Symbiote Jackson Whitmore

As a Symbiote traveling through the multiverse starting in Teen Wolf.


Mutated Symbiote Biology: The Symbiote can mimic any type of clothing whatsoever, as well as blending in its surroundings, rendering it invisible. The Symbiote has augmented all of its host's physical abilities to superhuman levels equal to, and in some cases greater than, Spider-Man's.

Superhuman Strength: Enabling host and symbiote to lift 2 to 70 tons. However, this is not his true limit as his strength increases with hosts variable muscle mass.

Superhuman Durability: Anti-Venom's body is highly resistant to physical injury, capable of withstanding assault from high-caliber bullets as well as attacks from super powered individuals. When distributed at a typical thickness over the host's body, the Symbiote is capable of absorbing bullets from small-arms weapons firing conventional ammunition. The symbiote is invulnerable to the traditional weaknesses of symbiotes, fire and sonics.

Superhuman Stamina: Symbiote is capable of surviving in harmful areas for long periods of time such as underwater or in toxic gases, the symbiote filtering breathable air to the host.

Accelerated Healing Factor: Additionally, the symbiote is capable of healing injuries in the host at a faster rate than normal human healing allows. The symbiote is also capable of healing injuries and illnesses that current human medical care cannot such as cancer. This is even more advanced for it can regenerate from a shotgun wound to the head in a matter of seconds.

Genetic Memory: The symbiote possesses some limited psychic ability, making it capable of obtaining information from its hosts and even other people and symbiotes simply by touch. It can however, be forced to forget information if the symbiote is inflicted with heavy trauma.

Offspring Detection: The symbiote is also capable of psychically detecting its offspring, however with effort this ability can be blocked.

Wall-Crawling: The symbiote is capable of the ability to cling to walls by controlling the flux of inter-atomic attraction between molecular boundary layers.

Webbing Generation: Can shoot strands of the alien's substance. The symbiote's substance seems to be composed of tough, flexible fibers of organic polymers, which regenerate swiftly after "shedding". The one limitation to this ability since the webbing itself comprises the costume, if used too much it will be rendered vulnerable since the symbiote is unable to replenish its lost mass for a short period of time while exhausted. webbing as well as tentacles or tendrils that can be used to attack or ensnare opponents also has this limitation.

Constituent-Matter Generation: can also use the same substance comprising the symbiote in the form of constituent matter or tentacles, and use it in this method for lethal force against enemies. can send a part of the symbiote and direct its movements into a victim's body, smothering them from the inside. Or use it as a drone body controlling it from its hive mind or transferring its conscious mind into it.

ESP: Possesses an extrasensory ability symbiote can detect danger from every direction and conduct, can dodge a gunshot or a relatively close barrage of bullets.

Camouflage Capabilities: The symbiote is capable of mimicking the appearance of any form of clothing, camouflaging with its surroundings, and even mimicking other people and or clothing.

External Entity Rejection: the symbiote has the ability to reject external and or foriegn bodies/entities from entering the body of its host's. If it releases too many antibodies while curing people, it is possible for this power to be weakened.

Constituent-Matter Manipulation: Can manipulate its matter to enlarge or stretch its body in order to augment its attacks. For example, it can enlarge its host's fist and slam it into target magnifying the impact of the blow. Symbiote is capable of morphing its host's hands into objects, such as to form a blade or fabricate a shield.

Impurity Sense: Anti-Venom can sense foreign substances within a person's body. This includes symbiotes, radiation, narcotics, viruses, and other diseases.Internal Bodily

Cleansing: After sensing an impurity such as toxins, drugs, diseases, and other malignant substances, The symbiote can forcefully "cure" the substance from the person's body using antibodies produced by the symbiote and to cure a heroin addiction. This power can also be used to depower some superhumans, and nearly cleanses powers that are or were not a part of a person being cleansed since birth.

Hive Mind/clone-drone creation/control/Parallel thinking: Can separate a piece of itself from main mass and use it as a second or multiple duplicate bodies while bonding to multiple hosts.

Pocket Dimension or Pocket Storage: a place where Symbiotes extra mass is stored and or contained. This space has no meaning of time.

Fire immunity: In contrast to the other symbiotes this symbiote is immune to fire and extreme heat. Examples of this include withstanding the full force of a flamethrower and enduring a super-hot, radioactive blast from a nuclear weapon.

Sonic immunity: In contrast to the other symbiotes this symbiote shows strong resistance against sonic-based attacks.

Abilities: The symbiote produces antibodies that can "cure" a person afflicted by radioactivity, parasites, diseases, and drugs.




"Spin the wheels." Said the R.O.B while sitting on a throne made of gold and marble.

Walking up to the slot machine like wheels that had various worlds race and abilities and powers on it.

[Dum Du Dum Dumb]

[Race: Symbiote]

[Boon: world traveling system]

[Please select a world and time frame.]

'Teen Wolf the night Laura Hale dies.'


A black and blue portal opened up below me and then I started to fall gaining more and more momentum. Then boom a crack of dim light entered my previously dark confines. My world opened up. I could see everything around me under and above me in an omnidirectional view. It was dark out and I was standing/sitting in a smoking crater next to the meteor I arrived on earth in.

A gorgeous strawberry blonde teenage girl was standing in front of where I just crash landed. The little dog wiggled free of her grasp and ran towards me.

"Prada, get back here." Yelled in worry, Laydia Martin.

'Whelp guess that'd be Lydia then.'

One the little rat dog got close enough I latched onto it, bonding with it just in time for Holland Rolland look-alike to pick up my new host and I. As soon as Lydia held me to her chest I bonded with her, there was this instant flood of power and a feeling of synergy.

"Ahhnnn. Hem-hem what was that?." Lydia spoke aloud.

'Is this what it feels like to find a perfect host I wonder.'

"Who's there, what host?." Screamed Lydia.

'You can hear me?.'

"Of course I can hear you show yourself." Spoke Lydia outloud.

Copying Venom and Riot I made a partial face and moved in front of her face still connected to her body with my main body still inside of her and the Tendrils making my face blending into the surroundings to seem invisible.

"Ahhh, Ma-Ma-Ma-MONSTER ! ! !." Lydia screamed in fear.

I quickly moved in and shut her up.

"I'm not a monster, okay I may look different but I have feelings you know. Nod if you understand me. (Nod) Okay then you remember that really good feeling a little bit ago?. (Nod) That feeling was you and I bonding. It means we're a perfect match for one another. I know it doesn't make sense and I'm not exactly clear on it either but what I do know. Is that it means we are strong together like strong enough to pick up a car. Fast enough to dodge bullets I can keep you looking young and beautiful forever and also act as an ever-changing wardrobe for you."

Slowly uncovering Lydia's mouth I was surprised when she didn't scream.

"So you can work like my closet and be my wardrobe for me?." Lydia smiled happily.

"Yes, in fact I can recreate your entire wardrobe from memory and we can add more by looking at 360° views of the things you want to wear but don't have."

"Wait, you can see my memories?. Like all of them?." Asked Lydia.

"Yeahhhh, I, can sorry if it seems creepy or weird but I really don't get much of a choice in the matter. I even received all of Prada's memories when I bonded with it. It's not like it's comfortable for me as I may technically be A-sexual I Identity as a male, and humhum, seeing and feeling things from a woman's point of view is enlightening and arousing it is also extremely uncomfortable and disconcerting. Plus this Jackson doesn't seem to be good at things I know you know what I mean.

"~giggle~ He's got other qualities that I need." Replied Lydia.

"Yes I know Team Captain, popular, sexy, secretly gay and in love with Danny Mahealani but hides it well."

"No He's not." Replied Lydia hotly.

"Yea he is I got all this from your memory you know it's true you're just lying to yourself because you're afraid to lose your popularity and status as the Queen of Beacon Hills High."

"I." Lydia started to say something.

"Shh, I'm not judging you gorgeous, I understand you better than even you yourself knows you. I know you suffered bullying even though you were beautiful and just because you were smarter than everyone else around you."

"Thanks." Replied Lydia feeling happy.

She walked back into her house that we were in the backyard of. Setting Prada down as she washed her hands and started to make an ice cream sundae.

"By the way Lydia I need you to eat a lot of chocolate or else I'll die of starvation also you don't have to worry about getting fat from it unless you want to."

"Wait, did you just say I can eat whatever I want without getting fat but I have to eat chocolate so you don't starve to death?." Asked Lydia disbelievingly.

"Yup, I'd make the perfect boyfriend wouldn't I ?."

"Pretty close to it so far." Joked back Lydia.

Lydia ran up to her room and turned on The NoteBook, an older romance movie. I had kinda zoned out from its boringness until I felt Lydia's fingers start rubbing her pussy lips.

'Mmm that's right, watch me, feel me, play with my pussy.' Thought Lydia.

'If that's how you want to play, let's play my little host.'

"Ahhhh what what ohh my GAWD ! ! !." Loudly moaned Lydia.

I encased Lydia's body entirely as I licked, caressed, sucked on her entire body at once even running tendrils through every strand of hair before using my extremely long prehensile tongue to penetrate and hit every weak spot if her vaginal canal while entering her womb and delivering mind breaking pleasure since I could make her feel only pleasure without pain or discomfort.

Her pussy never stopped spraying girl cum as her mouth opened and her tongue stuck out in a mixture of cute eroticism. I started fucking her throat while sucking on her tongue before making another tongue prehensile tongue thinner and a bit longer than the last entering her virgin ass.

All that could be seen when Natalie checked her daughter's room was a black mass writhing under the sheets of her daughter's bed as muffled moans and screams of pleasure reached her ears.

As she fingers herself at her daughter's bedroom door peeking in through a crack she didn't notice the black and silver tar like substance attaching itself to her. When she came for the third time she lost all the strength in her body and fell to her knees and continued to enjoy the show until it ended.

I had to heal some of the damage I caused to Lydia's Psyche from all the pleasure I had given her. But when she woke up she seemed perfectly fine, better than fine actually she seemed great in fact. Lydia shakily made her way into her private bathroom and started a bubble bath even though she didn't actually need one since I thoroughly cleaned her last night.

"Get out here right now." Lydia demanded as she was naked in the tub.

I did as she asked and was shocked when she grabbed my partial face and pulled me into a kiss even with my monstrous face and sharp teeth she stuck her tongue out during the kiss. Once we separated from the loving kiss Lydia looked up at me with a flushed body and glassy eyes.

"You were right, you'd make the perfect boyfriend if you had your own body. So this is what we're going to do your going to take a look at all the guys at school and decide which one you want as your host and then your going to become team captain of the LaCrosse team and start fucking me like that with your own body and filling me with your hot cum after you perform an lobotomy on their brains." Stated Lydia in a commanding tone.

"Or you could call your boyfriend over and I can use his body."

"Ahh that's, okay you're right let's do that." Replied Lydia.

(Hey Jackson I need some of your 🥒 in my 🍑 cum soon.) Lydia texted Jackson.


(But I don't feel like it. I'm hanging out with Danny in his hot tub.) Replied Jackson.

I didn't look at what she texted Jackson next since I started sucking in her tasty reddish pink nipples making her moan loudly. As a tentacle started sliding in and out of her tight pussy.

"Ahhh yeash." Moaned Lydia.

After making Lydia cum hard multiple times in a row she got out of the bath and waited in her bed for Jackson. Jackson walked in to see a very sexily posed naked Lydia rubbing her pussy lips.

Jackson hopped out of his clothes only for me to chop him on the back of his neck, performing a lobotomy taking him over forever.

'Hmm, I can consume this body entirely and recreate a human body in his image that's completely mine.'

"Ahhh, what are you doing?." Lydia screamed as she watched Jackson's entire body melt into a black and silver tar like substance.

Lydia was starting to panic. She didn't really care about what was happening to Jackson but she did care about her new Bo even if he was an alien parasite.

"Ohh God, what do I do?. Please be okay." Lydia sobbed as she held a bit of me cupped in her palms.

Trying to piece together a new body was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. I had to go through the building blocks thousands of times which only took me a fraction of a second each time. But when you hear a gorgeous strawberry blonde crying like her heart was shattered, makes it incredibly difficult to concentrate.

Slowly but surely I developed a full knowledge of human psychology, biology and everything else I needed to know instinctively I knew how to improve upon the flawed design.

Of the human body from energy storage productivity and usage and so much more. I could have made myself a human body at this point easily but my food intake would need to be quite high and I didn't have the resources to support it.

Bonding back to my beautiful strawberry blonde pet I sunk into her cells like it was my home away from home.

Lydia felt that rush of pleasure and euphoria as the black puddle disappeared into her body.



Natalie was doing what she usually does when her daughter has her boyfriend over leaning back against her bedroom door and fingering herself like she's possessed.