Saiyan In ATLA


"Hello young soul you have."

"Died yeah I figured but thank you for confirming it for me. So since I'm here and not in some sort of divine realm of damnation or eternal bliss. I'd say reincarnation is real."

"Haa yes, you would be correct. 'Jeez this guy's taking away all my fun by taking this so calmly.' So yes this is similar to all those works of literature you've read in your life but with some slight differences. However if you chose this wish route you only get 3 and you don't get to keep all of your memories. If you choose to spin the wheels of chance you get to keep your memories but again everything is left to chance."

"Hmm interesting. I guess I'll spin the wheel then."

[Spinning Spinning Spinning]

[Dum dum dumb]

[World Avatar The Last Airbender]

[Race: Saiyan]

[System: DragonBall System]


[Please customize your character]

[Character creation complete]

"Haha this is going to be entertaining. (waves his hand) Here put these on. (Blacked out Saiyan armor, and a scouter with black glass display.) Also this will be your transportation to the planet fully equipped with blutz wave projector. Weapons etc etc and can be controlled/piloted through the scooter."

'This is so frickin cool, too bad I know jackshit about DragonBall other than watching that 12 episode season of Kai that was on nicktoons.'

"I decided to give you or well your ship the ability to travel the omni-verse though the function won't unlock until you meet certain requirements. Also each world will have requirements for you to visit things like BP or completed objectives as in a number of objectives the system won't make you do anything you don't want to do."

"Thank you R.O.B"

"You're welcome."

Getting into my Attack Ball it sealed with a whoosh sound while the display. Looked like it was a touchscreen tablet. The main screen is laptop sized. When looking at the menu there were many gauges and a few menus. One main menu had a select destination. There were many boxes but only [ATLA] was visible and available for selection…

In the south pole two teen girls could be seen arguing over dumb things while suddenly a shadow fell over them. They both looked up at the sky. The one who looked a few years older than the other screamed. "The Firenation is Attacking." While the other looks on curiously before running after it looking back over her shoulder shouting. "Sakka, I don't think that has anything to do with the fire nation."

"Katara, stop, you don't know what that thing can do." "It's fine Sakka I can't tell you why but I just know that whatever that is won't hurt us."


[DING: you have arrived at your destination.]


Ughhh my head is killing me damn what is that banging sound?.

"Sakka, give me your boomerang. There's someone inside there they could be hurt." (Katara grabs the boomerang while Sakka stares at the Attack Ball with her mouth comically hanging open.) "Katara, get away from there, it must be Fire Nation." (Bang bang bang. Katara beating on the pod with Ashoka's boomerang.)

(Psshhhh-wooo-shhh) "Haa, it feels so good to be standing up and breathing fresh air. Huh hey are you two okay you didn't get hurt when I landed right?." 'No friggin 'way that's Katara I'd recognize that sexy southern savage water tribe girl anywhere. But damn who's the hottie with the C-cup tits. Actually she kind of looks like Sokka. Wait no way no fucking way this is AU and Sokka is a babe.'

"N-no we're fine are you okay you fell from the sky in a flaming ball." "Katara get away from him now he could be from the Firenation." "Firenation ? What's that ?" "Haa, see Katara, that's exactly what a spy would say. And look, he has a tail. He must be Firenation." "Miss Sakka, I assure you I'm no spy and I mean neither you nor your friend any harm. Plus if I was a spy wouldn't I kill you both immediately to keep my identity safe."

"Hmm fine I'll trust you for now but if you do anything fire related or shady I'll kill you before you can hurt my sister or my village." Putting on what I hoped was a charming and disarming smile. "Thank Ahsaka, My name is Asher but my friends call me Ash." "Asher sounds like a Firenation name." "Sakka stop it, he says he's not Fire Nation or here to hurt us and I believe him."

'He's so handsome my heart feels like it's going to burst from my chest. But I must remain vigilant as Koda's first born daughter and acting chief of the village. I can't let such girly things distract me. From my duty to the village.' 'Wow I've never met anyone so tall, muscular and handsome before. He looks so tasty. I just want to lick him all over.'

[Ding: Hidden Objective complete 1.(arrive at your destination safely.) 2.(Meet members of the main cast.) 3.(Gain the trust of two or more main cast members.) Calculating rewards:

1.(Gravity Watch: The gravity watch can intensify gravity directly to your person without effecting the ground, others within personal space and 3rd or 2nddary means of transportation other than your own physical mobility. Gravity modifier X1-1,000 times gravity of planet you are on.)

2.(100 Senzu Beans: When eaten, a person's physical condition is near-instantly restored to its natural peak. one Senzu Bean can keep a person full for ten days. Restoring properties of Beans heal all physical harm to a person: Bruises, burns, cuts, blood loss, muscle tear, punctures and impalement, damaged organs, lost teeth, dislocated and/or broken bones, and other inflictions completely vanish with no lingering signs. Even mortally-taxing and life-threatening harm can be healed by a Senzu Bean if consumed soon enough, restoring them to full health. Even old internal injuries can be healed, a Senzu Bean can be mended with no problems. A Senzu Bean can also regenerate lost anatomy, including teeth, organs, and limbs. However, it appears that the Senzu Beans can not heal injuries that have already healed over, like scars or the stub of missing extremities.)

3. Capsule Corp Capsule Case: (The one that Bulma had on her first journey with Goku.)


'System Functions'

[System Functions: Status, Inventory, Objectives, Shop.]

'Show status'


Name: Asher

Age: 17 (26)

Race: Saiyan

BP: 10

Life Expectancy: 300 earth years

Skills: (Ozaru form x10 BP modifier)

Inventory: (Gravity Watch) (100 Senzu Beans) (Capsule Case)]

(Stomach rumblingx3)

"I'm starving. Can you two teach me how to get food around here?"

"Of course Sakka and I have to go fishing today anyways."


A few minutes later we were getting into a canoe made out of bone, leather hide and sinews. Katara was making small water balls out of the frigid seawater while Sakka. Was using a whale jaw bone tipped bone spear trying to stab fish that were swimming by the canoe.

It didn't take long to figure out that these two were rank amateur when it came to getting food. Remembering a scene from the one or two episodes of OG Dragon Ball I watched he fished with his tail. So following my fellow Saiyan's example I stuck my tail in the freezing water "ahh so cold." I jumped up in the canoe, nearly knocking Sakka into the water but grabbed her by the waist of her pants catching her when her face was an inch away from the calm oceans surface.

"Sorry guys I wanted to help out so I was going to use my tail as bait for the fish but I wasn't expecting the water to be so cold." "HAhahahaha Tail fishing, that's funny." I couldn't help but blush slightly at Sakka's teasing while Katara giggled softly behind me. "Yeash water with giant pieces of ice in it is obviously going to be cold." I muttered back in response only to increase their amusement at poking fun at me.

Gritting my teeth in expectation of the cold I resubmerged my tail into the frigid waters. 'It's quite convenient that my tail is about 5ft long and about as thick as a mini coke can.' Within a minute I felt something bite my tail and whatever it is it's big and heavy. Pulling my tail out of the water with the fish hanging off of it I was stunned when I saw a blue and black fish similar to an elephant coy Aang rode on at Kiyoshi Island.

"No way that's an Arctic Elephant Coy ! ! !. Maybe you're not so bad Ash even with your tail, that weird hair and those big tasty muscles hehem I mean yeah we can go back to the village now." 'Hehe big sister is in love with our handsome tailed stranger but I won't lose to her.' "Thanks I think hey umm Sakka I notice you dress like a warrior and carry an assortment of weapons would you like to train and spar together."

"EEP yea yeah yes I'd like that." 'Ohh my spirits he's the first person to take me seriously. What should I do? I only know how to throw a boomerang and I'm barely even good at that.' 'Finally, Someone takes Sakka seriously besides Dad it's always broken her confidence that the other warriors of the tribe didn't acknowledge or take her seriously unless Dad was present. Thank you Asher you have no idea how much this means to the both of us.'

Once we arrived at the village on the heavily laden canoe the village that was made up of women, children and a few elders all went wild at both the sight of a handsome young male and a big ass fish. Though it could have been my narcissism that made me think they were looking at me. Preparing the fish was a whole village affair everyone pitched in. I was told since I caught it that I didn't have to help but I pitched in anyway. My actions earned me a whole lotta female admiration for doing as their husband's brother's or other male relatives would claim was woman's work. Everything was going great until a pack of wolf tigers caught the scent of the blood and started moving towards us.

[Ding: Protect your new home it's people and your food from a hungry wolf tiger pack: Rewards vary]

Moving to intercept the wolf tigers I moved at a speed equal to their own, shocking my observers and myself. Kicking and punching the tiger wolves away while their fangs and claws couldn't penetrate my armor or custom gi. But they were too lost in their hunger to turn away and run so I had to start snapping necks.

I turned around to see many mouths hanging open. "I'm going to follow these tracks and make sure there aren't any more close to the village." Taking off without waiting for a response until I arrived at an ice cavern there were a few adult tiger wolves standing sentry over the pups but something that sickened me was a large scared up black and silver strapped wolf tiger eating the pups along with the sentries.

I killed the adults as fast as I could but only one pup was left alive. A cute tiny version of the scarred cannibal I killed the pup was whimpering nosing a blue and black striped pup I felt a pang in my heart. Picking up the little pup it whimpered sniffing my scent before licking my chest rubbing her head against my chest. "Don't worry pup I'll take care of you." 'The least I can do is take care of you after killing 90% percent of your pack.' Grabbing a Senzu Bean out of my inventory and feeding it to the pup that went from malnourished to healthy well fed pup in a handful of seconds.


Walking back to the village holding the pup like a baby tickling its belly while it waved it paws in the air yipping. "Who's a good girl you are, yes you are." "Yip yip roof" I hadn't even realized I was back at the village until I heard a gaggle of women giggling. A bunch of kids came over to try and pet the pup but her friendly demeanor changed in an instant. "Hey hey kiddos she's a puppy and you're scaring her like when someone you've never met before comes over and starts touching you and yelling in your ears and stuff give her some time to get used to her new surroundings I'm sure she'll become your ax guy's friend with a bit of time." "Okaaay X-11"

"Ohh he's so handsome and good with kids. X32-women"

An older but still fit looking woman I heard Katara and Sakka call grams walked over to me. "Hello young man I must thank you for providing us with such a bounty of food and furs. It's been hard on all of us for a long time now. I hope you'll consider staying for a while. I know my granddaughters would like that sadly we don't have any spare tents or huts available but you can stay with my granddaughters and I until you can build your own shelter." "Thank you Lady "Kanna" I'd be honored to be your guest lady Kanna as long as it's not too much of an inconvenience towards you or those two." "Hehehe ahh how I've missed speaking to young handsome men with manors. No, don't worry it won't be an inconvenience to us. I'm sure both girls will be quite happy to have you stay with us. I believe many of the women in the village would be more than happy to offer you a place to sleep."

Looking around at the women of the village I noticed the hungry gazes of the women ranging from approximately 16-50 the older women's gazes sent a shiver down my spine and not in a good way. I slightly started feeling nervous about my situation being in a village surrounded by obviously neglected and needy women. After that, Sakka taught me to skin the wolves and preserve the pelt by first wet salting them and then dry salting them. "Once the salt dries we'll dry salt the underside before we put fresh dry salt on then we will tar them then stretch them. But come on, I'm sure grams has dinner ready by now."

After eating a delightful fin fish stew and fish stake I was pointed to a semi large sleeping mat/bag in between two other similar sleeping apparatuses. Laying down I was out like a light bulb at the flick of a switch. The next morning I woke up pressed up against Sakka's back while one hand rested on her stomach the other palmed one of her breasts while Katara was plastered to my back with my tail wrapped around her waist. 'This is quite a compromising position. I hope I don't ruin my relationship with these two or the village by being a perv in my sleep.'

"Hehe my my you work fast young man." 'Ohh shit.' "Ugh I swear this isn't what it looks like lady Kanna." "Please call me grams and judging by the way my grandbabies happily fell asleep with you I'm sure you'll be my grandson before long." I knew my face was tomato red at this point. I didn't trust myself to say anything back or to move since my not so little brother was starting to awaken and I didn't want to give her statement any more credibility than it already had.

A little whimpering sound coming from just above my head told me my little pup needed to handle her business. Letting out a groan at losing the warmth and softness of two very attractive female sleeping companions, I carefully got up so as not to wake either Katara or Sakka up from their sleep.

Standing up only wearing my pants that couldn't hide my rather large morning wood. Kanna gave an appraising glance and nodded contendidly. "What you did yesterday with that pack of wolf tigers was impressive. You should remember though this is a hard world, those who hesitate to kill could lose everything dear to them in an instant due to that hesitation." "Thank you for your wisdom Grams. I won't forget it and I'll take it to heart."

Walking out of the tent with my pup on my heels I heard quite a few ohh my's and damn what I wouldn't do to have him spend a night in my tent. 'Damn Oc Sokka must have been drowning in tang by how all these women are actin thirsty.' It was cute how my pup started staring and growling at any of the women who stared at me and my package too long. 'Damn pup you better not grow up to be a tang blocking menace just a T.H.O.T deterint is fine though. And I'm not a fan of NTR so I probably won't go after anyone here besides widows and Sakka and Katara.'

Exiting the village pup and I found a good place to relieve ourselves while we had a gaggle of thirsty bitchs following us trying to get a peek. I decided to have a little fun and turn around to flash them when I felt my little pup nip at my ankle.

"Killjoy, That's it that'll be your name Killjoy or Kj for short what do you think Kj?" "Woof(Ki is fine)" "Good I'm glad you like it pup now finish up I'm hungry Kj." Returning to the tent I listened as Kanna barbed fun at her granddaughters about how unladylike they were. In their sleep I couldn't help but chuckle. But nearly choked on my own tongue when I heard her say how they missed a good chance to tie me down.


"The food smells, delicious Grams. I can't wait to eat." "Hey Asher I thought we could train together today since there should be enough food for a month or so thanks to you." "I'd love to Sakka, eat a light breakfast though so you don't waste it by vomiting it up." "What do you mean by vomiting it up?" "While obviously we're going to train until we drop unconscious in our own puke and do it again and again until I start teaching you the martial arts I know."

"Huuuhhh ! ! !" "Now, now, dear, don't make those faces at the table." "Hahaha poor Sakka." "You'll be going with us too Katara so make sure you eat a light breakfast as well. It'll be beneficial for your Bending and overall health." "HAhahahaha take that Katara." 'Noooo I wanted to be alone with him but making Katara suffer along with me is so worth it.' "Aright ladies, we're going to start by running the perimeter of the village when I drop down to do exercises. You follow my example exactly, punishment for failure will be a quick dip in the ocean, am I clear?"

Being the village chief's daughters both understood that my commanding tone ment business.

"SIR YES SIR." "I still don't understand how this is going to help my bending but yes I understand." "Good let's begin." Keeping pace at a moderate jog I'd drop and do some push-ups, then jumping jacks, sit-ups, sprints when I looked behind me I saw both Sakka and Katara drenched in sweat huffing while tomato red puking up their guts. "Good work ladies, let's head back and get cleaned up and I'll start teaching you both some beginner Katas once we've eaten our second breakfast."

"Finally" x2

Both girls dropped into the soft snow opposite of their vomit feeling a pang of guilt but also slightly turned on seeing them both flushed and sweaty. My package started reacting to the dirty thoughts and images of the three of us getting down and dirty with our bad selves. Quickly shaking the thoughts from my head I picked up and carried both passed out and exhausted girls back to their tent.

Many gasps and comments of ohh my what a beast look at Sakka and Katara. 'Damn these bitchs be annoying as fuck no wonder Aang left so easily.' Entering the tent Kanna gasped while looking at her granddaughters thrown over my shoulders. "Is this from training or expressing your youthfulness?" I'm sure I looked dumbfounded at her question if her deep belly laughter was any indication. "I'm just teasing. I was watching the three of you training. Thank you for giving them something to unite over. I've been at my patient's end putting up with their never ending bickering. But damn do they stink there's some clothes and bathing water through that flap be a dear and clean them up.

"You want me to bathe two gorgeous unconscious young women that would be completely helpless against me eating them up." "Dear I don't know if you've noticed but you're the only man here with a working man stick between your legs and excuse me for saying this but a hunk of man I'd climb on to and take for a ride if I was 10-20 years younger. I'd rather my babies who like you and are at that age where they've got an almost constant itch to scratch lay claim on you and that thing between your legs so it doesn't cause issues in the village or break their fragile young hearts."

[Ding: Host has forgotten to collect rewards for protecting the village. Does the host wish to not claim rewards at this time?]

'Yes claim rewards."

[Ding: Confirmed dispensing rewards]

[Ding: Rewards received Replica of King Kai's planet]

[Replica of King Kai's planet: (Works like a personal dimension as a replica of king Kai's planet attached to

Your soul, only you and people approved by You can enter and exit, a planet 10 times bigger than King Kai's actual planet. the planet will have every type of energy of the universes you travel too. Has the same atmosphere as earth, gravity and time of planet on any particular area without damaging the planet will be fully under your control. (Side note: corvette, house and warehouse are included.)]


"The girls aren't going to clean themselves chop chop before they get sick." "Yes mam." I started with Sakka first stripping off her clothes gently until I got to her undergarments. My mouth and throat dried instantly. My hands started to tremble; it only grew worse smelling the sweet and tangy muskiness of a woman. It was worse than back when I kicked my alcohol and cig addiction, steeling myself while calming my breathing. I removed her sweat soaked see through wrappings and lose loin cloth like underwear.

Grabbing a clean bathing cloth and dipping it into the lukewarm water. Ringing out the excess water before whipping down Sakka's delicious dark skinned body. Starting at her neck working my way down her front paying more attention to her breasts and chocolate nipples but I couldn't help myself while hearing her soft, sweet and incredibly cute moans.

I could feel something bubbling up inside of me driving me to push further. Though I was able to stop myself and continue my work and duty as her sensei. Once I reached her cute virgin sex my will to resist my own more intense primal urges especially seeing how the wetness between her thighs had the characteristics of both a woman's arousal and girl cum. A sneaking suspicion that Sakka had been awake for a bit of time now crept into my heart.

Moving further down her body washing her legs and feet I rolled her over onto a clean towel and continued washing her. Now her delicious bounce a quarter off Dat ass booty was just begging me to do naughty things to it. Sakka's moans became more pronounced as I wiped up from her cunnies lips to her puckered hole when I went to pull away. Quick like lightning, Sakka's hand grabbed my wrist while she shyly while wearing a deep flush whispered. "Please don't stop."

Not to make such a beautiful girl beg, I started to use my tail to stimulate her virgin cunnies lips and folds while I cleaned the washcloth in the water bin. She covered her mouth with her hands to muffle her increasingly louder moans as I started washing and massaging her back. Only for her to scream into her hands as she sprayed my tail with her girl cum and made more of a mess for me to clean up, not that I could say I minded at all.

I also learned something about my new body as well. I remember catching part of the Saiyan saga while messing around by passing the school's firewalls for blocked sites. That Raditz Goku's brother was killed because his tail was used against him he froze and was put in a Nelson while some bug looking dude shot a windscar or something at him killing both the mc and the bad guy.

Now I really know why though this tail is like having an organ as sensitive as your balls and the tip of your penis constantly out in the open and unprotected. (Or for you ladies out they're a big ass long ass clit just above your rear.) 'Hey system, can you tell me why Sakka and Katara are practically throwing themselves at me. And why all the other bitchs of the village be so thirsty because this goes way beyond being neglected by a male population.'


[Ding: it's in part due to your biology Saiyan's constantly exude sex pheromones inducing feelings of lust towards one another. Because of their warrior persona's their biology quickly adapted so they would not become extinct.

Most Saiyan's have a natural resistance to said Pheromones due to being exposed to them from conception to death. But the women of this world are extremely susceptible to the pheromones you exude. Even other man will be susceptible to them. As for another factor, considering your aura is a contradiction to its own composition. It'd wild yet calm, raging yet peaceful, gentle yet passionate.

There is also your ki or qi it reacts positively with the people of this world's Chi a more spirit based energy while your Ki is more physical both energies are attracted to each other they make up for the others deficiencies.]

'So I'm pretty much sex on wheels for the people of this world and can I utilize the energy of this world along with my Ki and combine them.'

[Yes but to cultivate Chi you will have to find a partner or many partners to harvest all types of elemental Chi to unlock pure Chi which is on the level of Ki but in a spiritual mystical sense. The closest thing I can relate it to would being a Psuedo-mystic-Saiyan.]

'Haa, I really wish I could watch DragonBall now.' [Ding: when Host unlocks store and converts currency or BP to Dragon points Host can purchase a multi-versal 8" tablet with S-pen and cellular capabilities for 5,000 Dragon points or D-points. This device has a constantly updated media library and app store from your home universe.]

'What, that's so cool! How do I unlock the store?' [Obviously by completing objectives.]

[Ding: complete 100 objectives to unlock the system shop and secure a way to earn a steady supply of currency.]

'Hey system why aren't people freaking out that I came to this world in a large flaming ball or that I have a tail?'

[Ding: simple this world has a lot of strange unexplainable shit always happening. From spirit possessions to a person who can split a continent in half with a flicka of da wrist you by comparison are pretty mundane other than being an exemplary example of a hunk O man.] …

Seeing a bashful, flushed, and shy Sakka I found myself hard as steel. She quickly grabbed the wash cloth I had been using on her to clean up between her thighs. While I started stripping Katara who I knew was awake by her slightly mischievous smirk, her heavy breathing and blushing face. Honestly stripping the cartoon character of her clothes who had made quite a few appearances in fantasies over the years. Was somewhat of a deep seated dream of mine and most likely many others as well.

Where Sakka had C-cup breasts approaching D-cup Katara was a budding B-cup with pasty pink nipples as opposed to her sister's chocolate ones. Even her lower lips were light tan and pink as opposed to the dark tan and dark pink of her sisters. Katara didn't try to contain or muffle her moans; she was very vocal and even started rubbing my still clothed package.

While Sakka looked over with quite a bit of jealousy. Until she stood up and walked the few steps over to us. "Let me wash you while you clean her Ash." A part of me wanted to resist but the look in her eyes told me that if I denied her this I'd break her confidence and most likely any chance at a relationship with her.

"How do I take this off ?" "Just lift it up like you would when you take off a shirt."

'I can't believe I asked him to do that better yet how could Grams just throw us like a piece of meat to a polar bear dog like that. But ohh it felt so good feeling his strong hands gently caressing my body I'm happy he likes my big breasts. I've always thought they were an inconvenience till now and envied Katara's having small breasts.'

'Wow it's so hot watching him toy with Sakka's body like that and Sakka looks so cute like that. Mmm daddy come play with me too I promise I'll be a good girl no daddy don't spank me.'

'Haa I'm glad this worked. I'm not long for this world and I want to see my grandbabies happily married to a man that can satisfy them both physically and spiritually. While also being able to protect them unlike that useless son-in-law that let my little girl die.'

I had to stand up so Sakka could remove my pants. I watched as her eyes cartoonishly popped out of their sockets at the size of my exposed package. While Katara gasped. "It's way bigger than the guys of the village or the traders I would suck off and let use my ass for a discount for the village." "You did what Katara, you bad girl Asher. I believe as the man of this home you should punish her for being a bad girl." "Lady Kanna." "Ohh hush it's nothing I haven't seen before." "Now teach this granddaughter of mine some responsibility by turning her ass red and making it so she can't sit down on it for a week."

Looking down into Katara's eyes I could see a need for a father like figure in her life having only horny women around to follow as an example really played a role in her current self. Sitting down on a stool while maneuvering Katara over my knee I started spanking her soft marshmallow like ass.

"Ahh daddy it hurts. Ahhn daaaddy"


"Nghh daddy yes punish me for being a naughty slutty girl daddy." I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a massive turn on to have Katara moaning and crying out calling me daddy. In between smacks I'd gently rub her reddened ass on every Smack my hand came away wet with her arousal. While Sakka shakily washed my back. "Please punish my bratty annoying sister more, Ash."

Hearing Sakka's husky whisper with uncontaminated lust and vindictiveness I could tell there was a rather large rift that had formed between sisters. "Ever since she got her first moon's blood she stopped being the mothering little sister who helped Grams and me and turned into an annoying bitch so please give me back the little sister that I love." Sakka turned my head towards her own and kissed me. It was just a quick peck on the lips and she was quite embarrassed about it judging from the look in her eyes.

I nodded to her in response and quickly gave her a peck in return before getting back to punishing Katara. To which she came hard to around the thirtieth slap. While her tongue stuck out her mouth cutely as she silently screamed and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. "If you're a good girl from now on Katara daddy will reward you often now help Sakka wash me of the mess you made." "Ye Yes daddy."


[Ding: Hidden Objectives completed]

[Ding: 1.(Become Sakka's and Katara's trainer.) 2.(Establish yourself as fiancé to both girls.) 3.(Beome Katara's daddy.) 3.(Increase Sakka's confidence in herself and her body.) 4.(Fulfill an old tired woman's wish for an amazing grandson-in-law. That will keep her babies together as a family and satisfy their needs and protect them.) 5.(Make Sakka experience her first Orgasm.) 6.(Make Katara realize that her previous partners pale in comparison to her new daddy by giving her a mind breaking orgasm through spanking.)]

[Due to completion of certain objectives, the system will need time to calculate appropriate rewards since these were Mythic and legendary class objectives.]

'How the fuck were those objectives? is this system a pervert system in disguise.' [Ding: Host is the perverted one not the system, the system only helps fulfill Host's own desires through making them objectives.]

'So I'm a colossal perv great.' While Sakka washed my backside and my tail Katara shakily washed my front, unable to take her eyes off of my raging erection. "Let me help make this go away Daddy." Katara wrapped both of her soft nimble hands around my member slowly stroking up and down while moving her hands in a circular motion sticking her tongue out she gave my precum leaking piss slit a lick. "Mmm daddy's milk tastes so good, if I'm a good girl will daddy let me drink his milk with all my meals." "Only if you're a good girl for Sakka, Grams and especially myself I'll let you drink my milk until you're sick of it."

"Yes daddy I'll be the best girl ever." …

An hour later the three of us exited the bathing area. Sakka had gotten jealous of Katara getting something she didn't and it led to the two sister's getting a white shower to which they sexily licked each other clean and needed another washing afterwards. Seeing their Grams with a cat ate the canary smile, both became shy and embarrassed at remembering that their Grams had looked in on them and heard and most likely seen everything that had happened between the three of us. Nothing really went beyond heavy petting a handie with a bit of tongue and some tail play.

I did blush but only because she gave me the Sakka two thumbs up and a comic smile. "Over there on the bench dear are some clothes you can wear until we launder your clothes and armor.

The clothes that were waiting for me were the same one we saw Hakoda wear at his off time right along with his armor, shin guards, forearm guards, a wolf mantle cloak and hood along with a breastplate.

Along with the same assortment of weapons that Sakka carries. "This is a lot of stuff." "Don't worry dear there's plenty of clothes, armor and weapons sitting in storage while you only have a single set of clothes. Now come here and eat." After eating, second breakfast I decided I could teach Katara and Sakka the Katas indoors. Starting both girls with Wing Chun, because I figured it would be best for a waterbender to use, due to the soft movements but strong foundation. Though when physically sparring I was teaching them Krav Maga and Kyusho Jitsu. Through my own actions targeting pressure points throwing them constantly out of balance. Sakka was a natural and seemed to absorb everything almost instantly. Where Katara was able to adapt to the movements but her foundation was weak and shaky.

The day quickly came to an end. I was so full of energy though so I asked Sakka if she could lead me back to the place where we met. She complained a bit but ultimately put on her cloak and we left in the canoe. While in the canoe Sakka constantly sent furtive glances towards me and her body language screamed that she was nervous and afraid. Before finally just as we reached the ice cap where my Attack Ball was located. "You're not going to leave because of the stuff in the bathroom are you? I'm sorry I promise I'll never ask you to do such embarrassing things again if you didn't like them." "Hahahahaha Sakka you miss understand the means to how I got here is the only thing besides my armor and clothes from my home that was destroyed that I have in this world."

"WHHAAATTT your home was destroyed how why are you okay do you want to talk about it?"

"Sure there's not much to tell you see I came far from beyond the moon. From planet Vegeta my people are or were known as Saiyan's we were a battle loving race employed by a Tyrant I say employed but we weren't much more than slaves." "Wait, what do you mean you came from a place beyond the moon." "I'm from another world Sakka, that big ball I came here in is called a spaceship. I'm not a spirit Sakka, I'm an Alien." "You seem pretty normal besides the tail." "Well about that I can turn into a giant ape under the moonlight."

"Umm that's not good." "Why?" "Tomorrow is when the moon will be at its strongest and we only have an hour till dark. We'll never make it back to the village in time." "I actually have a solution for that but you have to swear to me you won't tell anyone about it okay." "I swear on my honor as acting chief of the southern water tribe and your (whispering)." "And my what ?" "You're fff-fiance." "Fiancé?" "Ye-yes it's a tradition of our tribe for those who are engaged to bathe each other to officiate their status as Fiancés."

'That sly old hag tricked me not that I really mind but still. I'll get you for this you meddlesome old woman and your dog too.'

"You didn't know, did you?" "I didn't, I was honestly just doing as Kanna told me too and I didn't feel right leaving either of you in those sweat and vomit solid clothes. But even with this revelation I don't regret my choices honestly I feel like I've known you two forever. But at the same time I'm constantly learning new things about each of you so let me ask you formally in a little bit but not now I want to show you something amazing first.


Once we were out of the canoe I put it into my inventory. "Ahhh my boat, where did my boat go?" "Shh Sakka I put it somewhere safe, come on Let's get to my ship." "Is it really safe? I made it with my dad and it means a lot to me." "Of course it is Sakka. I'd never intentionally do anything to hurt you or your feelings." "Thank you." Once we arrived at my pod I put on my scouter and scanned Sakka who surprisingly had a battle power of 6."

Climbing in and getting comfortable I waved Sakka in to sit on my lap. Wrapping my tail around her waist like a seat belt. "Don't be scared Sakka, I'm about to show you something amazing. Just hold on tight and don't touch anything okay." "Okay, but I really want to press that shiny button that says boom for some reason." The Attack Ball slowly started gaining altitude and speed until we reached the Stratosphere. Sakka and I both gasped at the beauty of the site below us.

And due to my scouter forming a mental link with my mind we were able to see the names of places I remember from the show. From looking at a world map of the Avatar world online. "It's beautiful." "Yes it is but it pales in comparison to you Sakka." Steam came out of her ears as she wiggled in my lap. "Sakka, be careful you might hit a button by accident." (Beep…self-destruct sequence initiated, you have 3 seconds to cancel detonation.)

"Fuck" using my enhanced speed I quickly typed in the abort code displayed on the main display. (Detonation aborted at 1 second have a nice day) "Sorry" "it's okay Sakka I'm not mad there's no reason to apologize it was an accident." 'That almost destroyed us.' Now I want to show you something really special, close your eyes."

'System you do I enter this soul world.' [Ding: Just picture the world in your mind and circulate the energy inside yourself and you'll enter your soul world or inner world.]

"Sakka, you can open your eyes now."

"Wow, what is this place?." "It's a planet within my spirit. This place is like a manifestation of my soul. It's a rare ability few have. My world is relatively new and undeveloped. This is a place only I and those I give permission too can enter. In this place I can control everything about this place."

"That's awesome, but why are you showing this to me?" "Because we're engaged and I want to avoid the light of the moon. I don't want secrets between us so I figured I'd share my soul with you literally." Landing the AB next to the corvette we both got out of the AB. "It's nice here, not cold and wet. I bet Grams and Katara would love it here."

"We could move them here and I could slow down time for Grams to let her live longer and maybe see her great grandbabies."

"Wha-what ba-babies?" "The ones I'll put inside this beautiful body of yours." I whispered in her ear as I wrapped my arms around her from behind. "Wha-what about Katara?"

"Shh tonight is all about you Sakka and me together as husband and wife."

"Eep" Her body went boneless in my arms. "Heh she fainted, such a cutie. Don't worry Sakka I'm nowhere near ready to be a father hell I've rarely even thought of marriage before." Wrapping my tail around Sakka to free a hand I pulled my Capsule Case from my inventory.

Grabbing No.1 the house Capsule I threw it on the ground.

Taking Sakka's cloak and boots off I pulled back the covers and crawled into bed with Sakka in my arms. After kicking my boots off. [Ding: system has calculated rewards. Does the Host want to have rewards distributed?] 'No Deposit rewards into inventory or hold to claim later.' [Ding: command registered depositing rewards into system and fusing infinite Ki generator to Host's soul you may feel slight discomfort.]

The pain was immense. It took all of my being not to scream out in pain as my body felt like it was being consumed by acid and rapidly healing. At the same time until darkness sweetly embraced me like a welcoming lover. [Ding: Host has reached a thousand BP threshold.] [Ding: Received Elite Class Saiyan Warrior Training Manual: (detailed guide to be all that you can be from Oozaru training methods to internal energies training. This guide has all the basics on flight and producing an energy beam from the body.)

'I feel so strong this morning, must just be from sleeping with such a gorgeous girl. System display status.'


Name: Asher

Age: 17 (26)

Race: Saiyan

BP: 1,000

Life Expectancy: 300 earth years

Skills: (Ozaru form x10 BP modifier) (God of a World) (Unlimited Ki)

Inventory: (Gravity Watch) (100 Senzu Beans) (Capsule Case) (DragonBall Radar) (Tree of Might Seed) (Senzu Bean Bush X5) (Saiyan Training Manual)]

Soul Items: (Replica of King Kai's planet) (Dr.Gero's Infinite Ki Generator)

'Yo is it just me or are these rewards broke as fuck?' [Ding: It's as Host says rewards are broke as fuck. Warning system update commencing system will be offline for 11 months. Host will still have access to inventory and status.] 'Hey, wait what about my Objectives?..… System, great no response. Ohh well I guess I'll just wait until Sakka and Katara free Aang from the ice. But now I'll start training in the Saiyan's understanding of Ki and try to make it my own. Once I get the hang of it I'll try to teach Sakka too.'

Sakka was clinging tightly to my body looking a weird mix of cute and sexy the way she drooled on my chest while her long legs and healthily thicc thighs clenched and entangled with my own. I really didn't want to move but my bladder didn't agree with me. Unable to move or free myself from my hellish/heavenly imprisonment I did the only thing I could think of. I used my tail to spank Sakka's sexy ba donk a donk. "Mmm no" smirking. I started grabbing and reshaping her fleshy globes while my tail slipped betwixt her thighs. "Nghhh five more minutes."

"Sakka I know you're awake, come on it's time to get up for training unless you're not strong enough to handle it." "Don't be mean even if it's hard I'll never back down." "Ohh really well I have something that's very hard for you and will definitely give you a challenge." "Really what is it? I can handle anything you throw at me." Giving her a lusty grin I rowl us over so she's the one on her back while I quickly shuck off my thin shirt/skirt that makes up the southern water tribes clothes. Starting to grind my erect member against Sakka's still clothed but wet sex.

"You sure you can handle anything I throw at you my warrior princess." "Humph bring it on, I'm not afraid of you." Even though she spoke strongly I could see the fear, need and want in her eyes, fear that if she didn't appear strong or ready that I'd lose interest or respect in her. Her need for someone to accept her fully in all her tomboyishness and a want to prove herself as a woman, as a warrior and most importantly as a lover.


Leaning down so our chests were touching I captured Sakka's lips with my own closing my eyes enjoying the soft sensation of her lips against. Running my tongue along the crevice between her lips as the tip of my erect member did something similar Sakka opened her mouth to let out a moan. Fast like a cobra striking its prey, my tongue entered her mouth, my tongue dominating hers for a few moments before she got the hang of it and started fighting back a battle raged in our mouths while our lips got more aggressive.

Sakka's hands started exploring my muscled torso and chest making her way to my long wild hair. I pulled back. I felt that if we continued I wouldn't be able to stop myself from ripping her clothes off and having my way with her whether she was ready or not. I felt short of breath but a driving desire to continue when I went to get off of Sakka she clung to my neck and started grinding her sex against mine. "Haaahnn…see…ngh…I…ohhh…told…hinh anh…you…mmm…I could…flying whale monkey…handle… mmm… anything you…haa haa throw at me…ngh…Peeing ! ! !."

(Sob) "Shh it's not pee Sakka you had a very powerful orgasm. It's a way for the female body to express its pleasure, just like yesterday when all that white stuff shot out of my cock." 'Their may be some pee though best not to let her know that it might make her dislike sex in the future.' "You're not mad that I got you all wet." "Of course not, this is the pride of being a man making a woman cum so hard she squirts is one of man's greatest achievements in life. Is making his female partner feel so good that she squirts for him."

"Why didn't you shoot your milk like you did yesterday? Is it because I'm not pretty enough like Katara?" "No that's not it at all you see I just really have to pee." (Giggle) "maybe after that we can continue where we left off Hus-band." "I'd love that my beautiful wife. But what about training." "I think I need my husband to train me in wifely duties." 'What is going on? She fainted yesterday after I said something cheesy and now she's a seductive little minx who's driving me crazy.'

"I'm so happy you fell from the sky while Katara and I were arguing. You're the first person in my life that takes me wanting to be a warrior seriously besides my father and you're even training me to be one. I know it's only been a couple of days since we met but will you become my husband please I don't want to live a life without you in it."

"Sakka,... I'm not ready to get married yet but in the future after we spend more time together and have adventures I'd love to settle down and marry you and put lots of babies in this tummy of yours." "Eep, will you marry Katara too? I don't want to lose my sister and I know she won't want to lose (giggling) her daddy." "(Chuckle) I'm a greedy self-centered person Sakka there's no way I'm letting a girl like Katara escape my clutches." "Hehehe good then please take care of us Darling."

"Of course my warrior princess." "Umm Ash can I watch you pee?" "Huh, sure I guess." After walking to the bathroom I put up the toilet seat. 'Old habits die hard.' While Katara glued herself to my back rubbing my hard abs. "What is this thing and what's that and that oh what's this thing do." "Well this is a toilet, it's something the people of my world created for peeing and pooping. So they could be comfortable and not have to dig holes in the ground for a latrine. That over there is a sink that carries hot water from a water heater to be used to cleanse your hands after using the toilet or handling raw food. Over there is a bathtub similar to the sink but it can be filled with water for bathing and that somewhat see-through room is called a shower it makes fake rain for cleaning your body and hair."

"I've heard from traders that the Firenation, Earthnation and Northern Water Tribe all have similar technology to this. I guess I and my people really are savages." I couldn't help but spin around in her hold. "Don't you dare speak about yourself that way you don't even know the meaning of savages. If you want to know what I consider savages it's a people who wantonly destroy, plunder and rape those weaker than them all because they can because there's no one strong enough to oppose them."

"You're people have constantly been beaten down and pillaged for the last hundred years. Of course you aren't as advanced as other civilizations but that doesn't make you a savage. Together you Katara and I will bring your people into prosperity." "Asher, I love you." Sakka initiated a deep kiss after clanking our teeth together. Picking her up by her amazing ass I pressed her against the wall I couldn't hold back my lust any longer. I tore her top and bottoms off and pressed my tip against her entrances lips.

"Sakka I can't hold back any longer." "Then don't Darling I want to be one with you forever."

- - - - - - - - - - Lemon skip if you want it's not very good- - - - - - - - - -

Pushing into her gently with my last dregs of restraint I hit her barrier after an inch in. "I-it hurts I'm so full, you're breaking me." "We've only just started Sakka. I'm going to break you over and over again." "Yeash break me and make me your wife forever." Thrusting fully inside her she bit her lower lip in pain hard enough to draw blood.

Support her with my tail I gently wiped away her tears while taking her cute chocolate nipples into my mouth twirling them with my tongue while sucking on them slowly sliding in and out of her silken imprisoning depths that were clutching tightly to me."Ahhhn yes it feels so good having you suck my nipples while that big thing is breaking me in half." My pace increased with her moans while her insides spasmed against my invading member. Soon she entered into an almost perpetual orgasm before I was pushed over the edge into my own release. Burying myself into her deepest depth I felt myself push into her womb before I released my seed into her.

Sakka's entire body spasmed in pleasure as she screamed while her tongue stuck out in the air. My release lasted for nearly a minute so much of my seed had been shot inside her it started leaking from around my member even with her gripping me so tightly.


In her completely out of it state Sakka still clung to me like a kola. Going to the tub I used my tail to turn on the hot water one that was done I grabbed the bottle of bubble bath and poured some in while hitting the drain plug switch so the tub would fill with water. Once the tub was full I turned off the water and sunk inside cradling my blissed out warrior princess to my chest. She moaned cutely at the feel of the warm water against her skin or maybe the movement of my cock that was still plugging her depths and stretching her folds.

Smirking to myself I got an incredibly naughty idea grabbing a Senzu Bean out of my inventory. I chewed it before forcing Sakka's mouth open with my tongue before making her swallow it. 'If I'm right this will heal her insides to perfectly take the shape of my cock. Or it will do nothing at all.' It was a bit jarring too watch but Sakka's body as she became fuller her breast pushed into D-cup territory while her insides did shape to fit me like a fresh elastic glove her hips became a bit wider while her ab muscles became more defined before a thin layer of fat seemed to cover them.

'Wow years of malnourishment and hard living really took a toll on her. She went from an 8 to a 10 in the matter of seconds. Hmm I wonder how much of an effect they'll have if I used one on Kanna. I really want to get back at her for that sly play of hers.' "Mmm I feel so full, happy and warm both inside and out." 'Ahh that was amazing even now being held against his chest. Hehe I beat Katara at something ha take that you waterbender with your annoying water bending.'

"Wa-wait ahhn mmm ohh yes."

Smirking as I lifted and lowered Sakka up and down my cock. "Nghhh It doesn't hurt anymore it only feels good haaaa."

After some fun in the tub Sakka and I took a shower where we continued to explore each other's bodies intimately. She sat at the table where I cooked food for us before remembering that eating food after eating a Senzu Bean is unhealthy. "Sakka when you were out of it I fed you one of these (A senzu bean) it's called a Senzu Bean it can heal pretty much anything and nourish the body. Only thing it can't do is heal, is healed over scars and regrow limbs when the body has completely healed over stumps."

"I fed you so you wouldn't be in any pain after our union. But I forgot that they have an annoying side effect: you shouldn't eat food for 10 days after eating one or else it will cause tremendous amounts of stomach pain. Heck, you probably won't even feel hunger unless you do some super rigorous training. I'm sorry I didn't ask your permission first. Can you forgive me?"

"I can't eat for 10 days. But I became more beautiful and was able to enjoy my time with you more fully. I don't feel like you did anything. I'd have to forgive you for other than shooting all of your hot milk into my belly hehe. I'm definitely not ready to be a mom yet I want to go on adventures across the world with you and Katara. Meet new people, see new things, watch as my man turns my little sister into a woman and captures other beautiful women for his harem."

"You're okay with a harem?" "Why wouldn't I be it's normal for a chief to have multiple wives and lovers on the side? The only reason my father didn't is because my mother was a badass and in charge." "You're mother sounds amazing. I wish I'd gotten the chance to meet her." "I wish you did too. I think you both would have liked each other. I miss her a lot. You know my mom was a waterbender like Katara but she never treated me differently when I wasn't one. I've always felt like a failure. First I wasn't a waterbender, then no one would seriously train me to be a warrior, then I couldn't save my mom and then Father abandoned us and wouldn't let me join him in fighting the Firenation. Then there's the village I suck at hunting, fishing and pretty much everything.

But now you're here and I feel like I'm finally good at something but I'm afraid I'm just going to mess it all up like I usually do Sakka style." "Hahaha Sakka style, "Hey don't laugh at me when I'm being serious it's mean." "Sakka I'm not laughing at you I'm laughing because you named a style after yourself. From what I've seen personally, I love the Sakka style."

"Hunph, jerk, we should probably get back to the village. I'm sure Grams and Katara are worried for us." "Right sorry I just got caught up in enjoying time alone with you that I forgot about the outside world for a bit." "It's okay and I didn't answer your question yesterday. I'd love to move here with Grams and Katara but I have responsibilities as acting chief. I can't just leave the village to live here happily with you plus hehem this place is pretty empty. But I think we should move Grams and Katara here. It's a nice safe place for Katara to practice waterbending and for Grams to relax a bit. Do you think one of those sezu things could help Grams?"

"I actually planned too. I have no idea how they'll affect her though other than having a positive outcome. I planned on feeding one to Katara as well. If she's in the same stage of malnourishment as you, it should help her as well. Also, it will heal the micro-injuries from yesterday's training and any prior internal injuries that have been affecting her body in negative manners.


Getting into the AB we exited my inner world and returned to the Stratosphere. Before starting our descent back to the surface typing in coordinates for the ice cavern the wolf tigers had lived in. 'Wish I had a blunt and some shrooms. It'd be funny watching a high Sakka and Katara like when Sokka drank that cactus juice.'

(Side Note Kanna as Kya ? Aang and Katara's daughter thoughts?)

Stashing my AB back into my inventory while pulling out the canoe Sakka and I walked back the the village side by side as I told her I'd be leaving for a few weeks to train in technique of my people and that she and Katara should do the same exercise routine as yesterday everyday and to practice the forms I taught each of them. I even handed her a bag with 20 Senzu Beans in it to heal themselves every other day.

When we were only a few minutes from the village Jk jumped up onto my abdomen to which I caught her before she could fall back to the ground. "Arrrarrrrrrooof rawr rawr grrr" (bad you left me with all these stink humans and the little ones that are annoying.) "Yeah yeah Jk I'm sorry I left you alone in the village okay ? As an apology I'll catch you a big meal." "Woof" (I'll forgive you this time.)

A gaggle of women started giggling and saying how Sakka was glowing and were taking bets on how good I was before they came over and dragged her away. While I was met with a very Irate Katara and a shit eating grin wearing Kanna. "So can I expect some grandbabies in a few months, grandson?" "Grams what are you saying out here where everyone can hear." "Hush dear I'm doing both you and Sakka a favor."

"Where were you two and what were you doing?" "We went to retrieve my ship but it was too dark to try and return to the village so we camped out in a safe . Let's go inside to discuss some more there's some sensitive things I wish to talk to both you and Grams about." "Oookay fine but don't ever do that again we were worried something happened to the two of you."

Once we entered the tent I handed both Kanna and Katara a Senzu Bean. "Eat these, they'll make sure you're both in perfect health and shape." Kanna seemed to become visibly younger by a good 5-10 years; she no longer had the slight hunch in her shoulder; her chest area seemed to popup and out more visibly. While Katara seemed to grow by an inch or two while her chest increased by a full cup size and booty got a bit fatter the slight sunkenness at her cheeks filled in Katara now looked at bit more sensual than before while Kanna became a GILF and that inspired my idea on how to get some payback against her.

Kanna gasped looking at her own reflection while Katara was shell-shocked. That her chest wrap had ripped open from her increase in size while her butt filled out the rear of her robe better. After explaining to the both of them about Senzu Beans and that I would be leaving for a few weeks to train in my peoples techniques that are similar to bending and the reason I had to leave was because my peoples methods are extremely destructive.

Both seemed very sad that I would be leaving but I also got them excited when I told them I wanted to take them somewheres special once Sakka returns from the gossip wagon. Kanna was sensually admiring herself while giving me sultry looks that made my throat dry. 'Just you wait I'll have you screaming my name soon enough. Now I just need the DragonBalls to make a wish for the ability to grant eternal youth and beauty and I'll turn you into a half-saiyan baby factory MUHAHAHA. Just kidding, but damn I can see where Sakka and Katara got their good looks from.'

It's been a week since I showed my soul world to Kanna and Katara both have made their desire to move their once I complete my training though they also expressed their desire for the tribe to relocate their as well which I had to deny since there's only a few fruit growing trees nowhere near enough to support the entire population of the village. So I decided to create a fish farm and stock it with some of the smaller normal large salmon sized species of fish.

Laying down on the ground I closed my eyes and started meditation. Normally a Saiyan parent would activate their offspring's internal energies by shooting them with an energy blast also giving them a Zenkai. But since I'm alone I have to start moving my energies on my own from their inert or static states to an active one. I've gotten to the point where I can sense the Ki but I can't move it much at all. It seems to be centered at my belly button.

I can feel passages throughout my body that the Ki can be channeled through that are currently blocked all connecting to for lack of a better word core. I believe these channels connect to meridians like in a Xiaxian novel. But unlike humans Saiyan's didn't sit on their ass going Ohm ohm all day to become 1st step grand masters of the heavenly realm hell nawh they learned through fighting and killing living on the edge between life and death.

'I need Sabimen or something to spar with. Wait, don't all Saiyan Attack Balls come with Sabimen pods or something. Maybe that was just something from fanfictions let's check though anyways.' "Hmm hmm ohh what's this a canister with six large buger looking this and a medicine dropper with a neon green substance inside. Jackpot homies" Planting the Sabimen they grew within a few all with a Battle Power of 2,500.

"Attack to kill me you bugermen."

SCREE ! ! ! X-6


(Gran-Gran gets plowed)

Fuck me an I glad I put a few Senzu Beans under my tongue before doing that dumb ass shit or I'd be a dead mother fucker right about now. Those green fuckers are tenacious without any regard for their own lives. Good news is besides a massive Zenkai from nearly dying literally having my guts on the ground dying while my throat was torn out just after swallowing that heavenly Bean.

But besides the massive power boost I unblocked my Ki and had a breakthrough in my Ki sense and control now time to do something so cool other's will die of jealousy. Finger guns of death muhahaha. (More concentrated than Ki blast, shaped like a bullet but fired from my finger.) 'I'm so glad I can make my world operate like the Hyperbolic time chamber its been a week in real world time since I started my training but with the time displacement its been 42 days since I started my training since each outside hour equals 6 hours in here. And with gravity currently set to 10x the Avatar earths gravity and my gravity watch set too 2x the gravity I'm training in 20x the gravity.



Name: Asher

Age: 17 (26)

Race: Saiyan

BP: 10,000

Life Expectancy: 300 earth years

Skills: (Ozaru form x10 BP modifier) (God of a World) (Unlimited Ki) (Ki Sense: low) (Ki Control: low)

Inventory: (Gravity Watch) (73 Senzu Beans) (Capsule Case) (DragonBall Radar) (Tree of Might Seed) (Senzu Bean Bush X5) (Saiyan Training Manual) (1x summoning ticket for DBZ character) (Attack Ball) (Scouter)]

Soul Items: (Replica of King Kai's planet) (Dr.Gero's Infinite Ki Generator)

Something I found slightly disturbing is that the Sabimen seemed to be growing in power. They started at 2,500 and now at 3,000 they seem to loyally follow any command I give them. I even had them plant my Senzu Bean Bushes and the Tree of Might Seed. But I guess I'm suffering some trauma from fighting the savage little green buger bastards.

'Let's say I stay here for a month, irl that would be around half a year if my math is right. Which it probably isn't because I suck at math. But let's roll with it so two months would be a year four months would be two years. 6 would be 3 years 8 would be 4 years 10 would be 5 years so 12 months would be 6 years. I believe that's how long everyone could stay in the metabolic time chamber but I'm not sure maybe that's just fan on ?. Ohh well it doesn't really matter. I need the time to become strong and master my Ki then I can start training Sakka in Ki. Between her being a genius at physical combat I'm sure she'll pick up Ki in now time flat.

But even before mastering Ki, I should master my body's base form Oozaru, the great ape that to me seems to rival a tailed beast in destructive power. Why does the OG creator neglected Oozaru and tails? I don't understand because hehe tails are awesome. And turning into a big hairy beast that can launch energy beams from its mouth and move around like its using Shunpo is cool as fuck homes.'

… its been three weeks since coming here I've made massive progress on controlling my Oozaru form even forcibly exiting it while looking at the moon I created but its had unintended side effects in looks similar to ssj4 my eyes look like a child slaying Anakin during the 3rd prequel movie. My strength has increased by x30 in this form with all the strength, power and mass of that giant ape packed into a 7ft tall humanoid form.

I don't know if its permanent or not yet but I do know for a fact it makes me hornier than fuck. Besides the great benefits like strength, speed, dexterity, endurance and durability. The horniness and the short fuse are debilitating. I've decided I can't return to the village and my girls yet I'm afraid of what I might do to them like this. If the Sabimen annoy me I eviscerate them. I can't imagine what would happen around children. Well I can actually but I fear my lusts more. In a village of thirsty bitchs I may lose myself in depravity or I could end up assaulting someone who's unwilling to participate.

…12 months IRL

"He's coming back Katara. I told you his training is probably just taking longer than expected. Do you really want to disappoint your daddy by not training like a good girl." "What does it matter he abandoned us just like father ugh. (Katara hissy fit launches sea water at Sakka. a whole argument starts in the canoe. canoe gets pulled by a strong current. Canoe smashed on iceberg, arguing, waterbending, big ice bubble with glowy person inside. Katara boomerang attack.)

"Hi I'm Aangie, will you be my friend and go Penguin sledding with me?"


Back at the village in their tent a mature beauty with snow white hair with age lines that only helped display her beauty and health could be seen on all fours fingering herself. "Ahh yes grandson-in-law take responsibility for your actions and plow this old woman like the young stud you are."

"Hey everyone I'm home sorry for being late. My training had unexpected consequences, some of which are pretty obvious. Please let me explain before you decide whether or not to forgive me. Ohh shit Kanna sorry. 'Not sorry fuck I'm going to fuck you senseless' So much for having my lusts under control but maybe this is just going 6 years without some bookie. At least I'm not a giant green rage monster trying to smash everything. (Lol get it smash everything)

My cock grew as hard as steel, completely tearing my water tribe garb open. Resting my cock head against Kanna's sopping wet entrance looking to her for permission. "Ohh spirits yes fuck me." That was all the permission I needed. Kanna's body was toned and soft in all the right places her insides she was a virgin. 'Must have been the years without a hard cook to stretch her walls out.' "Haahnn your so big your stretching out this old woman's neglected pussy it feelsho good."

My stamina may have increased but my balls had six years of built up jizz to expel and Kanna was an experienced mistress that knew how to work her insides on how best to pleasure a man. Or maybe she's just cumming her brains out.' I lost track of how many times I spilled my seed into Kanna's womb but it was awhile ago the Kanna's face froze into a fucked silly stupid state.

I hadn't even noticed that Katara, Sakka and a girl with Airbender tattoos had been watching us and from their slightly disheveled, flushed and glassy eyed expressions they enjoyed the show on some level. "Hey Sakka, Katara I'm home sorry it took so long. It's nice to meet you, Avatar."

Sakka launched herself at me crying. "I knew you'd come back to us. that you wouldn't abandon us but why do you look so different your eye color has changed and you're taller." "It was one of the many side effects of my training. I promise to tell you everything."

"I hate you." (Katara water whips MC) after Katara's little water whip'ds attack she ran from the tent with tears falling from her eyes. Before she could get more than a foot out of the flap I was standing in front of her she ran into my chest and would have fallen to the ground had it not caught her.

"Let me to your asshole tiger-seal loving Gran-Gran fucking piece of shit.' Katara sobbed while her tiny fists pounded against my chest while I held her up against me.

"Katara I'm sorry it took so long for me to come back to you I'm sure you felt like I abandoned you but I didn't for you it was a year for me it was six everyday there was nothing more I wanted to do but return to you, Sakka and Kanna. But I couldn't because of a side effects of my training I know it's hard to forgive someone as inconsiderate and assholish as me but I ask that you give me time to explain and hopefully a chance to remain your daddy so I can reward you for all your hard work."


"Who wants your reward idiot, jerk, Gran-Gran-fucker."

"You say that but you're snuggling into my chest like I'm a comfortable chair or something."

"Shut up stupid."

"I bet you even liked watching your daddy fuck your Gran-Gran silly. I bet you're just mad it was her before you isn't that right baby girl?"

"N-no i-if you ke-keep picking on me I won't forgive you."

"But you look so cute when I tease you."

"I still haven't forgiven you yet. Can we go to that place? I miss Kj."

"Sure but what about Aangie?"

"Hmm she can come with us can't she."

"We don't really know her and it's kind of a very personal place Katara but if you trust her I can let her join us and bring her Sky-Bison with us as well."

"Mmm she's trustworthy also she wants to go Penguin sledding. Will you come with us? Sakka said no but, since."

"I'm your daddy, that if you ask me and I say yes instantly overrides your sister's decision. Hahaha yeah I want to try Penguin sledding too. I heard it's really fun."

"Yeah ! ! !"

'Sorry Sakka but you'll have to play the role of the responsible parent for a bit because Katara and I are going to act like kids.'

(Side note I forgot about Kj, so let's just say she was with mc while he was training and ate Senzu Beans for all her meals. She's like 6ft tall and 12ft long, big enough to ride lol also BP should be what 1,000 for a mount?)

I got plenty of cat calls from being naked and holding Katara outside of the tent more than a few if the village residents heard Katara call me a Gran-Gran-fucker. Now there were quite a few women saying you can fuck me next or I'll treat you better than that old bitch or those little girls ever could. 'Is it bad I kinda want Zuko to pop in and turn this place to ash while we're all happily chillin 'in my soul world ?.'

Going back into the tent Kanna was covered in a blanket while Aangie was squirming while looking at my naked body that was barely covered by Katara. Who was explaining to Aangie about my soul world ability.

While her hand fisted my erect member Sakka came over and we shared a passionate deep kiss. When she pulled away she whispered in my ear. "I loved watching you fuck Gran-Gran like that I can't wait to have you back inside me or watch as you do the same to Katara and her new friend the Airbender."

The combination of her words and sultry tone nearly made me explode combined when paired with Katara's soft hand's ministrations. But as if knowing I was about to bust Katara stopped her hand movements and held the head tightly to prevent a white explosion. 'Art Is An Explosion ' 'a white explosion Hahahahaha. I think maybe I've gone too long without other people around.'

Soon we were all in the soul world. Katara tried petting Kj but she slapped her away with her tail. Before she made her way over to Appa the two pet friends seemed to get along swimmingly. Instead of openly flaunting my inventory I went over and picked a few Senzu Beans feeding some to Appa and two too Aangie. Because even if they were in a pseudo-cryo freeze the body still ages and burns energy just at an impossibly slow pace. It's part of the reason Aang died at 40 Yukon helped but really he pushed an overly stressed body past it's breaking point and left poor Katara a widow.

Aangie's body filled out a bit more. I could no longer see her ribs and thought it was a victory much like the other women I fed them too. Her assets also increased in size but it was only slightly but being that Aangie was almost half naked the results were very pronounced. "It's so pretty here and it feels comforting and safe like the Air Temples. I feel a draw towards you. Are you like me too?" As Aangie asked this her eyes and Airbender tattoos started to glow. Then that weird Avatar voice started speaking through her.

"You aren't from our world yet you feel like an Avatar yourself. I don't sense any malicious intent from you but there's a deep hidden rage and pain you have suffered greatly. My name is Rava, the spirit or order I ask that you help my vessel return our world to balance."

"I wouldn't mind watching her back and doing the hard things she can't stomach but have you ever stopped to consider maybe the world itself doesn't want to be balanced? That maybe you're Eternal struggle with Chaos is something you and your sister self inflicted on yourselves just because you thought differently. Life needs both light and darkness to survive to grow and evolve. If it only gets light it will eventually wilt, Life with only darkness will wither."

"You represent light but who represents darkness Rava? You have your Avatar but where is the Avatar of darkness? Where is Vaatu without her Avatar there is no balance."

"You make a point I've never considered. Maybe it is time for change but I don't wish to be your enemy and neither does my Avatar. In fact she feels quite strongly about that fact. Ahh my time is almost up for now, don't worry your companions will awake shortly and Aangie will have no memory of our conversation."

Picking Kanna up I carried her to the house that came with the world instead of throwing down my Capsule house. Laying her down on one of the sleeping mats we had brought with us the first time I showed them this place. I went and started carrying all of the other girls inside.

"What happened ?" "Ahh Aangie you're awake nothing much Avatar Kiyoshi just wanted to thank me for healing you because she thought it came at great personal cost."

"Did it? I'm sorry." "Don't worry about it, I'm more than happy to help such a pretty girl."

'Eep now I know what the monks were talking about when they said one day I'd find a man I just wanted to spend all my time with and use those things Monk Yangchen taught me about pleasuring men with my body. Wait what am I thinking we just met? He's probably just saying I'm pretty to be nice.'

Aangie Air bent out of my arms and beside me as we entered the house. "Daddy I want my milk now but I want it here." Katara had her legs spread while her fingers spread her lower lips for me. "Ma-maybe I should le-leave." "No Aangie stay I'd love for you to watch as daddy fucks my virgin pussy."

Smirking to myself as I got down on my knees in-between Katara's legs rubbing her feet as I planted kisses up her legs gently biting her thicc thighs giving her slit a tentative lick. Before continuing kissing my way up her body licking up her tummy to the underside of her breasts. Taking them into my hands moulding and mauling them into different shapes while I sucked on her cute pasty colored nipples. Kissing my way up her collar bone up her neck across her cheek before taking her lips.

"Mmm Daddy please I've waited for so long I've been such a good girl." Giving her an evil smirk I kissed and sucked my way down her body slower than I did going up it while she mewled and begged. "daddy more" after teasing her I dove hungrily into her sex feasting on her sweet and sour nectar.

"Fuck Daddies tongue is inside mee cumming." 'I want to be her well except the daddy part I'd rather call his name as his tongue does that to me his big hard thing is just hanging there all alone, it's bigger than the thing Monk Yangchen made me practice with and then theirs that big long thick tail I bet he can do all sorts of amazing feeling things with that. I'm going for it. This looks way more fun than Penguin sledding.'

All of a sudden I felt my tail being stroked. It felt so good I moaned while Katara came from my tongue while her girl cum splattered against my face and neck. Looking behind me I was a little stunned to see the naked Avatar intently staring back at me while she stroked my tail.

I wrapped my tail around her waist and pulled her closer kissing her neck making her moan boisterously while the tip of my tail dexterously started playing with her pussy. "Daddy me first Aangie you have to wait until I've passed out like Gran-Gran."

"Now-now Katara, good girls know when to share you wouldn't want to make your daddy upset by being selfish would you?" "N-no daddy but I've waited so long for you to come home." "I'm just teasing you baby girl daddy's going to break your cute little pussy on his cock toady then I'm going to fuck your cute little friend on top of you while your out of it."

Ramming inside Katara without mercy making her cry out in pleasure and pain. "Ahh yeash daadies winshide meish." I kept a vicious pace hammering in and out of Katara without mercy. Her words became incoherent. besides dwaddy I couldn't understand any of them. Two other sets of womanly moans joined the sympathy inside the house making a beautiful serenade.

Breaking into Katara's womb I poured my seed inside he already fucked silly face went slack as her eyes fluttered and body spasmed like she was having a seizure. Just in case she was, I moved quickly putting her on her side while holding her arms gently behind her back while chewing a Senzu Bean leaving my cock buried in her womb still spurting out a few strands of cum.

Once her body stopped convulsing and her breathing leveled out I fed her the chewed up Senzu Bean and waited until her insides were done healing before pulling out. But soon I felt a burning sensation in my chest that made me roar in pain. Diving into my own body I saw a moon over top of an ocean and felt a connection to both water and moon click into place and a sense of peace settled over my primal side.

The Oozaru's eyes became a dull red instead of a raging one before I was pulled into a vision I watched as a family of great apes were slaughtered by a man that looked similar to my new form. And then I saw a beautiful planet with three moon's destroyed by the same man and a golden haired man fighting while I fought anywho tried interfering in their fight, pain and rage my driving force.

Before I was ejected back into the bedroom 'fivesome room' I noticed black and red Ki swirling around me while all the moisture in the room had condensed into a sphere above me. My hair color turned from black to black and red. (Ash Blonde, but replace the blonde with a blood red) My body seemed to become denser yet more streamlined as it absorbed the raging Ki. I felt my top and bottom incisors growing my muscles ballooned before compacting again.

The whole process must have taken seconds but it felt like forever. Though once it had finished I felt twice as powerful than I had before I could feel the water in my surroundings as if it was a part of me and would move at my will with a thought or a gesture.

[Ding: Congratulations Host you have gained the elemental water Chi and soothed the beast inside it has accepted you as it's descendant you are now a True Saiyan the impurities in your bloodline have been expunged by its last bit of will commanding your blood to become pure.]

[True Saiyan: can freely shift between humanoid and great ape forms. The entirety of the beast becomes man and vice versa. Permanent BP boost x50 BP: new BP 500,000]

[Ding: During system update Host has completed 133 Objectives. System shop unlocked, world travel unlocked to tier 1-3 worlds host has earned 739,543 Dragon-points.]