Voltron with a System

[1] Prologue 


"..Next!" I hear a loud voice call out from ahead of me, and I begin walking forward feeling confused about where I am, and why I can't remember how I got here. 

'All I remembered is that I was test driving a car for a buddy of mine…it was snowing pretty good and with the high beams on it was like I was driving through hyperspace…' 

 At my thoughts on driving in hyperspace, memories of a flipped over car that had a small smattering of flames burning near the engine…there were still people inside of it. I stopped the car and rushed forward to help, but after helping the teenaged girl out of the backseat I can't remember anything else.

"Ok soul QTZ-156378492, let's see what you did. Hmmmm....not bad, you've made some questionable life choices, but you've also committed plenty of good deeds, Oh..oh my what a horrid Credit Score…I didn't even know it could go that low…That is by far one of your greatest achievements, except for maybe saving that family and then dying…in a fiery explosion" A voice suddenly spoke.

"Uhh…That's....cool…I guess?!" I say hesitantly while feeling oddly calm for no apparent reason.

"Great! You're not hysterically crying, the last few billion souls have been a bunch of cry babies. 'Oh please send me to heaven' or 'I don't want to die' and even some weirdos yelling stuff about Truck-Kun…and wishes…Those people are some serious freaks."

'So…I'm dead…'

"So I'm dead...what now?" I ask my inner question aloud.

"You have the choices of heaven, transmigration or reincarnation into a world of your choice…and with the amount of brownie points you've amassed, you have a vast range of options to choose from. So what do you want to do?"

"I want to Transmigrate!" I shout out immediately.

"Sorry, I would like to Transmigrate…" I apologize to the entity I can't see as I feel embarrassed by my shouting. 

Just as I'm about to apologize again a holographic display appears in front of me with a list of fictional worlds/universes on it.

I feel myself zoning out while looking through the almost infinite list, as I browse the options I narrow down the list to my top ten choices.











'Star Wars, Stargate and Voltron are the most appealing to me…but Voltron is the only one that I know of without some sentient all controlling force…' 

After some internal debate, I chose the Voltron Legendary Defender universe as it was..is a fantasy of mine to go there…as I kinda grew up dreaming about traveling the galaxy, using the Force meeting beautiful sexy princesses and queens being a roguish smuggler/snuggler and all around just having tons of space faring fun.

"Not a bad choice, you have your universe. Now you just need to finalize a few other choices."

"Ok so do I pick my race or-?" I start to question but am interrupted by the voice again.

"But, it's been…haa…an Aeon or two of watching people choose the most mundane and boring things so I'll just choose everything for you ... .And since I'm nice, I'll throw in a gift for you."

Feeling more than a little flustered/outraged, I find myself being pulled away before being able to give voice to my discontent.

"Have a fun time little soul, and please don't die too soon, I need some decent entertainment!" The voice calls out to me as I feel myself being lulled to sleep.


[Galaxy Garrison Facility. Katie Holt (Also known as Pidge, also known as the Green Paladin of Voltron) Point of View.] 

With her radio set out in front of her, Pidge Gunderson stared up at the stars above, like she did every night, since her father and brother went into space. She was listening to the signals from outer space. 

Wanting to pick up everything, anything, that may indicate where her father and brother are.

Yet for weeks there had been nothing. 

What had happened on that mission? Was a thought constantly plaguing her mind to no end. 

She knew that they hadn't died, and it seemed the Galaxy Garrison was hiding something. 

So far, she had been getting nothing, she fixed her glasses to her nose with her middle and index finger, looking at the lines of code moving up and down the computer monitor. 

It was mostly background noise, noise that kept coming back…constantly repeating itself even after it had been filtered out and eliminated…

"Why does this keep coming back?" Katie growls out in exasperation, as she looks up at the starry night sky and scratches the back of her head, before running her fingers through her auburn hair, before returning her eyes to the monitor of her listening equipment. 

Reviewing her findings, she pauses…and a sudden inspiration hits her.

"Maybe if I…Got It!" Katie murmurs before cheering as maps out the correlation with background noise from the nights before and the ones present today.

Compared to what she thought was once just background noise…these, these seemed to be more intellectually made than the ones generated by natural radiation, spatial and random anomalies. 

She brought her hand to her face and rested her chin in her fist, her index finger coursing over her jaw in thought. 

When understanding suddenly hits her and she understands that what she is hearing is actually offworld alien chatter, though she can only decipher one single word, "Voltron." 

As Katie concentrates on Voltron, she begins hearing a signal distinctively different from others.

"Hmm…what's this signal?" Katie hums while reaching over, and adjusting the antenna attached to her equipment towards the south, the direction in which the signal originated..the signal instantly became stronger and she began to hear a raspy voice. In an unknown…but distinctively alien language, that constantly fades in and out. 

It matched nothing she had ever heard before, was there some sort of alien presence on earth!? She wondered idly.

Despite this not necessarily being what she had hoped to find this night, it was clear that something was amiss. 

Checking all other channels on the radio, it appeared that it only appeared on the one she had been focusing on at the time. 

Pausing in her search of other bands and returning to the channel she had left behind, she begins to tune in to the signal…the broadcast that was coming from an area particularly close to her current location.

The further she isolated the signal, the clearer it became…finding it to be a repetitive message, one that sounded urgent…like an S.O.S. 

Though the tone sounds…calm, suggesting that the amount of distress that whoever was broadcasting it was at a minimum…though a sound almost like some kind of an alarm accompanied the alien speech broadcast.

Using special software on her laptop to take an even closer in-depth look at the signal which was being sent, Katie even found that it had just started, there was no degradation, but held a large amount of encryption. 

'Is this some sort of first contact, or a prank?' she wondered however the data wasn't lying, this wasn't a signal from any form of Earth technology. 

The broadband message she was receiving was synthetic, and specifically designed to be received by her device's...custom…home built devices made from dozens of other pieces of equipment.

"This... can't be a coincidence!" Katie expresses, while noticing an outdated yet highly intricate encryption key hidden within the message, she sets to work attempting to break it. 

Typing away at a staggering pace on the laptop's keyboard, she tore through layer after layer of hidden security. 

When she reached the end, there were simple numbers scattered all over the screen. 

She stared at them, in her mind processing them through complicated and brilliant equations. The first row of numbers were Prime, something that humanity often sent out in the past to find sentient life, of course without any hope of finding it.

Yet she found that it was right here on earth, amongst them, or beneath them. As she finished computing the data found here on the computer, she couldn't help but let out a sigh. 

In the end the numbers, excluding the prime ones, were coordinates.

"Th-They're telling me where they are..? Katie expresses her surprise while her eyes narrow, a small ember of hope igniting in her heart as she thinks that there is a possibility that they may know where her father and brother are…and what happened to them. 

So many questions spun in her head, and she began to hope that these intelligent life forms could answer many of them. 

Katie begins hurriedly yet carefully packing away her sensitive equipment into cases before moving them into her voluminous backpack, standing up and looking up at the sky as she slings her backpack over her shoulder. 

A small smile crosses over her lips as she watches a flying star graze through the night sky. 

"I'm coming for you Dad, Matthew, I'm coming!" Katie vows before looking back at the ground before her, and beginning her track to her dorm room. 

Entering her dorm room after stealthily avoiding security patrols of the Garrison Facilities security forces. 

Using a tablet…Katie looks up information on the coordinates that she gained from the broadcast, a location that she has some prior knowledge of thanks to the camping trips that she would go on with her Father and Brother. 

'Hmm…this is that mountain range that people say has an underground lake beneath it…' Katie hummed softly though she never put much stock in the rumors she's heard about nor in the tourist urban legends pamphlet. 

'There's really alien life on earth…' Katie says in her head with certainty…and now she can only assume that her family has been taken by aliens from another world. 

Which could mean, this may very well be an elaborate trap…but that is a risk this willy young woman is going to take. 

"Whatever happens I won't be coming back here." Katie murmurs as she begins going through her personal effects and collecting several objects, flash lights, flares, lengths of rope, grabbing a cell phone off of her desk she turns off her phone and drops it into her pocket.

Katie pauses at the door and looks around the room to make sure that she hadn't forgotten anything, and after a few seconds she nods to herself and sneaks out of her dorm room for a final time. 

"SHHH, HUNK, you'll get us caught." Katie somewhat hears someone shout after a large banging sound.

"Better avoid them," Katie says a bit more loudly than she should have though, her spoken words being identical to her thoughts.

Finally outside of the facility Katie is focused and unstoppable…a woman on a warpath. 

However as she continued to head in the direction her equipment told her to, she begins to wonder if she is being targeted because…how else could the signal have been made to only be picked up by her devices? She had built them herself…they must be watching her somehow, that would be the only way…that would know how to do such a thing. 

"Were they targeting the hard address?" Katie thinks out loud, Hunk and Lance the two other members of her cadet squad both creeping behind her. 

Hiding behind bushes, or rocks, to avoid being detected by their friend and squadmate, Pidge (Katie) Holt, who seems to be completely unaware that she is actually being tailed by them.

"Lance, I don't feel right about this." Hunk complains to his friend. 

"Shh, come on if Pidge is sneaking out it must be for something amazing." Lance whispers back to his larger friend. 

"This is it!" Katie expresses in a murmur of excitement, After about thirty minutes of jogging, eventually coming to a collapsed shack in the middle of nowhere at the base of the mountain range, supposedly the entrance to the underground spring, or lake was inside this very shack.

 Katie looks around inspecting the mostly desolate area that is mainly composed of rocky flats and hills of barren rock. 

Pursing her lips, narrowing her gaze on the shack once more, before walking over to the ruined wooden structure with a worn and rusty tin roof with large holes in it, "Welp time to get to work." Katie mutters as she sling her backpack off of her shoulders and takes out a pair of work gloves.

"Haa, kinda wish I roped Hunk and Lance into coming with me just to help move this stuff." Katie sighs as she eyes the metal hatch that would look at home on a submarine or nuclear bunker. 

'Hopefully this isn't an entrance to a defunct missile silo.' Katie sighs internally while crouching down, grabbing hold of the circular latch and preparing for it to be hard to open only to fall on her butt when it easily turns. 

"Wow, wasn't expecting it to be that easy…" Katie murmurs as she lifts the lid revealing steps cut into stone. 

"Eurika!" Katie exclaims with an ear to ear grin across her lips, looking down into the hole, all she saw was pitch darkness, other than the upper portion of steps cut into the rock…taking out a flashlight from her back pocket, shining it down into the hole she stares down the flashlight illuminating several meters down but not revealing the bottom. 

"Matt, Dad…this is for you." Katie mutters before beginning to climb down into the hole, placing foot and hand into the stone rungs that acted like a ladder. 

About half way down Katie's whole body began to protest…and her fingers start to slip on the smoothened sandstone that has been eroded at an angle, she managed to pull herself closer to the wall. 

And takes a small rest, her heart pounding in her chest…while she tries to reassure herself that even if she fell backwards, she could stop herself from falling as the hole wasn't very wide…heck it was barely big enough for someone slightly larger than her…even with her large backpack on. 

Just then a light from above shines down on her, making her look up…inadvertently blinding herself and startled she loses her precarious balance; and begins flailing her arms about as she starts to fall down the hole deeper into the earth.

Her flailing arms and legs slowed her descent slightly, until she hit the ground with a soft thud, landing on her plump rump.

"Oh crap! Pidge, are you okay?" She heard Lance's voice call down from above, as he waved around the light that he was shining into the hole from above frantically. 

"What are you even doing?" Lance asks a second question before she can formulate a response to the first question, drawing a blank, she says the first words that came to mind. 

"Going for a ... Night swim!"A bead of sweat rolled down the side of her head as she smiled coyly up at the gaping hole where her friends stood worrying over her, and nearly breaking her thin cover as being a boy. 

'Are they really my friends?' Katie wonders as even though they were mainly just classmates, they were friendly enough…to her friendlier than anyone besides her brother and parents. 

Getting to her feet, Katie dusts herself off patting her behind, before slinging her backpack off of her shoulders and checking over her equipment. 

"Shoo…everything looks relatively unscathed, though my jeans have seen better days." Katie says after releasing an explosive breath…her jeans mostly surviving other than having torn one pant leg a bit, a little below her knee. 

"Good thing I didn't wear shorts.." Katie murmurs quietly to herself, before turning and walking further down the tunnel. 

She could hear Hunk complaining, attempting to negotiate fruitlessly with Lance to go back to the Garrison and steal a midnight snack. 

Rolling her eyes and softly smiling at the two's antics she decides to invite them to join her, "You guys can come with, if you'd like-" though she sounds as though she's, frivolously, inviting them…she was definitely relieved that they were following her on her adventure to find aliens.

After several long minutes of navigating in the dark with a single flashlight, the three enter the main chambers. before them was a crystal illuminated lake. 

It was so beautiful they all gaped…so beautiful it should be preserved as a natural wonder.

"None of the stories I ever heard about this place…mentioned this…!" Katie (Pidge) gasps…and gasps again as she notices a shape beneath the unnaturally clear water. 

It was deeper than any lake she had ever seen, and the water is crystal clear despite its depth, even the bottom can be clearly seen.

Inside the water, is a massive futuristic looking castle, the tip of the highest tower rests just underneath the calm ripple-less surface of the underground lake.

Katie, better known as Pidge by her friends, walks towards the water as if possessed by an ethereal force, as soon as the tip of her right sneaker enters the water, large sections of the ship light up, and it begins to rise to the surface.

The interior of the cavern begins to tremble before shaking, hard enough to cause the trio of teens to fall to the ground, none of them try to stand…each one stays seated…rooted in the spots where they fell watching in awe as the futuristic looking castle…combined with a spaceship rose from the watery depths and seemed to hover just above the surface of the water. 

"It's a castle." One of the three mutters. 

"It's a spaceship." Another murmurs

"It's both." The final voice corrected the other two…as they all admired the magnificent, castleship even in its

partially damaged state...

"Is this Voltron...?" Katie asks as she purses her lips in thought, she had to ask even though she doubted it. 

And as if in response to her question a bridge extends from the base of an entrance to the vessel as it slowly opens revealing a cavernous space within. 

After a short period of thought, Katie stands up and inspects the bridge, which has now extended to them stopping just before making contact with the toe of her shoe. 

Cautiously Katie raises her right foot and right as she is about to step onto the bridge, Hunk and Lance try to grab her and pull her back. 

"Pidge!" both boy's shout in unison as Katie twists and turns avoiding their lackluster form of deterrence. 

Both release a sigh when they see how motivated their friend is to continue, looking to each other the nod and back off from trying to stop Pidge. 

Instead they steeled themselves and stepped up to follow their friend inside, loyal friends indeed to not let their friend go into the alien spaceship alone.

"Ya can count us in Pidge!" Lance says volunteering himself and a rather distressed Hunk, to be her escort into the unknown vessel. 

"I mean really, how bad could a bunch of aliens be, anyway?" Hunk asks with a shrug as the three of them enter the vessel together, Hunk and Lance flanking her on either side alert and ready for conflict, while Pidge starea down the long hall. 

Lights built into the walls and ceilings begin turning on, in time with their movement…drawing Pidge's attention for a few moments until her eyes quickly trace over scorch marks on the interior of the ship…something she had seen in a few comics, TV shows and movies where energy weapons are the most common tools of war. 


It was clear that some kind of battle had taken place here…maybe there had been a boarding party.

'It's likely they had been attacked by whoever was looking for Voltron.' An errant thought enters Katie's mind as she inspects skeletons that were similar to that of humans but actually belonging to that of Galra soldiers and Alteans with the smattering of destroyed robots mixed in.

"This feels like a grave…" Hunk murmurs as his teeth chatter in fear and a cartoonish full body tremble makes his entire body shake, as the group continues to cautiously move deeper into the structure, being mindful to step over the remains, doing their absolute best to avoid making contact. 

Hunk begins to shut his eyes and shake his head from side to side refusing to even look which makes Lance have to guide him.

Lance murmurs a soft prayer to the dead…It was clear that all three of them are uncomfortable…but Hunk seemed especially sensitive to their current surroundings.

"You said you were going for a midnight swim right? Why not just go back out there and have some fun, huh?" Hunk fruitlessly tries to plead with the two of his friends for them to leave, however it falls on two sets of deaf ears as they come across a sealed door after traversing several other corridors…at least the bodies lessened the further in they got…and only one body was near this sealed door that was reminiscent of a blast door…this body was in a regal and shiny looking set of gold and silver armor.

"What is this...?" Pidge asks as she inspects what looks like a terminal that the skeletal hand of the armored person still held onto. 

Pidge gently lifts the hand off of the terminal and suddenly a distorted mechanical voice that sounded feminine in nature begins to deliver a choppy message, "V-y-v-vvvvvvV...Au-then- Voice Authentication Gunderson, Pidge, Welcome to the C-cc-ccc.... Castle of The Dragon." The voice greets as the magnetic and mechanical seals that are keeping the blast door shut release with loud clicks and a magnetic hum.

Suddenly something akin to an air raid siren sounds making all three of them clap their hands over their ears, but the message is delivered crisply even with its malfunctioning,"War-war-Warning: be-war-e Be-beware of Exposed bio circuitry!" A rush of steam pours out of the opening door nearly knocking the three young adults on their asses once the thick steam clears, a control room/command center is laid out before them. 

However, unlike the rest of the Castleship, there aren't any bodies here at least in sight and the lights are dimmer as if set on a lower setting on purpose. 

Pidge steps into the room alone, the others hesitating at the doorway, following her shortly after she gets two steps into the room. 

Hunk walks up beside her however as they both examine the large terminal on the adjacent side of the room.

Suddenly screens start to light up, which makes both turn to see Lance with his hands behind his back and whistling in mock innocence. 

"I didn't touch anything!" Lance shouts but quickly crumbles underneath Hunk and Katie's angry gazes. 

Suddenly the floor underneath the command chair that Lance had touched sinks into the floor and a cylindrical tube rises from the floor, it's opaque front turns translucent in doing so revealing a person…a teenage elf with blue triangular-like marks under his eyes, long flowing red and white hair. 

Katie finds her body moving under it own volition towards the tube gently resting her hand on the material that gives slightly underneath her touch and send a gentle feeling of energy throughout her body making her pull her hand back in fright…only to fall on her butt as the eyes of the person inside snap open revealing Green eyes that were so bright and yet deep in color they seemed unnatural. 

*— - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —*

'Wha-what's happening?!' I ask as the darkness with only a small opening in it to let me see out of opens fully…and like a door in a vacuum is opened I rush out and sink into a new place…not new really as I had been watching this place since "Transmigrating" through a door that was left ajar…but now I am Lord…Marquess Ronon Dax owner of the Castle of Dragons, son of Duke Lafford Dax who was the agent of the Throne…and entrusted to protect both the blue lion and a comet made entirely out of the same Trans-reality ore that the lions that form Voltron are made out of. 

Feeling myself begin to fall forwards no longer being held in the suspension field generated by the cryo-pod that has been my prison for ten thousand years. 

*— - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —*

 A holographic image of the young man in the pod starts to play, 

"Greetings this is a prerecorded message for those that find my Castleship, I am Lord Marquess Ronon Dax of Altea and the owner of this castle, which is called the Castle of The Dragon, I fear…I may be the last Altean left. The Paladins are gone...killed by a traitor…Voltron lost…to the stars, My father and his complement of special forces troopers are dead. 

 Galra scum, they turned against the Galaxy…after we saved their species! If this is you Pidge Gunderson, thank you! Thank you for finding me, thank you for waking me!" The young man spoke with a sympathetic smile rising across his face, almost as if he knew her personal torment and wanted to comfort her. 

"What did he mean by waking..?" Lance asks while Katie (Pidge) notices Ronon's body beginning to list forward.

Pidge moves forwards, Hunk following closely behind her.

*— - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —*

[Castle of The Dragon; MC's Point of View]

[Host Found… Assimilating…0 …17%...43%...85%...100% Assimilation Complete. Please Standby…for boot up.]

Struggling to get my disoriented senses together…and then struggling with the realization that I can barely hear, or feel…anything except for an odd tingling sensation moving throughout my body. 

Suddenly my senses clear and I begin to pry open my eyes which is a difficult task, after ten thousand years of being shut. 

At first my vision is blurry, though this was to be expected after being in such a prolonged state of suspended animation. 

However, being on top of a slightly built late teens girl… instead of being locked inside of an opening stasis pod.

[Salutations Transmigrator, I am the gift given by [-| {!| @;{:| @)). Would you like to see your Stats?] 

[Yes] [No]

I subconsciously nod in affirmation, "H-hey!" The young woman underneath me shouts in my ear, pulling me out of my barely conscious state…my head resting against her shoulder. 

"Sorry.." I apologize quietly, as I start to roll off of her, my hand brushing across her chest, 'Bound?!' an observation passes through my head as a translucent screen appears in my vision, it is a light blue with a white outline, the corners are an odd leafed design.

[Alpha System Version 1.3.0a Star Wars/Voltron Edition.

-Name: Ronon Dax

-Age: Sixteen

-Gender: Male

-Race: Altean (Pureblood, Royal Family)






-Close Quarters Combat, 

-Firearms Intuition, 

-Vehicular Intuition, 

-Empathic Abilities 





'What! I can use the Force?!' I ask in my mind. 

[That is Affirmative The Host is Force Sensitive with a Midichlorian count of 30,000 per cell, Host is also deeply gifted with Altean magics and is one of the chosen.]

-Inventory: Beginner Kit.

-Quintessence Points (Qpoints): 0

-Experience Points 0/500

System Commands 




I can tell Katie-Pidve is holding in a tangent for copping a feel, but I didn't pay that much attention to her as I doubted I'd see any repercussions from it as Katie wants to keep her identity as Pidge Gunderson a slightly built boy cadet intact…and not reveal that she is actually Katie Holt, Matthew Holt's little sister.

"Is he okay?" Lance asks as he offers a hand to Pidge which she takes, once on her feet, Pidge begins brushing the dust that she picked up on her time on the floor off of herself.

"I don't know…" Pidge replies as she kneels down beside me and starts looking me over for wounds. 

"He seems…dehydrated…and hungry?" Hunk interjects.

Feeling heavy and a little spacey, I mentally motion for the system screen to close, while slowly pushing myself up, into a sitting position only for a dry coughing fit to hit me. 

"Wa-wadur.?." I ask my question broken and distorted by coughing and using the foreign english words…rather well.

I notice the three of them just staring at me and blinking their eyes a few times with surprised expressions on their faces hearing me speak english. 

 Pidge who had knelt down beside me earlier using part of her upper body to support my weight as she reaches for her backpack which Hunk quickly hands her, now that it is in front of her, Pidge opens her pack. 

And takes out a bottle of water, unscrews the cap before bringing it up to my lips, o find myself grasping her hands in mine as she slowly nurses me on, the cheap, flimsy plastic bottle, making me snicker internally at myself, the sensation of water beginning to flow into my parched throat is burning agony almost making me choke. 

I find myself staring into Pidge's amber colored eyes…and begin to feel indebted to her among other things, 'I really don't know how anyone bought/believed that she was a guy…' I internally express and after a few minutes of suckling from the bottle and staring into Pidge's eyes, I drain the bottle dry and Pidge lowers her hands but doesn't try to remove mine from her's, but after a few more seconds of staring into her eyes I clear my his throat, and bring my right hand op and wipe my lips and chin clean of water that has spilt while drinking. 

 Pidge took her hands back from my remaining one and rescrewes the cap onto the bottle and places it in her bag. And proceeds to dig around in her bag before taking out a pen and notepad, she flips the pages to a clear sheet of paper and begins to jot down notes.

Lance, Hunk and I sit and stand idle…in silence as we wait for Pidge to get herself organized, finally after however long she lets out a sigh. 

"Okay I'm going to keep this short…Ronon, who are the Galra? Where are my brother and father? And why are you on earth?" Pidge asks me her voice stern and serious, as she leans in towards me…making sure to speak her words in a slow and calm manner. 

Both of her hands are gently applying pressure against my shoulders, my eyes being drawn to her lips…watching them move.. feeling urges to kiss the girl who brought me out of the twilight and into the light. 

"And Shiro, what happened to Shiro?" Lance butts in, wanting to know where his and many other people's Hero Takashi Shirogane was.

"The Galra...are treacherous scun a warmongering species of purple skinned and furred humanoids with devilish yellow eyes." I growl deep in my chest the pains of Ronon my own, my response causes a frown to form on Pidge's face. 

'I can tell them what I know from the series…' 

"I can tell you what I know, is that you are a rather young species located here, in the unexplored regions of greater space…and the people that you're missing were likely onboard a primitive space shuttle that breached Frontier space that is actively being subjugated by Galran forces. The people that you speak of are likely still alive, if they were found by Galra forces searching for Voltron, and are likely being used by the Galra in some form or another…either as slave labor or entertainment in gladiatorial combat…though unless they're skilled combatants than it's likely that they have…of they were assigned to the pits.." I reply to some of Pidge's questions trailing off at the end when as I notice her pained expression which makes me want to hug her but, I force my eyes away from her and to the command chair which controls all systems of the castleship..similar to the setup on the Castle of Lions but the touch interfaces are built into the arms of the chair.

Before flicking over towards an auxiliary station/control module seeing that a damage report was available, 'This castle is different from the Castle of Lions…this one in particular was designed by my father...and geared more towards war…though it has the same capabilities and follows the same laws of architecture…as the Castle of Lions it's armaments and defenses are much higher…and it has a backup Telladove and main engine room.' 

"Wha-What do you mean by…?" Pidge couldn't seem to get her big brain around the idea that there was a chance that her family could have been butchered in an arena…but at least she had more than just blind faith that her family could still be alive.

"Everyone…Everything to the Galra has a use…" I move my right hand and place it over the top of her hand that is still holding a pen.

"I'm certain that your family is still alive…they are a new and strange species after all…" I try to give Pidge a reassuring smile while conveying feelings of warmth and understanding to her through my eyes. 

Hearing the two boys make uncomfortable noises my eyes dart over towards them spotting a nervous Hunk and a bored Lance. 

"Hey guys can Pidge and I have the room for a moment, I promise it won't take long…" I ask the two of them, my voice sounding extremely polite, and gentlemanly…even noble sounding...with my american accent leaking throughout it.