Star Wars with System and wishes


Hmm, you have finally come. I tried summoning you a few years back, but some other mortals interfered and resuscitated you before your soul fully entered my realm. Now, I can finally correct a grievous error that was made when your soul was reincarnated into the wrong world. Now, I will grant you 5 wishes and allow you to spin. The wheel of chance to decide your next world.)

"Alright cool, I guess I mean I'm a little upset you tried killing me as an 11-year-old, but I can put that behind me since you're compensating me.

1.Wolverine's healing factor before he was poisoned by adamantium if you could without it costing an additional wish includes X-23's adamantium coated claws.

2.A system that will allow me to travel to anime, movies, Tv, and book worlds while being able to specify the timeline and my backstory. Along with a system shop where I can purchase skills and items like vehicles, weapons, food, shelters, bases, knowledge, and experience of others.

3.Infinite system shop points.

4.An infinite magical energy-generating organ that's semi-metaphysical also enriches and nourishes my body and adapts to every world or universe I travel to.

5.If you could settle up any debts I owed in my past life and make sure my family and friends are successful in their endeavors both financially and spiritually,"


Granted, now spin the wheel hmm Star Wars' interesting onto character creation once you are done with your looks, then start on your background.)

'I made myself look like a young Jay Ryan the guy who played Vincent Keller in the CW series The beauty & beast while making myself the son of Pre Vizsla and an assassin of deathwatch Arla Fett.

I woke up, and I was floating in a gestation pod standing in front of the said pod. I was a man who looked like a real-life version of Pre Vizsla without his hair shaved off.'

(Vizsla- start the flash education process and implant implementation process immediately the boy has reached the proper age at age 5 release from pod and start physical, weapons, piloting and combat training at 10 have him study programming and mechanics then move on to blacksmithing after that leadership and squad training for 5 years at 16 dispatch him on his right of passage if he succeeds allow him entry into the forge with access to 500 pounds of beskar to forge his own armor he will not be wearing house of Vizsla armor after all he's born from lowly farmer spawn. "This is the way." You watchers and your nonsense don't pollute the boy with your. This is the way nonsense.)

After being unceremoniously ejected from my pod onto the cold, hard ground, I was picked up by a stoic woman fully incase in her armor after carrying me to the sonic scrubber. She explained to me that I was a disposable pawn of Pre Vizsla the governor of Concordia Dawn and the leader of death watch my sole purpose for existing was to be both sword and shield for my life bringer luckily while she was trying to brainwash me into being a child assassin I was getting a notification from my system.

[Ding: Hello Host, welcome to your new life. I'm the world traveling system. My functions are Inventory, Shop, Status, and World Selection and background creation.]




Race: Human/Mutant

Rank: E

Energy Level: INF

Abilities:(Immortality: the accelerated regeneration can cause users to recover from even the most deadly wounds, including limb and organ regeneration even if fully destroyed immune to virtually all known ailments and narcotics. (Passive: Even death is not permanent with this ability; it's just a vacation with an indeterminate return date.)

Metallic Bone Claws: Two claws that eject from above knuckles on each hand and 1 on each foot. Claws have a metallic sheen with a dull grey color that can cut through most things known within all the universe eject and retract at will.)

Inventory: Beginner Mandalorian Pack]

My training started immediately, and once my caretaker found out I was blessed by Madalore with bone claws and a healing factor, her training doubled. I was left a bloodied aching mess on the floor of her Dojo. While she performed some ritual and brought over a hot piece of Beskar and pushed it into my forehead for some reason my healing factor was healing around the brand even etching it into my skull so even when the skin healed completely the mark was still there.

She then used a torch or plasma cutter on my back to put the same mark from shoulder to shoulder and down to the small of my back ending at my tailbone the mark had been burned into me permanently. (Den Mother- This is the way you are a blade of Mandalore therefore you shall bear her mark unto death this is the way.)

'Psychotic bitch'

Days passed with grueling obstacle courses, body weight exercises, parkour training, flexibility exercises, hand to hand combat against modified assassin droids, reaction training, cold weapons training, firearm/blaster training along with sharpshooting and trick shot shooting, explosives training, espionage and sabotage training along with piloting simulators let's just say after losing a few limbs I was extremely motivated to improve and improve I did I absorbed everything thrown at me.

I could go 7 days without sleep and still perform just below peak after 5 days of being awake and continuously training. My schedule was 7 days physical training, 1 day of rest, 3 days of educational training and back to 7 days of physical training. I finally got over my fear of heights after using a jetpack just like in my past life when I was afraid to drive a tractor when I was a little kid until I got used to it and I never wanted to get out. Now I never want to stop flying. It's so freeing soaring through the air or in the simulator piloting a star fighter or other type of spaceship but especially flying with a jetpack was amazing. I even found a passion for splicing, taking droids apart and rebuilding them fixing obvious design flaws or taking apart speeders and a couple of junk starships my caretaker had gotten for me to learn on there was even a Razer Crest and Firespray 31 the same ship Jango and Boba Fett owned a couple of completely wrecked Gauntlet ships.

Using a Holo-imaging scanner that took full 4-D scans of the ships right down to every wing nut. Salvaging everything that was still useful the Razer Crests frame was still fully intact and structurally sound but the wiring, engines and various other systems were completely fried so after gutting the entire ship I had a Skeleton to work with when it came to the Gauntlets I was able to salvage one right wing thruster off of one and the left wing off the other. While the Firespray31 I planned on keeping all original and fabricate whatever parts I need for it after revising the design on the Scimitar like wings and altering port and starboard sides with reinforcements I attached the wings while building custom main thrusters from the Gauntlets putting four small thrusters on the bottom while one large thruster on the back top deck slightly recessed and raised to not interfere with the cargo bay door.

Running projections on the current Hyperdrives and I was disgusted by what I found these things are so insufficient they waste double the fuel they consume. After looking through the specs and designs I was stumped that these things didn't explode as soon as the crystallized fuel was ignited going over everything dozens of times I realized something truly frightening 75% of the galaxies population are piloting bombs that make nuclear missiles look like firecrackers luckily the crystallized fuel was inert before going into the Hyperdrive's or else every exploding spaceship would destroy a planet. Plot armor is working so hard in this universe it must be exhausting for the force one thing I prioritized was the building and deployment of drones to search for beskar while also working on a synthetic material that has the same properties as beskar.

Going through my system shop I bought the recipe for adamantium while also buying twenty five, five pound adamantium ingots and the same amount of beskar ingots. Going to a weapons rack I grabbed a lightsaber and tested it against the adamantium ingots needless to say just striking the ingots the lightsaber was deflected I had to hold the lightsaber against the adamantium for 30 minutes before it started to glow orange where beskar would become cherry red after 11 minutes of constant lightsaber pressure. 'MUHAHAHA, bounty hunters I will be the very best like no one ever was catching or killing all the bounties no one else ever could.' Looking through and comparing what was available in this universe compared to the Marvel universe I realized I would have to substitute some ingredients. Luckily they were easily available through resource depots or other stores.

I started setting up mixing/heating vats while designing a 3-D printer to work with adamantium I had to incorporate an anti-gravity chamber with additional laser cutters built in by the time I was done I had a rough scheme design of the device

It was three hundred feet long, 150 wide and 600 ft tall by the time I incorporated hyper cooling and heating coils built in mixing and storage vats.


Next I started on the circuit printers to make the technological components. 'It would be so much easier to buy stuff from the system shop but I enjoy designing and building this equipment and the den mother leaves me alone when I'm creating so it's a win-win.' Shew that was a challenging project Hmm I should make power armor using synthetic muscles and micro-plate beskar octagonal shapes while making a solid plate in the more sensitive areas.

It took me a few days but I finished designing synthetic muscles using the 3-D printer to make them out of adamantium once I was done there was a completed exoskeleton and a syn-muscle boot suit coated in a synthetic compound that absorbs, stores and redistributes kinetic energy that's used in starships to keep them from literally shaking apart. After creating The boot suit the only time I'm not wearing my boot suit is in the refreshers.

Testing my strength I could rip Beskar ingots like it was a piece of cardboard granted it's only an inch thick but compare that to everything else in this universe I've pretty much got superman's strength but there's a massive drawback that makes me the only one who can wear the boot suit and not suffer a torturous death because of my healing factor literally heals my bones and muscles as soon as there powderized. And thanks to my healing factor my body is constantly growing stronger and hardier, it's like I'm evolving into something better smarter, faster, stronger during my training I'm now pitted against six assassin droids and 5 battle hardened Mandalorian commandos while wearing a borrowed helmet and armor it's full on combat with live fire and explosives I've nearly lost my head 37 times since my training started sometimes I think I've gone insane because I love these battles...

'Man I could really use a break from all of these projects and training. But I doubt Den Mother will allow me freedom again after she caught me gambling on Podracing. Like that time she caught me collecting my winnings from that Toydarian I mean it's not like it's my fault he bet his business his property and most importantly his two slaves.'


My first real mission out with mother where she only observed how I would handle things is starting today after arriving at the mercenaries and bounty guild office I picked up a contract to deal with a group of Pirates that have been attacking freighter lanes in the outer rim that are used by small time freighter captains and people who are doing this kind of work to support their families. Losing their ship's their hauls and sometimes their lives these lanes aren't protected by the syndicates or the Republic and The Trade Federation definitely isn't going to protect their competitors no matter how meager they are. It was surprising meeting the little girl that put out the contract for her hand in marriage and her pet Massif Loopsy.

She's only 7 and has lost both her parents to Pirates and is currently running away from her new guardian, her aunt. Myself being 11 I couldn't help but feel a pang in my heart at her situation and her naivety in believing that anyone in this age would go so far. For such a payment is cute in a way but disturbing in another. 'Like where in the hell did she even come up with this idea.' All of a sudden a Chiss woman burst into the room in panic clothes sticking to her body like a second skin because of being drenched in sweat (Aunt- Nina I've been so worried about you don't ever run off like that again and where did you even come up with the Idea to sell yourself off to someone as payment.)

(Nina- but aunty O mommy used to read me bedtime stories about princess Arasia who did the same thing to free her planet from an evil man that killed her father the king and took her mother as his Queen.) 'Bantha Shit what the fuck kind of bedtime story is that for a little girl.' (Aunty O- what in the world was Shay thinking reading you history books as bedtime stories Krutak my sister is going to be the death of me.

{The woman now known as Aunty O turned to us.} Please forgive my niece but the contract has been voided. I know that you are still entitled to your promised compensation due to termination of contract by my volition but I beg of you and your honor as Mandalorians to accept a monetary payment instead of my niece. I run the business end of the freight company that my sister started even if I can't give you all of your payment at once I can pay you in installments. If if not, I can offer myself in exchange for her freedom from the payment of the contract.) [I can be persuaded to take a monetary payment of 30,000 credits but my plan to deal with the Pirates will also cost you another freighter. I never planned on enforcing the marriage contract between the girl and myself nor was I going to take her pet away from her.]

(Aunty O- Tha Thank you so much we only have five freighters and three are currently making deliveries in core territories one in a shipyard on Corelia and another I used to get here. If you can give me some time I can have someone fetch the freighter from Corelia and have it brought to wherever you want it.) [Good now for the ship manifest I want you to include expensive but easy to move merchandise, something too irresistible for the Pirates to ignore while also hiring a small starfighter escort no more than four anything over that and they most likely won't hit the shipment. Mother, can you take Miss Nina to get a fizzle pop or something Miss O and I have a sensitive topic to discuss.

{This is the way} 'seriously' good now that they're gone. Have the girl's parents' remains been recovered ?] (Aunty O- I no my sister's weren't but her husband's were I didn't have the heart to tell my niece that her mother was taken by Pirates she might be a child but I'm sure she'd end up knowing why her mother was taken and that was something I didn't want to weigh her down for the rest of her life Force forbid that she held out hope that her mother would return home again sob sob I'm horrible for doing things like this aren't I.) [I'm not really one to ask on such intricate matters but not telling her seems to be taking its toll on you. It may be best for you to tell her but again I'm nowhere experienced enough with such a situation to offer you sound advice. Here's a communicator contact me when all the preparations I asked for are completed] (Aunty O- Thank you {Don't thank me yet})

'Ugh that was exhausting, maybe I should have just accepted a regular bounty.' Chances are the mother is Dead, broken or sold into slavery already but there's a slim chance she may be being treated well enough and survive until I get there maybe I should put out a few feelers through the Hutts information broakers and find out where these Pirates are operating out of. After more than a few Holo-meetings and dead drops I had three possible quadrants narrowed down to where the Pirates are most likely based out of now to go investigate personally.

(Den Mother- this has become personal for you, be mindful that this is not repeated or else you'll be severely punished.) [I understand] (I hope you do Jaxon.) Typing in the coordinates into the Nav for each general location we headed out I hadn't noticed it but a certain little girl and her pet had been secretly tailing us the entire time and watched as we went off-world with a broken heart thinking her knights in not so shining armor abandoned their mission. (Den Mother PoV- this boy is still to soft hearted taking a contract that doesn't pay anything protecting a little girl from learning the truth that her mother was most likely alive and being used by men or women for pleasure I hope Vizsla has forgotten him it's been 6 years since the last time I received any contact from him.

Though that woman has made contact a few times but she seems distant from Death Watch lately 'sigh' it's almost time for me to start teaching him the ways of pleasure even if I do find it distasteful it's something that must be done by the code it was what I agreed to in exchange for a Beskar mine and territory for the Convent. Two of the locations he checked were a bust but there were some abandoned freighters parked on a moon sized asteroid locked down by portable docking stations this seems pretty high tech for Pirates; the third coordinates led to a meteor city.)

'What in the fuck is that thing a city built into a meteor just how.' (This is base Alpha of the ugh what was our name again you knumbskull let me take over attention vessel this is Captain Rowak of the Outer Rim liberation front state your business or be terminated on sight.) [Hello Captain Rowak this is the Captain of the Razer Blade speaking my name is Jax Fett and I was told by a mutual friend that you may have recently acquired some resources I'd be interested in purchasing ahh before you ask the mutual acquaintance is Hondo Ohnaka of Falusha.]

(You have been approved to land Razer Blade in hanger 73 please prepare to be greeted by a boarding party.) (Den Mother- Who is Hondo Ohnaka {a friend that's also a pirate} this is a city it's not a small operation how do you intend to proceed {hmm look at all the merchandise while my commando droids find the reactor cores and plant explosives.} Do you expect us to make it out of this experience alive? {Ehh what's it matter anyway I'm expendable and my failure would be your shame.})

'Oww what was the for' opening the cargo bay door it was a bit jarring to be greeted by one of my favorite Pirates from the Clone Wars series Hondo Ohnaka. (Hondo- ahh my favorite Mandalorian friend why don't-cha ya tell me how you know about me or why you're claiming to be a Fett since the only one alive is my personal friend Jango Fett and he certainly won't like someone using his name.

{Hmm well you're name is rather well known by the information brokers in employ of the Hutts my name is explainable since Jango is my uncle and he believes that his entire family was killed by Death Watch soldiers growing up. But his sister survived and here I am.} Mmm hmm very well then this is valuable information very well very very good then you and I are going to be great friends come I'll show you to the more precious merchandise. This here is prime merchandise I don't believe in slavery but this Chiss woman here has been untouched by the crew and captain her family own a shipping company we were going to ransom her nut I'm sure a young man such as yourself would benefit from having an experienced women around to learn from.

Ahh here we go rotary blaster cannons, Dl-44's all at a very very low price of 50,000 credits each but of course we don't accept credits so whatcha gonna work with. {I'll take the lot including the Chiss woman for 10,500 Peggat's.} Hmm I like you offering such a good price without trying to haggled very good then you have a deal.) I pulled Hondo closer [My droids have set explosives in this places reactor rooms and life support systems get the men that are most loyal to you and get the fuck outta here after you help load my merchandise of course.]

(Hondo- ahh very good I'll get right on it how much time do you have {50 minutes and counting.} Ahh hahaha busy man I like it. I knew you and I would be good friends. I'll be sure to sell the information about you to a mutual relation of yours for a high price.) We managed to leave the asteroid city 15 minutes before B-time. I confirmed that the Chiss woman was Shay through her chain code. She was very fearful toward me and Den Mother but once I removed my helmet she seemed to lose a lot of her built up tension. [You are the mother of one Nina correct. Come on don't be shy after all I'm your future son in law after all.]

(Shay- WHHAAATTT {hahaha you should see your face right now it's priceless} Yes I'm Shay Oroboros and I'm the mother of Nina Oroboros and sister of Orroroo Oroboros. Thank you for saving me from the Pirates sob sob sob. {No problem, I'm getting paid to do so anyway}) After reuniting the mother and daughter Nina ran over to me and jumped up to hug me tha sob for bringing home mommy was daddy there.

[sorry little one I'm afraid you're Papa is one with the force but the force lives inside all things so you can always believe your Papa lives on in your heart.] Sniffle sniffle are you going to marry me when I get older like Arasia's Mandalorian knight did when he saved her planet and people? [Sorry little one but I've already spoken for. I'm sure you'll find another knight more suitable for you in the future. Now I have to go take care of Nina.] Bye bye bye...

3 side story

Unknown to the MC, someone very close to him was meeting with the same R.O.B.


Your older brother will be saddened that he made his wish too late for you to benefit from them I could tell you and his best friend heavily influenced his choices.


What were Bub's wishes?


Wolverine's healing factor before he was poisoned by adamantium if you could without it costing an additional wish includes X-23's adamantium coated claws.

A system that will allow me to travel to anime, movies, Tv, and book worlds while being able to specify the timeline and my backstory. Along with a system shop where I can purchase skills and items like vehicles, weapons, food, shelters, bases, knowledge, and experience of others.

Infinite system shop points.

An infinite magical energy-generating organ that's semi-metaphysical that also enriches and nourishes my body and adapts to every world or universe I travel to.

If you could settle up any debts I owed in my past life and make sure my family and friends are successful in their endeavors both financially and spiritually,


Wow Bub really went out there on those wishes so how many wishes do I get to make.


Meeting the Squad 

I'm officially 15 now Mother has been coming to my bed more often for my special training. I even got to remove her helmet, something I thought was heresy for the Convent Mandalorians but surprisingly it doesn't count since I'm her ward and currently her bed partner. Which at times is deeply disturbing when I picture her pushing the branding iron into my forehead but it's her helmet that I see, not the woman who looks like Gal Gadot that is completely bare before me sensually moving towards me like I'm her prey. Sometimes when we're in the throes of passion she begs me to call her mother our relationship has become odd over the years even for her the child that she has cared for all his life is also her student in all things even sex. 

There are moments when it truly seems like we're just a mother and son sometimes close, other times distant like the time when I must go amongst the The Hidden Ones, a group of Force sensitive Mandalorians, for training in the force she smothers me with love and warmth probably because of their similarly to the Jedi they have a bad wrap. 

Then she becomes distant during anything combat related it's so exhausting sometimes I know I should hate her for her part in my childhood but I can't she's given me the tools to survive in this universe to make money to live a good life maybe it's because she admitted that her ways we're once forced upon her as well since she's a foundling that I'm able to look past all of it or maybe I'm just fucked inside who knows I'm no psychiatrist.

Today is the day I'm supposed to meet my squad mates. I've pleaded with the den mother to let me use my custom designed Commando droids but she won't allow it. She says I need to learn how to interact and form meaningful relationships with living beings and it came as a colossal surprise when my squad was made entirely of beautiful deadly women. Bo-Katan our scout/sniper, Larka our tech/navigation expert, Meme our medical/healing expert, and Sinistra our heavy assault/Demolitions expert and our oldest squad mate. Turning around I look at my Den mother with a raised eyebrow. 

"They are all women?"

(Den Mother- Is that an issue Jaxon? I didn't think you were sexist after all. I am a woman who raised and trained you.) 

"It's not with me, Den Mother but I was under the impression you wanted me to form connections with living beings, not specifically beautiful women. Is this your scheme to have an army of grandchildren?"

(Den Mother- Hehe This is the way.)  

"Ugh not this again I thought we were past all this religious mumbo jumbo ouch what was that for." (Den Mother- Do not insult my beliefs now, give me a hug and leave with your new family.)

"Fine, see you later mom."

After boarding my Razer Blade, Larka immediately questioned me about what this ship was and who made it after explaining how I used a bunch of salvage ships to make my own. I watched as Larka's eyes immediately and comically turned into pink hearts. After everyone was strapped in I set the coordinates for Naboo while answering questions of each new squad mate they were all a little put off when they saw me not removing my helmet but after explaining how my HUD is connected to all of the ships systems they understood after transferring control of the ship to my custom A.I. and Droid I removed my helmet earning a light gasps from what I hopped was my handsome face but knew it was from my mark. 

It was surprising when both Bo and Meme inspected the mark both wearing disgusted expressions. It hurt a little having them look at me with disgust until both Meme and Bo voiced their distaste of the Watcher's Convent  Meme surprised me by saying she should be able to remove the marking or at least make it so it's not as prominent. Bo stated that she'd wish her sister would abolish that archaic religion.

I quickly comforted both women by saying I got used to it years ago and that I'm a child bred and trained to be the sword and shield of Mandalore so wearing her signet is only Natural. I was left stunned when my cheek started stinging looking at the culprit. It was Sinistra.

(Sinistra- Don't talk as if you're the only Mandalorian here I bet that den mother bitch has programed you to die at the command of any Mandalorian who's in charge of you right well fuck that from now on your just Jax a teenage boy who's a warrior and warriors don't just die because their told to they fight till they can't fight any longer and when they can no longer fight they teach. You understand right, you're not just some machine that has to coldly follow orders and die because you're told to rely on us and let us teach you how to live. After all, we're a family now, always and forever.) 

That was how the two week long journey began. The medical equipment aboard my ship wasn't really up to Meme's standards but there was a small droid operating table equipped with a medical grade laser cutting tool and a lite version of a Bacta Tank that is similar in looks to a coffin. 

(Meme- This is going to be painful. 

"I'm cool with it don't worry about it"

ohh oh my you you have a gift for healing I I'll have to remove a section of your skull bit by bit are you sure you want to go through with this? "Yes it's fine besides you've already started anyways it's a little late to turn back now."

Ri Right... And we're finally done. I hope you don't hate me after all of this.

"Nope not at all, in fact you have my sincerest thanks for fixing my face."

Yea yeah your welcome.)

- - -

Side story

Unknown to the MC, someone very close to him was meeting with the same R.O.B.


Your older brother will be saddened that he made his wish too late for you to benefit from them I could tell you and his best friend heavily influenced his choices.


What were Bub's wishes?


Wolverine's healing factor before he was poisoned by adamantium if you could without it costing an additional wish includes X-23's adamantium coated claws.

A system that will allow me to travel to anime, movies, Tv, and book worlds while being able to specify the timeline and my backstory. Along with a system shop where I can purchase skills and items like vehicles, weapons, food, shelters, bases, knowledge, and experience of others.

Infinite system shop points.

An infinite magical energy-generating organ that's semi-metaphysical that also enriches and nourishes my body and adapts to every world or universe I travel to.

If you could settle up any debts I owed in my past life and make sure my family and friends are successful in their endeavors both financially and spiritually,


Wow Bub really went out there on those wishes so how many wishes do I get to make.


During the rest of the journey on board my ship the Razer Blade my new squad and I bonded by telling of our childhood and training needless to say they were all horrified,deeply disturbed and slightly distrusting of me. Until I explained I'm a mutant, giving them evidence by showing off my metalic bone claws and my healing factor after using my claws to cut my wrist. Before arriving on Naboo, now Naboo is a world of pacifists but they export some of the best blaster pistols, ships and energy cells in the known universe and tend to hire mercenaries to escort said exported cargo or to protect the production areas that sustain the planets economic stability and place in the senate.

34 bby

I was shocked when Ruwee Naberrie and his wife Jobal approached me with an offer to become their eldest daughter Padmé Amidala (née Naberrie)'s personal bodyguard since our closeness in age and Jobal's own heritage as a Mandolorian. At first I wanted to jump at the opportunity but I held myself back and said that I couldn't accept a job that didn't include my squad but before I could finish speaking I was cut off. (Jobal- I understand unsullied one, you are on your right of passage journey. I will hire you to protect my precious one personally while your squad will protect our home and farm. Hmm let's see a five man squad one experienced in real combat, four untested. I'll pay you 1.5 million credits a year along with expenses for a five year contract. You won't find a better deal with as low of a risk anywhere else. 1.5 divided five ways is 300,000 credits each so what's your decision?) [I will need a warehouse the size of three hangers and at the height of a thousand feet mostly contained underground for my research and inventions. Together we could form a very profitable partnership and I'll protect your daughter with everything I have with no regard to my personal safety. You see this armor I'm wearing is made of an alloy I created stronger and more resilient than pure beskar and lighter as well. I've also started synthesizing a beskar like substance that I plan on marketing to both the starship industries and construction industries. It will revolutionize the galaxy. I may have been raised to be the best weapon Mandalore will ever have at its command but I'd also like to think I'm one of its most unutilized scientific assets she'll ever produce.]

(Jobal- hmm we'll see about those accommodations later for now give me your decision. Good I'm sure you and my daughter will get along perfectly. Hehe) [why do I feel that those 1.5mil credits are going to be hard earned all of a sudden.] Only to be betrayed by my own squad mates giggling 'sigh why me'. I was quickly introduced to a young Natalie Portman look alike who eyed me in my armor with something verging between hatred and disgust. 'Little bitch just cause you're a pacifist it doesn't give you a right to look down on those who are not I'll teach you a lesson eventually.' (Jobal- Padmé introduce yourself this is your new personal bodyguard Jaxom Fett he's not only a warrior but also an accomplished starship technician who designed his own ship and built it out of salvaged vessels but also an armor and weapons Smith and a scientist who's working on something that will revolutionize many big industries.)

(Padmé- then why is he here instead of doing all that you know how I feel about killers and soldiers, mother? I don't even need a bodyguard. Naboo is peaceful and I'm not even important enough to warrant such special treatment.) [That is where you're wrong princess I have it on good authority there's a high chance you'll become queen in a few years and others have taken notice of this fact, this makes you a threat and your family targets that includes yourself as well so princess how about you be a good little girl and behave and let us do our job which is making sure you live until adulthood and that your family is there to watch and cheer you on for all that you'll accomplish. Plus your mother has already signed a contract with us and paid for the first year it goes against our honor as Mandalorians to break a contract without cause other than a bratty unappreciative little girl who doesn't understand how dark and dirty the galaxy really is and assuming that just because you and most of your planet are pacifists that no one will harm you or your family when in reality there will be a day when someone comes to take this beautiful planet from you and your people they'll rape and destroy this planet along with her people.]

It wasn't a month before someone made an assassination attempt against Padmé and her family thankfully it knocked some sense into the girl I was suprised when she latched onto me and cried into the crook of my neck. [If you want Padmé I can train you so you'll never be as defenseless as you were today so you'll never have to feel useless when you and your families life hangs in the balance. I don't care that you hate my ways or who I am I was trained from birth to kill to die for those that command me to do so I'll train you to survive I'll train you so that of it ever comes to it you'll be able to defend yourself and those you love even if you never have to use the skills I'll teach you they'll give you confidence to handle any situation calmly and without rampant emotions getting in the way of logical thinking.] (Padmé- please train me {sniffle}) [Sure thing Princess we'll start in the morning.]

(Jobal- hehe they look so cute together right girls {4 nods} hmm so when are you ladies going to make your move it's obvious you're all here with him to be more than just a squad.) [Sinistra- we haven't decided who will go first yet and we want to try and heal and correct what the Watcher's Convent did to him, raising him the way they did before we explain to him we've been hand picked to be his wives. Plus we want bonds to form between us and him that aren't romantic in nature first so he can become more comfortable with each of us.] (Jobal- hmm smart I didn't think the Watcher's were allowed to take in children anymore.) [Sinistra- they can if one of the parents give the child to them to raise.]

(Jobal- HE'S AN ABANDONED ONE I'll kill Jango myself for abandoning one of his own children.) [Sinistra- You are mistaken I don't believe Jango knows of the boy's existence and besides the fact that his father is Pre Vizsla it seems that Arla Fett is the mother.] (Jobal- I thought she was killed but it makes sense those filthy savages would keep her around for relief. Does the boy know that he has family out there?) [Sinistra- No and honestly I'm not sure I should inform him either Jango is a greedy backstabbing slimo who kills his own allies.] (Jobal- even if that may be the boy needs his clan and a strong male figure in his life even if it's a greedy self serving one which may be beneficial for him.) [Sinistra- your right I'll tell soon. {Nod you know it's okay to love someone younger than yourself, my husband is 10 years younger than me hehe.} Humph]

I handed Padmé a viroblade and told her to stab me when she started yelling and saying she wouldn't. I grabbed her hand and wrist tightly and pulled her and the blade towards myself stabbing myself into my diaphragm Padmé screaming and crying while I hold her still removing and reinserting the blade over and over again until she was looking at me with dull lifeless eyes. My squad and Jobal had run and screamed telling me to stop while my squad was telling me to stop but Jobal's eyes met mine and she nodded with a small smile before turning around swaying her hips as she walked out of the room.

[Do you feel that Padmé my heart thumping my body trying to heal itself and eject the blade out? Did you feel the way the blade bounced off of bone the way your hand became numb at the force needed to actually penetrate my flesh and muscles hmm. Do you feel my warm sticky blood coating your hands and flowing down your arms staining your clothes? This is what you feel when you have to get down and dirty with an opponent. It's disgusting and horrifying isn't it.

(Ye.yes please, I don't want to do this anymore.) Sorry Padmé but you no longer have a choice if I was normal you would have killed me the first time the blade was sunk into my body you are now a warrior a survivor a Mandalorian and I'll be damned before I let you go without finishing your training so you never have to feel what you did yesterday or today again okay princess.] Some light returned to Padmé's eyes. (Padmé- I'm not a princess you Bantha fodder I'll show you I'll become even better than you and kick your ass until you have to acknowledge me as an equal.) Before storming off. "I already acknowledged you as my better Padmé, you're just too inexperienced to see it" I spoke so softly only the force could hear it.

I started cleaning the training area after removing my blood soaked clothing and throwing it into my inventory wiping the blood off my body while five sets of eyes inspected and appreciated my nude body in all its glory. Though I heard a gasp when I turned just enough to give the pervs a good view of my toned ass and back but surprisingly the gasp came from a different doorway looking over my shoulder I see a blushing drooling Padmé with her mouth wide open. [Like what you see princess?] (Eep) [HAHAHA HA HA HA haa that was priceless did you record that Sabine. (Yes Master Jax both your handsome ness and the young Padmé's reaction were recorded in high resolution format.) [Good work Sabine] (Thank you creator Jax.)

'What a cute reaction I'll be sure to tease her endlessly for in the future MUHAHAHA.' After I was done cleaning my body I put on my boot soot and light armor along with my helmet that I made to match the Kataran class clone armor that wouldn't be produced until nearly ten years from now. But with my own modifications I had created a cold fusion device about the size of my fist that could power an entire city of millions and incorporated into all of my armor's along with foot and hand thrusters. As for weapons I have a shoulder mounted anti-vehicle three barrel minigun on my right shoulder and a hidden shoulder compartment that contained mini rockets on my left shoulder mounted on each hip were holsters for WESTAR-35 blaster pistols. A survival pack that has an attached munitions pack built in with a magna mount for my main weapon a GALAAR-15 blaster carbine I made custom wrist gauntlets with a flamethrower dart launcher and holo-com unit on a league of assassin's template with a hidden lightsaber blade on my left. On my right was a splicer, a custom wrist mounted blaster, a lightsaber blade and a grappling cable made of adamantium that can detach at certain intervals on command.

Activating my custom built and designed Commando droids that look like a cross between a Mandolorian and BX-Series Commando Droids along with B2's with specs that will make the Magna guard droids grievous will employ in the future look like B1's that were used during the first invasion of Naboo. Giving them commands to inspect and prepare the land speeders while performing outer perimeter inspections I had a total of 24 of them made from adamantium and powered by my ARK reactors with my specially designed V.I. that in time would make them the most elite soldiers in the known galaxy extremely resistant to most weapons and an unattainable amount of cohesion amongst its forces that no other force will be able to hold a candle to.

Days turned to weeks if I wasn't training Padmé or protecting her I would be teaching her ship mechanics while keeping an eye on some of my research well my automated factory built more of my Mark-47 Warrior Droids I've got a hundred new units built and fully operational not including the original 24 so in total I've got a 124 Droids that can compare to a fully trained Mandalorian commando unit. I divided them up into 31 four man units and assigned a unit to each member of my squad and each member of the Naberrie family then I assigned four units to Padme five to the outer perimeter and five to the inner perimeter five to the farmlands and five to the manufacturing plant I had created for my own uses.


33 BBY

Today Padmé and her loser boyfriend broke up, he's some tool that likes to paint because of their diverging paths it was a mutual and clean break. Ruwee Naberrie has developed a wasting disease and has now been permanently tied to a hover/med chair to keep him stable and slow the progression of the disease. Jobal is keeping a calm and collected expression but I can tell that the stress is wearing on her heavily. Padmé cries herself to sleep at night praying for her father's recovery. I finally perfected my synkar the synthetic beskar substance I've been working on for the past two years and have started producing ship plating I even refitted my Razer Blade with Synkar panels and coating while redesigning my Hyperdrives while using Synkar as the material that it will be built out of I was able to reduce their size and make them more fuel efficient. I even started designing ships for my squad mates and Padmé though for Padmé's most of my inspiration came from a Nabooian J-type except it will have full stealth capabilities and weapons though the weapons will be modular and can be detached at the push of a button and the unscrewing of 8 bolts. During our sparing I started to spank Padmé's firm yet soft ass and beat her around like a kite in a storm until she got angry and threw herself at me with everything she had.

(Padmé'- why do you have to be such a Kiffin asshole all the time, why can't you just be my friend.) [Simple I'm not your friend I'M YOUR MENTOR YOUR BODYGUARD but not your friend your nothing more than walking talking credit dispenser to me get that through your thick skull princess.] (Padmé- I HATE YOU ! ! !] As she ran out of the room 'sigh I pushed her too far.) (Ruwee- do you not care for my daughter deeply {Nod yes I think I may love her} then why do you constantly push her away and act as though you hate her.) [Our futures are vastly different from each other's I'm a Merc. She's someone on the fast track to being the chancellor of the republic. I'm just a childhood fancy that will quickly fade from her mind. Besides, wouldn't any father be thankful if a guy like me didn't return his daughters feelings and kept things on a professional level.]

(Ruwee- maybe but I was a politician who fell in love with a Mandolorian as well even if it did lead to the end of my political career I wouldn't change my decision for anything else I know you can't remain in our employ indefinitely but wouldn't you rather have explored your mutual feelings for each other than live a life in regret of what could have been in the future?) [Whatever you say Oldman.]

Returning to my quarters for the night I walked in to find Jobal naked holding my sweaty shirt to her nose pleasuring herself seeing a Kat Dennings look alike in such a state. I couldn't help but free my hard manhood and relieve myself to the beautiful sight of a mature beauty satisfying her needs though due to my mutation and my more animalistic nature the urge to jump her and breed her was insufferable my own sexual urges have grown greatly in the past year being in the company of beautiful and fertile women Sinistra and I started having an intimate relationship six months ago when I found it almost impossible to go without sex for more than three days at a time after she caught me sneaking out and hiring 3 to 4 prostitutes a night three times in a seven day week and returning just as the sun started rising up into the sky.

Jobal's eyes widened in surprise when she saw me but didn't freak out as her eyes drifted down my clothed body to my exposed member that was being worked by my hand while her fingers increased their pace and her moans grew in volume. I took my shirt off so she could view my naked chiseled 8 pack abs that glistened with a light sheen from my workout I slowly stalked forward until I was standing only a few inches from her writhing form her hand that had been holding my shirt to her nose gripped my manhood in a firm yet gentle grip and took over stroking me off. I woke up with Jobal clinging to me while Ruwee entered the room we made eye contact and he mouthed thank you to me before turning around and leaving the room little did I know Padmé had snuck into my room last night to liberate a pair of my underwear from my hamper only to watch her mother and I lose ourselves in our carnal acts together.

I carefully freed myself from Jobal's tight embrace and opened my closet only to find a semi naked Padmé who very obviously explored her sexuality in my closet her one hand down her panties her other squeezing her breast I couldn't help the twinge in my heart picking her up I carried her to my bed putting a large body pillow between Padmé and Jobal and tucked her in after finishing taking off her dress and fixing her undergarments before I could stop myself I leaned down and planted a kiss against her forehead. "Sweet dreams Princess I'll let you out of your morning training today." (Jobal pov- God what did I do last night and how could Ru thank him I should be so mortified that my daughter masturbated to me her mother having sex with the teenage bo no man she's so hopelessly in love with but it only excites me.

Hehe, he pretends not to be in love with her or to care about her but she doesn't see the way he looks at her when she's not looking or when she passes out from exhaustion from his rigorous training regimen. He takes care of her even now, tucking her into his bed and letting her sleep through her morning training with him he even called her a Mandolorian yesterday she has no idea the significance of him calling her so. What a silly girl she is she wants so bad for him to acknowledge her when in reality it's she who needs to acknowledge him and his way of life or else she'll lose something special, how I love Ru and his idealism I just wish that my little girl had adopted my mind set her love of peace and pacifistic ways is all well and good but it won't keep you safe in this universe.)

As soon as I stepped out of my room I was ambushed by Bo, Sin, La and Meme. Sin was wearing a sexy sultry smirk while snickering while three very beautiful angry Mandalorian women were glowering at me. I was quickly dragged into Sin's quarters and my clothes were shredded to ribbons. The next day I woke up in a pile of bodies to an angry jealous Padmé and a slightly upset Jobal. It seems I'll have to make sure she's included from now on. Sin chuckled at my predicament knowing full well I could handle all these girls together physically after witnessing and joining an orgy I had started at a brothel >all women<.

But emotionally I was way out of my depth though I guess I'm lucky though once Bo, Sin, La and Meme get pregnant they'll return to Mandalore to be with their clans since they've already completed their rights of passage though I hate the fact Bo will join Deathwatch Larka will probably join a Tech guild Meme well that girl is so sweet and happy healing people she'll become a physician Sin I'm a little worried about her she'll probably have the child and start taking bounties again. Going to my lab I started designing power armors for all of the girls, building in options that would suit them the best designing it so it would become suitcase sized when it wasn't in use or standby mode for easier transport and traveling incognito a personal shield array and life support systems and repulsor propulsion systems. For Larka I designed a custom computer system in her armor with a droid cpu that is even better than my commando droids, For Bo I made a heavy version of my light armor with a cloaking generator but minus the anti-vehicle minigun and made a custom shoulder sniper rifle and an external range and target finder. For Meme I specifically designed medical commando droids and a mobile hospital that can fully survive the void of space while keeping patient and doctor safe well designing an armor and carry pack that had a stasis pod while making her weapons and armor have the ability to turn on and off V.I. control along with twin shoulder miniguns and knee rocket launchers and just like Bo's I built in a cloaking generator. For Sin I built a minigun on the right shoulder and a sniper-rifle on her left on ribs I added in super mini rocket launchers knee launchers a survival pack with a munitions pack dual hip holsters for WESTAR-35's, gauntlets like my own though also including ankle holsters for modified snub nosed 35's and a viro-blade mounted just above her sweet juicy ass.

Then I started designing Padmé's armor I zoned out while doing so by the time I had finished 15 days had passed and what was standing before was a masterpiece it looked like a piece of art compared to the weapons of war my other armors looked like, elegant lines that highlight femininity purples, blues, and golds. Combine to highlight and express the gorgeous curves of the armor, whispering and teasing at what the woman wearing it looks like underneath while the helmet is modeled after a griffin with gorgeous white and gold feathered wings with retractable talons on her hands and feet and a spade shaped bladed tail with a high powered blaster hidden on the bottom side of the tail. At the press of a button the armor turned into a mecha griffin pet that stood at waist height with a custom designed V.I. programmed to act like a pet and sentinel. For Jobal I made an extra light version of my armor that looked pretty much like Phase 1 jetpack trooper armor with thigh holsters for blaster pistols. For Sola Padmé's younger sister I made an armor like her mother's but in pink as opposed to the purple I made Jobals. I started designing a super battle commando droid that looked like a B2 and a BX series had a baby together while it also had a jetpack propulsion system the same as my regular commando droids after my design was finished I had my A.I. Sabine make the first of my new model and after some testing and slight modification to the original design I had a more perfected Mark-48 Super Commando Droid and had Sabine put the new model into production and increase the production of Mk-47's. As it stood now I had 250 total Mk-47's with only 124 dispatched and performing duties while I kept the other 126 in the warehouse of my underground base. I decided to take 6 of them and make my own personal droid squad while upgrading them with cloaking devices and adding in a ray shield generator to each of their arms. I had my new droid carry the armors out of my workshop and took Sola and Jobals armors to them personally they were both very surprised but grateful for their gifts.

Handing Jobal the suitcase shaped objects she looked at me with questioning eyes until I explained to her that she needed to press her thumb against the handle after a pin prick the case spoke. "Mark-7 Armor registered wearer Jobal Naberrie age 35 height 5' 3" weight 112 pounds bust 34DD waist 25" hips 35""(Jobal- This is amazing and the color scheme is absolutely gorgeous her finger grazed across the symbol I decided to make my clans symbol from a celtic shield knot that had a mythosaur skull woven into the knots. Why did you make me this? You should have already figured it out by now but I was banished from my clan. I no longer have the right to wear Beskar.) [Then it's a good thing that this armor is made out of Adamantium and that right there will be my clans symbol once I kill my father in combat and take the dark star saber from his cooling corpse.] (Jobal- I I know that after last night you may have thought things have changed between us but I'm a happily married woman I'm no longer a Mandolorian nor a warrior I can't accept this.)

[I never expected anything to change between us Lady Jobal I merely provided a service that was much needed but no you misunderstand Padmé has already proved herself to be an acceptable Mandalorian warrior. And with how wild and unpredictable she can be I decide to create her armor and give her a place amongst my future clan if she ever decides she wants one but in my heart she will always be something and someone precious to me. So I wanted to make sure those precious to her could be safe so I made you and Sola armors along with Padmé's. And since I've started sleeping with my squad it's only a matter of time until they become heavy with children and return to their respective families and clans so I made a gift for each of them as a thank you and goodbye gift that will hopefully keep them and our children safe. You can very well accept my gift to you and I'm also informing you I will need to leave for a few months to attend to dire personal matters. I'll be leaving in a week's time. This one here is for Sola.] After setting Sola's armor on the floor I walked out of the room and commanded my droids to deliver my gifts to their respective future owners.

Then I went to my ship and took inventory of my non-republic currency hmm 500,000 Peggat's the Hutt territories favorite currency slave control chips two, deed for Watoo's junk emporium on Tatooine, Toygarion glaxial diamonds 25,260 Karats about 10 pounds in 1 Karat diamonds and at around 12,000 credits a Karat I've got about 303 million worth in credits. 'I'm glad Den Mother allowed me to accompany her on missions and scavenging trips after my 8th birthday for the past eight years I've amassed a small fortune and made a name for myself using my Commando droids pretending there me I also won all of Watoo's stuff from him on a bet that my slave aka kid me would beat his top pick in the pod races. Shimi and Anakin are both very grateful to me and I keep them as slaves only to provide protection for them backed by the Hutt Syndicate but they run the Junk shop and I pay Shimi a decent salary along with a company spending account for purchasing things for the business when she couldn't win them gambling and or buying/trading for them with the scavenging/thieving Jawa clans. I was a little caught off guard when an 8 year old Sola jumped on my back giggling while crying strangely telling me how much she loved her birthday present and how she was jealous that big sis May-May's present turned into a pet that could fly. So I promised to make her an even better present next year. I was sweating because I had completely forgotten about this adorable little girl's birthday. But once she started pouting with puppy dog eyes I instantly caved to her demands and carried her to my workshop/lab on my shoulders. Well we chatted away about her school and how she liked it when they got to do a walk through of a starship and flew in a simulator out of everyone in her class she piloted the longest without crashing then she talked about how adorable big sis's lion bird thingy was and that she wants one just like it except in all pink every shade of pink. 'Fuck me side ways ahhhh this little brat is such a pain but she reminds me of my little sister's I had in my past life'.

After setting her down in my leather recliner I got to work on Gryphy Pinky.0 but for Sola's I created him more from a buitsoot and syn-muscle since he'll be a standalone petbot instead of an armor but his beak and talons will be extremely sharp and retractable along with its tail that will be a bladed whip-like extremity with a blaster hidden at the end the wings will hold rockets and repulsor propulsion systems along with the bottoms of his feet then I'll use syntissue with pink pigments to make him soft and fluffy and to trick scanners into think he's a living being well technically he no she is since I'm having Sabine create a clone A.I. to inhabit the Mecha Gryph. By the time I was done little Sola was curled up snoring away like a steam engine train whistling away as it made its way down the track I named the Gryph Sabe and had her accompany us back to Sola's room after tucking Sola in and calling her a rugrat I designated Sola as Sabe's owner and her main mission is being her companion/protector whose authority is higher to her than everyone else except me I authorized her to neutralize any threat to Sola's life if she determines there to be one but the override code is Sabie is a good girl that listens to her mama and papa.


6 Days before departure for Tatooine

After informing my squad that I would be taking some time to handle sensitive personal matters I assigned Bo-Katan to be Padmé's personal bodyguard while I'm away while mapping out a schedule for check-ins and extract points if anything should go wrong. My squad was not very happy. I was leaving on my own for a trip that could take anywhere from a week to three months to resolve, especially alone but I was able to placate them by saying I would bring 24 Mark-47's and 16 Mark-48's. But in truth I was bringing many more than that. Besides I planned on setting up a production facility on Tatooine inside a cave system one of my drones discovered that was tied into a volcanic vent that could be used for both thermo-power and raw materials to construct the base out of. Buying materials that I could use to make Synkar for more droids instead of using my precious and expensive as hell to make and a right pain in the ass Adamantium through the Hutts. I was heading to the training room to meet with Padmé when I was attacked by an overly excited nine year old who was thanking me for the best birthday present ever. 'Hmm I should start her self defense training.' "Hey little sis, do you want to learn self-defense?"

(Sola-EEEHHH YOU MEAN I GET TO LEARN HOW TO BEAT UP STINKY ANNOYING BOYS YES BIG BROTHER LET'S GOOO ! ! !) 'What did I just get myself into.' Padmé wouldn't be here for another hour or two so I started Sola out on the basics of Krav Maga.

(Sola- big brother I'm tired.) "Alright monkey why don't you run along and get some cookies or something to snack on since you worked really hard today.

(Sola- I can have cookies sweet, you're the best big brother bye.)

"See ya kido."

(Jobal- you're really good with kids do you have younger siblings?)

[Not in this life no but I did interact with slave kids often enough to know how to handle them to a point. Sorry if I overstepped my boundaries by teaching her how to defend herself.] (Jobal- I don't mind, I wish Padmé had started to learn sooner. There seems to be a greater number of droids around and a new model as well. Are you preparing for something big Jax?

{Sigh I should have figured you'd notice it this quickly, the truth is I'm force sensitive and I've been having visions of a war on Naboo things are blurry and they don't quite make sense but I figured best to be prepared for the worst possible scenario.} I see did you intend to inform us of this or let us and our planet be taken by surprise? {It's not as though I didn't want to but if I do try and warn people I get more visions that have worse outcomes than when I keep quiet and plan in secret to ensure that as many people and the planet make it through the future trials. Especially Padmé's future Jobal if I interfere to much it will lead to a very painful future for her one that I can't allow to happen so I'm doing what I can that's why I bought so much property outside of Theeb I have a facility built underground that has several thousand Mk-47's ready and awaiting a situation where there needed. I don't like it. I hate myself for doing things behind everyone's back but it needs to be done.} What is the real reason for your going to Tatooine?

{It truly is a personal matter I'm sure you know this but in the outer rim the slave trade is booming I have received Intel that someone I may have relations to has been captured and is going to be sold off at one of Jabba the Hutts annual slave auction.} I see and you're going to liberate this person but expect resistance, well I wish you luck on your endeavor.)

(Padmé pov- I know Dad is sick but why are Mom and Jax doing this why her and not me? I woke up tucked into Jax's bed but he wasn't their so I borrowed some of his recently worn underwear before noticing Mom was looking at me with a smirk that just screamed haha I was first. Then she tossed me one of Jax's shirts before leaving his bedroom swaying her hips mmm she looks so good wait no bad Padmé you can't think about your mother that way. Jax disappeared into his work shop for like a month and ignored everyone except Sola it's so not fair that she and mom got presents (knock knock)

'Jax' I open the door and one of Jax's killer droids hands me a package similar to what Mom and Sola showed off at lunch that turned into an exo armor thingy that's really cool I touched mine and it turned into a Gryphon and then an armor before turning into a case against,

"please select which armor option you wish to set as a default Lady Padmé the options are suitcase, Humanoid and beast companion. Armor will automatically turn into humanoid armor unless the wearer designated another option if wearer is in danger unless wearer designates it not to armor is programed to turn into beast sentinel mode please select which option you would like to use.""Armor mode" 'wow this is so beautiful it's like a piece of art I didn't know Jax had such attention to detail it's way prettier than Mom's and Sola's presents hehe.' "Beast mode." 'Aww it's so cute to bad it's all hard but at least it gives off some warmth. Mom and Sola are going to be so jealous when they see this wait does this mean I can fly.'

'MUHAHAHA Sola was so jealous she ran away crying I completely forgot it was her birthday today mom is looking at me like she's going to spank protect me Gryph ahh.'

'WHAT BUT THAT'S SO UNFAIR SOLA GETS AN ACTUAL PET GRYPHON IN HER FAVORITE COLORS AND I GET AN ARMOR I'M SO JEALOUS, hmm all of the other girls got an armor to and they all seem happy yet really sad wait what you four are leaving for good as soon as Jax returns from Tatooine since you've completed your whatever it was ugh I just became friends with all of you you can't leave'.)

Side Story.

[Good work today Princess you're almost qualified to be considered a grunt. I expect better from you from now on, double your daily exercises and other training.] (Padmé- you're such a smelly Hutt I hate you. {Tell it to somebody who care now beat it and get to work I'll be sending some droids to supervise also start preping your speeches your running for queen after all a good Queen is better than any general so I'll be adding tactics and battle field planning to your training regimen if you can't hack it Princess let me know and I'll be sure to rub it in your face for the next four years now move it on the double.} Grrr I'm so glad you leave tomorrow that way I won't have to see your ugly face for a while) [Yes yes I'll miss you too Princess now stop trying and failing to flirt with me and get moving.] It's so much fun pissing Padmé off the election will take place while I'm

Off on Tatooine 32 BBY starts in 3 months The Trade Federation blockade should take place 4 months after Padmé takes the throne so all in all I have very little time left to get all my contingency plans in place before this fragile peace crumbles. Man, I can't believe Sheev tried poaching me from the Naberrie family. He might be powerful socially but not powerful enough to openly piss on the Naberrie family like that.

After saying my goodbyes to everyone I boarded my Razer Blade and set course for Tatooine. After arriving on Tatooine I grabbed a swoop bike and headed to Jabba's palace after walking into Jabba's more private dwelling he greeted me fondly, he and I discussed why I was here in person and besides talking about my new line of droids I may have dropped a hint about my brother being picked up by some of his Snatchers and he graciously apologized and made a joke about Mandalorians getting soft. To which I joked about Hutts becoming too skinny. I waved my hand and four Mk-47's and two Mk-48's decloaked behind me "gifts my friend two of my new models and four of my light models better than any assassin droid or Drodikea's. This should fatten you up my friend use for your personal guard or send them out for assassinations or bounties." Showing Jabba a render of what my little brother looked like and his Halo armor he made on Halo Infinite and asked him to make sure my brother arrived safely and healthily to which he sent his albino looking Twi'lek to ensure his safety while giving me a an authorization code and data pad with a requisite from to pull him off the freighter after showing my respect I left for the ships current location on Nar Shaddaa. I pegged my swoop bike to the max. I made it back to my ship in five minutes. The usual trip is 30 minutes…

When I arrived at the shuttle I was escorted to the cell they had kept the person matching Glenn's description when I got there I found him all bruised up and bloody. I snapped and slaughtered every snatcher on the ship. I contacted Jabba and informed him of an accident that occurred on the ship and that all of the crew had perished as well as letting him know I was going to replace all of his men that had had an accident on board this ship while also offering to pay a premium for its merchandise. 'Now what am I going to do with all of these slaves I bought an inner universe and created many inhabital solar systems but I concentrated on earth's solar system. I created a Pangea sized continent creating many different biomes: desert, volcanic, woods, forests, swamps, plains. Before buying a massive floating city that could house millions of inhabitants it was self-sufficient and could sustain and produce resources to support its inhabitants along with vehicles, motorcycles, cloud cars everything is self repairing so even when things break they'll fix themselves within a few hours.' Having my droids translate and project my speech "Hello everyone I am Jaxon Fett some of you may be able to identify me by my armor for those of you who can't I'm a Mandolorian mercenary as some of you may have seen I slaughtered all of the men and women who ripped your lives apart. I have also paid a premium for every last one of you I'm no hero ladies and children but I do treat my slaves well I pay them for their work I give them homes I only ask for loyalty in return I would gladly return you home but that would be a poor decision because you'll just be snatched away again. I will be providing you all a home and education once you pass the basic educational courses you will be able to select further paths of study you will all be able to find employment in my city there are many areas that need people you all will be the first residents of the city so it will be a bit of a learning curve for all of us. But there's plenty of food and warm safe places to sleep. No one will ever rip you away from your homes again. You'll never have to live in fear of watching your mother's or your children being violated while being violated by your oppressors. One by one I need all of you to line up in single file lines. I'll be walking through and sending you all to your new homes."

As I was walking through the rows of people I noticed something that made me sick. They were all female Pandorans, Twi'leks, Humans, Tortugas, Mirialans, Zabaraks, Chiss and a few other species I didn't know. All ranging from ages 3 to 40 I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to start a revolution to end slavery in the outer rim but then I'd need to police the rim and I'd become enemies of every crime syndicate their is while I was walking through the world seemed to freeze around me and I was drawn to a locked blast door using my lightsabers I cut through them I found a Jedi Padawan on the precipice of life and death who had evidence of sexual assault evident and a very familiar looking Tortuga Jedi master Shaak Ti. Without wasting any time I quickly healed the blue skinned Twi'lek Padawan while gently removing her shackles but I put force suppression wrist bracelets on her arms just incase she had an episode it seems like the Twi'lek has been here for awhile and has fallen to the dark side while master Ti seems to be a very recent acquisition her clothes are dirtied with blood and dried dirt, a bloodied nose and a few deep gashes on her Lekku and a broken arm made up the worst of her injuries after healing her I freed her from her restraints and sent both her and the Padawan to my mansion in the city. 'How did slavers even get the drop on a Jedi master that sits on the council no less. I can understand the Padawan but a Master being captured by these ravels just doesn't make sense. She probably surrendered to save the Padawan's life.'

After I finished sending all of the Slave's to my city inside my inner universe before heading to where my little brother was asleep he seemed completely unharmed besides some coagulatied blood. I took us both back to the inner universe and reconstructed the apartment we grew up in together right down to the Xbox he had so he could play his favorite games before dumping him on the couch and starting back towards my ship. I set course for Tatooine again before going to my quarters and taking a nap while my R2 unit took over piloting the ship.


Are you glad to be able to reconnect with your younger sibling? I don't usually do such things but it seems you both are very close. I thought you both might enjoy being able to reconnect with one another. And my force vision was on point to guide you to him wasn't it hmm.


I'm feeling mixed about reconnecting with him I had hoped he'd get to live a good life in our past world. But I'm also happy to be able to share such an amazing experience with him but this universe is so much darker than it was in the cartoon and movies I just hope he doesn't come to regret his decision I mean I know we can travel to an infinite number of universes but Star Wars is something special for the both of us.


Hmm I see well time to send you back see you.


Back on Tatooine

Landing in the Dune sea I walk towards what was supposed to be just a cave but it looks like it was once a city there's homes carved into the rock and everything. Setting down my Build'O'Base grenade I walked back to my ship and detonated it, ahh instant secret base almost every man's wish, 77 levels on a large underground hanger big enough to park a star destroyer or two in. Weapons, Droid, and self-sustaining ecosystems are all on line droid factories already pumping out Mk-47's and Mk-48's all made out of Synkar. Sweet now that this base is established I can start my hunt for Ventress as of right now she should still be Rattatak with either her slave master or Jedi master. 'Yeah you know what I'm just going to wait till Dooku betrays her and I'll swoop in offering her a place with me after the night sisters are all but eradicated.' 'That's what I'll just buy what I really want from the shop, Starkiller base MUHAHAHA que star wars music.' Now where do I actually go to place this thing better wait until I have enough droids to man it fully before I try taking it out of my inventory. Maybe it's time to go visit Shmi and Anakin.

Walking into the Junk shop I saw Anakin repairing a DMU-pit droid while Shmi haggled on a YT-1300 light freighter she managed to wear the guy down to five thousand credits or 125 Peggats when a heavily armed and armored Mandalorian walk in the guy literally shits himself. 'Somethings not right here.' "Shmi Ani go to the safe zone." Pointing one of my WESTAR-35's at this slimo. (Thief- look man I stole it from some Twi'lek bitch captain.) [What happened to the Twi'lek?] (Thief- what's it to you? The ships clean the bitch is doing what her kind does best, using her body to earn credz for her new owner.) 'Fucking piece of shit' :pew pew pew:

Three shots of my blaster pistol two to the chest one to the head walking over I placed one of my specially designed I.C.D

"Incineration cube of death" watching as the body turned to ash before ordering a pit droid to vacuum the ash and dispose of it down the sewer drain. Using my coms I informed Shmi it was safe for her and Anakin to come out of the safe zone 'aka the bunker underneath the shop'.

Shmi came out in a whirlwind first telling me to remove my helmet then smacking me across the face before kissing me then smacking me again before chewing me out for not visiting in the last year or even calling.

After some heavy apologizing and a hug I lifted her chin staring into her mesmerizing turquoise eyes before pressing my lips against hers. Her kiss was soft caring filled with love from the young mother whose life has been filled with misery and suffering with only small moments of happiness. I responded with as much love and care as I could trying to return her feelings and offer a sense of safety and security with them. I could sense Ani peeping on us through the force. I could feel his happiness at his mom being happy. Some might think this is wrong but Shmi in real life is only 24 at this time and despite all she's been through she has a radiance to her that can make any situation seem less bleak with just her presence. She was also one tough woman as a child she survived a few years in the slave pits of Kessel until she started developing into the beauty that leaned against my chest now picked up by a diplomat luckily one of the better ones that trained her as an aid that she stayed with until being impregnated by the force. Her owner in anger bet her on a pod race with a Toydarian and lost her the Toydarian only saw it as a win-win two slaves on a bet he was rolling in it while a pregnant Shmi tried to keep her fear at bay thinking her little miracle would be ripped from her grasp.

(Shmi- Ani missed you {And you} hmm maybe {haha} not that I'm not happy you're here but why are you here {mmm promise to keep this to yourself} of course {sigh I found a member of my family and had to rescue them from a slave ship I also ended up slaughtering all of the Snatchers finding two Jedi on board one a Padawan who was used for ship morale and a Jedi Master I relocated all of the slaves to a property I own where they could be safe.} Thank you for liberating them even if it wasn't your intent to. {You don't need to thank me Shmi. I only did so because they went after someone of mine. I'm no hero. I'm a greedy, self-serving, narcissistic, asshole that only looks out for myself and those close to me.} Sure you are, how long are you staying? You'll be with Ani and I either way I won't let you sleep on that dingy ship. Also, Ani could use some help with you know what, he's been having some difficulties with his mental exercises. {Hmm I'll go talk to Ani now then, I told him he could call me anytime if he needed help with anything I bet he was trying to do everything on his own so he could make you proud. } us Jax he's trying just as hard to impress you as he is me he looks up to you you're the first man in his life our life that's seen us as people instead of things you've given us our freedom a home a future outside of being someone's property.) Giving Shmi a quick peck on the cheek I went outside and watched Ani as he tinkered with his podracer he would look at me from time to time with nervousness. [Hmm you're putting harmonic couplers on the ion anchor line have you factored in the added fuel consumption. {Ugh I forgot about that but I should still have plenty of fuel to win any of the races here} true how about we go to my workshop so I can show you a few things I'm working on you might just gain some useful insight. {Really awesome thank you big brother Jax} no problem Ani let's go make sure it's okay with Shmi.

Anakin, Shmi and I all headed out to my secret base on Tatooine and thanks to my A.I. Sabine my workshop/lab is an exact copy of my workshop/lab back on Naboo with all my projects in various stages of completion.

This is amazing x2

(Sabine- Thank you Lady Shmi young Anakin. I do my best to keep all of my master's workplaces up to date and on target to make things easier for him.) [Thank you Sabine you truly are my greatest creation and a life long companion I wouldn't be able to function without {hehe hehe} ] Shmi gave me a curious look but I pretended not to notice it I taught both Ani and Shmi about my reactors and repulsor technology. (Shmi- this reactor/repulsor technology would revolutionize interstellar and planetary transportation industries {Mom imagine my pod using these things I'd have the advantage over all my competitors.} Yes Ani you would definitely have an edge at first and for steering but you'd lose out at higher speeds compared to others.) [Ehh I can make the repulsors bigger for more speed but I only use my repulsor tech for my armors and my personal droids. I've been working on some ships for my squad mates that I plan on incorporating my tech into if they give me permission, that is I don't want to just build them with my repulsors as primary thrusters since it's new tech that would draw a lot of unwanted attention but I plan on using my Reactor tech to power them replacing those ginormous inefficient monstrosities of regular reactors and my redesigned Hyperdrives built from adamantium and Synkar since they have a smaller imprint they can even fit into a light starfighter.] (Anakin- will you make me a starship please big brother. {Not until you're older and have your pilots license Anakin and only after Shmi gives the okay.} aww man.) (Shmi- Do I get my own starship, {hmm maybe it'll cost you though} oh and what's your price Mr.Fett ? {A kiss from such a beautiful lady will be compensation enough} I think I can accept that deal then.) Shmi and I shared another kiss (Ani- eww gross hehe).

Haha X2

Shmi and I went to my quarters after sharing a wonderful meal with Ani that we both prepared together. Once we were alone our clothes started being torn off one another in a mad dash. (Shmi- MMM master I love how your big strong hands roam this body that belongs only to you {Shmi are you sure you want to do slave/master play dirty talk stuff} ohh master your thing is so big and hard please be gentle with me it's my first time. {Fine then if this is how you want it, get on your knees you filthy slave and open that annoying mouth of yours good girl now put it to good use.} Gluahg gluahg gluahg {damn Shmi I mean slave your throat feels so good ughhh} gulp gulp gulp thank you for the meal master it was the most delicious thing I've ever tasted {lay on the bed you dirty little slave girl it's time to punish you for having the gull to tempt your master} YE-yes master) [Are you read Shmi] (Shmi- yes Jax I'm ready to be yours completely even if you're not completely mine I love you almost as much as Anakin, I hope you liked the foreplay I've watched various explicit holovids to make our first time together exceptional.) [It's amazing so far Shmi but you can just be yourself you captured a piece of my heart the first time I saw you and that's never going to change.] Shmi and I shared a very intimate, beautiful night together. It ended much faster than my nights with Jobal or the other girls but it had a much firmer sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

Time quickly flew by with me training Anakin in the basics ways of the force and lightsaber forms and after teaching him my half-assed code or mantra Anakin seemed to adapt quickly and gain control over his truly immense gifts.

"If there is ignorance it can be cured by gaining knowledge"

"Passion without obsession"

"Life ends in Death but Death begins Life"

"Embrace emotion but don't be enslaved to it"

"Serenity is in the eye of the beholder"

"I was born from the force and to the force I will return but while I live I shall live a life filled with both negative and positive emotions never letting one side dominate over the other for I live in balance just as the force balances all"

It was time for me to return to Naboo and the overhaul of the YT-1300 light freighter was complete. She had my full customization package. It was also now fully equipped with a med bay and bacta tank along with a medical droid and droid surgeon table. I looked at my two ships side by side, my Razer Blade I built myself and the YT-1300 I decided to use, the new ship for myself while I gifted my old ship to Shmi giving her permission to leave this shit hole of a planet when she decides it's time to. Having my R2 astromech pilot the ship I went into my inner universe and met with Jedi master Shaak Ti. (Shaak Ti- you are strong with the force in balance with both the light and dark. But you are no Jedi Mandalorian did you bring me here with those refugees and that disgrace of a Padawan to be your slave.) [Typical high and mighty do no wrong Jedi {snort} you Jedi call yourselves peacekeepers when you're nothing more the kidnapping cultists that wipe out any one that's force sensitive with different values than your order the universe is unbalanced from your and the siths constant abuse and destruction. I left you and the girl here so you could aid her into returning to herself but I see that was pointless. You've only ostracized her from everyone else, you're nothing but scum like all other Jedi.] Leaving the room without giving her a chance to reply I went to talk to the Padawan.

(Alaya pov- It was a week after I was separated from master Quilin and became the pirate crews sex toy before I broke and gave into the dark side I used my anger and pain to fuel my lust to make things easier on myself. But then master Ti arrived and I thought I was saved but she surrendered when the Pirates threatened the slaves on board the ship and watched as I was continuously assaulted by the crew and only said it was my fault for giving into the dark side fucking bitch. Then one day when I pointed out that they had a Tortuga Jedi they could have fun with as well the beat me and raped me harder than ever before leaving dying while master Ti looked down on me with disdain. That's when he came my vision had been fading away while I listened to his message through the ship's intercom I heard as lightsabers cut through the blast doors and felt myself being freed from my shackles and when an indescribable euphoria suffused my entire being before I felt a tingly feeling when his touch left me I wanted to cry out but I couldn't. I woke up in a massive bedroom on the most luxurious bed I could feel the force but couldn't access it the force guided my vision to two bracelets on my wrist that could easily be removed he must have put this on me to prevent me from lashing out with the force after her removed the slave collar. I spent weeks being ridiculed and ostracized by all the other women and children in the city because of that bitch Shaak Ti so I looked myself in my room and meditated the days away sometimes ignoring the food brought by those scary droids that were modeled after Mandalorian armors and B1 battle droids.

I felt a fluctuation in the force and knew instinctively that my savior had finally come to visit when my door finally opened I couldn't help but gasp at the absolutely gorgeous man that walked in this is the man that had saved my life I could feel the force pushing me to become one with him like he would be my home my everything but I resisted thinking it was the dark side of the force influencing me.) [How are you doing besides the whole being ostracized by everyone suffering from night terrors and a lack of sense of self. I'm sorry but do you feel this pull between us? It's like everything in me just wants to be close to you to hold you to kiss you to comfort you. I'm just asking to make sure I'm not losing to my emotions from all that you've suffered.] (Alaya- I I feel it too but I'm resisting it because it's not the Jedi way and even though master Ti is disdainful of me but it's all I know.) [ I can teach you another way Alaya Secura I can teach you the way of balance a way to live your life the way you choose to not by the way old zealots force upon you from childhood I can show you the way to power to control your own destiny without being controlled by anything else even your emotions. {Please I know I would never be trusted amongst the Jedi again.}]