Shameless and Fast and Furious pt4


Walking into the house finding Fiona waiting for me with her arms crossed against her chest with a worried/angry frown maring her face.

"Everything alright Fi?" I asked her and she shook her head no, while biting her bottom lip as she looked between my face and that of Savannah's sleeping form being held in my arms.

"No, nothing is alright, Issac...I know you love her, but you have to end things...with her before, before she finds out about your secret. About how special you are." Fiona whispered to me while walking over to me coming to stand within touching distance of me, before reaching out and moving a few strands of hair out of my face as she started to cry.

"I'm sorry Izzy, I know you deserve to be with someone you love and who loves you back, and I trust you, but she isn't the one." Fiona continued to say through barely restrained sobs.

'Shit, Fiona...knows! Of course she knows she's raised me, took care of me and probably protected me from things I haven't even taken the time to think about…fuck.' I thought to myself while feeling my heart clench slightly at making this young woman worry so much about me as I moved and set Savannah down on one of the three new couches in the living room, courtesy of her grandmother.

"Fiona, I'm sorry I've made you worry so much." I said to Fiona softly as I pulled her into a tight hug and moved away from the couch slightly so as not to disturb Savannah, who cried herself to sleep after dropping a major personal secret on me.

"Everything is going to be alright, Fiona...i promise, just please trust me, I know I can trust Savannah and so can you, okay?" I contiued to hug Fiona and speak softly but surely to her to give her some form of comfort and surety.

'Izzy, you're not seeing her for who she truly is, it's up to me to protect you and our family like always...Izzy feels so strong and warm, he makes me feel like everything is going to be okay. I just wish I could trust these feelings and give a little bit of my burden to someone else.' Fiona thought to herself as a part of her she tried to burry after learning how unreliable her parents were started to grow and the feelings was greed to want something for herself.

"I trust you Izzy, I've always trusted you but I don't trust her…I can never trust her...or anyone else with you." Fiona said before pulling out of the hug, biting her lower lip and then leaning in to kiss me, of course I smelled the booze on her breath and tasted it on her lips...but I felt like this kiss went beyond the booze and her protective feelings towards me.

But I brushed off that feeling, chalking them up to my own desires for Fiona that were carried over from my past life.

"I can only trust myself." Fiona whispered as she pulled back from the kiss, before all of the little color she had drained from her face and she turned and bolted up the stairs, while I was left there bringing my fingers to my lips touching them in a state of shock standing their in the living room like an idiot.

'Let's just chalk that whole interaction up to Fiona being slightly drunker than she usually ever gets, while being under a lot of stress... because of everything that has gone on with Frank and because of Frank over the last couple of weeks.' I thought to myself, and relieved that most of my attraction carried over from my past life for Fiona had gone... away except for when I looking at her ass when she wore something tight.

"Haa, I really have one messed up life." I sighed softly to myself while moving to

scoop Savannah up off of the couch, before heading down to my room, setting Savannah down on the bed slipping the slightly heeled shoes off of Savannah's feet, finding that some blisters were starting to form on them from not being used to wearing such types of footwear.

Which made me shake my head at her trying so hard to impress me that she completely threw away her own comfort.

Going into the bathroom grabbing some pain relieving and antibacterial ointment from the cabinet, before sitting down beside her and applying the ointment to her feet.

Feeling a little bad that I had to rip her stockings that she seemed to really like at the store to remove them.

After finishing applying the onintment I grabbed some bandage wrap and tape I kept down her in case any of my siblings got banged up and wrapped up her feet.

Once that was done I headed into the bathroom washed my hands and returned to the bed, to remove Savannah's dress before tucking her into bed and peeking her lips in a goodnight kiss.

'Right, I should invest in Bitcoin before it really takes off.' I thought to myself, Grabbing my phone texting M and telling /asking her to set me up an online trading account for crypto currency and to invest 90% of the money from the Compose job into Bitcoin, so I could get on that gravy train.

[Sure thing Izzy, I'll send you your login information once I'm done. I hope you and Savannah had a nice date tonight.] M replied back to me and I smiled softly as I thought we had a great date.

As I wasn't tired yet I decided to do some reading, As I walked over to my work bench grabbing my backpack off of the floor grabbing out the Advanced Placement class text books from the bag, pulling out the stool stashed underneath the table and started reading the AP book on Chemistry.

At around 4am Savannah got up to use the bathroom hissing with almost every step, before coming over to me and leaning against my back.

"Come on, Know it all...come to bed." Savannah whispered tiredly in my ear and I found myself letting her guide me to bed.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

I couldn't help the soft smile from breaking out across my lips while watching Issac as he opened a text book while sitting at his work bench.

I woke up while he was taking care of me his hands are so big and strong but he can have such a gentle touch.

I don't understand why but watching him reading was one of my favorite things to do though I'd prefer it if he didn't read instead of coming to bed.

Of course my own thoughts had to turn from him and onto myself like they always did when I wasn't in his arms.

'I'm not good enough for him…I'm just some worthless Southsider trash, a worthless drug dealer, and momies favorite little enforcer, with no future besides a 6x6 cell, a shallow grave, or to spend the rest of my life in a whore house with a needle constantly pumping poison into my arm...I can't, I can't even do the one thing all other Southside trashy hoes can do.' Savannah thought to herself as she put herself down and fought back against the urge to cry, and completely crush the pleasant feelings from her and Isaac's first real date.

Savannah managed to shake off her negative thoughts and emotions with a bit of will and Isaac's pillow that smelled like him.

'How...does he make studying look so sexy?' Savannah thought to herself as she started to get that feeling while watching Issac slowly take off his shirt in between flipping pages in his text book revealing his sexy hard muscles.

'Haa, why did he have to say "we could break up tomorrow" I know he's right but still, Know it all sometimes you know nothing…come on Hannah just enjoy the time that we have together, and not worry about stuff that could happen in the future.' Savannah thought to herself as she came to a conclusion while continuing to pretend to be asleep as she admired Issac from her place on the bed.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

'Oh god, what did I do?' Fiona thought to herself as she threw herself onto her bed the sensation of her little brother's lips still against her's.

'I kissed Izzy...what is wrong with me?' Fiona continued to think to herself before screaming into her pillow.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

'I kinda wish we could stay like this forever.' I thought to myself sleepily as I used Savannah's breasts a pillow.

"We should get going, I have to meet my brothers and you have to get to school before you get ISS." Savannah said to me bringing up my risk of getting in school suspension if I was late or absent for school again, as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"Mmm, it can wait." I replied to Savannah before taking the nipple closest to my lips into my mouth rolling it around with my tongue and softly sucking on it making Savannah let out breathy moans.

"Cheater-ahhn." Savannah moaned as she clutched hold of my hair while I slipped my middle finger inside of her already wet cunny, slowly rubbing circles around her clit.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

"Mr.Ghallager, how nice of you to join us today." My homeroom teacher Ms.Hendrix greeted me.

"Nice of you to notice Miss. Hendrix." I greeted, while I stopping myself from sitting at a free desk by the door.

"To the office Mr.Ghallager this is your hundredth tarty this year. It'll be In school suspension for you." She said while smirking victoriously at me as she showed me out of her class.

'Bitch.' I mentally called her and flipped her off once the door to the class shut.

'I should just head home and not deal with this bullshit, their are plenty of successful highschool dropouts, but then again if I do that it'll cause more headaches and problems for Fiona.' I thought to myself as I made my way to the disciplinary office where the vise principal of the school worked and dishout punishments for things that weren't server enough to warrant the Superintendent or the Principal.

"Issac Ghallager, I can't say I'm surprised to see you here we usually have this meeting once every year." The vice principal Numan said to me and I found the slight blonde woman to be slightly attractive as she looked like the actress from the second Santa Clause movie.

"Hey vice Principal Numan, you're looking as beautiful and stern as ever." I greeted with a smile that made the woman scoff and roll her eyes.

"Thank you Issac, now you get three weeks of ISS instead of two as punishment for flirting with me." The vice principal told me while a little smirk played at the corner of her lips.

"Jeez lady if you just wanted to spend more time with me you could have just asked." I replied to her while shooting her a smirk as her assistant led me into the the bad kid room, bad enough to be punished but not bad enough to be expelled.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

"Haa." I sighed as I sat in the room connected to the disciplinary office, for the first day on my three week ISS, as punishment for missing the past couple of days, finishing all my late or pass due paperwork with in an hour of my seven hour stint.

"Look, Miss... I'm done with my class work can I go speak to the school counselor please?" I asked the woman who worked the front desk of the office who also happens to be my jailor.

"I will send him an email Mr.Ghallager, now please return to your desk and make yourself busy." She replied to me which made me roll my eyes in exasperation.

'If I could keep myself busy, do you think I'd be asking to go speak to the counselor?' I thought to myself before replying to her.

"I'm already done with those…can I, like pull a fire alarm and get oss? I really don't need to be here." I replied to her but went back to the desk and pulled out a pack of smokes and started smoking a cigarette, waiting to be chastised but instead the woman took the papers called a truancy officer and had him take the papers to their respective classes.

"Mr.Haely has approved a meeting with you Mr.Ghallager, please go directly there if you don't I'll have to inform on you to the Vice Principal." The vice principal's assistant told me as she waived me over and handed me a hall pass.

I took the the long way around the school to the where the counseling office is located, which was about ten minutes if you drag your feet.

Ten minutes later...I was greeted by the woman that runs the counseling office who guided me to my counselor's office.

'Seriously the dickhead isn't even here.' I thought to myself as I waited for Dr. Dick Haely in his office.

"Issac what a pleasant surprise." He greeted me though I knew it was fake as fuck just like his usual attitude.

'How could it be a surprise when you were told I was coming, fuckin tool.' I thought to myself while putting out my cigarette.

"Save it Dick, I'm here because I want to graduate early, so set the shit up for me. That I need to do…if you do you'll get a bunch of recognition for helping a fourteen year old genius graduate from the projects early, plus this." I said to him as I stood up from the chair and set down a cool 5k stack on his desk, to grease his wheels and for him to grease the wheels of others.

'Look at this greedy prick, drooling over five grand.' I thought to myself as he gobbled up the money.

"Mr.Ghallager, I always knew I liked you." He said as he took the money and started filling out a bunch of paperwork.

"I'll have your exams setup for you by tomorrow." Mr.Dick finally said as he handed me a hall pass.

"Whatcha ya doin?" Savannah asked me as she slid her arm into mine as I was exiting the guidance room, falling into step beside me.

"Graduating early." I replied to her which had her missing a step and nearly falling only for me to catch her.

"You're leaving…" Savannah stated in a small voice.

"Only the school for now, there's a lot I could do in the time I waste sitting at a desk and this is your last year here so…" I replied to Savannah who recovered and started walking with me again.

"Wanna, smoke a bull with me before you go back to ISS?" Savannah asked while pushing me into the girls bathroom and kissing me fully.

"Nah, I'm not feeling it right now…how about some more kisses like that last one though." I replied to her and pressed her up against the bathroom wall.

"How about a quickie before history?" Savannah whispered naughtily to me while freeing my cock from my jeans, and I locked the deadbolt on the bathroom door.

'Thank you tv-world that has lockable locks on main doors to bathrooms.' I thought to myself as Savannah let out a giggling cry as I pulled her jeans down and pressed her chest against the wall.

"That was so not a quickie." Savannah whispered to me as the final bell of the day rang and we were sitting in the principal's office.

I shrugged as the principal entered his office and saw him looking at Savannah like she was a steak dinner, which she definitely is.

"Hey, get your eyes off my girl." I said to him which made him jump slightly, while Savannah rolled her eyes at me.

'Pussy.' I thought to myself as I planned on putting a little package underneath his car hooked to the ignition, since this guy was a grade a fuck wad that liked to take advantage of young girls and because he looked at my girl who had gone through a major attitude change at school as gone was the sneering and unapproachable attitude.

"I have half a mind to contact your parents." He started to say.

"Right, and I have half a mind to call the cops and claim you tried touching my dick and see which one of us ends up in worse shape." I cut him off which made him flush in rage as Savannah giggled.

"Two weeks suspension for both of you aught to teach you some respect." He huffed as he went to type it out on the computer.

"Actually I already have three weeks of iss so why don't you make it five weeks of oss." I replied to him and he nodded and changed it to five.

Savannah and I were sitting in the chairs in front of the office when Frank showed up to the School with, followed by Elizabeth.

Savannah and I were sitting in the chairs in front of the office when Frank showed up to the School with Karen hanging off his arm, followed by Elizabeth.

'Wait is tonight the open house, shit that means Carl is also going through some shit too…sorry Fi.' I thought to myself as Fiona came into the room with Steve holding one hand and Carl holding the other.

"Really, Issac?" Fiona said to me which made me feel a little bad for her and for causing more problems for her to deal with.

"Sorry Fi." I said with a shrug.

"Frank, What are you here for?" I asked the man, noticing him being the cleanest I'd ever seen.

"Daddy Frank is here for me, isn't that right Daddy?" Karen asked in a sickeningly sweet way as she rubbed herself against Frank.

I looked at the awkward smile on Frank's face and shook my head.

'So they've already fucked…poor Lip.' I thought to myself while Fiona forged Frank's signature stating that he acknowledges my suspension.

"Have fun with that bag of daddy issues and crazy Frank…I know Lip has." I said to him as he walked away.

Noticing Lip walk by a few seconds later while clenching his fists and trembling while Savannah and her mother talked about why she was getting suspended.

"Hey bro." I greeted as I slung my arm around Lip's shoulders.

Lip took out his flip phone and showed me a short clip of Karen bouncing up and down on Frank's dick.

"Sorry Lip, want to hit Frank with a car or something?" I asked Lip who nodded and took off, while I just noticed Mandy watching me from around a corner.

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Three months later

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"I have to say…I really didn't expect this place to do so well on opening day." Savannah said as we tallied up the day's profit for Pillow Fights.

"Yeah, buying those Russian whores and paying all of those hot seniors and college students to help us advertise was a stroke of genius…my genius." I joked as I'd used all sorts of Social Media to advertise Pillow Fights arena and indoor trampoline amusement park.

"Oh, piss off." Savannah joked teasingly as she threw a stack of money at me.

"I still can't believe you organized a Russian prostitute revolution." Savannah groaned as she massages her temples.

"I wouldn't go that far, I just promised them they could keep any money they make with their bodies, as long as they worked for me loyally and that I would provide a place for them to live and health care." I replied to Savannah while Fiona walked into the room in the sexy uniform that consisted of super short and tight jean shorts with denim suspenders and a white tube top shirt.

"Totally a revolution." Fiona joked as she leaned over and kissed the top of my head.

"Nice job Izzy, I thought this was a childish idiotic idea…but then I forgot how childish and stupid most people are…" Fiona said while shooting a glare at Savannah.

"Thanks…I think." I replied to Fiona as I saw that I'd made 357k from one day of operation before taking out operation costs and salary.

'I made about the average yearly income of a paintball course in one day, and with having my liquor license and food service ability I'll be able to cater to all sorts of parties.' I thought to myself as Svetlana entered carrying the cost of operation book.

"Dah, made a profit of 90 thousand Americans dollars today after subtracting initial startup investment and employee salary." Svetlana said to me as she sat down on my lap trying to get a rise out of me but failing as I wasn't the least bit attracted to anyone who sold their bodies for money.

"Thank you Lana, now get off my lap." I thanked the woman who I made the manager of the business before even opening it.

(Ring ring Ring ring)

"Hello?" I answered my phone questioningly.

"Hey, it's me Gisele…M gave me your number, I'm in Rio…my friends and I could use your help…I'll even owe you a favor." Gisele replied her voice carrying a bit of unease.

"I'll be there asap Gisele." I replied to her without even thinking it over.

"Thank you." Gisele replied and hung up and I received a glare from both Savannah and Fiona.

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Back at the house.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

"I don't understand, she calls and you just drop everything to go help her, what about your business? What about us?" Savannah shouted at me while tears streamed down her face as we stood in the bedroom or my house which was right next door the house I grew up in.

"I owe her, and I know the business is in good hands…and I thought our relationship was stronger than this." I replied back to Savannah.

"Fuck you!" Savannah shouted at me.

"Right back at you…you know what I'm sick of this and I'm sick of you, ever since I started working to improve myself you've started pulling away…" I said right back to her even though it hurt to do so first loves were hard to end when combined with teenage hormones.

"FUCK YOU." Savannah yelled at me.

"FUCK YOU." I shouted back and things were being thrown at each other until our hands were in reaching distance of one another we ripped each other's clothes off and compared to our usual rough fucking there was no love only rage, hurt and anger as we bit and clawed at one another.

By the time we were done there was no doubt in either of our minds that our relationship was over with as the wounds we left on each other were much deeper that the bruises, scratches and bite marks…of course mine healed almost while they were being made but Savannah's didn't.

I watched her back as she packed everything she kept at my place in a bag…before leaving I wanted to stop her, I wanted to say I was sorry and that I love her, but I didn't as I knew this day was coming, ever since the night I decided to improve myself.

"Bye Princess…" I whispered while trailing off as I heard the door slam behind her, as tears ran down my face before I got up to take a shower.

'I don't remember my first break up hurting this much in my past life.' I thought to myself as I rested my head against the shower tiles.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Stepping out of my shower seeing that M was calling I picked up the call and was surprised M didn't immediately say anything.

"I'm sorry Issac…I know you really loved her." M finally said and I wasn't the least bit surprised by her knowledge.

"Thanks M, so are you calling to tell me that there's an op connected to Gisele's call…and does it have to do with a priority alpha target." I thanked M her voice a steadying/comforting presence.

"Yes…Hernan Reyes, is a priority Alpha target and is also the target of revenge for Gisele's friends. All of your travel documents can be found in your mailbox…be careful on this one Izzy it'll be even more dangerous than your assault on Compose's building." M said to me before hanging up.

"Sometimes I think you're the one I'm supposed to end up with M." I sighed softly while getting dressed.

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"What happened?" Elizabeth asked as she followed her daughter into her room.

"We broke up." Savannah replied though her voice was slightly muffled by the pillow her face was buried in.

"Are you stupid?" Elizabeth said to her daughter as she sat down on the corner of the bed.

"Fuck you mom, I'm not in the mood to hear your shit right now." Savannah replied to her mother on the verge of breaking out into tears again.

"Fine, tell me what happened." Elizabeth replied and laid down next to her daughter who moved closer to her mother for warmth and support.

"Well, I told you how…since I've told him I can't have kids, I've felt like I'm not…no I've always known I wasn't good enough for him…" Savannah replied while trailing off.

"And he mentioned the other woman, when you asked him about something and it made you feel even more insecure." Elizabeth stated to which Savannah nodded to.

"And then he just shows off how smart he is, graduating highschool earning college credits owning an operating a business through someone else, helping us establish a refined product catalog…and then tonight he automatically says I'll be there for you when she calls him." Savannah whispered.

"What else did he say?" Elizabeth asked her daughter feeling like she wasn't getting everything out of her.

"He said he owes her…and then we started arguing and he brought up how I've been pulling away from him, and that he's sick of it…and then I started throwing things at him before I knew it we were ripping our clothes off of each other and." Savannah replied.

"It sounds like you too are still very much in love, I wish I had someone to fight with and hate fuck me afterwards that I'd cry about when I'm alone…I guess now that he's single I can take a shot at him I know he loves my big tits." Elizabeth replied to her daughter before turning teasing.

"Do you really think he still loves me?" Savannah finally asked her mother.

"Hannah honey, I know he does…people don't fight like that when they fall out of love, that young tight little stud is at home alone crying to himself right now fighting with the urge to come here to fight with you and then fuck your heart out before you both make up and go back to that sickening puppy love phase." Elizabeth replied to her daughter as she kissed the back of her head.

"I don't think I'll ever be good enough for him, I don't want to drag him down or hold him back mom." Savannah replied to her mother only to end up with her mother straddling her waist and gripping her face in a harsh grip.

"Then make yourself better, stop living in the way you think you should go out their and conquer the world become a queen fit to stand by his side or wait around to hear about the woman that does so. But don't mope around here and expect sympathy from me." Elizabeth snarled at her daughter in a shocking display before getting up and leaving her daughter alone to mull over her words.

"Thanks mom." Savannah whispered to the empty room as her Stormy gray eyes seemed to have a thunderstorm raging inside of them as Savannah got off of the bed and did something she hadn't done since first grade she picked up a book opened and actually started reading it.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

"You two stay out of it." Elizabeth said as she looked at her two sons that had been gearing up for war, or Ghallager hunting.

"B-but mom, he made Hannah cry." Adam stutterd as he was forced to look at the floor under his mother's stare.

"Y-yes mom." Both boys stuttered and started putting everything away.

"I'm going out, don't bother your sister she has decisions to make…that will decide the fate of this family." Elizabeth continued before entering her room and finding the sexiest outfit she could.

'Oh yes! mama is getting some tonight!' Elizabeth thought to herself as she admired herself in the full body length mirror.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

I was just finishing packing up some guns, ammo and other supplies since M had booked me on a private flight that didn't care what you traveled with, when the doorbell rang.

'Fiona and then have a key…so I wonder who that could be.' I thought to myself as I grabbed my trusty Infinity 1911 and tucked it away behind my back.

While at the same time I got an alert that Bitcoin has just reached $47.00 dollars and from my previous knowledge I knew it would drop down to 4.07 by the end of the year so I quickly sold off my original stock that was purchased at .30 cents and watched my balance skyrocket to 32,613,300.

"OH YEAH BABY, JUST BECAME A MILLIONAIRE IN THREE MONTHS ! ! !" I cheered as I started doing the Bully Maguire dance on my way upstairs to open the door.

Sliding the little metal blocker that covered the peephole before looking through it, finding that Elizabeth Wright was standing on my porch wearing a women's business trench coat and shivering slightly since it's early November.

Unlocking the door and opening it.

"If you're wondering about our contracts, just because Savannah and I broke up, doesn't mean I'll end them." I said to her but was surprised when she just smiled at me and rested her cold hand against my chest, her piercing blue eyes smoldering with lust and desire, as she pushed me into the house, my feet carrying me backwards as she wouldn't have been able to move me without my compliance.

"Honey, I'm here for you, not business." Elizabeth whispered huskily as she kicked the door shut and undid the belt holding her jacket shut with her free hand.

'What's that saying? Best way to get over somebody is to get into somebody else…not sure banging the mother of your ex is really moving on though.' I thought to myself as I took in all of her milfiness.

Elizabeth leaned in to kiss me but I moved my face to the side so her lips landed on my cheek.

"No kissing." I said as I spun her around and helped her out of her coat before bending her forward so her hands rested against the door.

"Fine baby, fuck your sugar mommies pussy nice and hard." Elizabeth moaned as I released my already hardening dick from my jeans. I'd started going commando under my clothes.

Rubbing my length that had grown a bit over the past few months against Elizabeth's already wet lips, which made her release needy sighs and whimpers before I reared back and slammed myself inside her.

"OHH FUCK, BABY…YES !!!" Elizabeth cried out as her entire body shook and trembled from the force of my initial thrust.

Reaching around grabbing her breasts that were only being held up by a hall bra enjoying the way my hands sunk in to the soft boob flesh of the mature beauty.

Elizabeth was throwing her hips back in time with mine while flexing her inner muscles that were making her silky folds do amazing things to my cock.

"OH OH OH OH FUCK BABY I'M CLOSE, HARDER BABY FUCK ME HARDER." Elizabeth moaned while at the same time her inner walls hugged down around my cock tighter than before but nowhere near as tight as her daughter's did. It was like comparing a tight loving hug to that of a head lock of someone who was trying to make you pass out.

I found myself pressing my face into the crook of her neck breathing in her mature scent that was so much like Savannah's I found myself licking and sucking on her neck as her pulsing, twitching fold milked a powerful release from me that had me grunting and biting down on the tender flesh of her neck to stop myself from moaning.

After that I made it my personal mission to fuck her in every room of the house I'd ever fucked her daughter, going to the living room, the dining room, the basement, the kitchen, the guest bedrooms, my bedroom and finally the shower before tossing her still wet from the shower body and mostly out of it mind onto the bed and fucking her big full tits and painting her face white and taking a picture of her with the camera kept in the night stand beside the bed.

Before laying down on the bed turning over onto my side facing away from her feeling a sense of vertigo and nauseousness at smelling Savannah's scent as my head landed on her pillow.

Feeling a fresh surge of turbulent emotions that had my eyes stinging slightly before shutting them to sleep.

Waking up to the back of my head resting against two soft breasts as I was being held by Elizabeth.

'Damn, why does it feel so damn good to be spooned by a woman?' I wondered to myself as my eyes started growing heavy again and I figured a few more minutes of sleep wouldn't hurt.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

This time when I woke up it was due to feeling a soft warm weight pressing against my thighs while a warm wet sensation came from my cock.

Opening my eyes, finding Elizabeth deep throating my cock while looking up at me expectantly pushed me right over the edge.

"I better get going." Elizabeth said after swallowing my entire load, licking my cock clean and kissing the tip of my cock.

"Yeah, you should. I have places to be." I said to her and she nodded but gave me a soft smile anyways.

"You still love each other." She suddenly said as she got off of the bed.

"I hope you both pull your heads out of your asses." Elizabeth said as she left my bedroom.

'The fuck is that supposed to mean?' I thought to myself as I got out of the bed and looked around to see the mess that was left by Elizabeth and I.

"Fuck it, I'll worry about it when I get back." I muttered as I looked at the clock and saw I had an hour until the plane was scheduled to leave, grabbing a quick shower, packing some clothes and other things before going downstairs and grabbing my gear trunk and picking up my phone and infinity 1911 from their resting place on the floor of the dining room.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Walking into my garage throwing my stuff in the trunk of my 67 Chevy Impala with a 454 big block blacked out with black chrome and led lighting leaving the garage for the airport.

'I probably should have let my family know I was going somewhere.' I thought to myself after the fact while grabbing my phone and calling Fiona.

Since she didn't answer I left a voicemail letting her know I was going to South America to get over my break up with Savannah.

Arriving at the airport being waved right in by the security guard, pulling into the parking hanger finding a person waiting for me with a luggage carrier/golf cart.

"Mr.Ghallager." he greeted me as I opened my trunk which allowed him to load the freight cart with my stuff before he drove me over to the plane.

"Mr.Ghallager, the plane is ready to take off when you are." Pretty woman in a sexy stewardess uniform greeted me, while I handed her the papers I took out of my coat pocket.

Boarding the plane, finding it was completely empty except for me and an additional stewardess who looks at me and blushes slightly while doing so, before looking away again.

'Is she one of those plane bunnies?' I wondered to myself as I took a comfy seat.

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Looking at my phone as it buzzed.

[Congratulations on becoming a millionaire Izzy, I'm so happy for you! ! !] M texted me which made me smile softly.

[Thank you M, I couldn't have done it without you…literally thank you, you're the best.] I shot back at her and smiled.

[I'm sorry about Savannah…I wish I could come give you a hug..but company policy.] M sent back to me and I could feel her genuinely sad/happy mood.

[I wouldn't mind if you broke a rule or two, I'd love to meet you in person someday.] I sent back to her in reply while smirking slightly.

[:) When all priority Alpha targets are eliminated.. I'll come see you in person.] M replied back to me which made me even more curious.

"I'm sorry, Mr.Ghallager but I'll have to ask you to enter airplane mode or to turn off your device." The attendant who greeted me at the door said.

"No problem, thanks Miss." I replied as I turned on Airplane mode and plugged in some earbuds and started watching Bakugan that I downloaded.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Stepping off of the plane seeing Gisele waiting for me while leaning against a Nissan 370Z with her foot resting against the tire, her arms crossed over her chest with a little smirk on her lips.

"Thank you for coming." Gisele said her slightly exotic accent makes it sound sexy.

"How could I refuse?" I said back to her jokingly with a smile and she helped me load my stuff into the car.

"Easily." Gisele replied with a teasing little smile at the corners of her lips.

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Pulling into a warehouse/factory seeing that Dom and his crew was assembled around a raised platform.

"This is your friend you mentioned?" Mia Toretto (Jordana Brewster) asked as she looked me over curiously.

"There's no one I trust more in a high pressure combat situation than Izzy." Gisele replied, sounding very serious.

"This nigga is just a kid." Roman Pierce said as he tried to put his hand on my arm and I locked his arm behind his back and sweeped his legs making him fall to the floor.

"Haha, that kid just put you on yo ass Roman. Haha." Tej laughed while the cousins laughed as well.

I noticed Dom watching the whole thing while sipping a corona, offering Roman a hand up which he took. I lifted him to his feet.

"No hard feelings chrome dome?" I asked jokingly.

"Nah, man…where'd you learn to do that?" Roman asked me and I smirked.

"Russian Ballet school." I replied while acting completely serious.

"You're one of those kids." Dom stated before walking over to me and offering me his hand.

Like he knew what I was talking about.

"I'm Dominic Torreto, this is my family…you're a part of that now, come over here and look at what we have so far." Dom said before handing me a beer.

"Alright…your plan to be invisible isn't going to work, these cameras don't have a blind spot that you can feasibly avoid…the best way to do it is to blend in, so time to go native and get some cop cars…it would also help if someone served as a distraction, I'll do that part…I brought some explosives with me." I muttered more to myself then to anyone else as I looked over the blueprints and the security camera and guard station layouts.

"So what's your plan?" Han asked me while looking between Gisele and I.

"I'll stage a full frontal assault on the precinct, I'll hit hard and fast and pull them away from the building while the vault team moves in.. when they pull off of me, to go after the vault team I'll run interference along with the other team. Our best bet will be to use sleight of hand and get the vault into a hauling vehicle because two charges with suped up hemis, just isn't going to be enough power or weight to haul the thing around effectively." I said while looking around at the varied faces of people when Vince and Brian pulled up in a Subaru WRX STI.

"The plan worked, Dom...Reyes is moving all of his money to the precinct." Vince said and all hell broke loose as an armored truck drove right through a wall followed by two Chevy Suburban SUVs

Eight men got out of the Suburbans four each, while four got out of the armored truck, one of them being Dwayne The Rock Johnson (better known as, or Mr.Shiny)

Hobbs saw Dom and immediately got tunnel vision for him so he didn't see me coming from the left kicking his legs out from underneath him making him do a rather hilarious barrel roll through the wall that he and Dom should have gone through in their one on one.

Dom looked at me nodded and gave me a look that said I got it from here shrugging him off I moved to help Gisele who was protecting Mia, along with Brian.

Only for Brian to get clocked on the back of the head with an M4 which made Mia scream and break formation, distracting Gisele allowing one of Hobbs' team to put a gun to her temple.

"Shit you're just a kid." One of Hobbs' men said.

"Don't call him a kid, he doesn't like that." Roman said which got him pistol whipped.

"Come over here kid." Another one of Hobbs's men said and I compiled since even if I could get out of this there was a chance they would start executing the Torreto familia as Hobbs was old testament bullet and blood.

"Nice piece, who'd you steal from?" Said a black guy who put me in actual handcuffs instead of zip ties.

"Your mama after she rode me dick all night long and told me what a disappointment you are." I replied while smirking and received a punch in the face.

"Wow, punching a minor…I guess you don't like your job very much Mr.Bacon." I continued jibbing at him until Dom and Hobbs went through another wall Hobbs landing on his back with Dom on top looking like the gayest thing I've seen outside of a second of a gay porn add popup before Dom lifted up a pipe wrench and was about to bash it down on Hobbs's head.

"DOM ! ! !" Mia screamed, completely ruining the moment making me roll my eyes.

'Damn lady you got some lungs on you.' I thought to myself as my ears rang uncomfortably.

About five minutes later we were being loaded into the back of the armored truck, and then we were driving down the streets of the falbala.

"Hey muscles, you notice the spotters you've passed? You're driving us into an ambush." I hollered up to Hobbs while I sat in the back of the truck with Gisele directly next to me.

"How'd a kid like you get involved with losers like these?" Hobbs asked me while looking into a rear view mirror.

"Like most guys get involved in anything…for a beautiful girl." I shot back while shooting a smirk at Gisele who rolled her eyes but a smile was starting at the corner of her lips.

At the same time I snapped the small bone in my thumb and freed my one hand from the handcuffs that were idiotically behind my back, while biting down harshly on my lip to not make a sound.

Leaning over to Gisele so my lips were against her ear.

"Don't react, I slipped my cuffs I'm going to break your zip ready to make a move." I said to her softly and as I was pulling back Gisele gave me a wink as I pressed the tension release button no the metal zip ties.

'Poor design, really who would use these for prisoner restraints, other than Hobbs.' I thought to myself as I mentally shook my head somewhat picking up the softly spoken conversation between Hobbs and his second in command.

"RPG, GET DOWN ! ! !" I shouted which made everyone fall to the floor of the armored truck except for Hobbs and his second in command as the Suburban in front of us did a flip through air and landed upside down.

I watched as another RPG flew over us and got the SUV bringing up the rear, and Hobbs' men trying to climb out only to get immediately sprayed with lead.

Hobbs got out of the truck with his second in command and moved to help his guys only to watch them get picked off one by one as Dom told Elena (the Brazilian woman Dom knocks up and dumps for an amnesiac Letty) to cut us free.

Me I'm already free and moving to get my Infinity 1911 while sliding out of the truck shooting a guy with an RPG making it explode.

Before moving to help the black guy who's balls I busted earlier completely ignored the feelings of hot metal penetrating my skin and getting stuck in the muscle tissue only to be pushed out of my body a microsecond after their forward momentum was arrested.

"You think you can make it?" I asked him as a bullet ripped through the side of my face, ripping apart my cheek. As I used my body as a bullet shield, though I noticed he was having convulsions while a wound on his leg with bone projecting out of it, was gushing blood like an artery had been hit.

"Take that as a no." I muttered as I picked the guy up, put my 1911 in my waistband and used his M4.

'Rooftop to the right, between the alley and those two houses.' I thought to myself as I shot the guys in direct opposition on my path back to the armored truck.

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Gisele stayed behind to keep the truck secure but what she saw shocked her of course M had debriefed her on how special Issac is.

But it doesn't really sink in until you watch half of a guy's head get blown off and regrow before you can even let out a shocked sound.

She also realized she wasn't the only one who saw it either and wondered what she should do about it, but then Vince caught a bullet to the liver and she no longer had to worry about it.

"He's not going to make it." I found myself telling Issac as he handed the injured man off to Elena and Mia while going to get Vince who tried and failed to push him away.

When he came back his green eyes were practically glowing and it hit me he loves being in this kind of situation he has no thought to his own safety because he hasn't ever needed to.

At the same time I was going to tell him to get in the truck, Dom, Brian and Hobbs returned to the truck, all climbing into the back while he made a rush for the front door under a hail of bullet fire.

Once made it he hoped into the driver's seat as Hobbs and the other's remained in the back to try and help save the only surviving member of his team.

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"Everyone hold on to something this is going to be a bumpy ride, HAHAHAHA." I shouted and laughed as I crashed through the wreckage of the SUV and the two truck blockade Reyes's men setup, catching air on every hump in the rode as I put the petal to the metal.

"Damn Roman, he drives like you." Brian gasped out as he and Roman were thrown into one another as the truck swerved around a turn losing their tail.

"Na Brian, he drive like a white boy." Tej chipped in making most everyone laugh when Vince as he was fading fast.

"Elena, where's the nearest hospital?" I asked the blonde Brazilian police woman only for Dom to rest his hand on my shoulder and shake his head softly to the side as his eyes started to glisten.

"Take us back to the safe house... there's nothing a doctor can do for him now." Dom said as he went back to sit beside his brother as he took his last breath and Hobbs team member also died.

"Got it." I replied to him as I looked back in the rearview mirror and felt a bit down that I couldn't save them from their fates, but shrugged it off and drove back to where Hobbs and his team arrested us.

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Once we were back at the safe house Dom took two shovels and went out back to a patch of empty ground and started digging two graves and Hobbs went to help him.

As they were all in mourning I went and looked over my gear finding everything in order before sneaking off to find myself an SUV that I would rig with the twenty pounds of C4 and 100 ft of detonation cord I brought with me.

"Going somewhere?" Tej asked me while handing me a blunt.

"Just to get an SUV I can drive through the front of the police station and make it go boom." I replied to him as I took a pull off of the strong smelling blunt.

"I have a van that you can use." Tej replied to me while waving at me to follow him.

"This will work, if we lift it like four or five inches so it doesn't get stuck in the steps of the sidewalk leading up into the station." I said as I looked it over and helped him take his equipment out of it.

"I got you bro." Roman suddenly chimed in and came over and I made to hand him the blunt but he put his hands up in refusal.

"I don't smoke anymore." He replied back to me and I shrugged.

"So what's your deal…" Tej asked me and I shrugged before answering.

"My name's Isaac, we didn't really get around to introductions earlier." I replied to Tej and then went through a handshake that was way too complicated for my tastes but something I was used to doing.

"Tej, computer genius and safecracker. And that's Roman, his head's so big and shiny they can see him up at the space station." Tej jokes, while Roman made for a fist bump with me while flipping Tej off.

… A few hours later.

Tej, Roman and I had just finished cob jobbing a lift kit together for the van when Mia came over to get us for dinner.

We all sat/stood around a table made of old wooden cable spools, as burnt everything was laid out on the table for us to eat.

"Everyone, I'd like for our newest family member to say grace." Dom said and pointed towards me.

"Thank you, lord for fast and armored cars." I said before grabbing and tearing a bit off of the large rack of ribs before grabbing my trunk and going over to the van.

"You know we usually eat together, like a family." Dom said to me as he came over and stood at the door of the van that I was currently wiring with, det cord. (Detonation Cord.)

"Sorry, I'm not so good around so many people and I have to get this van rigged up if I'm going to make a proper distraction, since we're making our move tomorrow." I replied to Dom who nodded.

"Before Vince died he told me what he saw, you don't have to worry we're family and family protects each other, now what do you need help with?." Dom said before patting my back and offering to help me get the van ready.

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"I really wish you weren't here." I said to Gisele as she got into the van and sat in the passenger seat.

"I'm not letting you do this alone, besides M has supplied me with top of the line body armor, it's even better than yours." Gisele replied to me as I drummed my fingers against the steering wheel, to the beat of the music.

"Yeah, but we both know I can walk away from an explosion unhurt you can't, why don't you just hang back in the extraction vehicle." I replied to Gisele still not liking her insistence that she be by my side for what is essentially a kamikaze run, for anybody without my healing factor.

"I'm not going to argue with you." Gisele replied before taking my hand that been thrumming in tune to the beat of the music, that had turned to a nervous thrumming all most pounding against the steering wheel, holding my hand in her's.

"M, told me that you and your girlfriend broke up because of me." Gisele suddenly said but I shook my head.

"No, I mean sure…you were part of it but a very small part of it, our biggest problem was a mutual lack of communication on the really important stuff. But there was also the direction we wanted our lives to take that just differed a lot. I want to raise myself and my family up out of our poor community and our stealing to survive, outlook on life. Where she was…is completely fine with staying a drug dealer and an enforcer for her mom's criminal enterprise." I replied to Gisele while Dom's voice came over the walkie.

"Alright, que the distraction." Dom said and I pulled my hand free from Gisele's and started the van.

"Your life is precious, just because you can heal doesn't mean you should take the risks you take. I'll get the extraction vehicle ready. As long as you promise me you'll take the fight seriously and not openly put yourself in danger." Gisele said to me while looking me in the eyes and I knew if my response didn't satisfy whatever she was looking for she wouldn't get her sexy ass out of the van.

"Alright, jeez you're so maternal…I'll be careful…but when this is over I want a kiss as a reward." I replied to her with a little but honest smile on my lips that made her roll her eyes in exasperation.

"Fine, if you do as I ask I'll give you a kiss." Gisele replied, her voice dripping with sexiness as her eyes had a playful light dancing in them.

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Mia was the only one that could hear everyone's private conversations and she felt like there was a lot of tension between Gisele and Issac, and that there was also a lot of tension between Han and Gisele, which led Mia to worry a love triangle might damage her slowly expanding family as she rested a hand against her stomach.

"He's like fourteen, I'm sure there's nothing to worry about." Mia softly said to herself while feeling reassured that she was correct.

'Though, Issac is pretty cute and all those muscles...mmm, if only Brian had muscles like that.' Mia thought to herself and the flushed slightly as it was Issac she saw shirtless and pantless in her imagination instead of Brian, while she was fantasizing.

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Pressing the accelerator to the floor, as the van climbed the first few steps of the stepped sidewalk up to the police station.

Feeling thankful that Elena had called all the cops that weren't on the take and got them away from the station, before we started our assult, bullets peppered the van and me making me glad that I also wore my armored mask with the skull on it, besides the fact that it protects my identity.

After my last job I'd requested M to have multiples of the mask made for me since I thought they were cool.

Just before I crested the final set of steps I started rolling down my window, once it was down I started using a mack ten to weaken the integrity of the large bullets resistant planes of glass, before driving through the small barricade into the atrium of the station and exited the through the rear of the van tripping the timer of the detonator, that was hooked to the door switch.

Shooting a couple of cops on my way down the steps before they could start shooting at me again, getting my timing just right as Gisele pulled up in one of the modded police cars and slid over to the passenger seat.

Just as I was shutting the door of the car, the van blew causing a shockwave that shattered the windows of the surrounding buildings, while taking out the front of the building extending up two floors.

Luckily Dom had insisted we replace the windows of all the stolen cop cruisers with shock and bullet resistant glass, which prevented the windows from being blown out.

"Dom and I might have gone a little overboard." I muttered as I hammered the throttle to the floor and peeled out as Dom, Brian and Hobbs exited the parking structure at the same time but nobody was chasing them as of yet.

We made the switch with a dummy safe that was only made to look like the safe we'd stolen was hooked back up to Dom and Brian's cars, as the police force and Reyes's private army started their pursuit.

I drove to the bridge and waited while Gisele looked at me questioningly before getting out of the modded cop car and getting into the Nissan 370z nismo we stashed there in the little turnaround last night.

Seeing Gisele drive off to meet at the rally point, while I waited for Dom and Brian to bring Hernan and Dante Reyes to me.

Watching as Dom cut Brian loose and seeing Brain looking at me in shook as he drove by as Dom managed to swing the vault around hit a fucking helicopter in the air with the now loose cable, that was disengaged from Brian's car causing the helicopter to crash into the ocean.

"Damn that looks way cooler in real life." I muttered to myself as the vault knocked two cars off of the bridge into the ocean.

'Dante should have been in one of those cars.' I thought to myself, as I got out of the car, I jumped off of the bridge into the ocean.

Finding Dante passed out on the water with a bleeding head wound.

'Sorry Jason Mamoa…but you gotta go.' I thought to myself as I fought against the current, grabbed ahold of Dante from behind and snapping his neck.

Swimming to one of the bridges supports grabbing hold of one of the ladder rungs pulling myself up out of the water.

Climbing up the bridge rolling over on to the blacktop feeling exhausted from the over 150 ft climb and everything else today but forcing myself to get up when Dom offered me his hand.

"You know there's better places to go for a swim." Dom said as he pulled me in full gear to my feet and Brian chuckled.

"Yeah, well someone had to make sure Reyes's psycho son didn't come back for revenge in the future." I groaned as I rolled my shoulders from Dom's shitty humor.

"Where's Reyes?" I asked Brian while looking around.

"Hobbs, took care of him." Brian said before we all got into the cop car Brian has driven back.

"Good." I sighed feeling like I was forgetting about someone important as I got into the backseat of the car, and took off my helmet/mask.

"So…Issac, where are you going from here? Hobbs burned all of us…even you." Brian asked me and I laughed softly.

"I'm from the Southside of Chicago Brain, you don't get much more burned than that." I replied to him as I fished my phone out of my inner pocket and took it out of the ziplock bag.

[So, am I really burned or can I return home?] I messaged M to find out if I was really as burned as Brian said I was.

[You're clear to come home, I smothered Hobbs's alert about you.] M replied back to me quickly which was both a relief and a bit of a let down as it would have been kinda cool to go on the run with the Toretto family.

"You can stick with us, Issac…we're either going to the DR or Cuba." Dom said to me and though I nodded I didn't give them an actual reply.

"So that was you that started the battle of Chicago." Brian started and looked at me through the rearview mirror.

"Yeah, Compose was a sick fuck that had tortured and raped at least ten girls that the cops knew about but wouldn't touch him for…So I stepped in…does that bother you Brian?" I replied to him while making eye contact with him through the reflection in the mirror.

"Uhh, no…" Brian trailed off as we pulled up to the abandoned oil refinery where Tej was currently working to crack open the safe when I snapped my fingers.

"Should have brought Reyes' hand." I said as Dom opened the back door for me.

Both stopped to look at me with a what the fuck expression on their faces.

"What? I just meant in case the trick with Gisele's bikini bottom doesn't work." I replied to them with a shrug and both nodded but I saw them send a secretive look to one another.

Walking into the building seeing Mia run over to hug her brother, and…boyfriend…husband…baby daddy…?

'Damn, I want a girl to love me like that.' I thought to myself as I saw Mia hold Brian like he was the most important thing in her life as they hugged and kissed each other.

"Why are you all wet?" I was suddenly surprised to be hugged by Mia as well.

"Had to take a swim…" I replied as I returned her hug with an awkward one arm hug.

"Haha, come on I'll get you a pair of Brian's spare clothes." Mia said and waived for me to follow her over to a different Subaru WRX STI than the one before.

"Thank you Mia." I said to Mia as I took the clothes from her and started taking off my clothes as Mia walked off.

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"Wow, it's too bad…he's too young." Elena whispered to Mia who looked at her while arching an eyebrow though it's not like she wasn't watching the strip tease as well.

"Why worry about it? He might be a kid to you but, he's very much not a kid." Gisele joined the conversation as she wasn't going to lose out on a nice view either.

"It wouldn't matter, even if he was a bit older he only seems to have eyes for you." Elena said with a bit of a joke in her voice.

"Yeah what's up with that Gisele?" Mia asked which made Gisele shrug softly.

Gisele just rolled her eyes and walked over to Issac.

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"Jumping off of a bridge doesn't count as being very safe." Gisele said as she leaned against the Subaru.

"It was safer than staying on it with Dom, using a ten thousand pound safe as a wrecking ball." I joked which made Gisele giggle softly.

Before she leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"There's your kiss." Gisele said with a smirk before walking away with a sway to her hips.

'Haa, I miss Savannah.' I thought to myself not even feeling the least bit happy about getting a kiss from the Gal Gadot look-alike, while looking at my screen saver that was a picture of her sitting in the school bleachers looking deep in thought as she stared off into the distance.

"She's pretty." Mia suddenly said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, she is." I said as I locked the screen and put the phone in my pocket, while craving a smoke.

"Everything alright?" Mia asked me as she seemed to know something was wrong by my body language.

"Not really, we broke up a couple of days ago." I replied to Mia before sighing.

"Take it from someone older than you love has a way of bringing those who belong together back together…I never thought Brian and I would get back together…but here we are expecting our first baby." Mia said to me , growing a bit dreamy sounding by the end of her sentence.

"Thanks, for the clothes too." I replied to Mia, while wondering where my stuff ended up.

"Guys, get over here Tej is almost done with the safe." Roman said, drawing everyone's attention from their ambling around.

Everyone, myself included, made some kind of noise or expression at watching money just pour out of the vault.

Walking over beside Gisele.

"Hey do you know where my stuff ended up?" I asked her softly receiving a nod from her.

"It's in the back seat of the 370, I put it that while you were busy with Dom." Gisele replied to me.

"Thank you." I said to her before walking off to get my pack of smokes, feeling relieved that Gisele has packed my lighter and open pack of New Ports on top of my other stuff.

Once I had them I went outside and took a seat on a concrete column and lit a cig.

"Those are bad for your health." Dom said as he sat down next to me dropping off four large duffle bags in front of me, while holding out his fingers in symbol of wanting a drag.

Passing him the smoke sitting in the quiet watching the sunset.

"Thank you for coming when Gisele called, I'm not sure we could have pulled this heist off without you...and too much was riding on this heist." Dom said to before trying to pass the cig back to me but I waived it off.

"You guys would have pulled it off without me." I said firmly before sliding off of the concrete.

"Split my share up between everyone else. I didn't come here for the money." I told Dom as I started walking back into the building to where the 370 is parked.

My phone dinged as I stood back and watched everyone hugging each other and being excited.

[Some meat fell off a truck, how much do you want?] Lip messaged me asking.

[A lot, let's throw a block party, charge everyone 5-15 bucks for a plate.] I messaged Lip back.

[Sweet, sorry to hear about you and Savannah bro…Karen is pregnant, I think it's mine..I don't care if it's mine I love her and want to be with her.] Lip sent me which made me want to smash my head against a wall.

[I'll support you Lip, but Karen may not want anything to do with you or the baby…] I messaged Lip back before sliding my phone into my pocket.

"Hey, I know you guys are all wanted fugitives right now…but I have access to a private airplane and would like to invite you all to a Ghallager family cookout/block party." I said to everyone as they started to calm down only to find myself beset by a mob of huggers.

"We're in." Dom said before anyone could turn me down making a wide genuinely happy smile split across my face, as a drone flew into the building and dropped of a large thick manilla envelope into my hand that I stretched out to reach for it, opening it I saw that the envelope has new travel documents for everyone contained inside of it.

My phone started ringing again and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey M." I greeted stil with a big smile on my face.

[Hey Izzy, those documents I just had delivered will only work for seventy two hours, anyone using them has to leave the country before then, the chips imbedded into the passports will prevent facial recognition up to 93% of the tell them to be careful and avoid cameras as much as possible, I'll try to scub any slipups but if when I tell you it's time for them to go it's time for them to go.] M told me in a very serious tone of voice.

"Thanks M, you're the best...I wish there was something I could do for you to thank you for all you do for me." I replied to M honestly my voice growing a bit wistful.

[You do, Everytime you make an effort to live a normal life.] M replied but she almost sounded like she was on the verge of tears I wanted to talk to her some more but the line went dead.

Handing out everyone's papers.

"So these documents will only work for the next seventy two hours..but to be on the safe side you should all leave before twenty four are up. Tej wait a second man." I joked to Tej who was about to start asking questions.

"These passports have some sort of embedded chip that scrambles your image for facial recognition software... don't ask me how cause I don't know, all I know is M has never led me wrong and has always been there for me when I needed her." I told them all and though most of them were unsure Dom and Gisele were satisfied with my response and that was enough for the whole crew.

"Alright you heard him, let's get packed up and out of here." Dom said while clapping his hands together with a smile splitting across his face.

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"Anybody else wondering how this little kid has access to a private plane, and has someone able to make and deliver this shit?" Roman asked while waving around his travel documents.

"Gisele, care to shed any light on this?" Dom said calmly while looking over at her as I and Brian loaded duffle bags full of Brazilian Reais bills into a van like the one Issac has used as a distraction.

"I can't say too much…but the people who supplied Issac with these documents are reliable." Gisele said leaving everyone with even more questions.

'You would think the cops would have found us by now.' I thought to myself as we weren't too far from the bridge.

"We're ready to go." Brian said as he leaned down and kissed Mia who seemed ecstatic to be returning to her home country even if temporarily.

"Sweet, I can't wait to get home." I said though I didn't mean it, sure I missed my family but it just didn't seem like there was much there for me besides them and my business.

"I have something to do, but I'll meet you all at the Airport." Dom said as he loaded a few duffle bags into the trunk of his charger.

'Probably taking them to Vince's family.' I thought to myself feeling a sense of remorse at not being able to save Vince his crappy death.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Slipping into the driver's seat of the Nissan driving to the airport with a convoy behind me while Gisele races alongside me on a motorcycle.

Arriving at the airport getting waived through the security gate getting greeted by a guy who looked strikingly similar to the guy I met in Chicago just with a darker skin tone who took, Gisele, Elena and Mia to the plane while us guys were left behind to put the forty plus duffel bags with each one weighing in at over 60 pounds each into the cargo carrier of the golf cart.

'I should ask M to clean this money for them and set up ghost accounts that will let them use the money wherever they go.' I thought to myself as we put the last few duffle bags into the golf cart.

[Hey, M…can you help, clean the money for everyone and set them up with accounts to use the money through?] I messaged M before getting onto the plane.

[I can, as long as they are okay with it.] M replied back to me.

Entering the plane finding everyone cheering and having a good time holding champagne glasses.

"Woohoo." Everyone cheered and Mia handed me her champagne glasse.

"So I don't know how comfortable you guys will be with this idea, but I reached out to my friend to see if she could clean your guy's money and set you guy's up with accounts so you don't have to try and cart all the money from your cuts around." I said to everyone after the flight attendant asked us to sit down in our seats as Dom arrived.

"Thanks man, but I'll handle things on my end." Tej said before anyone else said anything.

"Yeah, you have done enough for us so far men, let Tej handle this." Brian said as he and Mia sat down on the couch holding one another looking adorable and in love.

"Yo, Issac, do these ladies strip for passengers?" Roman asked me while drooling over the attractive stewardesses.

"That would be up to them." I replied to him while Brian threw his shoe at Roman and gave him the come on Ro-Ro look.

"Roman, come on man." Dom said as he boarded the plane with his arm around Elena's waist.

'Poor girl.' I thought to myself as I sat back in my chair.

"Excuse me miss, can I get a few packs of Reese's cups, M&M's and a coke please." I said to the attendant that smiled at me and quickly moved to do as I asked.

"Thank you." I said to her as I started tearing open the Reese's packaging.

"That can't be good for you." Elena said after breaking her make out session with Dom.

"I have a very high metabolism, I can pretty much eat and drink whatever I want with no negative effects…" I replied to Elena as I ate my Reese's cups and drank my coke happily.

"Man, you wouldn't think he's such a kid…after seeing him blow up a police station." Roman whispered to Han who nodded and then tried to talk to Gisele who walked over and sat down beside me and stole a reese cup.

Shooting a glare at Gisele who smiled at me in return which made me snort softly as I leaned my head over against the cool plastic liner of the plane's wall, closing my eyes to take a nap as I offered her the last remaining Resse cup in the king size pack.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Soft pain filled whimpers filled the dark jet cabin along with the sound of creaking furniture and the sounds of someone thrashing in their sleep.

Which woke the expecting mother who then woke up her future husband, who woke up his future brother in law by the time a minute passed the entire crew was awake and watching as Issac looked to be suffering from a horrible nightmare as his fingers dug into and penetrated the armrests of the chair he was sleeping in.

"Should we wake him up?' Tej asked while feeling uncomfortable as he watched Issac who was clearly suffering in his sleep.

"Yo little Homie." Roman started to say but was silenced by Dom who rested his hand on Roman's shoulder and made a shushing gesture to the loud mouthed man.

Before looking at Han who shrugged and then turned to look at Gisele.

Gisele let out a soft sigh as she decided to reveal somethings about her…she didn't know what to really call him friend maybe.

"I don't want you guys to treat him any differently…but the first time I met Issac was on a job in Chicago, to take out the real Compose after I got to be friendly with you at that get together Braga threw. We ended up working together to take down Compose where Compose let it slip when he saw Issac that he and his friends loved making him scream…he was tortured as a…young child." Gisele spoke softly which made Mia, Roman and Elena start crying while the other looked ready to murder.

"Do you know who these other people are?" Mia asked and there was a truly vicious expression on her face as she did so, that made Brian shiver slightly.

Dom's eyes held a steely fury that promised retribution. Roman was silent as he watched over Issac like a protective big brother while Tej's fingers twitched as he grabbed his laptop.

Brian looked worried as he looked around the room as his foot and leg bounced from fhe urge to do something while Han ate three bags of chips in a minute.

"I don't…but the people…I work for do, M the woman who helped me get in touch with Issac got him to Rio and is responsible for us being able to go to America knows, the night she contacted me and offered me a job she told me that every person after Compose will be progressively harder for Issac to get his justice from so she offered me a job to watch his back, and to help him." Gisele told everyone and unsurprisingly Dom was about to reply for everyone when Mia beat him to it, her maternal instincts in full swing.

"We want in." Mia said calmly while her eyes radiated a coldness that Gisele had only ever seen in the coldest blooded killers she'd ever met.

"What Mia said, I never turn my back on family, and Issac is my family. I can't speak for the rest of you but I'm going to help Issac anyway I can." Dom said with such conviction, charisma, and cringe that everyone agrees with him and Dom raised a Corona that seemed to come out of thin air and said.

"To family."

Which was repeated by those who were awake.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Slowly waking up after what was a nightmare turned into an odd Fast & Furious parody with everyone saying family every five seconds.

'That was pure torture, real family doesn't have to say the word family to know their a family.' I thought to myself while massaging my temples noticing that the hand rests of the chair had holes in them now.

"Oops…" I whispered softly while looking around the room seeing the stewardesses coming around to wake everyone up…I also noticed Roman hugged a champagne bottle to his chest and sucking on his thumb in his sleep which made me take out my phone and snap a picture.

'Hehehe, this is how you know your family…by not using such prime dirt to blackmail but only tease your older or younger siblings.' I thought to myself while gently reaching over and lightly shaking Gisele's shoulder.

'That is a surprisingly cute reaction from a badass ex-mossad agent and Israeli special forces.' I thought to myself as Gisele in her sleep managed to grab my arm and snuggle against it letting out a very soft quiet snore.

Feeling someone's eyes on me I turned to see Mia looking at me with a look I recognized from Fiona before she kissed me and our relationship became tense and awkward…mostly on her end of things.

It was the look of a loving maternal figure, with an overprotective streak.

"Morning." I said to Mia in a way of greeting.

"Good morning Issac, did you sleep okay?" Mia asked and I got the feeling she was asking in a nice way to open up an avenue of communication between us about my nightmare.

"Yup, it was the best sleep I've had in awhile." I lied in response with a smile on my lips.

Mia gave me a look that said she didn't believe me but wasn't going to pry either.

"Morning." Brian said yawningly as he started to stretch while also serving as Mia's body rest.

"Mr.Gallagher we have landed in Chicago, your car has been prepared for you, vehicles have been prepared for your associates complements of "The Company"." The stewardess informed me with a smile.

"Thank you miss." I thanked her and pried my hand from Gisele's grip and stood up.

Grabbing my phone, sending M a quick text telling her thank you, receiving a "your welcome Izzy" and a video clip that said " wait until you're alone to watch".

'Is it something naughty?' I wondered to myself as I finally got Gisele to wake up receiving a tired smoky look from Gisele as her brown eyes looked up at me with a strange light dancing within them.

"Come on sleepin beauty time to get up." I said teasingly which made Gisele shoot me a little glare without any real heat behind it.

"Haha." I laughed as I exited the Jet walking over to my 67 Impala that had its hood opened, along with seeing that there was a 72 Dodge charger, a new Hemi truck in neon green, a Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT, and a Subaru WRX STI.

"Nice ride, you do the wrench time yourself?" Dom asked me and I nodded feeling a little uncomfortable he was under the hood of my Baby.

"Nice work though you could get away with a higher compression ratio and a more aggressive cam." Dom said to me as he shut the hood.

'Note to self, check over the car for any bugs.' I thought to myself.

"Yo, little Homie text Roman and I your address, I'ma meet up with my contacts here in Chicago to convert this money over to something usable." Tej said to me as he got into the Jeep and Roman got into the Ram and drove off.

I noticed I was the only one still standing outside of a car even though Gisele was in my Impala before me.

"Sorry I zoned out for a second." I said to her and she nodded while shooting a slightly concerned look.

"Everything alright?" Gisele asked me and I nodded in response before actually replying.

"I don't like that they split off from the group and I don't have either of their numbers." I replied to Gisele while putting my car into gear leading everyone to my house.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Pulling up out front of my house seeing the front door left wide open while Lip and Ian ran back and forth between both houses before driving through the empty lot that we considered part of our yard and parking in my garage while the other parked on the street.

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