outloud but ultimately decided against it.

'Next things I should get are the charms of Bezel, especially the resurrection stone, man…Hex had his neck snapped and then got up again an hour later, if that. And a few other things may be the fountain of youth from seven deadly sins and become immortal and ageless like Ban.' I thought to myself in nervous excitement vibrating in my seat in anticipation.

Scrolling through the Ben 10 I needed episodes finding all the different episodes that had all of the things I wanted systematically watching every episode and liberating the items that I wanted right after the other.

Starting with the Archamada Book of Spells, after that Gwen's charm of Luck, Hex's necklace thingy that had the Resurrection, Pyrokinesis, Electrokinesis and Telekinesis charms on it and his weird bird skull staff.

Skipping ahead to the next big Hex episode, grabbing the Keystone of Bezel off of Gwen's wrist forearm cuff thing along with Charmcaster's magic bag.

Holding the charms over Hex's necklace, the additional charms snapped into place the Keystone moving to the center of the six as they all started glowing in yellowish gold light.

Putting it on myself I felt a rush of euphoria and just energy that had me rocking back and forth as my hand found the spell book which opened on a magical gust of wind that came out of nowhere.

I found myself casting a spell in what sounded like gibberish as a twister of green energy surrounded me that slowly turned purple in color as the necklace the charms were on melted off of my neck and started sliding down my right arm.

My body also felt weird as if it was turning fluid and in a constant state of motion before it started to get very hot I looked down at myself and noticed the fat on my body was literally just slowly melting away as the tornado of energy around me grew larger.

Loose clothes that had been in a neat pile on the floor were pulled into the tornado along with some blankets, pillows and other knick knacks and whatnots and whatever else wasn't too heavy or nailed down for the vortex to lift.

The weight that I always felt when I took a breath vanished and I finally knew what it felt like to take a deep full breath, something I'd never been able to do being born with Asthma.

My mind started to become less hazy and I could think many thoughts at once where before it was just a chore to do things and think at the same time.

My muscles swelled with new strength and mass before being compacted back down repeating the process over and over again only growing slightly larger.

While my body went through astounding changes from obese to barely having any body fat with strong steel like muscles as the already too large clothes I wore.

Became even larger on me with my pants that I already struggled to keep from falling to my ankles finally fell, and the shirt that hung down to just above my knees was raised upwards but I still swam in it as my horrid scoliosis was cured.

My vision became sharper and had more clarity. I could see details and differences in things I couldn't before. I could look at the bright LED light that lit up the room before the magical energy outshone it, no longer seeing those lines that came off it curved in semi-circles.

"This is Fucking Awesome! ! !" I expressed my excitement.

The whirlwind of energy started to close in on me. The clothes I'd previously worn had been shredded and eradicated.

The energy harmed my clothes but against my bare skin the energy was nothing but a gentle caress almost like that of a lover making me feel a pleasant tingle all over as it slowly seeped into my pores while the vortex started to grow smaller as the energy was absorbed by my body.

My body started to glow a dull pink but as more energy was absorbed by my body it started to shine while the light also grew into darker shades of pink before turning violet.

Looking down at my arm I was shocked to see that the stones were gone and in their place was a sleeve tattoo that rapped all the way around my forearm with little circles and the markings the charm stones had while on the back side of my hand the Keystone was a red tattoo and part of the sleeve.

"Wow, that looks amazing." I exclaimed quietly to myself.

'But how in the hell am I going to explain the rapid changes in my body and this Tattoo to my family for fucks sake how am I going to explain away the Alien device on my wrist that looks almost nothing like a watch…Fuck.' Feeling overwhelmed by these questions I collapsed into my chair.



Seeing the mess in the room caused by my magical metamorphosis I sighed as I thought about cleaning everything up and throwing away the things made of glass or crystal that broke.

Everything that was messed up in the room glowed in soft pink light. The broken things snapped together like a magnet while there was a bright flash of pink light like a welder when it's touched between pieces of metal that only lasted a millisecond before it returned to the original glow.

The beds were made and the clothes picked up all of them had that light pink glow as everything was put back the way it should be.

'Okay that was cool as fuck. Thanks magic…telekinesis charm you're both awesome as all fuck.' I expressed in my mind and I felt this tingle in my chest like my magic was pleased at the compliment and praise.

Reaching over for the grimoire I was surprised when the book gently flew into my hand glowing slightly as if it was pleased being called on again so soon.

It even turned its own pages again to an enchantment that I could put on a necklace that would make people see me as they always have.

It was a very simple spell that required a bit of blood and for me to channel some magical energy into the pendant that and chain or cord that had a strong imprint of myself on it and a shirt chant of words that looked like gibberish but I could instinctively feel the power behind them.

Setting down the necklace I'd had since forever that my grandmother called a barbed trinity but would never tell me what it truly meant.

Setting it down on the flat piece or marble I use when burning candles. while grabbing my Karambit knife chanting the words that felt so familiar in my throat but sounded so foreign gibberish like feeling my blood sing my magic dance.

cutting my palm feeling the slight pain that at one point would have been the only thing telling me I was still alive if I was still in my cutting phase, watching as the drops of ruby liquid sizzled as it touched the silver pendant and chain as it started to glow in green light.

There was a sound of a wind chime twinkling in a soft breeze signaling the spell slash enchantment was successful.

Putting on the necklace I felt like a glove rested over my hand but it covered my entire body.

'I just casted a spell, I just used magic for realizes, this is so fucking amazeballs.' I chuckled to myself as I filled with childish glee.

'Ahh shit I better clean and gauze my hand.' I continued thinking in my mind a bit absent-mindedly.

Looking at my palm I noticed there was nothing there but a few beads of blood whipping my palm on my boxer briefs and not feeling even the slightest twinge of pain.

Bringing my palm up to my face not seeing any cut or dried blood I just stood there blinking.

'Resurrection Charm…equals…healing factor…sweet.' That's so awesome I continued thinking in my mind as I cut my hand again the pain symbolizing that this wasn't a dream and most likely not a hallucination either.

Walking across the recently repaired and put back together apartment I entered my bathroom looking into the sink mirror seeing a familiar stranger that looked like a handsome version of myself.

In fact I looked like a bulkier broader version of Robert Patterson except my eye color and hair color were different from his.

In fact my usual hazel colored eyes that seemed to change colors with my moods were an amber color now with dark gray rings around the outside that faded into amber while around my pupils was a bright orange and red sunburst that seemed to glow now with a magical vibrancy.

My hair that had previously been dulled from a glossy black with copper orange undertones were no longer dull but glossy, shiny curl messy mop again even though I had just trimmed my hair a little while earlier today before going out.

My skin looked so smooth and healthy, not the red splotchy mess it'd become.

I no longer had big black circles under my eyes that just wouldn't go away no matter how much sleep I got or how much water I drank.

Pulling my shirt over my head I couldn't help the gasp that left my throat at the sight of my body from the neck down.

Running my finger over the hard ridges of abs while I just stared blankly at the image in the mirror.

"I love magic." I whispered softly as I smiled from ear to ear.

Walking out of the bathroom in my underwear carrying my shirt in my hand throwing it in a hamper on my way into the room going to my old dresser grabbing out an old dark gray button up shirt leaving it unbuttoned while also grabbing a pair of old blue jeans from the same dresser drawer getting redressed.

Sliding the phablet into my pocket that looked high-end and futuristic while I set the other things on the entertainment stand breaking down my collapsible desk putting it away.

Pocketing a few of the holo-cubes into my buttoning shirt pocket while lining up the large projector with a large patch of clean white wall.

'Wait stop this is no time to jump the gun and try and run off into a new universe. I need to gain more things to insure my survival.' Signing into a friend's Netflix account skipping through and fast forwarding episodes until I reached Ban's backstory once the fountain cup was revealed I reached in and took it exiting the show as I brought the ornate looking glass up to my lips and drank the glass dry.

A new strength, vigor and vitality suffused my body making my recent magical metamorphosis pale in comparison next to the effect of the fountain of youth's water. I could even tell my magical potential, potency and power had also increased by a massive margin.

"Man, this feels so awesome." 'I kind of wish I could share this with my little brother, but I can't. Can I? Usually revealing shit like this is a death sentence in novels, fanfictions and other media.' I expressed out loud while mentally talking to myself feeling a bit depressed at not being able to share my abilities with my closests family member.

"Maybe I could bring him back a cool souvenir though or something I am supposed to spend mid-winter break with him after all." I said out loud as I started to plan what universe I would go to around that thought.

'Star wars it is then.' I affirmed myself as I started to start writing down things I wanted to nab from the series to take into the universe with me.

Episode hopping through the clone wars series grabbing a full set of death watch armor and gear, Ventress's lightsabers, the dark saber, a few of those metal cases filled with unmarked credits, the cylindrical canister Mando received his beskar payment in from turning in Grogu filled full of Beskar plates.

I found I was even able to take items directly off of someone but I found myself hesitant to continue doing so for some reason.

Though that didn't stop me from stealing items anyways I stole the crate that had Gregor's commando gear in it since I wanted to find an armorer who could duplicate the functions of the armor with one difference of making it out of Beskar.

'Hmm, should I steal Jango's armor from his apartment on Kamino when Obi-Wan comes for a visit? Nahhh clone commando armor is cooler and more functional and protective.' I questioned and thought mentally to myself.

Putting on a clean body glove that I'd also snatched from an episode of clone wars before I donned Gregor's commando armor.

Putting on the armor I realized it had the same fatal flaw as Jango's and the death watch's armor; it left the neck completely exposed so not wanting my head chopped off by a stray lightsaber.

I went back to the planning boards and googl, to find who had the best armor in clone wars and while looking through a shit ton of pictures I realized Wrecker from clone force ninety nine had the most protective armor which made sense since he's the team's tank.

Though his armor also had a massive unprotected spot just like all Mandalorian armor except heavy armor like that of the Vizsla guy in Mandalorian they leave most of the abdomen completely exposed.

So after stealing Wrecker's gear and a set of Phase one and Phase two standard clone trooper armor laying each set of armor out on my apartment floor mixing and matching them to find the best combination of mobility and protection.

Using my very artistically challenged skills I went on to my computer using a few different 3D software programs and some animation ones I designed an armorer that offered both maximum protection and mobility.

With it ending up more like standard Clone commando armor but with a raised lip that allowed the helmet to be placed down and sealed around protectively.

While it followed the rest of the original templates design except nodded to allow the incorporation of Mandalorian vambraces all while remaining sealed so I could survive in the vacuum of space for a period of time.

Without losing any of the benefits that drew me to the commando armor in the first place like its ray and particle shield generator. Its stealth mode functions it's comm's system and threat analysis capabilities.

'I bet if people could see me struggling to come up with an armor design so much they'd be like why even bother you're immortal now. Well let's see, just because I'm immortal doesn't mean I want to get shot, stabbed and whatever else on a routine basis.

Because it's Star Wars and if there's anything anyone should have learned from the various series is that it doesn't matter who you are or where you live, eventually you'll get dragged into some sort of conflict.

Also the fact that Ban's blood and most likely in turn my blood was able to restore life to a dead forest and a tree the size of the tallest skyscraper in the world and return a fairy girl back from the dead isn't something I want to just go spreading around any universe I visit.

Not to mention the repercussions if anyone with nefarious or for the greater good intentions finds out about my ability I'll be turned into a lab rat and experimented on for who knows how long.

Yes I have the Omnitrix and magic but there's no guarantee there won't be some way for a potential enemy to bypass those things.' I quickly shook myself out of those thoughts before I convinced myself not to even try traveling to another universe.

"Hmm." I hummed to myself as I was trying to decide when to insert myself into the Star Wars universe.

"Tales of a Jedi, episode Justice seems like it'd be the best option at this point yeah it takes place somewhere between forty four through forty one bby, so I'd have to go through roughly 12 years of the universe without having any knowledge on what major events happen in that time frame besides Ahsoka Tano's birth and Dooku turning to the dark side." I said out loud to myself not sure if I was trying to talk myself out of or into inserting myself this early into events.

'Ahh, Shit why not? It'll give me time to establish myself and make some money.' I thought as I decided that I'd start my Star Wars journey in the Justice episode of Tales of a Jedi.

"Ohh wait, better take that along with me and also download some more stuff to it." I said out loud as I grabbed my 1tb SSD drive that was in a USB casing doc that had all the seasons of Clone wars, bad batch the star wars movies except for the newest ones besides A solo story and the Mandalorian slash Book of Boba Fett and various other cartoons and movies like two-thousand-three teenage mutant ninja turtles for example.

"Time to Transform and Roll Out." I joked out loud as I turned on the Ion speaker slash projector combination on the scenes where Qui-Gon-Jinn and Dooku are landing their craft in a burnt out section of forest.

Opening the green screen through my Phablet that was casting the image I was watching through the projector putting on my clone commando helmet while opening Charm Caster's magic bag sucking in all my recently Ill gotten good to take a long on my trip with me.

Cautiously I put my hand into the portal first and watched as the screen in front of me seemed to ripple like still water does when it's disturbed in a moment of courage. I walked through the portal into a black and white version of the scene on my Phablet, time frozen around me.

Being all the way through the portal I closed the translucent green screen by clicking on the little white X button on my phone's screen.

Making the world around me come to life I could feel the powerful air current being pushed towards me by the landing spacecraft but I was unaffected by the various outside factors thanks to my armor.

Quickly throwing a look over my shoulder I saw nothing but some more burnt forest and live forest and a derelict town that looks like it also suffered the fire along with the town.

Some droids worked the area retrieving anything that was salvageable and remains of the dead.

'Should I run off before the Jedi spot me? Nah might as well make some connections with Qui-Gon and Dooku now and use them later on down the line as allies.' I thought to myself as the ship finally finished landing.

"Master, do you feel that as well a powerful force just appeared close to us." Qui-Gon asked his Jedi master Dooku.

"Yes apprentice, I feel him as well but I feel no hostile intentions from him through the force. In fact I feel like we've all been guided to this meeting by the force. He may be a powerful ally and a future friend." Dooku replied to his apprentice.

"Or a powerful adversary and a future enemy master." Qui-Gon replied as his hand drifted near his lightsaber.


"Be at ease my apprentice, if you meet with a hostile outlook it will pollute any chance of a friendly relationship, remember this apprentice." Dooku chastised Qui-Gon gently as he rested his hand against the young Jedi's shoulder.

"Yes, Master, thank you for the reminder." Replied Qui-Gon as he dropped his hand away from his lightsaber and relaxed his tensing muscles.

"Good, now let's go greet our new acquaintance." Dooku said in a cheery voice.

I watched as the two Jedi slowly descended the ramp of their vessel as I set my DC-17M on the ground next to my feet. Waving to both Qui-Gon and Dooku.

They both waved back in return. As they stepped off of the ramp of their ship it slowly raised upwards behind them as they made their way towards me.

"Hi, Master Jedi and apprentice." I greeted them when both were within a comfortable speaking distance.

"Greetings as well, are you perhaps a Mandalorian? Your armor is reminiscent of theirs?" Asked Dooku as he caressed his chin and Qui-Gon's hand started to drift towards the lightsaber on his belt.

"If I am, will that cause problems, Master Jedi?" I asked, a bit of amusement leaking into my voice.

"Hahaha, No I do not judge an individual on their people only their actions my Padawan also follows the same ideology." Replied Dooku with a mirth filled laugh which was surprising since on the show Dooku seemed to be very angry and all business during this episode.

"Hahaha, good I have no ill will towards the Jedi either Master Jedi, I wonder if you could give me a lift off of this planet when you complete your business.

You see, one of my acquaintances dropped me off here while I was in a drugged sleep as a practical joke and I've been stuck here ever since." I replied putting some regressed anger into my voice. I could tell easily Dooku didn't completely buy it but he nodded along anyways.

"Yes we can ferry you off world once my Padawan and I complete our business here. In fact you may be of aid to us if we need it and if you are willing of course." Dooku replied.

"Sure thing anything to get me off of this planet as soon as possible. I've been living in a part of the woods for a while now and would very much like to return to society. A little warning: the locals aren't very friendly towards outsiders." I replied to Dooku my thankfulness at his agreeing to help me off world leaking into my voice.

"Thank you, though that may be because they have kidnapped the senator of this planet's son." Qui-Gon replied, speaking up for the first time since the conversation began.

"Come let us carry on." Dooku said.

"You are free to join us, Mandalorian." He tacked on before he turned to follow his apprentice picking up my DC-17M off of the ground, bringing it up over my shoulder enjoying the way it was sucked into a slot on my pack.

As I followed behind the two Jedi I found myself regretting coming to this time period or at least this place but I quickly shrugged those feelings off even as a dog barked at us as we entered the town.

A little girl opened a door and called her dog back inside when Dooku tried to ask her a question and the door was quickly shut.

That's when a green astromech that looked like a similar version to chopper from rebels started making a bunch of noise drawing our collective attention to a canteena.

"I will wait outside, places like this aren't usually all that welcoming to Mandalorians in full armor and carrying weapons." I told the two Jedi as I sat on the ground next to the droid.

"Very well then, here take this." Dooku said as he handed me a Comm device that was a mostly flat thing with a rounded bottom and top with a large protrusion at the top with multiple little cylindrical shapes.

I nodded as a notification popped up on my hud. "Comm's synched." I replied to the Jedi master who nodded in return before entering the canteena.

After a few minutes an old woman who still looked to be in good shape exited the canteena followed out by Qui-Gon and Dooku who In turn were followed by some farmers carrying what looked like hand scythes.

I noticed Dooku give a couple hand signs to wait and follow as he walked by my resting form without looking towards me. Lifting my one arm up that had physical controls for my armor activating the stealth function making me flicker out of view before turning completely invisible to the naked eye and most sensors.

Stealthy following behind the Jedi keeping my steps light taking cover behind wagons and carts just in case of an armor failure like say the cloaking generator integrated into the armor failing.

Activating a few functions of my armor like infrared and the listening scope allowing me to see into the well kept barn that had armed guards while I also had a three hundred and sixty degrees view range around me when suddenly my threat marker in the top right corner of my hud started flashing while giving me a zoomed in image of a group of soldiers exiting a troop transport following behind a man in a more ornate military uniform.

Activating my comms unit speaking into it. "Master Jedi I count 16 hostile enemy forces, one civie, one droid and one of the hostiles is dressed in regal ornate military dress."

"Hold position, we're exiting the building." Dooku replied into the comms while I could also hear some whispering amongst the other people in the barn.

I didn't stay where I was though I circled around the potential enemy forces leveling my blaster rifle on them as I took cover behind a tractor-like vehicle putting the important looking guy directly into my sights.

'He's a senator right? Why's he walking around in military dress? Have these planet's never heard of separation of the government and military. Ahh cut the pointless thoughts and concentrate on the situation before you.' I told myself as I flipped a switch that put my rifle into stun mode when the soldiers started aiming on the Jedi and Civies.

"Mobilizing." I said into the comm unit after the first shot was fired on the enemies side. Rushing into the group of enemies taking out five of the sixteen before they even realized they were being flanked from the side by me.

Four soldiers turned in my direction firing a barrage of laser fire at me making me go into a forward roll jumping up on the balls of my feet a few inches from the line of soldiers grabbing one of the men's blaster rifles pulling him towards me while pushing the rifle so it was pointed at the ground using him as a shield as I flipping the switch back to lethal killing his comrades that had just killed him with friendly fire.

Continuing to use my meat shield I moved forward as the senator was lifted up into the air, his feet kicking uselessly in the air as he grabbed his own throat trying to remove whatever was choking him.

A few soldiers I hadn't dispatched to their God or knocked unconscious were hit with redirected blaster fire while the senator was brought to his knees and forced backwards as Dooku advanced on him.

'Damn seeing this in a show compared to real life is striking.' I thought to myself as my heart started to race at the thought of being put in the same position by a Jedi.

Dooku had his lightsaber raised ready to fall and behead the choking kneeling senator as the teen that was tied up in the barn came running over and begged Dooku to spare his father. Making Dooku power off his saber and turn around walking away from the senator and his Padawan back into the barn.


I stood out of the way watching over everyone when a gorgeous green skinned Twi'lek woman approached me carrying a basket in her hands. "Hi I'm Lettua, I just wanted to thank you for your part in protecting us." Said the woman as she flinched a little bit as the handle of the basket hit her in the chest where a bacta patch sat.

"Was happy to help Miss.Lettua, my name is Jacob Fett but you can call me Jake." I replied easily, lying about my name. Though the Twi'lek didn't register my dishonesty as she shyly stoked her lekku before she held the basket out to me.

"It's nothing much but please accept this as my thanks for your support." Lettua said as she crossed one of her legs as she held the basket out to me between her hands.

"Thank you." I replied as I took the basket from her hands.

'Bet I could get in her pants with little effort, but Dooku and Qui-Gon look like they're ready to leave.' I thought to myself as I watched a couple of young kids run by as the twi'lek woman's shoulders slumped slightly before she walked away.

Dooku and Qui-Gon made their way towards me. "Ready to leave my Mandalorian friend." Qui-Gon joked with a lipped smile on his face.

"Yes." I replied in a matter of fact tone.

"Are you sure that Twi'lek seemed as though she wanted to show you how sincere her thanks were in private." Qui-Gon continued to poke at me.

"As fascinating as that prospect is, I really want to return to Mandalore." I replied tersely as I started walking towards the shuttle quickly catching up with Dooku who had passed Qui-Gon and I by.

"You know." I started to say.

"What you did back there, it seemed like you've buried a lot that's bubbling up inside you. You should find a way to release it before it consumes you Master Jedi." I said to Dooku.

"Thank you for your aid in dealing with those soldiers earlier, I fear more of the villagers would have been harmed without your presence." Dooku replied completely disregarding what I'd said to him.

"You seemed to have handled things quite well Master Jedi." I replied following Dooku up into the shuttle Dooku pointing out a set of bunks and a refresher which is basically the bathroom just minus water.

"I'm going to catch some shut eye Master Jedi Padawan, wake me if needed." I told the two Jedi as I took off my pack attaching my blaster rifle to it as I crawled into the bunk still in my full armor.

I woke up a few hours later when Qui-Gon gently shook my leg.

"We'll be landing at a spaceport on the planet of Corellia, from there you should easily be able to catch a ride to Mandalore." Qui-Gon said before he turned around and headed back to the cockpit.

"Good I'll finally be away from the Jedi I might even be able to pick up a ship on the cheap being here where they are made." I thought to myself.

Feeling the ship touch down I moved to the ladder that led to the exit ramp climbing down pressing the green button being rewarded by the ramp descending I quickly exited the ship mixing with the crowds of people going to and leaving work.

As for Corellia there isn't really anything nice to say about it everything was dark except for the people and it looked like a shipyard on steroids and the air is so thick with smog I got a warning from my hud that oxygen scrubbers were working at seventy five percent capacity.

After getting some directions from a young couple about where I could learn to pilot a ship and buy an older model ship I arrived at a well kept airfield like place that had high fences named Jaces piloting licensing and shipyard.

"Not a very catchy name for a business but oh well." I said out loud as I entered through a door marked as public by a digital screen.

"Huh a customer." Said an old graying man that still looked to be in good shape and fit.

'Not inspiring too much confidence in me old man.' I thought to myself as the man started to get a shifty look in his eye and started reaching for a blaster pistol on his desk in front of him.

"If you're here for Zero bounty hunter you best turn around now and go back the way you came." Said the Oldman in a hardened voice.

Putting my hands up in a disarming gesture. "Easy there old timer. I'm here to learn how to fly a fighter to a light freighter and to buy a custom ship from you. A young couple told me that you were the man to see for all of that.

"Grandpa, put down the blaster." Said a familiar female voice though I noticed it was a bit rough now.

"Zendaya, did you send this Mandalorian here?" Asked the old man as he took his hand off his blaster.

"(Sniffling noises) Yes Grandpa we could use the business." Replied the young dark skinned woman who I could now see had bloodshot eyes and surprisingly looked like a cartoonized Zendaya from Spider-Man in clone wars animation style.

"Zee, what's wrong girl? Did that boy do something to you?" Asked the Oldman sounding like a doting father.

"It's nothing Grandpa, we just broke up is all." Replied the girl.

"What, I'm gonna gut that worthless street rat." Muttered the Oldman none too quietly.

"Grandfather, we have a customer, a very patient, heavily armed and armored customer." Said the girl while looking at me scanning my armor.

"Hey Mandalorian, if you go teach that little shit that you saw with my granddaughter earlier a lesson I'll teach you how to fly for free and make you a custom ship to your tastes and only charge you at a half rate and my price for the parts." The Oldman said while the girl, while really a young woman maybe a year younger than me, slapped a palm against her forehead.

"A hard lesson he'll never recover from or just a few broken bones? Also I'll need to know his haunts and address." I replied to the Oldman, making him smile sinisterly.


"Don't get carried away Grandpa, and you, if you want to learn, going and killing someone is going to make that difficult, plus I already broke his nose so sorry you'll be paying full price for our services." Said Zendaya shooting her depressed looking Grandfather a look while looking back at me her hand cocked against her slightly jutting out hip giving me a look that said just try and argue with me and you'll learn.

I nodded to her in reply and a smile that had my heart palpitate enough for my hud to react to it and administer a sedative to get it under control. 'Damn she's beautiful.' I thought to myself.

"You have a beautiful smile." I said the words just slipping out of my mouth. I cringed at how dazed those words sounded coming from my mouth.

"Thanks." Zendaya replied, her eyes twinkling slightly.

"Since you're an off-worlder I assume you'll be needing a place to stay. We have a few rooms you can rent out for the duration of your stay, meals are included." Said Zendaya flashing me a smile at the end of every sentence.

But they didn't have the same effect on me as earlier. 'Damn how did I miss how gorgeous this girl was earlier? You were in a rush to get things moving.' I asked myself and replied to my own question almost instantly afterwards.

"Okay then your total for both fighter pilot and light freighter training, certification and licensing will be ten thousand nine hundred and forty seven credit or a currency of equal value that price is to be paid now whether on not you complete these courses and pass the licensing test or not there will be no refunds is that understood?" Zendaya told me while asking if I understood in a no nonsense all business tone as she handed me a data pad that had a bunch of boxes I needed to check off on and a signature at the bottom.

"You're an orphan, aren't you?" Suddenly Zendaya asked. 'No, but in this universe, yes.' I thought to myself while I nodded in affirmation to Zendaya.

"That explains why you're not in the database. I'll have to register your chaincode for you. Don't worry it's a common issue here on Corellia and in the outer and mid rims." Zendaya replied with a sad smile as her shoulders slumped slightly.

Instinctually I reached my hand forward resting it on top of hers. "Th-thanks." Zendaya stuttered slightly and I pulled my hand back when she seemed to pull out of her funk.

I noticed through my hud the old man was giving me the stink eye. "How would you like to pay for." Zendaya stopped when I spun my, or rather Charmcaster's bag into view reaching inside removing a credit case from within.

"Th-that is a hundred thousand in unmarked credits." Zendaya said in a gasp.

"The rest is a down payment on a ship and modifications for said ship. I need something that can be lived in for long periods of time and used for bounty work." I said in reply.

"That we can do." The old man chimed in while Zendaya had a concerned look on her face while looking into my faceplate but softly shook her head as she turned the monitor of her computer toward me.

"These are the ships we currently have in the yard. These ones here are all within the thousand to forty five thousand range but since you want something you can live out if we can eliminate these three options here and that leaves a XS Stock Light Freighter.

She's an old ship but dependable and easy to modify with a large aftermarket parts market.

Next up there's a G9 rigger there, a bit slow and also a bit on the small side to even be considered a light freighter in my book but there's enough room.

For a small medbay, a large quarters and then we can convert the shipping operators area into more living space for you for even more room that is all on the base deck in front of the cargo hold.

The hold can fit a small rogue class starfighter and some additional freight. Well on the top deck there's three small quarters, a medium sized gallery along with a refresher room with two toilets, two sinks and two sonic scrubbers.

There is also a very small lounge connected to the galley and then you have the cockpit.

Personally I'd take the XS over the Rigger, since it had more space, a cheaper price point and more readily available parts and aftermarket modifications and all the kinks have mostly been worked out of them at this point." Zendaya was about to show me some more ships but I cut her off.

"The XS Stock is perfect for me and my need if these deck plans are anything to go by but I'd like to take a look in person before making a final decision." I replied already thinking of way's my Galvin and Galvanic mechamorph could breathe new life into the old, almost ancient ship.


I was walking behind Zendaya enjoying the way she sauntered in front of me as she guided me to the XS Stock, her tight space suit hugging her curves perfectly.

Looking at the old discolored ship I was starting to reconsider my decision of picking this over the much newer G9 Rigger series.

But once we stepped inside I was blown away by the immaculately kept interior that sparked as if the ship was fresh off of the production line.

"Grandpa has put a lot of money into restoring this old girl into a better than new condition. He hasn't done much outside yet though." Zendaya said as she fondly ran her fingers along a wall.

"You know if you didn't show up I would have gotten this ship as my twenty first birthday present." Zendaya said somewhere between teasing and sad.

"I can." I started to say but was immediately cut off by Zendaya shaking her head, her long brown curly hair coming free of its scrunchie, a warm smile spreading across her lips.

"Mmmtttmmm, I may be sad to see her go but I'm happy it'll be going to someone who will love her and get the use out of her I never would." Zendaya replied with that same warm smile.

"Say how come you don't remove your helmet, you aren't one of those Zealot's are you?" Zendaya asked in a teasing tone.

"This is the way." I joked as I started to remove my helmet. Enjoying the way Zendaya's face turned into an O and she couldn't take her eyes off of me.

"Handsome." Slipped from Zendaya's lips unconsciously once she realized what she'd said her skin flushed slightly darker in embarrassment.

"Thanks, believe it or not you're the first girl who's told me that before." I told her.

"Bantha fodder, there's no way no one's ever told you that you're handsome before." Zendaya replied with a bit of heat in her voice.

"It's true I swear." I replied to her with a sad smile tugging at my lips.

Zendaya shook her head slightly before turning around and continuing giving me a tour, her hips swaying back and forth hypnotically.'damn bro calm down on the thirstiness.' I told myself mentally as I finally wrenched my eyes off of her ass.

Just in time for her to press a button opening the door to a somewhat large room the about the same size as my apartment back on earth that had a largish obstruction in the middle of the room that I remembered swtor as a holo-terminal.

While in one corner there was a crescent shaped couch on a raised platform with a much smaller holo-table on it typically used for games and eating. "This area here is both a lounge area, communications room and an extra storage room." Zendaya said as she and I walked around the room.

"Would we be able to put up a wall separating the lounge area and holo-terminal from the rest of the room?" I asked, thinking of converting the extra space into either a fully equipped medbay or a Carbonite freezing chamber slash bounty storage.

Since I planned on bounty hunting to not only make money but to also hone combat and various other skills. Since the Star Wars universe seems like one of the best ones to me for that.

I'm probably wrong or not completely correct but I have my own little niches and I'm a star wars fan not a super die hard one but growing up as a kid I burnt out two VCR's and nine tapes from how much I watched the original trilogy.

And then with the prequel trilogy I absolutely begged my mom to take me to watch each one in the theaters five more times after the first times that we watched them and if you don't think that's an achievement I was only three when Phantom of the Menace came out.

"Technically we could do that, but it'd make navigating the interior of the ship that much more difficult in an emergency situation." Zendaya replied while her eyebrows scrunched up cutely while she was putting a large amount of thought behind my question still even though she all but shot it down already.

"Is the large holo-terminal really necessary? It seems like technology would have improved a lot since the time of the old republic and a much more space conscientious option should be available by now. And then we could install a curving wall that follows the original traversal area of the ship and add two doors to it separating the two rooms nicely." I continued to voice out my ideas.

"That could work but you'd be sacrificing a lot of liveable space that way and we'd have to tear the ship down to her frame to make those alterations. Which would be both costly and extremely time consuming." Replied Zendaya as she still took the time to consider my ideas fully while shooting them down with some cold hard facts.

"And yes there have been smaller units produced but they sacrifice some of the functions of this model like say you're at the edge of the outer rim, this one here can connect with an inner core world.

Whereas the newer smaller units would reach only mid rim unless you want to drop a hundred thousand creds on a more advanced model.

I'd say keep this one and as for relocating it we could but we'd have to strip the ship down to the frame and relocate the securing apparatus and cables." Zendaya continued to tell me, making my shoulders slump slightly at having all my ideas systematically shot down.

I sighed and nodded "Thanks for giving me the facts straight." I said morosely making Zendaya look a little sheepish as she reached over and grabbed my body gloved hand pulling me along behind her.

"This here is your pathway between the cockpit and the gunners turret at the top and bottom of the ship I know it seems a bit large but the space is a bit necessary if you have more than just yourself on board but if you want we could narrow down this corridor and use the additional space to make a weapons locker close to the cockpit for you. It's easy and non-invasive. Or we could build a droid station here for both repair and charging." Zendaya said while her face took on a soft flush and she let go of my hand.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel a little disappointed at the loss of the contract between us but didn't let it show on my face since I didn't want to come off as desperate.

'Even though you are, how long has it been since you got laid? Too fuckin long that's how long it's been.' I replied to my own question and self-deprecating thoughts.


"There's a lot of empty walkway…from that corridor to the bridge isn't there?" I asked Zendaya curiously.

"Yes and that's because not only does the XS have an escape pod at the rear of the ship the bridge can be jettisoned into space and piloted on its own.

This ship was modified by the previous owner and happens to have an auto turret and two ion torpedo batteries mounted underneath the bridge slash emergency fighter craft.

The small craft is even equipped with its own hyperdrive though the fuel cell is incredibly small and will only be able to jump one system over and hopefully there's a fuelling station or planet for you to land on." Zendaya replied to me, almost bouncing on the balls of her feet clueing me into that the young woman truly had a passion for ships and modding them.

"That's fucking awesome. But how would you fly the main portion of the ship if it wasn't destroyed or whatever." I replied feeling giddy as well thinking about how this ship was similar to the Ghost in Rebels.

"We'll get there soon." Zendaya replied with a wide smile as we continued the tour there wasn't much to say about the cockpit other than there were four chairs one for the pilot another for a co-pilot and two passenger seats.

Well there was a refresher in one of the sections before the cockpit. Returning to the corridor we came to another door.

"This is the captain's quarters." Zendaya said as we entered a medium small area that had a holo-screen and a straight couch and a chair in one corner.

"This is your private lounge here and if you press this button here it opens a weapon locker and if we continue through this door it will be your bedroom." Zendaya explained as she pushed a hidden button on the wall next to the door we entered to enter the private lounge area.

"The bedroom is quite large and it comes with an enclosed refresher slash scrubber combo as well, there's a large bed and plenty of storage space for clothes for one person, maybe two if you pack lightly. The bed is he-hem big enough for two, you know for." Zendaya became embarrassed at the mention of possible intimate experiences in the bedroom, which was surprisingly adorable.

"Yeah I get it." I replied with a teasing smile on my lips.

"Let's move on with the tour." Zendaya said as she bolted out of the captain's quarters as if her ass was on.

'Surprisingly innocent.' I thought to myself as I pictured Zendaya laying in the bed in aset of frilly lace emerald green lingerie in a sexy pose making my cock press uncomfortably against my groin protector. As I walked out of the room to catch up with her.

She didn't notice me but I saw her biting the tip of her thumb as she arched her one leg up resting it against the wall of the ship. I cleared my throat, making her jump out of her thoughts and turn towards me.

"Right next to the captain's quarters is the gallery. It's set up for a large crew but the gallery and the captains quarters are a bit modular so we can remove those wrap-around booths and just leave the sitting table while expanding your quarters. By a good five feet in giving you a lot more living space." Zendaya said while I immediately agreed with her, making her let out a soft giggle.

We continued on with our tour leading to the cargo bay. It wasn't much to see just a large empty area that could fit a lot of shit and a loading bay door that lowered from the floor to ground level for easy loading and off loading.

Then up next was the crew slash guest quarters. It was decently sized like two large dorm rooms but together it had two bunk beds the same style that the ghost had in rebels on each side wall of the room.

Across from the crew quarters was a small smugglers room that you could probably store a few weapons crates in. Then it was the engine room after that a second crew slash quest quarters.

"So since I know you seem very set on having your own medbay I figured we could retrofit this crew quarters into a fully furnished medbay with a droid operating table, two bacta tanks, two cots and then a few storage containers for supplies. How does that sound?" Zendaya asked with a cocky smirk.

"It sounds exactly like what I want, I also want a medical droid, a separate droid surgeon with prospective attachment capabilities and even optical surgeries along with something that could repair spinal injuries. I'm willing to pay whatever the cost may be for something like that." I told Zendaya who looked terrified and amazed all at once.

"Better throw in some astromechs, droid pilots that can handle combat situations as well." I tacked on seriously.

"Ohh and signal scramblers, sensors jammers, cloaking tech I you can get your hands on it and a lot more armaments and shielding both plating and deflector shield tech a Carbonite freezer and anything else you and your grandfather can think of that I might need that I've overlooked." I continued telling Zendaya while her mouth just hung open in terrified astonishment feeling a bit of concern that I might have broken her. I gently rested my hand on her shoulder.

I noticed her eyes suddenly shining in anticipation and excitement as energy just seemed to burst from her body until she suddenly looked sad.

"Everything you just mentioned is doable but will cost at least two million credits." Zendaya started to say something else but I cut her off.

"I can get you a million in spice to start getting some of the things I asked for by the end of the day will that work for you?" I asked since I was honestly curious.

"If we're using uncut spice, then we could probably get everything you want if its medical value is at million on the black market. It'll be worth five times that. But that's a lot of spice, can you really do it and will it be bringing heat here to me and grandpa?" Zendaya asked in concern as she took a couple steps away from me.

"Yes I can get it through means that won't affect you or your grandfather. I'll even get a few assassin slash combat droids to help you with everything and ensure your safety. I swear no harm shall come to you, your grandfather or your business because of me. This is the way." I said in response to her questioning. Having a chunibyo moment because I can.

"Okay, then once you've gotten the spice and the droids I'll reach out to my friend and have her convert it into parts and other currencies. Come on let me show you to the escape pod it's right through this door behind us.

Go right for the escape pod, go left for the boarding ramp and that completes the tour, so is this old girl for sure the ship you want?" Zendaya looked at me seriously while scanning my eyes for something that either she found or didn't find but she gave a small nod of her head and affirmed I get the spice and the droids she'd get what I wanted as well before she closed out the tour an confirmed this ancient old boat was the one I wanted.

"Yes this is the ship for me especially with the future modifications." I replied with an easy honest smile making its way onto my lips.


"Come on I'll show you to where you'll be stay for the next year and six months that is if you don't wash out because of Grandpa's standards." And I couldn't tell if she was joking or serious about it do to her voice coming out as almost a laugh.

"Huh, how long?" I asked dumbly.

"Well for just your standard pilot training and education program it'll take seven months of classes, simulators and live training. For starfighter piloting it'll take eleven to twelve months." Zendaya replied easily as if she expected me to be dumbfounded by the amount of time it would to learn everything and become a competent pilot.

"Damn, for some reason I thought it'd be a lot faster than that. Like six months tops, I was hoping to return to Mandalore soon and have a new armor crafted out of Beskar now that I finally have enough to do so." I replied pretending to be absent minded.

"I mean you could potentially get your certification and license for freighter piloting sooner and in your time frame but basic starfighter training is usually a set standard at twelve months because of everything it encompasses." Zendaya replied, showing off her knowledge.

"It's fine, I'd rather be well educated and trained in piloting regardless of the time frame it takes to learn my new armor can wait." I replied while letting out a sigh. To which Zendaya nodded and shot me an understanding smile over her shoulder.

'Ohh yeah I completely forgot about that basket the Twi'lek gave me on Dooku and Qui-Gon's shuttle, ohh well I guess good thing I didn't forget my pack and rifle.' I thought to myself as Zendaya and I entered a medium sized domed domicile.

"This will be your home for the foreseeable future. You can decorate it and repaint it however you want, meals will be served in the office with me and grandfather except for on special occasions like holidays or if myself or grandfather are sick at those times you'll have to take care of your meals on your own." Zendaya said as she gave me a walk through of the place that had a dining area combined with a small kitchen, a decent sized bedroom with a walk-in closet and an attached full bathroom.

"Got it I'll come find you later once I have everything put together, ohh and are there any written materials I can get a jump start on?" I replied and asked about getting some reading materials so I can get a jump start on my training. And was rewarded with a bright happy smile from Zendaya in return.

"You're already off to a better start than most of the cadets' grandpa complains about having to teach." As she handed me a data pad I hadn't even noticed was resting on the counter slash eating space connected to the island like kitchen apparatuses.

"Cadets?" I questioned.

"Ahh, you don't have to worry you'll be our only trainee for the next year. Grandpa took a sabbatical from training Corellia's defense forces pilots. He needed a break from the constant rotation of a hundred plus students every year." Zendaya replied cheerily as she started to walk towards the door.

"I'll leave you alone so you can settle in." Zendaya called over her shoulder as she waved lazily as she exited the domicile.

Sitting down on the stool at the kitchen unit pulling my Phablet out of my bag turning on the holoprojector feature making the image as large as I possibly could with the size restraints of my new home.

I started playing the episode of Clone Wars where the clones and Jar Jar and some senator I don't remember the name of bring spice to Hondo Ohnaka to pay the ransom for count Dooku.

Fast forwarding to the part of the episode where the pirates that are betraying Hondo are on the Speeder bikes with the crates exposed turning on the green screen.

Reaching out with my hands concentrating on moving the crates with my telekinesis ability given to me by the charms of bezel one by one the crates funneled out of the portal and into the room I was in.

'I wonder if I rewind the episode if I can farm resources from an episode or movie and whatever else? It's worth a shot to try anyways.' I thought to myself as I rewound the episode and pressed play coming to the same part again and saw the crates were still attached to the Speeder bikes through arcs of purple electricity.

Nabbing the crates again and again I noticed every time I grabbed the crates out of that scene again and again the scene became pixelated to the point it was visually indecipherable.

'Well that's good to know I can only farm something up to ten times before the image quality deteriorates to the point of being unusable. Fast forwarding past the scene I noticed the picture returned to normal and loose crates were left after a couple of the Speeder bikes were destroyed.

I kept farming that scene until it became too blurry to see just like the last one and then moved to the scene where the crates were strapped onto the livestock and farmed the crates there as well until I couldn't anymore.

At some point I had to start storing the crates inside the magic bag by the time the video file was too corrupted to harvest anymore crates and I found that replaying the video didn't help since those spots were completely corrupted.

'I sure hope that if I return home I can download a new episode file, that they won't be corrupted.' I thought to myself, feeling slightly regretful, I'd ruined my video file of one of my favorite episodes because of Hondo's presence in it.

"Ahh, I was all excited earlier about two million in cash but I literally just farmed twenty-four-million credits worth of spice. I'm not very good at math but I believe if I was to convert this spice into Peggats a more secure currency I'd have six-hundred-thousand Peggats." I said out loud as I kept eight crates out and stacked up near the door to give to Zendaya so she could purchase my order list.

Skipping ahead to the episode of Clone Wars where Captain Rex finds a clone deserter fast forwarding to the part where the half Twi'lek kids find the escape pod filled with commando droids but I paused before trying to pull them through.

"Yeah definitely not enough room for an escaped pod in here. I'll have to find somewheres else to do this." I muttered out loud to myself. When my grimoire appeared in front of me glowing in soft pink light as it opened on its own to a page. With a title that said creating magical spaces for storage and living.

There were some strict guidelines for making these magical pockets of space like it had to be inside of something with defined and solid boundaries the box or space you were making the pocket space in had to be of durable materials preferably a strong metal with gold or silver inlays for magical energy channels to support the spatial expansion runes and the environmental ones.

'Huh, this spell kinda reminds me of those house trunk things that are in ninety-nine percent of Harry Potter fanfictions.' I thought to myself as I pulled the crate Gregor's commando armor and gear was stored in out of the magic bag.

"Now what do I carve these runes with? Maybe?" I questioned out loud as I channeled my inner Skylar using telekinesis to carve the runes and channels both inside of and outside of the crate.

I was only a quarter of the way through carving the runes and pathways but I was already working up a sweat but I powered through it constantly checking to make sure I was carving everything correctly and making sure I kept my intent of what I wanted to make clear.

I fell onto my butt panting and drenched in sweat as I finally finished creating my space pocket inside of the crate.

'Damn that was physically and emotionally exhausting." I thought to myself as I released a heavy sigh.

"Time to test her out." I said out loud as I hooked a rappel line to the handle of the crate and the other end to my utility belt moving the stool over closer to the crate. I jumped inside and fell a good 30 feet before I came to a stop.

The space was the same as a standard import export warehouse and was lit by the magic channels that I'd carved earlier. The whole room glowed with a soft pink light that was almost clear.

"Perfect for what I need." I said out loud until I remembered that I only had a repelling line to get in and out of the space.

"Good thing I can just put the droids in my magic bag and pull them out as I need them.' I thought to myself as I removed the extra two-hundred and thirty-two spice crates from my bag using telekinesis to stack them up neatly.

"Though I do have those golems inside there as well but walking statues may draw even more attention than that of battle droids so best to go my original route." I said out loud as I started plucking crashed escape pod after escape pod filled with BX-series Commando droids.

"Ten times seems to be the maximum number of times I can pull something from an episode in any given scene. But that's not too bad. I got a hundred and twenty Commando droids while only eighty of them are operational, which is pretty damn good in my book." I said out loud as I transformed into Upgrade liquefying and merging with each droid learning about both their programming and physical schematics moving on to repair each broked droids and altering their programming slightly to make them loyal to me and to only follow my orders and no one else's unless I authorize said person.

"I bet Azmuth would shit on this tech too." I chuckled out loud as I tucked a hundred and twenty Commando droids into my magic bag while pressing a button on my wrist gauntlet that propelled me up and out of the crate landing face first on the floor I noticed a pair of feet in my line of sight looking up I saw Zendaya staring down at me in astonishment.

"Ugh, hi." I said, giving a half-hearted wave of my hand.

"Hi, should I pretend I didn't just see anything?" Zendaya asked seriously, a bit of fear creeping into her voice.

"Nah, don't worry too much about it. I'd appreciate it if you kept things between you and I though." I said honestly as I stood to my feet.

"Well since the lothe cat's out of the sack it doesn't really hurt to show you this." I said as I ejected twelve commando droids from my magic bag.

"That's, can I get a bag like that?" Zendaya asked, while making puppy dog eyes at me.

'Sure, if you blow me.' I thought in my head.

"It was a gift from a friend, I don't know how to make one like this, that." I replied as I pointed over my shoulder with my thumb. "Was my first attempt at something even close to this." I continued.

"Can I see the inside of it!" Zendaya questioned in excitement.

"Umm, sure I don't see why not." I replied.

"Though we should probably get a small repulsor lift for entry and exit it's a thirty foot drop to a hard floor." I started to say.

"We have one here we can use, just stay here. I'll be right back." Zendaya said in excitement as she practically skipped out of the domicile and returned a few minutes later with what looked like an old timey elevator lift car that could barely fit a full sized adult but it just cleared the edges of the crate.

We both stood on the platform together squeezed tightly together. I felt a little awkward because I was still wearing my commando armor without the helmet on.

'Damn I'm wasting an opportunity to feel that soft nubile body pressed against mine, probably a good thing though too since I'd be rock hard the entire time.' I thought to myself while I could practically feel the phantom sensations of a similar young woman's body pressed against mine.

But I quickly shook those resurfacing memories away quickly since there wasn't any point in remembering that slender bodied Asian girl. It'd been years since the last time we even talked.

"Wow, this is huge, it's the same size as our secondary hanger. How did you make something like this?" Zendaya asked with no small amount of wonder and fascination in her voice.

Putting a cheesy lopsided grin on my face I replied with simply one word.

"Magic." I tried so hard not to laugh when Zendaya did a stop gape and just looked at me like I'd grown a second and third head.

"Obviously, you used magic like the Jedi do but what did you do to make this? Wait, I'm sorry I'm being too pushy aren't I? Nevermind you don't have to tell me anything. Thank you for letting me see this though. It's so." Zendaya expressed exasperation but it didn't lessen the sense of wonder in her tone either though.

"Honestly I'm not a hundred percent sure I could explain what I did to you to make this space and if I did I probably wouldn't translate over how, well, how much effort and concentration actually went into making this place.

I know it doesn't look like anything but it took me from the time that you left until the time that I ended up on the floor in front of you to make this space." I tried to express what I felt about making this space but was worried it wouldn't get carried over well enough.

"Since…I…showed-you-to-your…that was over sixteen hours ago, you haven't slept or eaten anything that entire time." Zendaya expressed exasperatedly as she smacked her hand against my armored shoulder. "Men I swear, you're just as bad as grandpa when he starts working on something." Zendaya continued expressing her exasperation while she was looking me over for something.

I couldn't help but sheepishly scratch my head near my right temple as I thought. 'Well if she knew what I was like when I'd try my hand at writing trashy fanfictions or putting together Lego sets, reading good books and ffs or partying with friends she'd probably be even more shocked and exasperated.

Heck there were even times when I was working before I got laid off and couldn't get hired for nothing no matter how much effort I put into it where I'd work sixteen hour days, sleep for an hour or two, eat, watch some TV and do it all over again.' I thought to myself while a part of me basked in her obvious concern over me though I could tell it was only out of her kind heartedness that she worried and nothing more. It still felt good to have the attention and concern of such a beautiful girl again.