TV Items V2 PT8


After taking care of rewriting the minds of the remaining ten thousand widows and over a hundred thousand children.

That would have become Widows if not for my interference while leaving them with all of their skills and knowledge so they would have an easier time finding their way in the world just erasing their programming.

"Ahh I feel like I did a good thing for once…now I have to decide on whether or not to ditch Stella and Bucky here in their dimension along with Peggy or bring them with me." I said out loud to Greenie who was curled up at my feet resting her head on top of my foot while napping.

"Do I get any choice in this decision?" Asked Stella with her arms crossed against her chest looking ready to fight another war.

"You do…now…I guess…" I replied trailing off just as my comms unit dinged and I saw a report from the medical droid I had analyzed the SSS serum had had improvements made to it that make it so that small injections over time will have the same effects as the large injections and radiation treatment.

"You guess, you guess, what is that supposed to mean? I confessed to you I gave you my innocence, and now you're just going to abandon me." Stella said, while looking like she was between killing me and crying herself to death.

"Look Stella I like…love you I do but I'm from a different world…coming here was a vacation so to speak.

You wouldn't like my world or really get my world started seventy plus years from now.

Everything is different: the people, the places, the buildings nothing will be as you remember it heck gasoline cost five dollars a gallon in my time." I told her honestly the only place she might feel at home would be my inner world.

Stella blinked away tears as she sharply turned around marching up the stairs out of my man cave.

'I really fucked that one up good didn't I?' I said rhetorically to myself as I got up out of my recliner pouring myself some of my homemade Brandy that could actually get me drunk still luckily.

'I really am an asshole third rate edge lord villain. (Sigh)' I thought to myself while releasing a sigh.

'I should do that.' I thought to myself as I remembered a certain telepath who likes to press their index and middle fingers against someone's forehead and say forget making them forget everything about them.

"Nah." I finally said, shaking those thoughts away as I went to play the 2 Fast 2 Furious racing arcade game.

After crashing my car for the hundredth time and coming in second every race I decided to quit for the day and play some ski ball.

'I should be solving my problems instead of putting them off by playing games.' I thought to myself as I continued to procrastinate.

Finally, after finishing off my last ski ball roll downing another glass of brandy I went to check in Bucky's medical situation in person.

Entering the medical facility inside the palace finding Stella curled up into herself sleeping on a cot with drying cheeks from crying.

'You can be a real scumbag sometimes.' I told myself as I grabbed a blanket from a cupboard covering Stella up as I looked over Jenny's medical report.

'Good, she'll be fully recovered by the end of the week IWT (inner world time) her body has fully accepted the nanotech replacement limb so no physical rejection on that part which is great.' I thought to myself closing the medical screen turning around to leave but stopped while looking at Stella and back to Bucky.

'Damn, such a hard choice to make, leaving them behind Bucky the Katie McGrath look alike and Stella Rogers the Diane Kruger look alike.' I thought to myself as I looked at the naked Merlin look alike actress.

'I guess I could always leave the decision to them though I don't really want any more complicated relationships.' I thought to myself as I exited the Medbay.

"(Sigh) I kinda wish there was just a big reset button, a clean slate button." I said aloud to myself.

…5 days passed at a torturously slow pace especially with Stella's passive aggressive behavior.

"It'll take some time to adjust to the new arm Bucky." I told her as I had her do some basic grip exercises.

"Thank you…for coming back for me Sean and everything else." Bucky replied as Stella skulked in a chair and watched our interaction.

"Aright…so this concerns both of you, Stella you are government property as soon as the war is over Stella you'll be locked up in some lab somewhere and continuously drained of blood for however long you live.

Bucky though I did it with good intentions the arm that I gave you will garner the wrong kind of attention and if they run a deep blood analysis on you they'll find that Hydra used an experimental Super Soldier Serum.

You'll most likely end up like Stella not only that you're both fertile women so they'll try and breed you as much as possible to grow their own little super powered army." I told both of them honestly since that was the kind of shit the U.S.Government would pull.

"They wouldn't we're war heroes, and why are you talking like you won't be there?" Bucky asked seriously, her doubt clear in her voice.

"It will happen whether you believe me or not is your choice …I was going to offer the both of you a place here…but will send you back to the world." I said to them both.

"We're going back, you don't really want us here anyways." Stella replied as she stood up from her seat I nodded.

"If that's what you want then. Goodbye Stella, Bucky." I replied while waving my hand ejecting the two at the London base.

"Shew, that's one problem that took care of itself." I said aloud as I pulled up the first X-men movie finally ready to get out of this universe.

Walking through the portal just as Anna Marie better known as Rogue was having her first kiss.


Back in prime mcu verse Peggy was mourning Sean and Steve one literally vanished from the bed they were sharing the other crashed a plane into an ocean to prevent New York city from being blown to pieces.

She had to stay strong though she couldn't afford to show weakness to those around her; the only one she could trust now besides herself was Howard Stark since she was separated from the Howling Commandos and was reassigned to the newly formed Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division in New York.

She'd been doing her best to hide her condition as a single mother with a three month old child at home, but it was difficult at best, terrifying at worst but she was making it even if just barely. Especially with the way the men she worked with treated her like any other secretary when she was more qualified than any of them.

She was on her way home when she stopped to get something to eat at the dinner.

"Hey there English." Greeted a cheery pretty little thang of a waitress.

"Hi." Peggy replied usually they did this whole thing but she was hungry and had a son to get home to.

"You look exhausted, English…the baby keeping you up at night?" The waitress asked, making Peggy tense up in preparation for a fight.

"Easy English, I'm not judging you but I know a mother who lost her man to the war when I see one." The waitress replied as she rested her hand on tip of Peggy's in a friendly supportive manner.

"Yes, his father was a hero, I wish they'd gotten to meet each other." Peggy replied out loud as a few tears slipped from her eyes.


'Time can you pause time for everyone around Rogue and I?' I asked Time inside my mind.

'Yes but my power's are greatly diminished in this reality I can only pause time, for a handful of hours.' Time replied and I could hear through her voice that she was already pushing herself to stop time as Rogue started screaming.

"Hi, I can help you if you'd like." I offered Rogue who immediately moved towards the door off of her bed.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME DON'T TOUCH ME." She screamed at the top or her lungs.

"Okay I'll come back when you've had a chance to calm down." I said as I teleported out of her room by mentally chanting a spell.

I waited a month stalking Rogue protecting her from the shadows leaving food and warm clothes for her so she wouldn't starve or freeze to death.

'Why am I going through all of this?' I asked myself as I watched Rogue give herself a bath in a restroom sink imagining all the dirty things I'd like to do to her.

Leaning against the wall next to the door of the little run down garage bathroom Rogue was currently giving herself a bath.

"You." Rogue said in shock with her thick southern accent.

"Yup it's me. I'm here to offer you my help again." I replied with a faked southern draw that came out like me being an asshole.

"Stay away from me you freak." Rogue hissed.

"Aright I've had enough of this, just remember I tried being nice." I said while grabbing her bare skinned hand pulling her into my inner world.

"NO LET GO ! ! !' She screamed out only to freeze in shock as what she expected to happen didn't happen.

"You're, you're okay…how?" Rogue questioned in shock.

"I'm too powerful for your powers to affect me like that of others." I replied easily.

"Now what I tried to offer the first I sensed you activate your powers is I'll take them from you so you can live out your life as an ordinary beautiful girl." I said to her while still holding her hand.

"Please do it make me normal again." Rogue begged me with plea filled eyes.

"Of course…but there's just one little thing…to transfer your powers to me…you have to be a virgin…and you have to willingly give that virginity to me." I told her it was semi true there were other methods but this one was the most pleasant for both parties involved.

As soon as I finished talking Rogue back away before a determined look appeared on her face and she pulled her shirt over her head.

"I'm ready." Rogue said with a determined tone even as she shyly covered her now exposed naked breasts with her arms before timidly moving her arms down to remove her jeans.

"So am I." I replied as I used telekinesis to remove my clothes in a sexy strip tease as Rogue stood in front of me with nothing but her socks left on as she covered her breasts and pussy with her hands and arms.

Rogue was laying in my bed with dazed eyes sheets revealing peeks of her soft creamy white skin.

"Can we do that again…please?" Rogue asked while blushing.

"Definitely Sugar." I joked as I pounced on top of her again, ripping the sheet away revealing all of her naked flesh.

"Careful Rogue if you ask to go again I won't let you leave." I told her half jokingly.

Rogue bit her bottom ruby red lip as she spread her pussy lips with her fingers.

"Just one last time before you return me home, Sugar." Rogue replied, making me take the recently once devoted christian now slut once more hard and fast like.


We were standing inside Rogue's bedroom in her family home.

"So this is it I'll go back to being a normal girl?" Rogue asked again even though we'd been over it at least a dozen times already.

"Yes, and we'll never see each other again after this." I replied as I asked Reality and Mind to make the events that led to Rogue becoming a runaway never happen.

"Wait…just one last time together please." Rogue asked as she was already starting to undress herself again.

"I guess I could." I replied with a smile reuniting with one of my top ten crushes from the media ever.

Looking down at the sleeping Rogue. "I hope you enjoy your new life." I said softly as I brushed a few loose strands of her brown hair behind her ear.

Quickly using the Infinity stones powers to give Rogue a new better future as I left her bedroom to start my hunt for Mystique.

Anna Marie woke up the next morning not feeling the strong warm muscular body of a man holding her tightly in his sleep that she'd grown accustomed to over the past couple of weeks.

"He really left without saying goodbye." Rogue sighed as she sniffed herself and her bed smelling his musk on everything.


Finding Mystique was a relatively simple affair since she was posing as Senator Kelly's male assistant quickly casting a sleep spell on her before laying my hand against her chest activating the powers I gained from Rogue absorbing Mystique's life force, memories and abilities until she was dead underneath my palm.

I watched as my skin took on the look of blue scales flexing my will. I turned into Mystique.

'This feels a little off, not bad per se, just different.' I thought to myself as I cupped and squeezed my new mammary's as my one hand snaked down from my chest to between my legs leaving a blazing trail.

'ohh ohh shit fuck, that feels so much better that a cock.' I moaned inside my head as I played with my new pussy folds and clit.

'He-hem, stop being a pervert with yourself, you sick fuck.' I mentally chastised myself while looking in a mirror enjoying the way I looked like a much more curvaceous and taller Mystique.

Turning back into me having my skin change to look and feel like the clothing I'd put inside my storage ring on my right hand with a mental command while I was absorbing Mystique.

"This is awesome though." I said aloud as I turned into a dozen different famous and influential people before settling on a 16 year old version of myself.

"I should fit right in at freak school.' I joked, too, my reflection in the mirror that was currently staring back at me.


"Jean, Scott, Storm I have detected a new mutant he's located here." Xavier mentally spoke to his oldest students still on his staff.

"We're on it Professor." All three replied at once while they were doing their respective things.

It wasn't long before a secret hangar was being revieield by the basketball court and the large derivative garden fountain being split in half as a large black stealth plane was exposed to the world in all its glory.


"Scienora." I joked as I stepped through the green tinted portal into X-Men evolution.


Stepping onto the train platform as everything was grayed out and paused entering a train car sitting down on a seat to wait as I pressed the little white X closing the portal time resuming around me.


"How am I so fucking annoying." The younger version of Sean said as he rubbed his forehead to drive away his migraine.

"Death of all fucking people, you just had to go and catch her fucking attention." He continued talking as Diana giggled to herself while watching her man, her man's other half and his meeting with Death.

"It's not funny Diana now all the cosmic powers will be watching him. How is he supposed to take over my old position for me if he can't keep a low profile?" He asked his wife who finally stopped giggling while a contemplating frown marred her face as her nose and eyebrows scrunched cutely in thought.

"Why have him…replace you in the first place?" Diana finally asked.

"(Sigh) Diana I have to take the helm you know that was what my former employer groomed me for anyways was to replace her when she retires now I need my replacement and who better to replace me than me.

"I mean look at the things that are already happening with my attention being occupied by the bigger matters, prime earth is starting to undergo its metamorphosis." He continued talking as he sat heavily into a chair only for Diana to walk over and lift him up into her arms and sit down instead with his head resting against her bosoms.

"It is not only your responsibility but our's my love. Besides, he'll come around if I remember right.

You weren't much different when you crashed into my mother's bedroom on Themyscira all those distant years ago." Diana teased him as she angled his head backwards so she could look into his eyes.

"Th-that was an accident." He replied while blushing furiously.

"I seem to remember you doing it more than once, even to me a couple of times. Not that mother and I minded all that much." Diana continued teasing him as their daughter entered their home.

"Eww mom dad stop it." Their daughter Isis said while making a gagging face.

"Sorry dear did you need something…you're father and I were about to have a rare moment." Diana replied to her daughter as she felt her chest armor being pulled down slightly.

"Yes a report from the front…The Negative Omni-verse has been seen using new weapons…here's the report on them." Isis replied, handing her mother a thick manilla folder.

"Thank you dear, would you like to stay with us? Your father and I are going to make you a new sibling tonight…maybe you'd like your own child finally." Diana offered seriously since being a Greek goddess she's fully accepting of father daughter relationships.

"God mom no that's so gross just because grandpa and grandma and all your aunts and uncles are into that kind of thing doesn't mean I am." Isis replied as she hurriedly left the room.

"Why do you tease our daughters like that?" Sean asked his wife.

"Because it's fun to see them squirm and blush while pretending the idea is disgusting to them." Diana giggled. ....

'Ahh, fuck I can't do it without Rogue distracting me I can't stop thinking about what might be happening to Stella and Bucky. Shit so much for a fresh start.' I mentally sighed before pausing the world around me and opening a portal back to the prime MCU verse during the Agent Carter series before having the Gem girls send me to hentai genderbent land.

Activating the tracking spell I'd casted on both women before sending back to the London base locating Stella on the Pacific ocean and Bucky in Alaska.

Going to Stella's location first finding her held down by heavy metal restraints while dialysis machines constantly siphoned off her blood.

"Hold on Stella, I'll have you out of there in no time." I said softly regretting I ever gave these girls the option to make their own decisions when Stella deliriously opened her eyes and softly just above a whisper said the words.

"Save our baby." A cold shock ran through me as I finished removing her restraints while having my nanites form a bracelet on her wrist to hold the horse and dog Talismans.

She instantly recovered and jumped from the metal table they had her restrained to ripping the I.V.'s out of her arms, legs and carotid artery.

"We'll talk later." Stella said as she rested her hand against my bicep looking like she was trying to decide whether to throw herself at me or throw me through a wall.

We moved through the ship and I was shocked again when I saw Hydra's symbol.

'But how I killed everyone…except Zola…FUCK I FORGOT ONE FUCKING GUY AND WITHIN A FUCKING YEAR HE'S REORGANIZED HYDRA TO THIS LEVEL FUCK ME! ! !." I mentally yelled enraged over my failure to leave behind a somewhat safer world.

"She should be through here. They kept her here to keep me under control." Stella finally said to me as we ran through the ship's tight corridors killing the crew of the ship, some of them being the Widow's I attempted to save.

Entering through a door there was a baby around three months old in a crib while multiple women held fully automatic rifles pointed at said crib using tk I ripped the gun from their grasps while pulling a Magneto.

Pointing the guns back at them cocking the charging handles and pulling triggers unloading entire magazines into my daughter's captors.

(Wahh wahh wahh.)

The baby cried loudly from the loud sounds of gunfire and in a display of my speed I was at the crib before Stella could react gently, picking up the little thing in my hands that just seemed too big to hold her.

Looking down into those big blue gray eyes I knew my whole world now revolved around this little girl with wispy blonde hair just like I knew I'd be wrapped around the finger of my other children as well. There wasn't even a doubt in my mind that the baby was mine.

"Shh shhh it's okay, daddy's here now daddy's here and he won't let the bad women hurt you anymore." I comforted as I let her little head rest on my chest next to my heart as I gently swayed from side to side in a comforting motion.

Instinctually she must have sensed our relationship along with my love and sincerity since she quickly fell asleep with her tiny little fist gripping my shirt tightly.

"Now let's go rescue your aunty Bucky and find your aunty Peggy my little angel." I whispered softly as I used the laser vision to cut a whole into the side of the destroyer wrapping Stella in a tk bubble before flying up into the air some of the living crew turned the big six barrel canons and big caliber rifles on us using the dragon talisman I blew up the ship with a flame breath before pulling out my XS and having Beesix pilot her instantly with a mental command as I boarded the ship with Stella behind me.

"C-can I hold her now? They only let me see her a handful of times since she was born." Stella practically begged and I felt this greedy almost sick urge to keep my daughter all to myself.

"Why don't you wash up first." I said softly, motioning for her to follow me to my quarters with a chin motion.

Stella looked down at herself her hospital gown covered in blood and viscera.

"Good idea thank you Sean…for everything for coming back for me for our baby." Stella broke into sobs as she was thanking me, making me feel like shit.

"Don't thank me…I knew what would happen to you and Bucky but I still let you both decide on what to do with your lives. I should have just kept you prisoner here and if I'd known you were pregnant I would have done just that." I told her honestly as I realized there was no such thing as a safe day for a guy with super jizz like me.

'I should probably return to Fox-verse and take Anna Marie from there as well there's almost a hundred percent chance she's Prego too.' I thought to myself as I showed Stella how to use the shower and actual shower now combined with sonic scrubbers to dry off with and to remove even the smallest particle of whatever from the body.

I am glad I added a freshwater magically expanded water tank so I could take real showers in this thing.

"You warned us but let us keep our freedom, there's no reason for you to apologize to us," Stella said from inside the shower as I rested my back against the wall.

Stella walked out of the bathroom towel wrapped around her head and body holding her arms out for the baby looking at me imploringly.

Reluctantly handing over my daughter to Stella while watching her like a hawk.

"Careful you have to support her neck like this and babies like it better when their ears rest over your heart it comforts them like they're still in the womb." I told her while I was constantly pacing while not moving at all.

"(Giggle) Who would have guessed a slut like you would be so maternal." Stella said out of the blue with an amused lilt in her voice.

"I'm not maternal." I instantly denied.

"Just experienced…helped my single mom raise and care for my little brother." I muttered as I adjusted Stella's lower hand to support the baby better.

"You never told me that…really we didn't talk much about anything other than the war and the things that we liked." Stella pointed out and I could see in her eyes she was looking at me in an entirely different light than she had previously.

What that meant I didn't know and really didn't care. The only thing that really matters between us was the little girl in her arms.

"Have you thought of a name for her yet?" I asked Stella while looking up at her face that was now glued to our daughter.

"No…I…it's the father's job to name his children at least that's what my mom told me after I found out about my father dying in WW1." She replied not looking up from our daughter.

'If I remember right from a fanfiction the original Captain America's father was named Joseph so how about Josephine in honor of him.

"How do you like the name Josephine?" I asked Stella who looked up at me with watery eyes.

"It's perfect my Dad's name was Joseph." Stella whispered the now named baby's name to her.

Arriving at the base Bucky was being kept as I went in alone leaving Stella with our daughter.

'Wow, this base is so similar to the one Hydra used for the Winter Soldier program it's not even funny.' I thought to myself while some exceptions being everything was written in English and there were American flags with Hydra heads embossed over them in black.

'Why is this place so empty?' I asked myself while entering a chamber where seven women including Bucky were frozen inside cylinders.

Pulling Bucky out with a combination of laser vision and pyrokinesis to thaw her out while having Mind undo any rudimentary brain washing restoring her to a healthy mind.

'Huh, Zola was able to create a restraining color for my nanites…how cumbersome.' I thought to myself before using laser vision to kill the rest of the winter soldier program recruits along with the facility as I teleported Bucky and I to the XS programming in the coordinates for Wakanda so I could do some pillaging of some things.

Flying over Wakanda looking down upon the towering skyscrapers feeling sick that Wakanda was at least a hundred to two hundred years ahead of the rest of the world and had been for quite a long time when I went to the ramp and jettisoned a nanites warhead from my storage ring and watched as Wakanda and it's Vibranium mountains disappeared at a noticeable rate.

'Now it's time to find Peg…' I thought to myself while wondering if she'd been pregnant too and given birth as well.


"This thing is amazing." Bucky said as she explored the ship.

"She's actually pretty ancient by the standards of where I got her from." I told her while giving her the tour of the ship that was about to end at the guest quarters.

Once inside Bucky pressed herself against me.

"You know this is the third time you've saved me and I've yet to thank you properly." The Merlin actress look-alike as she ran her hands up underneath my shirt.

"I think it's time I correct that…can't let Stella have you all to herself." She continued with a naughty smile on her lips.

… Hours later.

(Knock knock knock)

"Sean, can you take over watching Jose…I'm really tired." Stella said through the door making me jump out of bed totally forgetting about Bucky.

I was in the middle of feeding my daughter when Saturday alerted me that the drones had found Peggy Carter and that she had a male infant with her.

'I have a son….' I thought to myself as Jose finished off her bottle of milk which I then had to burp her so she wouldn't have an upset tummy.

"Ahhghhhaa." Jose giggled as I blew on her belly after changing her diaper since she made a stinky while being burped. .

"Peeyew, whose a stinky baby you are yes you are." I said in that voice that always seems to make babies smile and giggle.

Before handing her off to a well rested and awake Stella who was dying to hold her baby again.


Using the invisibility of the snake Talisman I snuck into Peggy's apartment and watched her taking care of my son even though I knew I didn't have a right to call him that just like I didn't really have a right to call Jose my daughter because of my own decisions.

"Motherhood suits you Peg." I said while deactivating the snake Talisman while standing a few feet behind her.

Peggy spun around with a pistol in one hand baby in the other while he sucked on her teat making me feel a wave of jealousy.

'Those are my tits to suck on ya little twerp.' I thought to myself.

"S-Sean…is it really you…all Stella would tell was that you were gone and weren't coming back." Peggy said in an almost gasping voice as she set her pistol down and started to take a step towards me but stopped.

"It's me Peg…sorry it took so long to come back…sorry I missed so much and wasn't there to support you when you needed or wanted it…I'd like a chance to make it up to you and him.." I said as I was cut off byPeggy.

"His name is Steven…I named him after Stella…she's disappeared now too…I and Howard were looking for her and then Bucky disappeared and Howard is now wanted for treason and illegal weapons sales." Peggy said while she looked me over trying to find something, what I didn't know I could just tell she was searching for something.

'She's trying to figure out whether or not this is one of her pleasant dreams or nightmares.' Mind told me gently.

'Damn in my selfish asshole ways I really did a number on her." I thought to myself as I took slow measured steps towards her and the baby Steven.

"Bucky and Stella are safe now. They were taken by Hydra Agents there currently in my space which is hovering over us in the lower atmosphere as we speak." I told her and she instantly turned into badass Agent Peggy Carter at the mentioning of Hydra.

"How we destroyed them…you destroyed them…only Zola is left but he's working with Howard at Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division where I am supposed to be in an hour…would you like to come accompany me? With you here I don't have to hide our son anymore." Peggy replied while looking happily at the baby in her arms still sucking on her teat making a new wave of jealousy hit me.

'Stop you can't be jealous over your son being fed. fuck you I can't.' I told myself and the preceded to tell myself to fuck off since I can be jealous over anything I want to be jealous over.

"Peg…I don't plan on staying in this world you know about my other lovers back in my world while two of them are also pregnant and I'll be going back to them…I'd like for you to come with me both of you I mean so we can all be one big family." I told her while mentally adding the word dysfunctional between big and family.

"I can't, what Howard and the guy's and I are building is too important to me and the world…I want you to be in our lives though." She said while motioning to herself and little Steven.

"I understand…Peg I'll visit and weekend and as often as I can…can I hold him?" I asked softly.

"Of course." Peggy smiled radiantly as she handed me my son.

'Now listen here twero those are my tits I'm only loaning them out to you until you're strong enough to drink dairy milk then I'll be robbing all that breast milk from your Mama's tits.' I mentally joked as I couldn't take my eyes off of his little squished up face and wispy black hair along with his Hazel eyes.

'Ahh, you're going to be a little heart breaker when you grow up.' I thought to myself as imagining a young handsome man he'll turn into in the future.

'Just don't break mine and your mother's by taking on my worst qualities alright little man.' I continued mentally talking to him before I started burping him.

"Hahaha." I laughed as the little guy tooted to which he let out a baby giggle.

"Boys." I heard Peggy mutter as she brought her hand up to her forehead but a soft smile graced her lips.

Taking out two of the new arc nanotech bracelets I made while I was looking at an article online about Tony's one nanotech armor.

Putting one on the baby and telekinetically putting the other on Peggy before also giving her two dog and horse Talismans and explaining them to her and why I was giving her them.

Before finding where Dr.Zola was once I had his location I dispatched a unit of Mando-droids to retrieve him while also setting up a neuro-link for Peggy and giving her control over a hundred squads worth of Mando-droids to shore up her resources to utilize at Shield.

'It might be overkill but I want her and Steven safe.' I thought to myself as I put little Stevie down in his crib to sleep as Peggy and I reconnected intimately and with the help of a sleeping spell and muffling spell little Stevie slept peacefully through the night and this time I remembered to use an infertility spell on myself so as not to knock Peggy up again.

In the morning I interrogated Zola who arrived sometime during Peggy's and I's love fest using Mind's powers to which I found out everything I want to know about the current Hydra and it's assets which I then deployed my Shadowkhan all around the world high ranking officials, heads of state even homeless people who were actually Hydra died by ninja assassins.

"I really wish you'd stay." Peggy said as we shared a goodbye kiss.

"I really wish you'd come with me." I replied back with a teasing smile as I took my son from her arms and kissed his forehead.

"Be good for your mom, little man." I told him with a serious deep voice, making him cry.

"Aww come on, don't cry." I told him as Peggy took him away from me and gave me a look like she'd have my balls in a vice if I didn't just shut the fuck up.

And the little shit had the nerve to look over his mother's shoulder and smile at me.

'Ohh no you didn't you little shit.' I thought to myself as I ordered the A.I. I left embedded in the armor bracelet a command to not allow any funny business between Peggy and my son or anyone else for that matter in case he was a perverted reincarnator.

I had just finished arranging a room for Stella and Jose after getting Bucky situated in her own space inside one of my forest biomes palaces.

when I was about to open a portal back to X-Men evolution when a soft chime chimed in my mind.

'H-hey." Space stuttered slightly.

'You may wish to return to the universe I pulled you from originally…you and Peggy Carter compulated a lot before I created the second dimension and moved you to it.' Space continued talking in my mind.

'Shit you're right…I'm a total fucking dumbass.' I mentally sighed as space opened a much smaller version of a portal like the one seen in the first Avengers movies over NY.

"You are back in Prime MCU-verse now." Space said, sounding timid like she thought I was angry with her or something but I wasn't. I was just angry at myself.

'Thank you Space.' I said to her as I focused on finding Peggy who should be at the same place as previous Peggy.

Going to the apartment I found the door kicked in a bloody handprint on the doorframe.

"Ohh God no." I said out loud as I pushed into the room finding the dead body of a woman on the floor but luckily she was blonde and not Peggy. Looking around the room I noticed two beds and a crib.

'There is a chance they're both still alive.' I thought to myself as I reached into the crib picking up a powder pink blanket that was wet and sticky with blood. Swallowing down the rising dread I felt as I used it to cast a locator spell.

Teleporting myself to the location of whoever was bleeding to find Peggy sleeping in a grandiose bed while a baby slept beside her.

I sat down heavily in a leather chair letting out a relief filled sigh only for the Jarvis actor to enter the room with his wife behind him.

I got up from the chair pulling out two more additional arc nanotech bracelet slotting dog and horse talismans into Peggy's.

"I dare say get away from her." Jarvis said as he pulled out a pistol and his wife hissed at him to put it away that he was pointing at left Tennant Liberty and that I was the one on Peggy's locket necklace.

"Thanks for helping her, you two…now tell me what kind of shit did Howard Stark get the mother of child into that put her in this condition?" I asked the two and Jarvis gaped like a fish.

While his wife looked at me with a calm steady gaze.

"Now listen here I understand you are rightfully upset over Miss.Carter's situation but that does not give you the right to burst into this home and disparage its owner." Ana Jarvis said with a hand on her hip and some spunkiness to her that if she wasn't married would have me wanting to sleep with her.

I just raised an unimpressed eyebrow at her as I moved the blanket back from my daughter.

'One son, two daughters, not too bad.' I thought to myself as I felt the same magnetism to this little one as I did Stella's.

"You're beautiful just like her mother." I said softly to the year old baby.

'I missed a lot more time here than other places.' I thought to myself looking at the baby girl that already had thickening brown curly hair.

"She has your eyes." Peggy said sleepily before she groaned and went to clutch her side only to.

"Why doesn't it hurt? I must be dreaming again…Jarvis Ana, I'd appreciate it if you buggered off from this dream before he makes you fall in love with his cock Ana." Peggy said slowly coming out from her sleepiness completely missing the flummoxed look on Jarvis's face and the mix of angry horny blushing face of his wife.

"Peg this isn't a dream…I healed you…sorry it took me so long to make my way back to you…I was sent to an alternate dimension by the leftover energy that was absorbed by my body during Hydra's bombardment of me with their energy weapons." I told her while I took her hand as she was still lying in bed.

"Is it is it really you?" Peggy questioned in a disbelieving voice.

"Ohh it's me alright, remember what I did to you in that tight little red number that made those creamy breasts of yours pop in the alley after helping those kids out." I joked to Peggy as I crawled on top of her, opening the silk robe she was wearing exposing some of her breast flesh to view.

"S-Sean s-stop Hehehehehe." Peggy giggled as I kissed the tops of her breasts.

"OK okay bloody hell it's you it's you." Peggy laughed before she broke out into sobs and clung to like I was a life raft in the middle of a raging ocean.

"I'm sorry Peg, I should have found a way back to you sooner." I said softly, making her shake her head against my chest.

"You came back, that's all that matters." Peg replied through sobs.

After having a little moment together the baby woke up crying and Peggy became a helicopter mom.

"It's okay sweetheart look who finally made it home, Clary it's your daddy." Peggy said in a cooing voice as she comforted the little girl as she held her out for me to take the little girl into my arms gently and was rewarded by her snuggling against me.

'Charm maxed out.' I joked in my head as I got lost in deep pools of stormy grey clouds.

'My girls are always the prettiest.' I idly thought to myself as I lightly bounced her in my arms in a comforting motion.

"Ana, Jarvis would you both be so kind as to take this little one for a little while so Peggy and I can catch up on what's happened over the past…however long since it's obvious time passed differently where I was." I asked while mostly looking at Ana imploringly and she quickly agreed with a smile taking the little girl from arms.

"Of course take all the time you both need. I'll look over his cute little one." She replied with a smile as she and Jarvis left the room.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Peggy asked and I replied with.

"Everything." And that's what we did. We talked about everything. Peggy wasn't pleased that I knocked up another he from another dimension and went to her first.

Hours had passed there was some yelling and angry tears, some colorful British cuss words but by the end of it we were tearing each other's clothes off reconnecting with one another.

Peggy was on her fourth orgasm when we were interrupted for feeding time. And just like the last Peggy Carter, her drive to make the world a safer place overrode our relationship but she asked me to take our daughter with me and visit as often as I could before I left with the baby since Peggy had a huge target on her ass.

After a heartfelt tearful goodbye I took the baby with me into my inner world collecting Talon, my red skinned Twi'lek high priestess taking her to my forest palace where Stella Bucky and my other daughter were.

"Master, thank you for summoning me." Talon said as she started to let her thin ceremonial dress start to slide off of her shoulders.

"You aren't here for that at least for now." I told the red skinned Twi'lek.

"You're here to raise and care for my daughter." I told her as she looked at me in devotion as she resolutely took the bundle I handed her.

"I will raise her as my own master." She said while bowing at the waist but her eyes were looking at the baby with warm maternal love.

"I know you will…that is why I chose you." I replied as I rubbed her Lekku lovingly.

"Ahhh mmm-master ahhnnn." She moaned hotly as my caresses.

"Do well in this and you'll be bearing my children personally, Talon." I told her as I went and checked in Jose and Stella while also looking in on Bucky before returning to a sixteen year old looking at me and going to X-men Evolution.

As I sat back down in the seat on the train I'd previously vacated I had this strange feeling I was forgetting something deeply important.



Resuming time around me looking to my right seeing Kurt Wagner bundled up tightly trying to hide himself.

"Hey man." I greeted him with a wave and a friendly smile but he pulled his hoodie tighter around himself, drawing in on himself.

Ignoring his obvious discomfort I kept talking to him.

"You a runaway too?" I asked while lifting up my rucksack from my army days he shook his head no.

'Damn this is not the Kurt I remember from the show.' I thought to myself as I had a thought of how to get him to trust me.

"Hey, wanna see something cool?' I asked while I let my hand turn into its new blue scally self and I could see Kurt's eyes widen in shock.

"You're like me…groovy dude." He said his voice filled with excitement at meeting someone similar to himself.

"Are you going to the school too?" He asked as he bamphed into the seat beside me so I could see his blue face.

"School?" I asked questionably.

"Yaa dude professor Xavier's school he says it's for people like us to live and learn safely it's so groovy you should totally come dude." Kurt said in excitement as he tapped my shoulder with his spaded tail.

"I think I will." I replied back to him with a smile since exactly what I wanted to happen was happening.

"Groovy dude, so what else can you do?" He asked excitedly while bouncing in his seat.

"Well…there's a lot of things I could do." I replied with a mysterious smile as I turned into the cloaked image of him after Xavier gave him the watch clothes and all.

"That's me, cool I look totally awesome normal." He replied as his hands tried to reach forwards to touch me.

"Woo man don't touch the merchandise, all this is for the ladies." I replied back to him gesturing to all of me.

"Hahahahaha, you're funny dude you're my new best friend." Kurt laughed while struggling to reply through his laughter.

"Hahaha, sure thing buddy Ole pal I'm Sean, Sean Clark freak of nature. you?" I replied with my own laugh while fist bumping him.

"I'm the fuzzy dude, but you can call me Kurt." He replied while bamphing back into his seat as the signal that the train was getting ready to leave the station again.

"We have to go, the professor is waiting." Kurt said in nervous excitement as he grabbed my hand pulling me to my feet and dragging me behind him less concerned with keeping himself concealed now.

"Kurt, slow down." I said while I tried not to laugh at the blue boy's antics.


Zen felt strange she knew for her, Shmi and Mera it hadn't even been quite a week yet in their time but for Sean it'd been almost a year since he'd left and he hadn't been back yet to check on them or to see them.

When she expressed her worries to Shmi and Mira they both brushed it off as he was probably building an empire or something like he'd done in their universe or he was having mass orgies and just lost track of time.

Honestly she wouldn't have minded either of those but for some reason something just felt off. Especially after the private conversation she'd had with his grandmother about him finding out that for years he'd suffered mental illness with having high highs and super low lows where he'd starve himself close to death because he just didn't feel like life has any meaning but to die.

Though he was fiercely loving and protective of his family and that was about the only thing that could snap him out if it.

But he also seemed to pull away from them at the same time he'd unconsciously put space between himself and people to isolate himself; he'd stop putting forth the effort to communicate first.

And it was something she'd noticed herself as well anyone he truly cared about and thought of as family he wouldn't quite ignore but he'd distance himself take longer to return messages but if you asked him a question and needed help with something or information about something he'd answer right back.

Honestly she was just worried that that was what was happening to them now that he had an easy escape route in his abilities the fact her brought her and the other's home with him meant he wasn't as willing to put too much distance between them but without him here it was starting to feel like an insurmountable chasam was separating them.

And so instead of enjoying family night with the girls and her new extended family she was staring out the window looking over the fields of crops by her lonesome as she rested a hand on her big pregnant belly.

"Bub, will be back. He always comes back…he just sometimes gets lost and needs to find himself again." Said a young male voice belonging to Sean's little brother who was also like his older brother, very caring and emotional but didn't hide it like his brother did.

"Thank you Glen, so got any more dirt you can give me on him?" Zen asked with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Well there was this one time he got so drunk her passed out in the pathway between our bedroom and the bathroom…I didn't know he was their since it was dark and I walked on top of him and was like when did the carpet get so soft." He replied while trying not to laugh.

"Hahahahaha, no way you're making that up." Zen replied while laughing.

"Am not you can ask mom…it so happened." Glen replied while nodding his head with a smile on his lips but a serious look on his face.

"Come let's get back to movie night." Zen said as she stood up from the window sill and started to leave the sitting area.

"Hey umm, is bub doing bad stuff again to afford this place?" Glen asked Zen while they were still away from the others.

"No, I believe he just repurposed this place that was abandoned and owned by the state for cheap…" Zen replied though knowing it wasn't entirely true.

"Ohh okay I was just worried about him after our grandfather died he went down some pretty bad roads. Well that's what mom says anyways he was always buying me things so I never really thought much about it." Glen replied, making Zen look at him oddly.

"Yeah, he only told me he worked a lot to make sure you had the things he didn't and so you wouldn't feel like you were a burden or unwanted." Zen finally replied back, making Glen smile and nod.

"Sounds like him, he always thinks too much about those kinds of things because he always felt that way since I'm the favorite and his dad's family didn't treat him very well." Glen replied as they entered the private movie theater the two of them joined Mira and Shmi at the front row.


"Kurt, who is this?" The mind warping child soldier making telepath in a wheelchair asked while making his hands form a triangle in front of his chest.

"This is Sean Professor, he's like us, I met him on the train." Kurt expressed happily and I noticed Storm tensing up in preparation of an attack.

But quickly relaxed at a hand gesture from Wheel's himself.

"Hello Sean, would you be interested in joining my school for the gifted? Anyone is welcome to attend as long as you follow the rules." Charles asked with a welcoming smile on his face.

"It's not like I got anywhere to be, I'll check out your school Professor Q-ball." I replied as I walked on ahead of them and Kurt quickly caught up to me.

"Hey man it's not cool to dis the professor especially when he's offering us a home." Kurt said, as he shoulder hugged me.

"Nobody does anything without expecting something in return Kurt…and this guy definitely expects something in return."I told him while Storm had a tick mark on her forehead as she clenched her fists and the professor had a considerate look on his face not even minding the crude bald joke the young man had made to him since he sensed it was a self-defense method.

Exiting the train station spotting a swanky 1940's Rolls Royce I climbed in the back seat.

"What are you doing? You can't just enter someone's car like that." Kurt said as he tried pulling me out of the classic roadster.

"It's fine Kurt, it's my car you can get in as well." Charles Xavier said while motioning for Kurt to get in.

"How did you know this was my car Seat?" Charles Xavier asked while stealthily resting his index and middle fingers against his right temple.

"Ehh it was 50/50 between this and that stretch limo that was parked three cars down…

but since chocolate hotness there doesn't look like a professional driver I ruled it out for this since it goes with your expensive tailor made clothing and rich New York aristocratic accent.

And this beautiful girl just screams class with its classic beauty and elegant body contours. I just knew it had to belong to you." I replied while mimicking some rich prick or snotty fuck as I crossed one of my legs over the other.

"Very good means of deduction are you perhaps a fan of Sherlock Holmes novels?" Charles Xavier asked looking like he'd found someone he could converse with on equal footing.

"Nah, haven't really had much time to mess around with reading in a library ya know gotta eat somehow." I replied as I let my camouflage recede showing off my blue scaled skin.

"Especially when I look like this, most people don't want a mutant lizard freak around." I replied as I reached into my duffle and used it as camouflage as I pulled a metal cigarette case out of my storage ring.

"You look like an old acquaintance of mine." Charles finally said without any hostility in his voice.

"Yeah? Think she could be my mom? The lady at the church told me I was left wrapped up in a bloody shirt on the front steps." I replied back to him making his eyes widen in shock looking between Kurt and I since our origin stories sounded similar.

"I…I am not sure anything is possible." Charles finally said as we pulled up to a fence.

"Welcome Kurt Sean to my school for the gifted you are free to use your powers on the grounds without any fear of repercussions." Charles said while gesturing to the mansion with his hands as a warm smile spread across his lips.

'Maybe this Charles Xavier isn't as bad as ff ones.' I thought to myself as I looked at the mansion feeling a foreign sense of peace and safety.

Walking inside the grand mansion taking design notes in my mind for modifications to make towards my own mansion.

I had to dodge out of the way of a rushing redhead.

"Hi, bye." She said as a car horn honked in the driveway.

"Jean, wait." Scott Summers said as he ran after Jean out the door.

"My apologies, I planned on having Scott and Jean give you a tour of the grounds but it'll have to wait until later. Orro please show them to their rooms." Charles Xavier said as he let out a breath in resignation.

Kurt was dropped off at one room while Storm guided me to mine.

'Damn I can't wait to fuck this chocolate goddess senseless.' I thought to myself while looking at her ass as she walked with a bit of sway in her hips.

"This will be your room." She said calmly as she opened the door revealing a sparsely decorated room with only a large bed dresser with a mirror on it, a bathroom and a closet.

'Neat I get my own bathroom.' I thought to myself.

"Thanks, Orro." I said as I threw my rucksack into the bed.


Putting away some clothes in the dresser and closet before kicking off my boots and hopping on the bed to take a quick nap.

Only to hear a bamph and smell a quick flash of sulfur.

"Kurt, some ground rules knock before entering my room, ya never know what I might be doing I could be jerking off or fucking that hot little rednead we saw earlier." I told him while cracking open and eye seeing him blush while sticking to the corner of the two walls and the ceiling.

"Sorry dude, I'll knock next time." Kurt apologized, while his tail rubbed the back of his head.

"And wait for me to tell you whether or not it's cool to enter or not Kurt. I'll do the same for you too." I told him easily enough to which he nodded but then slumped.

"No, babe will even like the fuzzy dude." He replied looking down sadly.

"Bro, trust me plenty of guys and gals love the furry, you'll drown in pussy at some point or another." I replied back to him while smirking since it definitely was true.

"And with that tail, man, think of all the possibilities combined with your wall crawling and teleportation you're definitely a kink fest that'll interest a lot of girls and guys." I continued telling him trying to build his confidence up.

"You really think so dude?" Kurt asked, his voice filling with excitement.

"I know, after all we're not so different." I replied, turning myself into a male Mystique.

"I get plenty of pussy from secret freaks that love the whole lizard man vibe I got goin on." I lied to him since I hadn't had any sex looking like this but knew I could if I wanted to.

I didn't know that Ororo Munroe had come back and was hovering outside the door since she felt this gravitational pull towards me, the new student.

"Want to go explore the mansion with me?" Kurt asked excitedly, his tail waving quickly behind reminding me of a Labrador puppy.

"Nah, not right now anyways I'm kinda tired and want to take a nap…maybe later though if you're still down." I replied back as I fluffed up my pillow a bit.

"Aww man, alright dude I'll see you later." Kurt said as he bamphed away.

'Ahh, high school again…I can just relax for a few years and let my duties as a father, and father to be be put on slo-mo for a bit.

And get help from the two greatest telepaths and mind healers in the marvel universe to help me work through my problems so I can be a better father, husband, son, brother, nephew and grandson to the people that I love.' I thought to myself as I took a little nap ending up in the gem girl dimension where I gave each of them some attention.