smartphone system


"How? I haven't been here, I don't even know how long." I whispered aloud as I woke up in my old dorm room.


'Now if this wasn't crazy enough already.' I thought to myself as I heard the distinctive chime of an iPhone 6 plus, the sound coming from the tv dinner stand that was next to my head where the phone rested, picking up the smartphone looking at it curiously finding it odd since I hadn't had an iPhone in nearly a decade.

Inspecting the mostly black lit screen, had a single alert that altered its transparency making itself darker and more pronounced to somehow signify its urgency, reading the notifications seeing that it read register Immediately, in bold red lettering.

"Fuck it why not? It's not like this day could get any stranger." I spoke softly to myself while clicking on the notification prompt with my thumb, there was a quick prick of pain against my thumb I used to click on the notification.

[Registration complete] a new popup notification said that appeared on the screen, before the screen did that super bright eye frying light up phase they do when powering on.

Before it changed to my old screensaver.

There were multiple apps that just seemed crazy, one saying stats with an outline of a gender neutral human body. Another with a galaxy on it that said world travel along with one that said uni-shop, inventory with what looked like shelves on the app face.

'Is this some kind of prank app that changes the layout of your phone and am I hallucinating the whole phone morphing thing? Maybe I shouldn't have eaten that baggie of mushrooms I found in the fridge.'

"Fuck it let's see what my stats are."


Health" 45/100% negative effects, bleeding, swelling, decaying teeth, morbidly obese. Recommended host reincarnates or levels up immediately.

Mana: 100/100%

Level: 1

Experience: 73/100%

Race: Human

Class: N/A

Strength: 7

Agility: 4

Dexterity: 6

Vitality: 3

Intelligence: 7

Wisdom: 5

Charm: 1

Free Stat Points: 10


"Fuck man I knew I was in rough shape but damn. How do I level up, I wonder?."

Getting up I get in the shower ignoring my damaged and disgusting toe while opening up the web novel app and reading some run of the mill magic academy book.

It only took me ten minutes to read the recently released chapters and pick out all the little mistakes made by the translation app the author is using.

"Bang your adopted sister man like what the fuck she is like you're everything anyways and she about to start dating the guy that bullies the shit out of you, fuckin pussy ass bitch."


Suddenly I felt dizzy after my little rant and braced myself against the wall of the shower looking down I noticed blood pumping out of my toe with the beating of my heart.

"Shit this isn't good, listen man you need to calm the fuck down and wrap that shit up tight."

Finishing up in the shower and drying off wrapping up my toe and chugging four bottles of water I sat down in the pleather chair.

'Man how did I end up like this?. This isn't me sure I've never been skinny or handsome but I was always strong and could take a beating but I just feel so tired like nothing matters anymore and that deaths the only thing to look forward to, probably all these reincarnation and transmigration books and web novels I've been reading since I was laid off.'

Picking up the phone I clicked on the new banking app that was called GoldPal.

"Haha I have a hundred gold coins what the fuck is going on with this phone where did the phone even come from I haven't had one in what two to three years now."

"Fuck it."

Clicking on the uni-shop app it gave a drop down menu with things from bloodlines, potions and superpowers to dishware selecting potions and then another drop down menu with anything from penis enlargement potion to healing potions popped up.

There were different grades of potions from F to A, A being the best without any toxins or repercussions or limitations to how many you could consume to F rank ones having warnings of do not drink more than one in a 72 hour time frame.

F-rank Health and Mana Potions could only restore about 5% if their respective parameters and could fix or remove certain negative effects there was even a teeth replacement potion but potion costs were astronomically high for an F rank healing potion costed 5 gold coins and looking at a converter 1 gold is around 1,660 dollars USD.

An A rank cost 85 gold which was insane but with my health being so low and my negative effects that before this system popped up I was content with continuing living and dying from how I was now I no longer felt content with my situation.

Since I was at 40% I didn't see the point of buying a potion over 60% so I bought a B rank health potion for the fuck of it.

[Ding: purchase of B rank health potion confirmed. Potion can be found in the inventory app all purchases may through Uni-shop will be placed in the inventory app. Thank you for your patronage valued customer as a reward for your first purchase we have included a second B rank health potion into your inventory have a pleasant day and may your ailments be cured. With pleasantries Goddess of magic.]

"Holly shit this is a really elaborate prank app man whoever designed this shit is a master and a fucking genius. Hahahahahahah, fuck me man."

Clicking on the inventory button after swiping back to the home screen I was shocked by how detailed this app actually was. There on the screen was a crystal vial with a purplish blue gem topper with blue liquid inside of it. I clicked on the icon and a message bar popped up. Would you like to withdraw from inventory?.

It had a numerical value of one with an up or down arrow while below it was cancel or confirm cancel was in red and confirm in white.

"Man I must be fucking crazy playing around with this thing so much but fuck it I'm hitting confirm."

The vial literally came out of the selfie camera and like the bottom wasn't rounded and gravity didn't exist the potion vial stayed perfectly up right. Gingerly grabbing the vial and uncorking it.

"I'm already this far, might as well drink it right."

It was hard to describe what the potion tasted like because I didn't really have anything to compare it to it was warm but gave a chilling and refreshing feeling while a subtle warmth infused my while being but what was once a gentle warmth soon became progressively hotter and the areas of my body that were damaged like my teeth and toe felt like a hot piece of metal was being forced through them.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." I screamed in agony before blacking out.


I woke up to a foot pushing against my leg and someone shaking my arm and shoulder quite frantically.

"Bu-Bub wake up Bubby wake up." Younger sibling.

"MMMMM Meave MMMWEE WONE." I groaned sleepily.

"Come on Bub you need to get up and take me to school and go to the farm to help your Dad." Little Sibling.

Ugh I groaned, as I stood up feeling better than I ever had so full of energy I felt like I could walk a few miles while carrying a hundred and fifty pound sack for miles.

"What time is it buddy 7:49 am? "

"You've been asleep since Saturday in the chair. I put a pillow behind your head and a blanket on you though." Little sibling.

"Thanks Buddy you're the best little brother ever. Sorry I couldn't play any games with you though this weekend."

"It's okay you just would have made me lose and tanked my KD Ratio."

"Fuck you, I'm not that bad."

"Fuck off yeah you are."

"Fucking walk to school dickhead."

"But I'll miss the Boces bus."

"That's my problem, how? Learn to ride the fuckin bus ain't nobody drove me to school I either walked or (quote on quote) borrowed the farm truck."

"Come on Bub please."

"Fine, Come on then I'm not driving you to Boces."

"Thanks Bub."

"Yeah whatever buddy, have a good day at school love ya."

"You to Bub cya."

'Sigh, fuckin kid making me get up to take him to school and fuck the farm and all that bullshit fuck the Fitzgerald's fucking assholes.'

I looked up at the mirror and smiled a real smile for the first time in years. I had all my teeth and they weren't broken, missing or black anymore they were slightly yellowed moving my tongue around. My whole teeth felt smooth. No Jagged or missing spots. I wanted to get out of the car in the parking lot and jump up and down like a looney.

But I quickly started to drive away. I returned to the apartment and waited for a ride back to the trailer I've been living in on the farm. When my phone went off [Ding: you have filled your exp percentage bar you can now level up.]

I clicked confirm on the phone screen and a feeling of Euphoria nearly knocked me on my ass. [Ding: you now have 20 free stat points, would you like to distribute?.]

Hitting cancel I enjoyed the last bit of the fading euphoria before having a mental breakdown that this was all real. Another vibration from the phone altered me to another message. [Received 10 Gold for leveling up. GoldPal.]

"Sweet man, almost 17k just from leveling up."

Sitting at the kitchen table I daydreamed about piloting a starfighter in a deep space battle alongside Anakin Skywalker to learning magic at a wizardry school to piloting Voltron and even saving Eliza from getting shot by a silly gargoyle.

Absent-mindedly I opened the travel app and there were just thousands upon thousands of options from books, movies, tv series, comic series and even fanfictions to choose from. I clicked on Harry Potter and then clicked on the movie version while it gave me a multitude of options to insert myself into the series from magical creatures to already present characters to a character creation option.

I selected my choices for my parents. I chose Amelia Bones and Sirius Black my birth would be around 8 months after graduating Hogwarts but I wouldn't be living in magical Britain. I would be sent to America by a mother obsessed with her career to raise her child but would take in her niece.

Clicking confirm, the world froze around me and I felt myself getting sucked away before being deposited in a warm black void where I could hear the beating of a heart.

I felt my mind grow heavy and was put into a deep rest where I dreamed many amazing and magical dreams from fighting alongside Ben 10,000 to making out with Gwen Tennyson to seducing Emma Watson as a bookworm witch to saving Clary Fairchild from Demons.

I dreamed and dreamed some more until I was unceremoniously woken up by a sucking and squeezing sensation and then a smack on my ass to make me cry.

'I know babies aren't supposed to be able to see when they're born but I see better now than I ever did before shit man this is like 24k vision man.'

I was quickly handed off to a beautiful red-haired woman that looked like Amy Adams.

"Hello my beautiful baby boy."

But a man with long messy black hair quickly grabbed me from her arms. I realized it was Sirius Black much younger and healthier than what we saw in the movies.

"I Sirius Black the third name you my son Alexander Sirius Black as my heir to the most ancient and noble house of black. It's not much but I can give you this and a fortune to you my son even if I can't be your Dad. Have a good life in America instead of this Merlin forsaken country." Said Sirius with a strained tired smile.

"Give me back my son Sirius Black and do not think House Adams will forgive you for this transgression." Replied the stunning redhead.

"Ohh lighten up cousin. I at least wanted him to have access to his birth rights even if I'm not worthy enough to be a father. Now you best be off You Know Who is gaining too much strength and I don't want to see either of you harmed. Come on Prongs, Mooney let's escort these two to the portkey back to America."

"Ahh I really wanted to get to know my nephew." Cried Lupin.

"I agree I wanted to teach him all my best pranks. Here lady Adams wrap this around yourself and my godson to keep the both of you invisible." Said James as he looked at me like a proud father.

'Creepy ass wizards.' I thought to myself.

"Right off we go Marauders, triangle formation." Said Sirius the goofy man turned into a utilitarian drill sergeant like man.

I couldn't see anything being firmly pressed into my new adopted mother's nice chest but I could hear the sounds of popping and the cursing of adults as spells were being flung around.

"Don't worry baby mommy's got you mommy will keep you safe." Softly whispered Amy.


Amy ended up being an amazing wonderful mother almost to the point of being a Yandere the first year or so went by tortuously slowly with the only redeeming thing being Amy. Who spent every night and day beside me caring for me and loving me we even slept in the same bed with her craddeling me against her like the most precious thing in the world to her.

When I was four she confessed to me that she was unable to conceive and bear her own child is why she seeked out her distant relative Sirius when she had heard he was expecting a child while still at Hogwarts and she instantly offered to adopt me.

What had led to her confession was a lot of red wine and the fact her former fiance was marrying her former best friend. I was really mad that anyone would abandon such an amazing woman even if she couldn't have children. That was also the night I performed my first bout of accidental magic I set a few pictures of him on fire.

To which Amy or mom giggled then cried only to laugh like a crazy woman before crushing my head into her breasts and kissing my head saying how I'm the best son in the world.

After she fell asleep on the couch I had pried myself out from my pillowy prison and entered the family library asking the house elf that oversaw the part of the mansion exclusively if there was anything on blood adoption rituals.

The elf was all too happy to aid me. I read through four large tomes until about noon the next day learning a lot about rituals relating to blood magic along with my studying. Basically blood adoption adds another genetic column to what is already there.

But it uses a whole bunch of mysterious and misconstrued wording that I doubt anyone really understands what it does besides making the person you used it on your family by blood without sacrificing your ties to your original parentonage.

Tiredly I walked back into the living room that day and gently shook Amy awake. When she was awake and holding her aching head I demanded like a petulant child for her to perform the blood adoption ritual on me.

She listed off a bunch of reasons not to do it like her infertility could be passed on to me or that she doesn't want me to feel the pain because make no mistake a blood adoption ritual is painful as fuck quite a few people that have gone through it have had a mental breakdown.

But after crossing my arms and acting like I wouldn't talk to her anymore for a couple hours she finally surrendered and agreed to have the ritual performed. That same day was my first time riding on a broom and for anyone that thinks riding on a shaft of wood is comfortable for any amount of time while you're an idiot.

We arrived at Wizards Bank of America in the No-maj world; it was simply called Bank Of America though. The magical side of the place was run by humans, goblins and sprites or brownies depending on your sensibilities. We were taken to a ritual chamber that tried really hard to look ancient but was just too clean to actually be as old as they wanted to pass it off as.

It had intricately carved Runic schemes covering 360° of the place; there wasn't a bare patch of concrete in the room. The ritual took a goblet worth of blood from the adopter and a drop from the adoptee along with us chanting in an ancient Irish dialect. Once the chanting was done the blood in the goblet turned into a mist and surrounded me and forced it through my skin.

I clenched my fist so hard my fingernails pierced my skin while I bit down so hard my teeth cracked as my blood boiled and froze over and over again my scalp itched while my eyes burned but still I didn't scream out I didn't want Amy to be hurt by revealing the pain I was in to her.

The ritual ended and I was fading fast when I felt Amy embrace me. I couldn't really look into her eyes but I said something I hoped would make her understand that this was the way I wanted to show how much I loved her.

"See mommy now no one can ever say I'm not your baby boy anymore, love you mommy."

'It would have been mortifying for me to say that to anyone before even my first mother who I still loved and love dearly, I just didn't realize that my love towards Amy wasn't entirely innocent or familial.'

From that day on Amy became even more clingy and loving. I couldn't even use the bathroom without her either bursting in or standing outside the door and aparating away just as I was about to exit the bathroom. And like all mom's she was like a ninja she could vanish and appear from anywhere and she was so silent you didn't know she was there until you were being tickle tortured.

Once it was time for me to attend school though she was not happy and tried to get me to be homeschooled and like a mama's boy I caved to her especially when she gave me the puppy dog eyes. But on the condition that I entered regular school in 9th grade.

And like that the years went by with me doing my studies under Amy's tutelage who actually had degrees and certification in basic education both magical and non-maj. Something I discovered and kept to myself after the ritual was that I was a metamorphmagus I could change everything about myself just by working at it I intentionally changed my eye color to Amy's piercing blue eyes while I made my long hair into a strawberry ash blonde compared to the way it was before being a normal ashblonde.


It was about three months after my birthday [July 22 1977 1981] when a few parcels were flown in by eagles wrapped in moving birthday paper with multiple tags and letters attached addressed to me with my last name written as Black instead of Adams.

I opened one of the packages and it had an ebony jewelry box with gold inlay intricate designs.

"Hey Pup I know I should have sent this sooner so it would arrive on your birthday but I had to wait for your uncles even with your aunt Lily on our cases. My gift isn't much. I don't know what you like so I sent you something that would allow you to buy some things you'd like. With love Sirius Black."

'Even though he gave me away he still cares.'

Opening the box a beautifully crafted silver ring with a large onyx gem polished to a mirror shine rested in its center.

"That's your heir ring from the Black family." Said Amy with a very complex look on her face.

I slipped the ring onto my ring finger and felt a pleasant feeling spread from the ring throughout my body. I instantly knew of its functions, at least in magical Britain it functions as a debit card linked to the heir black vault. It also helped heirs keep their minds safe against the mind arts by shielding my mind for me though given enough time and motivation someone could break through it. It had multiple other functions like being able to teleport me to 12 Grimmauld Place located in London and detect poisons in my foods and drinks.

I looked around and noticed that Amy had a few tears running down her face.

"Mommy what's wrong?."

'God being a kid is so freeing I would have been so afraid and embarrassed to call my mom that way in my home world.'

"~sigh~ No reason sweetie I was just happy that Sirius still cares about you is all I thought with his disposition he'd forget all about you."

I don't believe her but I'll just go with the flow of it giving her a tight hug and then jumping up to kiss her cheek I went back to opening presents. From James and Lily Potter there was a picture of Lily and James holding a baby boy. I flipped it over to read the back.

"Hey godson it's me uncle James and aunt Lily along work you're new baby cousin Harry, I hope you are doing great I sent you my old cloak it's a family heirloom along with some of the best prank spells Mooney, Padfoot and I ever came up with while in school. With love from your aunt and uncle."


It really is one of the deathly hallows, it looks like liquid silver mixed with shadows.

"If it weren't for that old cloak of James's we may not be here." Said Amy as she brushed her hand against the cloak reminiscing the past.

I looked at her closely and could tell she hadn't meant to say what she just did outloud. I started to worry about her emotional state after seeing that Sirius sent me the heir ring it had seemed to really to mess with her.

Quickly opening the present from Remus it had a bunch of wizard candy in it to which I gave to mom I hated wizards candy why did candy half to do something couldn't it just be candy. She smiled brightly before covering her mouth and giggling at my reaction to the candy.

Suddenly the fireplace burned with green flames and my grandfather General Aberham Adams and Commander and Chief of the United States of America's Magus Corps, an elite branch of the military made up of the best of the best wizards and witches America had to offer here though we didn't refer to witches and wizards in that way everyone that had magic was referred to as a Mage in the USA.

"Amy to the office in the west wing." Said grandpa Abe.

For the first time since I met the man and felt like he was worthy to be my grandfather he didn't look at me with the usual unbridled grandfatherly love I was used to. No his eyes held barely restrained hate. That's when I noticed a copy of the daily prophet in his hands headlines being Potter's Dead Sirius Black guilty.

Once they were down the hell I put on my new cloak and followed after them I stayed outside of the grand office and listened to their conversation.

"Dammit Amy I will not have that boy in my family. The Black blood is cursed first your aunts now her accursed children all of them psychos and traitors I will not take the chance that boy will follow in those steps." Abe.

"He is my son. How dare you demand that of me if you don't want him in your family then neither of us will be in it." Amy.

"And what good has having you done me you've done nothing but dishonor the proud and honorable name of Adams since you were born and continue to do so. You are such a worthless excuse for a woman you can't even do the one job every woman is supposed to do and it cost me my best allies the Kennedys."

I felt my veins go ice cold. I was beyond angry. I could see my mom crying at his words. The temperature dropped to below freezing, frost appeared on every surface of the house and the doors were shredded by a massive concussive force that shot from my hand.

The debris smashed into Aberham and flowed around Amy as if she was protected by an invisible shield. I saw a reflection of myself on the fireplace mantel. The cloak's hood had fallen off my head revealing me but I looked older, my hair black that flowed wildly billowing in the air behind much longer than it had been, my eyes black like a demon, my skin as white as bleached bone.

I was floating a few inches off the ground like a ghost Aberham was throwing the debris off of himself activating his gauntlet (because wand are not the standard issue magical foci in America.) I raised my hand while making a fist lifting him off the ground while choking him.

I spoke in a soft voice but all the windows in the house trembled.

"No one hurts mommy. Not even you."

"Baby, it's okay you can stop now, come to mommy baby please come to mommy, mommy's scared she needs her precious baby boy. I know your grandfather is a mean old man sometimes but I'm sure he didn't mean it. He's just worried because of a silly article in a bad newspaper. Now come to mommy sweetheart."

I wanted to hug her but I wanted to kill him for making mommy cry for trying to send me away for saying those horrible things to her.

"Baby please. No one hurts me right?, right now mommy's heart hurts because her baby is hurting too, so come to mommy so we can make it go away together."


I ghosted over the ground and Amy plucked me out of the air and started smothering me between her breasts humming a soft lullaby making me fall asleep in her arms.

"Fucking Black's this is what I'm trying to protect you from Amy please understand."

"He's my son, not just a Black or a Bones but an Adams. If you'd bothered to talk to your wife you'd have known that he begged me to perform the blood adoption ritual. He is my son just as much as if he was born from me and he is your grandson, now get out of my house and don't come back until you stop being an asshole."

"God you're so much like your mother, on another note when are you going to return to active duty I need my inquisitor back, Also that boy needs to start training immediately before he loses himself to magic or darkness."

"I'm not returning, I'm going to homeschool him you'd know that if you ever stopped playing General and actually spent time with your family. Now leave before he wakes up. This is going to take a lot of soothing before he'll ever let you near me again and I don't really blame him. Did you have to be such an asshole just to egg him on? You know what you said really hurt dad."

"I I'm sorry Amy but I had to be sure especially with the Black family madness it seems he has the black families magic in more ways than one he's a scary little shit."

(Evil mom look mom's give when she feels like someone insults their baby)

"Aright Aright I'm going I'm going I'll tell you're mother to come visit she'll probably have better luck smoothing things over. Also Anna has made it known she wants to spend her vacation here with her big sis and her cute nephew."

"That's fine with me if she wants to stay here."


"Thanks sweetheart I'm sorry for."

"I know Dad, bye."

The older man looked like he'd aged 100 years once his little girl walked out of the room.

"I really am sorry but we can't have a repeat of the fiasco 60 years ago. Our family just got to the point where we are no longer considered heretics for my grandmother's actions from when she threw away her humanity and nearly destroyed our country. After my father was killed I'm lucky you girls took after your mother."

The Oldman sighed as he waved his hand putting the office back in order looking at the photo of his grandson and him the day he gave him a BB gun.

They had gone out for ice cream after he finished teaching him how to hold, aim and shoot and he knocked down all the cans pretending he was a sniper in the military even giggling and saying target one confirmed kill.

The Oldman smiled sadly and hoped he'd be able to repair things with the son he'd always wanted hating himself for testing the boys predisposition towards the darker more chaotic side of magic that haunts all of their bloodline due to their connections to the Black's a family that was known for producing powerful and unhinged magicals since the time of Arthur's court and Merlins age.

But a hint of fear appeared in his eyes as a thought of what if his daughter couldn't teach the boy who was way too powerful for his age not to give in to his darker side. Especially with what he'd witnessed today most of it was accidental magic but the boy had had enough control to try and choke him to death. Of course he was never in any real danger even if the boy is as powerful as a red rank mage at four he's nothing compared to his power at a black ranked Archmagus.

[Ranks go from: Red > Orange > Yellow > Green > Blue > White > Purple > Gray and Black being the highest rank attainable in the US.]

(Magus Corps also uses a similar system but incorporates normal military terms as well so they can intermingle with the regular ranked soldier's without drawing suspicion.)

He also looked at the picture of the day his daughter brought home her son even though she'd just gone through a war zone she was beaming happier than he'd ever seen her before while holding a newborn baby in her arms.

The sappy old military man's eyes shed a tear or two before he looked at a third trying to escape and it timedly returned to its tear duct. The old man put on his mask of a hardened military man and commanding General as he floo-ed back to his office in DC.

Only for his wife to start berating him it seemed as his daughter snitched on him while he was caught up reminiscing. Many military personnel heard the sounds of Mrs.Adams laying into her husband and what sounded like bombs going off in his office.

The older personel that knew the man and his family quite well snickered amused at their general's punishment they knew well that even though the man appeared hard and cold he was actually a very kind and caring man while his wife who also like her husband was kind and caring but she also didn't tolerate nonsense at all one man had a flashback to when he was a cadet and had been a bit of an ass to her and she took him to school and beat his ass like she was his daddy his father had never made his ass hurt that much not even using the belt.

He'd been terrified of the woman for nearly 20 years; his wife teased him constantly about it too, even making the devil woman the godmother of their daughters that were around the same age as the youngest daughter Anna.

But he was glad she did especially when his wife got sick with cancer they took the kids and helped raise them while Maddie went through her treatments to get cured he saw the woman in a whole new light and no longer felt terrified by her but that didn't stop him from making all the other cadets terrified of her by exaggerating her reaction and minimizing his own role in his punishment it was in part how he wrangled the unruly brats in the first place.

She didn't mind; she even got a kick out of how polite all the young men and women were when she was around heck they'd even do triple drills to show her their dedication to their country.

While he was sitting at his desk he got a message from his old partner Amy, also the General's daughter, his inquisitor and fellow gray ranked Magus. About wanting his help in training her son in the mental arts since she knew she couldn't do the mind attacks on her own son.

He smiled a little thinking about the little boy and how much he'd changed the young all business woman into what she is today.

While quickly writing back his confirmation that he'd be happy to help and that the girls would like to see their aunt Amy and their little cousin more often even Maddie had complained that she never got to see the little boy enough.

But he also understood why Amy didn't take him out as much the older he got the boy's magical energy grew and was too high to begin with especially being young and his emotions being wild the little boy no matter how cute and kind was a powder keg waiting to explode.

Judging by the noises coming from his bosses office and this letter from his former apprentice and partner that powder keg had exploded and the General had had a hand in it no doubt the man regretted it but felt it needed to be done especially if the stories about the own man's grandmother were true the woman nearly caused a second ice age after her husband was killed in a robbery.

The man started filling out a special operations request to train an anomaly feeling his stomach turn at referring to little Alex in such a way but knowing it was factual if insultive. Getting up smirking as he heard the older couples fight dying down he knocked on the door offering his boss a quick mercy.

"Enter." Came Mrs.Adams voice.

"Hi Mrs.Adams."

"Hello John dear, how are the girls and Maddie? I wasn't able to make my lunch date with Maddie today. Please apologize for me when you get home."

"Ohh it's alright I let her know Abe here did something wrong and you were chewing him out for it, Maddie said that she'd love to see you though when you're free and the girls, while I hear they got into some trouble at school along with Anna."

"Hmm must not be too bad they haven't contacted me yet."

John barley held in the laugh imagining the principal and teachers avoiding calling Mrs.Adams in fear of her ripping them all a new asshole for the girls beating up a boy that had been bullying his youngest daughter Gabriela at their private school.

"What do you need John? I see a request form their in your hand."

"Ahh it's more of a personal thing for a friend but it will take a while so I wanted to have it made into a sanctioned mission."

"Well, give it here I'm sure it's important."

Nodding he handed the form to his boss but Mrs.Adams snatched it from the man's hands as fast as lightning. He felt a chill run down his spine at her reading the codename of the requester and the reason he wrote down at her raised eyebrow and a look that promised pain.

But she took the stamp and approved it before her husband even got to look at it.

"Redact the name and the reason Johnathan and then file it, Maddie and I will have much to discuss Mr. Anomaly."

John couldn't help but flinch; he knew his wife would not be happy about him referring to her little nephew as an Anomaly. He sighed and prepared himself for a month-long expedition of sleeping on the couch. Abe shot him a sympathizing look that told him he wasn't the only one in the dog house.

"Inquisitor Smith."


"Do whatever it takes to accomplish the task my wife deems me not fit to see by any means necessary even if they go against your character."

"Sir Yes Sir." John saluted and left the room back ramrod straight and faced a mask of indifference. Hearing his bosses orders and Mrs.Adams reaction he knew his mission was top priority the fact it was from a friend he owed his life to no longer his only driving force.

He quickly redacted the file and miss filed it into an old bin that was for that purpose officially there was a mission assigned to him but no one but the three of them knew what, who or why it was assigned. He knew that the General needed plausible deniability that's why Mrs.Adams did what she did.

'Haa what did I get myself into this time. Ugh and I can't Fluu or take military transport their God why did she have to move to New York of all places.'


'Everything hurts why does everything hurt I can't see why won't my eyes open? What happened to me? I remember getting mad at the way Grandpa Abe was talking to Amy but then it's all just blank.'


"Is that the phone I haven't been able to find since I came to this world?."

I felt something cold in my hand that wasn't there before the chime went off. Testing to see if I could lift my arm or not and luckily I could.

[1 new message]

"Hi Goddess of magic here, that was really impressive for a lower life form. Managing to tap into Hel's domain and using a bit of her power but it is also bad because now she's taken notice of you in your current dimension she can't interact or interfere with you but use caution in collecting anymore of her little trinkets unless you wish to be linked with her forever. Also the smartphone will only make itself available to you when you call on it you can't just half-heartedly look for it and then give up on searching for it you need to call out to it with your very soul.

P.S. You are in an extreme state of mana exhaustion you won't be able to wake up for a while. I'd suggest you use the smartphone and buy some books and guides on meditation and the mind arts for your current world.

Sincerely Goddess of Magic."


"Damnit sister, why won't you let me meet this mortal brave enough to use my domain."

"We've been over this sister. Unless he enters a world under your direct control you will not interfere with his growth. Besides, it will be a big surprise to you when you meet him Hehehehe."

"Fine but if he continues to collect my totems and use their power I'll steal him away from you and keep him all to myself."


"Why are you laughing?."

"No reason, I'm just imagining the look on your face when you meet him again. Oops I said too much."

'Haa, big sister won't it be such a big surprise for you when you meet your childhood best friend again after so much time has passed since he died. If only our mothers had stopped being friends with his mother, maybe you wouldn't be such a pain, I still remember how excited we both were to go to that brick building where he lived where we would play lions and tigers or cops and robbers together. He was even my first crush.'

The goddess had a faraway look as she watched the Golden city where they now resided no longer being residents of earth. Earth having died many centuries ago.

A mother had just watched her daughters argue and felt intrigued at whatever game her youngest was playing so she took a look and had the biggest shock of a lifetime. There was her godson ohh body wise he looked different but there was his soul she'd know him anywhere even with all the time that has passed. A warm smile spread across her face while a few happy tears fell from her eyes. She'd finally get a chance to make things right. She'd hated not interfering back then and still had regrets not doing so today but she had been having a rough time of it with her ex-husband and her daughter's at the time.


Amy could be seen holding a very valuable potion in her hands while her son's head rested on her lap, a soft smile on her lips as she ran one of her hands through his silky soft hair.

"You're my everything my little Alexander so be a good boy for mommy and learn everything your uncle John has to teach you. I know you'd rather have me teach you but mommy is afraid that if you see the side of me that I've kept from you, you won't love me anymore."

As the loving mother talks to her sleeping child she uncorks the potion bottle takes a big mouth full while gently lifting his head to chest height pressing her lips against his and forcing his mouth open with her tongue making him reflexively drink the concentrated magical energy potion.

A part of her she tries to deny was enjoying the unintentional kiss with her baby her little man while another part raged that she was a disgusting piece of filth for enjoying this just like she enjoyed continuing breastfeeding long after it was need and that she still buys potions to make herself lactate for her own dirty pleasures.

As the potion tool effect the ashy white skin of Alexander turned to a very light tan his little body growing a few inches due to the influx of such potent and pure magical energy as his Metamorphic physiology greedily consumed it all.

Amy carries the boy in her arms instead of levitating him or summoning a stretcher arriving at their shared bedroom removing all but the boy's boxers and tucking him into his side of the bed.

While letting the clothes slip from her body, removing her sexy lingerie and putting on a white nightie before crawling under the covers and cradling or spooning her everything from behind.

The next morning Amy awoke to the alarm wards telling her someone had just crossed the property line in an automobile. Using the observation wards that span the massive estate and magical creature and plant farms on her property she saw that it was John. But not taking any chances she used multiple detection wards that were a part of the protective wards of her property and made sure John was actually John and not someone using polyjuice potion while also using intent wards to make sure he didn't intend on doing anything malicious towards her or her baby.

Nodding to herself when she saw John was genuinely here to help her and her baby her shoulders relaxed and a heavy sigh left her lips.



A very prettily dressed and healthy looking house elf apparated into Amy's bedroom.

"I have a guest, it's John Smith, entertain him in the guest wing and keep him there gently. I will arrive when I'm ready."

"Yes Mistress, is young master feeling better? All the elves be wondering?."

"Yes Mia, Alexander is fine he should be waking up soon."

"Thank you Mistress, I'z be goin now to entertain guest."

"Thank you Mia, you're a good elf."

(Elf crying tears of joy)

'God elves can be so annoying at times.' Thought Amy.


John was getting a bit upset at the fact that Amy had been keeping him waiting for over an hour now and wanted to go give her a piece of his mind.

But that blasted elf wouldn't let him enter the main part of the estate. He couldn't believe he was being treated this way. Amy was his friend and like a sister to him and she was his former partner that he trusted with his life and yet he wasn't allowed inside the main estate.

Though just as he was about ready to leave and leave her a very irate message on her answering machine she entered the room where he was staying ohh sure she was dressed up and looking like her usual self but his years on the job and as a father made him see the heavy dark circles under her eyes and the misbuttoned blouse and messily prepared hair.

He understood now she was probably up until only a few hours ago agonizing over her child and how to make sure he was able to have a good life. The anger at her for his treatment melted away faster than it had come and now all he could feel was concern for the young woman he should have brought Maddie with; that was an oversight he thought. Amy could definitely use the experience and care of a fellow mother and friend.

"Where's the little tyke?." John asked with as much enthusiasm as he could muster seeing how worn out his friend was, not even the time they were stuck in Belarus fighting a dictatorship did she ever look thus worn down.

"He's still asleep, sorry for making you wait so long John but I wanted to grab a quick shower and get dressed in something other than my pajamas."

"Hahaha, it's fine Aimz. How about we catch up while we wait for Lex to wake up."

"Ugh, why do you always call him by that nickname he's not a superman villain?. (Sigh,) you know he likes that nickname alot right now and gives me adorable puppy eyes and glares when I call him anything but Lex."

… 3 hours later

"Mom mom mom mom MOMMY WHERE ARE YOU."

'She didn't throw me away because I'm dangerous did she?.'


"Master, Mistress is greeting guest."

'Haa, she didn't abandon me. Hehehe.'

"Take me to Mommy please Mia."

(Excited Elf)

"Yes Master Mia take Master to Mistress."


I have long since gotten used to being teleported by house elf magic so there was no disentoriation as soon as I saw Amy I launched myself at her. She let out a very unlady like grunt when my head thunked into her chest before letting out a very content giggle.

I could hear Uncle John's signature laugh but I was way too happy in Amy's arms to bother greeting him. This was much better than that dark place I was in or studying meditation and occlumency trying to pass the time until I woke up.

'Aww shit I never checked my levels and I absent-mindedly cleared all the notifications I had built up when I hit the clear button on the drop down menu, fuck man I need to distribute those stat points.'

"Alex, it's rude not to greet your Uncle."


But I didn't move to look at him or anything being in that void really took a toll on me and my younger psyche the phone helped but I was again in my formative years where fear was terror and anger was rage and so many other emotions were so much more than they were.

I hadn't even noticed that I was trembling but both adults probably did so they started telling each other funny stories about the things both their children had done I should have been mortified at some of the things she was telling him but I just wanted to stay in this warm comfortable safe place and never go back to that void.

Amy mouthed to John Mana exhaustion and John nodded back, communicating silently with his former partner while they were telling funny stories. John was reassuring Amy that Alexander would be okay.

Experiencing a severe case of Mana exhaustion was not a pleasant thing at all; both adults knew that both had gone through it more than once in their lifetimes, experiencing that at such a tender young age was definitely a traumatic experience.

I didn't know how long I stayed glued to her but eventually I felt like I could function again on my own. Turning around in her lap I faced Uncle John and gave him my best crooked smile that promised mischief.

"Hi Uncle John."

"Hi Lex, your mom asked me to come teach you a few things after your little accident yesterday."

My eyes popped out of my head being told only a day had passed since that cold feeling took over and I spent what felt like eternity in the void.

"From now on it's not Uncle John it's sensei until you learn everything I have to teach you."

I felt Amy stiffen at his statement. It sounded funny at first but judging by Amy's reaction that wasn't what she had had in mind when she asked him for help not seeing a better option.

"So whatcha gonna teach me Uncle sensei."

I tried really hard not to giggle at John's twitching eyebrows but Amy didn't hold back she clutched me tightly and started laughing her ass off.

I heard him mutter something just like his mother but I wasn't too sure I heard him correctly.

Uncle John got up and went over to a green wooden military crate and pulled out a wooden human mannequin that had five fingered hands and toes that was about my height.

"Since you're too little to train with me normally this will be your sparring partner. I've enchanted this doll to become more difficult and skilled the more you improve until you're big enough for me to train in CQC myself. Your other training though will be handled by me everyday. We will start with physical conditioning then mental conditioning before we go on to learning things like potions, runes, charms, enchanting and what not, understood?."

"Yes uncle John, I mean Sensei."


I put on some shorts and a t-shirt before running outside to meet John who then made me run five miles with him even though we had to stop a few times so I could rest because of my short legs it was hard to keep up. Whenever I got too tired or started to complain he fed me an invigoration potion.

Once we returned from our run, uncle John and I had some breakfast prepared by the house elves. Once we finished breakfast John started instructing me on proper form while I did body weight exercises. After I was drenched in sweat again I fell to the ground exhausted and John force fed me another invigoration potion before forcing me to fight his mannequin training bot thing which kicked my ass broke my nose, lip and knuckles before knocking me unconscious.

I woke up all healed and ready to go but then John sat me down and leaned his back against a tree and motioned for me to do the same.

"The next step of our training is for you to dive into yourself and center yourself once you can do this. We will advance your lessons now to begin closing your eyes. Feel the gentle breeze in your hair, feel the warmth of the sunlight on your skin and the coolness the shade or this tree offers and let it carry you away into your mind."

'Damn I've only done half of what I usually put the cadets through but it's too much for him but if I cut it down anymore it won't be as effective.'

I opened my eyes and I was in a space that was surrounded by square like screens where my memories played. It was completely random memories of all ages mixed together things I had forgotten were plain as day in here.

With a strong force of will I separated and sorted my memories from oldest to newest organizing them from year one split up into one month time frames. I didn't know how much time was passing but a previous pressure that was on my mind quickly faded away. I felt like I could think and solve problems much faster than before.

When I was done each year and each month in every year were separated into their own individual picture books then I looked around and did not appreciate the black void of my mind. So I created a place that was a combination of my previous worlds most important places to me and blended them together as expertly as I could while moving my memory albums into a secure and comforting place.

Once that was done I imagined shield generators from Star wars and a massive blueish purple dome surrounded my mind while Mandalorians in full armor and weapons along with clone troopers, tanks and everything else set up a perimeter outside and starships further out also set up a defensive grid.

On the inside of the barrier there were commando druids, super battle droids, droidekas, and vulture droids while Jedi took up the final defensive parameter nearest my haven. While inside the haven as I named it I started working on compartmentalizing my emotions, boxing them off and making it so I decided when I want to feel them and when I don't I'm protected from them. Instead of blocking them off all together I dulled them down by around 30%.

John was observing the boy and was shocked when he was performing the very things John had planned to teach him over the next few years to a degree that made a chill run down his spine.

'This kid is going to be a monster.' He thought to himself.

Once I was done with everything I retreated from my mind and saw uncle John looking at me oddly but he quickly shook it off and shot me a smile.

"Well time for magic lessons, here this is an early birthday present I got for you." John said with a smile.

John pulled a well made wooden case out of his military dress uniform's jacket pocket and handed it to me. Opening the case I was surprised to see not only a wand but a glove as well. Well glove isn't really the right word, it was more of a light gauntlet.

"Now these are training tools they have safety features built in so you don't damage your mana veins or magical core by overtaxing them like you would if you tried to cast spells with a regular foci. Once you drop past a certain energy level you won't be able to cast anymore spells until your core replenishes itself.

Do not and I mean by no means at all ever pick up and wield and adults or a friend's foci until you've reached your third magical majority where your magical organs have reached adulthood is that understood?."

"Yes Uncle Sensei."

"Sigh, good. Now here is a book with all the spells I feel you can perform with your magical reserves. Then these volumes are on the common things I feel you can make from the other fields. Obviously do not attempt any of these things on your own but you are more than welcome to study ahead. If you really want to practice something and I'm not here, ask your mother before doing something. If you don't, those presents will be taken away from you, is that understood?."

"Yes uncle Sensei."

"Good now run along I'm sure your mother is waiting for you to eat dinner with her."


Weeks passed by and turned into months and then years. Three years had passed before I really even realized it. The training sucked, even during blizzards, monsoons and 100 plus degree weather I was expected to train. That damned mannequin no matter how hard I fought or how creative I tried to be it always adapted to beat me and then it got worse instead of one now there's two constantly beating my ass.

My lessons into the field of magic were going well I had an innate talent for Charms, enchanting and Runes my runner ups were potioniering and Alchemy with Arithmancy following them up with herbology and Mazizology being my worst but I was at what I was told by John and an independent tester above average in my worst subjects and outstanding in my others.

Mom did my non magical education and I was doing very well in that so well in fact that today I was being taken to a large toy store to reward me for all my hard work. As soon as we walked into the store there was a massive display of Autobots vs Decepticons. I went crazy over them to be honest Transformers were once my all time favorite until I was older and realized there was so little depth and plot it might as well be considered a very long promotion for their toys.

But now as a kid again I was taken with the toys and the series just like I had once been. I looked at Amy with the biggest most sincere puppy dog eyes I had ever made only to receive that warm motherly smile she always gave me. I didn't even have to ask because she knew I liked to have doubles of my toys, one to play with and one to preserve in the packaging.

I was able to get two complete sets of Autobots and Decpticons even though it cost a small fortune for this time period. Those unopened first series toys would be worth a true fortune to future me.

"Honey, don't you want to play with your new toys?"

I nodded shyly. I don't know why I found it harder to talk to her about things the older I got but for her it was entertaining.

"Do you want mommy to play with you?, is that why you're sitting on my lap looking at your toys instead of playing with them."

I nodded again in confirmation only to get tickled like crazy both of us were out of breath and giggling softly as we laid on the plushie carpeted floor after a few minutes we'd opened an entire set of transformers I made Amy play as the autobots while I played as the decepticons.

'Should enchant these to make them move on their own.'

"Mom, wait."

"What's wrong baby, did you want to be the good guys?."

"No, let's enchant them to act like they do in the cartoon."

Such a proud look graced Amy's beautiful face that pride filled my chest at making her look at me like that.

"That's a wonderful idea sweetheart, let's do it together I'll enchant the bad guys though so we don't have to worry about them destroying the house."

"Awe but mom I wouldn't do that. Hehehe okay maybe I would on accident."

"~giggle~ Mmmhmm just like your stuffed wolf Pup ate my favorite dress."

"He only did that because I told him to, I don't want you to be with anybody but me."

I didn't realize I said those words aloud until I felt danger slowly. I looked up and saw a very unhappy look on Amy's face but it didn't match the look in her eyes. They were twinkling happily.

"ALEXANDER SIRIUS ADAMS, you are here by grounded from the tv and your toys for the rest of the week."

"Bu but mommy."

"But nothing, go to your room young man and think about what you did."

"~sniffle~ yes mommy. ~sniffle~"

Amy hated seeing her baby sad but loved the feeling of butterflies in her tummy that her babies confession caused her she set to work enchanting his toys to walk, talk and transform just like they do in the cartoon he adores as a few naughty fantasies of a more grown up version of her baby makes the same confession her panties soon become sealed and she puts a stasis spell on the toys to keep her charm work from fading.

She entered her room to see her little man holding her pillow and sleeping soundly little tear marks staining his cute/handsome face making her panties even more wet she didn't waste any time throwing off her clothes and making herself orgasm over her sleeping son some of her nectar splattering against his cheek her moans silenced by a silencio she casted on herself.

Just as her orgasm crested Amy was thrust back 6 years ago she had taken a girlfriends advice to go out and get laid to relieve some stress and left baby Alexander in her care. She met a handsome man at a no-maj bar while he was drinking with his friends. He was charming and since her marriage had been called off she was still a virgin.

One too many drinks and she willingly left with him and went back to his place but as they kissed she suddenly didn't want this anymore and tried to end it. But the man was a wizard, a very strong one and she was drunk to the point all her prior training and experience was practically useless.

He used a petrifying curse on her. She was defenseless and when his friends arrived they used her like a toy for almost a month straight before an opportunity presented itself to her.

They had forgotten to re-curse her and they left a wand easily within her reach she spent a week torturing them in the most painful ways possible but she'd also sworn off all men and pleasure itself.

When she returned home her Elf Mia was caring for her son he stomach turned at the thought of him being a male it took her months just to get within a foot of him and she found it peralizeing to even think about going into the city so she packed up her life in D.C, and moved to one of her family's many estates this one being in upstate ny.

Alex just wouldn't stop crying until he exhausted himself and the elves had to force feed him using a tube HD kept opening his arms to her begging her to hold him but she just couldn't do it. Then one day she heard a bang sound like a cannon going off. It came from where Alex's crib was and she couldn't hear him crying anymore.

She searched everywhere in the house frantically except her own bedroom. Somehow she finally ended up in her bedroom and found him in her bed bloody and hurt. She ran to him scooping him up in her arms no longer associating him with her assaulters. From then on she didn't leave him for a second and restarted breastfeeding him even when it made her have horrid flashbacks but she endured.

Friends would visit and recommend she find herself a man and she had to force herself to stop from vomiting. The only man's touch and gaze she could stomach was Alexander's feelings that weren't maternal and had started to fester in her heart. Feelings she's buried deep but are harder and harder to keep buried every year.


I woke up to soft sobs coming from near the closet. I smelled a sour sweet smell in the air, opening my eyes. I saw Amy sitting in a corner of the room head between her knees, arms hugging her legs rocking back and forth softly.

My heart ached like I was being stabbed and that the knife was being twisted to do more damage. Getting up from the bed without making a sound of my loose oversized boxers sliding off my small waist knowing it was a risk I used my abilities to shape-shift into a 16 year old version of myself.

I grew to be 6' tall with a somewhat fragile yet athletic build. My body was well toned but not ripped. My hair grew to shoulder length while my eyes turned to a grayish blue. Gently I started to lift Amy up when she had an aggressive attack and started screaming.


"MOM, mom stop it's me Alex."

"Alex, no no no I can't see Alex I'm dirty."

"Shh come here mom you're not dirty."

She started kicking and throwing punches fighting against my hold as I held her tightly. A long excruciatingly painful amount of time passed before whatever attack she was having ended. Her breathing leveled out but I didn't move. I just held her against my chest, rubbing her back softly humming the same lullaby she has always done for me.


Amy woke up feeling herself held in a strong embrace. She didn't freak out though even when she was stuck in that bad place in her mind she was still somewhat aware of what happened around her she remembered punching and kicking her son as he tried to comfort her.

She looked up and saw the most beautiful face on a man she'd ever seen. Even though his lip was busted and bleeding in two places and he had a black eye beginning to darken along with being covered in bruises and scratches but he was sleeping soundly.

Amy, unable to resist the temptation, pressed her lips against his liking the feeling she did it again and again and started wiggling her hips and rubbing her thighs together. She knew her son was a metamorphmagus but let him pretend to hide his little secret until he was ready to tell her just like she knew he was a lot more mature and capable then he let on.

I felt soft sensations from my lap and my lips. My eyes snapped open and I caught Amy red-handed in the middle of kissing my lips. A cute girly sound left her and she tried jumping off my lap but I held her tightly pressing my lips against hers moving my hand to the back of her head, employing her to stay.

Our kiss grew progressively more heated. Our tongues started to dance together. Amy turned and mounted my lap fully grinding against my hardness. It didn't take long for me to cum from her movements. I felt incredibly embarrassed and horny at the same time.

Amy noticed my cumming but it just seemed to push her further making her have her own orgasm. We were both left panting foreheads pressed together with her arms around my neck, my hands on her shapely wide child bearing hips, our lips mere centimeters apart.

"We can't, we shouldn't, I'm your mother, I blood adopted you, you're my precious baby boy, an and I'm dirty I'm filthy I'm a bad woman."

"You're not dirty or filt."

"I'AM YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND because you don't know you're too young and this is just a little boy's crush. Soon enough you'll meet a beautiful girl your own age and you'll forget all about me. And that's good I'm dirty and filthy I don't deserve you or your love."

"You're not any of those things." I whispered softly.

Amy went to protest but I silenced her with a kiss.

"I know what happened to you mommy, you used to cry and scream about it in your sleep. The only time you slept soundly was when we snuggled together. Never call yourself dirty, fifty or consider yourself a bad woman again.

You're not your strong, beautiful, smart, funny, kind, caring, beautiful and more importantly you were a victim but more than that you're a survivor a fighter an Avenger.

There's no other girls for me. You've had my heart since the second I was born and you scooped me up in your arms. When you promised me you'd protect me as we escaped from magical Britain."

"Thank you Alexander, but we can't. It's wrong maybe if I was younger or you were older and if we didn't perform that ritual I could accept these feelings we have for each other. I I think maybe you should go stay with John and Maddie for a while."

"Not happening you're mine and I'm yours neither one of us can be happy without the other. Besides don't purebloods usually end up fucking their sons and daughters anyways."

"Hehehe, this is the U.S. Of A, those kinds of things only happen in England hehehe."

"Well then I guess it's a good thing I'm a dual citizen and a member of the nobility in England." I said with a smirk

"Baby I."

She was cut off as I initiated a deep kiss and started shaping her nice bum cheeks with my hands. She moaned into my mouth and reciprocated the kiss.

Using a bit of magic I lifted myself from the floor and Amy wrapped her legs around my waist and clung to me like a koala. As we kissed each other passionately carrying her to the bed laying her down my hands explored her nude form even though she didn't bare me her body had developed into that of a milf's her breasts heavy with sweet warm milk.

We separated from our kiss as my hands re-explored her beautiful form that I already knew like the back of my hand but in this instance it felt like the first time I'd ever touched her. Our eyes met and I could see various emotions flickering in her eyes and from her facial expressions but the most dominant of them all was a shy need and an embarrassed look.

"Ar are you sure you want mommy baby? I can't give you my firsts. Am I ugly baby?."

"You're the most beautiful woman in this universe. And of course mommy is the one I want."

Kissing her neck and moving downwards I take her erect nipples into my mouth waiting in anticipation for her delicious milk to come. Draining both her breasts as my hand between her thighs fingered her clenching and spasming cunny as my thumb rubbed her clit making her squirt, scream and spasm in ecstasy as her back arched and her cute pink tongue stuck out her mouth and her eyelids fluttered like the heartbeat of a hummingbird.

Continuing on my downward journey I used my abilities to lengthen and thicken my tongue making it forked for a bit more fun.


I woke up to the pleasant numb feeling caused by Amy sleeping on my chest remembering how when Amy stopped feeling self-conscious and shy she turned into an animal in the sack and after the animal phase she turned into a bitch in heat.

I found myself moving her long messy red hair so I could see her beautiful face seeing a happy smile on her lips using a bit of magic I lifted her up just enough so that I could slide out from underneath her placing pillows in the place I just vacated I set her down gently planting a kiss on her forehead.

Grabbing some clothes I slipped out of the bedroom and went to the bedroom that was mine. The room was covered with blueprints, sketches and magical mathematical equations and books on Alchemy, Runes, Enchanting and blood magic.

The toys and games were kept in another room, the playroom I got into the shower washing away the thick smell of sex that was sticking to my body I could have easily casted cleaning charms on myself but nothing beats a hot shower in the morning.

After I was cleaned up I did use a drying charm and a teeth cleaning/whitening charm. I drank a potion that kept my breath smelling minty fresh for five days. Getting dressed I went to my orchard and checked on my Holly tree sapling. It's one that I've been using my magic to grow for the past three years. I plan to create clones of it and use them in crafting enchanted items.

Something I learned while reading about vanishing cabinets is that each cabinet is made by a magically grown tree and it's clone or twin. Each cabinet has its own clone and you can only move between those two cabinets.

What I'm currently working on is a magical pc and have made a lot of progress in that field. I've found that most crystals can be used for magical power and data storage. While also experimenting with Runes and Arithmancy I was able to create a golem head that could solve simple to advanced mathematical equations.

Looking at my first generation of an Apu that had diamonds as cores placed into a thin wood setting with gold setting and connecting prongs that would be placed into the motherboard I was still working on.

But my project was on hold until I had another fully grown clone of my Holly tree so I picked up my book on magical foci creation and was reading about core and wood synergy related to wands.

While looking at the spell pistols I started working on last year after diving into my mindscape and watching The Irregular at magic high school.

The easy part was creating the wand-like pistols. The hard part has been converting wand movements and command words into spell circles or sequences though with the invention of the golem head solving mathematical problems.

The first converted spell was the severing charm Diffindo and it was an epic failure. The pistol was sliced in half and I nearly lost my hand. Though during the past year I've made considerable progress and have effectively converted many charms into spell sequences and engraved them into magazines.

To switch between spell sequences there are little hieroglyphs that represent each spell and to change spells you have to channel a bit of mana into the hieroglyph of the spell you want though each pistol could only have a maximum of ten spell sequences and the mana storage crystals stored inside the magazine that actually powered the spells had to be replaced every thirty spells or be recharged.

I could power the spells directly with my own energy but that kind of defeated my own purpose of being cool as fuck.

After making sure the crystals were shared with mana I put them into their holsters before putting on my arm, leg and weighted vest strapping the holsters to my thighs while putting on my gauntlet and putting my training wand into my forearm wrist holder.

I left the house for my 10 mile run and parkour obstacle course that had multiple combat mannequins spread out within it that had an always changing combat scenario and difficulty.

After 30 minutes of a grueling course I made it past the finish line covered in dirt, sweat, mud and blood.

'Damn squirrels always giving me a jump scare when they pop out if nowhere you'd think I'd have made them go extinct in this area by now.'

Cleaning my gear and polishing my wand and pistols I started doing my body weight exercises once I finished with that I drank a nutrition potion before starting my sparring with 3 Mannequins vs 1 of me. It's been a year since Uncle John thought I was proficient enough for the training bots to start using lethal measures during training so the bots are usually equipped with combat knives nowadays.

I, of course, insisted that he taught me at least the basics of medical magic before agreeing to fight those monstrous things when they were armed. What I discovered about medical magic in this world leaves me severely wanting so when I was alone I used the phone to look and see how much Tsunade's healing hands technique cost and was shocked when it was priced at 1,000 gold which also equates to one million six hundred sixty six thousand U.S. dollars.

So instead of buying that or wasting money on potions I started to develop my own healing magic. Through studying various fields of science and magic I was able to come up with multiple spells similar to what the chakra technique had rolled all into one.

Once I finished that I created a pistol that only had my new healing spells as a load out but I couldn't regrow a completely new limb if the old limb was still viable I could reattach it and then heal it back into its place but that was it for being able to heal extremities.

My heal spell as long as there was enough mana would put my body in peak or near peak condition as long as none of my organs were completely destroyed.

My cure spell would remove any and all harmful toxins, poisons etc from the body.


Today's my fourteenth birthday and the last summer before I start attending high-school so Amy and I are going out on a date in the big apple.

We were just leaving the movie point break hand in hand talking about the movie when all of a sudden the world turned to chaos.

Mages in black robes started setting off explosives and firing spells left and right trying to cause as much death and mayhem as possible. I saw a baby in a stroller whose mother was being pinned down to the sidewalk by one of the Zealots.

I didn't even have to think about it. I drew one of my spell pistols firing a severing charm separating his head from his body. Activating my gauntlet and using it to project a protégé to protect from incoming spells as Amy fired off spells using her wand and guard my other side with her own protégé.

But a grenade slipped past my sight line and detonated within a foot of me. My world became pain and the strength left my body. I went down. Amy fought hard and looked like she'd make it through the confrontation when reinforcements from the Magus Corps arrived.

I saw an enemy wizard casting a spell and saw the tell-tale green color and knew it was a killing cure directed right at me. I heard Amy scream.

"Not my baby."

My world had gone dark though I kept coming in and out of conscience I had something in my throat as a nurse squeezed a large bottle. The next time I woke up I was in a hospital bed with a bunch of wires on my body. My Aunt Anna who looked like Anna Kendrick was sleeping in the reclining chair in the hospital room.

I wanted to talk. I wanted to move. I noticed the respirator and feeding tube in my mouth. I went to remove it with my left arm but no matter what I did I just couldn't move it I could barely move my head.

I looked as much as I could to my left and wanted to scream that my left arm was gone all the way up to my shoulder.

A nurse came rushing into the room at the sounds of the medical equipment going haywire. Anna fell out of the chair being shocked awake by the door slamming open. All I could think about though was Amy where was Amy then the image of her falling to the ground dead lifeless eyes looking into my own filled my mind.

A Shockwave of mana left my body causing the equipment inches room to spark and melt down as Anna and the nurse were thrown against a wall.

A new strength filled my body as I used my right arm to pull the tubes free. Anna recovered first and tried stopping me out of concern.

'I have to find her, I have to find mom.'

Once the tubes were free a raspy unrecognizable voice left my lips.


"~sob~ ohh Alex, I'm so sorry but Amy sh she didn't make it."

I couldn't believe that.

"Lying, lier."

"I'm sorry Alex."

"No, no no no no no."

"Shh, sweetie aunty is here."

Anna hugged me tightly as I screamed and cried weathering the swirling cyclone my unstable emotions had turned my mana into.

Once I had calmed down Anna moved me to a wheelchair and took me down to the morgue and pulled open a cooler for me. There was Amy dead there was no denying it, no pretending she was alive. There was the woman that raised me that loved me that made me happy and she was gone.

No tears came. All I felt was despair. Losing an arm was nothing compared to losing your love…

Anna took me home if you could call that big empty mansion without Amy a home she tried to stay but she had a career to get back to and I faked a smile and said I'd be okay and she left reluctantly.

I tried to go into our bedroom but a wave of pain hit as soon as I smelled the scent of her lavender shampoo and vanilla lotion. It had been so faint in the rest of the house I hadn't even noticed it until now.


"Master." Shouted the elf as she hugged my leg sobbing.

"Mia, mother is dead, you're a free elf do you wish to stay with me?."

"Mia, has always been bonded to master, Mistress bonded Mia to master the day he came home. Mia sorry she didn't protect Mistress."

"It's not your fault Mia. Mia I'm thirsty can you bring me a bottle of whiskey."

"Yes Master Mia gets whiskey for master."

"Thank you Mia you're a good elf."

Mars, the house guardian at seeing the young master's condition, went and informed lady Adams as he was commanded by her to do so.

In D.C. the Adams couple were arguing about how to help their grandson cope while also mourning their daughter's death.

"Abe we can't just leave him there to drink and stew in his depression."

"I know Ali, but what are we going to do if we push we'll lose him and I know neither one of us wants that."

"I know. Wait, what about Albus, Abe? He owes you his life and asks him to offer Alex a job teaching enchanting to students at Hogwarts; it will get him around people his own age and help him heal."

"I'll go now and speak with him in person dear."


Albus was happy to see his old war buddy Aberham but was saddened by hearing of his daughter's recent death but Albus wasn't prepared for his request; he wants him to hire his grandson as an instructor on paper. The young man is a genius. People would probably refer to the boy as the second coming of Merlin if Americans believed in that sort of thing.

But the problem for Albus is that the young man is fourteen; he'd have to take some time to consider this decision. But as he was reminiscing about the Hogwarts of his youth he realized how much this once grand old school had fallen to the point they don't even have an Alchemy teacher at the school anymore.

Just as Abe was about to pick up the portkey Albus shot up from his chair and shouted I'll hire him but his pay won't be much.

"Albus he's the heir of two Ancient and noble houses, he's one of the richest men in the world and that doesn't even include his invention of the Mag-PC, WizPhone, Wiznet and Wizdroid."

Albus nearly had a heart attack at realizing he was going to pass on the young man that revolutionized communication and made Owls and fluu calls obsolete. The Wiznet even had a very tasteful adult website that catered to even homosexual's like himself called Phub.

I had just finished my third bottle of Jack and was stumbling through the mansion opening my workshop/bedroom door open and face planting on the floor. I tried to push myself back up but forgot I only had on arm now so after struggling for a few minutes I pushed myself back up with magic and approached my desk.

Resting on my desk were my pistols, gauntlet and training wand but also laid next to them were Amy's wand backup wand and gauntlet. Picking up Amy's wand like it was the most precious and fragile thing in the world I pointed it at myself and used all my pain and despair.

"Crucio." Casting it on myself every time I'd recover I casted it again and again.

"Master no." Shouted Mia just as I was about to cast the torture curse on myself for the 9th time.

"Give it back." The words that left my mouth were unrecognizable to me.

"Not Mistress's wand, it would hurt Mistress to know her wand hurt master."

That got to me. I wouldn't want that.

"What do I do Mia, I miss her, I love her."

"Mia Knows not."

"Hahahahahahaha." A mirthless slightly insane laugh left my lips making the loyal caring house elf shudder.

"Give it back now Mia, I won't use it on myself anymore."

"Yes Master."

Once the wand was back in my grasp I could tell it wasn't happy with me in the slightest. I set it back on the desk while pulling out my chair sitting down. I don't remember how many bottles I asked Mia to fetch for me all through the night using heal and cure to rid myself of the side effects of the alcohol.


Summoning the phone I clicked world travel only for all options to be blacked out.

"To travel to another universe or return to your home universe kill either Tom Riddle or Harry Potter."

'Harry would be easy to kill right now he's not learned a bit of magic but he's my god brother and cousin even if I am a bit fucked in the head I won't kill family unless they deserve it.'

"Ohh I should check my level."

Health: 75/100% missing limb permanent health reduction.

Mana: 100/100%

Level: 10

Experience: 01/100%

Race: Human

Class: N/A

Strength: 13 +12 =25

Agility: 17 +8 =25

Dexterity: 20 +5 =25

Vitality: 10 +15 =25

Intelligence: 30 +20 =50

Wisdom: 50 +25 =75

Charm: 10 +15 =25

Free Stat Points: 100 -100 =0

(10 in each stat is the standard male average.)

(25 Olympic level athlete)

(50 super soldier)


Alison Adams had just entered the mansion her grandson resided in; she felt his power surge astronomically and then level out and stay there.

Her heart started pounding frantically in her chest as her panties moistened as her grandson's magical energy had a seductive property to it.

She slowly made her way up the stairs she pushed open the bedroom door to the room her daughter and grandson share off Yes she knew of their sexual relationship and in fact she gave them her approval she just wanted her baby girl to be happy.

But the bedroom was empty and undisturbed. Panic started to fill her heart she rushed around the house throwing open doors until she reached the last door on this floor and there was her precious grandchild crafting away oblivious to her plight. A soft smile graced the beautiful redhead's lips as she watched him work from behind, controlling his engraving tools with his magic wandess and wordlessly.


As soon as I finished leveling up I had Mia chop off the heart vein of my fully grown clone Holly tree and now I was shaping it into a prosthetic arm. I was just finishing up the rune scheme that would make this wooden arm feel and act like the original body part I'd lost.

It took a lot longer than it should have but after almost eight hours of working on it the arm was complete.

"Now comes the painful part connecting the nerves, grafting the skin and bone."

"Would you like some help Lex, I know I'm not a medi-mage but I've been around a lot just tell me what you need."

"GRANDMA how long have you been there you should have said something."

"Nonsense I enjoy watching you create something new now tell me what you need help with."

After grandmother helped with my new arm I couldn't help but test out my natural gift as a metamorphmagus and turned myself into a certain alchemist. My arm even changed to match his.

"That, that's amazing dear you could help so many injured veterans and servicemen and women with this."

I returned to my looks I usually have in this world, my arm becoming a light tan matching the rest of my flesh even as a light wooden comes out about my wrist.

'Good that works.'

I couldn't help but look at the gorgeous gilf as my arm turned to wriggling octopus tentacles. I started caressing her body with my magic. She covered her mouth to muffle her moans of pleasure.

"Al-Alex wha ngh are you trying to do?."

"I think you know that already don't you?."

My tentacles snaked under her dress her panties were drenched one of the thick long wriggling tentacles pushed her panties aside and entered her hot needy neglected sex. As another entered her virgin ass and the other two wrapped around her E-cup tits while the little suckers sucked on her nipples.

"Don't worry grandma I'll take care of those needs grandfather has been neglectful in carrying out. But if you want me to stop, just say the word and I'll stop."

"Nghhh cumming."

"Heh, cumming so fast you must have really been desperate for some attention granma. Now I think it's time you return the favor."

Grandma Alison dropped to her knees without a word and freed my hard cock I increased its girth and length to be at inhuman levels but Alison did her best to swallow it whole using her massive tits when she couldn't force herself further as my tentacles slowly languidly continued to fuck her.

"Such a naughty old woman aren't you cheating on your husband with your young stud of an adopted grandson."

My words caused her to have another orgasm. It didn't take long for her to make me cum and she greedily gulped down my cum like it was the most delicious thing she'd ever had the pleasure to drink.

I pulled my tentacles back and turned them back into a normal arm and hand. She stood up wearing a saucy smirk as she scooped up some of my cum that had fallen onto her breasts and like her lips. As she let the blue sundress straps slip off of her shoulders revealing her lacy blue lingerie that she quickly divested herself of.

She posed demurely, partially hiding her bush. It made me smile softly at her. She'd been shy like this for the past few years now ever since the night Amy and I seduced her together after she had a really bad fight with Abe.

Her body was built for sex she had no reason to be shy or self conscious she still looked like a woman in her forties instead of her true age of seventy.

I spun her around bending her over my desk slamming home as hard and deep inside of her smacking her ass roughly playing with her big tits.

I felt my eyes prickling, soon I was laying on top of her back as sobs tore their way out of me. I was soon in her embrace and was sitting with my back against the wall as she held me while sliding her way up and down my cock.

We were both kissing her tears mixing with my own, our breaths tickling each other's skin.

"I'm going to cum soon."

"Inside, do it inside." She moaned needily.

"Ahhnnn, it feels so good being filled by you my love."

"What if you get pregnant, grand."

"Call me by my name Alexander, I'm not as into it as. I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything."

"No, you're right I shouldn't treat you as if you're her. She enjoyed being called that way while we."

"I know."


We made love to one another the rest of the night clinging to each other like a life raft in a raging ocean.

In the morning I woke up to Alison slipping back into her panties and putting her bra on.

"Well how long do you plan on staring at me Alex?."

"I'd rather be fucking you some more beautiful."

"Hehehe, you make me feel so young and wanted again Alex. I I have something to tell you Alex, Abe went to get you a job teaching for his old friend Albus Dubledore at Hogwarts."

"So you're kicking me out now that she's gone."


"That's not what's happening, Alex this is for you so you can be around people your own age that was the deal you had with Amy now instead of attending classes you aren't interested in you can teach."

"I I'm sorry for assuming the worst." I said softly.

But I also didn't take that slap lightly. I pulled her over my knees and smacked her thicc sexy ass a few times as punishment.

"You're ngh such a brute dear."

"I know, and I know you love that about me."

"Just a little. I should be getting back home soon after all. Aberham and I are still married and I'm sure your aunt wants to be updated on how you're doing. Are you okay my love?."

"I no I'm not last night with you helped but I don't think I'll ever truly be okay I loved no I still love her more than I can ever put into words."

Alison cupped my cheek and smiled sadly.

"It'll come and go like the tides one day you'll find yourself feeling like you've moved on and the next it'll feel like the day you lost her. But you are still young and you'll find a new love. I know you will, you're just too good of a man not to catch the interest of a beautiful young woman who will love you and you'll love back."

"And what of you do you not want to continue what we have to have more between us?."

"Dear I'm old I have 76 plus years on you soon I'll be old and unattractive and unable to satisfy you I barely was able to handle you on my own last night. But enough of this talk you should start packing for your teaching job at Hogwarts."