Smallville as CK

Hi everyone, my name is Shane and I am feeling sad, as for my likes…I like to read novels and watch movies and tv series, and also write shitty fanfictions.

I say into the mic as I'm in a self help group chat while sitting behind a desk looking at the screen of my pc, I read a comment/ from God_this_iznot1234, [Hello Shane I am deeply saddened to hear of your struggles, please answer my question honestly, even if it may seem idiotic to you, if you could go to any fictional world and take the place of any character who's place would you take?]

I click on God_this_iznot1234's tag and begin to type out my reply.

"Hello, God_this_iznot1234 I appreciate your kind words...and as for where I would want to go it would be Smallville the TV show which is about Clark Kent or as I like to refer to him as baby Supernan as a teen, and I would want to be Clark."

I see the little three blinking dots on the screen as God_this_iznot1234 reads my response and takes his our her time to reply to me, grabbing my phone I begin to read the Voltron Reincarnation System that is on Webnovel as I wait.

I make it half-way through a chapter before I get a reply from God_this_iznot1234 to my answer to his earlier question, all his response says is wish granted.

"Whaaa-???!" I gasp as everything goes black I feel like I'm drifting whilst suspended in a warm pool of water for entirety, then my senses are overwhelmed.

Then blissful stillness of sleep.

I slowly blink the sleep from my eyes, the warmth and comfort of my bed beckoning me back to sleepfulness.

'Umm…where my popcorn ceiling?' I ask in my head as I look up at an unfamiliar ceiling blinking a few more times, adjusting my vision to the dim lighting of the room.

Before turning my head first left then right finding that the walls are decorated with sports posters and family photos, elements I recognize…but, at the same time, feel alien to me. A soft breeze passes through the open window, which makes my hair flutter…the smell of hay, wet earth and livestock perks up my nose.

My eyes zero in on a picture of young Tom Welling, Bo Duke actor and youngish Marie O'Toole maybe in her mid twenties to early thirties hugging and smiling in front of a birthday cake.

"The fuck…?!" I mutter softly as I get off of the bed, and feel the cool, smooth feeling of polished hardwood flooring under my bare feet.

'This is strange I feel both safe and at ease like I'm at home…but at the same time…' my thoughts trail off as I continue to look around the bedroom, absorbing the details of the room that, somehow, feel like it's mine, but at the same time, that it isn't.

"I'm really here…" I mutter as I feel a mix of excitement and disbelief.

'I never believed…that my dream would, but now I'm in the body of one of my favorite characters...from one of my top 10 series, Can I be a better Clark..than the one Weling displayed? Probably not, but I'm going to have a lot of fun here…' I express internally as I walk around the room, feeling elated that I haven't put my foot through a floor board or set anything on fire by accident as my eyes are drawn to a piece of paper on the desk.

'Permission slip to join the Football team…poor Clark…wanting to be so much like John…but is too special to be some mediocre ball player and a struggling farmer…' I sigh in my head as I pick up the football authorization form, as I do so I start recalling conversations…more like arguments with Jonathan Kent, who is cemented in my mind as "My Dad" now which is a little weird…about the risks my powers pose to both myself and the other kids.

"As if I'd ever want to be some witless wonder jock." I mutter as I crush the paper up into a ball and throw it into a small metal trash receptacle beside the desk causing a loud thump sound and the can itself to rattle.

"Oops, gotta remember emotions cause the near instinctive control over my natural abilities to slip…" I express in a soft voice, looking at the alarm clock on the nightstand next to the bed, spotting that it's only 4 am, and from well ingrained muscle memory from my own time on the family farm I know that it's time to milk the cows and put out hay for the beef cows, along with cleaning the barn, but I shake my head from side to side a few times before walking back to bed a lay back down.

And begin to try to process everything that is happening…and from what I remember of Smallville will happen, as I run my hands over my naked torso paying special attention to my abdomen.

The sensation of being in a body that wasn't originally mine but also feels like it always was when my most recent remembering was of a very different body…which is exciting, intimidating…and many other things that I can't quite place as my hand slips down underneath the waistband of my flannel pajama bottoms.

'Wow, Superman is right! Jesus…poor…or maybe congrats Lois Lane…!' I joke internally as I give myself a few inspective/experimental strokes.

"Probably tempting fate here, but thanks for this, God_this_iznot1234." I genuinely offer my thanks aloud in the room that I'm the current and sole occupant of.

"Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day…" I murmur as I adjust myself in bed by wiggling into the still warm pocket between the blankets.

The weight of the new yet old memories and instincts and the recently acquired powers pulse in my heart and my mind, though mental exhaustion quickly puts me back to sleep.

As soon "Clark" falld asleep, and his breathing slows/evens out, and the rest of his muscles relax a flash of flame appears next to the bed in it's place is an absolutely gorgeous woman with a buxom figure standing their in a dress made of flames, that hugs her amazing figure, her eyes and hair are a molten orange color almost like molten metal.

The woman has a gentle smile on her face that highlights her ruby red kissable lips, her perfectly white teeth almost seem to sparkle like stars…and her curly red hair flows from her head like a waterfall of flame that comes to rest just above her heaven defying ass.

She extends her right hand and caresses the face of the sleeping "Clark Kent" before leaning over him and pressing a kiss to his forehead, before moving down to his lips.

"I hope you enjoy your life here my Author, my love." The woman murmurs before disappearing in another flash of flame, as the first rays of early morning sunlight shines through the gently dancing curtains of the room.

Slowly opening my eyes, feeling more energetic and rested than ever before sitting upright I stretch though I find that I don't need to, as I move to get out of bed.

'Damn…Clark feels this good everyday yet he's a whiny little bitch throughout the series…' I say internally already in love with my new body even without the powers, just for not being in a constant state of pain that had become my normal.

Rolling out of bed with a bounce to my step that has never been there, and heading straight to the bathroom, rubbing the little bit of rehum from the corners of my eyes as I walk to my destination, that had built up while sleeping.

Lowering my hands as I enter the bathroom, walking over, turning on the faucet, grabbing my toothbrush and te tube of mint toothpaste, popping the cap upwards with my thumb, then proceeding to squeeze a dollop of it on to the wetted bristles of the brush, and begin brushing my teeth. Before moving on to take care of the rest of my morning routine besides the shower…pausing for a moment, observing myself in the reflection in the bathroom mirror... feeling as though I'm looking at myself the way I've always been and also at a stranger…at the same time.

"Fifteen years old...yeah, right!" I express while feeling that I look too incredible to be a teen, and it's not the height as I was 6' 2" in my old life at 14, but my full physique is…for lack of better description Adonis like…no awkwardness of and disappropelrate proportion common the teenage years…nope well toned and defined muscles, no skin deformities like pimple and black heads…hair thick and slightly curling.

"Damn I'm a stud." I express as I run a hand through my black hair.

"CLARK, YOU'RE GOING TO MISS THE BUS!!!" I hear Martha…mom hollering from downstairs, which pulls me out of my self admiration and fancy of vanity as I move at the speed of sound back to my bedroom and quickly dress for school on reflex, I notice that dressing at that speed seems natural to me.

Running downstairs coming up short as I find a youthful Marie O'Toole bent over reaching into the oven to pull out an apple pie, her brown pants stretched taught by her firm round ass.

'Although I know she's Clark's now my Mom…I know she's my adoptive mom and I can't help the images of her nude scenes from movies from playing in my head.' I say in my head while using my super speed to return to my room, grabbing my backpack that I had forgotten in my haste to get downstairs earlier, heading back downstairs and beelining it out the door.

"BYE!" I give a shout of goodbye as I race down the drive…reaching the end of the driveway only to see the bus already 5-600 feet down the road.

"Whoops." I say while shrugging my shoulders in half-hearted disappointment as a smile tugs at the my lips…and I follow Clark's example from the show and use my superspeed and run through cornfields and patches of woods until I arrive at the highschool…at just about that same time Chloe Sulivan and Pete Ross get off of the bus I missed.

'Time to start making some changes in Clark's…my life.' I say in my head with a smirk on my face and my eyes glued to Chloe's ass.

"So, anyone asked you to the dance?" I overheat Pete hinting at his interest in taking Chloe to the upcoming school dance.

"Not yet." Chloe replies to him sounding both disappointed and sad.

"Maybe you and I could go together?!" Pete expresses quickly at hearing Chloe's reply and I smirk.

'Sorry Pete, but she'll be going with mua.' I joke internally.

"I mean not as a date, date thing more of a friend thing." I nearly laugh aloud as Pete quickly tries to recover from his faux pass out of the friend zone.

'Time to sneak in…' I murmur.

"Hi guys!" I greet the two which makes Chloe turn around to face me, and I can't help but find it cute how she struggles to find words as her mouth just opens and closes in shock and she blinks rather quickly, her forehead and nose wrinkling slightly.

"Well, Uhh…Didn't you just, Uh…Weren't you…?!" Chloe fails to articulate her question correctly and I decide to offer her a bit of mercy.

"I took a shortcut." I say to her a smile tugging at the corners of my lips as I do so though.

"Through What A Black hole?!" Chloe asks me, and it sounds almost like it's an accusation.

"That's my boy, Clark!" Pete replies to Chloe for me as he moves to loop his arm over my shoulder and comes to my right side, his arm still slung around me.

"You'll have to excuse our intrepid reporter…seems as though her weirdar is on Defcon 5-" Pete says joking though he is quickly interrupted by an agitated Chloe.

"Just because everyone else chooses to ignore, the strange things that happen in this leafy little hamlet, doesn't mean they don't happen!" Chloe defends herself.

"Now, you know we'd love to join you and Scooby inside your Mystery Machine for another zany adventure, but uh we gotta hand in these permission slips before homeroom." Pete says while trying to drag me away.

"Actually Pete, I decided not to join…you go on ahead I wanna talk with Chloe for a bit…alone."

"Wha-what?!" Chloe and Pete mirrored each other perfectly with their reactions.

"Oh, alright Clark…catch you guys later." Pete mutters sounding hurt.

"See ya Pete." I wave goodbye to him as I turn to look at my blonde best friend.

"Wha-what do you want to talk about Clark?" Chloe asks me shyly while trying in vain to project confidence.

"Well…I don't know if you know this…but there's this dance…coming up, and I was wondering if you would like to go with me?" I playfully tease Chloe a bit and enjoy the way the girl flushes bright red.

"You're…you're asking me to the dance?!" Chloe asks me…the disbelief is clear in her voice and expression but her eyes are practically twinkling like stars.

"Oh sorry…I guess you're not interested…I'll have to ask some other beautiful girl that's my best friend to go to homecoming with me…HAaaaa." I sigh sadly as I slump my shoulders and look down at the ground dejectedly.

Chloe suddenly grabs my forearm and tries to drag me along behind her as she marches quickly into the school towards the room devoted to the Torch…the school's newspaper..

Once inside of Chloe's highschool refuge she slams the door shut and locks it.

"Is this some kinda prank Clark, first Pete then you?!" Chloe ask me in a quiet hurt voice and I notice tears starting to leave trails on her cheeks.

Cupping Chloe's face in both of my hands using my thumbs to brush away her tears.

"I would never do this to you Chloe…no this morning I woke up and realized…that I needed to stop pining over a girl who barely realizes I exist…and show the girl who's always there for me how much she means to me…" I speak in a soft reassuring way, as I lean in and brush my lips against Chloe's.

"Clark!" Chloe gasps and wrenches herself away from her chest heaving as her face burns beet red.

"Chloe!" I reply back to her as I move forward and rest both of my big hands on her hips and make her back up until her ass rests against her computer desk.

"Clark…" Chloe whispers softly as I can feel and hear her heart pounding in her chest as she sucks on her teeth.

"I want you Chloe…I think…I think..I love you…" I murmur as I loom over the sexy little blonde sprite.

"Cl-Mmphuh!" I silence Chloe's retort by forcing a kiss on her a pushing my tongue into her mouth tasting strawberries, pancakes and bubblegum toothpaste, Chloe's hands, uselessly push against my chest as she tries to half heartedly to break the kiss before submitting to me and running her fingers through my hair.

My left hand slips underneath her shirt and I start stroking her abdomen as my right hand slides down and to her ass gently cupping her, Chloe jumps and moans into my mouth her eyes hazy with desire.

"No!" Chloe lets out a soft breathless whimper, as I break our kiss my one hand still under her shirt stroking the soft skin of her abdomen, while the fingers of my other hand are slightly digging into her marshmallow-like ass.

"That was an amazing first real kiss Chloe." I murmur teasingly as I brush my lips against her ear.

"C-Clark…please tell me this is real and that I'm not dreaming…" Chloe beggs in a desperate need sounding way.

"Oh…it's real…my hand pressing against your belly though I want to be playing with your tits…my hand on your ass though I want to rip those jeans off…and that kiss.. was only the beginning…that is if you want more…"

"Yes…" Chloe whispers out a soft cheer…and I begin to slide my hand upwards inching ever closer to her left breast…

"BRRIZZZ!" The first bell of the day rings telling Chloe and I that we're late for class.

"We should go to class…" I murmur in Chloe's ear…my fingertips brushing against the area just underneath Chloe's bra.

"No…I don't wanna wake up!" Chloe whines cutely…

'Damn…she's a little too eager for Clark…' I curse as I feel my self control fracturing.


"Clark, Just Do It!" Chloe snaps at me…which makes me smirk.

"Sure thing babe." I chuckle as I pick Chloe up with one hand and walk her into the red room.

"Clark!" Chloe gasps and giggles happily as this time she initiates the kiss.