In Arrow as A MetaHuman

Falling asleep while watching The CW's Arrow series, thinking it'd be cool to have the abilities of teleportation and telekinesis, teleportation from the movie Jumper and Telekinesis…from the movie Chronicle.

Damon Ryker is a sixteen-year-old boy, standing at a height of 5 '11", he has short black hair, blue eyes and a bit of lanky build…which makes him appear as an average looking young man.

He's also a bit of a loner…the kind of kid who's friends with the "girl next door", but never gets past her…friend zone.

Like right now. Damon is stealing glances at the "girl next door", Millie Harrison…who is sitting next to her boyfriend, her boyfriend glances over and spots Damon staring.

Damon turns away while blushing in embarrassment at having been caught staring at Millie by Mark Kobold.

Who is an A-typical smirking jock, wearing a letterman jacket he blows kisses at Damon making him shrink into his desk.

Which makes the other kids snicker…and giggle drawing a lazy look from the teacher.

Luckily for Damon the last bell of the day rings signaling the temporary break in every student's sentence and all the students…except Damon rise…from their seats and sprint out of the classroom.

Though Damon doesn't miss the way Mark Millie smiles when Mark throws his arm around her shoulder and gives her a kiss while staring at Damon with a smug look in his eyes.

Damon's face falls as he watches the two kiss….He notices Mr. Bowker motioning for him to come over to his desk while he sips from his #1 Teacher Mug, which also has the words "...And The Geek Shall Inherit The Earth!"

"Got another riddle for you. You're in a room with three monkeys. One has a banana, one has a stick and one has nothing. Which primate in the room is the smartest?"

"Me. I'm a primate too…Mr.Bowker." Damon answers, and Mr.Bowker gives a knowing nod towards Millie and Mark.

"We all are, Never forget that…and don't worry, You'll get your day in the sun…too."

"You…really think so, Mr.Bowker?!" Damon asks with no small amount of scepticism lacing his voice.

"I guarantee it…now beat it, before I get any more Obi-Wan on you." Mr. Bowker stands up from his desk and gives him a small pat on the shoulder.

"Thanks Mr.Bowker…you make a pretty good Obi-wan." Damon thanks the man genuinely.

Damon leaves the classroom quickly while Mr.Bowker looks at a photo on his desk of him and his wife.

"He reminds me of, us Anna…" Mr.Bowker says as a smile stretches across his face and he touches his wedding band.

Damon reaches his locker and sees Millie approaching him with a smile on her face, her lip gloss smudged.

But Damon smiles for her like he always does as Millie and him have known each other since grade school.

They used to be inseparable…but not anymore and even though she won the popularity lottery, she is still cool enough to give him a…nobody the time of day.

"Seven more weeks, Damon. One more set of finals, then it's over. I am so ready for that. The moment summer's here, I'm gone." Millie starts speaking excitedly.

"'Speaking of summer--" Damon reaches into his pocket, and pulls out a small box and hands it over to Millie.

She looks at the box and then up at him with a curious expression. "Open it." Damon says to Millie with a friendly grin on his face.

Millie does, and pulls out a gold charm of the Eiffel Tower. "It's for a charm bracelet. I figured you could start one. You can keep adding more from all the different places you'll be visiting."

"You didn't need to do this, Damon." Millie says as she stares at Damon, almost as if she's seeing something deep within him for the first time and that thing is moving.

"Well…I know your birthday is coming up. And we always give each other presents for our birthdays. I mean we're friends, right? So--" Damon shrugs not sure why but feels pleased by her response…though quickly turns bashful.

"The Eiffel Tower's got one thousand six hundred and sixty-five steps. I looked it up." He adds on to cover up the awkwardness he was starting to feel.

"There you go again, knowing things like that…you should be more proud of your status as a bookworm. Though if you keep your nose buried in those pages, you'll end up falling down a rabbit hole one day." Millie teases playfully.

"I like the rabbit hole. It's safe in there." Damon mutters as flashes of his drunken father bursting into his room at night to beat on him flashes in his mind.

"Head's up, Rykdike!" Mark shouts as he side-swipes Damon, into the locker causing him to groan in pain as he smashes into the lockers, and drops his backpack.

"Ooh, fumble!" Mark and two other jocks, Berkhoffer and Jefferson jeer.

"Mark, come on. Leave him alone!"

Millie scolds Mark even though she smiles while doing so.

Mark leans over and scoops

Damon's backpack off the ground and tosses it to Berkhoffer.

Damon lunges for his backpack but Berkhoffer lifts it out of reach.

"Relax, Millie. Brain boy could use the workout." Mark laughs as he catches the backpack from Berkhoffer and runs down the hallway.

Damon runs after him.

Mark and his cronies race down the school steps, whooping…as they head across the snow-covered pavement, making for the woods at the edge of the schoolyard.

Damian follows behind but is panting heavily barely keeping up with his tormentors.

They pause, "Come on Dyke, you gotta be faster than that!" the shout toying with him, allowing him to catch up.

Mark extends the backpack to an exhausted Damon…while standing on the edge of the thin strip of woods, that stands between the school and the partially frozen river.

"Okay, okay, don't have a C-section, Dyke. We're just having fun--" Mark says as he takes off running into the thin strip of woods. Mark breaks from the tree line, and slips down the hillside towards the frozen Huron River.

He skids to a stop, and flings the backpack out onto the ice.

Shortly, Mark is joined by his cronies. Then Damon. On the bank of the river above them, on the bridge Millie and a few other students gather to watch.

"Why do you have to be such a fucking asshole?" Damian angrily marches past Mark, moving to the edge of the river.

"Don't know. Maybe it's genetic…like being a loser…you know like you and your dad." Mark Sneers.

As Damon tests the ice with his foot, finding that it seems thick enough to traverse…tentatively, he starts out onto the ice walking towards his backpack, one step at a time.

"Damon, don't. It's not safe!" Millie yells out from atop the hill. Damon glances up and over at her but continues on his way.

He finally reaches his backpack and picks it up.

"It's fine, see?" Damon says while grinning triumphantly, but his victory is short- lived as the ice caves in and he falls into the frigid waters.

Damon panics, as he tries to claw his way to the surface, reaching towards the light shining in through the break in the ice.

Damon futilely beats against the underside of the freshly frozen ice trying to free himself.

Through his struggle, he gulps

mouthfuls of water as the current drags him deeper and further downriver.

His vision slowly blackens as he suffocates. His frantic pounding against the ice slowly dies down. His limbs start feeling like lead as he is dragged downward.

His heartbeat is the only sound he hears.

As darkness closes in…

A noise like an industrial fan beating the air overtakes everything and makes ripples in the water.

The noise vanishes…and what looks like a scar in the water remains as Damon's body crashes down in a cave accompanied by a large splash of water that extinguishes a small fire.

"What the hell?! Yao-Fei?!" A young man with shoulder length unkempt hair wearing dirty ripped designer clothing calls out as he crawls on hands and knees to the boy who is close in age to his little sister Thea, his lips are blue and his skin is pale white with a bluish tint to it.

The young man starts to perform CPR…poorly…

Suddenly I find myself trying to gasp for breath but a pressure in my chest…that caused it to ache painfully, I lean over to the side and start heaving up water, my brain is pounding in my skull like someone is taking a sledgehammer to my dome, my vision is distorted and blurry…but I feel a comforting hand on my back gently patting me.

"It's okay, it's okay…you're alright!" The voice is like a trigger for a doorway in mind, memories of a life as Damon Ryker flow into my mind and merge with my own.

'Damon Ryker's life seems a lot like…David Rice's from jumper…' Turning my face towards my savior I find it to be Stephen Amell.

"Hi, I'm Oliver Queen…can you tell me how you got here…or am I hallucinating this whole thing…like I've been seeing my dad?!"

"Uhh, I think it's real…" I manage to say to him even though my throat and chest are on fire.

"I'm Damon Ryker…umm, I broke through the ice trying to get my backpack Mark and his asshole friends threw out onto the frozen river, I tried to get out through where I broke through but I couldn't the water had already frozen back over…I kept breathing in water as I pounded on the ice…the light started to fade and there was this sound like one of those really big fans turning on making a constant whoop-whoosh-whoop sound…and then you…" I tell Oliver what I remember of the traumatic events that I lived as Damon…leaving out…my other memories of closing my eyes and then waking up here.

"Damn…do-do you think you could do it again and get us home?" Oliver asks me a small glimmer of hope in his eyes and voice.

"I…I don't know…I don't really know how I got here…" I reply honestly to Oliver…and suddenly feel myself being ripped away from him as an angry Asian man points a knife at me.

"Who are you?!" The Asian man ask me threateningly in English and a pain starts in my head and the sound that Damon heard before dying echos in the cave, and I all on my ass inside of a public library soaking wet and cold a little boy probably around three or four stares at me as a Doctor Seuss book slips from his hands and hits the floor.

Looking around I know that this is my rabbit hole…Damon's rabbit hole, the safe place he goes to where he isn't bullied or beaten on, simply for existing.

'Fuck me…I met Oliver Queen…Todo we're not on our Earth anymore!' I internally joke as I get to my feet and escape from the library…outside freezing my ass off in the cold afternoon day, running home as fast as the climate allows me to.

Spotting abusive asshole Dad's truck in the driveway my body starts to tremble from rage instead of the chill.

'Great…just great…' I mutter in my mind as I enter the house, my partially frozen sopping wet shoes and clothes making wet squelching sounds as I enter the house and walk on the hardwood floors.

Luckily the piece of shit is passed out in his chair with a half drank beer bottle in his hand as he snores loudly, making my way upstairs, locking the many deadbolts I've…Damon installed on the door out of reflex.

Feeling a modicum of safety I slip off my sodden and frosty clothes and head into the bathroom turning the hot water to max and stepping in.

Stepping out of the shower feeling warm and looking like a boiled pig I dry off and get dressed again just in time for the ol drunk to start pounding on the door.

And I remember the poor repair job I made to the door frame just as I hear them give way as the door violently swings open and smashes into the wall.

"You're late you little prick, I had to make my own dinner!" The piece of shit bellows as he stomped his way into the room and delivers a sharp right hook to my face that makes my world explode into pain and loud noise.

'Why can't I move? I'm a fighter I'd never be paralyzed to inaction…not even when it was uncle Ben?!' I express in my mind as the asshole starts kicking me, suddenly I feel the same sensations as I did before but I black out again.