TV Items V2 PT7


Meeting Howard Stark was an experience to say the least…but Peggy was right the guy was a good pilot and either a brave or stupid man as he readily agreed to fly Steve and I into enemy territory.

Steve had just jumped out of the plane without a parachute when Peggy suddenly grabbed my hand and missed me passionately on the lips making Howard clap.

"I am happy you are alright…I'm sorry but I had to put on a face of indifference earlier. Phillips thinks I have an obsession with you and he also wants me to control Steve." Peggy whispered into my ear loudly but over the noise of the plane I was sure Howard couldn't hear a thing.

"It's alright Peg…I gotta go." I replied as I jumped out of the plane also without a parachute but I used my Telekinesis to fly.

At this time Phillips was receiving two reports, one stating that Agent Carter, Rogers and Clark had left the base. And the other was from the French resistance confirming that a ship was run aground in the near vicinity of the range he was given.

"Someone is playing a game with my assets…but the question is why?" Phillips gave voice to some inner thoughts as he continued drawing up a movement strategy for his little remaining forces.

Steve and I were moving through the woods avoiding the roadways while sticking close enough to follow the Hydra supply trucks.

"Steve, this base is quite large and seems to be a weapons factory…it's going to take a while to find everyone…I'll cause a distraction out here while you get inside." I told him and he looked like he wanted to protest but I shut him up with a look.

"Save your friend Steve." I told him as I ran out of the brush into the clearing taking pot shots with my rifle drawing attention.

I was quickly surrounded by Hydra soldier's using their space gem energy powered weapons. I noticed Steve was inside the building if the two dead Hydra guards by the doorway were anything to go by.

So I pulled out my westar-35 blaster pistols, shooting three of them while putting up a mana barrier to protect me from enemy fire.

When the first shot from their weapons hit my shield I could feel the spacial energy ripping away at my mana shields.

'If I get hit with a strong enough blast from one of those weapons I may one get teleported to some faraway place, two get completely consumed by the unstable wild spacial energy…and let's not even think about number three.' I thought to myself and shuddered as I imagined myself becoming some cronenberg monstrosity from Rick and Morty.

More and more Hydra troops surrounded me, even bringing a couple tanks into the mix. They were raining down fire on me making my knees buckle at the amount of power I had to channel into my dome shield to keep it up.

'I made a mistake going on the defensive like this…I should have used superspeed and killed them all with lightsabers.' I thought to myself as I started to feel hopeless like I'd never see my baby girl be born or my son.

'The fuck is wrong with you stop being a bitch use your TK use your lightning DO FUCKING SOMETHING! ! !' I told myself before screaming in my mind at myself to do something…and I did so I reached out with my right hand and my will.

My shield shuddered and cracked at its constant bombardment as I telekinetically reached out and crushed everything in my near vicinity.

Looking around at the devastation I wrought, I noticed balls of bloody metal and flesh that were once people and weapons along with the massive tanks that were now just big crushed soda cans first.

The ground around where I had been standing that wasn't protected by my force field was just gone revealing bedrock and some loose rocks.

I noticed more men coming towards me along with tanks and I was about to repeat the process until I noticed they were Americans.

Waving to the obviously terrified men that had seen what I could do as if it was just any other day when the truth was I terrified myself too.

'This is even more damage than I did when I trained after getting the Talismans.' I thought to myself as I walked over to greet dumb dumb Dogan who was walking towards me with a smile on his face.

"You must be the guy…that the guy in blue said was causing a distraction." Dogan greeted me before giving me a hug.

"Yup, that's me…did Steve make it out?." I asked as I watched the facility finish blowing up.

"I don't…there he is." Dogan said before he pointed at Steve who was carrying Bucky.

'(sigh) at least this is playing out like the movie.' I thought to myself as I watched Steve hand Bucky off to a field medic.

"So which…one of you is in charge?..." Dogan asked which made me point to Steve.

"He's a captain. I'm facing a court martial…" I replied, making Dogan look at me funnily before he shrugged and laughed it off like I was joking around.

… After a three week long trip we finally made it back to camp where the MP's immediately arrested me much to the chagrin of the 107th guys who immediately went weapons hot.

"It's alright guys I knew this would happen when I made my choice to help Steve rescue you guys and put the weapons down already before someone accidentally shoots on someone." I told the guy's of the 107th.

"I should follow through on my promise but the part of your story about a destroyer running aground and a fight taking place in it panned out…

From now on you and Rogers will be working with me. I need all the good men I can get." Phillips sighed and an upracious cheer spread throughout the 107th.

Everything from then on was a blur. One minute we're out in a camp, the next minute we're in an underground bunker in London where Steve's marking up a map of Hydra locations.

Next we're meeting Howard and getting uniforms made in red white and mostly blue Steve is officially captain America and I'm upgraded to Lieutenant Liberty

I finally found myself laying on a cot in a private room rubbing my head at the whirlwind my life had become over the past month and a half.

Peggy was forced to keep her distance and seem like she was interested in Steve.

Though I wasn't really sure whether that was all orders or if there was not an interest on her end towards Steve.

The guys invited me to go to a club and have drinks so I decided to forget about Peggy and have some fun even if I couldn't get drunk on the stuff that the club would serve.

I saw Steve and Bucky reconnecting and for a few seconds I wondered if homosexuality wasn't a crime punished by death in most cases during this time if Steve and Bucky wouldn't be together since it seemed like they were a little too close even for brothers.

It wasn't long before Peggy came in and she accepted Steve's awkward flirting, making me take the bottle of whiskey from the bartender and drink from it straight.

Making some of the guys cheer and try and copy my example when I felt a hand on my shoulder looking over I saw Dogan.

"Woman troubles?" He asked, must be he caught me looking at Peggy earlier I thought to myself.

"Nah, my own troubles." I replied with a smile and clinked my second bottle against his mug of beer.

He nodded but it was obvious he didn't believe me.

"Will you be going out with us tomorrow?" Dogan asked finally.

"Don't know nobody's told me anything." I replied while I noticed Peggy looking at me from the corner of my right eye and fought back the urge to snort.

'She probably wants you to fight for us or some bullshit women say when they know they've already moved on to someone else but don't want to burn their bridges in case it doesn't work out.' I thought to myself as I shook my head and decided to turn in since the booze wasn't doing it for me.

"Night Dogan…don't drink too much." I bid goodnight patting his shoulder, noticing he was already falling asleep.

Steve was well. It looked like him and Bucky were playing grab ass with one another so I decided to walk the other way and take a short stroll around London.

'Yeah those two are so gay for each other.' I thought to myself while thinking about casting a lust spell on them and locking them away in the same room.

"Men aren't supposed to come this way." Peggy said with a hand on her jutting out hip.

"Just going for a stroll around the city Agent Carter…probably be the only time I'm in London." I replied to Peggy pretending not to notice the hurt look in her eyes by calling her by her official title in a business-like tone of voice.

"Might I accompany you then? Wouldn't want you to get in any more trouble by breaking more rules." Peggy said in a way that sounded both cold and teasing.

"I wouldn't say no to being accompanied by a beautiful lady like you." I said with a roguish smirk on my face as I offered Peggy my arm.

We were walking along sometimes walking by houses that had been brought down either by mortars or bombers.

A few dirty kids were playing with a ratty ball in the street with nothing but the lights of the military command camp to light their way.

Stopping by them I took out food and chocolate from my storage ring and gave it to them along with a few candles and a box of matches.

"Thank you mister." Replied all of the kids while an older girl whispered something to Peggy that made Peggy gasp and blush slightly before shoeing the girl away with a smile.

"What was that about?" I asked Peggy as we started walking back towards base.

"The girl asked if you were taken yet I think she's interested." Peggy replied with a laugh in her voice seeing an abandoned alley. I pushed Peggy and myself into it.

"I have been feeling pretty lonely lately." I whispered into Peggy's ear as I slid my hands up under her dress.

Pressing her up against a brick wall as my hands came up to rest on her bum kissing my was along her neck.

"Ahh n-n-not here at-leeast take me to your quarters or mine." Peggy moaned out softly.

"Fine…" I whispered as I picked her up only for her to wrap her legs around my waist and her arms around the back of my neck.

Ripping open her knickers, keeping one hand on her ass telekinetically sliding down my fly and freeing my cock. sheathing myself inside her deeply making her scream out in a moan as I superpeeded us to my private quarters making her cum before we even hit the sack.

"Ah ah ah ahh yeas I missed your big fat cock inside of me, bollocks i, OHH, should have told Phillips to shove it." Peggy moaned as I continued to thrust in and out of her while pressing her against the cold brick and mortar wall of my quarters.

I was sick of her dress being in the way since I wanted to motorboat her tits.

Ripping the dress off with telekinesis burying my face in her nice big firm and still marshmallowy soft tits licking, biting and kissing them in every way possible.

"I'm going to fill you full of my hot cum Peggy." I growled in her ear as I felt myself hitting the breaking point.

"YES FILL ME FILL ME WITH YOUR THICK HOT CUM." Peggy yelled loud enough for anyone walking by my door to hear just as I fired the first shot into her.

"YEASSSSSSS ! ! !" Peggy screamed out in euphoria before her mouth was just left hanging open, her little pink tongue sticking out as her eyes rolled up into the back of her head.

"I'm not done with you yet Peg I've stored up a month's worth of cum I'm going to shoot inside of you." I groaned as I pressed myself against Peggy's body before turning her around so I could see her big sexy bum jiggle as I took her from behind.

Rubbing the head of cock against Peggy's puckered little rosebud as I spread her meaty ass cheeks with hands holding her up using telekinesis slowly pushing myself into her tight little asshole letting out a hiss of pleasure at the snug feeling.

"NNNGGGHHH-WWOOOAAAHHHH ! ! !" Peggy moaned slash cried out in pleasurable pained delirium.

"I'm gonna break this sexy ass of yours as punishment for ignoring me so much lately…then I'm going to fuck these big sexy fun bags of yours." I said to Peggy, moving my hands from her big jiggling butt to her big breasts.

"I'm going to cum all over these big sexy tits and that pretty face of yours before fucking you're tight pussy and ass again and again all fucking night and through the morning my sexy little brit spy." I said in a whisper into Peggy's ear.

"Yeash." Replied Peggy as she started throwing her ass back against me with every thrust.

Peggy was painted completely white with my cum laying on the floor in a puddle of cum and other bodily fluids a fucked silly expression on her face her ass up in the air left gaping cum leaking from it and her cunt.

Taking out my Phablet I took multiple shots of Peggy in this state while the video of our eight hour long fuck that I had my nanites record was already uploaded to my Phablet.

I smirked as I set the video of Peggy giving me a titty fuck blowjob while I laid on my back as my wallpaper especially the money shot that coated her face and tits in a nice thick layer of cum.

Casting a cleansing spell on myself, Peggy and the room before casting a few minor healing spells on her and giving her a little bacta spray before scoping her up off the floor before getting in bed with her spooning her from behind.

'Who will you choose Peggy Carter me or the fake choir boy? Not gonna lie I hope it's me. I love having two Hayley Atwell look-alikes in my bed.' I thought to myself as I pressed my face against her long chestnut brown hair that thanks to my cleansing spell smelled like a field of lilacs.


Sliding my hand along Peggy's stomach made me wonder how my pregnant girls back home were doing.

But since not even a week had passed back home I decided to stay at least until Steve's plane goes down in the arctic.

Closing my eyes hoping sleep would take me at least for a little while since the more powerful I got the even less sleep I need.

Not like I really needed sleep after drinking the fountain of youth water but I always liked to sleep.

(Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock)

"Fucking christ stop the bloody knocking." Peggy groaned as she rolled over and tried to snuggle into my chest.

"Haha, I can't do that with you clinging to me like this." I laughed softly before replying.

"Mmm-figure-it-out-you're-so-warm." Murmured Peggy in response.

'Okay she can be so frickin cute, just like Shmi can be god damn it's still a little jarring to see two Hayley Atwell look alikes and be intimate with them. Plus young Shmi looking like Hayley Atwell who honestly looks like a younger version of og actress is just awesome.' I thought to myself as I used superspeed to see who was at the door.

"Steve…can I help you?" I was surprised to see Steve at my door so early in the morning. Steve embarrassedly rubbed the back of his head before opening his mouth.

"I…was…looking for Peggy…Lorraine said she saw you two together last night and that Peggy never returned back to her quarters." Steve replied while he looked at the floor while blushing.

"I take it you and Lorraine danced the night away as well?" I teasingly asked Steve.

"S-something like that." Steve replied while blushing, through my enhanced senses I could smell a strong scent of sweat and mask on him but there wasn't any womanly smell.

'Ohh shit…Bucky and Steve are really like that. For one another the rescue and drinking must have pushed them over the edge.' I thought to myself while eyeing Steve critically.

"I'm happy for you buddy." I said while patting him on the shoulder.

"You should follow your heart when it comes to love even if it's not socially acceptable by those around you…you..and…Lorraine was it? You should follow your feelings for each other." I told him, making him blush even more deeply while his mouth gaped open and closed like a fish out of water.

"I-I wasn't with Lorraine last night…Buck and I…" Steve stopped talking out of embarrassment.

"I know Steve." I told him before giving him a one armed hug.

"Wh-what?" Steve questioned.

"It's alright Steve…you and Bucky have my support homosexuality is nothing to be ashamed of." I told him as I felt something soft against my lower chest.

"Wait what…N-no that that's not it." Steve suddenly protested and his voice sounded less man-like and more feminine making me scrunch up my eyebrows.

Removing myself from the hug that Steve seemed all too eager to stay in looking at him…no her now I was noticing details I hadn't ever seen before Steve looked like Diane Kruger but with short cropped hero styled hair.

"And why do you keep calling me Steve? I told you it was Stella when I confessed my feelings to you…for you." Replied the now named Stella that moved forward kissing my lips like they were hers in the first place.

'Wait what? But you were a guy, I know you were, we all literally took showers together during basic.' I thought to myself as I returned the kiss even if Chris Evans was now a woman the genderswapped Mc of this movie was just too damn hot and passionate not to kiss back.

'Did I get forced into an alternate dimension or time line when I was under the assault of the Hydra weapons? Or is someone like the Beyonder, One Above All or someone else fucking with me?' I continued asking myself even as I found myself sinking my hands into fem captain America's ass.

'Mmm, America's ass is perfect.' I thought to myself.

Space found herself smirking as she watched her chosen champion give into his primal urges towards the woman who he was used to being a man.

"Enjoy the alternate dimension my Champion." Said the woman with long white hair, crystal blue eyes translucent skin the was like looking through cobalt glass with a buxom body that would make most men and women drool.

"Space you shouldn't be playing around with him, you know the rules." Said time who looked exactly like space but was green instead of blue.

"Ohh hush you know I know how much you want to change the future for the better he offers us this chance." Space replied to her sister Time.

"Did you at least attempt to contact our other sister's before doing this?" Time questioned her sister Space while rubbing her temples.

"Ha ha ha, No…Reality has gone crazy thanks to the dark elves. Power is shielded from talking back to me on Morag, Soul is well you know how she is always being like sacrifice your love for me. Mind is hidden from my reach because of that stupid staff she was put inside of. you're pretty much the only sister I can reach out to that isn't insane." Space replied to Time sounding as though she'd actually put a lot of time into trying.

"Sometimes I wish Mother never gave birth to us." Time replied to Space referring to Nemesis the infinity stones mother.

"I do wish she could be with us…but I'm happy we were created even if we have been used in committing terrible atrocities." Space replied to her sister Time with a pondering look on her face.

"I lent you my power for this sister. I hope our new champion does not disappoint us." Time finally said as she slowly faded from Space's domain.

"He won't sister…I can feel it…I felt it when he withstood a fraction of my power he might have his own issues…but I know once he meets us he'll do everything he can to help us reunite with our sisters and keep us safe." Space said to her empty domain.

"He-hem Stella we had an agreement my time with him is my time with him." Peggy suddenly said as she sat up on the bed letting the blanket slide off and exposed her breasts.

"S-sorry Peg, it's just I'll be leaving on a long campaign to hit Hydra bases…and wanted to talk to you about spending some time with him but…I couldn't resist him." Stella replied to Peggy while blushing deeply, making Peggy sigh as she got up from my bed and pulled my green army jacket over her head while looking for her heels.

"Bollocks, my shoes must have fallen off on the way here." Peggy said while looking at me accusingly.

"Ha-ha-ha, sorry Peg, I'll run you back to your place quickly. Stay here Stella." I said while I scooped up Peggy and teleported us to her quarters.

"Where did you even get all these powers? Stella doesn't have them so they're not from the serum." Peggy stated while almost demanding an answer while laying down some facts.

"Would you believe me if I told you it was magic?" I asked her in a way that was serious yet light.

"Yes…I've met sorcerer's before on missions for section six…you could have just told me." Peggy replied with her lips forming a pout.

"You could have asked sooner and I would have." I replied easily.

"Are you really Sean Clark?" Peggy finally asked and seemed so very timid while doing so it just did not seem like her at all.

"Yes but I'm from an alternate earth…where superheroes and supersoldiers are just fantasy." I replied honestly seeing no real reason to keep it a secret from her.

"So I was right to be suspicious of you." Peggy replied with a nod at having her suspicions confirmed but not making any move to get out of my princess carry I had her in.

"Yes..but for the wrong reasons." I teased before kissing her nose and setting her down on her bed.

"See ya later Peg." I said as I teleported myself back to my quarters to find Stella very embarrassedly sniffing one of my dirty shirts.

"Huh, wouldn't have taken you as the closet pervert type." I joked, making Stella jump and hit her head on the ceiling.

"I'm not." Stella replied while spinning around to face and trying but failing to hide my shirt behind her back.

"It's alright…I don't mind perverted girls." I said while smirking as I superpeeded my way across the room taking my shirt from Stella's hands with one hand while wrapping one arm around her waist pulling her tightly against me.

"In fact I'm a little perverted myself." I said as I leaned in taking deep breaths through my nose, smelling Stella's natural heady scent.

Kissing her neck while giving it little love bites as Stella became puddy in my embrace.

Stella was putting her dress uniform back on trying very hard not to make a sound but in doing so made more noise than she would have just moving around naturally.

"Isn't it the guy's job to sneak out before the gal wakes up?" I teasingly joked, making Stella jump which like a frightened cat which caused America's ass to jiggle slightly.

"Mmm-mmm-Mmm, America's ass and pussy are so fuckable.' I thought to myself.

"I have to go, we're moving out in twenty minutes." Stella replied, sounding regretful that she was leaving.

"Stella…look out for yourself out there." I told her while I stood up and casted a cleansing spell on her so she would have to waste time getting cleaned up while materializing some pants onto myself.

"This is war…Sean I'll die if I have to for my country for the families and their home's." Stella replied almost tersely.

"I know and I love that about you I do. Heck we both want to do this for the families…but I also want a chance at a family with you." I said softly as I hugged her from behind kissing the top of her head.

"Y-you m-mean m-marriage and Ba-babies?" Stella asked with a stutter as she became stiff in my arms before relaxing into my hold.

"Duh." I replied ineloquently.

"Wh-what about Peg an-and Jenny I mean Bucky?" Stella asked still with a bit of a stutter.

"Ohh definitely, I want to put babies in both of them too." I replied honestly as I rubbed my hand over Stella's still exposed abdomen feeling her abs.

"St-stop that tickles." Stella replied as she started to squirm and giggle in my embrace.

"Aright aright, you better get going Stella." I told her as I reluctantly released her and placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Mmm, you make me not want to leave now." Stella said honestly as she spun around, cupped my cheek with her hand and kissed my lips chastely.

"You better save a dance for me when I get back." Stella said with a smile on her face, making me freeze up.

"Of course…all the dances you want gorgeous." I replied trying to keep an honest smile on my face when I really just wanted to tie her up and lock her away in my inner world.

I watched her prance away as she finished buttoning up her white dress shirt while pulling her coat over her shoulders

Moving through the halls of the underground base reaching the Colonel's office completely ignoring and bypassing Lorraine the sexy blonde sexretary barging into Phillips office.

"I want you to deploy me with Stella." I said to the Colonel who was reading reports and smoking a cigar.

"No can do son…I'm deploying you and Carter here and along this router." The Colonel said while running her finger along a length of Hydra bases marked in red while Stella's were marked in blue.

"Sir." I started to raise a protest but stopped when I felt Peggy's hand on my elbow and realized I was still only in my pants.

"Look son…I know you and Rogers are close…but sending both of you out on the same campaign is overkill especially when you can be better utilized by lessening her load." The Colonel said as he put down his cigar and drank a sip of whiskey from his whiskey glass.

"We understand Colonel Phillips. I was on my way to meet Mr.Clark and debrief him on our mission parameters…but I saw him bursting through your door on my way there." Peggy replied as she gently pulled on my arm and turned to leave the office.

"Agent Carter, I am not a fool or a young man please don't try to pretend as if you didn't spend the night with him. I don't care if you fraternize amongst each other, just don't make it my headache." Phillips said we were stepping through the door which Lorraine hurried over to shut.

"Come on Sean, let's go talk somewhere private." Peggy sighed as she openly took my hand and pulled me to a briefing room.

"You knew we would be getting deployed together last night and you didn't think to give me a heads up?" I accusingly pointed a finger at her.

"Well I thought we could enjoy the night together and I'd tell you in the morning but of course Stella had to come and interrupt our time together." Peggy expressed back just as accusatory while motioning with her hands.

Crossing my arms over my chest while looking at her pointedly letting my stubbornness show.

"How can you be so bloody irritating at times?" Peggy nearly shouted as she slammed a folder down on the interrogation table with enough force to make the sound echo throughout the room.

"The same question could be asked about you." I said back, slapping my palms against the table making it fall apart. Which made Peggy and I both look at it before we broke out into small laughs which turned into large ones.

"I'm sorry." I finally said.

"I just have a feeling that something bad is going to happen to Stella and Bucky." I continued as I ran my hand through my hair on both sides of my head while letting out a sigh.


"I'm sorry too…I guess seeing you want to run after Stella and leave me alone to take down these bases even though you didn't know about them made me…" Peggy replied while letting her sentence trail off.

"I get it Peg…if I'd known about this I probably wouldn't have reacted that way." I replied while she hugged me resting her head against my chest.

"Now…let's go over our mission and get it done as fast as possible so we can connect with Stella and Bucky and eliminate Hydra once and for all." I told her and she moved to pick up the files before leaning her back against my front while having me look over all the Intel and information on the bases on our list.

Deploying my rock monsters while also zooming in, ripping hearts from chests while also ripping heads off with my bare hands.

Clearing a base in under ten minutes before moving onto the next one while Peggy and I went radio silent the whole time.

'Eat your hearts out Mikealson's.' I thought to myself as I went full on Vampire Diaries on these sumbitches.


It took a week to eliminate all the Hydra bases on my list. When Peggy finally turned on her big radio backpack setup she heard a transmission about Stella attacking an armored train transport to capture Dr.Armin Zola.

My eyes widened at hearing this, I quickly asked Peggy the location but she said she didn't know.

"Damnit." I growled not at her but at how the military handled information.

'The fuck I'm even worrying about plot for this shit has obviously been fucked with by some higher beings.' I thought to myself as I sent out a mental prayer that Bucky and Stella would be fine.

"Can't you just use a spell and find their location?" Peggy asked, making me look at her like she was crazy.

"You need a personal item of said person you want to scry for." I told her while sighing.

"Sorry I didn't know that." Peggy replied while her shoulders slumped.

"It's alright…hopefully I'm just worrying for nothing." I replied while sliding my index finger underneath her chin and lifting her head up to look me in the eyes.

"Let's lighten Stella's burden by wiping out some of her bases for her." I told Peggy who immediately nodded and took out her map while looking over the bases that weren't marked off yet.

"Peg, look at this they have bases in a ring around the Alps wouldn't it make sense for home base to be here?" I asked while pointing at the map.

"Yes it would…there's also multiple rail lines running through the mountains the scouts have reported about." Peggy said quickly with the topographical front of her as she drew on it marking places of interest for Hydra's main fortress.

"So we have three places that could be their main encampment." I said out loud as I pulled out three dozen Mando-droids dispatching them to scout out the locations while putting on the Saturday control glasses Saturday being the A.I. Friday and I in Galvin form made before I left for my earth.

"You've never shown me those golems before?" Peggy stated questioningly.

"Mmm, it's time to pull out the big boy toys." I replied calmly as a portal opened up next to me and out walked none other than the ancient one, her bald head glowing in the sunlight.

"Ancient One." I greeted.

"Yao, it's so nice to see you again." Peggy said while folding up her maps.

"It's nice to see you again as well Peggy Carter…and you Mr.Clark…I was wondering when we should meet…the eye of Agamotto has shown me giving it to you…but I feel like your magical knowledge is lacking to keep it safe from those who want it." The Ancient one said as she tried pushing my soul out of my body.

"Yeah…that won't work on me you're not powerful enough." I replied while smirking.

"No it is because you are incomplete." The Ancient one said her face was calm but I could tell by her body language she was quite perplexed by it.

"I will take you as my apprentice and train you enough till I feel competent that you can protect the infinity stone." The Ancient One spoke calmly as she opened a portal and expected me to follow.

"I think not." I replied while pulling her and Peggy into my inner world.

"This…how?" The Ancient One suddenly questioned while her hands sparked with golden red energy.

"This is my inner world…if you think I'll willingly follow you into the mirror dimension or your warrior city…you aren't as wise as your title is revered to be." I told her snapping my fingers making the ground swallow her up to her neck.

(God I felt so weird writing this LMFAO.)

"In this world IAM GOD." I told her gesturing grandly with my hands out to the sides as I levitated into the all four elements circling around me like they did with Aang in Avatar along with crackly lightning and an aura of Magenta colored mana.

"Even you can't withstand an entire planet's might, Ancient One." I continued as I released her from the earth.

"Just kidding…but seriously if you want to train me here would be the best place to do it since I can control the time dilation in here a week will pass in a five day week." I told her while I moved us to my palace, formerly Jabba's palace.

"Aww hey Greenie did you miss me? Aww who's a good girl you are yes you are." I greeted and petted Greenie, one of my pet raptors as she jumped on me and started licking me like a dog while rubbing her head against me.

"What is that thing?" I heard Peggy gasp in shock and one thing about Greenie is she did not like being called a thing.

(Angry clicking sounds and claws being scratched against the sandstone floor.)

"Easy girl…she didn't mean anything mean by it, she's just never seen any of your kind up close before." I soothed the angry raptor turning her into a puppy again.

(Clicking sounds and a snort.)

"You're such a good girl Greenie. Now go get out of here and play with the others instead of spending all your time here waiting for me." I told Greenie while rubbing her snout.

Greenie took off walking out of the palace not before stopping sniffing Peggy, taking a few steps and whacking her in the ass with her tail. Peggy caught herself before falling down and I noticed Yao hold back a snicker.

"Can you return us to the real world so I can go collect the materials I will need to properly instruct you?" The Ancient One asked to which I nodded to.

"You want to stay here Peggy?" I asked which made her look around and nod yes, making me take out a necklace I enchanted to make sure all my pet dinos wouldn't hurt her and that she had mostly full access with the Sunday A.I. monitoring her.

Smiling at her. "Feel free to look around…there's some spaceships and speeders down in the vault and even more in the hangar." I told her before moving Yao and I back to where we came from before handing her a ring.

"I'm not interested in marriage…maybe a bit of relief but no commitment." Yao said as she ran a hand up my bicep.

(Cough cough cough)

"This is a storage ring you can put the stuff you need into it." I told her while taking a peek down her robes.

'I just thought of something: if Steve or Stella in this dimension are America's respective asses, does that make me America's cock?' I wondered to myself as The Ancient One made a portal to Karma-Taj.

Pulling a chair and a pack of Marlboro Reds out of my storage ring kicking back while I waited for the Bald One taking a calming pull.

'So glad I don't have to worry about getting cancer anymore or an asthma attack.' I thought to myself as I continued to smoke my cig.

Peggy was shocked by what she had seen in the time since Sean had left her in his inner world whatever that meant.

She'd met dinosaurs, a religious cult and priestesses that worshiped her lover like he was a god and wanted to take his seed and bear his children.

Even more surprising was that her boyfriend had been a conquering warlord that eliminated the criminal underworld that had previously owned this planet and eliminated slavery.

To say she felt a little overwhelmed by all that she'd learned was an understatement so she returned to the palace and by some stroke of luck she ended up in the master bedroom.

I was just finishing off a pack of smokes when the Ancient One walked back through a portal in a much lighter set of robes revealing more of her slim figure.

"Smoking is bad for you and it's a filthy habit." The Ancient One said while looking at me oddly.

"Immortality…makes a lot of bad things for the body uncircumstantial." I replied with a laugh as I moved the Ancient One and I back into my inner world and was surprised by my head priestess, the red skinned twi'lek and a dozen other priestesses kneeling on the ground in front of my throne.

"Oh great one, we have come to be bred." Replied a young Tiruguta girl of probably 18.

Mentally commanding one of my Mando-droids to escort the Ancient One to her quarters while I licked my lips at the bevy of alien beauties before me thirsting for my cock.

Using telekinesis, lifting up and bringing the young Tortuguita to me as I sat on the throne in my palace.

"You have my permission acolyte." I said as if I was doing her the utmost service by allowing her to hop up and down on my cock.

"Thank you oh great one I will do my best to please you with my unworthy lowliness." Replied the pretty Tortuguita that reminded me of Ashoka in looks if it weren't for her skin tone being slightly more red than orange.

"Shh, don't disparage yourself like that." I told her as I caressed one of her montrils.

"G-great one mmm." Moaned the Toruguta girl.

"What's your name, little one?" I asked her as I removed her slave girl attire.

"M-Mela ahh great one." Replied Mela with a moan as I brushed my finger against her wet quivering cunny.

"Mela, such a pretty name for one of my beautiful future priestesses." I whispered to her as I slid a finger into her virgin cunny.

"Th-thank you, great one." Moaned out Mela as I slowly thrusted my finger in and out of her virgin cunny.

I left my throne room the next day leaving behind my now thirteen priestesses with my new tortuguita Princess lying asleep on my throne smirking to myself as I went a little wild last night even using my alien transformations to get a deeper understanding of myself being them.

'It's funny how Fourarms really does have two cocks just like in those hentai comics.' I thought to myself while having the urge to jump over to Ben 10 just to fuck Gwen Tennyson maybe her mom, aunt and cousins that are Lucy the mudpuppy and the anodite one.

"Are you ready to start our lessons or do you have more people you need to have sex with first?" The Ancient One questioned.

"Ready when you are." I replied as I took out two talismans from my storage ring.

"What are these for? " The Ancient One asked with an arched eyebrow before gasping and clutching her chest.

"I severed your connection to the dark dimension when I brought you here so you wouldn't corrupt my soul.

I figured you'd start to feel the effect of that around now. These talismans will grant you immortality when you want it to end just remove them from your person." I told her and was shocked when long luscious red hair started growing from her previously shiny dome reaching all the way down to her back while her cup size increased by a whole cup size.

"This magic works with chi. How did you come by these?" Asked the Ancient One in a shocked tone.

"Ehh, they're nothing special, see." I said pointing to my arm where twelve Talismans rested.

"This." The Ancient One replied gobsmacked.

'Heh, pulled one over the Ancient One.' I thought to myself as I followed the Ancient One through the corridors to her Quarters.

I started studying dead languages while learning to speak them under the Ancient One's tutelage before moving onto eldritch energy manipulation which was easy for me since I already had experience shaping Mana.

But the Ancient One taught me to make stronger constructs with various mental practices and moving/layering the energies together.

Then came the infamous sling ring test. Can you believe the woman tried sending me to the arctic in my own inner world like LMFAO, I don't even need to wear a jacket and I'll be fine.

"He-hem I already apologized for trying to send you to the arctic now please stop spanking my bottom and release me from these cuffs." The Ancient One put up a tiny protest over having her bare rump spanked and rubbed by me.

"You and I both know that if you wanted this to stop you could make it stop, beautiful." I retorted as I slipped my middle and index fingers into her drooling cunt.

"Uu-unhand m-meee you cretin." Moaned the Ancient One as she squirmed in my lap.

"Uhh uhh yes right there that's th-the spot ohh it's been so long s-since I've been played with ahhhnnn like this." Moaned the Ancient One.

"Not since you and Odin right?" I asked while increasing the speed at which I moved my finger in and out of her.

"Ohh no not him ahh that man isss, heh, Frigga on the other hand mmm we had some fun times together." Moaned the Ancient One in a much more fond tone and she reminisced.

"Hahahahahaha, you green hatted the all father major props to you teach, you are one badass sexy redhead." I told her and I wasn't even joking about it either.

"I ahh was quite mmm wild in mmm-my younger days and these ohh yes right there Talismans you have given me are restoring my youthful vigor I might Shit I'm cumming yes you bastard make me cream all over your fingers…YAAAASSSS! ! !" Replied the Ancient one before begging and then going into a screaming orgasm.

"You are quite skilled at pleasuring a woman…but you still need much tutelage as your teacher. It's my duty to teach you…in all things." Yao finally said as she licked her lips and tucked a few strands of her long luscious voluminous red hair behind her left ear giving me a thirsty look.

"I can see why you have taken multiple lovers." Yao finally said while we were laying in bed together.

"Yeah…you were my first that could go as long as I could…sometimes I go overboard and hurt them…even though they don't put up much protest while it happens I can tell afterwards…and none of them have accepted my offer to make them immortal…I guess the thought of staying with me for eternity is too daunting.." I replied back to Yao dumping some emotional baggage.

"They are right to do so I have lived a long time long enough that I have lived to regret it but the world needed me. You need to have a bigger purpose than just desire or poultry love…

I watched the man or rather men I've loved, the women I loved, our children our grandchildren and so on die after the death of my daughters sons and daughters children died I stopped interacting with them it became too much.

Too much loss, too much heartache and that's not including friends, allies or even enemies…the pain only gets worse the longer you love..the longer you live unless you love someone with the lifespan of an Asgardian." Yao confessed and I could hear the pain in her voice, a pain that should have debilitated her but was kept at bay due to her duty of protecting the world and training sorceresses and sorcerers.

"How do you do it?" I asked, hoping for some wisdom.

"Hahaha, I found some hobbies, one of them was brewing the perfect cup of tea that took me a hundred years to perfect.

"Hahahahaha, I was expecting some fortune cookie shit…not, find a hobby, hahahaha. Haa." I replied in a laugh.

"Thank you Yao." I continued and realized my mistake when the Ancient One tensed up beside me in bed.

"That name I haven't used in centuries…I prefer my birth name Scáthach." She replied with a bit of a laugh in her voice.

"Scáthach as in thee Scáthach the wielder of the spear protector of the gate of death, the blood haired warrior goddess Scáthach?" I questioned in shock as I leaned up on my elbow and looked down on her.

"I see your family hails from the isles to be that familiar with my name." The Ancient One replied in an almost haughty time but I could tell she was just kidding around while I nodded dumbly.

"My grandmother would tell me stories about the fae and the faerie but my favorites were about you. I guess you were the first redhead that made me have a crush on almost any redhead." I admitted while feeling my face heat up.

"Hahaha, you know most of those fairy tales aren't necessarily accurate…yes I did wield a spear at that time but I didn't guard any gates except for the ones as a sorceress." The Ancient One replied as she got a faraway look in her eyes.

"Aww man, you're ruining my childhood crush on you." I joked back.

"Truth be told you probably had a crush on my daughter the spear you are referring to was one forged by Odin given to me that would have granted me immortality if a kind…but I gave it too my precious daughter at the time who then went on and took up my mantle as a warrior and then guarded the doorway that would lead to Princess Hela Odindaughter's prison." The Ancient One replied back to me with an amused tone of voice.


'I kinda feel like a hamster on someone else's wheel right now…kinda feeling done with this whole MCU excursion…I could just grab the infinity stones from my world and be like Thanos snap.

Hahahaha, yeah I think I'm fried from this shit maybe if someone didn't fuck with my dimension or timeline I'd be fine but genderbending.

Well I guess it's not really genderbending because to them they have always been women I'm just used to them being men well except for Peggy.' I thought to myself


"Sister you're champion seems to be unhappy with being moved to a dimension you thought he'd like more." Time told Space.

"I KNOW (humph) I was only trying to make his fantasies come to life. I thought he'd appreciate them more." Space replied while looking hurt.

"(Snort) Humans such ungrateful creatures all they do is take and take some more and then complain when there's nothing more to take." Soul replied as she butted into her other sister's Time and Space's conversation.

"He's not like that." Space defended her Champion. "Besides, no matter how he retrieves us as long as he does, everything will be fine and we will be reunited and whole once more even if it means we're not with our mother." Space continued speaking to her two sisters.


Kicking Peggy Carter and the ancient one out of my inner world, dropping them off at the army base before going to take care of Johanna Schmitt.

'Because even the red skull had to be Genderbent.' I thought to myself as I grabbed the tesseract out of the Valkyrie bomber that was mostly constructed while the eye of Augumoto was in my inner world with the time stone hidden inside of it.

Before leaving the inner dimension while making a new rule that my priestesses can't seek me out only I can come to them when I feel like it.

'Should I return home first or hop to another universe…I'm kinda through with the mcu for now, maybe come back during the battle/invasion of New York.' I thought to myself as I tucked away the tesseract into my inner world.

'Where to go, where to go?' I asked myself before an idea popped up in my head.

'Hehehehehe, Rogue here I come.' I laughed to myself as I opened a portal to the first X-men movie from the early 2000's.

'Wait, maybe I should go take Mystique's powers first by eating her soul or using that spell that would turn her into a Talisman/charm. Nah just rob Rogue of her powers give her a normal life then go absorb Mystique until she's dead so I permanently get her shape-shifting powers before entering X-men Evolution turn myself into a teen then join Xavier's school, Where I'll use use my boundless charm to seduce all the hotties.' I thought to myself nodding at my own genius.

'Ahh shit before I go I might as well collect the infinity stones, I already know where they all are except for the mind stone that is.' I thought to myself as I closed the portal to X-men and instead used the sling ring from The Ancient One to go to the place in-between realms where the Aether/Reality stone is located.

Arriving in front of the stone tomb Odin's father or grandfather put the thing in quickly casting an honest to God shit ton of purifying spells on the damn thing before reaching my hand inside.

Pulling out a red stone that almost seemed to pulse like a heartbeat but I threw those thoughts aside as just my overactive imagination kicking in.

Sending the stone into my inner world next to it's sisters just as I was about to open a portal to Morag, a thought hit me.

'Sisters, why would I think that way about the infinity stones? It's so random.' I thought to myself as I shrugged it off as an errant thought as I opened a portal to Morag into the chamber where the power stone is kept.

Using Telekinesis pulling the orb that contained the power stone inside through its energy field barrier and putting it directly into my inner world.

Returning to earth finding a very in love couple at the end of their lives casting a bit of mind control on them before taking them to Vormir having the husband sacrifice himself for his wife.

Who then woke up off of the mountain with the soul stone in hand handing it over to me before I snapped her neck with tk to reunite the couple in the afterlife.

'If I die I'm so going to hell.' I thought to myself trying to not let it affect me that I just mind controlled two people into basically killing themselves to serve my goals like some kind of super villain.

'Now I just need to find the mind stone.' I thought to myself.

"It should be with Thanos…I think…it'd be cool if I had some kind of tracking device for the mind stone…I'm such a dumbass I have the reality stone I could probably create one." I said aloud to myself as I palm smacked my forehead at my own stupidity.


"See sisters I told you my champion would reunite us one way or another." Space said as she snottily put her nose up in the air with a cat ate the canary grin on her lips.

"Not quite sister, we're still missing Mind." Replied power who like her other sisters shared the same body type and looks but was purple in color just as reality was red, space blue and time green.

"Pfft, it's only a matter of time and once he does we can guide him to mother's stone and become whole once more." Replied Time with an amused and ecstatic tone of voice.

"Hey where'd reality go? Oh never mind he's using her to help locate Mind." Power questioned and then said with a smile gracing her purple translucent crystal lips.


"Hahaha found you." I said as I located the Scepter and the mind stone using a combination of the magic to view into windows of reality while using the reality stone to find the Scepter and then using my sling ring to open a portal to Thanos's vault retrieving it just in time for a massive purple fist to come through the portal which I closed immediately disarming the mad titan while send his arm and the Scepter into my inner world.

"Ahh if only Thor had had the foresight to cut off Thanos's arm just like I did…the MCU wouldn't have turned to shit after losing Iron Man." I thought to myself as I pulled out another pack of smokes from my storage ring along with a nice cold beer celebrating my victory.

"But then again foresight was Odin's thing." I expressed verbally as now with the cosmic forces of the universe in my possession.

I no longer felt like staying in this genderbent dimension and was going to go to the X-Men universe.

Like I'd previously planned to but was stopped when I felt a wave of power fuse to my soul that originated from my inner world.

The fuck was that? Could it have been the Infinity stones?." I verbally expressed, before asking a question aloud.

Entering my inner world going directly to the vault where I'd stored the infinity stones in.

Only to feel a tugging sensation on my mind letting it take me I was pulled into a void with six honestly beautiful crystalline women.

That even though I shouldn't have been attracted to them since they're literally made out crystal had me hard as a rock.

"Hello our Champion." All six infinity stones spoke in unison even though their bodies all looked the same they had different voices so it wasn't as nerve racking to hear the talk together.

"Uhh, Hi, I take it you all are the infinity stone." I replied, giving them an awkward wave.

"Yes, I picked you first, they, my sister's just jumped on the bandwagon afterwards." Said the blue one as she skipped over to me and defying all logic her sizable bust bounced as if they were made of flesh as she threw herself into me initiating a hug.

Instead of feeling hard stone I felt what really just felt like the flesh of a woman no hard angles or anything she was soft and firm in all the right ways.

Resting my hand on her hips, resisting the urge to grab that peach shaped ass of hers.

"It's okay my champion, my body belongs to you in whatever way you desire." Space said in a husky whisperer as her eyes glowed blue as space was warped and my hands were now on Space's ass.

"All of our bodies do." Spoke the other infinity stones with Time moving to join Space in embracing me.

"Not that I'm not happy about this but…why do you have sentience and bodies…I thought you were all just ingots of creation." I asked genuinely perplexed as Space rubbed her hands all over my front and Time embraced my back.

"We are but we also aren't…we are the creation's of our mother she created the universe…

She was the first then but in her loneliness she decided she wanted to create something new so she created us.

By breaking off pieces of herself.

Those pieces were me, then Time, Reality, Power, soul and then finally mind.

All she left behind was a dormant stone that contained her Ego..but while splitting herself apart to form us cosmic ripples were created forming other entities and life…

I believe you're scientists refer to it as the big bang but technically it was seven big bands that created all life in the universe.

The first created the one above and the one below all as well as me. The second created a new universe and Time, the third created the multiverse and stars, the fourth created the celestials and Power. The fifth created the elements and Soul, while the last breathed life into creation sentience and also gave birth to Mind.

That is how I remember it…but I was only an infant at the time. In our early days everything was very peaceful.

The six of us developed still being nurtured in the waning energy of our mother as we rested with her Ego stone.

But then mother's other creations started lusting after power thinking of themselves as the firsts.

When we were discovered we were taken and used against our wills for Eons we have been used by others our power's abused to pervert our mothers dying creation.

I had lost hope…we all had…until I felt you enter through my domain you were something new, something I hadn't felt before I decided to with the help of time engineer a dimension where we all could be reunited.

I owe you an apology for making you feel as though you were being used as a chess piece in someone else's game…it wasn't my intention I just wanted to fulfill your fantasies." Space explained while finally trailing off leaving things hanging where she'd left them.

"Thanks I guess…but couldn't you have just, I don't know, done this earlier and told me what was going on? I planned to collect all of you anyways…do any of you know where the Ego stone is? I'll go get it…I mean her." I replied honestly since there really was no need for these games since I planned on getting myself the infinity stones though the fact Nemesis is planned to be added into the MCU is a terrifying thought.

"We're not sure where Mother's stone is. We used to be able to see her but something blocks us now." Reality replied for the sisters as she eyed my naked torso as Space and Time removed my shirt kissing down my chest, back and abdomen as they got to their knees.

"He-hem, not that I'm not loving this because I totally am…but…" I said while looking down at Space who was unbuckling my belt with deft fingers.

"We decided to solidify our bond to you in this way." Space replied with a smile on her lips as she finished unhooking my pants.

'The things I'm gonna do for my country.' I joked mimicking Vin Diesel's Triple X.

One by one the gem girls satisfied me before all of them came at me at once. Every union, every mutual orgasm I could feel myself growing stronger. I could feel their energies seeping through my body, enhancing it, changing it making me better to the point the Omnitrix chimed in my head.

[Host's D.N.A has surpassed it's quantifiable peak old genetic templates saved in case of future necessity. Saving new genetic template, new species detected registered as Homosuperior.]

'Well at least I'm still a monkey, just now I'm a super monkey.' I thought to myself as I was balls deep inside of Space while also being balls deep in each of her sisters at the same time thanks to being able to warp time, space and reality.

"I'm not getting tired." I finally voiced aloud after I don't know how many hours, orgasms even days could have gone by.

"While in this space, time has no meaning. You have no need for food or drink anymore. Our energy is your energy now and we are self-sustaining." Reality told me as she wrapped her big ruby tits around my cock sliding them up and down before wrapping her ruby lips around the head of my cock taking the remaining exposed inches down her throat as I lazed upon her sister's relishing in their caresses all across my body.

'This is life.' I thought to myself as I laid my head back between Space's breasts.

'I guess coming to the mcu and a hentai dimension within it wasn't so bad after all. Maybe I should go back for Peggy, Stella and Joanna.' I continued thinking to myself.

"I would like to be able to fall asleep like this." I told them all honestly and I felt the place we were in change at my will closing my eyes. I found myself in front of a throne made of gold and silver skulls as a drop dead gorgeous white skinned woman with an amazing bust and curvy body lounged on top of it.

Her long white hair seemed to dance in the wind gently but there wasn't any wind for it to dance on. Her dead white milky eyes looked through me as she lazily brought a cherry up to her cherry red lips.

"Interesting…you're the one I've been sensing." She said as she languidly moved off of her throne showing off her long white legs.


'Holy Shit, it's Lady Death though she looks like the DC version.' I thought to myself as she did a sexy walk towards me resting her hand against my chest making a pleasant cold chill behind where her fingers traveled.

"I have not seen one such as you before…how interesting…strong very strong not quite at my and my sister's level yet but I'm sure you'll reach it soon." Lady Death said as she walked around me.

"Not many…can withstand my touch…" Lady Death said as she bit the bottom lip of her red kissable lips.

"Hmm, it seems someone doesn't like you being here…hehe as if they could withstand me, everything I want dead, dies. I am eternal, I am everywhere and yes that even means your home world." Lady Death replied as she grew taller caressing my cheek.

"Such an anomaly." Lady Death said before kissing me and not just a little lip kiss she pushed her tongue into my mouth as her one hand came up to the back of my head.

When she pulled back I found myself leaning forward to keep the kiss going as my hands locked onto her hips. I found myself held in place by skeleton hands.

"You survived my embrace and ached for more…more than once…I remember you now…I remember every soul that escapes my grasp even if temporarily." Lady Death said as she caressed my cheek.

"Were you the one that tormented me with those attacks?" I growled at her.

"Were you the one the every time I had a seizure but felt like I had died that every time would show up as a shadowy figure and say I'm coming for you I'm going to kill you?" I started to snarl remembering all the nights I couldn't sleep because I was afraid the woman in the darkness was coming for me.

"Just because I find your presence here amusing do not misunderstand it as any more than a passing interest." Lady Death replied as she waved her hand making me fly back into awakeness laying on top of my bevy of beautiful crystalline ladies while Reality continued to work my shaft between her breasts and down her throat.

Though she had lied about it being a passing interest she'd never forgotten him, the anomaly. Someone had intercepted his soul after death, split it in half and returned him to life but what he was asking about were her echoes of her wraiths, the ones that managed the day to day of keeping the whole machine that was the afterlife/reincarnation running.

Death leaves a scar not only on the mind but also the soul. The soul heals with time but the bodies deteriorate even when life has been returned to them. Death slowly shook her head while summoning the wraith that oversaw his earth.

"You took pleasure in tormenting a child's soul that has grown to become something amazing. You know I don't tolerate tormenting children's souls unless they are truly evil." Lady Death said though her voice was soft and seemingly indifferent to any reaper as she thought of herself as but she was just a lowly wraith Reapers were her boss they were the ones she reported too.

No wraith had ever been summoned before the mistress before. As soon as the wraith went to explain herself she exploded into a blue black mist that instantly disappeared.

"(Snort) Disgusting creatures taking those before their time tormenting their loved ones…haa…sister sometimes I wish I could be you flying through the cosmos bringing life and light in my wake." Lady Death said as she took her place back on her throne touching her lips that were still tingling pleasantly from the kiss.

"My anomaly." Lady Death whispered as she opened a window to view him though a flash of jealousy ran through her as she watched the six ingots of creation worship his godly form as she spread her legs open upon her throne clothes melting away into shadows.

After pleasuring herself Death reached into her chest removing a black infinity stone.

"Those six don't even know about life and I." Lady Death whispered to herself as she vanished from her throne and appeared in a grand crypt where only a stone slightly larger than the infinity stones were laid on an elegantly carved Uru pedestal.

"Hello Mother." Lady Death greeted as she lovingly ran her fingers over the smooth surface of the Ego stone.

"You should know a man has united your other children together once more." Lady Death said with a lilt in her voice as a small Snort of a chuckle escaped her lips.

"For once I wish you'd talk to me mother…I want your advice…your guidance but all I get is silence." Death continued speaking, her voice filling with pain and many other emotions that were tied to her absentee mother.

"KAW ! ! !" A powerful flaming chicken I mean Phoenix cawed as she landed in front of the crypt making Lady Death smile happily.

The fiery bird slowly shrank into a female human form of a white skinned redhead with long fiery hair, a body that stood equal against her sister's in curves and sexiness.

The Phoenix walked into the grand crypt swaying her hips seductively.

"Hey sis." She greeted Death cheerily.

"Life, what are you doing back here so soon shouldn't you be killing off those pests that killed your last vessel in that universe?" Death questioned the Jean Grey Phoenix.

"I was going to but my new host body talked me out of it and we only killed off the corrupted leadership while installing his sister as the new ruler with the help of this body's former allies the X-Men." She replied as she walked over to the pedestal and offered a prayer to her mother before spinning around and pinning Death with an all knowing stare.

"So there's finally a man besides Wilson that has caught your eye, sister." The Phoenix teased as she skipped over and glomped her sister in a hug.

"Not only mine but our other sisters as well." Lady Death replied in a sour tone making the Phoenix stiffen and pull back from the hug.

"This is surprising." The Phoenix replied while a contemplating look made its way onto her face.

"So when can I meet him?" The Phoenix asked excitedly as she threaded her arm through her sister's and dragged her outside of the crypt life spring up in her wake only to die shortly after.

"Humph, stop killing the pretty flowers sis it wouldn't hurt to have a little life you yourself know there's always life in death." The Phoenix pouted making Lady Death relent and allow some plants to grow to appease her sister since she didn't want her to get angry and leave for another eon again like before.

"Fine but only plants, nothing else." Lady Death replied, keeping her voice firm and determined.

"Fine, fine, you can be such a buzzkill at times you know that…you better change your attitude for the guy you like or else you'll scare him away." The Phoenix jokingly replied feeling joyous at getting her sister to compromise even a little.

The Phoenix made a throne for herself to rest upon to grow up out of the ground. Her new throne was made out of trees next to her sister's throne which had a viewing portal located in front of it.

"Ohh, he is quite endowed isn't he? I'm a little jealous of our sisters now and that vitality coming off of him makes me feel all sorts of tingly even the mind belonging to the original owner of this body finds him attractive." The Phoenix stated as she ran a hand down her neck to her breasts.

"(Snort) what would he need you for he already had Mind and Soul they encompass your powers already." Lady Death replied in an almost hiss.

"Please, I'm also destruction. Don't be so hostile sister if we shared the same man we'd end up spending more time together and I can't stand Wilson so…" The Phoenix replied as she enjoyed the sight of Power replacing Reality in worshiping their lover's shaft.


"I should be getting gone girls, I have to find your mother afterall." I finally said as the last gem girl got done pleasuring me orally and mamerlly.

I could feel that none of the gem girls wanted me to leave yet but they all let out a sigh of acceptance as I willed myself back into my inner world and from their back to genderbent MCU.

As soon as I was back in the forest I felt the transponder I kept in my right breast pocket start to activate.

It was one that was connected to Stella's so we knew the other was in danger.

Opening a portal to the train I saw Stella sitting with her head in her knees, her shoulders trembling while she softly sobbed.

"Stella, what's wrong?" I asked softly even though I could tell by the gaping hole in one of the train cars that the scene with Bucky falling to her death happened just recently.

"Sean." Stella cried out as she threw herself at me clinging to me for life and safety.

"B-Bucky sh-she." Stella sobbed into my chest.

"Shh-shh it's alright Stella I'll find her and bring her back." I told her softly as I rubbed her back.

"I better go now, the longer I wait the less my chances of being able to save her." I said as I used my superspeed to run down the tracks before turning into XLR8 running along the casam wall finally spotting her laying half on a chunk of ice her arm cut off from a piece of sharp upwards jutting rock while her lower body rested in the freezing waters.

"Don't worry I got you." I said softly as I sent her arm into the medbay of my palace inside my inner world before cauterizing her amputated limb as I picked her up off the ground entering my inner world going directly to the medbay dropping her into the bacta tank.

Letting the nanites hook her up to the respirators and sensors while one of my medical droids examined the limb and recommended an artificial replacement since there was too much damage to the original limb's organic matter.

'Sorry Jenny looks like you're still going to end up with a metal arm I never did steal and Kaminoan cloning tech.' I thought to myself as I ordered a portion of nanites to bond with her body and form a new arm and to use only the best materials as I handed over the Super Soldier Serum to the medical droid and told it to analyze and reproduce to make improvements to it if it could.

Going back to the train using teleportation, grabbing Zola by his lab coat depositing him in Phillips London bases brig before grabbing a hold of Stella and taking her to see Bucky.

"She's alive but she'll need time to heal…you can stay here with her if you like I'll finish off Hydra for good." I told Stella who looked at me with bright watery eyes as she hugged me tightly again.

"Thank you, thank you so much." Stella replied before standing on the tips of her toes to kiss me on the lips.

"No problem, Bucky is my friend too." I replied with a smile even though I didn't know Jenny Bucannon Barnes for shit.

"I should help you beat Hydra." Stella finally said and I had a naughty thought about Hydra's fem leader being locked away in the dungeon below our feet.

"Don't worry there's only a couple hold outs, I already killed their leader." I lied since there was no way I was killing a fen Red Skull with F cup tits and a booty to match it.

"Okay be safe." Stella finally submitted while leaning heavily against me initiating another kiss.

"I better go, you're too tempting." I joked as I grabbed Stella's ass.

"Mmm." Stella moaned softly as she started rubbing herself against me.

But I smirked and then exited my inner world leaving behind a worked up Captain America behind to stew till later.

"Now time to kill off Hydra for good." I said while smirking evilly as I deployed more Mando-droids to not only wipe out all Hydra military installations but also religious ones as well and to leave no survivors.

While the droids took care of the Hydra infestation I went and did something else which was to prevent the Red Room from growing any more influential.

I Went to their main school's location which I got from some paperwork that was located in Johanna Schmitt's office which was an orphanage school type thing.

'As much as I love the black widow and Yelena…I'm still going to take this place down, ' I thought to myself as I saw hundreds of female children in various stages of development along with some young women who were ready to graduate from the program if them receiving a tool kit was any indication of things.

Using the powers I gained from the mind stone putting all the young children to sleep while limiting my power to slightly above mcu Black Panther levels.

Kicking down the front door receiving automatic weapons fire as a greeting. Using my vambraces shield generator, I pulled out one of my westar-35 blaster pistols, shooting back at my welcoming committee as three women in skin tight leather suits landed on their feet behind me.

'Damn I guess I won't be able to do this as a slightly enhanced person.' I thought to myself as I casted a sleep spell on the three women.

Finishing off the men with automatic rifles quickly moving through the halls killing more men with rifles when more black widows surrounded me, some holding batons other's combat knives.

Putting away my blaster holding my arm out in front of my curling my finger in a come hither motion.

Making three Widows spring into action one from the front and two from the sides.

Kicking the knife out of the hand of the one charging on my right before jumping up wrapping my leg around her neck bending around the knee to choke her before pulling her forward and throwing her into the one charging on the left as I caught the one charging at me from the front baton mid swing ripping it from her grasp only for her to quickly perform a spinning kick aimed at my face which I dodged only to find myself dodging backwards into a knife held by a different widow as the two I took down earlier were still on the ground unmoving.

'Really hope I didn't kill them by accident.' I thought to myself as I pulled the knife out of my back and threw it at the one in front of me making it slide up to the hilt into her skull.

'Fuck it just kill them, they've been programmed, conditioned, groomed for far too long for any rehabilitation anyways.' I thought to myself as I stopped holding back releasing my limiter using superspeed to disabled them quickly and painlessly.

'Wait I'm so dumb.' I thought to myself as I looked at the cooling corpses of the women I'd just killed when I had the thought that maybe Mind could alter the women's minds and heal them.

'Hey Mind, can you hear me?' I questioned in my head.

'Always whenever you call on us we'll be here.' Mind replied informing me of their solidified bond to me.

'Can you undo the programming these women have gone through?' I asked since I honestly didn't know the extent of the infinity stones powers just that they were really strong in marvel and could change reality.

'Yes that is but a simple task I'll ask Soul to return those other humans to life…except for the men.' Mind replied happily and I watched as the 10 widows I'd just killed came back to life.

'Neat, thanks girls you da best.' I said in my mind as I kept moving through the build killing the men as the remaining widows would all fall down clutching their heads in pain.

Finally reaching the head honchos office who just so happened to be a much younger looking version of the guy from the Black Widow movie Dreykov.

"What do you want, money, power, women? We have plenty of those many beautiful ones at that." Dreykov said sleazily, making me walk over picking him up by the neck.

"I just want the widow program to end." I said to him as I snapped his neck looking through all his paperwork finding a dozen more Widow installations just like this one spread across Russia and Germany ordering my Mando-droids to mop up and collect the girls for a mind rewrite as I returned to my inner world and then entered my man cave that was setup like the best arcade would have been in existence.

I felt a soft chiming in my head and opened the connection.

'Why did you not want me to just change their loyalties over to you?' Mind asked curiously.

'As awesome as it would be to have my own Assassin corps made up of beautiful women…I it just doesn't sit right with me when I've read, heard and watched things about all the Widows go through to be what they are…I just didn't feel right to continue using them at least this way they can have some semblance of freedom and a life of their own choosing.' I replied the thought of having all those beautiful and deadly women at my back and call had been an enticing thought.