Saiyan in Smallville


"Hello, young one. I am to inform you that you have." The R.O.B greeted me kindly but in my aggravation at dying I rudely interrupted her.

"Died, yeah I know. Thank you, for taking time out of your busy schedule to confirm it for me. So since I died and am here instead of some sort of divine realm of damnation or eternal bliss, I'd say, my chances of reincarnation are real." I replied to the R.O.B while looking at her calm face as a feeling of guilt washed over me for how I was treating her.

"Haa, yes you are correct." She sighed while looking at me, her eyes filling with a bit of sadness.

'Jeez this guy's taking away all my fun by taking this so calmly.' The R.O.B thought to herself while feeling slightly amused at his feeling of regret and guilt over what he considered as being rude.

"I've read a few of your fanfictions, while bored, so I know you have some experience with this process.

It is actually quite similar to your Saiyan in Avatar the Last Airbender ff, you know I was quite disappointed when you dropped it and then deleted it.

So, you have a few options just like in some of your Self-inserts stories.

Here are your options: Option 1: you get three wishes, Option 2: You choose to go to choose whether or not you wish to follow what the religion you were baptized in says where you go when your mortal flesh dies, or Option 3: You try out the wheels of chance and let them determine your future." The R.O.B spoke a bit of a smirk gracing her lips.

'Wishes sound cool and all, but I know I'd just fuck them up in someway or another, I'm not really ready to be dead and go to Heaven or Hell, I want another chance at life.' I thought to myself while my eyes drifted the body of the R.O.B taking in her gorgeous figure.

"If you are to proceed on the wishes route you only get 3 wishes and I mean three, no making a list of things each wish counts for one thing and one thing only, another stipulation of this route is that you don't get to keep all of your memories.

Now If you choose to leave everything up to chance and spin the wheel, you'll get to keep all of your memories, but again everything is left to chance, there's no guarantees when taking this route.

Then there is the religious route, though I don't recommend it, not with all those togas and naked chibi angels, it makes my skin crawl, though hell is rather fun if you like to give into your vices." The R.O.B continued a naughty smirk on her lips when talking about hell as she positioned her body to look more seductive.

'Well, that's good to know for future reference, especially if I ever get this choice again.' I thought to myself as I came to a decision on what option I would choose.

"Hmm, hell sounds interesting. But I'll spin the wheel." I replied, making the R.O.B smile a soft smile before nodding in understanding as she waved her hand making something similar to a casino's wheel of fortune slot machine appear out of thin air.

"Just pull the lever, after that your rewards will pop up where the modifiers would appear on a normal slot machine." The R.O.B spoke kindly as she rested her chin on the knuckles of her hand.

Quickly reaching out to pull the lever my heart thumped in my chest as my palm became sweaty.

'Great, I'm still addicted to the rush of gambling.' I thought to myself as my hand came to rest on the red knob of the lever.

Pulling down and releasing the lever.

(Slot machine music playing dramatically.)

Watching the wheel enraptured by the spinning.

(Dum dum dumb, sound played as my future fell into the reward slots.)

[World: DC (Smallville)]

[Race: Saiyan]

[Items: DragonBall Items kit, contents include large bag of high grade Senzu beans, Improved Capsule Corp Capsule case containing various Capsules, Guide for training Ki, one Dragon Ball character summoning ticket, a set of Dragon Balls.]

"HOLLY FUCKING SHIT." I expressed aloud in shock at everything that popped up for me.

'Smallville 'is a pretty tame DC universe if I'm being honest, but still crazy ASF, it's a good thing I'm a Saiyan. The Dragon Balls along with a character summoning ticket are so fucking OP, it's not funny.' I thought to myself while thinking some things over.

[Please customize your character]

'Ohh, cool I can even make it so I'm unaffected by the typical Saiyan attitude, so two thumbs up for not being a wild haired rage monster.' I thought to myself as I finished customizing my appearance to make myself look like Gohan except with vibrant green eyes, and setting my age so I'd be the same age as Clark when he crash lands on earth.

'Too bad I can't be a half-saiyan, they have more potential since they're a hybrid of two species.' I thought to myself as I finished customizing my character appearances throughout my life cycle.

[Character creation complete]

'Hehe, this is going to be entertaining, and give that show a bit more flavor.'

The R.O.B thought to herself as she eyed the young man who was once a disembodied soul became a young Saiyan similar in size to that of a 3-4 year old child.

Smirking while looking at his cute naked butt as his little tail danced in the air cutely, before having to cover her mouth to hide her giggles as she waved her hand to summon some clothing for the boy to wear.

"Puff, please-tehee-put these on." The R.O.B said while giggling as she gestured towards a set of jet black Saiyan armor, that had a black glass scouter with a dark gray frame resting on top of the outfit.

'Eee, he looks even cuter, with clothes on now like a little boy playing dress up. I just want to smother him with hugs.' The R.O.B's true colors showed in her thoughts as she waved her hand again creating an Attack Ball spaceship.

"This will be your transportation to your new home, it's a custom Attack Ball made by me for you to be able to comfortably use even as an adult.

Like the Attack Ball's from Dragon Ball it's fully equipped with a blutz wave projector, advanced environmental system, and the incredibly fuel efficient faster than light engine, while also including the remote control piloting through your scouter.

It differs from normal Attack Ball's in that it has a weapons system equipped. It is also indestructible and will only work for you, the same as with your scouter.

Your Saiyan armor will be self repairing, same with the undersuit, boots and gloves they will also stretch to fit you just like they do in the anime." The R.O.B said while looking at me with a look in her eyes that made me feel slightly uncomfortable, but I quickly shook those feelings off as I was too excited looking over my spaceship.

'This is so frickin cool, too bad I know all of jackshit, when it comes to DragonBall and that's only because I watched that 12 episode season of Kai that was on Nicktoons, years ago.' I thought to myself as I put on my scouter and found the scooter that was inside the Attack Ball along with the Saibamen container that had six Saibamen seeds inside of it.

"Careful with those, they are super sabimen seeds, the Sabimen hatched from them will be loyal to you but their battle power will be in the range of 60,000-80,000, which is enough to destroy the earth ten times over even with this earth being 100x more durable then your original earth." The R.O.B said as she watched me inspecting the little bottle the seeds were inside while being suspended in a green fluid of some kind.

'He's in for a surprise one he grows those Sabi…woman,' The R.O.B thought in amusement.

"Thank you…for the heads up, and for providing me with a good way to train myself to raise my battle power." I thanked the R.O.B genuinely out of gratitude.

'A, thank you…how unexpected, rarely do the souls who come here ever thank me, usually they just demand things that they feel they are entitled to.' The R.O.B thought to herself as she decided to add in something special in return for his show of gratitude.

"You are quite welcome, I have decided to give you or well your ship an additional ability, the ability is being able to travel the omni-verse.

Though this function/ability won't be unlocked until you meet certain requirements.

Also, each world will have requirements for you to visit, things like BP or to complete missions that would influence the world you visit,

things that should have been done but weren't because of the writers or producers of certain worlds.

These objectives are completely and totally at your discretion to accomplish or not. I won't make you do anything you don't want to do." The R.O.B replied to me after my show of gratitude, making my mouth drop open in surprise at the additional gift that she'd given me.

"Thank you R.O.B, you're awesome." I replied to her honestly while looking at her with big round eyes.

"You're welcome, I hope you have the great adventure the likes of which you thirsted for in your last life, also my name is Hestia, here let me tone down the Ethereal light abit." The R.O.B now known as Hestia replied to me as she suddenly became much clearer and my mouth dropped open in surprise because here was a slightly animated version of Hestia from that dungeon anime.

Waving to her as I climbed into my Attack Ball, finding the seat quite comfortable.

'The Wiki pages were wrong about these things being uncomfortable, but then again I doubt even a warrior would spend three years at a time in one of these things asleep if they were completely uncomfortable.' I thought to myself as I reached over and grabbed the touch screen navigation computer interface that was connected to a pivoting arm, and pulled it in front of me.

Looking over the large tablet-sized touchscreen interface, finding the menu to be very simplistic and self explanatory to use with an intuitive setup with easy to read gauges and quick option menus.

Clicking on the navigation menu seeing that it had multiple destinations, but only one available for me to select and that was [Smallville].

After selecting my destination the Attack Ball's door sealed making a whoosh sound, while the display returned to the main page.

While the ship shuddered a tiny bit which was the only sign I got that it was moving at all, other than on the wall of the ship there was a computer monitor that had a little representation of my ship heading towards a little depiction of earth.

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Smallville Kansas 1989 the day of the meteor shower.

Martha and Jonathan Kent were visiting Nel's flower shop to get tulips. It was a joyous day for the people of Smallville; the high school football team had just won another football game, the tenth in a row they were going to state.

But soon tragedy struck in the form of a meteor shower that held two visitors from outer space.

On an old county road a red dodge pickup could be seen driving through some of the heaviest meteor fall, a meteor crashed into the roadway right in front of the red pickup causing it to flip over.

Luckily Johnathan and Martha were mostly unhurt.

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Inside the upside down truck Johnathan looked out of the window and saw a naked boy around the age of three hunching down to look at him with a big smile on his face.

"Martha?" Johnathan Kent asked in a voice filled with disbelief, making Martha look over at her husband also seeing the young boy smiling at her his baby blue eyes connecting with her's.

"What is this? find babies, in a field day?" Johnathan asked in shock as another young boy of around the same age appeared though this boy had wild black hair, and vibrant green eyes but that wasn't the strangest thing about him, no that was the black tail happily dancing behind his back as he looked at Martha and John as if he knew them and was shocked to see them.

"Ohh Johnathan." Martha said in amusement as she fell in love with both of the baby boy's instantly.

'God, thank you for answering my prayers, even if it's not the way I'd originally hoped.' Martha thought to herself and Johnathan could feel his wallet shrinking and crying out someone save me.

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[(Gentle chime noise.) You have arrived at your destination. Spoke a feminine digitized voice, similar to that of a G.P.S.]

At the sound of a gps lady's voice informing me of my arrival to my destination, I blinked away the sleep in my eyes.

Looking outside of the dark tinted view port of my ship, I found that my Attack Ball had landed and now sat inside the middle of a smoking crater.

'This is really real.' I thought to myself as I pressed the button on the interface making the door of my ship open up with a hiss.

"This is really, real." I muttered as my eyes started to water, as images of the family and friends I left behind flashed in my mind.

'I hope everyone's doing okay, I doubt anyone will really miss me though.' I thought to myself as I wiped away the tears trailing down my face, before tamping down on my emotions and moving on from them.


Climbing out of the crater walking through a cornfield that had all the corn stalks knocked over.

'It's the…Kent's farm truck.' I thought to myself as the image came right out of the TV show Smallville.

I came to a roadside and saw a toddler boy kneeling over and looking into a red pickup coming in closer.

I hunched down and looked inside and there was John Schneider, hanging upside down by his seatbelt.

I heard him crack a joke about naked baby day but I was too involved in looking at who should have been Annette O'Toole as Martha Kent was instead Marisa Tomei.

'Well she is more accurate to the typical Martha Kent image then a redhead like Annette did.' I thought to myself as I moved closer to the truck, unconsciously flicking my tail back and forth and helped Clark rip open the door of the truck, to make it easier for Johnathan Kent to climb out of it.

"Huh, strong kids." John muttered as he crawled out of the truck only to turn around and help Martha Kent crawl out of it as she grabbed blankets from behind the seat.

Martha seemed to move as fast as the flash as she picked both baby Clark and I from the ground and wrapped us in blankets handing Clark to Johnathan while keeping me in her arms as they walked towards Clark's downed spaceship.

"Martha, I know that look…but we can't keep them. They have families…homes." Johnathan said as he came to stand in front of Clark's ship.

"While one of them certainly isn't from around here." Martha pointed out and I could tell she was feeling pretty justified in thinking we were gifts from God.

"This not me ship it his, me ship dat way." I said as I didn't even have to try and talk like a little kid it just came naturally to me in my new young body.

Martha gasped as she continued caressing my tail that had an incredibly soft, thick fuzzy firm covering it.

While shooting Johnathan a looking that said see, and that we're adopting them and nothing he said would change that.

"Alright Martha stop looking at me like that, what would we even name them?" John found himself asking as he'd always wanted two kids, but finding out he was very infertile last year killed his hopes. But now his hopes were high and his heart was already filled with love for the two boys, aliens or not.

"How about we name this little guy after your great grandfather Malek and name him Malachai, as for this little one let's name him after my father and call him Clark." Martha replied with a happy smile on her face as she kissed Clark's forehead and then mine.

"I think those are good names Martha, I have to go find a truck so we can get this back to the farm." John said as he patted his hand against Clark's ship.

"What about little Mal's ship?" Martha asked in a worry filled tone.

"We'll just have to hope no one finds it before I get a chance to get back out here and find it before us." Johnathan replied as he signed heavily and started to walk back towards the road.

"Me ff-ly it." I said to alleviate Martha's worries.

"No-no my little Mal, it's dangerous and you're too little." Martha replied with a warm mothering smile that also carried a threat of punishment behind it if I disobeyed her.

"Me fly it, wid this." I replied and tapped my scouter which suddenly turned on.

[Martha Kent:

-Race: Human

-Age: 23

-Health status: Healthy

-BP: 3]

Looking over at John it scanned both him and Clark.

[Johnathan Kent:

-Race: Human

-Health Status: Healthy

-Age: 25

-BP: 4]

[Clark Kent (Kal-El)

-Race: Kryptonian

-Health Status: unidentifiable

-Age: 3

-BP: 6]

'Cool, I wonder why Clark's health status is unidentifiable…maybe because he is slowly being irradiated by the yellow sun radiation?' I thought to myself as I found that the health status function of the scanner was a nifty feature.

Pressing another button I was rewarded with a new popup appearing on my scouter.

[Remote Vessel Operation Activated: control vessel mentally or with gauntlet integrated push button controls.]

'Mental controls, sweet!' I thought to myself while John walked away to find a truck carrying Clark with him as I piloted my Attack Ball to where I was being held by Martha.

"Wow." Martha gasped out as my Attack Ball set down gently in front of us, as she slowly stepped forward and rested her hand against the alien vehicle.

"You both flew here all by yourselves, where are your parents? What happened to them? Why would they send such adorable and young little boy's to a foreign place alone?" Martha asked, her voice filled with indignation as a woman who desperately wanted children but couldn't have them unless a miracle happened with her own low fertility rate.

"Me, mama n papa go bomb width pwanet." I replied and made an explosion sound and made my hands go out like boom.

"Ohh my." Martha replied in a strangled voice as she hugged me tighter to her chest, while she started to cry and rub my hair and tail more intensely.

"I promise Johnathan and I will always be there for you little Mal." Martha whispered softly as she kissed the top of my head.

I nodded against her chest as I closed my eyes and relished in the hug from the woman, it wasn't long before I could hear a truck approaching us.

"Isn't that Henry Ford's truck Johnathan?" Martha asked her husband while looking at the old blue pickup with a wooden flavor for a box with some hay bales stacked up on the back of it, while the windshield had a meteorite hole in it right where the driver's head would be if it were being driven.

"I don't think Henry will be…needing it anymore Martha." Johnathan replied while ruffling his curly blonde hair harshly as he stood half in half out of the truck while Clark sat on the seat of the truck.

"Poor Sarah." Martha said her voice filled with genuine grief at the loss of the farmer named Henry Ford.

"How did that one get here? Nevermind it's not important right now. Come on Martha get in the truck with the boys while I load these things on the back." Johnathan said as Martha climbed into the truck and pulled Clark into her embrace and I slipped out of the rolled down window feeling the soft dirt against my toes, as I walked over and saw John struggling to lift the front end up enough onto the back of the truck.

Only for me to walk over and lift it up with both hands making John fall over onto his ass at no longer having the weight there to hold him still.

"Hahaha, thank you Mal." Johnathan laughed good-naturedly and had a look of awe on his face, as I walked around to push the ship up into the truck together as my little arms had only been long enough to get the nose of the ship onto the bed of the truck.

"There, all done with that one, but there's no room on the truck for it." Johnathan sighed as he picked me up and held me with one arm.

"Me fly wid this." I replied as I tapped on my scouter before slipping out of John's hold and climbed into the truck, sitting on Martha's lap next to Clark, making Martha let out a soft laugh which Clark followed with his own as he patted my arm with his hand.

"Hey." I heard John say just now realizing I'd escaped from him and was back with Martha as he climbed into the cab of the truck and started to drive towards the road.

As I piloted my Attack Ball remotely activating stealth mode making the ship invisible to detection of anyone or thing without a scouter or advanced sensing abilities.

We were cruising down the road rather slowly thanks to Clark's ship weighing us down the truck roaring just by going 30mph.

When Lionel Luther ran out in front of the truck. "HELP HELP, HELP ME! MY SON NEEDS HELP." Lionel shouted making Johnathan lock up the brakes on the truck and jump out following Lionel into the cornfield a few minutes later they returned with John carrying Lex Luther in his padded jean jacket.

Lionel shakily got into the truck and I took my scouter off and hid it while setting the ship to follow behind us and stay hovering in the air.

As Johnathan drove Lex and Lionel to the hospital, Lionel complained about the speed at which we were driving and asked if we could take it off but John firmly said no.

Which for some reason led Lionel to introduce himself and offer the Kent's a favor while I decided to take a nap.

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A few days after the Meteor shower.

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"Martha, we have to do something…Ethan isn't one to not look into things he saw Clark and Malachai, he's going to investigate us and them." Johnathan Kent said his voice filled with worry as he walked over to the couch the two boys were napping on after playing together.

"What about Lionel Luther? He offered to help us if we ever needed it, I'm sure he has the connections that we need." Martha said tentatively as she rubbed Johnathan's neck and shoulders in just the right way to make his stubbornness crumble.

"You're right Martha, I'll call him in the morning." Johnathan replied as he turned around and kissed his wife on the cheek before heading up to bed, while Martha slept on the smaller couch across from her boy's.

I cracked open my eyes feeling like I no longer had to pretend to be asleep.

'Should I stay or should I go? The Kent's barely managed to support one kid and keep the farm in the series, and being a Saiyan I'll probably need to consume 40 to 50 times what a normal human does to support my body's metabolism.' I thought to myself while looking around the farmhouse feeling a sense of being at home in the place.

A gut feeling told me to stay with the Kent's even as my brain told me it was a bad idea and that I shouldn't put that much financial stress on them.

'Hmm, that's right, where are my Dragon Balls, summoning ticket, Senzu Beans and capsules case?' I idly wondered to myself as I stealthily got off of the couch without waking Clark or Martha up.

Slowly and quietly I snuck out of the farmhouse, my destination the storm cellar. where mine and Clark's ships are stored away and which was positioned a bit of a ways away from the house, and even the main buildings of the farm.

'Wow, really John putting a lock on the storm cellar door kinda defeats the purpose of having a storm cellar.

Though if you want to keep your adopted alien kids away from their spaceships you oughta use something a little stronger than a five dollar master lock.' I thought to myself as I grabbed the lock and pulled on it sharply, being quite surprised when the lock itself didn't break but the nails securing the door latch to the wooden door came right out of the storm cellar doors.

"That works too I guess." I muttered to myself as I opened the large door and made my way down into the dark storm cellar that was made of clay, dirt and stone like most old farm structures in America, as even my families oldest and still used barn in 2023 was constructed out of river stone and mortar with a wooden barn added on top for vehicle storage and hay storage.

'Ya know, I don't remember the Wiki pages mentioning anything about Saiyan's having phenomenal low light vision or dark vision, and just that Saiyan's have really good the nose of a bloodhound and the vision of a hawk.' I thought to myself as I found I could easily see and maneuver in the cramped storm cellar, spotting a few kryptonite meteorites in the cellar picking them up so I could avoid Martha almost dying from breathing in irradiated pollen in the future.

"I'll put these in my ship." I muttered as I held three apple sized meteors between my two arms as I approached my ship, its door automatically lowering for me as the sensor picked up my approach.

Setting the meteors down near the door to the ship on the inside and I started feeling around for any compartments within the ship, finding that both arms ejected and had storage spaces within, their opening mechanism being a very small recessed touch sensor almost completely impossible to find unless you slowly inspected the ship like I just did.

'In the anime didn't it kinda hint at Vegeta, lifting up the seat to take a dump?" I asked myself as I picked up my armor, boots, gauntlets and the clothing that I previously folded up and left on the seat of the ship setting everything within the armrest storage racks before lifting up the seat a medium large square metal box that fit perfectly underneath the seat, while there was also one of those Japanese toilet things that spray a warm jet of water at you after using the bathroom…make that two one in the front and one in the back.

"HAHAHAHA ! ! !, I would have never found this stuff if I didn't remember that one obscure scene of Nappa and Vegeta in their Attack Ball's heading to earth." I laughed loudly before quietly muttering to myself as I lifted the advanced looking metal box out from the toilet of the ship.

'Hestia sure has a sense of humor, putting this world breaking shit in the shitter.' I thought to myself, feeling a huge amount of amusement, at the big tittied loli goddess's shenanigans, as I opened the box finding a rectangular blue metal case with the words Capsule Corp. Written on top in a cursive script underneath the Capsule Corp insignia.

Seven shrunk down dragon balls, a voucher ticket that looked to be made of gold, that read "Good for one character summons from the Dragon Ball omniverse." With a little textbox underneath that reads any summoned character will be fully loyal to the summoner and will even have a more favorable opinion of them in regards to a romantic relationship. While there was also a large brown burlap sap positively looking ready to burst with a red string tie keeping it's contents from spilling out.

Along with a tablet-like device that I tapped on. [Guide to mastering your Ki and beyond]

'Well, looks like everything's here. Thank you Hestia." I thought to myself and sending out a little prayer to Hestia.

"I think for now, I'll just put these away back where I found them. And retrieve them if I need them in the future." I muttered to myself as I closed the metal box and restored it in the shitter letting out a little chuckle as I did so.

Exiting the cellar walking right into a very soft and warm embrace as hands picked me up off the ground.

"I was so worried about you Mal, please don't sneak off in the middle of the night like that again…next time wake me up and let me know when you want to visit your ship. Okay sweetheart." Martha said to me and I could hear the panic and unshed tears in her voice.

'Damn, way to guilt trip a guy honey.' I thought to myself even as I felt warm feelings in my stomach over this woman caring for me so much as I nuzzled my face against her collarbone and nodded.

I felt Martha relax slightly as she held me tightly.

"Let's get back to bed." Martha said softly as she carried me back into the house and instead of putting me back on the couch with Clark she snuggled me with her on the other.

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A year since arrival day.

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As Clark and I worked together to blow out the candles of our shared birthday cake, I couldn't help but remicice a little over the past year with the Kent's that had its ups and downs.

Most of which were caused by my need for independence, from truly helicopter parents, and their lack of enthusiasm to even enroll us in school.

Though it was nice growing up in a non-broken home, having both parents around at all most all times was foreign to me and as much as I pissed and moaned about it I enjoyed the attention, love and discipline a whole household actually provides.

'I'm an emotional paradox.' I thought to myself as Martha cut large pieces of cake for Clark and I, ones that I'm certain would give humans diabetes if they were to eat them.

"Thank you mom." Clark nearly shouted with an enthusiastic voice as he started digging into the plate before Martha could even set it down.

"You're welcome sweetheart." Martha replied as she kissed the top of Clark's head a fond and love filled smile on her face.

"Thank you Martha." I replied to her with an honest smile as she set my piece down in front of me. I could see Johnathan tensing at my use of Martha's name, but Martha just gave me the warm maternal love filled smile she always does as she leaned over and kissed the top of my head.

"You're welcome sweetheart." She replied, her voice filled with a motherly love equal to what she shows Clark.

'I know I shouldn't get hung up on it, but I'm just not ready to call other people mom and dad yet, even if my previous parents weren't the best…they are still my parents in my mind, maybe that'll change a small part of me hopes it does for Martha and John, even though a contributing factor towards my reluctance to call them mom and dad may be the fact that Martha is just all sorts of sexy…and my own predisposition to older women.

Our birthday party went by pretty quickly with Clark and I going out with Johnathan to help with chores.

'I'm fucking starving.' I thought to myself as I walked back into the house late at night after visiting my Attack Ball to get some privacy from an always up my ass family, standing just outside the screen door I could hear John and Martha quietly arguing while running the sink and having the radio on to prevent Clark and I from hearing them.

"I don't understand why you let him call us by our names, it sets a bad example for Clark not to mention what he brings up at school and in town." Johnathan replies to whatever Martha had previously said.

"Johnathan Gene Kent, we have been over this dozens of times over the past year, Mal remembers his birth parents…he watched them die in an explosion, it's a miracle he allows us to love him as we do and doesn't close himself off from us." Martha replied the anger and disappointment towards her husband evident in her voice.

"I'm sorry Martha, it's just all of this is overwhelming between the boy's abilities and Mal's tail. I'm just too far out of my depth, I'm a farmer for Christ sakes Martha." John sighed as he heavily rested his back against the kitchen counter.

"Johnathan, this is new for both of us. all kids challenge their parents; we just have new kinds of challenges. But we'll get through them together. Our boys are amazing, kind and sweet boys." Martha comforted Johnathan as she hugged him resting her head against his chest while I watched their interaction through the screen door.

'Way to unknowingly guilt trip me you two.' I thought to myself as my stomach started to feel like it was eating itself.

'I'm going to have to find an alternative for food soon, I know I'm eating up all of Martha and John's fresh market produce and I'm still fucking hungry.' I thought to myself as I started towards the river to get some fish to eat.

Looking into the water seeing a small school of largemouth bass swimming in the river, quickly shucking off my clothes jump into the water almost catching a fish with my bare hands but the slippery fucker managed to slip through my fingers before I could choke up on it and throw it out of the water.

'Fuck!' I thought to myself and lashed out with my tail in frustration, feeling my tail come into contact with something as my lungs started to demand for some fresh air, jumping out of the water seeing a very large mouth bass flopping around on the bank of the river.

"Hahaha." I found myself busting a gut at my minor victory over the mighty largemouth bass of the Kent family river.

'I should try and gold mine this river, make a little dredge or something…practice for when I go to Alaska in the future.' I thought to myself as I wanted to try my hand at something that interested me in my past life.

'I'm a fucking joke of a saiyan.' I thought to myself as my physical training was minimal at best and my Ki training was progressing slowly.

'I can't believe I have to go back to school again.' I thought to myself wondering if I could convince Martha to homeschool me as one time through the public education system, with all those screaming annoying fucking kids was enough for me.

Making a cooking fire with some dry broken branches that were on the ground before cutting open the fish with my pocket knife to gut it and stick a stick through it to roast it over the fire while I went back into the river, to try and catch a few more fish as even the 10 pounder was pretty much a light snack for me.

Catching a few more fish with my tail-fu and hands I had a nice pile built up on the bank of the river when I came out of the water to the smell of cooked fish.

Digging into the cooked fish eating it skin, bone and all as I found that my body is very efficient at processing food into energy, and that my digestive system can handle fish skeletons.

Before gutting the other ten fish and roasting them by the fire, making my way back to the house, I jumped up to the window of the room Clark and I share, finding Clark sitting up in bed waiting for me to go to.

"Night Clark." I said to him as I threw my clothes into a wastebasket while on my way into the bathroom to wash up before going to bed.

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A few years since arrival day, 1992

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I couldn't help but sigh in relief that it was summer vacation once more, as I stepped off of the school bus and onto the gravel driveway of the farm only to hear a soft thump as my annoyingly clingy friend Emily Desmore jumped down and grabbed my hand.

Followed by Clark who would secretly giggle and whisper Kay-eye-Ss-eye-n-g almost every time Emily held my hand, which was an everyday occurrence since I saved her and Lana Lang from the river while I was fishing.

'At least Lana is in Metropolis with her hotty of an aunt Nel, or else I wouldn't have a free hand.' I thought to myself as I shook it off and let Emily pull me to my own house behind her.

I tried not to smile but my friendship with Emily and Lana was pretty much the only thing besides Clark's presence that made my choice to be a kid again bareable.

"Come on Kai, I want to play Pokemon with you before my Mom comes to pick me up." Emily said as she tried to speed up her run to the house making me smirk as the little budding speedsters powers made her almost impossible to keep up with for anyone but Clark and I.

Quickly passing her now being the one pulling her until she jumped onto my back and wrapped her arms and legs around me for a piggy back ride.

"Kai, I choose you!" Emily half shouted and half laughed as she pretended I was her Pokemon mount.

"For the last time Emily, I'm not a Pokemon or a horse." I replied back to her trying to keep the laugh out of my voice.

"That's not true, you're my partner like Ash has Pikachu but you're better, Saiyamon." Emily joked as she hugged me and I tapped her on the back with my tail.

'Sometimes I wonder if saving her was the wrong decision.' I thought to myself as I had a flashback to having to wrap my tail around Lana and Emily while I swam to the rocky shore and pulled the three of us out of the raging water.

"Really Emily Saiyanmon?" I asked Emily as I rolled my eyes while Clark laughed and opened the screen door for me, the smell of homemade apple pies hitting me like a freight train.

"Hey boys, how was school?" Johnathan asked as he was sitting at the table eating a piece of pie.

"It was good." I lied as Emily hopped off my back and maneuvered around the house like it was her own grabbing out plates, forks and the ice cream scooper and vanilla ice cream from the freezer.

"It was great Dad, Pete and I…" Clark started to say before I tuned him and his voice out, as I went to help Emily out with making pie and ice cream for her, Clark and myself.

"Hi Emily, I hope Mal hasn't been giving you too much trouble today." Martha said teasingly as she appeared in the kitchen like a ghost and planted a kiss on the top of my head.

"Hi Mrs.Kent, you're apple pie smells great, like always…and Kai is always trouble, but nothing I can't handle." Emily replied with a big bright smile on her face before co-con spiritually whispering to Martha very loudly about me always being trouble before she pounded on her chest and proudly pronounced she can handle me.

Which made me scoff dersersaviely.

'If anyone's trouble it's you.' I thought to myself as I heard Martha let out a tinkling laugh as she fondly ruffled both of our hair, before putting away the ice cream Emily finished scooping onto the plates as I put the pie on them.

After finishing our pie and ice cream Emily and I went out to the loft to hang out and play Pokemon together on her two gameboys, one which she'd had her parents buy for me, which I couldn't accept because of the Kent's and their whole no charity thing.

"Is Charizard your favorite?" Emily randomly asked me as I never swapped my Charizard out unless she got K.O.'d.

"Mmm, yeah pretty much Charmander is the best and so is Charizard." I replied to her while sitting side by side on the love seat in the loft, with a bowl of chips and cans of soda on the chest/coffee table in front of us.

"Humph, Squirtle and Blastoise are the greatest…after Saiyanmon." Emily humphed before teasingly calling me Saiyanmon while turning to lean against me which was always what she did before taking a nap.

"You've been out running late at night haven't you?" I asked Emily who after getting exposed to the meteor rock while almost drowning had started developing into a speedster.

"Mmm, I almost stopped by to have a late night snack with you…zzz..zzz..zzz" Emily replied to me sounding sleepy before she started snoring softly while holding my tail against her chest in a hug.

"Night brat." I muttered while throwing a blanket over her.

'It's kinda messed up. My best friend is a ten year old girl.' I thought to myself as I continued to play Pokemon while nabbing her Gameboy and changing the name of her Squirtle to Saiyanmon, as I enjoyed her quiet snoring company.

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Six years since arrival day, 1998

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'This sucks.' I thought to myself as I kicked the large boulder splitting it in two, I was upset since Emily started hitting puberty she started pulling away from our friendship, while Chloe the new girl in school was almost constantly nosing into our lives on the farm after Clark brought her here.

"Mal, are you okay?" Clark asked me as the concerned little brother he'd turned out to be.

"I'm fine Clark, next time give me a heads up if you're going to bring a freak of a normie around, alright." I replied to Clark and tried not to let my frustration be heard through my voice.

"Sorry Mal, I didn't know Chloe would be so invasive. Or mess up your talk with Emily." Clark apologized sounding genuinely chastised, only making me shake my head though.

"That's not the big issue Clark, I'm sure Emily and I can figure out our friendship at some point. but, you know how I unwind and let my tail out at home. Chloe almost saw my tail, Clark…and who knows what she would have done." I replied to him while rubbing my forehead as Clark came to stand beside me looking over the back forty of the Kent Farm, that for the past few months Clark and I'd been removing the big rocks to make the land workable.

"You have to be more conscious about your decisions and how they affect others Clark, and for christ sake stop drooling every time you look at Lana.

It's creepy as fuck and it's why she doesn't come over to hang out anymore, and stop trying to peep on her with your fucking telescope, it's just dirty. pickup a fucking playboy magazine and jerk off to it instead." I told Clark as I started to lose my temper for Clark's bullshit as I went off on a tangent.

'Ohh come on this fucker has the audacity to look shocked that he's been caught.' I thought to myself as not for the first time I felt like decking my adopted little brother.

"W-what? I-I don't do that, sh-SHUT UP MAL, JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE MAD EMILY DOESN'T LIKE YOU ANYMORE ! ! !" Clark stuttered before reacting like any teen who'd been confronted about their private activities, their Sam's Happy Alone Time.

Clark threw a right hook at me which I side stepped out of the way of as I kicked his knee making him fall down onto one knee as I threw a left Haymaker at him that connected with his temple.

Thanks to his bio-field or whatever that's slowly been increasing his durability Clark was able to take the punch and retaliated by tackling me to the ground.

Putting my arms up to defend myself as Clark started raining down speedy blows on me that felt like I was getting hit by a Jackhammer.

'Shit, that's not good.' I thought to myself as I felt a few of my ribs break and Clark must have felt them too as his punches immediately stopped and he looked down at me with a horrified expression.

"Mal, I'm sorry." Clark said as he started to cry and then ran away, leaving me to cough up blood and struggle for air as one of my broken ribs pierced a lung.

Soon Martha and Jonathan arrived with John and Martha each taking a set of limbs to carry me.

"Cough-ship-cough." I got out even as I sprayed blood out of my mouth with every cough.

'Shit Shit shit, I don't want to die like this.' I thought to myself as Martha made Johnathan go to the storm cellar.

Johnathan supported me while hunching down inside of the ship while I motioned for him to lift up the seat, which he did revealing the metal box underneath which he opened immediately.

I pointed weakly at the bulging burlap sack as my vision was filling with black spots and my head was spinning.

Johnathan shakily opened the bag and pulled one of the Senzu beans out of it inspecting the green bean, while Martha snatched it out of her husband's hand and pushed it into my mouth.

As she had prior experience with this after the last time I was in rough shape after fitting a pack of wolves in the woodlands.

Not normal wolves either but superpowered werewolf shifters, like Kyla Willowbrook.

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'It's been a week since our fight and Clark still hasn't gotten over it.' I thought to myself as I looked at Clark who seemed afraid to do anything for fear of hurting someone.

"That's it, I can't take it anymore." I muttered to myself as I grabbed Clark by the front on his shirt and dragged him outside.

"Mal, stop it…let me go." Clark muttered as he started to pull away but stopped in fear of hurting me again.

"Stop being a pussy, we fought, we got hurt now let's get fucking over with it. Besides you gave me a power boost anyway Clark, for Saiyan's what doesn't kill us literally makes us stronger." I told Clark which made his eyes widen a little bit.

"Liar, you're just saying that because Mom told you to." Clark protested and was partly right Martha did bring up Clark's attitude and hoped I could get him out of it since both her and Johnathan had tried and failed horribly, though on Johnathan's part he probably did that whole self righteous bullshit he likes to pull.

"Clark, my people are a warrior species, we learn to fight before we can properly walk. I may not show it but my blood is always boiling for a fight, and not just any fight but a fight where my life is on the line. I get it you're scared of your strength, you did something you didn't think you were capable of now that you know what you can do you can train so it doesn't happen again unless you want it to." I replied to Clark resting both of my hands on his shoulders and looking into his eyes with a serious expression on my face.

"Train?" Clark asked, a little miffed.

"Yes Clark, train. I'll be your training partner. I have plenty of Senzu beans that will save me if we go a bit rough by accident.

There's no need to hold back, okay little bro I got you Clark, I'll always have your back even when we're at odds." Clark started to cry as he hugged me and me being nearly six feet tall already while Clark was 5-9.

"Thank you…big brother." Clark whispered it'd been awhile since he called me that way and I could hear the slightest bit of embarrassment in his voice from doing so.

"Always Buddy." I replied back as I roughly patted Clark's back, I could hear Martha making a little squeak from the kitchen as she snapped pictures from the kitchen window.

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2001 Kent Family Farm

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"CLARK, Mal, GET UP YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR THE BUS ! ! !" Martha yelled from the kitchen, but I was sitting in the loft after finishing my chores and Clark's before I went and hunted down my breakfast.

'I never really liked hunting even in my old life, the thought of killing something for bragging rights never sat right with me, it was just something I did to spend more time with my grandfather and father. Now I do it so Martha and John don't have to take out loans to feed my ass.' I thought to myself as I finished eating the wild boar I'd hunted, killed, cleaned and cooked this morning for breakfast.

"Hey Mal, why don't you just tell Mom and Dad you need more food than what they realize?" Clark asked me as he joined me in the loft above the repair barn, which was setup as both of our clubhouse.

"You know how John and Martha are Clark…they'd bury themselves even further in debt to feed me, and I don't want that." I replied to Clark who looked at me offendedly since I'd called "mom & dad" by their names.

"You should call them mom and dad." Clark said in a way only an equally angsty teen could match.

"I can't Clark, I still remember my birth parents, I love John and Martha…but I just, I just can't." I replied to Clark as I stood up from the worn and warm loveseat to go into the house and take a shower for school, finally revealing to Clark why I referred to Martha and John the way I did over the past twelve years.

"Morning son." John greeted me as he acted as though he just entered the barn to grab a tool.

"Mornin John, I plowed the back forty for ya this morning, it still needs to be tiled though I'll do that tonight so no one sees." I stopped to tell John, who looked at me like he wanted to start another argument with me about using my natural powers, or hug me for doing something he just never had enough time to do.

I tried avoiding looking at Martha these days as my hormones were in full swing and I couldn't look at the Marsei Tomei look-alike without getting a raging hard on.

"Morning Sweetheart." Martha greeted me as she placed a kiss on my cheek.

"Morning." I replied back to her as I quickly moved so she wouldn't notice what she did to me as I opened the fridge pulling out some leftover pizza and a bottle of milk.

"Where were you raised?" Martha asked in mock offense as I drank some milk out of the glass bottle before Martha could snatch it from me.

Clark stealthily grabbed the bottle that Martha set on the island and drank from it as well.

"On a farm." Clark and I said together as Martha stared at us in mock outrage before she smiled softly at us.

"You boys." Martha sighed fondly while we heard the school bus beep in the distance.

"Remember I won't be home tonight, so don't order pizza again." Martha yelled as Clark and I grabbed our backpacks and raced out of the door.

"Love you." Both Clark and I shouted before we started running down the driveway. Clark and I were running at the same speeds as we had a brotherly race.

Coming to the end of the driveway just in time to see the school bus drive away, I watched Clark shrug as he took off through our cornfield.

'This kid.' I thought to myself as I was about to take to the sky when a car horn honked looking over I saw Lana pulling up in her brand new purple jeep, waving to me excitedly signaling for me to get in.

'The birthday girl looks rather happy.' I thought to myself as I found myself smiling back at Lana as I opened the passenger side door and got in.

"Happy birthday Lana." I greeted her and she leaned over and kissed my lips quickly before pulling away.

"Morning Mal, can you believe it? Aunt Nel got this for my birthday." Lana said excitedly before kissing me again this time for a little bit longer.

"Of course I can…I went with her to pick it out for you." I replied with a smirk on my face as Lana looked at me gobsmacked.

"Nel forgot to mention that." Lana looked a little sad before shaking it off.

"Nah, I told her not to mention it that I would when, brag about it when you tried showing off." I teased which made Lana lightly smack my shoulder as she giggled.

"So…can you come to my party tonight? Emily and Whitney will be there." Lana asked me knowing that mine and Emily's relationship was a sore subject for the three of us that have been involved in a love triangle for the past two years.

"I…I would like to, but I have to work tonight…why don't we ditch school and go hang out somewheres?" I replied and seeing Lana's drop in mood, I brought up skipping school to spend her birthday together.

"Mmm, okay…Nel should be leaving right now for Metropolis…we could have the house to ourselves." Lana replied as her eyes took on a bit of a smoky look to them as she hinted at having some fun time together.

"Who knew you could be such a naughty girl Lana." I teased as Lana slid her hand up my thigh from where she started at my knee as she started driving.

Which only made Lana smirk as she pulled onto a dirt road and parked in a field entrance that hid her jeep from sight perfectly.

"I thought we were going to your house." I asked with a smirk as Lana put the jeep in park and undid her seat belt before going over the shifter and mounting my lap.

Her lips against mine, her tongue pushing into my mouth as we started making out, her hands sliding into my wildly curly hair as she grinded herself against me.

I grabbed her hips, my hands sliding down to Lana's perky ass, my hands digging into the soft jean covered meaty ass.

"Ahhn." Lana moaned into my mouth as I kneaded her ass.

"Mal." Lana panted out my name as she broke our heated kiss.

"Lana." I groaned as my balls and cock were aching for relief.

"You promised, that once I reached the age of consent we'd finally go all the way." Lana all but begged as her grinding became more hurried and urgent.

"I did." I groaned as I felt myself close to cumming in my jeans.

"Please, I want it now." Lana begged as her one hand left my hair and slid down my neck, her touch blazing in its track downwards.

Grabbing her hand with one hand while halting her grinding with the other getting a needy whimper from her in reply.

"Do you really want your first time…to be in your jeep?" I asked Lana softly but seriously which made Lana seem to snap out of her lusty haze.

"I just want it to be with you, I don't care where it happens." Lana whispered in a whimpering voice.


"Get out of the truck Lana." I whispered softly while Lana looked surprised but still moved to do as I told her to, which made me smirk as I had her entirely dick whipped yet we haven't even gone all the way with one another yet.

Quickly following her exit from the Jeep as I moved to the lift gate at the rear of the SUV crawling in the back laying down the back seats to make room, before lifting up the floor where I'd stashed a towel and blanket for when Lana and I did the deed.

'It's funny that Nel let me assist her in picking out Lana's present, and gave me the opportunity to prepare for this scenario.' I thought to myself as I laid out the blanket and towel before grabbing the two pillows out of the handy storage space located underneath the floor.

I could feel Lana's curious gaze burning into my back as I finished setting up the back of the Jeep for our first time together.

Crawling out of the back after making it look as nice as I could offering my hand to Lana.

"Happy birthday Lana Lang!" I said to her as I pulled her closer to get a better look of the back seat.

"Y-you p-planned this for us." Lana gasped stas she looked up at me, her eyes fluttering as she did so.

"Mmm, not this exact situation…but yeah. I wanted our first time together to be as special as you." I replied cheesily as I leaned down which was a necessity at my six foot four inches height to kiss Lana on her slightly bruised plump lips.

Lana and I shared a tender kiss. At first our tongues slowly probed each other's mouths as my hands rested on her hips with my fingers splayed down to her ass.

Our kiss slowly grew in tempo and passion as our hands roamed each other's bodies. Getting tired of the annoying material of Lana's shirt getting in my way I started lifting it up off of her.

Lana assisted by lifting her arms above her head, letting the blue sweater top go over her head, her hands instantly returning to running along my abdomen underneath my shirt up to my chest and back down again to my waistline where she'd take the opportunity to rub my tail slightly.

Feeling myself swallow reflexively at Lana's purple lace bra, a smirk formed on my lips as I lifted my own shirt over my head enjoying the little gasp that left Lana's lips and her wide hungry eyes staring at my ripped yet streamlined physique.

Grabbing Lana's hips sliding down to her ass letting my finger dig into the juicy ass before picking her up off the ground.

"EEE, Mal. Hehehe." Lana squealed in delight before giggling as I laid her down in the back of her jeep.

"Ahh Mal." Lana moaned as I planted kisses along her neck grazing the lightly tanned soft skin of her neck and collarbone with my teeth, while licking the places my teeth trailed against softly.

"Mal please." Lana begged in a breathless needy way as her hand slid into my hair and tried to push me downwards.

"Hahaha, just enjoy Lana…it'll all be worth it." I whispered to Lana's needy plea while I continued at my own pace slowly forming a blade of Ki at the end of my finger tip slicing through Lana's purple bra, right down the valley between her breasts before doing the same to the straps.

Revealing Lana's perky handful breasts with light brown nipples that looked hard enough to cut glass, as I leaned down and took one of said nipples into my mouth sucking on it intensely while stimulating it with my tongue, injecting small bursts of my ki into the the little chocolate rosebud.

"Nhhh-mmm-Mal it feels so good." Lana moaned softly while her other hand came up to play with her free nipple and breast.

Feeling pleased at pleasing Lana while a slightly devious idea popped into my head.

Moving my tail along Lana's exposed tummy made her squirm underneath me as more little moans, that left her lips quite a bit faster than they were with just me stimulating her nipple and breast, as the tip of my tail slid under the waistband of her tight blue jeans.

"Malek, your tail!" Lana gasped as my tail slipped underneath her thin panties and started rubbing against her drooling cunny lips.

"Mmm, I know…it feels so good…remember my tail is very sensitive." I replied to her releasing her nipple from my mouth while taking in the other one.

"Ah ahh ahhn." Lana kept moaning hotly while letting out cute little sighs as she came on my tail while I slid further down her body planting kisses along her ribs and abdomen, until I reached her denime jeans.

Hooking my finger into the sides of her jeans as I slid my tail out from the waist band seeing my fur matted down by her juices and girl cum.

Pulling down Lana's jeans as she assisted by lifting her butt up into the air.

Feeling the smooth, thin soft fabric of her panties I made sure they came off with her jeans, my clipped fingernails grazing down Lana's smooth, soft tanned skin.

I found myself planting more kisses down her thighs and legs until her jeans and drenched panties hunched up around her ankles.

'Hahaha, it's a little late to act shy Lana.' I thought to myself as Lana blushed while covering her pussy and breasts while clenching her thighs shut as I slowly removed her sneakers.

Pulling off Lana's little multi-colored socks kissing her heel and ankle, kissing the center of her feet before quickly pulling off her jeans, from where they were pooled around her ankles letting them fall to the ground next to her shoes.

Smiling up at Lana whose brown hair was splayed across her pillow, her face flushed her chest slightly heaving as she watched me with hungry yet shy eyes as I undid the brass button of my jeans and slowly unzipped the zipper.

Revealing my hard shaft to Lana for the first time since we started dating our relationship as more than friends.

"We're finally going all the way, it's been hell these past years of blue balls given to me by her and Emily…not to mention what her aunt Nel and Martha do to me.' I thought to myself as I heard a gasp from Lana as my large alien dick slapped against my abdomen.

"I-its a lot bigger when it's outside." Lana said in a little gasp.

"Hahaha, yeah it is…you still want to do this thing, beautiful?" I asked as I finished kicking off my steel toe boots and climbing back into the jeep kissing my way back up Lana's legs kissing in between her thighs that she slowly parted for me and that I spread further my face coming to rest just in front of her tight sweet little cunny lips.

Her brown eyes looked down into mine while my green eyes looked back and up into her's, waiting for her to give me the go ahead.

Which I received in the form of a little nod and shy nod, and by her hand nesting back in my curly and long black hair, which she gently tugged on to pull me forward.

"I've been waiting way too long for this." I teased as I slowly licked upwards from the bottom of her tight slit to just above where her clit is.

"Nhhh me too, I want more Mal." Lana moaned as her other hand slid into my hair as she tried humping my face as I slowly licked her tight cunny lips before pushing my middle finger inside of her virgin folds while I continued to tease and swirl my tongue against her lips.

"Mmm ahh ahh Mal it's so big mmm ngghhh." Lana moaned and I had to hold back a chuckle as it was only my finger that was currently inside of her vice lick grip of her silky slippery depths.

Channeling my Ki through my finger and tongue injecting my energy into Lana making her burst and squirt on my face in her release.

YEEEAAAAHHHHHSSSSHHHH-HAA ! ! !" Lana screamed/moaned as she orgasmed.

'I might have injected a little too much of my Ki into her.' I thought to myself as I looked up at Lana and saw her eyelids fluttering while her eyes themselves were slightly rolled back into her head while her mouth was just gaping open.

Sliding back up the length of Lana's body gently pressing myself against her pressing my cock against her mound trapping it between our abdomens.

Enjoying the way her chest heaved and her tan breasts bounced as she sucked in breath after breath.

Leaning down pressing my lips against Lana's pushing my tongue into her mouth, Lana's tongue being limp and easy to play with as she slowly came back down to earth she started to return my kiss.

Separating from the kiss, looking down at Lana's flushed and heavily breathing face while a silly smile splayed across her lips, which made me have my own smile on my face.

"Th-that was amazing…I love it..w-when you use your Ki on me." Lana said to me in a stuttering pant as she grinded her sex against my hard cock.

"Haha, I know." I teased back as I leaned down and pecked her lips quickly.

'Even though stopping is the last thing I want…I better ask to see if Lana wants to keep going.' I thought to myself as I leaned back and looked down at Lana.

"Are you ready for more…or do you want to stop here?" I asked Lana, receiving a hurt and offended look that promised retribution for my question.

I found myself on my back looking up at Lana as she smirked down vengefully at me before grinding up and down my length.

"You're going to make me regret teaching you how to harness and use your Ki aren't you?" I asked as I found myself smiling up at Lana and her show of dominance.

"You don't regret anything when it comes to me." Lana whispered as she leaned down pressing herself flat against me as she initiated a kiss while my one hand grabbed her firm juicy ass while the other ran up her back.

"True." I whispered as I forced Lana upwards and made the head of my cock rest against the lips of her still virgin cunny.

Lana sat back her back ramrod straight as her breasts bounced deliciously, as a nervous expression made it onto her face.

Even though the sound of her head thumping against the ceiling of the jeep reached my ears I couldn't help but internally smirk.

'It's a good thing she's so hard headed…poor jeep though, don't worry girl I'll fix the dent and make your attacker walk bow legged the rest of the week for you.' I thought to myself as I gave the Jeep a mental comforting pat.

"I-I want y-you to be on top." Lana whispered with a slight stutter to her voice making me smile softly up at her as I decided to fly…while levitate, levitating us in the air slightly and flipping us around, softly resting Lana against the floor of the jeep.

"I love you Lana Lang." I whispered to Lana before silencing her reply by smashing my lips against hers and pushing my tongue into her mouth in time with thrusting my cock fully inside of her virgin sex deflowering her harshly, smack against her cervix pausing all movement while Lana silently screamed into my mouth.

Lana's nails dug into my back only thanks to training her in using Ki and strengthening her body since I got a good handle on the basics a few years earlier.

Lana when I was about to slide backwards Lana's legs came up and wrapped around my ass and pulled me back in.

"D-don't n-not y-et." Lana gasped with a pained whimper as I separated from our kiss.

"Sorry babe." I whispered back as I started planting kisses along the sides of her neck while my one hand remained on her ass with a firm grip while the other supported her head.

"Don't!…don't apologize, I've wanted this for too long for you to say sorry for doing exactly what I want you to do." Lana almost growled as years started at the corners of her eyes.

Smiling at her before resting my forehead against her's.

"You're not the only one who has wanted this for a long time Lana." I whispered letting my need and desire for her be conveyed through my voice.

My heart was hammering in my chest demanding I rut her, breed her and Lana's soft warm loving eyes combined with her squirm, gripping, twitching inner walls, only drove my Saiyan instincts into overdrive.

"I-it feels so full, I-i can feel it…it's like it's resting just under my boobs and it's so hot-ahh." Lana moaned at the end of her sentence as her hands started moving along my back.

"I-i know what you mean…" I groaned as I slowly started to rock my hips making Lana gasp hotly.



"Haa-haa-haa." I panted as I'd just finished inside of Lana for the seventh time and rolled over onto my back pulling the completely dead to the world, Asian-American young woman as she enjoyed cloud one billion, with me making her rest against my body.

My cock still resting snuggled tightly by her inner walls.

I found myself running my fingers through her sweaty hair enjoying the smell of our hot car sex, as I could enjoy the smells in no way a human ever could…while feeling the pride that came with mating a fertile female as my instincts demanded.

'It's a good thing that there is a Ki…birth control technique for men and women to use during sex.' I thought to myself as even though my instincts demanded it I wasn't ready to have a baby and I'm certain Lana isn't either.

'It's really quite amazing how much Ki and Qi have in common with each other in that guide…I'm kinda a cultivator Saiyan, there's even realms of mastery that can be judged through BP and energy color.' I thought to myself while looking at Lana's light pink colored Ki as it could with my dark red and blue Ki pools.

'I wonder why I have two Ki pools, everyone else so far has one pool…I wonder if it has something to do with my human soul and Saiyan body or if it has to do with ancestral Ki and my own personal Ki…either way I need to start training…with using this red Ki. There's no telling when someone like Doomsday or Daniel Bloom will show up, since I've altered the timeline quite a bit by existing.' I continued thinking to myself as Lana nuzzled her cheek against my chest.

"Training with Clark is losing its effectiveness…he doesn't seem capable of hurting me at this point anymore so I can't gain any Zenkai's from our training anymore…and human opponents are so lacking it's not funny, Lana can at least spar with me but it's more for her to learn how to defend herself.

Haa, these are problems for later I can solve my training problems by hatching the super saibamen seeds. They're going to be something like 1000x stronger than Clark and his current 100BP.

Not to mention there is that one capsule that has a training facility with a gravity generator that can produce up to 1000x Earth's gravity.

Maybe for the summer I should take my Attack Ball to Mars and set up my training base…it'll suck and I may have to kill off the Martians but I need to get stronger and master my Oozaru form, especially if I want to reach ssj4." I muttered to myself not noticing Lana looking at me with a slight worry in her mostly sleep and pleasure lidded eyes but also the desire in them to become stronger to stand beside her man no matter what threats they faced.

'I'll show you Emily…I'm the only one who will ever be his equal, the person he can depend on and share his burdens with.' Lana thought to herself while making a little vow in her heart before letting sleep take her as she snuggled against her space heater boyfriend.



Lana and I stayed cuddled up in the back of her Jeep until we heard sirens coming from town.

"What do you think happened?" Lana asked me while she made light limping steps her legs were spread out like she had saddle thighs, while I helped her get dressed by pushing her onto her butt on the edge of the lift gate.

"Probably Clark playing the hero and saving someone from a car accident or some shit." I replied to Lana while shrugging my shoulders as I couldn't care less about what was happening to anyone but those I cared about.

"I remember when someone else used to play hero too." Lana said something with a little something in her voice as her fingers hooked the bottom of my chin and raised my face to look up at hers.

"That was a long time ago Lana…it's just not me." I replied to her before looking away as Lana's gaze made me uncomfortable as I knew she didn't believe what I was saying.

"You'll always be mine and Emily's hero." Lana whispered softly as she leaned forward and kissed the top of my head.

I couldn't help but snort.

"Emily hates me, she has ever since her mom died." I replied to Lana as I knew deep down she did hate after her mother died she blamed me for not saving her.

"She doesn't, she hates herself and hates how you make her forget that she hates herself." Lana replied to me while resting her forehead against the top of my head, her breasts resting against my face.

"If I didn't teach her how to harness and use her Ki, which led her to learn how to harness and use the speed force, her mother would still be alive, something she seems to like to remind me of at least once a week." I replied, my voice muffled by Lana's breasts.

"It's not your fault, by the time you got there Mrs.Densmore was already ash…I know you'd do anything to save her and so does Emily, it's not you she's mad at Malek." Lana reinforced and I loved her the way her voice hummed in her chest and made her breasts vibrate against my face.

I nodded in response to Lana's comforting words but they didn't change my guilt, in my eyes.

I killed that woman, with my negligence in teaching Emily something, when she didn't even have a real handle on her speedster abilities yet.

'Jeez, he's so stubborn.' Lana thought to herself as she knew her words weren't having any effect on her boyfriend but knew she had to say them anyways.



"Alright babe, I gotta get to work and you gotta, get to your party." I told Lana as I pulled out of her hug, lifted her to her feet and slid her shirt over her head as I'd already finished dressing her.

"Mmm, I just want to spend the rest of the day with you." Lana moaned softly in annoyance while gluing herself to my chest.

"I'm going to be diving in 30 degree Fahrenheit water to look for gold…not really the funnest date to bring your girlfriend on." I replied to Lana as I leaned down slightly to kiss her lips before scooping her up and carrying her to the driver's side door and then setting her into the seat and hooking up her seat belt.

"I want to try it sometime. It sounds fun." Lana replied with a small smile as she started her Jeep and I shut the door.

"It can be." I replied back to her with a smile.

'and the money is fucking awesome, I've got about five pounds of gold in bars so far from these past few months now there's only around a month and a half left of the mining season and I want to rack up enough money for my project.' I thought to myself as I watched Lana drive away before I took off into the sky and flew towards Nome Alaska.