Symbiote through the multiverse

Symbiote through the multiverse


Mutated Symbiote Biology: The Symbiote can mimic any type of clothing whatsoever, as well as blending in its surroundings, rendering it invisible. The Symbiote has augmented all of its host's physical abilities to superhuman levels equal to, and in some cases greater than, Spider-Man's.

Superhuman Strength: Enabling host and symbiote to lift 2 to 70 tons. However, this is not his true limit as his strength increases with hosts variable muscle mass.

Superhuman Durability: Anti-Venom's body is highly resistant to physical injury, capable of withstanding assault from high-caliber bullets as well as attacks from super powered individuals. When distributed at a typical thickness over the host's body, the Symbiote is capable of absorbing bullets from small-arms weapons firing conventional ammunition. The symbiote is invulnerable to the traditional weaknesses of symbiotes, fire and sonics.

Superhuman Stamina: Symbiote is capable of surviving in harmful areas for long periods of time such as underwater or in toxic gases, the symbiote filtering breathable air to the host.

Accelerated Healing Factor: Additionally, the symbiote is capable of healing injuries in the host at a faster rate than normal human healing allows. The symbiote is also capable of healing injuries and illnesses that current human medical care cannot such as cancer. This is even more advanced for it can regenerate from a shotgun wound to the head in a matter of seconds.

Genetic Memory: The symbiote possesses some limited psychic ability, making it capable of obtaining information from its hosts and even other people and symbiotes simply by touch. It can however, be forced to forget information if the symbiote is inflicted with heavy trauma.

Offspring Detection: The symbiote is also capable of psychically detecting its offspring, however with effort this ability can be blocked.

Wall-Crawling: The symbiote is capable of the ability to cling to walls by controlling the flux of inter-atomic attraction between molecular boundary layers.

Webbing Generation: Can shoot strands of the alien's substance. The symbiote's substance seems to be composed of tough, flexible fibers of organic polymers, which regenerate swiftly after "shedding". The one limitation to this ability since the webbing itself comprises the costume, if used too much it will be rendered vulnerable since the symbiote is unable to replenish its lost mass for a short period of time while exhausted. webbing as well as tentacles or tendrils that can be used to attack or ensnare opponents also has this limitation.

Constituent-Matter Generation: can also use the same substance comprising the symbiote in the form of constituent matter or tentacles, and use it in this method for lethal force against enemies. can send a part of the symbiote and direct its movements into a victim's body, smothering them from the inside. Or use it as a drone body controlling it from its hive mind or transferring its conscious mind into it.

ESP: Possesses an extrasensory ability symbiote can detect danger from every direction and conduct, can dodge a gunshot or a relatively close barrage of bullets.

Camouflage Capabilities: The symbiote is capable of mimicking the appearance of any form of clothing, camouflaging with its surroundings, and even mimicking other people and or clothing.

External Entity Rejection: the symbiote has the ability to reject external and or foriegn bodies/entities from entering the body of its host's. If it releases too many antibodies while curing people, it is possible for this power to be weakened.

Constituent-Matter Manipulation: Can manipulate its matter to enlarge or stretch its body in order to augment its attacks. For example, it can enlarge its host's fist and slam it into target magnifying the impact of the blow. Symbiote is capable of morphing its host's hands into objects, such as to form a blade or fabricate a shield.

Impurity Sense: Anti-Venom can sense foreign substances within a person's body. This includes symbiotes, radiation, narcotics, viruses, and other diseases.Internal Bodily

Cleansing: After sensing an impurity such as toxins, drugs, diseases, and other malignant substances, The symbiote can forcefully "cure" the substance from the person's body using antibodies produced by the symbiote and to cure a heroin addiction. This power can also be used to depower some superhumans, and nearly cleanses powers that are or were not a part of a person being cleansed since birth.

Hive Mind/clone-drone creation/control/Parallel thinking: Can separate a piece of itself from main mass and use it as a second or multiple duplicate bodies while bonding to multiple hosts.

Pocket Dimension or Pocket Storage: a place where Symbiotes extra mass is stored and or contained. This space has no meaning of time.

Fire immunity: In contrast to the other symbiotes this symbiote is immune to fire and extreme heat. Examples of this include withstanding the full force of a flamethrower and enduring a super-hot, radioactive blast from a nuclear weapon.

Sonic immunity: In contrast to the other symbiotes this symbiote shows strong resistance against sonic-based attacks.

Abilities: The symbiote produces antibodies that can "cure" a person afflicted by radioactivity, parasites, diseases, and drugs.

'It was hard to believe that after I died I met an R.O.B, since I honestly didn't consider myself worthy of my dream.' But here I am a symbiote inside a canister aboard a ship designed to look like a comet, I thought to myself as I slowly pushed open my vessel getting used to my new tar like physiology and my general 360° degree multi spectral view of my surroundings.

"And the fact that I became a mutated symbiote with powers similar to Anti venom is just fucking awesome." I muttered to myself as I exited the compartment of the space shuttle I was in entering another one finding an egoless symbiote.

'Symbiotes can get stronger by consuming their own kind, so don't mind if I do.' I thought and joked to myself as I opened the door of the small orbital drop vessel and consumed my egoless brethren adding to my strength and mass, feeling almost like I was experiencing an orgasm.

Finding 99 symbiotes not including myself consuming each and everyone of them before returning to my chamber.

'Getting back just in time too.' I thought to myself as the second that I sealed my vessel's entrance I was ejected from the shuttle into a swirling blue vortex.

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At the destination of the vessel.

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Hermione had come to Hogwarts hoping to find a place where she belonged, friends she'd thought she had between at least found one friend in Harry Potter but.

Of course she was wrong Harry was like everyone and went right along with Ron nodding along to whatever he bad mouthed her about.

So here she was alone and crying the same way she's spent her entire life while sitting on the toilet in the girls bathroom.

Suddenly there was a loud bang and the ground shook a little bit. Hermione didn't care, she just wanted to be left alone.

Though that wasn't really true since the last thing Hermione wanted was to be alone, she was just afraid to try and open herself up to anyone else after the constant betrayals.

She didn't notice the black slime slithering across the tile floor climbing up her shoe and fusing with her body.

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Opening the door of my vessel after it warped into a tile floor looking around and detecting the sounds of a sobbing child.

'This place looks…very familiar.' I thought to myself as I slithered across the floor and into the stall where the whimpering noises were coming from.

'Holy Shit it's Hermione Granger!' I shouted in my mind as I looked at her and felt this overwhelming urge to bond with and console the young girl.

[New Bond Detected,

Name: Hermione Jean Granger

Bond: 1/100

Abilities: ]

'Why are you crying little one?' I asked softly through mental communication.

"WHO WHO'S THERE?" Hermione shouted in fright, her tone still managing to carry a hint of bossyness.

'Shh, little one no need to yell.' I continued to speak softly in her mind.

'I'm sorry for frightening you, a moment ago you felt something that made the bathroom tremble, that was you summoning me, I'm here for you little one to be your friend.' I lied to Hermione as I formed a cute spherical appearance that looked a lot like Rimuru Tempest but black and white in coloring like Anti-Venom.

"R-really?" Hermione stuttered in a whisper, her voice filled with both disbelief, wonder and awe.

"Mmhmm mmhmm, yes Hermione I'm your familiar now but, we have to keep it a secret otherwise jealous people might try to hurt you and take me away from you, and if they were to do that I would die since I'm bonded to you and your magic without it I'd die." I told her while acting cute and pitiful which wasn't difficult with my cute soccer ball like appearance.

"N-not even the Professor's?" Hermione asked and I could tell she was at war with herself over keeping a secret from her authority figures.

Making little tendrils wiping away her tears consuming them.

"Yes little one even the Professor's for now at least, maybe when we're stronger and know more magic." I replied softly as I hugged her gently and felt the little girl hugging me burying her face into my gelotunis form.

"You're so soft and comfy." Hermione giggled with her face pressed against me.

'Thank you you're pretty comfy too, now I can tell that you are starving, little one, let's go get you something to eat.' I replied to her telepathically