In 1996 after Lucius's arrest Severous went to comfort his longtime friend Narcissa Malfoy. One thing led to another; the two woke up the next morning nude and covered in evidence of adultery. Neither spoke to one another about their little tryst but Narcissa could be seen rubbing her belly smiling softly at the retreating figure of her true love's back.

That's where me, your favorite reincarnator comes in. Now my wish was to be the secret love child of Snape and Narcissa Malfoy with all the experience and knowledge of both parents along with both of their combined potential. And that my mind or ego would stay dormant until the age of 16.

16 years later.

I watched as my body moved on autopilot. How Draco adored me as his little brother how Lucius looked at me suspiciously and most of all how Snape treated me warmly. Even giving me a Scamander like suitcase on my second birthday before telling me goodbye how my loving mother shrunk the case and put it in my pocket before throwing me away and yelling obliviate while pointing her wand at Draco and then herself.

It's now 2012 and I'm 16 living in the United States of America.

In a nice little town rich in magical energy in upstate New York finishing up my Sophomore year in high school. That was one thing way different about America compared to British magical society was the educational system. If you were a magi or as the English say a witch or wizard.

Now instead of the just plain stupid idea of making a child disappear from the no-maji educational system for seven years the magical educational programs were named special ED and taught from grades K-12 while also keeping the children in standardized classes with no-maji's.

These classes were taught by highly trained government sanctioned Magi's the best of the best who monitored the children everyday all day even while in their regular studies classes.

Starting at 9th grade students were allowed to attend a trade school. The trade schools had both magical and non magical classrooms in each program they taught. Most students would choose to take the first two years of non-magical education in their future career path and then take the magical one.

Another thing very different from the British magical world was the use of pocket dimension and expansion charms. In the USA almost every magical being or high ranking officials had access to spatial magic.

Where in British magical society it was relegated to trunks and chests while the pocket dimensions were held only by purebloods and the rare few like Newt Scamander who made his suitcase into a pseudo-pocket dimension.

Besides the suitcase that my father in this life Severus gave me I had a pocket dimension doorway I wore around my neck as a necklace. It wasn't too massive; it was about 500 Acres large with some wooded areas with magical farm creatures, magical plant greenhouses, a regular farm that supplied most of my food and a large brick mansion.

That was warded and completely self-sustaining. I could shrink the house down, remove it from my pocket dimension and put it on a flat patch of land and live in it just like it was any other home on the block.

Though I guess mansion is a strong word to describe the six story high regular home sized house. My team of gnomes and house elves maintained the lands and farms of my pocket dimension while keeping my home in order.

For the mid-tier pocket dimension I have prices ranging from 100k to 500k for low-tier. They started at around a thousand dollars or so and went to 100k for high-tier well let's just say only nations can really afford those.

One thing I was suspicious about in my new life were reports about a giant green monster named the Hulk and sporadic reports of Tony Stark being missing. After his military escort was attacked by terrorists. I mean I could believe I was in the Wizarding world but the MCU I mean come on.

But I experienced the shock of a lifetime today at school when a certain skunk haired goth girl, a redhead mind reader and an intangible/tangible girl joined my advanced placement English Literature class.

I accidentally read their minds using Legilimency to which I got a raging migraine from and had to go to the nurses office the teacher knowing I tend to suffer from Seizures and migraines told the new girl Ann Marie to escort me to the nurses office she hesitated but got up to help me. When I nearly fell over she grabbed me on reflex and I felt nothing but a mild sense of relief.

"Thanks for the save, Sugar but you could have at least taken a girl out for dinner before coping, a feel of me."

"That was an accident and who, you calling sugar? I don't even know you." Said Rogue.

"You're hand rubbing my abs are saying otherwise gorgeous. How about you let me take you to dinner as a thank you for your aid."

"Yeah right, who'd wanna go out with you." Said Rogue

"Ugh stabbed in the heart by the Gothic princess. Guess I'll have to hit on your friend's Rogue."

"How you know ma'name." Said Rogue.

"you're very energetic friend Kitty yelled your name duh. Jeez I know I'm a handsome guy, sweetheart but you shouldn't ignore your friends because of me."

"Ughh just shut up! ! ! Bye." Exasperatedly said Rogue.

"cya Rogue have a good rest of your first day, it was nice meeting you and thanks for your help you must be something special since you made my attack go away."

She froze before waving her hand over her shoulder and started walking away again while swaying her hips. 'Damn she looks delicious.' The nurse sent me home like she always does when I have one of these damned attacks. Getting into my 2012 Mustang Shelby gt500 I drove home to my adoptive families farm and too the house that used to be used as the slaves quarters but had been renovated over the years into a comfortable home if you ignored the fact the cellar was made out of stone and clay and still had the chain hooks the slaves would have been chained too.

After turning 16 my adoptive parents let me move into the house as long as I took care of the heifer barn behind the house on my own which I was happy too. It was a lot easier to live by myself than to constantly explain away my magical accidents or my additional school functions this way.

After parking my car in the garage attached to the little yellow house. I made my way into the pasture. The heifers all run over to butting their heads into me licking me with their grody sandpaper like tongues. After getting into the hay loft I threw down 12 square bales of hay and carried them out to the feeder using the cutting curse to remove the bale twine.

Grabbing a cold beer out of my storage ring I popped the top and took a swig while sitting on my front porch. Removing the stereo remote from under my outdoor table, pressing the power button then hitting the country station preset, I kicked off my boots and listened to some tunes with my feet up on the table. Singing along to the song "Goodbye in her eyes" while thinking about my recent break up with my girlfriend Katie we'd been together since 8th grade but nothing lasts forever as the old timers say.

I drifted off to sleep feeling sad for myself. I was woken up by my alarm wards when someone crossed my property line. The roar of a motorcycle engine ripping down my driveway like a bat out hell only for a guy in an orange and black masked costume to lunge off the bike and crash into me.

It felt like 2 tons had just landed on me. Luckily I trained myself from a young age to keep mana skin on even in my sleep.

"What the fuck man you could have killed me."

"Grr where is she? Where is Rogue? What did you do to her? Grrr tell me now or else shlick shlick shlick." Wolverine.

"Whoo Whoo easy there claw fist if you're talking about the new girl from school I have no idea she helped me. to the nurses office and left me there I swear. I have absolutely zero idea where she could be right now. Did you try talking to her friends, the redhead and the overly energetic brunette.

(Wolverine- Snarl they are missing too. Your scent was all over her glove.)

"Give me the glove, I'll help you find them, James."

Holding Rouge's glove I performed a scrying ritual and found her, Jean and Kitty strapped to metal tables, their privates covered by thin white cloths. Without saying anything I grabbed Logan's arm and apparated us into the compound. As soon as we landed, alarms blared.

"Free the girls, I'll cover your questions later."

Taking two desert eagles from my storage ring I started firing at the black tactical gear wearing men and women entering the lab while also flinging killing curses at them, my mana skin protecting me from bullets and explosives.

(Wolverine-I got them how are we getting out of here)

"make sure everyone is holding on tightly to one another"

unleashing a massive wave of force through a mana infused roar I jumped onto one of the girls and apparated us back to my farmhouse.

I felt like I was in heaven, my face buried into a gorgeous X-Woman's chest.

(Rogue- get off me perv I can't breathe.)

"Sorry Sugar transporting us all here took pretty much every bit of energy I had to bring us here. Ask claw fist to give you a hand preferably before the three of you start vomiting all over me. I don't even have the energy to use mana skin right now.

(Wolverine- snarls my names not claw fist)

"Right right what is it then Sir.Snarls A Lot?."

(Wolverine- watch it Bub.)

"Stranger danger, someone help there's a tights wearing stranger that knows my nickname and is threatening to touch my no no places if I don't get in his Van."

(Tippsy- No, no one gets to touch the master. Have no fear, master Tippsy is here.)

"Tippsy freeze. I need a few Mana and healing Potions and fetch these gorgeous maidens some clothes, also get that guy some inconspicuous clothing too. And have Lupsy start dinner, have her make it extra large for 10 to 15 people. I'm certain we will be entertaining guests tonight more than who's already here. Unfreeze"

(Tippsy- yes master)

What was that x4 "house elf"

What is a house elf x4

"Think like any indentured servant and a symbiotic parasite that needs a magical master to survive. They feed off of my precious magical energy and in return they serve me wholeheartedly and loyally."

(Jean-that's wrong)

(kitty- like yeah totally wrong and gross)

(Rogue- what would happen to them if they didn't work for you or someone like you.)

"Short answer, they'd starve to death."

(Logan- grunt grr they seem to like you a lot you must treat them well.)

"I try to, you have to understand these creatures were bred and created to honor people like me and punish themselves to death just for disappointing their masters. I've tried really hard to teach them they didn't have to live that way."

"I've had some success but they still try to do everything for me since I rescued them from abusive European facisct and elitist magical families. Hell it took a year to get them to stop trying to kill themselves every time I cooked my own food or tried cleaning or that I like to work with the farm animals. Till the land, grow and harvest crops myself (haa). At times it's more stressful to try and change their conditioning than just letting them be happy doing what they like."

"It's weird usually when non magicals like you all get exposed to magical energy as strong as what you just have it usually leads to heavy sickness. Vomiting, headaches, soreness, stuff like that, glad to see you're all fine though but seriously James you mind helping me to my chair. While then again I know you're not exactly normal James most people don't catch bullets and turn out completely hole less after less than a second or two. Mutants ? Well it doesn't matter you all seem like good people though my getting involved with mundane affairs will most likely have consequences. Especially since I used killing curses and magic in front of what is most likely a government organization and killed American soldiers I'm going to have to disappear aren't I?"

(Logan: it wouldn't be a bad idea chuck should be here soon in the Jet)

(Kitty: like yeah toats the Professor is totally awesome I'm sure he'd let you stay with us at the institute.)

"Hey red I don't know where you come from but trying to enter my mind without consent is a crime."

"You know I'm in your but how?"

"I have abilities similar to your own except mine are through magical means and training while you were born with yours."

"That's amazing and a little scary, I'm sorry for entering your mind I didn't actually mean to at first I actually have a hard time controlling my abilities and end up hearing everyone's thoughts even when i don't want to you're the first person besides the professor that's blank to me so I started trying to go deeper out of curiosity."

"It's fine this time Jean but I'll warn you magi like myself consider what you did just now no different from rape. If you're caught by someone like me they will either kill you or torture you. I doubt even your friends will be entirely understanding of their privacy being invaded. The blame isn't entirely on you; your mentor should have taught you better but didn't if you'd like. I can try and help you to gain a firmer control over your abilities. I'm not sure my methods will work for you but it's worth a try just for your own sanity."

"The professor has always said I should keep my mind open. It's usually the only way we communicate mind to mind."

"Jean that is the worst advice I've ever heard leaving your mind open like that leaves you vulnerable defenseless if I wanted to I could enter your mind with a thought and turn you into my sex slave or someone who would kill and or die for me. I'm going to show you how I trained my mind from start to finish and then I want you to put up mental shields and safeguards to protect yourself."

"I I don't know. I don't feel comfortable doing something the professor doesn't know about."

Feeling disgusted with myself for doing it, I controlled Jean and made her kiss me.

"Do you understand now Jean you're powerful you have one of the most amazing minds I've ever seen but you're in terrible danger. I'm going to help you protect yourself so no one can do what I just did."

Without giving her further chances to retaliate or protest I uploaded my memories of training in the mind arts from start to finish from meditation to attacking another mind while nearly killing myself to bond the memories to her mind letting her gain my experience and knowledge on the subject before vomiting up blood while my vision became blurry before there was darkness.


'I feel so violated. He controlled me, made my body move on its own to kiss him just to prove a point and then he nearly killed himself to give me all of this knowledge. I feel better than I have since the accident. My emotions no longer run rampant. I can unconsciously keep my powers in check now. I want to thank him and strangle him at the same time I find myself sleeping in the med bay next to him.

It's been a month since he went into a coma. Those house elves as he called them have been reassuring us that he'll make a full recovery but he's so pale his once deep red lips are a pale pink his skin is as white as the sheets on his bed even his hair has dulled to gray. His lips weren't the first ones I've kissed but something about kissing him even if he was controlling me just felt right.

'I'm in the hospital. The tell-tale smell of antiseptics and harsh chemical cleaners tell me that much.'

Man, why do I feel so warm and heavy and what is that smell of honey and caramel? Cracking open an eye only to close it just from the bright light I had to blink rapidly to adjust to the light. When I finally cleared my vision I was greeted to the sight of a gorgeous redhead with half her body sleeping on my chest Her eyes suddenly snapped open but I didn't see the emerald jewels as before but crimson eyes with a firebird spreading her wings before pulling me into an alternate realm.

(Phoenix: thank you for adding my host traveler. You are the first one I've seen truly aid one of my hosts without wanting to gain anything or malicious intent. For this I will awaken your X-gene as they call it here hmm a healing factor even better that man not bad especially with your magical abilities. Good bye for now.)

"Ugh sure no problem thank you. Umm hey before you send me back, is there a way to help your host cope with the stress and pressures of being your vessel?."