Shameless and Fast and Furious pt5


"Those are your siblings?" Gisele asked me with an amused sounding lilt to her voice.

"Yup.." I sighed while popping the P.

"It seems like your life is pretty entertaining." Gisele said in a teasing voice as clan Ghallager, plus Kev and V funneled into my garage.

"You have no idea." I replied back to her with a smile as I got out of the Impala and was immediately hugged by two rockets in the form of Debbie and Carl, while Liam who was being held by Ian leaned over so far that I had to grab him before he fell.

"Hey big bro Iz, you'll never guess what I found in the yard yesterday." Carl said as he ran off to go get whatever he was talking about.

"Big brother Izzy, can you help me with my school project please?" Debbie asked me and I roughfled the hair on top of her head.

"Sure thing Debbs." I said with a smile.

"Hey Ian." I greeted my Twin while nodding to Lip who nodded back before both of them gave me a one armed hug and Ian grabbed Liam.

"Sorry about Savannah Iz." Ian said to me and I also noticed there was something wrong with him.

"Thanks, what's up with you Ian…did Kash do something to you?" I asked Ian while feeling worried even though I knew Kash was a pussy.

"Haha, he and Mickey are hooking up." Lip quickly said making Ian rear back and punch him.

"Knock it off you two." Fiona said making the two stop before she came over and hugged me tightly burying her face into the crook of my neck taking a deep inhale as she did so.

"Okay, Fi let go of Izzy so I can give him a hug." V said while giving me a look while Kev smirked.

As soon as Fiona reluctantly released Veronica took her place but instead of putting her face in the crook of my neck V smashed her lips against mine and pushed her tongue into my mouth.

"He-hem, he-hem." I heard Gisele clearing her throat while standing their with her arms crossed over her chest and a very put off almost jealous going in her eyes.

"Who's this?" Fiona asked while starting a stare down with Gisele.

"I'm Gisele, your brother's girlfriend." Gisele replied and possessively grabbed my arm, and though I kept my expression schooled I was pretty thrown by Gisele's statement.

"Ohh." V and Kev sighed, sounding a bit disappointed while Kev and I did a bro handshake.

"It's good to see you Iz, I kinda thought you'd stay in Rio…especially if all the girls look like that." Kev said while shooting me a wink and mentioning to Gisele.

"There's a few people waiting outside with nice cars. I take it their friends of yours, Izzy." Fiona said and I got the mental image of two snarling tigresses staring each other down as Gisele and Fiona stared each other down.

"Yup…more like our extended family." I said and mentally cringed at saying it aloud while feeling Gisele vibrating next to me containing her laughter.

As everyone funneled out of the garage Gisele leaned up and over to whisper in my ear.

"Dom is going to be ecstatic when he hears that you called him your family." Gisele whispered teasingly, her whispering sending a shiver down my spine.

"Shh, the guy has a hard on for the word family…I don't want him humping my leg." I replied jokingly in return to Gisele which made Gisele let out a soft tinkling laugh that has Fiona looking back staring daggers at Gisele.

"So you're my girlfriend now?" I asked Gisele even more softly then when I joked to her.

"It's not such a bad cover is it?...I didn't think you would mind, honey." Gisele whispered smokily before smacking my ass.

"Haa, whatever, just don't complain when I start taking liberties of my own." I replied to Gisele in mock exasperation.

"Mmm, promises promises." Gisele really started putting on an act when she noticed V, Fi, Kev, Lip and Ian were eavesdropping on our conversation.

Once we were all outside I covered Lip's mouth with my hand as I forgot that he actually liked watching the news and knew who Dominic Torreto is.

"So guy's these are my friends, Dom, Elena, Brian, Mia, Han and our other two friends went to go do something but the other bald one's name is Roman and the other guy's name is Tej…and of course you met my wife Gisele." I said introducing everyone, making everyone whip around to look at me with their mouths hanging open, Gisele included.

"What can I say I ate the worm so to speak." I replied with a shrug and a big smile on my face as Veronica squealed and ran at me to hug both Gisele and I.

"How…" Fiona asked while trailing off looking at me with a betrayed and slightly broken expression, that made me feel bad for joking around.

"He's joking, we're not married, we're each other's rebound." Gisele said making everyone nod while Veronica looked disappointed to hear that.

'Damn, I was hoping she'd roll with it.' I thought to myself and didn't realize I was pouting on the outside until I heard Dom and Mia laugh.

"That's Dominic Torreto, Brian O'Connor and Mia Torreto…they all have major bounties on them." Lip leaned close to me and whispered.

When he pulled back I gave him the look, before leaning over and whispering back to him.

"Philip, they are…are as close to me as Vi and Kev are to all of us, they're family to me and to you by extension…Ghallegar's protect each other." I told Lip who backed away slightly and made eye contact, there was a slight questioning in his eyes while he looked for whatever he needed before nodding.

"Gallagher's stick together." Lip replied to me with a very serious expression and I knew he would protect Dom and the others to the best of his ability.

'It's too bad the cousin chose to go to the casino instead of coming with us.' I thought to myself as everyone started doing the meet and greet shaking hands and everything.

Then the throngs of Southsider started pouring in with grills, smokers, picnic tables, folding chairs, folding tables tablecloths, plastic silverware, knock off brand of solo cups, kegs of beer, bottles of booze, 40's, and all sorts of stuff.

Lip was suddenly on the porch holding a microphone connected to an ION Block Rocker.

"Alright, Ya Fuckin Losers…Give it up for Issac Ghallager for wanting to get your asses together FOR A FUCKING PARTY ! ! !" Lip said through the microphone that made the over 150 plus Southsider howl and pick me up to do some crowd surfing.

"YOU HEARD HIM LET'S GET THIS BLOCK A FUCKIN ROCKIN ! ! !" I shouted making everyone cheer as music started being cranked tables and chairs set up as meat was being cooked and different games were being setup, while Lip, Ian, and Debbie went around collecting money as Carl ran over to me carrying an Uzi and what looked like a Kilo of cocaine in a large 3 gallon bag.

"Is that?" Gisele asked me and I nodded.

"Check it out big bro now I have a gun like yours and this white powder stuff…it's not sugar though." Carl said to me and I snatched both from his hands.

"B-big b-brother?" Carl asked questioningly while looking up at me with his bottom lip trembling and his eyes growing watery.

"Come on buddy let's go in the house for a minute." I said softly while removing the magazine and the round that was in the chamber from the Uzi before tucking it underneath my arm and outstretching my hand to Carl who nodded and looked at the ground kicking his feet slightly.

'Goddess, I'm so fucking happy I taught him gun safety and he remembered enough not to shoot himself or a member of our family.' I thought to myself as I walked down the steps into the basement coming to a shiny stainless steel door that had a keypad and a biometric scanner, releasing Carl's hand typing in the panel activation code and then scanning my prints making the door unlock and glide open before signaling Carl to follow me.

"Come on, sit up here." I told Carl while patting the stainless steel table that currently has a toredown Barrett resting on it.

"Okay." Carl said in a small voice as he climbed up onto the table.

"Carl, I'm not mad at you." I said softly while ruffling his hair slightly making him look up at me with surprise and joy filled eyes.

"Really! So can I keep it?" Carl asked me and then immediately slumped from the look I was giving him.

"No buddy, you can't keep this gun or the powder, I hope you didn't tell little Hank about this stuff." I said to Carl who immediately shook his head no.

"Carl, this gun has probably been used to kill people, anybody with half a brain will be able to put it together that you didn't kill anyone…but the justice system doesn't even have half a brain so you'll end up going to jail for a long time, and you don't want that. When you're a bit older, big brother will give you a gun if you can show me you're responsible and respectful enough to have one okay buddy." I said to Carl softly and though he was still a bit down, getting a gun from me was a lot better than finding one in the yard.

"Thank you big brother." Carl finally said as he hugged me tightly.

"You're welcome buddy, now get out of here and get some food and remember no one can be told or shown, big brother's gun room." I said to him ruffling his hair again before he jumped down off the table and ran upstairs.

"You're actually really good with kids." Mia said, making me jump slightly.

"Haha, thanks…" I replied to Mia who walked into the room finding a hightech weapons room and comms area with a wall of monitors with various news feeds and surveillance feeds of my house.

'Damn, how did I not hear or smell her coming…jet lag maybe or is it Toretto plot armor?' I wondered to myself as I noticed Fiona coming downstairs on one of the monitors.

"I want to ask you to be my baby's godfather." Mia said to me with a gentle smile on her face and I was slightly thrown as we'd only known each other for like two days.

"I-I'd be honored to be his or her godfather." I found myself saying to Mia as an honest smile spread across my lips and Mia gave me a tight hug.

"Thank you, I mean Brian and I already planned to whether you agreed, or not anyways." Mia said with a smile on her lips that told me this position was non-refusable which I didn't really mind at all.

"Haha, I'm surprised but happy I was even considered…I hope that the need never comes about but if it does I'll raise your kid or kids as if they were my own, and I'll make sure they know how awesome their birth mom was and how okay their dad was." I said softly with a bit of teasing that made Mia smile and shoot me a wink.

"Issac." Mia suddenly said and her expression suddenly turned a nervous kind of serious.

"Yeah?" I said questioningly, making worry start to seep into my heart at her expression.

"Don't be mad…but last night, when you were having a nightmare, Gisele told us about what happened to you when you were younger, I just want you to know that we all love you and are here for you and if you ever want or need to talk about what happened with people who…know about you, how special you are." Mia said to me her voice was nervous and worried like she was waiting for me to get angry or something.

But I only felt my eyes sting slightly and found myself hugging Mia and not the awkward one armed hug of before but that of a little brother to his big sister.

"Thanks Mia, I might just take you up on that some day." I said softly before letting her out of the hug and saw that Mia was crying, making me worried I might have hugged her too hard or said something wrong before she hugged me again and then separated from me again and wiped her tears away.

"I always wanted a little brother, I'm glad I have one now." Mia said to me with a bright sunny smile on her face before she took off, nearly skipping out of the basement.

'Pregnancy hormone swings.' I thought to myself as I wiped away the wetness on my face as Fiona nervously stood at the door with her hand raised up about to knock before she put it down, walked in a circle and raised her hand back up repeating the process multiple times before sighing dejectedly and turning to head back upstairs.

Going over to the door pulling it open.

"Fi." I said softly, making her turn around and look at me while I opened the door a bit further and signaled for her to enter.

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Also I have this idea for the times Savannah drank Isaac's blood or been filled with his seed to have healed her, and on their breakup fuck she got pregnant.

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PS this kinda matches up with wolverine because his blood, (not jizz) were used to heal people.

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Fiona walked into the secure room in the basement hugging herself nervously.

"I'm sorry…I'm sorry that I kissed you... I'm sorry Savannah broke your heart." Fiona suddenly said while hugging me from behind.

"It's alright Fi, I'm sorry I didn't handle it properly either." I replied softly as I covered her hands with mine and pulled them a little tighter against me.

"We need to talk about Carl having a bag of coke and an Uzi Fi, I get that Steve's been fucking with your head…my relationship with Savannah has been messing with your head…But Fi, that's not him torching a stray cat in his bedroom." I said softly as I turned around and hugged her closer to me.

"I know, I know…I'm sorry Izzy, I-I haven't been myself since that night." Fiona said as she started to cry against my chest with her ear pressed over my heart.

"I-I can't do this on my own anymore Izzy I need you, I need someone…" Fiona cried and I kissed the top of her head before resting my chin on top of her head.

"You always have us Fi, I'm sorry I didn't put forth enough time with the family these past months…but we both need to live some of our lives for ourselves, sure Fi

… Lip, Ian and I are old enough to look after ourselves and to help more with Liam and Carl, but Debbie…she needs more of a mother figure, I mean come on if Savannah and I hadn't stopped her she would have kidnapped that kid the other day." I told Fi, making her nod against my chest.

"I know, I'll try to be there more for her…with the job you gave me at Pillow Fights, I don't have to work so many jobs so I have a lot more free time now…I-I Steve and was trying to convince me to go to South America with him." Fiona said and I had to roll my eyes.

"Sis, I know you love Steve.. don't try to deny it…but I think you love the fact he's a lot like Frank, just not an alcoholic that reeks of his own bodily fluids and dog shit." I joked and Fiona giggled against my chest.

"So…what can you tell me about Gisele?" Fiona asked me though her voice was slightly combative.

"She's beautiful, graceful, skilled, cute, she's a total badass…and she is trustworthy, so are the others Fi." I replied to Fiona who I could tell was rolling her eyes.

"You know you came back just in time, V and Kev want to get married…she and Kev mentioned you fucking V for a wedding present and having a threesome with both of them for a present to Kevin." Fiona finally said to me as she pulled out of the hug and I arched an eyebrow at her and she rolled her eyes.

"You okay with that?" I asked her making her roll her eyes again.

"As if I've ever been able to stop you from doing what you want." Fiona made an exasperated noise before replying with a smile on her face.

"Haha, you have." I joked before playfully pushing Fiona away and then wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

"I'm glad you came back Izzy…I almost thought you'd stay gone." Fiona said to me as she kissed my cheek and then we walked out of the secure room to join the party.

"It…was tempting, I plan to travel more often though." I replied to Fi once we crested the top step out of the basement.

"Will Gisele be sticking around?" Fiona asked me just as Gisele walked past us and sent her a glare.

"No, she has to leave." I said as I found myself watching Gisele walk away.

Fiona didn't say anything but I felt her staring at me.

"You like her a lot." Fiona finally said with a hint of jealousy in her voice.

"Yeah…but it probably won't come to anything." I finally said as it seems like Gisele just likes to bust my chops.

Separating from Fiona going over to see Roman and Tej who were just pulling up.

'I wouldn't be so sure.' Fiona thought to herself as she noticed Gisele's gaze on her brother definitely wasn't the gaze of a woman who only wanted to be friends.

"How'd you guys make out?" I asked the two as they got out of their vehicles receiving big smiles on their faces and they gave me bro handshakes and one armed hugs.

"Good, real good." Roman said as he lifted up his shirt showing his waistband stuffed with 10k stacks of hundred dollar bills.

'This nigga.' I thought to myself while using a flex of will not to roll my eyes.

"Issac, this is your share…Dom won't let you turn it down and neither will any of us." Tej said.

"I mean if he don't want it." Roman said with a big smile splitting across his face.

"Nah, I'll take it. best we get it inside…chances are these cars will be stolen by morning." I said and Tej nodded and Roman went aww man but smiled at me anyways as he moved to help me and Tej carry large metal briefcases into the house.

"Damn, this is some next level shit." Roman said as I opened the door to the secure room and Tej looked around at the computer shit like he was gonna have a nerdgasm.

"Damn bro you gotta let me use your setup." Tej finally said as I grabbed my bug scanner and went over the briefcases, making sure they weren't bugged before opening them up and double checking.

"Help yourself, but get some food first man." I told him and grabbed the Ak-47 from Roman's hands.

"Careful Roman, all my guns are locked and loaded unless they are torn down on that table." I told him as I removed the 30 round mag from the Ak and the one that was in the chamber before handing the rifle back to him.

I looked over to see Tej shaking his head at Roman.

"Do you use all of these?" Roman finally asked me.

"Nah, I typically only carry this." I said as I pulled my Infinity 1911 out of its tactical holster that was kept in my waistband and set it down on the table.

"Damn, that's a nice piece bro." Roman said as he picked it up and did a banger hold on it.

"Thanks, it's a Strayer Voigt Infinity in .45 ACP." I told him as I went over to a rack and grabbed the second one I had M get me as I planned to start carrying around two of them.

"Here, she's brand new and all of you guys should be carrying some form of protection around." I told him.

"Thank you bro." Roman said while pulling me into a one armed hug.

"No problem Bro, make sure to keep yourself safe." I told him.

"Tej, you want something, take it from the shelf ." I told him but he put his hands up.

"I don't do guns." He said and I resisted the urge to chuckle.

"That's all good man, I don't much like guns myself either, they're loud." I told him honestly.

"Then why do you have so many and use them?" Tej asked me, sounding honestly curious.

"Arrows aren't efficient enough, swords need to be up close and within grabbing distance and crossbows haven't had any major improvements since compound bows were invented." I told him as I started thinking about designing a crossbow.

Which made Tej nod.

"Well I want to get something to eat so, I'll talk to you guys later." I told them and both Tej and Roman followed me out of the secure room.

I saw Mia tiredly laying on the couch while loud music was coming into the house as Brian sat down next to her.

"Hey." I walked over to the two.

"Hey man, awesome party." Brian told me and I smiled at him before looking over at Mia.

"You guy's take my room upstairs, it's soundproof." I told them both, making Mia look at me slightly relieved but also slightly unwilling to take the offer, and was about to refuse.

"I won't take no for an answer. That's my godson or daughter in there and you need some restful rest." I told her gently, making her smile.

"Haha, I told you he'd accept." Brian laughed happily while standing up and pulling me into a bro hug that I returned.

"Shut up Brian." Mia said while pouting slightly.

"The room is at the top of the steps, there's fresh bedding in the wardrobe if you think the bed needs it." I told Brian who nodded and offered me a fist bump.

"Thank you." Mia said to me and gave me a hug before her and Brian went upstairs to "sleep".

Going outside grabbing a paper plate and piling it high with food and then joining my siblings at a table to eat.

"So…how's things with Karen going?" I asked Lip who immediately looked down.

"She's refusing to see him…though, Mandy has been getting on Lip's case and making sure he goes to class." Ian told me while stage whispering.

"Mandy's a good girl, born into a shit family." I said making everyone look at me oddly but I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Fuck you." Lip finally said as he bumped his shoulder against mine.

"Do me a favor Lip, give Mandy a real chance." Told him softly making him look me in the eyes before nodding.

"Alright." He replied to me.

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M watched Issac through the screen of one of three monitors in front of her at her workstation, she was the only one who ever directly watched, looked after and communicated with Issac here at the company.

It was always hard for her not to daydream about finally meeting him in person, especially now that he's changed and started living in the moment instead of letting life pass on autopilot.

Even if she did feel jealous of the women he was sharing his life with and giving so much of himself to.

'Haa, I wish I could be there even if from a distance.' I thought to myself as I saw Isaac's beautiful smile and glowing eyes as he joked and playfully tossed some pieces of food at his family before Dom, Elena, Han, Roman, and Tej sat down at the table with them and Izzy threw a piece of bloody steak right at Dom's face hitting him on the nose which made everyone but Issac stop laughing and freeze before Dom broke out into laughter and retaliated by throwing a piece of bbq rib back at him which Izzy dodged soon a full-blown food fight that spanned two city blocks broke out.

M couldn't help the soft smile that appeared on her lips as she watched Issac duck and weave while throwing and dodging food, his face constantly split into a wide smile, as his laughter combined with dozens of other people's laughter rang through the computer speakers on her desk.

Before she looked over at one of the monitors that displayed Cypher and her goon Owen Shaw that were the last of the the five priority Alpha targets, both extremely well connected and dangerous.

"It's a relief that Toretto and his crew agreed to join the company." M heard her boss say from behind making M whip around and stand up to salute the strange woman with hair of molten metal and glowing orange eyes like that of a sun.

"Ma'am." M saluted while standing ramrod straight.

"At ease M, you're no longer in the military and I assume by now you realize how special this organization is and that you no longer age." Her boss, codename Phoenix said to her while motioning for her to sit as she pulled a chair from the cubicle next to M's and sat down next to her.

"Y-yes Ma'am, I mean boss." M replied while sitting straightly in her chair as she tried to both look at her boss and watch Issac on the monitor.

"He looks so happy, I'm happy, he didn't lose himself on a quest for revenge." Phoenix said softly and in a way that made M worry she had another competitor for Izzy's affection.

"Keep up the good work M, I'm sure it won't be long now until you can meet him and confess your feelings to him." Phoenix said before standing up patting her on the head gently, pushing on the borrowed chair and walking away.

'That was scary.' M thought to herself as she got up to grab a snack before returning to her station.

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"Haha." I laughed as I sat down on the steps of my porch along with my siblings and the crew, all of us laughing and relaxing and I noticed Han shooting Fiona tentative looks and Fiona intermittently returning them and biting her bottom lip.

'While I planned on trying to set her up with Roman or Tej, but since I'm stealing Gisele I guess Han is a good choice and he was shown to be loyal and loving…even good with kids.' I thought to myself as I noticed Gisele leaning against the fence line completely free of any food on her figure cupping leather jacket, leggings or knee high leather boots, while she smiled at me softly.

"So any word on Frank? He piss off Sheila yet and get the boot?" I asked as I leaned backwards using the step as a backrest.

"Who's Frank?" Gisele asked as she came over and leaned against the railing next to me, making me sigh.

"Our father." Fiona answered, making the rest of us except Debbie sigh.

"He and Karen fucked…she could be knocked up with our brother or sister." Ian said jokingly and Lip lunged at him throwing a punch…well a pussy version of a punch while Ian put up his arms in self defense.

When Dom and the others acted like they were going to try and break in, I put my hand on Dom's shoulder and shook my head no when he looked at me.

"We might scrap like cats and dogs at times but it's out of love more times than not, we didn't have the greatest of role models on how to express ourselves healthily, besides Ian can handle himself, or I'll step in if they start going too far." I said to him calmly while trying not to laugh as Ian put Lip on his back and restrained his arms.

"Damnit Lip, open your fucking eyes Karen is a whore that doesn't give a fuck about you for fucks sake she fucked Frank of all fucking people." Ian shouted in his squeaky girly shrieking voice.

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"Hey Tej, you notice little Homie and the ginger look almost identical." Roman whispered softly while pointing at Ian.

"We're twins Ghetto Sherlock." I joked with Roman making everyone laugh before I stood up and pulled Ian off of Lip who jumped up to swing at Ian but froze when I grabbed him around the neck.

"Enough, Ian is right…even if he's going about it the wrong way, we've all been dropping hints about her and her ways and you yourself knew what kind of gutter skank she was in the very beginning, but seem to have forgotten since she popped your cherry wild girls are fun but it's time to pull your head out of your ass.

And you stop needling him cause you're having problems playing two boy toys at once, now make up you two you're ruining my buzz." I told my twin and my older brother who nodded and looked down as I let them go and they gave each other a hug and muttered apologies between each other.

Mia stood looking out of the bedroom mirror and almost felt like she was watching a young version of Dom breaking up a fight between Vince and Jakob.

"Everything alright Mia?" Brian asked softly as he got out of bed and hugged Mia from behind.

"He reminds me of Dom." Mia said as she leaned her head back against Brian's chest.

"I don't know…he has too much hair." Brian joked softly making Mia giggle softly.

"Shh, Dom's sensitive about his hair." Mia giggled as she spoke, completely ruining the fact that she was trying to be serious.

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Something pulled my vision to the road where I saw Savannah, and her brothers riding by in a car, and there was a feeling of hurt in my chest only made worse by the image of a girl in the back seat with Savannah but I shook it off for the most part.

"I'm turning in, try not to get stupid you two." I told Ian and Lip who looked at me worriedly and then towards the Oldsmobile that sped up as it cruised down the street.

"Iz." Fiona grabbed my hand but I pulled my hand from her's and went into the house slamming the door behind me, without meaning to.

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"What was that about?" Dom asked, making Fiona shake her head and look down.

"A girl." Gisele said before following Isaac into the house.

"I thought she was going to say "because he's a man"." Han joked making Fiona giggle like Ham was the funniest guy in the world.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Roman asked, sounding seriously offended while Elena let out her own laugh.

"Just ignore it Roman." Dom said to him before standing up and offering his hand to Elena who took it while giving Dom the look.

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'Damn, why does it bother me so much? I mean seriously I fucked her mom for fucks sake.' I thought to myself as I entered the basement and took out my Infinity 1911 and a cleaning kit, as it bugged me that it's only been a few days and she's already gone and got herself someone new.

"Mind if I join you?" Gisele asked me and I was so lost in my thoughts that it didn't even pop into my head that she got past an armored door that locked like a bank vault.

"Sure…" I motioned to the other side of the table but she pulled out the stool next to me and sat down, and it was then that I noticed I was crying as my tears stained the rag I use to oil my gun's internal parts that it was currently resting on.

I felt Gisele's hand on my back pressed against my spine just below my neck in comfort.

"It's okay to cry." Gisele whispered softly as she saw me quickly trying to wipe away the tears so she wouldn't notice.

"Falling in and out of love is hard." Gisele continued softly with her accent managing to make every word sound sexy and provocative, before she removed her hand from my back and took apart her Glock 26.

"Thanks, I know I shouldn't be like this…I mean fuck, I knew we were doomed from the start, it's just I didn't expect to fall so deeply in love with her or to enjoy the time I spent with her so much." I said softly as I got my emotions under control which is difficult with the rampant hormones of a teenager and the brain chemistry or one as well.

"I'm just as bad if not worse than Lip." I muttered softly to myself as I finished brushing away the carbon buildup on the internal slide.

"Haha, no…even I can tell Lip is worse off than you, is Lip his actual name?" Gisele laughed softly from beside me and I found myself looking over at her and with the way the light shined or her smile she looked like one of the most beautiful women I'd ever met, her being a look-alike for Gal Gadot the furthest thing from my mind.

"No his actual name is Philip, but he hates it because of our mother, who is a bipolar drug addict that ruined the name for him." I replied to Gisele and realized I'd been staring at Gisele too long as I returned to cleaning my gun.

"Don't call him Philip, got it." Gisele said softly with some understanding in her voice.

"Haha." I laughed since the way Gisele said it sounded funny.

"You can if you want to." I replied to her knowing it'd bug Lip.

"So I heard your brother's talking about using your younger brother as bait for a priest named father Pete." Gisele said to me and I started barking out laughter.

"HA-HAHA, Those dumb fucks…haha that is something they'd come up with." I laughed and replied to Gisele who was looking at me oddly.

"Trust me Carl, can fight…that little boy loving priest doesn't know what he's in for." I told her but she shook her head and stared at me while arching an eyebrow.

"Haa, fine…I'll put a stop to it." I sighed and Gisele sent me a little smirk.

"Don't get cocky just cause you talked me out of something twice now." I told Gisele as I put some gun oil on the rag and started wiping down parts of the 1911.

I noticed her smirk grew into a smile as she continued cleaning her gun.

"We'll be leaving in the morning…" Gisele said leaving the statement open.

"It almost sounds like you want me to come with you." I said softly but she didn't give any sort of reaction other than grabbing the gun oil from me.

Suddenly Gisele was off of her stool cupping my cheek and leaning forwards to kiss me, her lips connected with mine in a soft slow kiss as her tongue pushed into my mouth.

I found myself looking into her deep brown eyes and she looked into my green ones and she leaned against me.

Before she broke the kiss and pulled back brushing her lips against mine before fully pulling away.

"There's your real kiss for the station, and for the priest scheme." Gisele whispered to me with her fingers trailing along my jaw-line.

"If I didn't know any better…I'd almost think you like me." I said to her as I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her closer.

"Maybe I do." Gisele replied, sounding sexy as hell before she pulled my arm away and grabbed her gun off the table and walked out of my secure room with a sexy sway to her hips.

"Haaa." I sighed as I felt my jeans were way too frickin tight at the moment.

'You're a hopeless simp.' I told myself.

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Putting my Infinity 1911 back together, sliding the full mag home, racking the slide, putting a round in the chamber, before walking over to the couch, setting my pistol down on the coffee table and laying down to get some sleep.

Soon music started filling the room at a nice volume, and I started singing along softly with One Last Breath by Creed.

Closing my eyes, letting the music carry me to sleep.

[Beep beep Beep beep]

My phone started to ring, fishing my phone out of my pocket answering the call.

"Sir, Linkin Park would like to add Pillow Fights to their tour venue." Svetlana told me with her thick Russian accent came off as seductive.

"You're fucking with me aren't you Lana?" I asked the retired Russian whore.

"They're manager has called over a dozen times, as Pillow Fights is a very popular venue at the moment." Svetlana told me and I could tell from her no nonsense tone of speaking that the Russian woman was serious.

"Book them then, but they're in charge of security, and we get thirty percent of ticket sales and they pay for any damages to the facilities." I told her and got an affirmative sound from her in return.

"Along with all-access backstage passes for you and your family…I also requested one for the." Lana replied to me and I smiled knowing that she predicted my demands.

"Thank you love, you can use her pass…" I told Svetlana before hanging up, standing up from the couch and stretching out my muscles.

'Haa, such a reliable manager and secretary.' I thought to myself while putting my 1911 in its holster and going over to a cabinet that holds boxes of candy bars, grabbing out a couple king size Resse's cups before going to the mini fridge to grab a can of coke a cola.

Finishing up my unhealthy as fuck breakfast before heading upstairs finding Mia cooking breakfast alone in the kitchen.

"Want some help?" I asked Mia while resting my hands on the floating island that held an additional sink, a cooktop along with pot and pan storage.

"No, I wanted to make you breakfast as a thank you." Mia said to me while looking over her shoulder at me.

"Well I appreciate that, I'm not going to let you cook alone for so many people, now tell me what needs to get done sis." I replied to Mia as I washed my hands.

"Alright, follow the Bisquick recipe for biscuits but make it a double portion, and add the bag of sharp cheese in the fridge and make a butter sauce using chive, garlic, and parmesan cheese." Mia told me and I got to work seeing that the oven was all ready as I grabbed a mixing bowl and the ingredients mixing up the dough, grabbing out a clean cookie sheet, spraying it with olive oil and then portioning out the biscuits using a large spoon, before throwing the sheet in the oven.

"You're not too bad in the kitchen." Brian suddenly said as he seemed to come out of nowhere and hug Mia from behind kissing her cheek.

"Don't make the joke I'll make someone a good wife someday or else…I'll make sure my future niece or nephew loves American muscle over your plastic imports." I told him jokingly while staring into his eyes with promise.

"Well if he can't say it, I will." Dom joked with a chuckle as he walked into the kitchen making me roll my eyes and playfully flip him off.

Mia and Brian laughed, and Dom smirked while smiling at me before Elena hugged him from behind looking like a school girl in love.

I kept my expression normal even while I felt bad for Elena and future little Brian.

'I'll do my best to keep you from dying…' I thought to myself while making sure my gaze didn't linger too long.

"Mmm, I smell food." Tej said as he walked into the kitchen and then Roman came in rubbing his stomach.

"When food gonna be ready? me hungry" Roman asked while saying he's hungry.

"Yo, you always hungry Rome." Brain joked with a smile on his face and a laugh in his voice.

"Hahaha." I joined in on laughing with everyone while Han joined the group.

"My sister with you?" I asked Han who shook his head no.

"No, it just wasn't there for me last night." He replied while taking a seat at the stool.

"If you think I mind, I don't…I got used to my sister's ways years ago." I told him as I went into the fridge and grabbed out a yuengling beer and popped the top with my thumb before taking a sip.

"Thanks, but I doubt anything will come of it." Han replied to me and I shrugged to him in response.

"Good morning." Gisele greeted as she walked out of the living room.

"Morning." I shot back to her before taking another swallow of my beer which she walked over and took out of my hand and took a sip of before handing it back to me.

"I'm gonna go grab the other's for breakfast." I said while Gisele smirked at me slightly.

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"What is that about?" Mia asked Gisele while crossing her arms over her chest, taking a slightly combative stance.

"Just some teasing." Gisele replied while arching an eyebrow but everyone in the room felt the tension between the two.

"Is that all it is?" Mia asked knowingly with a protective look in her eyes.

"For now, not that it's any of your business." Gisele replied back not being the one to break eye contact first.

"I don't know the rules of your country…but isn't he a little young to be drinking a beer at seven in the morning." Elena said, making everyone look at her with an are you serious expression.

"Having a beer in the morning is probably the least of the kid's problems." Dom said calmly.

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"Dom, really?" Mia snapped at her older brother while shooting him a bear venomous look.

"What? It's true Mia and I'm sure the kid would be the first to agree…he's a hitman for christ sake Mia, and I say all of this from a place of love and respect." Dom replied to Mia shooting her a serious hard look that fractured under his little sister's steely gaze.

Mia was about to say something when they were interrupted by a train of sleepy Gallaghers with Carl leading the group as Fiona brought up the rear beside Issac, the two sharing a quiet conversation about someone named Steve.

While they heard a car peeling out as it took off.

"Fi, if you want to go, go, I'll hire an actress to play our guardian if we need it." I told Fiona as we walked into my house.

"I-I don't know." Fiona replied to me while nervously rubbing her arms, while shooting Han a look, I realized that the fight between Fi and Jimmy was probably because Fiona had already caught the itch for Han, rather than struggling to turn Steve's offer down.

"Aww, does Fiona have a crush on the Asian persuasion?" I teased Fiona only speaking loud enough so that she could hear me while receiving an elbow to the ribs.

"Fuck you Izzy." Fiona snapped back at me though her voice was only loud enough for me to hear.

"Hahaha, I like Han better anyways." I laughed while slinging my arm over Fiona's shoulders pulling her closer and speaking to her softly.

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"I always thought you were a little crazy for taking up so much room for a kitchen table but I guess you saw a situation like this." Fiona said to me as all of us started sitting down at the table that has 6 chairs on both sides and one on each end.

Everyone was smiling and joking around after Mia said grace…but I felt like I was watching from the outside, sure I'd laugh when anything was directed at me or make my own jokes.

It wasn't until I felt Gisele's hand on my lower thigh, just above my knee that I was actually pulled into the moment.

Gisele sent me a small smile and a wink that told me she knew what had been going on.

"Thanks." I replied silently with my lips and eyes.

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Savannah's heart pounded in her chest as her brother's turned onto the road that would allow them to drive by Isaac's house.

'Why am I doing this? I haven't seen or talked to Alex in years, until now…and she only reached out to me because she wanted to find a guy she's been crushing on…my guy my Issac.' A fresh stab of guilt and pain speared Savannah's heart at those lines of thought.

'He's not mine anymore, we broke up he's moved on he even had sex with mom, fucking bitch. But I'll show him I want more than to just stay on the Southside now I want to be his equal. I want to love him and have him love me back…Alex won't last with him.' Savannah thought to herself as she saw his figure standing in his front yard with his brother's between him and her stomach doing somersaults.

Alex leaned over, pressing her body against Savannah's making it look intimate from an outsider's perspective, as they got a perfect view of Isaac, he looked so handsome and powerful separating his brother's holding one by the throat and the other by his collar.

"EEE, HE'S SO SEXY ! ! !" Alexandra Russo squealed.

"Thank you Savannah, I'll arrange it so daddy only buys guns exclusively from your mom for this." Alex thanked Savannah seeing as their business deal was complete.

"Good." Savannah replied to her but the hurt expression on Isaac's face at seeing the closeness between the two of them made her stomach twist, and not in a good way

'I guess Mom's right, we both still love each other.' Savannah thought to herself as a part of her tried to deny that Issac still loved her as her hand instinctively went to her stomach and a little bit lower.

"You two take me home." Alex ordered her brother's and like too boy's in love they immediately acted to do as she commanded usually Savannah would have said or done something right now to ensure her dominance as the leader of their three person team but right now she was too lost in her thoughts and feelings over Issac.

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"We better get going before that free pass you gave us expires and we have Hobbs showing up here." Brian said as he stood up from the table breakfast had finished a little while ago and Dom was sharing stories about how he used to rob tractor trailers in L.A. to Carl who was mystified.

Han and Fiona were busy flirting with one another and I heard Han ask Fiona if she'd like to come explore the world with him, though Fiona didn't deny him out of hand she was also pretty evasive.

Mia walked over to my end of the table making me stand up and return her hug.

"Be safe and make sure you keep your phone on you in case I need to get a hold of you to let you know when the baby is coming, be sure to check in once a week." Mia pretty much started mothering and blathering as she held my shoulders and then gave me another hug.

"I will, big sis." I told her making the pregnant woman happy.

Next up was Brian coming over to give me a bro hug.

"Don't worry I'll try and keep Mia from bothering you every hour." Brian stage whispered while shooting me a co-conspiratorial wink.

Then Dom came over and pulled me into a hug.

"Next time we see each other I want a race. All Torreto's are driver's." He said with a smile on his face before he patted my back.

"I wouldn't usually want to whoop your ass and make an old man cry. But I'm so gonna kick your ass in a race." I joked with Dom who let out a loud happy laugh.

"H-hey, I want it on this." Brian said almost sounded like a little kid and I swear I saw his bottom lip pouting for a second.

'Aww, Brian thinks I'm going to steal his and Dom's little bromance from him.' I thought to myself as I shot Mia a smirk as she covered her mouth with her hand as her shoulders trembled.

"Sure, I'll whoop your ass too. We can make it a family thing." I joked which made everyone laugh.

"Alright Little Homie, you're kinda scary but cool." Roman said to me as we did a bro handshake and then a bro hug.

"See ya Roman, could you do something about your forehead now that you're a millionaire." I joked with the man who stuttered but gave up on saying something and waved me off.

While Tej pretended to try not to laugh but failed miserably as he walked over and did a bro shake with me.

"Man, it was cool meeting you. I still want a shot at your setup some time." Tej said and I realized he was a bit challenged when it came to communication but a lot of intelligent people are that way.

"It was cool meeting you too Tej, maybe sometime you can tell me how you got so good at safe cracking, and all those mad computer skills." I said to him as this time I pulled someone into a one armed hug.

"I'll definitely do that sometime." He replied to me with a smile.

Han and I just shook hands while I noticed Fi had disappeared for a bit.

"You hurt my sister, they'll never find your body." I told Han in a voice no one else could hear as I kept a firm grip on his hand making him gulp and nod.

Then Elena came over and gave me a hug but didn't say anything to me and followed Dom out of the house.

Everyone else soon filled out as well just leaving Gisele and I alone in the dining room.

"Give me a ride to the airport." Gisele said and though to most it would have sounded like a demand, I knew Gisele was looking for clarification.

"Yeah, let's go." I replied to her and she nodded while smiling.

Just as we were opening our respective doors to the Impala.

"You could join me…like your sister is joining Han to see the world…" Gisele said to me and I found myself smiling a sad smile.

"As much as I'd love to…one of us has to stay here for our family, I also have a popular business I need to take a part in to make sure it advances in the direction, I want it too…" I replied to Gisele trailing off by the end.

"I understand." Gisele replied to me with a soft smile before slipping into the Impala.

'Damn, it bothers me a lot that she seems disappointed by my response.' I thought to myself as I got in a few seconds after her.

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Fiona looked at the open suitcase on her bed. It was brand new Steve had given it to her last night when he proposed to take her away to South America for a vacation just the two of them and now she was planning on packing it to run off with Han, there was just something magnetic about him.

But then an image of Isaac's smiling face froze her solid.

"I can't leave, I need to stay here for my siblings, to protect Issac." Fiona whispered, throwing the suitcase off of her bed before sinking to the floor resting her back against the edge of the bed while pulling her knee up to her chest as she started to cry.

'Plus, V and Kev's wedding I can't miss it even if it is fake.' Fiona thought to herself as Liam crawled into her room.

"M-ah-me." Liam said while falling back on his butt and holding his arms out cutely.

This caused Fiona to break out in a fresh wave of tears as she moved forward, picked up Liam and held him in her arms.

~~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~~

"Pull over." Gisele suddenly said to me as we passed by a snowplow, turn-around in a forested area near a private airfield outside of Chicago.

"Sure." I replied while pulling over and putting the car in park turning to face Gisele who slid closer to me pressing herself against me and cupping my face.

"I like you." Gisele said before tilting her head forward starting a slow kiss, our lips barely grazing one another's as her hand slid to the back of my head sliding through my hair while her other hand came to rest on my chest.

"I like you too." I replied to her while leaning forward to playfully nip at her bottom lip.

"Happy birthday Issac, Fiona and M told us it was your and Ian's birthday today." Gisele whispered to me and I realized she was right, as she started kissing me again and I slid sideways on the seat and Gisele slid into my lap, Gisele took my bottom lip between her teeth without actually biting down pulling on my lip feeling a little sting as she drew some blood.

I brought my hand up brushing a bit of hair that was hanging in front of her face out of the way, loving her little, evil, naughty smirk that she gave me as she licked my blood off of her bottom lip.

Making me pick Gisele up and put her on her back one hand slipping behind her head while the other rested at the crook of her knee, before I started sliding it downwards as we started kissing passionately again.

My hand sank into Gisele's perfectly toned ass, as I started kissing along her jawline down her neck.

"What are you waiting for?" Gisele whispered in a breathless voice, making me pull back and look down at her.

Making Gisele smirk up at me as she looped her one leg around my back and managed to flip the tables perfectly except for the fact that I banged my head on the door.

"It's good you're so hard...headed." Gisele whispered softly but tentatively touched the back of my head with finger light touches.

"Yeah, I need to be with a wild and dangerous woman like you around." I joked as I rested my hand on her hip while using the hand I still had at the back of her head to pull her back into a kiss.

"I haven't even begun to show you how wild and dangerous I can be." Gisele whispered as she grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pulled me upwards.

"Take it off." Gisele commanded.

"I've been dying to." I replied back to her with a smirk, and I moved to unzip her leather jacket sliding it off of her shoulders with her assistance, throwing it into the backseat.

Moving my hand down to the hem of her tight black top, lifting it up over her head revealing a strapless black bra that unhooks from the front.

Seeing her toned abdomen running my fingers over her smooth skin finding a few old scars, one of them being a bullet wound, on her side right around the navel line.

"You're gorgeous." I whispered softly while leaning forward to plant kisses along some of her other scars.

"I know." Gisele replied back with a bit of sass but also a lot of reassured feelings in her voice, as she unhooked her bra and threw it in the back seat, revealing her perfect and perky b-cup breasts with light brown nipples that were hard little nubs from arousal.

Before grabbing hold of the hem of my shirt and lifted it over my head and threw it in the back seat.

I started kissing around Gisele's breasts loving the way her breath caught in her chest every time I let my lips brush close to one of her nipples.

Gisele's hands grabbed my hair and head tightly as I took one of her sensitive nipples between my lips, sucking lightly while flicking the bud with my tongue.

"Ohh." Gisele gasped softly, as she slowly started grinding herself against my lap, while I cupped her free breast with my free hand cupping, squeezing it lightly while rolling her nipple with my thumb.

Removing my hand from the back of her head sliding it down her back running my fingers along the curve of her spine, then underneath the tight waist of her jeans underneath her lace panties grabbing hold of her firm right ass cheek loving the way she shivered a bit at my touch.

That seemed to be the wrong move as Gisele suddenly pushed me away from her chest.

"Let's get these off." Gisele whispered as she moved her body, kicked off her boots and had her tight pants and lace panties off in under ten seconds while releasing my rock hard cock from my jeans.

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Gisele's sacred garden was revealed to me. Her thin brown haired bush was trimmed up nice, clean and short, lower lips are nice and tight, glistening with arousal.

Gisele slowly slid her left hand down her body, her fore and pointer finger making an upside down v, as her hand made it's track to rest against her groin. Gisele slowly spread her lower lips apart showing off her sweet, pink delicate folds.

"I've been aching for you since that day." Gisele whispered to me in a tone of voice that carried a bit of unsureness along with lust and desire, while wearing a smoky smirk on her lips.

"You're not the only one, you were so graceful, beautiful…skillful and we…it was like we were connected so deeply the way we moved…danced with one another." I whispered back to Gisele as I sat up resting my pack against the door as I moved to hold this beautiful exotic woman in both arms, my one hand grabbing around the back of her neck my other wrapping around the middle of her back pulling her tight against my chest, as I kissed and sucked on her neck making Gisele moan softly and tilt her head back.

"I felt like I had someone to rely on for the first time in a long time while we fought together, and then your concern for a girl you didn't know…it's what made me trust you." Gisele whispered as she grabbed hold of my cock and moved it to place it against her pussy lips.

"I want to tell you, that you do and that I'll always be there for you, but I won't make that promise only to disappoint you later on. Just know I've never felt so connected to someone before…or that I want to be there for so deeply." I whispered back to Gisele which in turn made her moan a bit loudly.

"I don't want to make any promises to you either, in fear of disappointing or hurting you." Gisele whispered as she slowly started sliding down my cock her tight lower lips expanding, stretching around the head of my hard cock.

"Fff-uhh-ck, you're so tight!" I groaned as Gisele took me fully inside of her while sitting in my lap.

"Mmm, you're so big!" Gisele moaned softly pulling my face tight against her chest, between her breasts making me plant kisses between her breasts while also giving soft licks.

"Oh ohh yeah, I like that." Gisele let out breathy moans as I held her close to me as she worked her hips, with me inside of her both of her hands running through my hair down my neck, and over my shoulders.

The pads of Gisele's fingers dug and grazed across my skin, as she continued to slide up and down my length releasing breathy moans as I moved from between her breasts, to kissing my way to her left nipple.

As soon as my lips touched the light brown rosebud Gisele's entire body trembled.

"OHH ! ! !" Gisele practically screamed as she came around my cock her entire body trembling.

"Haha, your nipples are your weakness huh?" I laughed and asked teasingly as I flipped positions with Gisele her legs that were already wrapped tightly around me got even more so as her inner walls flexed and spasmed.

Gisele rolled her eyes at me and smiled a bit shyly before smirking as she flexed her inner muscles making her walls do things that felt amazing.

"Fuck." I groaned as I leaned down kissing along her collar bone to her neck, while slowly starting to gyrate my hips, still being fully inside of her from when she road me while sitting in my lap.

"Please…fuck me for real." Gisele asked me softly, making me smirk slightly.

"Kinda hard to, with you having your legs wrapped around me like a vice." I joked softly as I started putting everything into my thrusts making her entire body shudder, her small breasts bouncing in a rhythmic motion.

"Yes..yes…yes, just like that Haa fff-uhh-ck." Gisele moaned softly while digging her fingers into my back.

"Gisele." I groaned out softly as I felt that feeling that told me I was close to coming as my thrusts started becoming a bit more erratic and harried.

"Ahh ahh haa, HNN ! ! !" Gisele moaned while pulling me even tighter against her as I released my seed inside of her, it wasn't just ropes, this was a long hard stream of hot jizz constantly shooting out my cock while my nuts flexed.

"Haa Haa haa." I panted as I laid down on top of Gisele just from the sheer euphoria I was feeling, and though Gisele made a sound she just tightened her hold on me even as her body continued to tremble.

~~ — — — — — — — — — — — ~~

"Should probably get you to the airport." I said softly as I laid on my back as Gisele slowly rocked her hips milking a soft release from me as she laid on my chest as she experienced her own soft orgasm.

"Haa, do I have to?" Gisele tilted her head we could look each other in the eyes as she cuddled against my chest, a small smile playing on her lips as she fluttered her eyelashes cutely.

"That's kinda a you thing, to decide for yourself." I replied to her with my own tender smile as I brushed a few strands of hair behind her ear with my right hand, brushing my thumb against her cheek while with my other hand I trailed my fingers along the curve of her spine.

Gisele grabbed the bottom of my face and slid herself upwards against my body leaning up slightly while tilting her head downwards and initiating a kiss as she slowly started gyrating her hips again.

"Haa, looks…like we have some company." Gisele sighed while reaching into the backseat to grab her leather jacket, putting on and zipping it shut, while slowly gyrating her hips.

"Izzy, is everything alright?" I heard Fiona call out to me.

"Yeah…everything was amazing." I replied back loud enough so that she could hear me.

"Ohh..OH!" I heard Elena gasp as she approached the car door and saw what was happening.

I saw a satisfied smirk develop on Gisele's face.

"You know if I was an insecure guy…I'd think it was my older sister you're into and I'm just an object you're using to make her jealous." I said to Gisele with a little smirk on my lips, Gisele looked down at me meeting my eyes and I saw a bit of hurt held in those warm honey brown eyes.

"I'm not that kind of woman." Gisele said to me and I could tell I'd really bothered her.

"Haa, see here I am fucking up and hurting the woman I l…" I said, making Gisele smirk a bit victoriously while leaning down to kiss me passionately.

"YOU GOLD DIGGING BITCH, GET OFF OF HIM ! ! !" Fiona let out a screaming roar while grabbing on to the door handle yanking on it aggressively.

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