TV Items V2 PT2


"This is amazing there's so many possibilities of what could be achieved through this. Think about it you could house the entire drive system for a ship in here or carry the freight of one of those massive haulers or you could make homes for people. This is so amazing." Zendaya expressed, her body vibrating with energy.

I couldn't peel my eyes away from her either; she just looked so beautiful and inspired as the repulsor lift softly thudded against the floor making her jump out and start quickly running around the space.

I could even hear her muttering something at a rapid pace about the perfect place for a reactor, and then some terminals here, a repair bay here and there and the wall that space over there and construct a living area.

How would you get a ship in here though? I heard her ask herself, unless there's a way to shrink down a ship and then relocate it here.

'Wow, this girl is really getting ahead of herself isn't she.' I thought to myself.

Must be I was making a face because when she turned around and looked her face dropped and she held her hands together in what I would guess to be a nervous tick.

"Sorry, for getting carried away…thank you for sharing this with me. It's really amazing." Zendaya said her eyes were regaining some of their sheen but nowhere near as bright as they were before.

"You're welcome, it's kinda nice to share this with someone I thought I'd have to keep it a secret for the rest of my life. 'My very very long life.' I replied to Zendaya honestly while feeling a bit weird about bringing her down while I had a bit of a daunting thought.

"You know your idea sounded pretty cool. I'm not sure if the first one will work though since this is an enclosed and separated pocket of space.

And as for shrinking things, hmm let me look." I said while scratching the side of my head near my temple a bad habit I picked up from someone at some point in my life.

"REALLY, I mean really awesome. When can we start? Can we start now? Wait no I have to finish repairing that speeder for that customer first." Zendaya started shooting off words almost faster than I could process them completely forgetting to be mortified by tribulant shout.

"You can pretty much start whenever you want, though in exchange for letting you go nuts with this place I want you to teach me ship, speeder and droid mechanics when you have time?" I asked slash bartered. And Zendaya practically glowed in exuberance as she bobbed her head up and down so quickly it was a miracle she didn't break her neck as she took my hand and shook it.

"Deal." Zendaya replied excitedly as she continued to shake my hand before flushing slightly when she realized we weren't shaking hands really anymore and that it was a flimsy facade to holding hands before she released my hand and gave a smile that was sweet, shy and filled full of energy.

"Don't take this the wrong way but why did that guy break up with you? You see, I haven't known you for even a day yet but you seem like a great person." I asked while obviously putting my foot in my mouth Zendaya's cheerful excitedness started to fade.

"You don't have to tell me, sorry for asking, I just thought it might help to get things off your chest to an almost stranger." I quickly said while awkwardly rubbing the back of my head. And thinking 'Way to go dumbass.'

Zendaya's soft smile returned a bit broken as her eyes started to become watery.

"You're right, and maybe getting a man's opinion who isn't Grandpa's who thinks I should stay single and ignore boys for the rest of life." Zendaya replied as she rubbed her arm in comfort.

"He, Rakon…he kept trying to push our relationship se-sexually and I just…I didn't feel comfortable going further than kissing. Was I right or should I have just had." Zendaya expressed as a few tears leaked from her eyes when I cut her off by resting my hand on her shoulder.

"No, if you don't feel comfortable, safe and secure enough with someone then you shouldn't force yourself to do intimate things with said person…he shouldn't have kept trying to push you either after you expressed your discomfort." I told her gently, patting her shoulder as I thought to myself.

"Good thing I have or had a couple stepsisters or else I'd be ill prepared for these kinds of things, speaking of which I should check in on my dad and his easy bake family sometime soon maybe after I return home.' I thought to myself as I felt an emotional weight land down on me that physically made my knees buckle.

'Home, how do I even get BACK HOME ? ! ! !' I questioned loudly in my mind as I felt a gentle hand touch my neck looking forward. I saw Zendaya looking at me deeply concerned, a question about to be asked resting on her lips.

"Sorry, I just thought about my younger siblings…and returning home." I replied with an uneasy smile on my lips as I scratched my right temple in thought and embarrassment.

"Don't worry you'll get home before you know it." Zendaya replied with a sweet caring smile as she winked and gave me two thumbs up though I felt a bit morose at the loss of her slightly callused but still soft and gentle touch against my neck.

"Thanks…I hope you're right." I replied the last bit softly enough I don't think she heard it and if she did she chose to ignore it and instead continued our earlier conversation like nothing ever happened.

"My friend Bella told me something similar to that, but it feels nice to know not all guys are…" Zendaya trailed off before an embarrassed frown tweaked her face.

"You're good at this, you know." Zendaya suddenly said in surprise.

Making me laugh. "Hahaha…I should be between siblings and friends. I've always helped them through their problems when they've come to me for it and sometimes when they haven't." I replied with an honest happy smile as I thought about all the friends I'd helped through times of depression though my improved mood dropped a bit when at the realization that I'd completely drifted away from those same people with only one real friend left a friend that's family without blood.

'I guess that's life though isn't it.' I thought to myself as an afterthought.

"Come on I'll start teaching somethings about mechanics using the Speeder I'm currently modding and fixing for a customer." Zendaya said with a smile while bouncing on the balls of her feet. As she grabbed my hand pulling me along behind her towards the lift.


Before she looked over her shoulder an embarrassed smile made its way onto her face as she dropped my and before shooting me an apologetic smile.

I replied with a gentle shake of my head and a soft smile not reading into anything just taking it as part of her natural personality no matter how much a small part of me wanted it to be more than that.

"So you were adopted. It's strange your adopted parents didn't register you." Zendaya said out of nowhere.

"I wasn't adopted not truly I was taken in by the watch when my parents were slaughtered for not selling their farm to a tyrant, I was found by a Mandalorian warband and was trained…raised as a foundling before becoming an apprentice…I must return home on my own strengths and resourcefulness if I wish to become a warrior and have my beskar armor forged." I replied as we stepped onto the lift in step with one another.

"The covenant I live in believes upon secrecy and the creed beyond anything else so even children born into it don't tend to be registered in any database. Their secret child army ammases strength day by day." I joked while pretending to be lost in fond memories.

Zendaya was taken aghast, her mouth hanging open while she looked up at my face, her eyes filled with so many different things.

"Y-you're joking right please tell me you're joking that's not true right they aren't raising an army of kids? That's just wrong, someone should stop them." Her eyes, and face showed a righteous fiery furry with the gleam in her eyes and the frown on her face that could be mistaken for a small as she rested one hand against my chest plate while her other hand became an enclosed fist that came down beside her other one as she looked up into my eyes her's pleading for it not to be real but already believing it to be so.

I just gently shook my head from side to side "It's not a joke you have to remember though being warriors is the Mandalorian way of life from a young age all children go through a degree of training no matter what field they choose to go into.

It's the way it's always been and it's what's kept the Mandalorian people alive throughout millenias of genocide at the hands of Jedi and Sith or even warring factions amongst Mandalorian factions." I told her gently but resolutely.

Zendaya bit her lower lip in frustration as she spun around giving her back to me while she let out an angry snarl. "It's still not right."

"Maybe it's not maybe it is but as a child of the watch who watched as his parents weren't only killed but played with and brutalized as I hid and cowarded by fear and torment I'm happy they took me in taught me to fight, to protect the things that I love to kill to keep those things safe, I wouldn't want to change who I Am now who they forged me into." I said to her laying the bullshit on thick while trying to sound as honest as I could since I knew a lot of foundlings had similar stories.

Zendaya turned around and faced me. She was still angry but I could see she was more understanding now of Mandalorian culture. "Maybe for you and others like you it seems like a good thing…but what about your childhood? Like playing games with your friends or just having fun? Did you get to do anything like that that wasn't training to become a soldier?" Zendaya asked and I could tell she both wanted to accept what she'd learned and wanted to be proven right at the same time.

"Most of the games we played as kids were kind of focused around becoming warriors but to be honest none of us were really all that into games anymore by that point anyways the kids that weren't foundlings always tried to include us foundling kids.

With tragic backstories or even the ones that didn't but we mostly tended to stick to ourselves in those days for a lot of us it was just too hard to have fun while our families and friends were gone and dead." I continued to explain and could see Zendaya deeply understood and resonated with some of what I said to her but softly shook her head as the repulsor lift exited the crate into the domicile.

"The adults should have helped you get past what you experienced and move on from so you could live and experience things as a kid a bit longer, like my grandfather and grandmother did for me. When my parents were killed by pirates." Zendaya replied, her shoulders slumping slightly as her face took on a pained look.

"I'm sorry about your parents. Were the pirates ever brought to justice or?" I gave her my sincere condolences while asking a sensitive question.

"Thank you…and no they weren't. I heard someone say that even though they were just starting out the Ohnaka gang had amassed too much power to be taken down easily and since no one knows where they are based out of." Zendaya started telling me before she got a thoughtful look on her face and she looked at me deeply.

"Don't even think about it." Zendaya said with a very adamant look in her eyes, I threw up my hands in a disarming manner.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I replied while looking away from her, an odd smile quirking its way onto my lips as I awkwardly scratched the side of my head near my temple.


'He's cute like this.' Zendaya thought to herself.

'He's also good to look at. I wonder what he looks like underneath his armor.' Zendaya continued to think things to herself while she pictured a half naked version of the man standing so close to her.

'jeez, Zee you're getting as bad as Bella.' Zendaya softly chastised herself but the image of the half naked version of him never left her mind.


Once we were back into the domicile and left, it didn't take us long before we reached a small two bay repair garage where there was a mostly complete lane speeder similar to the one Luke Skywalker drove in the first movie but newer and in better shape without a turbine on top of the back fin.

"This is an X-28 Speeder. It's the newest model and has a top speed of 200 kilometers an hour. There's nothing actually wrong with it but the owner likes to take part in illegal races and wanted some mods done to her." Zendaya said as she fondly ran her hand over the curves of the Speeder.

"You guys seem to do a lot of questionable modifications." I joked as I moved to take a closer look at what I believed to be a motor of some type that was similar to an electric motor back home.

"What do you think that is?" Zendaya asked while eyeing me seriously.

"A sort of electric motor." I replied trying not to show the insecurity I felt at not being able to answer her question with certainty.

"Close." Zendaya replied with a smile.

"But this is actually a reactor that powers the repulsorlift engines and turbines, typically a reactor is a throw away part because they are extremely expensive and dangerous to repair to the point it's cheaper and safer to buy a new replacement and turn in the old one for recycling.

But I'll teach you how to make quick repairs to the incase you ever sustain any damages. And yes we do a lot of legally questionable modifications but every shop like ours does to stay in business especially with droid repair bays so prominent throughout the universe offering services at cheaper rates we do what we have to, to survive and we don't work for criminal organizations at least." Zendaya replied, her voice tinged with a bit of insultedness.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way. I think it's cool that you know and can do these kinds of things." 'And it's fucking hot hearing a hot ass chick like you talking about cars while speeder as if it was second nature.' I replied with an honest look on my face as I gestured towards the Speeder and the rest of the shop as I had a few less honest thoughts.

Zendaya moved a piece of her hair back behind her ear while a smile lit up her face. "Come on I've got a lot to teach you and a lot of work to finish, so let's get started." Zendaya expressed as she put her hair into a high and slightly messy ponytail that only served to heighten her attractiveness and distraction factors.

But I managed to concentrate and absorb all the information on various tools there intended uses and ways they are actually used. Along with various systems like the drive systems, power systems and braking slash steering systems.

A whole day passed without my notice until I noticed Zendaya softly snoring resting half laying on the Speeder as she sat on a hover chair slash stool.

As I buttoned up the section of the Speeder Zendaya left me to work on myself once she felt like I knew enough to do the job while she worked on things that needed a higher degree of skill and knowledge.

Picking her up from her resting place gently putting her into a princess carry to which she instinctively snuggled into as I carried her over to a well worn couch that was upholstered in some sort of leather that had a folded up blanket and a pillow on it.

'Looks like this gets couch sees a lot of use.' I thought to myself as I set her down on the couch pulling the blanket over her before heading back to my domicile only to run into the Oldman Zendaya's grandfather and the owner of this place.

"You learn quickly that's good." The Oldman said as her started looking over the areas that I worked on.

"And you did a good job too though that could just be because of Zee's teachen ya of course. Usually I give my students a week to settle in before I start their schoolin but from what I've see so far you don't seem to need sleep.

And you learn at an amazing speed so once you finish the reading material on the data pad in your bunk house let either myself or Zee know so we can get right to the meat of things like Sims and actual flyin." The Oldman said before rebuttoning the things I'd previously put back in order before walking overand kissing his granddaughters forehead goodnight.

"Sure thing, Mr.?" I replied while not saying a name since I couldn't remember him giving me one.

The Oldman let out a short loud bark of a laugh. "No need for mister sin you can just keep callin me by Oldman, Grandpa or Jace anyone will do." The Oldman said with a laugh clear in his voice.

"Sure thing Oldman, goodnight." I called over my shoulder giving him a lazy was as I returned to my domicile or bunk house.

"Goodnight kid." Replied the Oldman as he half-heartedly returned the wave with his own lazy wave.

Picking up the data pad I started skimming through it's contents and was basically a driving manual the hand put when you get your permit but spaceship based instead of for an automobile.

It talked about spacelane safety proper ship maintenance republic space laws and was also filled with a lot of useless jargon but I put my entire mind behind learning everything from even the most idiotic law that stated excrement of any species should go through a disentigtator and not be jettisoned into space.

'Wouldn't think people would have to be told…yeah never mind people would definitely need to be told that especially with back on my earth space programs are constantly shooting off garbage into space along with space stations purging waste into space as well.' I thought to myself as I was only on page one thousand out of nine-eight-hundred and sixty six pages.

The room that had only been dimly lit by the data pad started to fill with light as the sun began to rise over the horizon carrying the data pad in hand still reading it I walked into one of my twelve BX-SERIES Commando droids.

"Sorry Sir, what are your orders rodger rodger?" Apologized the droid while asking for it's orders.

"For now stay on standby mode and await further orders."I told it absent-mindedly and received twelve affirmations of Roger Roger.

As I was walking towards the office to have breakfast I came across a section on piracy when it was legal when it wasn't where it was legal and again where it wasn't.

I thought about Hondo and how he was one of my favorite characters until now when I saw what his choices led to for someone like Zendaya.

'Still though it'd be fun to be a pirate flying through space robbing ships drinking rum singing yo-hoe it's the pirate's life for me.' I thought to myself as I imagined myself acting like Johnny Depp's Jack Sparahh (Sparrow).


I walked into the office and was greeted by smells and sounds of sizzling meat and toasting bread. But the real sight that made my mouth water was Zendaya swinging her hips from side to side as she danced to the beat of a song only she could hear her hair down still wet with water as a tight pair of white shorts hugged her ass and a blue tank top left her midriff exposed.

Shaking some sense into my head I peeled my eyes off of her ass before greeting her. "Good Morning Zendaya." I said, making her jump and spin around with a spatula in hand looking embarrassed.

"Morning, how long were you there?" Zendaya greeted before arching an eyebrow and putting her arms underneath her small breasts.

"Only a few seconds, you got some crazy good dancing skills though." I joked lightly as I scanned the front of her body seeing a shirt with a spanner on it with the words girls can be mechanics too.

"I like your shirt, it's cool." I said as I poured myself a drink that looked like coffee but tasted more like camomile tea.

"Thanks I ordered it special from a custom clothes shop. Speaking of clothes, do you have anything to wear besides that? Not that there's anything wrong with what you're wearing but…" Zendaya replied beaming at having her shirt complemented.

'Stop being so thirsty, women can smell desperation from a mile away.' I thought to myself.

"I don't have any clothes really, my body glove is self-sanitizing." I replied feeling embarrassed by yet another oversight not as big as forgetting to make sure I could return home but still a large one. Making Zendaya let out a soft giggle at my embarrassment as she covered her mouth.

(Hehehe) "Sorry I didn't mean to (Hehehe) laugh at you. After breakfast would you like me to take you to a shop where you can buy some clothes? All we have here are flight suits available for trainees. Like what I was wearing in the shop yesterday." Zendaya offered kindly as she turned back to cooking.

"I don't really care what I wear, the flight suits are fine with me, but if I were to get anything I'd probably get more body gloves there, comfortable, protective and self-sanitizing." I replied, which made Zendaya give me a look over her shoulder that included a gentle eye roll and a snicker.

I heard her softly mutter slash giggle something along the lines of jeez how much alike are you and grandpa anyway? "Breakfast is almost done, you can take a seat over there at the booth." Zendaya said while pointing with her elbow at a restaurant style half circle booth tucked into a small alcove that I didn't notice my first time in the office.

Nodding but stopping misstep. "Where are the plates and stuff? I'll set the table." I said while looking at Zendaya inquiringly.

"You don't have to." Zendaya replied with a smile but relented at the flat look on my face.

"Fine, fine." Zendaya replied with a smile.

"Plates are in that cabinet there on the upper right cups on the left cups are there on the counter and silverware is right here." Zendaya replied with a smile as she gently bumped her hip against a drawer to her right.

"Got it." I answered back with a nod and my own smile as I grabbed out three of everything making my way with everything precariously balanced in my hands to the booth.

It wasn't too much longer when Zendaya brought over the food and made the plates her grandfather walked in a few minutes later.

"Morning Zee, Kid. How far did you get into your reading Kid?." Greeted the oldman before inquiring how far I'd gotten curiously.

"Got to the piracy bit on page one thousand and three at the moment." I replied picking the data pad up from off the bench seat next to me.

"Good, that means you finished the primary part of the book's material. We can start putting you through flight simulators as soon as you're ready." Replied the Oldman man nodding to himself as he buttered a piece of toast.


"Grandpa I'm taking…Jacob to get some clothes since all he has is the one body glove he's currently wearing." Zendaya told her grandfather who was reading the news on a tablet-like thing that looked like a rectangular piece of glass except for an extremely thin metal band around three sides of it and a cylindrical column on the side that was being held in his hand.

The Oldman nodded and waved his freehand before speaking. "Be safe that Hutt is persistent; he might try something while you're off the property…make sure you take your blaster with you and your tracker." The Oldman replied, taking a sip from his steaming mug with his free hand.

"And you keep her safe if it comes to it. I'll discount our services if you end up having to do something." The Oldman added on after finishing his long drag of the coffee like liquid.

"This is the way, I would have done so anyway without the promise of a reward…Zendaya's teachings are priceless to me and she makes a good breakfast." I replied seriously at first and then a bit teasing towards Zendaya who only took it as a compliment and smiled while the Oldman got a calculating look in his eyes as he looked between myself and his granddaughter.

"Either way it's still on the table." The Oldman replied as he finished his breakfast.

"I'll be setting up the simulators for you and setting out simulation programs on chips from beginner to expert aso you can move at your own pace…though you should try and catch some shut eye even if you're kind doesn't need it, it's good for your soul." The old man said as he ate his piece of toast and took his cup with him as he headed out the door.

I nodded before replying. "Thanks, I'll ask Zendaya to show me the way to them when we get back." I replied to the oldman as he walked out of the door who nodded and lifted his mug up in the air.

"What does he mean by your kind and not needing sleep?" Zendaya asked, holding her spatula in an almost threatening manner.

"Ughhh." I said lamley in response to Zendaya's questioning look as I lifted my cup to take another sip of my tea-coffee.

"Do you really not need sleep? That can't be a Mandalorian thing." Zendaya replied with a sense of wonder leaking into her voice.

"It's not that I just personally haven't felt tired as of late." I replied honestly.

"It might have something to do with my magic. I went through a little ritual that…well let's just say had an interesting outcome. I no longer know the limits of my body and or mind." I replied honestly since between the charms of Bezel turning into tattoos on my arm, drinking the fountain of youth from S.D.S I wasn't quite sure if I was even really human anymore.

'Let's not forget the Omnitrix either, that things beyond human comprehension even Azmuth stated at one point that the Omnitrix has even surpassed his level of understanding, though that could have been more pointed at Ben than the Omnitrix.' I thought to myself while I noticed Zendaya having a look of fascination and concern on her face as she eyed me like I was a puzzle she just had to figure out.

"You can call me Jake you know…since Jacob sounds all formal and stuff." I replied in a thin attempt at changing the subject.

'Telling her she can call me by a fake name and making it sound like it's personal or friendly favor…god you can be such an ass at times.' I told myself as I fakely smiled back at Zendaya who had a small but happy smile on her lips.

Finishing up breakfast seeing that Zendaya had finished eating as well, instinctively I picked up the table taking all the dirty dishes and pans to the hightech looking sink.

Looking around at the sink I saw a panel with six buttons in two neat columns that had a plate with food depicted on it pressing the button a drawer popped out.

If I wasn't wearing armor my shin would have been crying out in pain from how fast and hard it opened up and hit me putting the dishes inside the dishwasher pressing the button that had water spraying onto a plate depicted on it.

'At least Star Wars universe tech is easy to use.' I thought to myself as the drawer shut with a psh sound before it started making an electric humming sound. The humming sound lasted for thirty seconds before a ding sound sounded from the machine before it popped open the dishes sparkling clean but they weren't wet or hot, just clean.

'That's pretty cool must be sonic cleaners like sonic scrubbers. Why don't they just call them sonic showers? Probably because of the correlation the word shower has with falling water.' I randomly thought to myself as I put away the cleaned dishes and utensils.

Looking over at Zendaya I noticed her just staring at me with her mouth open while she blinked faster and more often than she needed to.

"Something wrong?" I asked her genuinely curious what the look was for.

"Uhh-umm-huh-nnn, y-you did the dishes." Zendaya expressed in pure shocked stupor.

Making me scrunch up my face in surprise. "Well yeah you cooked it's only right someone else cleans up." I replied honestly thinking and feeling like that was common sense.

A considering look made its way onto Zendaya's face before her head bobbed in a considering nod. "A girl could get used to this." Zendaya finally replied with a teasing smile.

'Not too used to it I hope, I'd like to fast track my licensing and start exploring the universe.' I thought to myself as I pictured myself boozed up and cruising through the stars robbing pirates and cargo ships fucking with the Hutts robbing them blind through their supply trains.

But I just smiled and shrugged in return, "Ready to go? I asked.

"Mmm, give me a few minutes to get changed. "Zendaya replied as she jumped to her feet and took off at a fast skipping run.

'Guess women and shopping are a universal thing, not that I mind shopping, I just don't get excited like that to do so.' I thought to myself feeling a bit remiss at losing sight of the perky dark-skinned girl as she disappeared behind a mechanical sliding door.


While waiting for Zendaya's return I went and grabbed my helmet while grabbing out a few dozen unmarked gold credit sticks, putting them neatly inside one of the hip pockets of my utility belt that I took off of normal phase one clone trooper armor.

While grabbing my commando helmet off of the counter, I put it on and got a confirmation that all systems are green as my hud also seamlessly connected with my DC-17M my pack and my DC-15s side arm.

'That's cool my sidearm has two hundred and fifty shot capacity and is self recharging while the rifle had a cap of three hundred in sixty shot maximum before a cool down and five shots in sniper config.' I Thought to myself as I vocally commanded the armor to give me stats on my weapons.

'I should upgrade this armor and my body with a neural link so I can get information like this directly and control my armor systems with a thought instead of voice commands and button pushing.' I continued to think in my head brainstorming ideas I could make come to flourishion with the abilities of Upgrade and Greymatter.

'That's something for the future though, maybe I should make a power armor, something like Ironman armor, a power suit with built-in flight capabilities and firepower surpassing that of a tank, though I'd want it to look more like warmachine armor.' I continued thinking to myself as I put my pack that had my DC-17M magnetically attached onto it on my back, before walking out of the domicile and back into the kitchen area of the office sitting down at the booth table.

Taking out my Phablet I was surprised when I was able to seamlessly connect my Phablet with my armors heads up display. Selecting Good Man by Devour The Day on my music player and started jamming out to the song that was coming out through the internal comms system.

"I want to be a good man, I want to see God, I want to be faithful but I know that I'm not, I wanna be a good man I wanna do right, I don't wanna be a criminal for the rest of my life.

Everything that I've done before has brought me back down on my knees, YEAHH, and I'm crying out to you lord it's getting harder and harder to see if there's good left in me.

Is there any good left in MEEE, is there any good left in me, I wanna be a good man, is there any good left in me." I was singing out loud to one of my favorite songs not noticing Zendaya was back as I strummed the cords on my air guitar while my feet thumped out a drum beat nor did I notice the Oldman that came back in to fill up a mug with tea-coffee.

"What's the kid doing?" The Oldman asked his granddaughter curiously as he watched the kid in armor act as if he was in his own little world.

"Well, I think he's listening to music and singing along, he's doing the same thing you do when you listen to a song you really like." Zendaya replied covering her mouth to stop the giggle from bursting out of her at the betrayed look her grandfather was giving her.

"I don't do that." The Oldman replied with an embarrassed shrug as he quickly exited the office as Zendaya couldn't hold back her giggles anymore at seeing her grandfather retreat so quickly.

"Hey, you ready to go." Zendaya asked as she waved her hand in front of my face plate.

"Huh uhh yeah sure. Sorry, I didn't even realize you were there listening to a good song." I replied while raising my hand up to scratch my temple but was blocked by the helmet.

"It's okay." Zendaya replied with an almost teasing smile on her face as she spun around and started walking towards the door looking over her shoulder.

"Well are you coming?" Zendaya asked over her shoulder while pausing her forward motion inside the doorway.

"Yeah." I replied while standing up and turning off the music I was listening to while stashing my Phablet back into my magic bag. Before following behind her out the door quickly making pace with her walking abreast from one another until we reached a small garage that had a hand scanner next to the bay door.

Zendaya pressed her hand against the scanner making the door open revealing a BARC speeder bike with a sidecar similar to the one Ahsoka and Anakin use in the Tortuga episode minus the four barrel turret and brown paint job this one was black and gold.

"Like it, I bought it and customized it with the money I make working here for Grandpa." Zendaya said fishing for a compliment.

"It's very nice the paint job looks killer." I told her to make her happy but I preferred the weaponized swoop bike that the scout troopers used on Endor in the second movie personally but it was a nice bike.

"Really thanks." Replied Zendaya obviously pleased with herself and the compliment her Speeder bike got.

"Come on, let's go." Zendaya expressed happiness as she jumped onto the driver's seat and started her bike motioning with her hand for me to get on her bike.

"comin I'm coming. I'm coming." I replied back with a laugh in my voice and a lazy nod smiling behind my helmet at her exuberant expression as I got into the sidecar. As soon as I sat down on the seat, Zendaya hammered the throttle, rocketing out of the garage like a shot from a gun.


"Sir, the girl has been spotted but she has a sole escort should we continue with our plans to kidnap her." Asked a Caucasian human male who wore mismatched pieces of armor and had a sniper rifle slung over his right shoulder as he talked to a holo-projection of a large slug with a strange tattoo on the right side of its face.

The slug took a drag from a hookah pipe before replying with a large exhale of smoke. "Of course try to hire her guard if not kill him, no one gets in my way." The slugg replied, ending the transmission.

"Hutts now I have to go up against a frackin Mandalorian." The man sighed as he signaled two IG series droids to follow behind him.

"I should have just grabbed the girl after that idiot failed at seducing her." The man sighed again as he grabbed a helmet off of a hook by the door.

Passing by the corpse of the youngman that had previously been dating Zendaya.


Ever since we left the shipyard I felt uneasy like I did when I could feel the clouds preparing to let out a thunderstorm after a sunny day without a trace of dark clouds in the sky I was constantly scanning our surroundings and placating Zendaya who continually became dissatisfied at my apparent lack of enthusiasm towards our shopping trip and just bought whatever she picked out for me without a question, thought or really looking at anything but.

I was more preoccupied by the IG series assassin droids I'd seen traverse by us for nearly the dozenth time. "Zendaya…stay in the public eye, someone has been following us." I whispered into her ear as I pulled her into a lover's embrace and to my surprise she returned it and nodded into the crook of my neck.

"Got it I'll be safe…promise I even have my blaster with me for backup." Zendaya replied, pulling away from the embrace with a loving smile on her face.

'This girl is a conundrum wrapped up in an enigma placating as a mystery.' I thought to myself imagining the Riddler talking about Batman.

I moved towards the IG series droids my fingers resting against the handle of my sidearm quickly unholstering my sidearm neutralizing the two droids with a shot to the head and two to the chest for each of them before doing a triple tap to make sure they were out of commission before opening my magic bag sucking them inside.

Being stopped by a ragtag looking bounty hunter who was lazily holding his blaster rifle waiting for me. "That was pretty impressive…except for leaving your charge unprotected, wanna make some real money help me deliver the girl to the Hutts and you'll have a small fortune for your reward. Don't and well I'll have to put you down." Said the man through his helmet.

"I have a better idea." I replied as I started lifting him into the air with telekinesis mimicking force choke slowly choking him to death before flicking my wrist sharply breaking his neck.

"Yippee Kay-yay mother fucker." I said out loud as I used Pyrokinesis to burn the remains to ash walking away as I rejoined Zendaya in the shop who was looking at me like I was both the most fascinating thing she'd ever seen and the most terrifying.

"Are you a Jedi?" Zendaya asked with a bit of fear in her voice.

'Are Jedi really test scary amongst the common people.

"Nope, I'm not a Jedi…that was just some magic like earlier, just combat oriented." I replied gently Zendaya's eyes taking on a relieved look as she let out a sigh.

"Good, Jedi are bad, always using their powers to mess with people's minds." Zendaya said while her body shivered and she rubbed her arms protectively.

"They can't be that bad can they?." I asked honestly curious about her opinions on the Jedi only for her to nod her head rapidly.

"Yeah, they call themselves peacekeeper's but they are really nothing more than the Chancellor's and Senate's private army that beat down and eradicate anyone who opposes the senate by any means at their discretion." Zendaya replied as her bottom lip started to quiver as her eyes became wet.

"Zendaya…what's wrong?" I asked softly as 8 removed my helmet, setting it on the floor.

She shook her head from side to side. "Zendaya, it's okay…you can tell me anything." I told her honestly since she could tell me anything.

"They made Grandma forget about grandpa and I after she found some old shipwreck from the time of the old republic now she lives on Onderon with a new husband." Zendaya cried, making me hug her.

'Damn the Jedi can fuck with people's minds like that? Ohh yeah don't they do similar things with that Twi'lek jedi Alaya and even Revan back in the old republics time? Better check my grimoire for mind protection magics when we get back to the shipyard.' I thought to myself as I rubbed her back gently.

"Sorry." Zendaya said as she pulled away from the hug and picked up my helmet for me, putting it on me in a surprising display of speed and dexterity.

"Don't apologize for crying, everyone deserves to have a micro-breakdown every now and then." I told Zendaya gently as I put my hand on Zendaya's shoulder in a comforting gesture.

"Thanks…I swear I'm not usually like this." Zendaya tried to excuse her normal girly actions.

I just smiled before making an offer to cheer her up. "So more shopping?"

Zendaya looked at me with a happy watery smile as she vibrated with energy. "This time you have to actually remove your armor and try things on though." Zendaya replied with her arms crossed underneath her small breasts and a determined look on her face.

"You know if this is an excuse to see me out of my armor you could always ask back at the shipyard." I teased jokingly.

"Th-that is not true." Zendaya denied as she blushed furiously and turned around marching out of the store we were in making a group of women snicker. I waved to them as I passed by.

"Hey, I was only teasing, no reason to get so upset." I said as I caught up to Zendaya walking abreast with her but she did her level best to ignore my presence.

'Ahh, I pushed things too quickly trying to take her mind off of her grandmother and Jedi shit.' I thought to myself as I took the silent treatment from her.

Meanwhile Zendaya's thoughts were not on ignoring her male companion but rather on wondering the extent of his abilities, wondering if mind reading was one of them. 'Ohh by the force did he read my mind about wanting to see him naked? Force that's so embarrassing.' Zendaya thought to herself fighting down the blush she felt creeping up her neck though the thought and feelings about what the Jedi did to her grandmother and family pushed from her mind thanks to her male companions teasing.

'I wonder where the law enforcement of this planet is. I literally just discharged a weapon in a public place and incinerated a guy like seriously where are da police?' I asked myself and was about to ask Zendaya but figured it would be a lost cause at the moment so I kept my question to myself and followed her into another store.

This time I removed my armor and tried on the clothes Zendaya picked out for me and gravitated towards the darker colors like blacks, grays, dark blues and dark greens getting a wardrobe of tunics pants and so hightech clothing that could become pressurized for space walking.

All together I spent most of the credits I'd brought with me when we were passing by a store in her speeder bike that had various droids out front of it.

"Hey, let's stop there." I said to Zendaya who nodded and I caught her eyeing one droid out of all of them a lot. It was an R2 unit in pink and gold coloring scheme that seemed to happily whirr and beep when Zendaya went over to it.

I watched as Zendaya petted the droid affectionately like a puppy and asked it all sorts of questions to which it expressed and replied with long tones and short beeps. It was kinda cute to watch but I carried on into the store and looked around.

Finding a dozen offline R2 units along with some pit droids gunk units and Betty droids, the ones that look like women. Curious enough I kept walking around the store finding a few B1's and IG series but what really drew my attention was a red satin sheet covered section that had a sign above it in neon pink that read pleasure bots.

Pulling back the curtain I entered a pink lit room filled with android esque sex bots held within completely see through coffin like cases both of male and female sexes and various humanoid species.

'Yeah should probably get out of this section.' I thought to myself as I heard a pshh sound and one of the containers opened and out came a yellow skinned female sex bot that looked like she came right out of Guardians of the Galaxy two.

"Hello baby, how can I please you best?" Asked the female robot as she pressed her body against me, surprising me when it felt like an actual woman was pressing against me and not a robot.

"Thanks but no thanks. I was just curious what a pleasure bot was. without any need for services." I replied as I slipped free from it and exited the curtained off area bumping into Zendaya who had started looking for me at some point.

Zendaya looked over my shoulder and then back at me with a disgusted expression. "Really yuck." Zendaya replied as she spun around walking out of the store.

"What? I was only curious what they were, it's not like I tried one out." I replied back in a holler and was surprised when the pink and gold R2 unit made a not so believing sound as it drove away from me too.

"Ohh come on, this is so not fair." I sighed as I went up to a kiosk thing and bought the pink and gold R2 unit that's name was R2-B2 while I bought an all black R2 unit for myself that was named R2-B6 that I customized and tricked out with all available accessories for fifteen thousand credits after a little education about credits and credit sticks from Zendaya where I'd found out I'd been swindled by every store we went to that took the credit sticks I'd paid with.

'Definitely glad Zendaya is such a sweet honest girl or else she and her grandfather could have seriously taken advantage of my lack of basic information in this universe.' I continued to think to myself as we got back on her speeder bike and headed back to the shipyard while I scheduled the delivery of my custom R2 unit and the one she liked from the shop.

'Hopefully she likes my thank you gift.' I thought to myself as I rode in the side car again.

Zendaya pointedly ignored me the rest of the day sniffing her nose whenever I tried to explain to her I was just curious what pleasure bots were.

After separating from her I ended up at the simulators where the oldman showed me the controls and how to start the programs and change out the data chips.

After a few failures and crash and burn scenarios I managed to get a good grasp on beginner level basics of freighter piloting and fighter piloting.

Even though Zendaya brought me a plate of food I didn't stop to eat until my score was a hundred out of a hundred for beginner piloting simulator scores.

Grabbing the plate of food, wolfing it down before grabbing the intermediate data simulator chip, removing the beginner one from the chip slot on the outside of the machine and installing the new one in the recently vacated chip seat.

I was back in the simulation machine again, this time there were system failures and I had to make quick fixes from the cockpit to keep the ship flying while there were also things like space turbulence and asteroids constantly making an appearance to throw me off.

I didn't even realize multiple days passed after I'd started getting max scores on all of the simulators while Zendaya continued to bring me plates of food until one afternoon I was getting out of the simulation machine and Zendaya tackled me in a hug.

"Thank you for buying Rtwoo-Btwoo. I promise I'll pay you back." Zendaya cheered happily as she pulled me back up onto my feet.

"You don't have to worry about paying me back, she's a thank you gift for all you've done for me." I told her honestly, making her politely glow while also looking slightly guilty.

"Umm, right the security forces dropped off a five hundred thousand credits bounty for that bounty hunter you killed last week when we went shopping. I put the money towards your parts and also sold the spice so all the parts are paid for and here except for the stealth systems I'm waiting on those still since there are usually custom builds." Zendaya started rambling.

"I'm sure you've got everything under control Zendaya. I'm about to start my advanced simulations so if you wouldn't mind." I said not meanly or annoyedly but my want to finish up the simulators was clear in my voice.

"But don't you want to take a break plus I was going to teach you some more things about mechanics." Zendaya's face took on a hurt look as she looked up at me.

"I'd really like to finish up the simulators so I can start getting some real world piloting experience but once I finish with the advanced course I'll come find you. Promise." I told her honestly though her shoulders still slumped and she let out a depressed sounding, okay before she left me alone at the simulator.

"Zendaya's tells me you're almost done with the simulations." The oldman said as he opened the door of the simulator.

"Yup working on getting a perfect score on these advanced simulations." I replied, making the man's eyes widen in surprise.

'Guess not many people go for perfect scores on these things if his look is anything to go by.' I thought to myself while inspecting the older man's facial expressions.

"How many perfect scores have you gotten?" Asked the oldman as he looked at me inquisitively.

"Uhh, besides the 98 on the advanced sim I've gotten a perfect score on every other simulation so far." I replied back leaving out the fact that I retook the simulations multiple times over but not that it really mattered because every sim had a difference in them even if just small ones like a different cockpit layout or other things.

"Kid, you probably don't realize this because you didn't finish reading your data pad but scoring a perfect score on any of these simulators means an automatic license for any simulation above intermediate difficulty ranking.

I can still give you the education you paid for but honestly it'd be a waste of your time especially since I know these simulators well and they can teach you anything I can teach you just as well it's what experience gives you over time that makes great pilots or captains." The oldman said while he rubbed his brow and let out a tired yawn into his elbow.

"I'll stick around until the mods are done on my ship and I learn some more things about mechanics from Zendaya. If that's alright with you of course?" I replied to the oldman while also asking if it was okay.

"Hahahahaha, sure…I know Zee will be happy to have you around more often. She's been worried that you haven't left the simulators in a couple weeks." The oldman laughed while clapping me on the shoulder.

"Ohh right I took care of everything with the local security forces and there was a large bounty on that guy you dealt with Zee used the money to buy some upgrades for your ship and some special project she said you guys had discussed.

Whatever that's about I don't really want to know as long as you treat my granddaughter with the respect and care she deserves I don't mind what happens between you two even with the age gap separating you both." The oldman said while wearing a smile that was in-between a smile and some knowing look.

'The fuck this senile oldman on about sure Zendaya is great so far and a beautiful girl but that doesn't mean there's anything between us.' I thought to myself as I watched the oldman walk out of the hangar as I started up the simulation again, this one being a battle sim.


I was barrel rolling while an enemy pursuer was trying to get a targeting lock on my ship pulling back on the handle controls that were set up similar to a skid steer from my old world coming up behind the ship opening fire destroying it.

[Score 99 out of 100]

"What did I do wrong this time?" I asked out loud and was surprised when Zendaya let out a snort from behind me.

"What's that for miss (Snort noise) snorty mick snorty pants?" I asked my frustration leaking into my voice.

"You can't get a perfect score in a combat sim. Especially not when you let your wingman die so you can perform maneuvers like you did and take down your target." Zendaya said with a bit of a snooty attitude in her voice.

"Huh, you seem to know a lot about this." I replied, making her nod but the usual smile didn't appear on her face.

"I've been a part of the junior orbital protection force since I turned fourteen. I've flown six combat missions and various other ones scoring a perfect score out there means coming back with your wingman and squadron still intact and whole." Zendaya told me her voice filled with buried pain as she gently shook her head before giving me a fake smile that just didn't suit her face.

"Come on, let's go get something to eat." I said to Zendaya as I slung my arm over her shoulder and pulled her along with me.

'Damn this girl is so complicated, not in a bad way though.' I thought to myself surprised at the ease at which she easily allowed me to move her around as we entered the office and the kitchen area.

Pushing her down into her seat I started pulling out various ingredients from the fridge cooking a bluish colored chicken pink rice and various other multicolored vegetables and surprisingly normal looking mushrooms.

Cooking us up a stir fry the smell of which made my stomach rumble. Looking over at Zendaya I saw her eyeing the large Wok like pan I was cooking the stir fry in with nearly ravenous eyes.

"That seems about done." I said out loud looking at the food plating up equal portions before grabbing out silverware setting a plate down in front of Zendaya who dug into it.

"Mmm, wis ish dwilicous." Zendaya said while shoveling more food into her mouth.

"Hahaha, thanks but you should slow down and chew your food." I laughed as I talked to her like she was a little kid which made me receive a hateful gaze in return. Though it only made me smile in return, making her glare a little before returning to her food.

"You're a good cook." Zendaya said after nearly licking her plate clean.

"Thanks, I try my best." I replied modestly knowing I was good but not as good as she was making me out to be.

"So you're a soldier and have been one for a few years? Are there not any age restrictions?" I asked, as I was feeling genuinely curious about her station.

"There are but at fourteen you are allowed to join the navy the army or ground force has a minimum age of sixteen at least when it comes to Corellia systems safety forces." Zendaya replied understandingly.

"A bit hypocritical of you though isn't it Mr.Child-soldier." Zendaya said with a bit of resentment in her voice.

"Woah there, I was just genuinely curious since you had such an aversion towards my people's practices." I replied gently.

"Ohh, sorry." Zendaya said as her head snapped back as if she'd been punched in the face.

"You know if you ever need to talk to someone about things you can talk to me." I told her as I picked up the empty plates and pan putting them in the dishwasher.

"Why are you so nice?" Zendaya asked, sounding wounded and curious.

"Why shouldn't I be?" I asked back, my voice laced with curiosity.

"Because…the Galaxy is a harsh enough place to live in I feel no need to make it harder on anyone as long as they don't make it harder on me and if I can help someone by offering my ear to them to listen to their troubles or be a shoulder for them to cry in when they need to cry and it leaves them just a little bit better in the end I like to think I make the Galaxy a little bit better." I told her sincerely since that was pretty much who I've always been.

"That is…" Zendaya started to say something but I cut her off.

"I know it's stupid, you're not the first person to think so and you won't be the last…goodnight Zendaya I'll see you in the morning for breakfast." I told her as I left the office at a lazy pace.

"I was going to say I think that's sweet." Zendaya muttered to herself as she rested her head against the table letting out a big sigh as she was pulled into a memory she'd been trying to forget since it was made.



"This is the broken cradle squadron we are in route, eta forty seconds hold on just a little bit longer Captain." Zendaya replied over the comms this was her first time command she couldn't mess up she had to make her grandfather the former admiral proud.

Her navi computer flashed telling her she was over the drop zone. "Alright broken cradle squadron, let's show those old geezers we're combat ready." She heard her twelve squadmates give their affirmation, her best friend Bella being the loudest.

They had just finished their first bombing run when heavy artillery and missile batteries started firing on them from behind enemy lines.

Zendaya's left wing was clipped and her primary motivator was damaged by shrapnel from her wing; she was in a downward spiral pulling the ejection lever she was rocketed out of her fighter.

A missile detonated in close proximity to her making her lose consciousness she woke up when she hit the ground hard landing next to a dead body of an enemy whose helmet had fallen off up close she could see the girl was only around ten and malnourished with an obedience collar around her neck.

Zendaya's throat burned as she leaned over wrenching up the travel rassions she'd eaten before her squadron was deployed.

"They're just kids." She choked out as she spat the burning vomit from her mouth as she looked at the young girl she saw herself in.

Limping her way out of the firezone only to have her own people start firing on her until she heard Bella shout something and push through the line of troops.

Even though delirious and bleeding out Zendaya managed to convince Bella to take her to the commanding officer where she begged him to stop firing that they were fighting kids wearing obedience collars only for the co to laugh in her face and say that's war with the syndicates for you before dismissing her to medical.

When she snapped out of it by her grandfather shaking her shoulder. "That dream again?" The old man asked with a compassionate loving voice.

To which Zendaya who had watery eyes nodded her head before hiding her head in her grandfather's chest.

"Why couldn't they just stop and free the kids?" Zendaya asked even though she knew it was impossible without the proper equipment since the Pikes had built in safety features that would turn the collars into bombs that would blow up their assets and anyone who tried to remove them.

"I ask myself that same question often, little one just like what was I thinking to let you join the navy in the first place." The old man replied, sounding far older and tired than he looked.

"It was my decision grandpa, don't take that from me." Zendaya protested even as she hugged the old man tighter.

"I know it was Zee, still I should have tried to do a better job of convincing you not too. I knew the things you would see and experience but still I let you run headlong and unprepared for it." The old man confessed his voice cracking with unshed emotions.

"I wouldn't have believed you anyways." Zendaya replied somewhere between a laugh, a sob and a tease.

"No no you wouldn't have." The old man let out a bark of laughter.

"So is there any of that delicious smelling food left that you cooked up for that kid?" The oldman asked in a teasing tone of voice.

"I didn't…he made it…and we ate it all sorry grandpa I can make you something to eat if you want." Zendaya said as she ended the hug.

"Hmm, so he can cook. That's good, a good relationship should be a partnership." The oldman hummed while rubbing his chin ponderously.

"GRANDPA ! ! ! There is nothing going on between Jake and I." Zendaya yelled and professed.

"Hmm, is it Jake now?" The oldman teased his granddaughter with eyes that shined as he saw things the youngsters didn't.

"Grandpa." Zendaya sighed tiredly since this wasn't the first or even the second time her grandfather teased her about her non-existent feelings towards the slightly older and handsome man that was currently staying with them.

"Hahaha, ahh just let this old man find some joy in teasing his granddaughter." He joked as he started towards the door.

"Goodnight Zee, and if you like him you should pursue even if it doesn't work out in the end it's not good to live a life of regrets." He continued as he disappeared behind the closed door.

"I'm not interested in him that way, he's just a friend." Zendaya said to herself out loud.


Taking off my armor, sitting it down on the floor pressed neatly against the wall near the bed, before I flopped down onto it while grabbing my Phablet out of my bag before taking it off and setting it on the floor beside me.

Scrolling through my camera roll looking for any video or image I could use to get home when I found something odd, the usual green dot was blinking at the top right corner of my screen.

Clicking on it there were a couple of options listed in three grids just a little bit less translucent than the green tinted screen.

Record World

Return to Home Universe

Set as New Home Universe

'Holy shit man, I can make myself a true Star Wars universe resident…that's cool but I'd prefer being able to go home and see my family even if I am only really close with only one person besides my little brother.' I thought to myself as I tapped the little white X in the top right corner closing the screen.

'I want to get my spaceship situation squared away before I return home…even if it does mean missing Glenn's vacation. I'll make it up to him by nabbing Captain Rex's phase one and two helmets and blaster pis…on second thought just the helmets. probably not a good idea to give him the blaster pistols.' I thought to myself as I put on the episode of the Mandalorian where Din Djarin, hands over Grogu to the imperial remnants and receives the Beskar ingots as payment farming nine more times since I'd already retrieved it once before.

'Man I sure hope this is enough refined and purified Beskar to make the armors that I want. Oooo I should get some Vibranium as well and use it together with the Beskar so I can be a literal juggernaut out there and not get knocked back by blaster impact like Mando and every other Mandalorian does.

After finishing my Beskar farming I put on Black Panther just to chill and fall asleep too but while watching it I kept rewinding the part with the Panther suit that came out of the necklace.

'I've been obsessed with Beskar when I should of remembered Vibranium. It's a perfect partner metal to go with the Beskar.' I thought to myself as I pulled five of the silver and five of the gold Panther fang necklaces.

Standing up from the bed putting on one of the silver necklaces pressing a finger against the center fang and nothing happened.

"Well fuck that sucks." I said out loud as I pulled the necklace off of my neck, throwing it into the bag.

Rewinding the movie back to the beginning repeatedly I kept stealing both the Warhammer with the Vibranium head and Klaue's prohestic arm until that part of the video became corrupted.

Throwing all of my new bounty into my bag stepped onto the repulsorlift sinking down into the pocket space and was shocked by the changes inside. There was a full repair garage with two bays, what I believe is a reactor in one corner and a loft style living space in another.

While my R2-B6 unit ordered commando droids to move around computer units and tools, I noticed that the spice crates had diminished by a couple crates.

"This is amazing." I said in an exhale of breath.

'Did she really do all of this for me or for herself? Does it really matter I could just disappear with all of this to never be seen again.' I thought to myself as I pressed the button that activates the Omnitrix while throwing down a container of Beskar and a Warhammer with vibranium head, Klaue's prohestic arm and another batch of Gregor's clone commando armor turning into Upgrade fusing into and absorbing everything.

Reaching into my bag as Upgrade I pulled out one of the necklaces and was able to activate and analyze both the micro-weaved vibranium threads but also the nano technology that the suit utilizes for storage.

After analyzing everything I knew I could recreate modify and alter everything to my liking so with that in mind I reached back into my bag pulling out a new body glove that had a lot of technology built into it like environment adaptation technology that can adjust to any climate up to a and below certain extremes while having a vacuum seal and pressurized for space walking along with self-sanitizing and has mag seals for attaching armor plating to it.

Slowly I re-created and produced more vibranium micro-weaves and nanotechnology using one of the necklaces as a template while using one of the solid vibranium heads of a Warhammer as raw materials slowly combining the star wars and marvel technologies together reusing the necklace as both the container of the Vibranium micro-weave body glove and its various systems control unit.

Before moving onto the armor grabbing out a death watch armor absorbing it and its vambraces and Jetpack slowly consuming the refined Beskar ingots creating the armor plates out of pure Beskar before fusing the technology of the clone commando armor into it including the knuckle ejected vibroblades.

Then the vambraces technology, the right vambrace was equipped with an energy shield above the laser targeting system. Beneath that, was a tiny launcher for tracking devices. Right below that was a dart launcher, capable of firing tranquilizer, stun, shock, or explosive darts. On the other side of my right vambrace, was a whipcord launcher, which contained and could fire a 25-meter-long fibercord whip. On the inside of the gauntlet was a touchscreen interface for an alternate method of controlling vambrace systems.

On top of the left Vambrace is a mini rocket launcher; which could accommodate a wide variety of rockets. On the outside of it is a flamethrower with its own built but easily changeable fuel tank that could support six minutes of continuous flame throwing. Further down on the left vambrace in front of the missile launcher, is where a holoprojector, comms system, and a dual westar-35 blaster system that could also fire stun rays. On the inside of the gauntlet was also another touchscreen control interface and an additional laser targeting system for the left gauntlet that syncs up with the helmet's HUD system.

My new armor became in my opinion the perfect ascetic combination and functionality of clone commando and Mandalorian armor while I also incorporated a beskar reinforced neck protection into the necklace and body glove as an afterthought without losing any comfort or functionality other than the necklace becoming more like a loose choker or turtleneck styled necklace with the panther fangs on it.

In a flash of red-light I was standing inside the crate butt-naked except for the necklace clasped around my neck running my index finger over the center fang . I felt a slight tickling sensation as my body was coated in the second skin like a body glove.


'What did I just see?' Zendaya asked herself as she couldn't get the green, black and white blob thing that turned into Jake out of her head and the there was a very hot very naked Jacob standing in front of her and she couldn't help but lick her dry lips at the mental image of that tight muscular naked ass, strong legs and muscular back and strong shoulders from her mind.

Zendaya quickly returned to the lift leaving behind the object of the current sexual fantasies playing in her mind as a small very small part of her protested he's just a friend I don't see him that way over and over again. —--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------—

I was walking around getting a feel for my new body glove enjoying the way it felt even better than before.

Looking in a full body mirror in the living area that was inside the master bedroom I couldn't help but admire my form of the second skin like glove.

My muscular body was on fine display as my junk was offered privacy by not being exposed.

It was kind of like I was wearing a cup but from the size of the bulge anyone who saw it would know I was seriously packin some heat down there.

After doing some superhero poses I put on my new Clone-Mando armor and started getting a feel for it. The new armor was heavier than the commando armor since Beskar was a heavier and denser metal plus the Vibranium micro-weave added to the weight of the armor and was more noticeable with all the Beskar pieces in place.

Putting on the Beskar plated jetpack and syncing the vambraces with my armor's control and hud systems getting all systems green in return.

Looking in the mirror that I brought down with me was one badass brushed steel looking armor.

'I think I'll paint my armor black and green or maybe black and red or better get all black while just keeping the blue lit viser that I can turn on and off with a voice command would be best.' I thought to myself trying to come up with the best color scheme in my mind but settling on a matt black finish.

'Matt black for stealth and functionality not to be some emo edge lord.' I thought to myself as I mentally pictured my armor in all black and it looked good especially with the blue visor.

I was surprised when I felt something bump into me on my right side l saw my R2 unit R2-B6.

"Hey there bud sorry I didn't come to meet you…I was just trying to complete my flight simulators." I told the droid and by the way the guy shook I could tell he was accepting my apology and reason for not meeting him sooner.

"Whirr whoop beep boop wooo." The R2 unit continued.

"Sorry bud I don't speak droid, hey commando droid translate what my R2 unit is trying to tell me." I commanded one of my commando droids.

"Roger Roger, Rtwoo-Beesix says he is just relieved he finally got to meet his owner and that he understands you're special since we saw you turn into a droid." The BX-series droid translated for me.

"It's nice to meet you too Beesix, but I'd appreciate it if you kept my being able to transform into a droid and other transformations to yourself. The same goes for all of you BX-series droids as well.

An unanimous affirmation of 100 plus "Roger Roger's" sounded throughout the large industrial warehouse sized pocket space.

'I guess I could try and get some sleep.' I thought while looking at the king size bed behind me removing my armor while Beesix went over to a little interface and opened a secure closet that had an armor stand and weapon rack.

'That girl is amazing. She's gonna make someone a good wife someday.' I thought to myself as I attached my armor to the stand, stepping back and admiring a job well done.

Laying down in the most heavenly feeling bed I'd ever laid on it being cool, soft and firm in all the right ways as soon as I shut my eyes I was in dream land.

"Are you prepared, as you follow the path of marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live?" asked a Jedi in dress robes.

" We do." We both said at once Zendaya standing on the other side of me in a beautiful modern wedding dress.

"Since it is your intention to enter the covenant of Holy Matrimony, join your right hands, and declare your consent before the living force." said the Jedi.

The day was slightly overcast offering just the right amount of shade and sun. Zendaya was a bit older, probably in her early twenties and looked absolutely radiant in her white wedding dress, her smile bright filled with love and happiness.

"Come on Obi some time today." I heard myself joke and a mass of laughter responded.

"Okay okay I'll speed things up." As his tone filled with barely constrained laughter.

"Do you promise to be true to your love through good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. Will you always love and honor your partner for all the days of your life?" Obi-Wan asked in seriousness.

"I do." Zendaya and I both replied while staring deeply into each other's eyes, eyes that had such depth and sincere emotions in them I felt like I was drowning in love but in a good way.

"Then with the living force as my witness and the powers vested in me by the galactic Senate and Jedi order I now pronounce you man and wife you kiss the groom and the bride." Obi-Wan said, making Zendaya and I smash our lips together in a loving kiss that revved up in intensity and passion with every passing second it lasted.

But we were pulled apart by the sound of large shuttles breaking the atmosphere and the high pitched whine of droid fighters descending. On instinct I activated my body glove by running my index finger over the center fang.

Using my body to shield Zendaya as missiles bombarded our position as I throughout and arm behind me projecting an energy shield made of mana to protect us.

Dozens of droid landing craft touched down releasing multi-troop transports and tanks. The tanks started firing on our position while the troop transports moved in closer.

There was cannon and mortar fire all around us guests were screaming in pain and calling out to their important people in a delirium.

Then I felt a hot burning sensation through my chest and out my back looking down I saw Zendaya looking up at me with eyes that looked both dead and glassy and filled with hate at the same time.

"Everything you ever told me was a lie. Why did you do this to me? I was happy running the little shop with my grandpa. Why did you have to ruin my life?" Zendaya spat venomously and I found myself jolting up right in bed, my body thick with sweat and breaths coming in more like harsh pants.

"Fuck." I muttered out loud as I let my top half fall back onto the bed as I put my forearm over my forehead.

"Fuck." I sighed again out loud.

'That was insane.' I thought to myself as I laid there on the bed my heart racing in my chest the phantom pain of having my heart ran through with a lightsaber lingering.

'Was that a nightmare or a force vision?' I asked myself as I stood up from the bed no longer feeling like sleeping as I entered the bathroom stepping into the sonic scrubber watching as all the sweat just evaporated into thin air leaving me feeling as though I stepped out of a shower clean but without the feeling of pleasure, gratification and relaxative feelings a shower usually gives.


Leaving the bedroom entering the kitchen area that was tastefully modern with a bit of a high tech feel to it.

Opening the fridge I found some pre-cooked and packaged meals that I threw in a microwave like contraption that rested above the sink area.

Which automatically turned on and beeped a second later the smell of hot food filling my nostrils pulling it out of the microwave taking a bite of its flavor exploded along my tongue making me groan in appreciation and then I continued to scarf the remainder down as fast as humanly possible.

'I don't know if that dream was just a dream of a premonition but I think it'd be best to conclude my business with Zendaya and her grandfather and get the fuck outta here. Especially before something happens where I catch feelins for her and fall in love.' I thought to myself as I threw the container and fork in the sonic dishwasher before activating my body glove and putting on my armor.

Exiting the crate space with Beesix on the life with me we exited the domicile and was greeted by the oldman who had a smile on his face and was holding two holographic cards in his hand.

"These are your certifications for fighter pilot training and freighter pilot training. Once you prove to me through a real flight test you're as good as the sims say you are, these are yours." The oldman said in a jolly tone of voice as he also took in the R2 unit and nodded at my decision to buy an astromech.

"Thank you…for buying that mech for Zee I wanted to get it for her myself but between my retirement and…ahh nevermind you don't want to hear the ramblings of an oldman after seeing these do you?" The oldman jokingly teased as he turned around and waved over his shoulder.

"Come on we'll do a practice dogfight and then we'll have you run some freighter scenarios." The oldman said while looking over his shoulder.

Entering a hanger I hadn't seen before there was a line of shiny Z-95 headhunters six in total while on the other side of that line there were six Y-wing bombers.

"Take your pick, each one of these ships are prototype models for the Corellia defense forces. They sent them to us for our students to train so they're familiar with the ships before they even get the final kinks for production models worked out." The oldman said his voice sounded somewhere between exasperated and pleased.

Walking over to a Z-95 while Beesix flew into the droid frame and synched up with the systems.

"Ready to go little guy?" I asked and got a whirp in confrontation and I noticed the oldman entering a bomber giving me a thumbs up as we both started up our ships doing our system checks.

"Alright Kid." Came over the ships comms system. "I'll take her out first. You follow after me once we're in clear space we'll start." The oldman continued as he flew out of the hangar and I followed right after him catching sight of Zendaya waving to us. I returned the wave but quickly looked away when I felt the phantom pain in my chest from where I was stabbed by her in my nightmare.

The oldman was a tough son of a bitch that's for sure he was doing things and pulling off maneuvers left and right that you wouldn't think a bomber would be capable of but he was able to do it.

I was dodging and shaking him off my tail trying to pull the move like I did in the sim and come up behind him but the oldman killed his thrusters nearly making us collide if I hadn't slammed the throttle all the way up and pulled back on the joystick just barely skimming the top of his ship with the underside of mine.

"Not bad kid you'll make a great fighter pilot with some real world experience but today your ass is mine." The old man laughed evilly as my ship controls died as he shot the back end of my ship with his ion weapons that work like emps.

I couldn't help but mutter a curse. "Are you alright out there Beesix can you restore the system to operational?" I asked the little astromech who in response got the ship started up again and the comms fired up again with the old man's voice.

"Come on let's head back Kid, you feel like you're up to showing me how well you do with a real freighter or you wanna do it tomorrow?" Asked the oldman with a laugh in his voice.

"I know the first defeat can be devastating for you youngsters." He continued to joke.

"I'm ready you sure you don't need a nap oldman I'm sure all that excitement must have drained you of something fierce." I snarked back teasingly.

Only getting a boisterous laugh in return that lasted a long time. "Son that may have been exciting for you but for me that was just another rest day afternoon." The oldman laughed tiredly before letting out a sigh.

"Alright come on let's go get your last test done." The old man continued as I followed him to a space station and docked in one of the hangers where a G9 Rigger was waiting for us.

Once I was out of the Z-95 the oldman handed me my certification with a smile on his face. "I wish everyone I saw coming through my door had your raw talent kid." The oldman said honestly as he clasped my armored shoulder jovially.

Before we entered the G9 I had Beesix run diagnostics on all of the ship's systems as I did a visual check. Everything was good to go and from the nod I received from the oldman I'd done everything I should.

After getting clearance from the command tower of the station I pulled out of the hangar and drove to a new point on the map.

There were a couple of loose cargo containers I had to retrieve and a damaged escape pod that needed recovery as well.

That's when Beesix let out a whirp and through the screen in front of me he showed that the containers were inside hyperspace lanes and that the escape pod had five rapidly falling vital signs.

"So what are you gonna do Kid? Remove the shipping containers from the hyperspace lanes or leave them there potentially killing hundreds of people or save the people inside the escape pod?" Asked the oldman his voice hardened and offered no advice on the matter.

"Beesix, open the cargo bay door and activate the ray shield, recover the containers and get out of the hyperspace lane as fast as possible and meet me at the escape pod. I'll personally go to the pod and maneuver it closer myself" I commanded my R2 unit that chirped in confirmation of my orders.

Securing my helmet I flew out of the cargo bay using my jetpack speeding toward the escaped pod I could see now was venting oxygen into space.

Slowing down using reverse thrust to lessen my impact against the damaged pod magnetizing my hands and knees caps I moved to the viewport of the escape pod finding dummies with blaster rifles fitted in their hands.

My Comms blared to life. "I have to say kid this is the first time I've seen a situation handled like this but then again you Mandalorians are a different breed all together. What you see here is a common situation arranged by pirates and crime syndicates to rob frighers and distract security forces.

Keep that in mind for the future but from what I've seen you pass a lot of pilots forget that droids and astromech can be just as good of pilots or better than us though some of that can be prejudice but you pass for both unorthodox thinking and problem solving now get back in here there's a debris field showing on sensors and I'd rather you not get caught in one playing hero." The oldman spoke through the comms in a kindly but also exasperated tone of voice at my cowboy antics.

'Man I know this isn't the traditional sense of it but space walking is cool as fuck.' I thought to myself as I attached a piece of whipcord to a tow hook and pulled it towards the Rigger with my jetpack only for Beesix to meet me before I could cover any real distance the little droid spun the ship around and made it so I was facing the ray shielded cargo bay that had two crates resting inside pushed flush against the sides leaving enough room for me and the escape pod to land. As I let my momentum carry me and the pod inside past the ray shield.

'Man…if that wasn't a fucking rush and a half.' I thought to myself as I pulled out my westar-35 blaster pistols, opening the hatch on the escape pod putting a blaster bolt in each head of the pirates.

"Ship secure possible hostile forces neutralized. Beesix, take us to the nearest space station." I spoke, slash commanded into my helmet's comm system.

"Normally Kid you'd restrain the pirates and contact the authorities but sense you are alone most authorities would make exceptions for you because you did so to ensure your own safety but Jedi most likely won't see it that way so as a rule of thumb take prisoners within inner core, core and most mid rim systems." The oldman advised as he handed me the freighter certification card.

"Congratulations you graduated from Jace's piloting academy in record breaking time." The oldman laughed and joked as he gave me a congratulatory pat on the shoulder again.

"Thanks oldman." I replied sincerely before jokingly busting his chops. "Better get you back home…it's half past your nap time."