TV Items V2 PT6

"Hey Lorenzo." I greeted the son of the owner of the pizza place.

"Hey Sean, come back here for a moment." Lorenzo greeted and then called me to meet him over by the drink coolers away from other customers.

"Man there looking for someone with counterfeit bills matching your description…so watch your back alright buddy." Lorenzo warned as he patted my shoulder.

"Thanks for the heads up man I will." I replied while deciding not to use the money I pulled out of Heroes to pay for the pizzas.

"No problem buddy, now let's get ya yo pizza's." He said going back into the kitchen meeting me at the counter setting down four pies while I handed him my close to maxed out credit card.

"See ya Lorenzo." I said goodbye while easily carrying all four Pizzas in one hand while opening the first door and then the second nearly bumping into an old acquaintance.

"Ohh hi Sean." Said a female voice filled with fake happiness.

"Hi Shelby nice to see you again…bye." I greeted and bid farewell quickly as if she was nothing more than an obstacle in my way, which she was.

'He he just brushed me off like I was nothing what the fuck…I'll have to spread around a rumor he's gay or something.' She thought to herself as she took a swallow from her tallboy can of beer.

'To think guys actually pay to see those tits…losers.' I thought to myself as I quickly returned home by using a teleportation spell that I'd mastered from my time on the battlefield to the point there was no more flash of mana signifying a spell being casted after ducking into an abandoned softball field dugout.

'I've gotten a good handle on using magic. I should start training in the use of the Omnitrix and aliens now.' I thought to myself while looking down at the green hourglass.

"Wait, did I go outside in a body glove?...never mind I'm still wearing that charm I enchanted to make people see me as they always have." I sighed in relief as I leaned back against the wall ordering my nanotech to turn into a pair of jeans, boots and a t-shirt.

"Babe…is everything okay?" Zendaya asked as she walked over to me.

"Huh, yeah just realized I wore a body glove out in public but my charm stopped me from looking like a pervert." I replied as I made my way over to the table setting down the boxes of pie.


Mylla was sitting on the throne of her death star inside the temple looking out of the view port when a familiar medical droid entered the room. Lifting up a holo-projector activating it.

"Hey Mylla…I know you're into all that submissive, abuse shit and I won't lie I enjoy it with you but I did something disgusting towards you and I want to make it right and I know that if I'm in person doing this you'll outright refuse it because it get you hot and ready.

But I have to at least try I'd not for you but myself if you choose to have it done this medical droid delivering my message to you know is to reseat your fertilized eggs back inside of you.

I did you so very wrong I'd like to pass it off as being possessed and influenced by an outside force but that isn't entirely true. It was me with my inhibitions lowered my morals at an all time low…you know what you don't need to hear all this I'm just making an excuse to excuse my actions…I'm sorry Mylla please the decision is in your hands now…incase I don't make it back I just want you to know…I've come to love you..bye." The holorecording shut off after that last little word leaving Mylla lost in a turbulent storm of emotions.


"OHH MY THIS IS SO DELICIOUS ! ! !" Zen moaned loudly as she wolfed down a slice of pizza.

"I'm glad you like it as much as I thought you would." I laughed softly before replying.

"MMMHMM, we should have come sooner." Zendaya continued to moan as she ate.

"So when are we gonna go meet your family?" Zen asked excitedly.

"Mmm, We can go meet my mom and brother after eating my grandmother. I have to call and see what she's up to." I replied calmly as I got my phone out to call my grandmother.

"Yup alright love you too grandma." I replied as I hung up the phone.

"Aww, wasn't that cute." Zen teased gently.

"I've never seen you look so embarrassed before." Zen continued to tease.

"Whose embarrassed…not me." I replied while looking away towards the window.

"Hehehe." Zen giggled as she finished off a pizza before putting the rest in the fridge.

"You stay here while I go get us a car." I said as I was about to select XLR8 on the dial of the Omnitrix.

"Where are you going to go? Are you sure I can't go with you?" Zen asked shyly as she took my hand in hers.

"I'm going to an abandoned car junkyard that's located on my dad's side of the family's land…you could come with me but I'll be running there as XLR8." I replied easily as I turned to look at her and I could tell it wasn't just that she wanted to explore the world but also because she was afraid to be in a new unknown place.

"I'll stay here then last time we did that I got covered in bugs and mouth and nose filled with dirt." She quickly denied though I could see she was inside staying there alone.

Pressing my index finger against the necklace around Zen's neck making Mira come out of it.

"Mira what were you doing in there?" Zen asked in shock.

"I asked Sean if I could come to protect you both from the shadows but I forgot I can't exit on my own." Mira said while a healthy blush lit up her cheeks.

"M…you're the best friend anyone could ever ask for." Zen said as she smashed the six foot leggy blonde in a hug.

"We're clan Zendaya, this is what clans are for." Mira said as her blush intensified as I hugged her from behind.

"You girls feel free to look around you both already know my pin to everything so feel free to do whatever…love you." I said quickly kissing both if them for displaying in a blur of speed.

"D-did he j-just say love you? He he's never outright said it to me before." Mira said and if life was an anime steam would be shooting out of her ears and rising from the top of her head.

"Wow…girlfriend you got it bad." Zen teased as she smacked or tried to smack Mira's ass but her hand only found cold hard Mandalorian steel.

"As if you're one to talk." Mira replied with a laugh in her voice as she actually smacked Zen's ass (smack).

"Hey wait until I tell Sean you grabbed my butt…" Zen teased the surprisingly innocent at times mandalorian warrior woman.

"EEE, you can't, he'll spank me until I can't sit down again." Mira squealed as her hands covered her shapely rear that was guarded by her armor.

Both girls devolved into a fit of giggles giving each other a hug before they crashed on the somewhat worn out couch that had a rip in the back of it.

"I didn't not expect him to live like this…here." Mira finally voiced a similar opinion to Zen's.

"Not that I mind it is much nicer than most of the war camps I grew up with or even the convents…it's just he makes everything so large and well equipped in our homes I just assumed he was some rich noble at times." Mira continued to express her feelings to Zen who nodded slightly in agreement though she'd heard about all of this from him it's like they say seeing is believing.

"Yes…even though he explained all of this to me once getting here I found it really hard to accept that he lived like this especially with the way he always makes sure we want for nothing…

this is just so jarring to see in real life as opposed to listening about it while his big throbbing cock is fucking your needy little pussy." Zen continued with a naughty smirk on her lips at making her bestie blush even more fiercely than she had been before.

'Ahh I remember when this was Bella teasing me.' Zen thought before those thoughts turned sour at the memory of finding out Bella had betrayed her and was selling her out to the Hutt's and then later a shadowy party.

"Okay, want to help me do some research for things and places he might want or want to go too?" Zen asked Mira who was sitting beside her on the couch.

"Of course I love watching…what were they called again cartoons?" Mira replied happily while also asking an unsure question.

"Yup." Zen replied as she turned on the tv.

"Zen…do you think at some point he might abandon us…because we refused immortality?" Mira finally gave voice to a question she's been keeping to herself for what felt like forever since the night he made the offer to her.

"No I don't believe he will…but we may be the ones to abandon him. He'll stay young and handsome while we'll grow old, saggy and wrinkly…even if his love for us never fades we may not be comfortable enough to stay with him after a certain age." Zen replied her voice sounding as if she'd put a lot of thought into this and it wasn't due to Mira's question.

"You've thought about this a lot." Mira pointed out as she watched her friend caress her swelling belly with love.

"I have, Shmi and I have had lengthy discussions about it since Mylla and Serena pointed out their species' naturally long life span compared to ours. When he first offered me immortality it sounded so far away but now it feels like if I blink I'll be old and gray my daughter middle aged with her own kids running around and everyone will think he's my grandson or something." Zen continued sighing heavily.

Mira hummed in understanding though at first it was hard to believe but after seeing Sean get shot in the head with a repeating disruptor cannon shot without his helmet on and get up a few seconds later she had become a firm believer of his mortality or rather the lack thereof.

"Have you decided on whether or not you're going to leave him?" Mira finally asked as Zen was scrolling through streaming options making Zen pause in her scrolling.

"I can't decide…I don't want to leave him but I feel like I should if not for me then for him he shouldn't have to tie himself down to some old woman because she was young and gorgeous once." Zen replied while presenting herself lazily, not taking her eyes off of the tv.

The conversation died as Zen put on a show called Jackie Chan Adventures since it was the name of the actor from a movie she liked called Rush Hour.

"Definitely add these Talismans to the list, they are similar to the charms of bezel but offer a broader range of abilities." Zen said as she wrote them down on her Phablet that she preferred over holo-devices.

"Find out a way to get these shadow ninja as well; they'd make a valuable asset to his army." Mira added on.

"Right, good thinking M." Zen replied as the girls continued their research but really they were just getting their cartoon junkie fix.

"Hmm, let's see what there's left to work with for cars here." I said out loud to myself as I strolled through the abandoned car and scrap yard finding a couple old mustangs, camaros, fire birds, furries old pickups a military jeep a bread delivery van and a few old sedans I didn't know the names of but looked like Pontiacs and dodges in make.

"Definitely want a mustang for me and one of those F-100's, hmm maybe convert those two F-100's into a quad cab so there will be enough room for a car seat." I hummed out loud to myself as I started making mental plans of the modifications I'd make to the two trucks to make them one giant truck.

'Five mini lion bots combine into one big lion bot.' I laughed at my own thoughts as I found Jerryrig in my Omnitrix and transformed into the little gremlin since this felt like more of his thing than upgrades.

Break Break Break Break Break Break Break Break Break Break Break Break Break Break Break Break Break Break Break Break Break Break Break Break.

I heard myself saying dementedly as my red claws glowed like hot metal and I found myself easily slicing through metal turning the former rusty trucks into component pieces that looked chaotic as all hell while some fridges and other things weren't spared either.

Before I could even really process what I was doing since my thoughts were pure chaos I was saying fix fix fix just as dementedly as before.


Once it was done my thoughts became less chaotic and more pleased than anything else and I quickly returned to human form.

'That was an experience…how the fuck does Ben do this and not go insane?" I thought to myself while asking a very good question.

She may not be the prettiest thing on the street especially compared to newer trucks but I think she's gorgeous. I thought to myself as the new truck made from old ones shined dully from the sunlight shining through gaps in the leaves of the trees overhead.

The bare silver and patina of the metal chassis of the truck giving it even more of an old timey rustic feel hipsters go nutzo over while the classic smooth body likes and side step bed just oozed curbside sex appeal.

"Now it's time to go Upgrade and put the finishing touches on this old new girl and make sure she's not a bomb about to go off." I said to a tree as I patted its trunk.

'I love that the little monster made this ole girl all electric and solar powered…hmm it has electric motors that put out more power than nascar engines with one motor on each wheel that's an insane amount of power. Now it's time to give it the Stark treatment…' I thought to myself as I inspected the truck fully installing and arc reactor to make sure I never ran out of power along with a power control center on the dash the size of an Ipad pro while also making it the radio.

Setting it up so that if I pressed a button it would go on autopilot or fly through the air using repulsors while also having plenty of weapons built into it.

Along with a ray and particle shield array while the glass was also heavily bullet and blaster resistant.

'Gotta make sure my girls are nice and safe.' I thought to myself as the thoughts I might be going overboard never crossed my mind.

Clicking the button on the key fob I'd made for the truck and it's systems pressing the shrink button and made it shrink to the size of a matchbox car that I stored away in my storage ring before I move on to the 67 fastback mustang giving it the same treatment as the truck.

The mustang ending up a nice black with black chrome finishing just like the truck but with blue led lights to just make them both pop with sexiness.


Storing the mustang away inside my ring while transforming back into XLR8 running to my dad's farm stealing the license plates off one of his farm vehicles to put on my truck.

Running to a truck trail transforming back into human removing the truck and key fob to it returning it to full size putting the plates on quickly before driving home.

'Ahh, I've missed this, cruising the backroads with the windows down listening to a rock or country station…now all I need is a cold beer and this would be the life.' I thought to myself as I passed by my apartment building just so I could finish a song before pulling a U turn and driving back home.

Walking into the apartment I found both girls with their feet up on the coffee table with pizza boxes resting on their legs both pies only having one or two slices left while they watched Jackie Chan Adventures.

'Huh, I forgot all about that show and I used to love it…hmm those Talismans I need to get and maybe an older version of Jade.' I thought to myself before looking back at the girls and enjoying watching them enjoying themselves watching cartoons and arguing who's the better female character between Viper the thief or Jade the unsung hero of the show.

'Actually now that I think about it why does the Omnitrix even work for me doesn't that sexy lizard chick Xylene say it should have only worked for Max's bloodline?

Unless maybe it scanned Ben's DNA first and then I interrupted the attachment process when my hand accidentally went into the screen?

Also why haven't I farmed Omnitrixs and the charms of Bezel yet?' I continued questioning myself as I face palmed at the stupidity of not farming certain items.

'Also should I farm the pill that made Bradley Cooper in that one movie a genius…though then again I think those drugs killed him because of the side effects but with a Galvin and Cerebrocrustacean I could probably improve the formula and eliminate the side effects.' I thought to myself as I pulled up the episode of Ben 10 farming a few more Omnitrixs and sets of the Charms of Bezel.

While also pulling up episodes of Jackie Chan Adventures grabbing every individual talisman and then the boxes of them that were stored in section 13 before moving on and robbing the oni masks that produced Shadowkhan.

Quickly casting the soul consuming spell on the masks I gained the ability to summon all thirteen Shadowkhan types.

Along with increasing my already enhanced abilities to greater heights making the talismans useless to me personally while also boosting my magical energy to an even higher level than before.

When I went to take a step after having my nanites make a talisman holder similar to future Gwen's for the charms of bezel and after slotting all of them in place.

I ended up crashing into the wall on the opposite side of the room.

'Huh, pulling a Kid flash.' I joked to myself as I felt both Mira and Zen's hands on me making sure I was okay.

"What was that just now were you XLR8 and transformed back before slowing down?" Zen asked in concern even though I could tell she was fighting back a giggle while Mira was constantly running her hands over my body coping a feel at this point then checking to see if I was hurt anywhere.

"No…I increased my powers by consuming Oni masks and equipping the talismans from the show you two are watching…I just wasn't expecting the effects to be as drastic as the obviously are." I replied as I gently stood up from the floor looking at the me-sized indentation on the brick wall of my apartment before casting a repair spell making the bricks return to the way they were supposed to be.

"That is kinda funny." Zen said while both she and Mira broke out into outrageous laughter.

"It's not that funny." I said while crossing my arms across my chest trying not to pout noticeably.

"I'm going to my inner world to train in how to use these enhanced abilities." I told them as I pulled Shmi out of my inner world and increased the speed of time till it was like the Star Wars universe with every real world minute equaling twenty four hours there.

'Shit man this is a lot harder than it was the first time around.' I thought to myself as I accidentally blew up every target but the one I wanted to with the exploding flame breath granted by the dragon talisman.

Not to mention nearly crushing every non Vibranium or Beskar thing I touch besides magically enchanted items with durability enchantments.

… One year inner world time five days real world time.

"Finally I feel like I'm safe enough to be around the girls and other people." I sighed out loud in relief even as I finished enchanting some pinky rings that would act as strength limiters toning me back down to my charms of Bezel enhancement stage that I could easily adjust there limiter or simply turn them off with a flex of will just for extra security of mind.

"I still can't believe I can bench press 55 metric tons and can lift ten times that with telekinesis now…

fuck that's not even including how fast I can run or fly or how durable I am now shit a blaster bolt doesn't even singe my skin anymore." I continued sighing out loud as I wondered if this was how superman or wonder woman felt and then I realized there's no way they'd understand since they've always had powers since they were children only people who were normal and got powers could understand what I was feeling.

"Hope the girls aren't too mad at me. I know they know about the time dilation here…but to be honest this whole thing has brought home how real my immortality is." I continued speaking out loud this time to one of my pet velociraptors I've on the side of training spent raising her and her pack as pets and attack dogs.

I watched her and her pack grow from eggs the size of my fist to the size of horses. Looking at them I can't help but think of how fast raising a child will be.

'It all seemed to take so long helping mom out with Glen.' I thought to myself remembering changing diapers and getting spit up on, during burping and giving baths.

'Must be my brain chemistry is changing to be able to think like this all of a sudden after spending years thinking time went by slowly.' I continued thinking to myself as I slid the rings onto my fingers activating their concealment charms so no one would know I was wearing even more rings and looking like some douchebag.

"Alright Greenie…you go have some fun with your pack I'm going back to the other world." I told the raptor as I petted her snout, making her click appreciatively at the touch.

'Eat your heart out progressively worse Jurassic Park movies.' I joked inside my mind as I exited my inner world and entered my living room to find the place filled with my grandmother my German shepherd the lives with her since my apt doesn't allow pets her lab, both Roscoe and and Rascal my aunt her two kids my mom and my little bro all talking and eating dinner together.

'The fuck am I supposed to explain this away as.' I thought to myself never expecting my family to be in my apartment.

After some skilled lying I said I just got back from a trip to Connecticut visiting a few friends I had out there…

While my grandmother had a lot of questions about the mystery girl who is pregnant and the other girl who is also pregnant and then the blonde girl who talks like she wants to get pregnant.

I had everything explained away neatly while sort of I knew my grandmother wasn't buying my bullshit and was easily picking the truth from the lies but accepted the girls regardless.

My little brother pointed out the resemblance between Zen and Zendaya which we explained away as them being distant relatives all and all. I thought it was a good night and as soon as everyone was gone.

I transformed into Alien X and made all the girls unshakable identities as far as anyone was concerned. They were Americans born in America during the late 90's and middle two thousands.

I even went as far as making my Zen world's Zendaya's cousin, even creating a fake aunt and uncle along with childhood memories and implanting them into everyone's minds.

'God being a god-level reality warped is scary as fuck.' I thought to myself and noticed that Serena and Bellicus both nodded in agreement with me.

Once I was transformed back and the girls and I were alone, I got read the riot act for at least not even checking in and letting them know I was okay.

With a little pampering and neck messages I was in the clear and forgiven while the girls each handed me a list of items from various tv shows, movies and games I should get for myself.

With some small notes with little hearts on them about how they would love certain things very very much and would be willing to do anything I wanted to do if I got them the presents they wanted.

I was more than a little surprised when I saw Shmi of all people write down the mind control goggles from Incredibles 2 while making a little side note about having Mrs.Incredible and the portal open girl attached to them along with Violet.

Though I'd be lying if I said the thought of it wasn't a massive turn on…having my way with three superhero hotties one that could literally change her body in so many ways it could feel like you were fucking a different chick every night..

Not to mention the mother daughter tie in had me bending Shmi over the kitchen counter and taking her from behind which made the other girls jealous so we dived into a small fuckfest in my small apartment which ended up with me and Mira sleeping on the couch while Zen and Shmi took the bed because they were tired and sore.

In the morning I woke up to the smell and sound of food frying on the stove.

"That smells good." I groaned and almost pushed Mira off onto the floor so I could eat.

"Thanks Bub." Replied my grandmother.

"GRANDMA! ! !." I was shocked as I quickly pulled a blanket over Mira and I.

"(Snort) it's a little late for that Sean…" she replied with a snort and amused words as when she noticed me covering us up with the blanket.

"Huh yeah…" I replied awkwardly as I maneuvered myself out from underneath Mira while grabbing another blanket wrapping it around my waist.

Once I was out of the shower and dressed in sweats I sat down at the small two person table across from my grandmother who was already drinking a coke and captain Morgan's spiced rum mixed drink.

"So…you're involved with all three girls…are they both pregnant by you or are you just stepping in." Grandma asked, her voice calm and not even a hint of confrontation in it.

"There mine." I didn't lie, I truly thought of the unborn Anakin as my own.

She nodded before asking about Mira.

"And the blonde?" Grandma asked, a bit of judgment leaking into her voice.

"We're involved obviously." I replied, gesturing to the couch.

"I know…is it serious though?" She asked, sounding fed up with my making light of things.

"Yes…we're together…I'm with the three of them…it just kinda happened." I replied honestly.

"They're not just using you are they? Are you happy?" She asked seriously and in concern.

"Yes…I mean no there not…yeah I'm happy." I replied with a happy smile.

"I can't help but notice the similarity to this Zendaya as that girl Zulekia…you used to be with the only girl I ever met…" Even though there were quite a few of them.

"Honestly now that you mention it they are a bit alike." I replied honestly thinking about the girl I love who died in college from oding.

"There's nothing you could have done." My grandmother said compassionately as she rested her hand on my shoulder.

"I should have noticed." I said softly.

"I shouldn't have been getting high and drunk at every opportunity…if I hadn't things would have been so very different…she'd still be here." I said softly as my eyes started to sting.

"(Sigh) you know I used to do this to myself over your grandfather too…

if I had stopped him from drinking so much or going to bars he wouldn't have gotten cancer if I'd told him to stop working on the railroad when they had them working around all those chemicals without safety equipment…

you can't change the past Sean, you can only move forward to hopefully a better future." She said softly, her hand gripping my shoulder a little tighter while I covered her hand with mine before she set a plate of sausage, bacon, eggs and fried potatoes.

"Thanks Gramma." I replied as I started eating the home cooked meal.

I didn't know that all the girls were awake and eavesdropping on our entire conversation.

"You girl's can stop pretending to be asleep now and get something to eat." My grandmother said with obvious amusement in her voice as all the girls jumped slightly at being called out.

And even though she said they could come get something to eat she'd already made them heaping plates and had jars of pickles and bars of chocolate for the girls as well.

"Thank you Grandma all three f

Girls who'd yet to put any clothes on started eating evidence of our actions the night before still on their bodies and I had to fight down the urge not to cast a cleansing spell on them or materialize clothes onto their bodies though Zen could have just activated her panther fang necklace but didn't.

"You are going to need a bigger place for the four of you and two babies." My grandmother suddenly said.

"Do any of you girls have a job at least?" My grandmother asked while crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'm a mechanic." Zen said quickly.

"I'm an accountant." Shmi chimed in while Mira looked embarrassed to say anything.

"Mira is a soldier who just got honorably discharged and needs to find her legs back in normal life." I quickly defended Mira who blushed and gave me a smile in thanks.

"Ohh…I see that at least each of you girls has a valuable skill set." My grandmother replied while examining Mira a bit more closely and now most likely noticing the lattice work of scars on her body where most would probably only see her generous curves that would make her at home on a runway or porno video.

"Do you have enough money put away for a place or do you girls each have your own places?" Grandma asked, looking at me before looking at the girls questioningly.

"I'll get it handled grandma." I replied honestly while thinking about buying some land near the farm and then using the nanites to form a house.

"Well let me know…if you need help the pregnant girls can stay with me up at the lake." She said softly as she looked at the girls growing bellies, probably reminiscing about her own daughters.


"Alright girls, I plan on going to a dangerous universe called the MCU. I want you to look out for each other while staying here." I told all three girls after selling some gold and silver from the 11 planets I destroyed and absorbed into my nanoparticles stocks and buying a large acreage plot of land in a wooded farmland area so Zen and Shmi could enjoy the nature that they both love so much while making a small 12 bedroom 16 bathroom mansion for them to live in while I was away.

"Are you sure you want to go there with that purple guy that has a saggy nut sack on his face?" Mira asked while tapping her index finger against her chin.

"Yeah…I'm sure." I replied while smiling at her as she was pretending not to be a major nerd that knows exactly who Thanos is and has even been delving down the rabbit hole that is comic books.

"I'm fine with it, I have around three months till my due date?" Zen said as she kissed my cheek.

"I'll miss you." Shmi said while looking at me with puppy dog eyes since she knew I knew she wanted to come with me and stay in my soul world.

"And I'll miss you too." I replied, kissing her lips and rubbing her pregnant belly.

"I'll miss the three of you." I said before kissing Zen and Mira who both returned the kiss enthusiastically.

"Try not to knock anyone else up while you're off having fun." Zen teased as she loaded up captain America the first avenger on the projector screen.

"Mmm, you've seen Black Widow, Darcy Lewis, Jane Foster, May Parker and Pepper Potts right?" I asked while wiggling my eyebrows.

"Badboy." Zen said with a laugh as she slapped my chest and then shook her hand because it stung from doing so.

"But you love me anyways." I teased back as I smacked Zen's ass making her jump and gasp a little.

"I do," she smirked as she said, signaling the other two to attack both Mira and Shmi smacking a butt cheek each.

"I'll get you for this you and those meddling girls." I joked, shaking a fist in the air as I walked through the portal I opened during Mira and Shmi's attack on my posterior into the mcu during the Stark Expo.

Swanky music was playing as I followed behind Steve Rogers as he made his way to the recruitment hall. Getting more than a few appreciative looks from the dames all dolled up and ready to dance.

The nurse at the front desk smiled and lifted up her skirt showing off her legs to me with one hand while handing me a clipboard with an enlistment paper.

"Please fill this out and bring it back handsome." The nurse said and while she was moderately attractive with brown hair and gray eyes and a pear shaped body.

"Thanks Doll." I replied, giving her a smile.

"Dame wants a dance with you." Steve said to me with a lip smile.

"Ehh, they all want a dance at some time or another…"I offered my hand to Steve to shake.

"Steve Steve Rogers." He replied, shaking my hand firmly.

"Nice to meet you Steve, I'm Sean Ckark." I replied back with a smile and even though I know he's still a normal guy he still had a certain charisma to him.

"Yeah nice to meet you too." Steve said with a genuine smile.

"So what made you want to join the war effort?" Steve asked curiously.

"You first." I said back to him while I was writing out my info on the enlistment sheet.

"(Hahaha) well my whole life I've been the little guy being pushed around and right now our country is the little guy and it needs as many guys as it can get." Steve said while looking embarrassed and giving me a look that said it was my turn.

"Well the way I see it this is my home it's where my family is and I can't help but think about how other people's homes and families were taken away from them.

This…war makes me want to go out there and help those families get their homes and families back if I can." I replied as honestly as I could. not even realizing Erikson was looking at both Steve and I with an intense gaze as Bucky came over and grabbed Steve's clipboard. And me having manners I increased the effects of my limiter rings so I didn't eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Hey Goodluck." Bucky said as he waved goodbye as MP's both took Steve and I to separate rooms.

'I really hope my great uncle is in this world and that he has the same looks and name as me. but didn't join the army like he did in the real world.' I thought to myself wondering if I'd have to go Alien X and fix things.

Twenty minutes later Dr.Erikson walked into the room sending the MP's away. "So you want to kill some Nazis." The doctor asked while looking up from his file.

"It's not about killing for me Doc, yes I know it'll happen but for me it's fighting to get people's families and homes back at least as many as I can." I replied back to him honestly.

"Well then welcome to the war effort." Dr.Erikson said with a smile as he offered me his hand, shaking our hands he stamped my name and photo which I didn't even notice anyone take and I caught just a tiny glimpse of Strategic.

A day passed and I was getting on a bus to Virginia or more specifically Camp Lehigh.

I was a little surprised when Steve sat down beside me.

"I see you got in." Steve said with a smile on his face as he offered me his hand which I shook.

"You too, let's do our best to fix things that have gone bad Steve." I said to him as I offered him my hand.

"Fighting for the little guy's family sounds like a good fight to me." Steve replied with a self-righteous look on his face as he shook my hand.

… 17 hours later

Stepping off the bus onto the base feeling the sun beating down on me when some jackass wearing a big green hat started yelling to get in line and go to receiving to get uniforms and serial numbers.

We were inside a building standing in a line told to step forward as someone shaved our heads bald before we walked up to a counter and were given our papers, dog tags, uniforms and other standard equipment.

Reading my serial number R 12 666 735

repeating that number in my head until it was completely memorized.

'666 lmao what the fuck kinda shit is this?' I thought to myself as I put away my changes of clothes in the trunk at the end of my bed.

"ATTENTION ! ! !" Spoke the man the legend Colonel Chester Phillips as Peggy Carter walked beside him and Dr.Erikson walked on the other side of him.

"AT EASE." Phillips commanded, making everyone but me and Rogers actually rest at ease. I noticed him glancing at me from the corner of his eyes.

While Phillips gave me a nod and then looked at Steve like he wanted to do nothing more than bury him in the back forty.

"You see this soldier men? this is the example you should follow…what's your name, soldier?" Philips questioned me.

"R-12-666-735 Private of the United States army, Sir." I replied keeping my gaze on his not flinching under his gaze at all.

"At ease R-12-666-735." Phillips finally commanded and I did so.

I noticed Peggy Carter looking at me with an untrusting look before writing something down on her notepad.

'Maybe I took things too far.' I thought to myself.

'They probably think I'm a hydra plant now.' I thought to myself mentally face palming myself for following my great uncle's advice about joining the military.

The faster you realize you are a number, a small piece in a large sloppily built machine and it needs every piece working together in unison to keep running, you might just have a shot at making it home again.

Though sadly I was never able to serve due to health problems.

"What do you think of the recruits, agent Carter? I like Clark for the project already." Phillips said as he lit a cigar.

"I don't trust Clark…I have this feeling he's hiding something from us and he's just too…" Agent Carter started explaining away when Philips threw a folder onto his desk.

"He's from a military family agent Carter, the kind that raises them on a farm and teaches them the simple skills we're going to be drilling into them over the next thirteen weeks." Phillips said while she picked up the folder off the desk reading a dosey on his family that dates back to pre-civil war.

"That still doesn't explain why there's no record of him, we don't even have a social security number." Carter continued to protest.

"Agent Carter…many in my home country also are unregistered because of home births…there are plenty of legitimate reasons why he is lacking them that don't involve him being a Hydra mole…in fact I'd assume Hydra would make a more complete identity for a spy.

There is also the matter that he didn't show any recognition upon meeting me. If he were a Hydra agent he would have killed me and then himself." Dr.Erikson defended his choice on bringing in Sean to the program without showing favoritism for either him or Steve.

"Even with your opinion doctor this program is far too important to let a snake in at the beginning. I will be personally survaling Mr.Clark until I am sure of his authenticity." Peggy Carter replied firmly not allowing either men to raise any more protest.

"Well then Agent Carter get to work, don't mind this operation I can handle your job plus my own." Phillips said with an air of disdain towards the woman.

As she left Phillips office she heard him say how he asked for a competent man to help him handle the egg heads but got a skirt instead.

Peggy knew from a career standpoint she was making a big mistake; she might be a section six agent on loan to the Americans.

But her bosses back home were the same kind of mijinistic bastards that judged and belittled her skills and efforts just because she has a cunt and a set of tits instead of a cock and balls that she deals with here how the other women on base put up with the men here she didn't know.

And out of all of the men she'd had to work with in military command structures Colonel Phillips has treated her with more respect than any other while she proved herself capable.

'You best prove me wrong Mr.Clark." Peggy thought to herself as she observed the new recruit from afar.

Even though I'd only limited myself to just above average people in physical ability I could do nothing about my endless endurance and vitality.

But still the daily exercise regiment was taking it's toll along with the team building exercises.

I mostly stayed with Steve and when the drill sergeant would start yelling I'd stay quiet and take it when he made me give him fifty of whatever exercise I did so when he told Rogers and I to run another two miles we did so but I wore my rut sack filled with heavy rocks and made Rogers do the same to help him build up stamina.

"Why do you do this to yourself?" Steve finally asked me.

"Haa, when my great uncle used to tell stories about the war he told me that if he and his unit didn't look out for each other none of them would have made it home…you're my unit Steve those guys over there are monkeys." I told him as I continued to run wondering if Agent Carter liked that tidbit of information I dropped or not.

One day the iconic grenade scene happened and knowing it was a dummy I didn't mind it too much but when a second grenade was thrown in not even a second later I grabbed both and put them under my chest only for Steve to land on me a second later.

"You could at least buy me dinner first Steve." I joked, making everyone even Peggy giggle.

"I was already jumping on the one when you got in the way." Steve replied as he playfully punched my shoulder and offered me his hand up.

"What did I tell you, Colonel, they're both good men." Erikson said as he smiled to himself and felt justified in having Howard build two machines, one using gamma radiation to account for Clark's more healthy physique since the serum would need more energy to complete the process.

Whereas Steve would be the perfect test subject for the Vita ray machine giving off his more everyman type physique.

Steve and I got in a car with Agent Carter who has seemed to lose most of her mistrust of me over the past thirteen weeks.

Steve was making a fool out of himself out of embarrassment which would have been funny if it wasn't the torches face doing it.

Steve and I were split up once the old woman lowered us down to the formerly secret lab. I was taken to one lab while Steve was taken to the primary one so if the serum worked it'd show how drastic the serum's effects were.

Whereas I got some randos in lab coats that didn't seem to speak other than telling me to step on and rest against the padded platform.

'Damn should I really go through with this?' I asked myself as a cute nurse injected me with penicillin. I almost used Steve's line about that wasn't so bad.

'Especially with it being gamma rays I don't want to turn into the Hulk.' I continued thinking to myself as the needle pads which where large either square or rectangular padded plated of metal with a bunch of needles in the with hoses connected to the back of them that pierced into my major muscle groups.

Soon the machine I was in closed with a hiss and the needles started pumping the blue serum through my veins and into my muscle groups as one of the scientists started nuking me.

At first it tickled a bit then it felt like I was being poked with thousands of needles from inside out but I didn't cry out I clenched my teeth and rolled with it while silently hoping my healing factor didn't make it any worse than it needed to be.

I could taste blood in my mouth as I clenched my teeth so hard it caused my gums to bleed in protest.

The needles from inside out feeling turned into a raging inferno of itchiness as my eyes burned. and if my hands weren't restrained I might have scratched them out of their sockets.

The light inside the chamber being put off by the transmitter of the gamma radiation became blindingly white as my body felt like things were snapping inside and reforming only to snap again.

My world felt like unending agony until finally the damp cool air of the lab hit my skin before I impacted the cool unfeeling concrete that I could have sworn I heard crack from my body impacting it.

Pushing myself up from the ground or at least trying to, I sent my careening backwards into the machine shearing off its mounting bolts in the process sending myself and the machine both into one of the computers behind us that took up most of the wall it was placed against.

"Oops." I said out loud and got a startled giggle out of a nurse that had everyone in the experiment room including me laughing as I uncoordinatedly got my feet underneath me.

It was a bit of a shock. I was now looking down on everyone, even the one guy in the lab coat that was like 6'4" who I had to look up to was now shorter than me by a good four to five inches.

Lifting my hands up I was too surprised when I'd noticed they'd grown bigger as well and now that I was thinking about things that grew bigger my pants felt uncomfortably tight and like they would tear apart if I even tried to take another step forward.

I could feel a tremor rip through the lab from my bare feet, and knew Dr.Erikson was probably dead at this point.

'Too bad the Doc seemed like a nice guy.' I thought to myself as I took off running to the door that closed off the lab that looked like it would have been at home at a bank vault. Crashing through it like a wrecking ball falling to the floor with it and getting back on my feet in under a second. blasting down corridors coming into the lab that Steve was made into Captain America in. Seeing the doc dead on the floor stealthily stealing the leftover serum vials that weren't destroyed in the explosion by storing them in my ring on my left hand which luckily still fit thanks to resizing charms and the nanites supplying the materials and fixing the runes.

I blew by everyone that was running to catch up with Steve I passed Steve who was just thrown off the roof of the car which I jumped on taking a bullet from the Hydra agent while I jerked the wheel hard to the right causing the car to roll multiple times through the street while I held onto it and snagged the last vial of serum for myself.

The car of course stopped on top of me and Steve got there just in time to lift it up over his head like a hero.

"Need a hand?" He jokingly asked me with a goofy smile on his face until he looked downwards and blushed while the many women on the sidewalks also covered their faces as they blushed.

Looking down I saw my semi flaccid cock looking like an anaconda from that one movie with the giant anacondas just laying out in the open, nothing but a few sparse scraps of the tan material my pants had been made of were left.

"By God, cover yourself." I heard Peggy shout making me look over and I noticed a rosy tint to her cheeks making me wink at her. before I performed a jumping flip that made my cock go bong bong bong making a couple of the women on the sidewalk faint as Paggy tossed me her uniform jacket.

"Thanks Carter." I thanked Peggy while motioning for Steve to set the car down out of the corner of my eyes. I saw the guy in the car lifting his gun up in Peggy's direction through a shard of mirror glass. Moving quickly, dropping the jacket in the process of engulfing Peggy. just as the Hydra agent squeezed off three rounds into my back before an army personnel shot him in the face.

"You may let go of me now Mr.Clark." Peggy said even as I felt her hand timidly rub my bare hard abs.

"You sure I think I still hear some gun fire?" I asked the question with a smirk in my voice and one on my lips.

"Can someone get this man some pants? And Carter I'm not paying you to smooch do it on your own time, not mine." Philips said as someone came over with what I assumed was the biggest pair of pants he could find.


Everything was kind of a blur of tests and needles that couldn't penetrate my skin so they took saliva swabs instead during every test every God dammed fucking test.

Soon I was to the point where I was about ready to say fuck it and leave since Phillips left Steve and I behind but whereas he became a dancing monkey I was sent to the labs Peggy would come and visit when she could and we'd grown somewhat close.

Close enough she told me about her brother's death and how it led to her becoming a section six agent.

Or like how her and James Howlett rescued the doc from a Hydra controlled base in Vienna of all places.

And by the end of the night and a bottle of whiskey I'd said I had someone sneak in for me. But it was actually one I made that had magical enchantments and energy infused into it and it's regents which allowed me to get drunk.

So one night Peggy and I were drunk and alone a touch turned into more touches then kissing and by the time either one of us could voice any protest against it.

We were waking up in each other's arms the next morning and a few mornings after.

Until she had to return to London and I confided in her that if I didn't get out of this lab and at least perform like a dancing monkey like Steve was doing.

I'd go AWOL and find my own way to the war front to which she promised to talk to Phillips about deploying me.

A week later I was shipped to Canada where I met James Howlett, the wolverine or better known as Hugh Jackman.

And his ragtag group of soldiers along with his brother Victor Creed.

"So this is the freshy they cooked up in a lab." Victor said, sounding like he was trying to make a joke only coming off as a dick.

"And you're the kitty that needs its claws removed." I replied back while smirking at him.

"(Snarling) what did you say?" Victor continued to say while snarling like a wild animal.

"That's enough Victor…the kid was just kidding around weren't ya kid?" James Howlett asked.

"Sure…just kidding around…" I replied half heartedly while never breaking eye contact with Victor Creed or better known as Sabertooth.

James sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"If you too are going to have a pissing match going on all the time…just get it out of your systems so we can get this mission underway." James said and with the big kitty off of his leash he ran forward barely managing to look like a man and not an animal by running on all fours.

I didn't hold back and neither did Victor. He had his claws out not that it did anything to my flesh other than annoyed me but his punches or palm hits and kicks had a lot of power behind them though they weren't effective against me if it was Steve though I'm pretty sure he'd become hamburger.

"Are you done yet kitty cat?" I jokingly asked him.

"RAWRRR! ! !" Victor roared, making some soldiers that had previously been in their quarters or the mess hall come out to see what was going.

"Haha, someone pissed off the captain." Snickered one guy and made a couple others laugh.

"Do you see the size of that guy and he's fighting the captain on equal grounds." Another soldier said.

"Victor, that's enough." James said this time while also getting in between us.

"Damn." The captain's brother broke off the fight and a loud uproarious sound of descent sounded out amongst the troops assembled to watch a throw down.

"You follow us." James hollowed over his shoulder as he pushed his brother towards a tent.

"How did you know about Victor?" James asked while looking around to make sure no one was eavesdropping while Victor started sharpening his nails that had gone dull trying to cut through my tough skin.

"I could sense it…I'm or I was like you guys I could heal fast and do this." I replied while making lighting dance between my fingertips.

Victor stopped cutting his nails and looked over me with a searching gaze. "Where are you from?" He asked while looking hopeful for a certain answer.

"New York near the Canadian border." I replied back calmly, making both James and Victor look at each other and nod.

"Everything alright?" I asked the two of them, making them nod.

"Yes…here take this list and go to requisitions. This will be one of the only times we're on a base for a long time." James said as he handed me a slip of paper with a shit ton of stuff written on it.

"Sure thing." I replied as I left the tent.

"Jimmy, you're not thinking he's one of ours?" Victor said to his brother while looking at him inquiringly.

"He'd be around the right age and he has the same powers as us and that girl we both chased after." James replied as he sat down heavily on his cot.

"Ask him some more questions over time before you say what you're thinking Jimmy…" Victor replied before trailing off.

"I know Victor…if I'm right we've missed out on so much of his life." James said to his brother Victor who also had a look of grief on his face the brothers had both had children before this point but death always followed them so they never stuck around.

"If what he says is true, we'll have plenty of time with him Jimmy." Victor complied compassionately to his brother.

We left the base the next morning for France aboard a troop carrier slash bomber. The flight there was very bumpy and uncomfortable but bearable at least.

Until we started getting shot at from the sea which clipped a wing and sent us plummeting towards the sea while spinning in a circle.

"Come on rookie, let's go." Victor said as he cut through my restraints with his claws while his other hand and feet kept him standing in place.

While James was using his bone claws to move towards the exit ramp, I thrusted them into the floor.

Propelling myself and Victor forward using my electrokinesis by reversing the polarity of the plane's metal insides and our guns grabbing a hold of James as we were sent flying out the back of the ship.

"Don't take it either one of you can grow wings like you can your claws." I yelled over the rushing wind, noticing the destroyer that shot down our plane wasn't too far away from us.

"No, you?" James shouted over the wind and asked.

"Not wings…but I should be able to land us on that destroyer." I shouted over the wind as I fired off lightning behind us and secretly used telekinesis to get us to the ship.

(Thunk thump thramp) were the sounds the three of us made when we landed on the ship.

There were Hydra soldiers yelling at us in German pointing their glowy guns at us getting up onto our knees we put our hands on up above our hands in surrender.

"Any time now kid." James said, making me smirk.

"Duck." I told them softly as I fired off a lightning storm forgetting that the entire ship was metal electrocuting Victor and James in the process of killing the Hydra soldiers.

It was funny like fireworks. Each of the Hydra soldiers blew up into a blue misty cloud as their energy packs exploded.

Cutting off the power once the deck was cleared hearing both Victor and James groan in pain while smelling bbq made me want to throw up.

"Remind me to kill you later for that." Victor said as he stood up from the ground his body was a mix of charred black and red while also healing.

"Hey it's not my fault you're not electricity resistant." I joked, making both James and Victor groan.

"So what are we gonna do about getting to land? I'm pretty sure this tube is fried extra crispy." I asked while pointing out the fact this boat was probably completely fried and inoperable.

"I'll check the ship's electrical systems…the vacuum systems are most likely fine. We should be able to get her operational if you can give us a spark when we need it." James Howlett replied as he picked up his rifle and got to his feet before making his way to the open door that led into the ship's belly.

"Sure." I replied while following him into the ship and if I thought him and Victor smelled like god awful bbq the inside of the ship was even worse off even though there weren't any bodies to be found so far.

"This ship is pretty far from the German fleet and patrols at least from what our most recent intelligence reports suggested." James finally said as his body finished healing.

"Yeah..what do you think that means?... someones not feeding us the right intel or there's a lot of moles planted on our side in a position of power or near power?" I asked while James pried open the electrical room door.

"I've been at war for a very long time. I've seen over dozens of battlefields…it could just be a simple miscommunication…or the Nazi's decided to send out a scout to make sure everything this way was still under their control…

Or it could be like you think that there's someone either feeding us false information or someone is a turncoat feeding them information about us…

There's too many variables in war to guess though kid so just trust your rifle and your squad and I'm sure you'll make it through this…

Though if you're really like Victor and I you'll still be standing at the end of it wondering what it was all for…" James replied sounding tired and weary like the last thing he wanted was to fight another war for someone and not even know why.

We were hit with the smell of burning cannabis wire wrapping and plastic while the power box was arching and popping.

"I think I can siphon some of that extra power off." I said as I pressed my hand against the power box reabsorbing the mana induced electricity.

"I can salvage this, there's enough wire and fuses here." James said while inspecting the power panel and the wires.

…a few hours later…

"Jimmy we got a problem, 6 German destroyers are heading our way." Victor yelled as he ran into the electrical room.

"Then this fix will have to do…send a small steady current through this wire." James told me as he handed me a thick bundle of exposed wires.

"Sure thing…" I replied and as soon as I ran some power through the cables the ships electric motors made the ship lurch forward I could feel they could take a lot more energy so I pumped more and more through them and you could physically feel the ships acceleration.

"Get to the briged now and steer this thing." James yelled at Victor while also tearing ass behind to follow him out of the electrical room.

Resting my hand against the hull of the ship channeling some mana into it not realizing I was making the entire ship glow with a dull magenta colored radiance.

I could feel rounds from big guns peppering the ships hull and bridge but doing minimal if any damage at all thanks to my channeling my energy through it.

"You think the Kid is doing this Jimmy?" Victor asked his brother as they were surviving an onslaught of enemy fire and no worse for wear from it.

"Who else could it be…and who cares I don't feel like getting blown up again or drowning you know how painful those two things are Victor." James replied to his brother as they slowly seemed to fade from reality.

I could feel a change in the air like something major had changed in the world. I just didn't know what or why.

There weren't any hits landing on the ship when I was suddenly flung up against the wall while it sounded like the ship was scraping along something.

Letting go of the cables I ran up to the bridge only to find it empty.

'Where in the hell are Victor and James?' I asked myself while looking all throughout the ship.

'Could they have abandoned me when they saw the ship was about to run aground?...Now that I think about it though, what are Victor and James even doing in an MCU? Didn't FOX say nope you aren't using our shit to Marvel when they brought it to them?' I asked myself while wondering what the fuck was going on.

'This feels like some trippy fourth wall breaking shit that Deadpool would pull.' I thought to myself as I left the run aground destroyer and made my way in land running into both Nazi patrols and French resistance troops killing the Nazi's quickly and efficiently while running from the French for now.

It took me a long while to reach an allied camp which just so happened to be the same one where Peggy was currently stationed with the Colonel and Steve was performing while more like getting booed off the stage.

'Huh, I didn't realize so much time had passed.' I thought to myself as I walked into camp only to get waylaid by some MP's I guess a six foot eight guy doesn't really scream stealth.

"Get on your knees and raise your hands above your head or you will be shot dead." One MP shouted angrily drawing attention from the command tent and the troops enjoying the dancing girls.

"I am R12-666-735 Private of the United States Army." I repeated while kneeling down on the ground with my hands above my head.

"Shut the fuck up deserter." Replied one MP as he slammed the butstock of his rifle against the back of my head doing nothing but pissing me the fuck off.

"Do that again and I'll shove that rifle so far up your ass you'll be able to fire bullets out of your mouth." I growled in annoyance.

"Bloody Hell, is that really you Sean?" Peggy asked while she looked like she wanted nothing more than to run over and hug me.

"Hey Pe-I mean Agent Carter can you have these performing Monkeys stand down? I already gave them my serial number and they didn't even try to authenticate it." I greeted, catching myself before calling her name affectionately and using her agent status instead.

"The reason for that being son you've been AWOL and presumed KIA for a month now." Colonel Phillips said as the men opened up a circle for him.

"AWOL sir I was assigned to a group of Canadian commandos and we were going to be flown into France where we would help bring down enemy forces…

But as we were approaching our drop zone our plane was shot down by a Hydra battle ship to which I, Captain Victor Creed and Lieutenant James Howlett commandeered and used to make it to land.

Though I was separated by Creed and Howlett I made my way to the nearest Allied base while taking out Nazi patrols the whole way here, Sir." I replied while pulling out the marching orders I had in my breast pocket of my uniform handing them to him.

"Son, do I look like a fool to you? These papers are blank." Phillips replied.

"What? Sir there's no way those are blank." I protested only for Philips to show them to me.

"I swear there were orders on those papers the last time I looked at them, an army vehicle and personnel even drove me to Canada to meet with Victor and James sir." I replied while looking at Phillips earnestly and then Peggy pleadingly.

"The destroyer is 600 miles that way too." I replied, desperate for someone to believe me.

Phillips sighed "I'll contact someone to check but until then put him in the stockades. And if you even think of breaking out of them I'll have you court martialed and buried in a hole so deep you'll never see the light of day again."Phillips said before walking off leaving me feeling hopeless and Peggy made no move to vouch for me or anything.

'Fickle bitch.' I thought to myself as out of the corner of my eye I saw her walk off to comfort Steve who'd just found out about the 107th as the MP's roughly moved me to the outdoor cages they called a stockade.

'Why the fuck did I even come here in this time period? Right…I wanted an excuse to look young and handsome while having an established identity when I returned in the future.' I thought to myself while contemplating suicide…I mean whether or not I should escape and go kick Hydra's ass on my own.

I noticed Steve walking over to me carrying a rucksack, shield and a helmet.

"Is what they are saying true?" Steve asked seriously while looking up into my eyes.

"No Steve I swear I was given orders and was paired up with a squad…I may have complained to Agent Carter but I wouldn't betray my country just because I was tired of being treated like a hamster on a wheel." I replied to Steve making him nod and wear an honest happy smile like he just had his own thoughts confirmed as he reached over and pulled open the door of my cage that was a bit too tight for someone my size.

"I don't know if you remember him but my Best friend and brother Bucky Barnes was among the 107th that were captured…I was going to go rescue him myself but I could use your help." Steve said as he offered me his hand after stepping back enough I could get out of the cage and stand up to full height.

"Hell yeah I'm going with you." I replied while shaking his hand with a smile on my own face as well until I heard the hammer cocking back on a pistol.

"Peggy…I'm going to help Steve…we both know that little pea shooter won't do anything to me…so either offer Steve your help like you were going to do or call for help…either way this will all end the same way Steve and I will be leaving to go save those men." I told her while making eye contact and I could tell Peggy had many unanswered questions she wanted answers to.

Peggy sighed before lowering her sidearm and slowly dropping the hammer back down.

"You owe me a proper explanation after this…but I believe I know someone that can help get you both there or at least closer…come on." Peggy said while turning her back to us and marching off.

"So…you and Peggy?" Steve asked with a bit of jealousy leaking into his voice.

"I don't know Steve…I don't know…women are complicated creatures, Agent Carter more so than most." I replied as I and Steve followed after her and got in a jeep with her at the wheel.