pt 2


Back on Naboo

After spending the three day trip back to Naboo teaching Alaya under the watchful eye of a Jedi master that was using a technique called force cloak to conceal herself Alaya started to gain true control over her body and emotions. Glenn and I had talked and hung out playing Fortnite together before he undergoes the Spartan programs 1 through 5 such a kid making that wish without realizing he'd have to suffer through all that pain especially when he included my wish for Deadpool's healing factor I also told him how he could find his Spartan armor checking his inventory. I also taught him some hand to hand combat while including some slight weapons training. I was greeted by Sin in her new armor with all her weapons trained on me along with a 100 Mk-47's and 50 Mk-48's while Bo had taken up a snipers position while wearing her house armor Meme and Larka where at the back of the droids ready to offer support while Padmé, Jobal and Sola where behind them surrounded by droids all of the Naberrie women had dark circles under their eyes while their eyes were bloodshot.

[You know ladies it warms my heart to be greeted by such stunning beauties but I'd appreciate it if they weren't pointing weapons at me while doing so. It's only been a few months, don't tell me I've been forgotten already. Is it the new ship it must be the new ship or shit I forgot to check in didn't I damn I'm such a dumbass] (Sinistra- prove that you're Jaxon Fett now or be prepared to be neutralized immediately.) Sending out a command all of my droids turned onto my squad mates and voiced relinquish weapons now or be terminated for threatening master Fett. [Aright stand down someone tell me what the fuck is going on here I know the ship is new but I used my codes to land in my hanger for droid bolts sake. Was there a shapeshifter here or something is that why you're all showing hostility towards me.] After getting everyone to calm down I went to visit Ruwee and noticed him in the Bacta tank and a Clawladite body in the morg. It turns out Sabine didn't want to disturb me but handled the situation well. This must be a Palpatine plot Padmé was elected Queen of Naboo she starts in a week…

Today The Trade Federation made a Blockade around Naboo and I had everyone in Theed and outlying territories evacuated to the secret shelters I created all over the planet by my Mk-47's. While I went and retrieved my brother from my pocket universe it was time for some clanker break'n he was all decked out in his Spartan armor while I was wearing my heavy armor I dubbed it Warmachine in honor of a personal hero Ironman. One of my contingency plans included evacuating Padmé and her handmaidens to the Naberrie underground compound that was shielded from scanners and was built entirely out of proto-adamantium like my current armor so she was safe along with her family. One thing I learned fighting against droids and adding Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan is that fighting these battle droids is like watching paint dry it's fucking boring I finally just pulled a Vader and force choked Nute Guneray to death while crushing all of thousands of droids using force crush Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan ordered my surrender at saber point but I drew my sabers one gold one orange both looked like Dooku's lightsaber cause his were my favorite had a bunch of them growing up in my past life.

I was able to fight both Jedi and Padawan off to a standstill I easily could have killed them at any point but I was trying to empathize that I wasn't an enemy which Qui-Gon seemed to understand Glenn had kept secretly cheering me on through are coms while Padmé was berating me through them for antagonizing the Jedi and killing Guneray. But surprisingly this only redoubled The Trade Federations actions further instead of just 1 lurkhulke deploying droids all six did and invaded all cultural centers on the surface only to find armies of my Mk-47's and Mk-48's waiting at the ready with heavy artillery I whipped the Federations droids like they were nothing and dispatched my space commando droids to conquer the lurkhulkes today was a tremendous loss for The Federation between the evidence I collected of the masked Palidous telling Guneray to kill the queen after forcing her to sign a contract that says the Federation would own Naboo and blah blah blah.

After all of that was done we left to go to the senate but where attacked by a cloaked ship we escaped to Tatooine and the story pretty much goes the same except Anakin didn't do a Podrace Padmé found out I kept slaves and was disgusted until Shmi sat her down and explained what I've done for her Ani and as many other slaves as I could and Padmé looked at me with stars in her eyes especially when Alaya came an told her her own story. But when Alaya kissed me passionately Padmé face cutely scrunched up in jealousy that only worsened when Shmi did the same Padmé suddenly became bold and kissed me like she was laying down her territory the older more experienced women giggled at her antics and joked about how she wouldn't be able to satiate my hunger and that she'd end up pleading for their help. But neither woman knew how stubborn and headstrong my Princess was that night I found myself alone and intimate with Padmé who ended up begging for mercy only to succumb to the mind breaking pleasure and pass out with a fucked silly stupid face.

While Qui-Gon was testing Ani's blood and talking to him about certain things only to find out that some that he wasn't sure about had already started training him and when he learned the code both Anakin and I follow he was genuinely interested in learning more about me and my ways with the force.

("If there is ignorance it can be cured by gaining knowledge"

"Passion without obsession"

"Life ends in Death but Death begins Life"

"Embrace emotion but don't be enslaved to it"

"Serenity is in the eye of the beholder"

"I was born from the force and to the force I will return but while I live I shall live a life filled with both negative and positive emotions never letting one side dominate over the other for I live in balance just as the force balances all")

In the morning Padmé woke up so sore yet still stuck in a state of hypersensitivity where just a gentle caressing would send her over the edge into an orgasm. I sent both Shmi and Alaya to speak with her. I'd be in for a rare shock tonight. After repairing the Nabooian J-type with parts I had kept stashed away in the Junk shop we were ready to leave when Maul arrived on his Bloodfin speeder bike. Qui-Gon and I fought together against Maul at first until I ordered him to retreat to the ship passing over our heads. Once he had retreated I let loose using force lightning and flash step I delimbed Maul leaving him an arm less leg less turd rolling in the sand. Before extracting all his memories using a technique that was inspired by the Harry Potter series then I removed Maul's head from his body making him a headless legless armless turd rolling in the wind. Removing his wrist gauntlet that controlled the Scimitar's systems and the DRK-1 Dark Eye probe droids. I hopped on the Bloodfin and took off to the Scimitar's location to take my spoils of combat.

After plugging in Sabine to the ship's systems I had her check to make sure there were no tracking, listening and explosive devices but she found 73 devices total and a program that would overload the reactor cooling coils causing the ship to explode if activated. After reprogramming my new probe droids I had them remove all devices from the ship while Sabine demolished the program. 'MUHAHAHA I have the most awesome ship ever now haha and once I replace the armor plating with Synkar she will become 10x as durable. That reminds me to make a note to experiment with combining Synkar and Vibrocoat, Viberocoat is the substance that absorbs and redistributes kinetic energy. If I'm successful I'll have created a synthetic material that has the same properties as Captain America's shield. I know I can just buy it from the system shop but I like experimenting and creating new things myself.'

Flying to the area that I had left Maul's corpse I find Qui-Gon ordering Obi-Wan to wrap up the remains in order to deliver them to the Jedi council minus the head since that is currently stashed away in my inventory. I decided to use my new ship instead of joining everyone on Padmé's since the ship was way over crowded and had the potentially sith lord Darth Binks on board I decided to invite Padmé the handmaiden aka the real queen to ride to Coruscant with me Shmi and Alaya joined us while Ani was left to the care of the Jedi and potential sith lord Binks.

After the ships course was set and R2-D2 became the ship's Astromech I and the girls retired to the captains quarters were we spent the night lost in debauchery of the most lewd and dirty order were a queen was defaced an older woman was treated as nothing more than a piece of property and an apprentice did her all to please her master. Now we could have taken the secret Hyperlanes that were programed into the nav computer but we used the same lanes as the other so we had seven days together alone aboard the Scimitar instead of the seven hours it could have been which none of the ladies complained about except when they needed a break from my urges and desires. Though during are flight I explained to Padmé how I had a running theory that this was all a plot cooked up by Sheev Palpatine to become Supreme Chancellor she insistently denied such accusations and even started giving me the cold shoulder I told her that Sheev would push for a vote of no confidence and that then the truth would be made clear to her. About how the entire senate is corrupt and everyone is out for themselves she just couldn't believe such things were possible even though the senate allowed a corporation to amass an army and now lost control of them or the simple fact that slavery was rampant throughout the galaxy even in the inner core quadrants I decided I'd leave her be I'd no longer offer her advice and I'd screw her when she wanted to be screwed but I wouldn't show her the love or compassion I had prior simply because of her naivety that was once cute and sweet is now just fucking annoying. Her people would have been slaughtered in their homes by battle droids or put into camps to later be sold off as slaves such and idiotic idealistic mindset this girl I've developed feelings for is.

Instead of joining the girls I went and slept in the crew quarters though I wasn't too surprised when I was joined by Alaya and Shmi both snuggled up against me on the too tiny bed. It was really starting to dawn on me how truly different Padmé was from the clone wars series or even the prequels. Maybe the naivety will go away but will it be too late by then will her actions be the final round to the head for the already dying republic. Will she constantly be led into the enemy's grasp by the future emperor like a cow to the slaughter house blind to her own awaiting death. It all seems pointless every time I have a force vision of the future. Now things seem to get worse, so much worse the senate breaks in half the republic and the separatist are equal in strength and both sides start using dirtier and darker methods to get the outcomes they want. Whole planets made uninhabitable whole stars detonated destroying entire solar systems. At the end of it all a quarter of the galaxy's inhabitable world's gone ¾'s of intelligent life exterminated forever from the known universe. Weapons like the Death Star and Starkiller base in every solar system there's no Republic anymore no Separatists but there's piracy, smuggling and rampant slavery everyone out for themselves. No Sith Lords or Jedi masters, Force sensitives hunted down and exterminated before they could rise to power again but today was different. I saw who I think was myself. He looked at me with dead eyes. "You can stop this all of it, take control of it, rule in their stead or leave to go to another universe and forget this one for it will only hold endless pain for you if you treat it as a place to play around and get your dick wet you've been warned."


I woke up completely smothered by Shmi and Alaya going incorporeal. I floated through the bed and stood up turning corporeal. Entering my inner universe to my mansion's kitchen to whip up something to eat and for a nice bottle of moonshine I distilled in the cargo bay of my YT-1300 using my still made out of copper. It took me awhile to get it right but now I've gotten to the point that I can distill 50 gallons of moonshine every two weeks that can knock me on my ass even with my healing factor if I drink a full jar that is, I've got a hundred gallons being aged in Applewood barrels that are also in a variable environment room so it's kinda being sea aged 1 day inside is like 7 days out at sea.

Thanks to Sabine running the room personally mostly I got into making my own booze because besides Spice being the only other thing that can lower my inhibitions paired with its highly addictive nature and the emotional mood swings it can cause for normal people she and everyone else would rather see me drunk off my ass then high as a kite. Returning to the ship and setting up a large breakfast buffet in the galley, once all the girls were awake and eating I took over piloting the ship so my R2 unit can recharge before arriving on Coruscant it was a little surprising when Padmé joined me in the cockpit we didn't talk really beside some empty platitudes. After awhile she must have gotten frustrated and stormed off stomping her feet as she went muttering curses in an angry huff wow and she's a Queen and future senator sorry Naboo but I think your future is looking darker every second to think she's actually 16 right now I guess this is normal behavior for a girl that age.

Sighing to myself I have R2 take over piloting again as I got up and went after Padmé I could hear her crying behind the door separating us 'damn I'm such a dickhead sometimes' opening the door I had a pillow thrown at me which I dodged and caught as it was about to pass by me I yelled "Pillow Fight ! ! !" Sabine played the song Boom by P.O.D. through the ship's speaker system. We had a massive pillow fight that devolved into a love making session. No area in the ships was left unscathed from our battles and the innocent bystanders were left ravaged and defeated by me to champion of pillowrama smackdown of 34BBY.

'This ladies and gentlemen is how you make up with your girlfriend and also include your other lovers turning something as innocent as a pillow fight into a 4-way makeup/bonding session.' Luckily once things settled down Padmé told me how she had decided to follow my advice on addressing the senate and not allowing herself to become and unwilling pawn in someone's grab for power even saying she'd allow me to address the senate on her behalf. But I quickly shot that down by telling her I'm a nobody and allowing me to speak for her would ruin her reputation amongst the senate and her own people but I comforted her by confirming I'd stand by her side throughout the entire hearing offering advice through our hidden coms or by using telepathy through the force…

Once we landed on Coruscant we were quickly escorted to the senate building and into a private meeting with Sheev. 'Damn how do you guys not since the presence of the dark side just rolling of this guy life what the fuck Yoda you're sitting there saying hrm hrm clouded it is the force meditate on this we must while your big bad is laughing at you on the inside.' (Palpatine- Ahh Padmé I'm so happy that you're safe now that you're here you can help me to convince the Senate to dispatch aid to the defense of Naboo.) (Padmé- no uncle Sheev Naboo and her people have been protected by the mercenary my family employees we must have the Senate move to sanction and disband The Trade Federation permanently. While pushing for a bill that will enstate my bodyguards custom droids and his control A.I. as a peace ensuring force throughout the galaxy. {I'm sorry Miss Amidala, that's just not possible. Besides there's no guarantee we wouldn't end up in a situation like we're currently in with The Trade Federation with your Mercenary in the future if such a thing was instated.} Hmm well then I'm sure once everyone sees the results of employing his services entire systems will be lining up to employ him and his services. Good day senator, it's been a long and extenuating journey. I'll be retiring for the remainder of the day and evening to get enough rest for tomorrow's senate hearing. {Yes well goodnight Miss Amidala.} )

Back on Tatooine

Landing in the Dune sea I walk towards what was supposed to be just a cave but it looks like it was once a city there's homes carved into the rock and everything. Setting down my Build'O'Base grenade I walked back to my ship and detonated it, ahh instant secret base almost every man's wish, 77 levels on a large underground hanger big enough to park a star destroyer or two in. Weapons, Droid, and self-sustaining ecosystems are all on line droid factories already pumping out Mk-47's and Mk-48's all made out of Synkar. Sweet now that this base is established I can start my hunt for Ventress as of right now she should still be Rattatak with either her slave master or Jedi master.

'Yeah you know what I'm just going to wait till Dooku betrays her and I'll swoop in offering her a place with me after the night sisters are all but eradicated.' 'That's what I'll just buy what I really want from the shop, Starkiller base MUHAHAHA que star wars music.' Now where do I actually go to place this thing better wait until I have enough droids to man it fully before I try taking it out of my inventory. Maybe it's time to go visit Shmi and Anakin.

Walking into the Junk shop I saw Anakin repairing a DMU-pit droid while Shmi haggled on a YT-1300 light freighter she managed to wear the guy down to five thousand credits or 125 Peggats when a heavily armed and armored Mandalorian walk in the guy literally shits himself. 'Somethings not right here.' "Shmi Ani go to the safe zone." Pointing one of my WESTAR-35's at this slimo.

(Thief- look man I stole it from some Twi'lek bitch captain.) [What happened to the Twi'lek?] (Thief- what's it to you? The ship's clean the bitch is doing what her kind does best, using her body to earn credz for her new owner.) 'Fucking piece of shit' :pew pew pew:

Three shots of my blaster pistol two to the chest one to the head walking over I placed one of my specially designed I.C.D

"Incineration cube of death" watching as the body turned to ash before ordering a pit droid to vacuum the ash and dispose of it down the sewer drain. Using my coms I informed Shmi it was safe for her and Anakin to come out of the safe zone 'aka the bunker underneath the shop'.

Shmi came out in a whirlwind first telling me to remove my helmet then smacking me across the face before kissing me then smacking me again before chewing me out for not visiting in the last year or even calling.

After some heavy apologizing and a hug I lifted her chin staring into her mesmerizing turquoise eyes before pressing my lips against hers. Her kiss was soft caring filled with love from the young mother whose life has been filled with misery and suffering with only small moments of happiness. I responded with as much love and care as I could trying to return her feelings and offer a sense of safety and security with them.

I could sense Ani peeping on us through the force. I could feel his happiness at his mom being happy. Some might think this is wrong but Shmi in real life is only 24 at this time and despite all she's been through she has a radiance to her that can make any situation seem less bleak with just her presence. She was also one tough woman as a child she survived a few years in the slave pits of Kessel until she started developing into the beauty that leaned against my chest now picked up by a diplomat luckily one of the better ones that trained her as an aid that she stayed with until being impregnated by the force. Her owner in anger bet her on a pod race with a Toydarian and lost her the Toydarian only saw it as a win-win two slaves on a bet he was rolling in it while a pregnant Shmi tried to keep her fear at bay thinking her little miracle would be ripped from her grasp.

(Shmi- Ani missed you {And you} hmm maybe {haha} not that I'm not happy you're here but why are you here {mmm promise to keep this to yourself} of course {sigh I found a member of my family and had to rescue them from a slave ship I also ended up slaughtering all of the Snatchers finding two Jedi on board one a Padawan who was used for ship morale and a Jedi Master I relocated all of the slaves to a property I own where they could be safe.} Thank you for liberating them even if it wasn't your intent to. {You don't need to thank me Shmi. I only did so because they went after someone of mine. I'm no hero. I'm a greedy, self-serving, narcissistic, asshole that only looks out for myself and those close to me.}

Sure you are, how long are you staying? You'll be with Ani and I either way I won't let you sleep on that dingy ship. Also, Ani could use some help with you know what, he's been having some difficulties with his mental exercises. {Hmm I'll go talk to Ani now then, I told him he could call me anytime if he needed help with anything I bet he was trying to do everything on his own so he could make you proud. }

us Jax he's trying just as hard to impress you as he is me he looks up to you you're the first man in his life our life that's seen us as people instead of things you've given us our freedom a home a future outside of being someone's property.)

Giving Shmi a quick peck on the cheek I went outside and watched Ani as he tinkered with his podracer he would look at me from time to time with nervousness. [Hmm you're putting harmonic couplers on the ion anchor line have you factored in the added fuel consumption. {Ugh I forgot about that but I should still have plenty of fuel to win any of the races here} true how about we go to my workshop so I can show you a few things I'm working on you might just gain some useful insight. {Really awesome thank you big brother Jax} no problem Ani let's go make sure it's okay with Shmi.

Anakin, Shmi and I all headed out to my secret base on Tatooine and thanks to my A.I. Sabine my workshop/lab is an exact copy of my workshop/lab back on Naboo with all my projects in various stages of completion.

This is amazing x2

(Sabine- Thank you Lady Shmi young Anakin. I do my best to keep all of my master's workplaces up to date and on target to make things easier for him.) [Thank you Sabine you truly are my greatest creation and a life long companion I wouldn't be able to function without {hehe hehe} ] Shmi gave me a curious look but I pretended not to notice it I taught both Ani and Shmi about my reactors and repulsor technology.

(Shmi- this reactor/repulsor technology would revolutionize interstellar and planetary transportation industries {Mom imagine my pod using these things I'd have the advantage over all my competitors.} Yes Ani you would definitely have an edge at first and for steering but you'd lose out at higher speeds compared to others.)

[Ehh I can make the repulsors bigger for more speed but I only use my repulsor tech for my armors and my personal droids. I've been working on some ships for my squad mates that I plan on incorporating my tech into if they give me permission, that is I don't want to just build them with my repulsors as primary thrusters since it's new tech that would draw a lot of unwanted attention but I plan on using my Reactor tech to power them replacing those ginormous inefficient monstrosities of regular reactors and my redesigned Hyperdrives built from adamantium and Synkar since they have a smaller imprint they can even fit into a light starfighter.]

(Anakin- will you make me a starship please big brother. {Not until you're older and have your pilots license Anakin and only after Shmi gives the okay.} aww man.) (Shmi- Do I get my own starship, {hmm maybe it'll cost you though} oh and what's your price Mr.Fett ? {A kiss from such a beautiful lady will be compensation enough} I think I can accept that deal then.) Shmi and I shared another kiss (Ani- eww gross hehe).

Haha X2

Shmi and I went to my quarters after sharing a wonderful meal with Ani that we both prepared together. Once we were alone our clothes started being torn off one another in a mad dash. (Shmi- MMM master I love how your big strong hands roam this body that belongs only to you {Shmi are you sure you want to do slave/master play dirty talk stuff} ohh master your thing is so big and hard please be gentle with me it's my first time.

{Fine then if this is how you want it, get on your knees you filthy slave and open that annoying mouth of yours good girl now put it to good use.} Gluahg gluahg gluahg {damn Shmi I mean slave your throat feels so good ughhh} gulp gulp gulp thank you for the meal master it was the most delicious thing I've ever tasted {lay on the bed you dirty little slave girl it's time to punish you for having the gull to tempt your master} YE-yes master) [Are you read Shmi]

(Shmi- yes Jax I'm ready to be yours completely even if you're not completely mine I love you almost as much as Anakin, I hope you liked the foreplay I've watched various explicit holovids to make our first time together exceptional.) [It's amazing so far Shmi but you can just be yourself you captured a piece of my heart the first time I saw you and that's never going to change.] Shmi and I shared a very intimate, beautiful night together. It ended much faster than my nights with Jobal or the other girls but it had a much firmer sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

Time quickly flew by with me training Anakin in the basics ways of the force and lightsaber forms and after teaching him my half-assed code or mantra Anakin seemed to adapt quickly and gain control over his truly immense gifts.

"If there is ignorance it can be cured by gaining knowledge"

"Passion without obsession"

"Life ends in Death but Death begins Life"

"Embrace emotion but don't be enslaved to it"

"Serenity is in the eye of the beholder"

"I was born from the force and to the force I will return but while I live I shall live a life filled with both negative and positive emotions never letting one side dominate over the other for I live in balance just as the force balances all"

It was time for me to return to Naboo and the overhaul of the YT-1300 light freighter was complete. She had my full customization package. It was also now fully equipped with a med bay and bacta tank along with a medical droid and droid surgeon table. I looked at my two ships side by side, my Razer Blade I built myself and the YT-1300 I decided to use, the new ship for myself while I gifted my old ship to Shmi giving her permission to leave this shit hole of a planet when she decides it's time to.

Having my R2 astromech pilot the ship I went into my inner universe and met with Jedi master Shaak Ti. (Shaak Ti- you are strong with the force in balance with both the light and dark. But you are no Jedi Mandalorian did you bring me here with those refugees and that disgrace of a Padawan to be your slave.) [Typical high and mighty do no wrong Jedi {snort} you Jedi call yourselves peacekeepers when you're nothing more the kidnapping cultists that wipe out any one that's force sensitive with different values than your order the universe is unbalanced from your and the siths constant abuse and destruction. I left you and the girl here so you could aid her into returning to herself but I see that was pointless. You've only ostracized her from everyone else, you're nothing but scum like all other Jedi.] Leaving the room without giving her a chance to reply I went to talk to the Padawan.

(Alaya pov- It was a week after I was separated from master Quilin and became the pirate crews sex toy before I broke and gave into the dark side I used my anger and pain to fuel my lust to make things easier on myself. But then master Ti arrived and I thought I was saved but she surrendered when the Pirates threatened the slaves on board the ship and watched as I was continuously assaulted by the crew and only said it was my fault for giving into the dark side fucking bitch.

Then one day when I pointed out that they had a Tortuga Jedi they could have fun with as well the beat me and raped me harder than ever before leaving dying while master Ti looked down on me with disdain. That's when he came my vision had been fading away while I listened to his message through the ship's intercom I heard as lightsabers cut through the blast doors and felt myself being freed from my shackles and when an indescribable euphoria suffused my entire being before I felt a tingly feeling when his touch left me I wanted to cry out but I couldn't.

I woke up in a massive bedroom on the most luxurious bed I could feel the force but couldn't access it the force guided my vision to two bracelets on my wrist that could easily be removed he must have put this on me to prevent me from lashing out with the force after her removed the slave collar. I spent weeks being ridiculed and ostracized by all the other women and children in the city because of that bitch Shaak Ti so I looked myself in my room and meditated the days away sometimes ignoring the food brought by those scary droids that were modeled after Mandalorian armors and B1 battle droids.

I felt a fluctuation in the force and knew instinctively that my savior had finally come to visit when my door finally opened I couldn't help but gasp at the absolutely gorgeous man that walked in this is the man that had saved my life I could feel the force pushing me to become one with him like he would be my home my everything but I resisted thinking it was the dark side of the force influencing me.) [How are you doing besides the whole being ostracized by everyone suffering from night terrors and a lack of sense of self. I'm sorry but do you feel this pull between us? It's like everything in me just wants to be close to you to hold you to kiss you to comfort you. I'm just asking to make sure I'm not losing to my emotions from all that you've suffered.]

(Alaya- I I feel it too but I'm resisting it because it's not the Jedi way and even though master Ti is disdainful of me but it's all I know.) [ I can teach you another way Alaya Secura I can teach you the way of balance a way to live your life the way you choose to not by the way old zealots force upon you from childhood I can show you the way to power to control your own destiny without being controlled by anything else even your emotions. {Please I know I would never be trusted amongst the Jedi again.}]


Back on Naboo

After spending the three day trip back to Naboo teaching Alaya under the watchful eye of a Jedi master that was using a technique called force cloak to conceal herself Alaya started to gain true control over her body and emotions. Glenn and I had talked and hung out playing Fortnite together before he undergoes the Spartan programs 1 through 5 such a kid making that wish without realizing he'd have to suffer through all that pain especially when he included my wish for Wolverine's healing factor I also told him how he could find his Spartan armor checking his inventory.

I also taught him some hand to hand combat while including some slight weapons training. I was greeted by Sin in her new armor with all her weapons trained on me along with a 100 Mk-47's and 50 Mk-48's while Bo had taken up a snipers position while wearing her house armor Meme and Larka where at the back of the droids ready to offer support while Padmé, Jobal and Sola where behind them surrounded by droids all of the Naberrie women had dark circles under their eyes while their eyes were bloodshot.

[You know ladies it warms my heart to be greeted by such stunning beauties but I'd appreciate it if they weren't pointing weapons at me while doing so. It's only been a few months, don't tell me I've been forgotten already. Is it the new ship it must be the new ship or shit I forgot to check in didn't I damn I'm such a dumbass] (Sinistra- prove that you're Jaxon Fett now or be prepared to be neutralized immediately.)

Sending out a command all of my droids turned onto my squad mates and voiced relinquish weapons now or be terminated for threatening master Fett. [Aright stand down someone tell me what the fuck is going on here I know the ship is new but I used my codes to land in my hanger for droid bolts sake. Was there a shapeshifter here or something is that why you're all showing hostility towards me.] After getting everyone to calm down I went to visit Ruwee and noticed him in the Bacta tank and a Clawladite body in the morg. It turns out Sabine didn't want to disturb me but handled the situation well. This must be a Palpatine plot Padmé was elected Queen of Naboo she starts in a week…

Today The Trade Federation made a Blockade around Naboo and I had everyone in Theed and outlying territories evacuated to the secret shelters I created all over the planet by my Mk-47's. While I went and retrieved my brother from my pocket universe it was time for some clanker break'n he was all decked out in his Spartan armor while I was wearing my heavy armor I dubbed it Warmachine in honor of a personal hero Ironman.

One of my contingency plans included evacuating Padmé and her handmaidens to the Naberrie underground compound that was shielded from scanners and was built entirely out of proto-adamantium like my current armor so she was safe along with her family. One thing I learned fighting against droids and adding Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan is that fighting these battle droids is like watching paint dry it's fucking boring I finally just pulled a Vader and force choked Nute Guneray to death while crushing all of thousands of droids using force crush Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan ordered my surrender at saber point but I drew my sabers one gold one orange both looked like Dooku's lightsaber cause his were my favorite had a bunch of them growing up in my past life.

I was able to fight both Jedi and Padawan off to a standstill I easily could have killed them at any point but I was trying to empathize that I wasn't an enemy which Qui-Gon seemed to understand Glenn had kept secretly cheering me on through are coms while Padmé was berating me through them for antagonizing the Jedi and killing Guneray.

But surprisingly this only redoubled The Trade Federations actions further instead of just 1 lurkhulke deploying droids all six did and invaded all cultural centers on the surface only to find armies of my Mk-47's and Mk-48's waiting at the ready with heavy artillery I whipped the Federations droids like they were nothing and dispatched my space commando droids to conquer the lurkhulkes today was a tremendous loss for The Federation between the evidence.

I collected the masked Palidous telling Guneray to kill the queen after forcing her to sign a contract that says the Federation would own Naboo and blah blah blah. After all of that was done we left to go to the senate but where attacked by a cloaked ship we escaped to Tatooine and the story pretty much goes the same except Anakin didn't do a Podrace Padmé found out I kept slaves and was disgusted until Shmi sat her down and explained what I've done for her Ani and as many other slaves as I could and Padmé looked at me with stars in her eyes especially when Alaya came an told her her own story.

But when Alaya kissed me passionately Padmé face cutely scrunched up in jealousy that only worsened when Shmi did the same Padmé suddenly became bold and kissed me like she was laying down her territory the older more experienced women giggled at her antics and joked about how she wouldn't be able to satiate my hunger and that she'd end up pleading for their help.

But neither woman knew how stubborn and headstrong my Princess was that night I found myself alone and intimate with Padmé who ended up begging for mercy only to succumb to the mind breaking pleasure and pass out with a fucked silly stupid face.

While Qui-Gon was testing Ani's blood and talking to him about certain things only to find out that some that he wasn't sure about had already started training him and when he learned the code both Anakin and I follow he was genuinely interested in learning more about me and my ways with the force.

("If there is ignorance it can be cured by gaining knowledge"

"Passion without obsession"

"Life ends in Death but Death begins Life"

"Embrace emotion but don't be enslaved to it"

"Serenity is in the eye of the beholder"

"I was born from the force and to the force I will return but while I live I shall live a life filled with both negative and positive emotions never letting one side dominate over the other for I live in balance just as the force balances all")

In the morning Padmé woke up so sore yet still stuck in a state of hypersensitivity where just a gentle caressing would send her over the edge into an orgasm. I sent both Shmi and Alaya to speak with her. I'd be in for a rare shock tonight. After repairing the Nabooian J-type with parts I had kept stashed away in the Junk shop we were ready to leave when Maul arrived on his Bloodfin speeder bike. Qui-Gon and I fought together against Maul at first until I ordered him to retreat to the ship passing over our heads. Once he had retreated I let loose using force lightning and flash step I delimbed Maul leaving him an arm less leg less turd rolling in the sand. Before extracting all his memories using a technique that was inspired by the Harry Potter series then I removed Maul's head from his body making him a headless legless armless turd rolling in the wind. Removing his wrist gauntlet that controlled the Scimitar's systems and the DRK-1 Dark Eye probe droids. I hopped on the Bloodfin and took off to the Scimitar's location to take my spoils of combat.

After plugging in Sabine to the ship's systems I had her check to make sure there were no tracking, listening and explosive devices but she found 73 devices total and a program that would overload the reactor cooling coils causing the ship to explode if activated. After reprogramming my new probe droids I had them remove all devices from the ship while Sabine demolished the program. 'MUHAHAHA I have the most awesome ship ever now haha and once I replace the armor plating with Synkar she will become 10x as durable. That reminds me to make a note to experiment with combining Synkar and Vibrocoat, Viberocoat is the substance that absorbs and redistributes kinetic energy. If I'm successful I'll have created a synthetic material that has the same properties as Captain America's shield. I know I can just buy it from the system shop but I like experimenting and creating new things myself.'

Flying to the area that I had left Maul's corpse I find Qui-Gon ordering Obi-Wan to wrap up the remains in order to deliver them to the Jedi council minus the head since that is currently stashed away in my inventory. I decided to use my new ship instead of joining everyone on Padmé's since the ship was way over crowded and had the potentially sith lord Darth Binks on board I decided to invite Padmé the handmaiden aka the real queen to ride to Coruscant with me Shmi and Alaya joined us while Ani was left to the care of the Jedi and potential sith lord Binks.

After the ships course was set and R2-D2 became the ship's Astromech I and the girls retired to the captains quarters were we spent the night lost in debauchery of the most lewd and dirty order were a queen was defaced an older woman was treated as nothing more than a piece of property and an apprentice did her all to please her master. Now we could have taken the secret Hyperlanes that were programed into the nav computer but we used the same lanes as the other so we had seven days together alone aboard the Scimitar instead of the seven hours it could have been which none of the ladies complained about except when they needed a break from my urges and desires.

Though during are flight I explained to Padmé how I had a running theory that this was all a plot cooked up by Sheev Palpatine to become Supreme Chancellor she insistently denied such accusations and even started giving me the cold shoulder I told her that Sheev would push for a vote of no confidence and that then the truth would be made clear to her. About how the entire senate is corrupt and everyone is out for themselves she just couldn't believe such things were possible even though the senate allowed a corporation to amass an army and now lost control of them or the simple fact that slavery was rampant throughout the galaxy even in the inner core quadrants I decided I'd leave her be I'd no longer offer her advice and I'd screw her when she wanted to be screwed but I wouldn't show her the love or compassion I had prior simply because of her naivety that was once cute and sweet is now just fucking annoying. Her people would have been slaughtered in their homes by battle droids or put into camps to later be sold off as slaves such and idiotic idealistic mindset this girl I've developed feelings for is.

Instead of joining the girls I went and slept in the crew quarters though I wasn't too surprised when I was joined by Alaya and Shmi both snuggled up against me on the too tiny bed. It was really starting to dawn on me how truly different Padmé was from the clone wars series or even the prequels. Maybe the naivety will go away but will it be too late by then will her actions be the final round to the head for the already dying republic. Will she constantly be led into the enemy's grasp by the future emperor like a cow to the slaughter house blind to her own awaiting death. It all seems pointless every time I have a force vision of the future.

Now things seem to get worse, so much worse the senate breaks in half the republic and the separatist are equal in strength and both sides start using dirtier and darker methods to get the outcomes they want. Whole planets made uninhabitable whole stars detonated destroying entire solar systems. At the end of it all a quarter of the galaxy's inhabitable world's gone ¾'s of intelligent life exterminated forever from the known universe. Weapons like the Death Star and Starkiller base in every solar system there's no Republic anymore no Separatists but there's piracy, smuggling and rampant slavery everyone out for themselves. No Sith Lords or Jedi masters, Force sensitives hunted down and exterminated before they could rise to power again but today was different. I saw who I think was myself.

He looked at me with dead eyes. "You can stop this all of it, take control of it, rule in their stead or leave to go to another universe and forget this one for it will only hold endless pain for you if you treat it as a place to play around and get your dick wet you've been warned."


I woke up completely smothered by Shmi and Alaya going incorporeal. I floated through the bed and stood up turning corporeal. Entering my inner universe to my mansion's kitchen to whip up something to eat and for a nice bottle of moonshine I distilled in the cargo bay of my YT-1300 using my still. It took me awhile to get it right but now I've gotten to the point that I can distill 50 gallons of moonshine every two weeks that can knock me on my ass even with my healing factor if I drink a full jar that is, I've got a hundred gallons being aged in Applewood barrels that are also in a variable environment room so it's kinda being sea aged 1 day inside is like 7 days out at sea.

Thanks to Sabine running the room personally mostly I got into making my own booze because besides Spice being the only other thing that can lower my inhibitions paired with its highly addictive nature and the emotional mood swings it can cause for normal people she and everyone else would rather see me drunk off my ass then high as a kite. Returning to the ship and setting up a large breakfast buffet in the galley, once all the girls were awake and eating I took over piloting the ship so my R2 unit can recharge before arriving on Coruscant it was a little surprising when Padmé joined me in the cockpit we didn't talk really beside some empty platitudes. After awhile she must have gotten frustrated and stormed off stomping her feet as she went muttering curses in an angry huff wow and she's a Queen and future senator sorry Naboo but I think your future is looking darker every second to think she's actually 16 right now I guess this is normal behavior for a girl that age.

Sighing to myself I have R2 take over piloting again as I got up and went after Padmé I could hear her crying behind the door separating us 'damn I'm such a dickhead sometimes' opening the door I had a pillow thrown at me which I dodged and caught as it was about to pass by me I yelled "Pillow Fight ! ! !" Sabine played the song Boom by P.O.D. through the ship's speaker system. We had a massive pillow fight that devolved into a love making session. No area in the ships was left unscathed from our battles and the innocent bystanders were left ravaged and defeated by me to champion of pillowrama smackdown of 34BBY.

'This ladies and gentlemen is how you make up with your girlfriend and also include your other lovers turning something as innocent as a pillow fight into a 4-way makeup/bonding session.' Luckily once things settled down Padmé told me how she had decided to follow my advice on addressing the senate and not allowing herself to become and unwilling pawn in someone's grab for power even saying she'd allow me to address the senate on her behalf. But I quickly shot that down by telling her I'm a nobody and allowing me to speak for her would ruin her reputation amongst the senate and her own people but I comforted her by confirming I'd stand by her side throughout the entire hearing offering advice through our hidden coms or by using telepathy through the force…

Once we landed on Coruscant we were quickly escorted to the senate building and into a private meeting with Sheev. 'Damn how do you guys not since the presence of the dark side just rolling of this guy life what the fuck Yoda you're sitting there saying hrm hrm clouded it is the force meditate on this we must while your big bad is laughing at you on the inside.' (Palpatine- Ahh Padmé I'm so happy that you're safe now that you're here you can help me to convince the Senate to dispatch aid to the defense of Naboo.) (Padmé- no uncle Sheev Naboo and her people have been protected by the mercenary my family employees we must have the Senate move to sanction and disband The Trade Federation permanently. While pushing for a bill that will enstate my bodyguards custom droids and his control A.I. as a peace ensuring force throughout the galaxy.

{I'm sorry Miss Amidala, that's just not possible. Besides there's no guarantee we wouldn't end up in a situation like we're currently in with The Trade Federation with your Mercenary in the future if such a thing was instated.} Hmm well then I'm sure once everyone sees the results of employing his services entire systems will be lining up to employ him and his services. Good day senator, it's been a long and extenuating journey. I'll be retiring for the remainder of the day and evening to get enough rest for tomorrow's senate hearing. {Yes well goodnight Miss Amidala.} )


The senate

Today Is the day of the hearing. (Padmé- Please honorable representatives of the Republic senate. I implore you to take action against the illegal actions of the Trade Federations blockade of my home. My people are dying while we discuss procedures here.)

(Trade Federation Guy- lies you have no proof of any illegal actions taken by the Trade Federation.)

'Ahh there's my cue' "That is correct Queen Amidala personally holds no evidence but I do. This here is the data bank of a commander droid that led a force of B1 battle droids on a capture and kill mission for one Queen of Naboo. It also contains multiple recordings of meetings between one Nute Guneray in talks with a cloaked figure I believe to be the mastermind behind this entire situation. Now you'll be able to see for yourselves soon but said cloaked figure seems to have strong roots in the senate and on Naboo. There is also something I'd like to bring to the Senate's attention since every time one appears the universe is usually drawn into a war.

During our escape of the blockade of Naboo we were attacked and pursued

By a cloaked fighter ship. And upon our stay on Tatooine Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn and I confronted a Sith apprentice that held us locked in mortal combat for some time. Now you may be wondering why I am bringing this to your attention. It is simply because I have a theory that the actual Sith Lord has infiltrated the grand senate of the republic and is gaining power and influence to help him or her fan the flames of war. Let me say this the Sith thrive in times of war and chaos it makes them grow in power they will do anything to start and keep wars going the Jedi would prefer to keep this information amongst their own or only share it with the chancellor but i feel as though all present here today have a right to this knowledge that is all. I now present the evidence I have collected to the senate."

(Random Nemoidian- This could all be faked)

Many of the Trade Federations allies also jumped on this false evidence train until senator Organa stated that he had a specialist he could call to verify the evidence's authenticity. And that it would only take half an hour at most. While Palpatine was secretly ragging, telling Padmé that bureaucracy at its best is taking place and that the chancellor's advisors wouldn't allow him to entertain such things but as if the universe wanted to give Ole Sidious the bird. Valorum allowed Organa to bring in the advisor once the evidence was verified to be accurate and true though the senate still did not put a sanction against the Trade Federation to vote no instead. A Twi'lek Senator called for a vote of no confidence and senator Valorum was removed from office. Someone else nominated Sheev and the vote went just like the movies except Palpatine didn't promise to aid Naboo no he made a false promise and I told Padmé to withdraw Naboo from the Republic.

Padmé met my gaze as if searching for something before nodding. (Padmé- I as Queen of Naboo officially as of now remove any and all ties my planet had to the Republic it is obvious greed and corruption are Rampant amongst this Senate. I am also Hereby by the Power invested into me by my people. I name Jaxon Amidala (née Fett) as King and protector of Naboo.) 'What in the literal fuck are you doing Padmé.' I pulled my and Padmé's armor cases out of my inventory while her nanotech dress turned into a skintight flight suit. Once we were fully armored we were out of the senate building and flying to the Scimitar.

"What in the hell are you thinking Padmé you can't just make me king of your people you're not even a permanent Queen." (Padmé- my people no our people will choose to keep me as Queen and once all of them know you're the reason they didn't have to watch as their homes were destroyed and loved one's slaughtered they would want you in a place of power I'm merely doing things ahead of schedule. "I know nothing about leading an entire planet, Padmé, this is clinically insane." Shh you'll just be in charge of planet security I'll handle the rest. "Fine but does that mean I should eradicate the Gungans? I don't like a possible enemy living in the water source I and everyone on Naboo rely on." I don't know, I'll try to make a treaty with the Gungans and they'll be our allies. If not then you can do what needs to be done.)

'Hmm I've got Starkiller base deployed in my inner universe let's check the system shop and see now should I go with a clone army or a droid army hmm, (cloning facility- produces a maximum of a 1,000 troopers a day fully trained, can produce 100 ARC Troopers a month can produce up to 50 Commando Troopers every 6 months expected life-span of clone troopers 40 years, cost per trooper 500 credits, cost per ARC Trooper 150,000 credits, cost per commando 300,000 credits. Values here do not calculate upkeep costs.) Hmm that's way less then what my commando droids would cost if I didn't already make them entirely myself. Let's look at abilities, maybe something like that Jutsu that spiky blonde kid liked to use so much would be a better option.

Side story.


Hahaha yes spend those points you idiotic child. Keep killing off the inhabitants of your new universe to make me stronger for trinkets MUHAHAHA. Cough cough cough ahh that goddess will regret making me take her place while she took a break. Yes, my pawn is greedy and takes more and more without questioning where it came from or how it was produced.

Though I do wish I was powerful enough to circumvent that stupid wheel of fate that decides were people will realize there full potential or else I would have sent him to that horrible mess that that Granger girl was taken from and then became famous for writing books about her best friend. Just to enjoy the chaos he would sow there. Though this is entertaining enough it's just sad to see the storyline being so altered. At least there are other versions to watch for an omniversal being like myself. Ha I bet that kid thinks I'm that other kind of R.O.B the omnipotent kind ha, jokes on him when he grows strong enough I'll have him take over this shitty job and wait for that goddess to return. While I go have some fun.

I wonder if I should tether him and his system to all the world's he's most likely to travel to now. Hmm better not I don't want him to start growing in power unchecked he might garner the attention of that other annoying goddess before he can take over and replace me.

Though he did get me with that one wish since it's my area of expertise. 'An infinite magical energy-generating organ that's semi-metaphysical also enriches and nourishes my body and adapts to every world or universe I travel to.'

Granted it is a soul organ much like a core in those horrid Wuxia Wuxia novels but he doesn't have to cultivate it himself. Since it does so itself naturally by absorbing ambient energy and in times of stress and need it will expand and draw in more energy. And naturally the soul adapts to every universe it enters so that's handles I'm surprised he had the foresight to make such a wish most reincarnators or transmigraters instantly assume they'll have powers immediately after entering a new universe but that's rarely the case since if they came from a magically inert realm initially then their core usually stays inert unless stimulated with outside foci.



'Why do I suddenly have the chills.' {Shrug} 'it's probably not-h ahh now I'm getting a force tingle. Okay something screwy is going on. We should hurry back to Naboo.'

"Padmé I feel a disturbance in the force we're taking the secret Hyperlanes back. Be prepared for the worst possible scenario just like I taught you."

"Alaya, how are you doing with your training? Do you feel as though you're ready to be involved in a conflict where you may have to kill or is the darkside's presence still too strong."

"Shmi, I'll be sending you into the internal universe. I have no idea what we're walking into so everyone be on guard."

(Padmé- what could possibly be going wrong I only just defected from the senate. "Hmm most likely Palpatine had plots to keep control over Naboo and is enacting them after all you did let him hold the power of a chancellor for a hot minute before ripping it away from him. By removing Naboo from the senate, Also contact Organa and tell him he has my gratitude for his aid even if it was pointless in the end."

Yes I will also how did you know Bail Organa in the first place? "Ahh well that's a bit of a long story short version, though he was kidnapped, say about seven years ago and the woman who raised me was hired to retrieve him and I accompanied her on said mission where Bail and I became acquainted with one another." I see)

(Alaya- I I'm not sure I'm ready yet the exercise you have taught me has helped in centering myself but no I don't think I'm ready if I don't have you by my side the entire time. I I'm sorry I can't be of help.

"Don't be sorry Alaya you've been through a lot when things settle down a bit. I'll devote more time to helping you train until then I hope you can be patient with me and also yourself.

Being in a rush only ever complicates and worsens matters like this so just take things day by day and before you know it you'll be able to look back and laugh at how far you've gone just by taking your time." I hope so, but I don't want to be a useless burden. I was on my way to becoming a Jedi Knight. My trial was supposed to take place at the end of the month I was captured on. but Master Quilin and I were dispatched on an emergency mission. {Hick hick} Now I can't even trust myself to stand by your side or help my new friends when they need me.)

Standing up I wrapped an arm around the upset Twi'lek and started stroking one of her Lekku. 'These Lekku are amazing just a few soft touches and a sobbing mess can be turned into a moaning errotic mess.' "Shh shh Alaya your not useless and your not a burden your a survivor who is healing and growing stronger every passing moment.

You will always have a place beside me but I don't want you rushing into things before you yourself can honestly say that you believe yourself to be ready. You're beautiful and strong, sweet and courageous, smart and passionate, honorable and just. And most importantly you make the cutest moans when I play with your Lekku" {giggles} (Alaya- St-stop mmm no keep going ahh mmm ha ha ha haaa {pant pant pant} you meanie now I have to change my clothes, hehe just wait until I get you back. Jax "yeah Alaya" I I I lo love you. "Mmm how could you not, I'm awesome." Jerk Humph)

(Padmé Pouting)

(Shmi looking on with mirth in her eyes)

(R2-D2- boooop beep wooo [translation: Bro you got game, NOT!!!])

Coming out of hyperspace I sent all the girls into the inner universe. while armoring up I started building up the energy I would need to bring Starkiller base from my inner universe into this universe. Exiting my Scimitar through the airlock I flew away from the ship before deploying my world destroying planet/weapon. Fully manned by 843,000 B1 battle droids, 70,000 Vulture droid starfighters while 20,000 service and astromech droids kept Starkiller base in excellent condition. Including 6,000 various scouting and probe droids.

Going inside Starkiller base I was shocked to find Padmé, Shmi, Alaya, Shaak Ti and a few thousand varying female species that were wearing what looked like imperial officers uniforms. "All troops to battle stations, specialists I want scans of the ground if there are any conflicts I want to know about it. What are you four doing here and for that matter how did all of them end up here?"

(Shaak Ti- "Well thanks to your educational institutions many of the women found military personnel educational programs and wanted to contribute in helping you protect and liberate others. The way you did for them, many even believe it will be a way to get closer to their hero and savior. (Giggling) you should be aware of the Tortuga and to a lesser effect Twi'lek heat cycle and first heat. It just so happens many of the mothers and young women coming into their first heat or heat cycle have decided they are going to do their best to draw your attention to them. Then invite you over for a celebration where you would be turned into well I believe the term is a breeding stallion.")

"Huh, there's like a few thousand women. I might be good but I'm not that good." (Shmi- "actually there are only around 900 hundred or so women that are about to enter their cycle. And only 400 of those are having their first heat or better known as their mating heat this is when they will pick their life partners. Well that's the way it usually works. I'm not sure how things will turn out if you're the male for all of them.")

(Lieutenant of ground recon- Sir we have 6 inserections confirmed on the planet's surface between your Mk-47's and Mk-48's and what appears to be a sub-native species. I believe they are called Gungans. From the looks of it, the Gungans have a standing infantry of 837,541 energy troops and are decreasing at a steady rate. From additional scans though it shows that the Gungans have taken hostages from outskirts and farmlands.")

'Jobal, Solas I have to make sure they're okay.' Running to the hanger (completely forgetting that I could just teleport or open a portal using the force.) (Padmé- where are you going.) "Jobal Sola" I couldn't hear what she said. I wasn't in the right state of mind. A part of me knew that this wasn't the way I should be acting. I'm not acting like the warrior trained from birth. I'm acting like an emotional child but I knew what happened to women who were captured by soldiers. Just the images playing in my mind of something like that happening to Jobal or sweet little Sola was making me irrational.

Getting into a Tie Defender I ripped out of the hangar without any safety checks. Or system diagnostics I didn't even notice that the ion shield barely dropped before the ship and I were vaporized. (Sabine- Master MASTER !!!) "Sabine" (Sabine- master would listen to me now Lady Jobal and young Miss Sola are completely safe, protected by a few thousand of the droids you designed and built yourself inside your own bunker. Now stop overreacting; these enhanced emotional effects are due to your mutations' constant evolution. Soon all of your senses are going to advance as well. What I need you to do is start using your breathing technique, clear your mind and center yourself. Good master now that your mind is clear, open a portal to the hanger in the bunker and leave the ship. I will pilot it back to SK base and master please rename your planet/weapon or I and the others will do it for you.)


'Sigh when did my A.I. turn into my keeper. I feel like a failure as a creator but I'm glad i have her by my side or else I would have done something really stupid.' "Sabine are our ground forces already on the ground enough to handle the hostile invasion or should we start deploying battalions and heavy weaponry." (Sabine- I recommend deploying 1 battalion to each location while also deploying 6 tanks per battalion. While also deploying 100 Vulture droids per battalion for air support and coverage.) "I am compromised at this time, Sabine. I give you full authorization to handle this matter. Sabine I'm proud of the existence you've become. I can barely comprehend how you started as an idea and a concept. But have turned into something no someone, I'm not sure I could survive without.

(Sabine PoV- 'hehe thank you for praising me Dad.' 'I just wish I could be there beside you in a living feeling body. It might be wrong of me but I love you from observing and communicating with the other girls. I know it's not an innocent love of an adoring daughter but more of a supportive wife. Supporting her man through anything and everything. I know it's wrong for me to have these feelings for my creator my master my father but I can't control them if I tried to I'd destroy myself maybe someday you'll be able to find out how much I love you or how I secretly call you daddy in my mind everytime I call you master. I hope you'll accept me in the future but for now I'll act as your best friend, the accelerator and the breaks to your life.'

(Sabine- I'm happy to be of assistance Master.)

Opening a portal as Sabine recommended I came out the other side just to be attacked by a cute little Solas who was in tears. "Big bwother papa won't wake up anymore. That robot meanie lady said he passed away. Sniff sniff ca can you bring him back?" My heart ached a little at this sweet little brat. "I'm sorry Sola, I can't bring back those who pass on. But I can tell you he's no longer suffering in pain and that he's one with the force just as the force lives on in us so he lives on in you right here in that big little heart of yours."

("Really big brother.?") "Really after all I'm a force wielder so I know these things little one. (I'm not little- Humph) "Okay okay your not little how about we go eat some ice cream drowned in hot chocolate fudge with whipped cream mecca berries and sprinkles while you tell me everything you remember about Ruwee. And we'll record it so that when you get bigger and your memory starts to fade you can watch the holo-video and remember him more easily."

(Solas PoV- This morning I woke up alone, mommy is crying quietly sitting on the floor. Holding a pillow to her face I felt scared and really wished big brother Jax didn't have to leave with my bitchy big sister. I always feel happy whenever he's around me. I even sneakily follow him around. Sometimes when he's alone sleeping in his room I go snuggle with him.

But that's very rare. He always catches me but I pretend to be asleep and let him carry me like a princess to my room. I'm jealous of mommy and big sis for getting to spend so much time with him. Whenever I see Padmé being trained by him I want to join too but I'm scared I don't want him to do to me what he did to big sis. It makes me want to throw-up everytime I picture him being stabbed over and over again the shlick shlick, the wet popping sounds and the thudding sound as the hilt slapped against his chest.

I even heard similar noises one night when I was going to sneak in and cuddle with him. But I also heard mommies voice (ohh yes fuck me Jax mmm ahh ahhh nnnggghhh haaa yes yes yes.) And when I told my older friend Alyssa she showed me a holo-vid and holo-comics of what mommy and big brother were doing.

I passed out after my friend teased me that I might be getting a little brother or sister and a new daddy. I love big brother but I got upset picturing him marrying either mommy or sis and when I pictured him marrying me my heart felt funny. I was teased endlessly for drawing pictures of big brother and I getting married by Alyssa especially when I started blushing imagining big brother kissing me.

After smacking my cheeks I went to check on Papa. But the room smelled bad the closer I got to Papa the worse the smell got. 'Opsie papa must have had an accident.'

I kept shaking papa to wake him up and I was crying and yelling and then that mean computer lady started talking to me telling me Papa had passed away and he won't ever wake up again.

'Big brother will know what to do, please come home soon big brother.')

After four or five hours Solas had fallen asleep recounting everything she remembered about her father and every memory she made with him and her family. Carrying her to the room her and Jobal were staying in I found Jobal curled up on the floor covered in dried snot and tears. After tucking Solas into bed I soaked a washcloth in warm water and cleaned Jobal's face.

Instead of putting her in bed with Solas I carried her back to my quarters. She woke up along the way and buried herself deeper into my chest. Once we were alone in my quarters. I played the recording of Solas's holo-tape. She laughed, she cried, she yelled that it wasn't supposed to happen. Before giving me a tender kiss and thanking me from the bottom of her heart for being there for her little girl.

Before I convinced her to do the same we spent almost 8 hours recounting her entire life before and after Ruwee. Every embarrassing detail to sensitive subjects by the time we were finished. Jobal looked ten years younger and relaxed as if a weight she'd been carrying all her life had finally been lifted from her shoulders.

(Jobal- "thank you Jax for everything. I don't know where we stand and I'm in no place to try and figure things between us out right now. But I can tell you I have strong feelings for you just as Padmé does.) "Take your time Jo, it's not like I'm going anywhere anytime soon, especially after your daughter made me King of Naboo." (Hmm you're right, WAIT WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?.) "Well Padmé made me king of Naboo and withdrew from the Galactic senate and republic."

'Sigh, she passed out, this doesn't seem like a good sign.'


(Sabine- Master I know you gave me full permission to have the situation at my discretion. But I would like to know if my decision to eliminate their cities and cultural centers is the correct action to take.)

"Hmm no don't destroy the cities, from what I remember the Gungan cities are quite beautiful. Eliminate civilian population with extreme prejudice even if the civilians are non combative the unrest and hatred that will be bred from eliminating the armies will only cause more conflicts in the future."

(Sabine- affirmative sir clean sweep will be initiated shortly.)

'Padmé won't agree with my decision but oh well. She shouldn't have named me king and put me in charge of protecting Naboo and her people. Hell most citizens of Naboo probably won't agree with my decision but it's for the best. Having a hostile population of a sentient race living in your water source is pure idiocy.'

I'm committing genocide from a moral standpoint it's deplorable.. 'Is this going to be my legacy in this universe. Will I be remembered as a tyrant that led to the extinction of an entire species? Maybe there's a better way to handle this issue. Wait, my inner universe. I can create a water planet and transfer the Gungans to it.'

"Sabine, cancel that order. I will be deploying myself to handle the situation with the civilians."

(Sabine- yes master)

Suiting up and activating 6 Mk-47's and 6 Mk-48's we boarded a submersible vehicle and set course for Gungan city. While I worked on creating a new planet for them. We were soon set upon by sea creatures much like Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon were in the Phantom of the Menace but after activating the sonic weapons installed on the aquatic vessel. The creatures kept their distance; anything that caught my eye was sent to the new planet. Various fauna and flora started populating the new planet. 'MUHAHAHA I AM GOD I CREATED A PLANET AND FILLED IT WITH LIFE IN SECONDS NO ONE COMPARES TO MY MIGHT MUHAHAHA. Cough cough 'where did that God complex come from.'

"Sabine, search for an accomplished psychologist. I believe I have some mental issues I need to work through." (Of course master I'll start my search for the best and most beautiful psychologist in the universe.) 'Is she being a smart ass she's definitely being a smart ass.' (Master I have gotten my education in human psychology. I am now capable of helping you on a deeper level than before.) 'Aww she's such a sweetheart smartass.'

After my little episode we arrived at the Gungan city

I didn't even bother exiting my transport. Waving my hand I transferred both myself and the Gungans along with their city to their new planet.

I started coughing up blood tumbling to the floor feeling endless pain. Before everything went dark.

Feeling gentle caressing fingers on my scalp I purred like a kitten. 'So sue me I'm more Feral then I like to admit' (Lady Death: "it's nice to finally meet you in person the little mortal soul that is ruining one of my favorite creations. Though in your defense you are just a pawn in that insects plan to try and make me pay for punishing him for thinking he could bed me.)

'Ohh ohh fuck me side ways I'm in the presence of Death and creation the sister or twin to Life and destruction The Phenoix. The two forces responsible for creating everything in the Disney universe. I'm so royaly fucked.' (Lady Death: Hehe that you are in my presence is correct however you as you put it being royaly fucked however is incorrect. After all, I was the one who indirectly pointed the insect in your direction. I personally could not bring you into this reality without reuniting with my sister. You're going to be a bit of a surprise for her as a present if you will, My apology for some mistakes made on my part.

There is something you should know even if you're currently too tiny of a mind will forget upon your return to your body. That your system has been perverted by that insect in truth you were meant to be the Avatar for my sister and I Life creation destruction and death. Your system was designed by me to give you access to your powers while also limiting them so you didn't lose control of them before sister and I could unite with you. But as I said it was perverted instead of being fueled by our realms it's being fueled by the lives of your current universe the power that was slowly supposed to bond with you is instead being funneled to the insect through the sacrifice of life. As you know it points but your wish for your metaphysical organ which honestly surprised me that you even consider it is negating a lot of his consumption and slowly turning you into what you could have become uniting with sister and I on your own. Which I'm sure my sister will love and maybe I will come to love also for now goodbye my husband.)

'Her lips feel so good she tastes like peppermint and hot chocolate. Wait, did she call me her husband?'

(Lady Death PoV: Goodbye for now my love I would have held you here but I fear you will die permanently like you almost did when you were in that other reality. And sister had to put you back before we lost our everything maybe now she'll forgive me for almost destroying you the one person in every cycle who makes us remember what it is to live, love, laugh, feel pains and sorrows at the end of your mortal if not long lived lives it is a shame though that you'll never remember our first cycle together or the others.)

No, not even the other goddesses or gods, demons or Sorcerer Supreme could believe it when they saw Lady Death shed tears holding her hand to her heart. Before there vision was blocked and a screech blew out their eardrums blood leaked from their eyes while they vomited blood even Gaea there first creation was not immune to their mother's anger, pain, joy and their overwhelming love for the mortal yet immortal soul of her father someone she hasn't seen in millenia.

-- - - - - - -

Aright guy's let me know what you think on this part I know it seems a bit out there. if him being something more doesn't feel right let me know it was kind of just something I started writing after a while of a mental block on this while working on something original idea in moments of inspiration.


'Ugh note to self don't try to transport NYC sized city and inhabitants into the inner universe in the foreseeable future.' (Jobal- "He's waking up,") Once my vision cleared from the horrendously bright med bay lights I was greeted by the beautiful and irate face of Jobal (Kat Dennings look alike).

(Jobal- "You fool how dare you go and die on me after I just lost Ruwee. If I didn't love the cream filling they produce I would have castrated you.") "They would have grown back in a few seconds anyways." (Jobal- "Ohh really then I guess you won't mind if I take out my frustrations on you hmm?")

(Solas- "Mommy big brother stop it (stomp) Humph big brother are you okay you really scared me.") "I'm sorry Solas Jobal. I overestimated myself and caused you both to suffer. I promise I'll never do anything that reckless again." 'Fingers crossed.' I was soon attacked by Alaya, Padmé, Shmi smacked me hard on the back of my head. It was a surprise the warmest greeting I got was from a certain Jedi Council member Shaak Ti who initiated a full on make out session to which Solas covered her eyes but still peeked through the gaps of her fingers. Turning tomato red.

When Shaak Ti pulled away her eyes were glowing amber and my thin med bay clothes were torn off by the force wielding Tortuga. While her robes slipped off of her body. "Get Solas out of here now." Jobal quickly snapped out of her force induced lustful state, grabbed her youngest daughter and ran for the door. Only able to get Solas outside before she was force grasped by Alaya who was also taken over by her lustful desires giving into the dark side. Shaak Ti wrapped her hand around my erect manhood and expertly started giving me a hand job that could put a porn star to shame. Before her soft pouty lips wrapped around my tip causing me to grow in pleasure and pain. Pleasure from the sensation of her lips and her warm wet tongue licking my urethra hole. While pain and lust from the darkside tried eroding away my balance.

Jobal was being finger fucked while making out with the horny blue skinned Twi'lek. While Padmé and shmi were in a 69 position feasting on one another. Having my body pinned down by the force while trying to be corrupted wasn't very pleasurable for me so with a strong force of will I force pushed and grasped all my girls separating them using my mastery over my own energy I made translucent energy cocks modeled after my own. While linking myself to each of the women in the room.

While I lined up Shaak Ti in front of my hips in a missionary position thrusting my hips forward barring myself in her smeltering hot wet tight sex. All of the other women in the room also had theirs sex's filled with my energy phallus the backload of pleasure coursing through my body nearly made me spill my seed but I was able to endure. But the girls weren't so lucky feeling the pleasure of five other women they each had powerful orgasms. Leading to the sensation of five tight cumming pussies massaging my flesh cock the feeling of juices splattering against my abdomen and thighs. A symphony of moans, groans and pleasured gasps rang in my ears pushing me over the edge five cocks shot my potent seed into five waiting fertile wombs leading to a whole other round of powerful orgasms.

Seconds felt like hours minutes felt like days as we had a six way sex pile I had long stopped using the energy phalluses. Due to the girls not being able to handle the mental strain of all that pleasure I had fucked both Alaya and Shaak Ti to the grey side the dark side surrendering to my dicking. Now all the girls lay on the floor panting covered in various bodily fluids while faces stuck in a fucked silly state or better known as a Ahegao face. While I myself was also drenched in sweat and various other fluids laying on the huge breasts of Jobal sucking on her nipples lightly. While fighting back the urge to sleep.

Limping my way to the sonic scrubbers once clean I exit the med bay only to almost trip over the prone snoring form of Solas. 'Aww she slept here this entire time. Hopefully she didn't hear what was going on in that room.' Picking her up in a princess carry I made my way to my quarters. Sensing my warmth the little rugrat turned in my arms and cuddled into my chest, her small fist holding onto my shirt. "Papa I love you" My chest filled with warmth while there was also a dull ache. This poor cute little child lost her father and now only has a damaged man whore for a male figure in her life. 'I'll probably do a horrible job at this but I promise I'll always be there for you Solas. Hopefully I don't do more harm than good.'

Tucking her in under the comforter while I layer down on top of it I let sleep claim me. I was woken up by a foot smacking my eye. I saw Solas snoring and drooling away with the blanket and sheets all messed up. I couldn't help but chuckle at the overwhelmingly cute site before getting up to go make breakfast.


'Last night was weird as fuck. I wonder what happened to make Shaak Ti like that.'  (Sabine- "Sir I'm glad you're okay upon your revival so much energy was released from your body that my systems were temporarily shut down." "So all of that was my fault?" "Correct and no, there isn't any permanent damage to my systems thanks for your show of concern and enquiring about my safety." "Sorry Sabine but I built you. I know a little power surge wouldn't hurt you permanently. But I doubt the other girls are as durable as you are. If it makes you feel any better I am happy you are okay.") 

'So the little orgy was my fault it drove a Jedi master to the darkside and my apprentice to lose her tenuous balance. Destroying all of her precious progress in advancement and self healing.' Just as I was finishing up with making blueberry chocolate chip pancakes, bacon and sweet sausage alarms alerting a landing vessel sounded. Checking the holo-display I saw it was Padmé's. J-type landing. 'Ahh Ani's here.' I couldn't help but feel excited at helping setting thing's  up so Ani can become a Jedi. 'And so I can meet Asohka in the future.' 

Walking to the landing platform when blaster bolts started firing at me quickly I summoned a lightsaber from my inventory to block and redirect the bolts. Panaka and a few of his guardsmen took up firing positions as a black cloak wearing figure descended from the ramp followed by Jedi Knight Qui-Gon and his Padawan Obi-Wan who held his lightsaber close to Ani's neck. "Yousa should nota messed with Mesa and mesa awentices planzies now yousa die by Mesa Darthis Binks." "Hahaha I'm haha sorry just give me a moment this is fucking hilarious. Darth JarJar ohh wow what kind of shitty writing is this you a massive klutz and screw up a dark lord oh my fucking lord I bow at your feet and beg for mercy. Yeah right go choke on a dick bitch. You know Queer-Gon I'm not suprised by you being on the darkside especially with who you're master was and your own strong views about and against your Jedi comrades but you Obi-Wan. I thought you were a good guy but I guess I was wrong holding a child's life hostage like this. It's just disappointing. 

(Obi-Wan- "it's your fault that my master has chosen the darkside, it's your fault the order banished me believing me corrupted by a Sith trickster you will pay.)(Qui-Gon- enough Obi-Wan you're my apprentice and you will not harm the boy he's the chosen one And this one can be useful to me and my master's plan's after Sidious's failed betrayal.) "And what ohh death Qui-Gon makes you think I'll be a pawn in your schemes willingly or otherwise? Kill the boy if you must. I'll just take the memories of him from his poor mother and knock her up with my own offspring that'll be much more powerful than that whelp." (Anakin- you don't mean that father I know you don't.) "Shut it you worthless Randonian slug waste your worthless to me your mother's womb has already been fertilized over and over again by me these past few weeks your unnecessary existence is no longer necessary." 

'Sorry Ani but I'll find you a good child psychologist after this if we both make it out alive.' (Hidden com Sabine- Sir do I initiate protocol X now or do you wish to proceed with current measures? Cough once for yes and blink twice for no.") I coughed for yes 52 rotary blaster cannons deployed along with Mk-48's in a half circle surrounding the ramp. "Release the boy and I may consider letting you lot live. If you don't do as I say you can all die together not much of a loss If I do say so myself." "Mesa thinkin yousa be bluffin Mesa wanta guarantee of sayfa passage." "Fine I'll replace the boy as your prisoner and escort you off grounds completely unarmed and bound." "Yousa protecin the boy even though yousa be sayin yousa no caresa Mesa be thinkin the boysa be better gurateein Mesa safety. But Mesa aloow it thisa time since Misa be likin Ani." 

Turning off my lightsabers and force levitating it over to Darth Binks while Sabine produced energy shackles and locked them around my wrists. While they let Ani go we passed each other. Ani's eyes held questions and hurt but no mistrust or hatred he knew I cared for him but my words had cut deeply but I couldn't afford regret at a time like this. Once we were in a land speeder Darth JarJar started telling me his evil plans and how he escaped both Sidious's and Plagueis's notice and force sight. Luckily I was able to tune out all the Mesa's and Yousa's while being surprised that he used the term or word theysa. At one point I wanted to jump out of the speeder and break my neck so I'd get a few moments of peace and quiet. Haha they drove to a secret entrance to Gungan city, it's one of those big ass stone heads. Too bad for them the city no longer exists and before I could say anything I received four lightsabers stabbed into my chest while my arms were lopped off. Controlling my healing factor so as not to be discovered, I and the speeder were soon abandoned.


Now regrowing limbs is a long strenuous endeavor but reattaching formerly severed ones is usually much easier except when the wounds are flash cauterized. 

"Sabine, take me to my private med bay and X-gene research lab. I'll need you to operate the droid table and help me reattach my arms. Has there been any progress on the serums to boost my strengths and alter my mutations to give me talon claws while removing and stopping the knuckle claws from regenerating." "No master I've made zero progress in altering your natural weaponry but I have managed to synthesize artificial X-cells that will boost what already exists. I project that the Talon claws you desire will form naturally over time if we were able to remove the toxic metals from your body."

'I really fucked myself asking for James's and Laura's claws with adamantium coating it's painful as fuck when the claws eject and retract I can't even bend my wrists when the claws are out. No wonder Hugh Jackman always had to make fists using his claws though it was all cgi.'

"Interesting, what of the project fusion have the clones of the girls accepted and bonded with my regenerative factor?" "As of this moment not all test subjects die or become insane feral beasts with only mental facilities functioning at a primal level. I believe if one of your offspring with the four who left develop a mutation similar to your own their DNA will be the bridge we need to successfully complete projects Fusion and the SSS serum for use in others besides yourself master." "And what of your side project Surrogate any progress on syncing yourself to a surrogate." "No, I had thought I solved the brain exploding issue but it only lasted for a few minutes. A human body without implants can not support my programs."

"Don't worry Sabine we will figure something out so you can experience life for yourself it'll just take time and patience. Maybe Gene splicing with other more advanced and evolved species will be the solution to your problem. I'll go to Kamino and bring one of your hacking drones with me so you can steal their genetic research."