As A Cybertronian

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Sitting in my chair watching Transformers Prime while trying to alter a chapter of my Sons of Anarchy/Fast & Furious fanfiction. 

'Damn the first chapter was so easy to edit it took me like six hours and I added an extra 2-2,500 words to it.' I curse internally as I set my phone down to massage the bridge of my nose…in turn relieving some pressure from my optic nerves. 

[Connecting…connecting…connection established…Location: Cybertron, Sector Unknown, Facility Name: Weapon X Facility, Project Name: Doomsday, Gestation Chamber 10…experiment number...synapses connected]

"No no, my work cannot be interrupted!" Shouts a cybertronian that looks strangely like Albert Einstein…as sounds and shockwaves of explosions shake his once secret laboratory. 

Booom... Booom... tsstssstsss.. 


'What the hell was that, it sounded like bombs going off…' I try to sus out what's going on. 

' head hurts like a motherfucker!' I groan out a curse…while trapped in a waking sleep state.

Suddenly I become more awake, probably caused by the sensation of falling down onto a cold, hard, metallic surface, which is weird since my apartment has both carpet and linoleum floors, my vision distorted…pixelated even. 

'Where the fuck am I?!' I internally question as I get up to my feet only to trip on something that makes me face plant back onto the cold metal floor.

"Fuck." I grunt and something about my voice seems off but I quickly shake it off as I get back up to my feet again…and having no sense of direction as to where I am or where to go I start to try and feel my surroundings out like a good drunk. 

"Damn…My whole body hurts!" I grunt out while feeling extremely discombobulated…both from my distorted senses…and from the sounds and vibrations of what seem to be explosions..close to where I am…thanks to that…and I fail to notice the clank and thuds that accompany every step I take.

Counting my steps as I go, I made it all of ten steps before I fall on the floor face first for a third time, 'Fuck Me!' I internally groan and decide it's best to just remain here where I've fallen on the floor until I get my bearings.

After a couple minutes my vision starts to clear though it does that thing where a flash of fuzz and rainbow colored lines appear like on a hiccupping image/video…and there's this weird hud and border in my vision intermingling with the grated metal floor with weird signs and symbols interlacing my sight.

'These…I know these…it's Cybertronian…from the Bayverse…and I understand it.' I internally ponder…and as I concentrate on a piece of the floor…I'm able to  make out my face, as my vision zooms in offering me a crystal clear 14k image..the face that is shown in the reflection. 

"This certainly isn't the face I've grown up with for the past twenty eight years." I murmur, as instead of Lily white flesh I see a metallic, shiny, silver skin with black accents, there's no scratches or dents, and my eyes shine violet with a dark purple pupil…if you can even really call these eyes and not optical sensors.

Seeing this new me brings a deluge of complicated feelings and thoughts, while also washing away all the drowsiness I might have been feeling. 

Out of reflex I bring my right hand up to my face, my fingers make such a light contact…I'm not sure it can even be counted as a touch, but through the light contact I feel soft warm flesh even though it looks like it should be hard and cold in my reflection. 

I know on an unconscious level that this is my face and that this isn't a dream, the fall from earlier…it actually hurt and not like in dreams…but a part of me didn't want to accept my new reality…I know I am what I am now…that my reflection is me and yet I still can't quite get past the major differences from before I shut my eyes and woke up here... 

'Man…I'm not…a 100% sure but…as a fan of Transformers…I know…I at least look a lot like a Cybertroian protoform.' I say internally as I stand up and I pound my closed fist against my chest…the sound my hand makes as it hits rings like metal, a metal gong being struck. 

Turning to my right I find a clean wall of shiny polished metal that reveals to me my image…and there are some major differences between myself and the cybertronian protoforms I've seen in my last life. 

 "I look a little bit like Bumblebee but I'm smooth without armor/vehicle parts…I'd say I'm roughly 14-16 feet tall, with blades protruding from my and forearm similar to that of a batman's forearm guards, somehow I unconsciously know that they will pop forward like a predators claws, the same combination happens on the front of my legs starting my shins going down to my ankles, but like…I know how the ones on my forearm eject the ones on my legs don't protrude, and to top it all off... I have some type of grappling device stealth mounted near my wrists but not on my hands.

Suddenly an urge to flex my fingers hits me and three blades protrude from in-between my knuckles and so do the blades on my forearm and they shine with a violet light. 

"Woah…I'm wolverine!" I exclaim jokingly and feel like I am seconds from going into a hysterical breakdown… 

{BOOOM!!} Another explosion rocks the structure that I woke up in. 

"What the hell am I in the middle of a warzo…" Before I can finish my exclamation a rush of information hits me....the only way I can describe it is like when you're disconnected from the wifi or module connection…and you don't realize you were playing an offline game but then you reconnect to a network and your game reboots on you…though instead of a game fucking up I'm receiving a massive info dump that shines some light on my situation…though my processors are still separating, cataloguing and archiving the brunt of the data though the easily processed information gives me the broad strokes of where I am and a brief history of my new, home world, and most importantly what I Am…which is a new type of cybertronian…created by the Decepticons to be the ultimate superweapons against the Autobots and the unaffiliated factions of Cybertronians. 

After understanding everything I needed to know for now, I look at the time displayed by my hud, as I start looking for a way out. 

It takes me all of 3 minutes to find an exit but I do feel the need to forgive myself as the way the structure is shaking from the battle outside.

'I should search this place for a mainframe…so that…Shockwave can't replicate the experiments that created me…' I say in my head as I quickly dash around taking in my surroundings that are a mix of Shockwaves Predacon laboratory and the hatchery from Transformers the Fallen, where the Fallen used those baby protoforms for parts and food, the lab is very spacious and there are fifty 50 artificial wombs lining the room but most if not all of them are drained of liquid, and filled with dead carcases of protoforms in various stages of growth…the wombs look like they were shredded by frag grenades my eyes are drawn to one specific area, the area where I woke up, in that place I see a metal casket on the ground with cracks and green viscous liquid seeping out of it.

'Its probably some sort of energon/embryonic fluid.' I internally express, as I walk over to it and kneel down…at the bottom of the tank there is a holographic tag and it reads Weapon X program…experiment number Doomsday, traits Reactive Adaptation, Nano-particle physiology…

"I'm not Wolverine…I'm literally a cybertronian version of Doomsday…" I murmur as my head starts to spin, but the sounds and vibrations from the battle outside stir me out of my dazed state, especially the ever growing closer sounds of gunfire and explosions reaching way too close for any kind of comfort, making me get a move on.

'Wait…Nano-particle physiology…I wonder…' I internally ponder as I kneel down next one of many vehicons and press my hand to it's gaping chest plate…an intuition takes over and a blackish gray goo melts from my forearm and encases the vehicon…it takes nanoseconds for it to be consumed and I gain a ground alt mode preset as my body shits and changes slightly making me appear a bit like Terry McGuiness's Batman except no bat logo and no dumb belt…and my hands turn into blasters.

"Sweet!" I cheer and perform a fist pound to the air and accidentally fire off an energy round rupturing a green energon line in the ceiling. "Oops…better consume every bot here, even the experimental protoforms…" I murmur as I concentrate on spreading myself out…consuming all the bots rapidly upgrading myself to the point I can't even register all the upgrades as I return my hand to normal.

Getting a move on, I reach a terminal that has a recording of a bot that looks like Albert Einstein with wild fiber optic cable hair. Pressing my hand against the terminal, said, terminal opens up to me like an old friend needing to get something off of their chest. I copy the data and then delete everything before commanding the system to overload itself. 

Which makes the panel and the wires attached to it spark and catch fire. 

"Oh yeah, I'm…one badass bot…I should name myself Badassatron…" I exclaim making a little joke about one of the nicknames B-127 or Bumblebee gives himself in Transformers One. 

Shaking my head as I feel exasperated at myself, I start making my way over to the exit. 

'Would it have hurt for the Decepticons to spring for some exit signs…they'd be very helpful right about now…' I complain internally in exasperation, as I turn a corner and come to a corridor that I know from the data on the complex that I stole would lead me to the main exit. 

I make it 3 steps into the corridor heading towards the exit…when I start to feel an alarm going off in my head…like the vibration setting on a phone…the quickly turns to an insistent ringing in my head the closer I get to the exit…the louder it gets, seeing the open door at the end of the hall revealing a…red sanded desert with light of weapon fire making the outside seem as bright as day…pausing at the door…not seeing anyone close to me I begin to step outside much to the annoyance of…my instincts as soon as my foot crosses the threshold.

I…really my body dodges to the right in a standing lean…spidey style…making the bullet miss me entirely…it hits the ground behind me, at the same time I actually hear the sonic bang of the sniper rifle that fired it at me. 


Another sniper round is fired at me and before it can hit me I dodge out if the way of it again…my processors calculate where the shots were fired from and I look in the direction indicated by the trajectory of the bullet.

My vision zooms in like before and I can easily see the sniper who is smirking at me from her position up on roof if a ten story building 300 yards away from my current location, and even though this isn't the right time…I can't help but admire her more human-like sexual features…partially hidden by her turquoise colored armor.

With my attacker identified, my body goes into attack mode…which means a battle mask covers my once exposed face and…my person takes a bit of a back seat as my programming…battle Instincts take over and my body moves on autopilot.

'That looks like a hentai'd version of Chromia…' I make an internal observation as my body tenses. 

I find myself leaning forward and bursts into motion with the speed of an attacking predator making lunging towards its prey.

A snarl leaves me as I madly charge out into the open…and as soon as my assailant sees that I'm heading straight for her, she snaps out of shocked state caused by my dodging her two earlier shots, and she rapidly trainas her rifle on me and I can tell that she is ready to fire on my position as her lips curl up into a smirk. 

But my danger sense flares up again and my body auto dodges the projectile easily without losing any of it's built up momentum.

But even with the efficiency of my cut rate spidey sense o can't help but feel a bit of fear as I know just by observing her that this Lady-bot is an extremely skilled markswoman and as the distance between us decreases the difficulty for my body to perform these evasive maneuvers will increase…at a 100 yards from the building a round finally connects luckily it is just a glancing graze on my left shoulder and not something debilitating.

But with my own experience with rifles I know that…without a doubt if my speed wasn't so fast, that last shot would have been a kill shot. 

The rapport of her sniper rifle keeps booming through the air and I keep dodging bullets but more and more of them turn to grazing hits, one on my left shoulder then another grazes my right hip. 

'I don't think I'll be able to dodge the next shot…' I murmur in my head as the gun aligns with my head just as I reach the foundation of the building, ruining the sniper's shot, my arms extend and two grappling lines fire from my wrists, launch forward and dig into the building halfway up it's length. 

Small servos engage and it feels like I'm flying, I reach halfway up the building one of the cable head releases, its spade-like end and lodges just at the lip of the top of the building, the sniper takes aim at the same time I'm propelled through the air. 

She fires her rifle and her bullet glances off of my head missing a kill shot by a micrometer margin. 

Sailing through the air on a cable, I know my transmigration is about to end…as the sniper pulls the trigger of her rifle, the flash out of the barrel is bright enough that my optics auto darken like an expensive welding helmet as the bullet sails towards my head, my free arm moves at a speed I didn't know was possible, my knuckle blades extend slicing the bullet in half, the two halves fly by my head. 

Cresting the lip of the roof, batting the rifle out of the hand of my prey as I land on top of her and ride her to the ground, my blades poised to end her life… my instincts recede while my optics connect with my prey.

A deep growling in my chest starts as I stare into her anger filled blue searching eyes, 'Dammit, I'm not a wild animal!' I internally snarl at myself while trying to stop my body from neutralizing the threat. 

The ladybot's eyes soften when she doesn't seem to find what she has expected to. 

"Chromia!" I hear a feminine voice yell out from behind me. 

"Alita, wait!" The ladybot underneath me says but it comes too late as I'm hit with a wide net ion shock wave that locks my body up…I'm hit a few more times before it lights out for me. 

"I'm not a con-" Were the words in my mouth that I was about to say.