Camp Cretaceous

Camp Cretaceous

Driving down route 12 on my way home, suddenly my phone starts to go nuts so I reach into the cubby in front of the drive selector and swipe the answer button, I should have had the wireless connected but it has defeated me at every attempt to connect to it.

"I told you, you would regret leaving me!" My ex-girlfriend Kelsey's voice comes through the phone speaker in a snarl.

'Great it's this, Fucking bitch…how'd she get this number?!' I curse in my head as I resist the urge to retort.

"Fuck you bitch, I made you…and you did nothing but lie to me for it!" I curse at her into the phone, overcome by the urge to fire back.

Kelsey's demented laugh comes through the phone speaker.

"I'm about to unmake us both baby!" Kelsey replies back to me and suddenly I feel a car impact the passenger side of my suped up BMW 335D.

Sounds of shattering glass and the crumpling of metal ring in my ears as I'm pelted by pieces of glass.

"That psychotic cunt!" I shout out a curse as the car flips over on its side multiple times down the steep hill into a farmer's field.

"Fuch." I release a long drawn out groan as I reach for and press the seat belt release button but it doesn't work.

My head pounds in my skull, as I move my arm that feels like led and grab my tactical knife, with a seatbelt cutter out of my pocket.

'At least I didn't get crushed.' I mutter in my head while also feeling relieved that I didn't break any bones.

Bracing myself with my left arm on what's left of the ceiling I cut myself free and thanks to my arm and the steering wheel/column I don't land on my head.

"Ha-Ha-Ha." I breathe heavily after a very laborious maneuvering and sit in the waffled roof cutting my hands on glass and sharp metal that litter the roof, bracing myself. I mule kick the door repeatedly until it opens enough for me to climb out.

Spotting Kelsey's Mercedes-AMG GT 63 PRO 4MATIC+ with the front end smooshed in the front windshield is spider webbed and the airbag blocks the view of the steering wheel but the driver's side door is open.

"I guess it didn't work, huh baby?" Kelsey asks from behind me her words slightly slurred, I turn around to find her standing there with a Strayer Voigt Infinity 1911 pointed at me.

I can't help the derisive scoff I make, "Yeah crashing into a car with a high side impact safety rating is a dumb move but then again I was always the one that made everything happen you were just the dump bitch with the name and the pussy." I say scornfully and look up at the sky to see the sunset streamed orange, red, and purple across the sky.

And I smile while watching as the sun descends slowly, though sadly a deep black storm front is moving in.

'It would have been nice to enjoy a sunset before dying…' I say in my head and even though I didn't remember any mention of storms for the weekend, but the weather situation is obvious…sudden lightning ripping through the dark clouds brings an even deeper smile to my face as I loved being able to watch lightning in black clouds without getting rained on.

"LOOK AT ME!!!" Kelsey screams at me but I don't give her the attention that she's craving by doing so.

"No, I'm going to enjoy the storm, just shoot me already." I say and as if the weather was responding to a bolt of lightning strikes my 335D's undercarriage.

The sound of it is nearly deafening due to it's close proximity.

"Hey, leave my baby alone! She's been abused enough by that psychotic cunt!" I shout and see a bright light that sears my eyes right above.

My body is suddenly racked with excruciating pain, like I'm being stung by thousands of bees at once, while my muscles spasm and freeze uncontrollably.

The agony seems endless but I'm almost certain it was only for a minute, as the pain slowly dissipates, my heart starts pounding in my chest. Pumping faster and faster, past the point where it starts to feel painful and the errant thought that my heart will actually explode crosses my mind.

My vision starts to come back to me albeit with blaring spots in it when another intense light suddenly appears out of nowhere, blinding me once more…a few moments pass before all feeling starts to disappear and I felt as though my body is shutting down; my arms and legs were numb, my breathing slows to the point I doubt I'm breathing at all.

'So…I guess I'm dying again twice as a kid and now like this…' I mutter in my mind as a different type of darkness envelops me.

I feel myself being pulled somewheres and light shines against my eyelids…

"Brooklyn, I'm not sure about this!" I hear somebody whisper in a hiss.

"Come on Dino-nerd, aren't you curious what Wu is trying to hide in here?" I hear another voice say with a facade of cocky arrogance even though there was insurety lacing his voice.

"Come on guys don't fight!" I hear a girl's voice that sounds placating and slightly reedy.


"My God!"

"It's a person!"

"And he's handcuffed to a bed!" I hear multiple voices say.

"We have to help him!" Six people say at once.

I try to open my eyes, but I feel

groggy…like I'm on drugs…my body is cold all over and even though I can stretch slightly I find that I can't really move much.

'I guess they're right, I'm restrained to a bed but these don't feel like normal handcuffs.' I mutter in my head and try to figure out what was going on after all the last thing I remember is getting struck by lightning.

"Wow, look at his nails, they look like little claws! It's so cute!" The girl who stopped the one guy from picking on the other gasps as she gently runs her fingertips over the back of my hand.

"Guys…you have to look at this!" The boy referred to as Dino-nerd whispers breathlessly.

"Brooklyn, can you pick the locks on these? They look painful." the same girl that is touching my hand says with real care and concern in her voice that makes me feel strangely warm inside.

"On it, Sammy!" Brooklyn replies and after hearing the sounds of metal picks clicking locking pins into place I feel the pressure on my limbs abade.

"Th-this is awful…th-they've kidnapped him while he was visiting with his family and have been trying to create a supersoldier using synthetic compound C24, and gene splicing both dinosaur DNA and modified electric eel DNA." A girl says while a video of a man with a scientific sounding voice says as much.

'What the Fuck! I've been fucking experimented on! Hold up…Brooklyn…Dino-nerd…Sammy…Doctor Wu…th-this is Jurassic World…I-I've been transmigrated!" I shout in my head as my heart pounds in my chest the smell of ozone becomes thick in the air and a loud variable hiss fills the area as six people scream. I force my eyes open, and groan at seeing myself encased in a cocoon of blueish-white lightning.

As I lift my torso up and slide up the bed resting my back against the natural incline of the bed I look around the room to find all the advanced sparking and flaring while the kids cower together in a corner.

I take in a deep calming breath as I try to determine my next steps in this situation that I find myself in but it's hard as I feel a variable wave of emotions crashing into me…there is so much grief, anger…and rage I almost feel like I'm drowning.

"P-PPLEASE STOP WE'RE NOT HERE TO HURT YOU!!!" The girl from before…Sammy, who had asked Brooklyn to pick the locks on what I now see are big heavy block restraints like something you'd use on a dangerous criminal…

"Sorry, I don't know how to make it stop!" I shout back to her, and close my eyes…while beginning to concentrate on my breathing as I swing my legs over the side of the bed and feel the sheet that had been charred by my little lighting cocoon but still covers my modesty slip to the floor.

The smell of ozone lessens as I feel control over this ability click into place, a feeling of hunger and tiredness hit me…along with a tidal wave of memories, my new name, my parents…and worst yet…my world that seemed connected to the MCU…from clips of news footage about Tony Stark recently returning home after being abducted by terrorists…

'Fuck me…!' an internal groan sounds in my head as I open my eyes I find all six kids…teens looking at me in a mix of fear and awe.

"Dude…that was so cool!" The one who's name I think is Kenji with Asian American features says as he walks over to me and starts to clap my shoulder and lean against me but seems to think better of it as a small arch of wisps on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Sammy asks me and damn she is a thicc and stacked girl.

"Yeah…I think…" I reply to her, my eyes drift to her big breasts and then back up to her big expressive eyes.

"What they did to you is horrible…" a short skinny black kid says as he looks a mix of indignant, self-righteous and angry.

"We need to tell someone!" Brooklyn adds also a well developed young woman with big pretty green eyes and pink cotton candy colored hair done up in a messy sex bun.

While a shyish girl in a tight hugging track outfit that hugs her body, hugs a black sketchbook to her chest as her eyes rove over my body, her eyes lingering on my very well endowed physique with abs and a big dick…completely hairless down there and everywhere except my head and face I might add.

'Better stop them I don't want them getting themselves or more importantly me by association killed…after all I already died once and I'm not sure I'll get another shot at life…if I die here.' I say in my head and raise a protest verbally.

"That probably isn't a good idea…whoever had this Wu guy kidnap me…and make me like this probably has government support and we're on an island with big meat eating dinosaurs…and even if it'd ruffle a few feathers a few kids accidentally getting eaten by a Spino, a Carno, a T-Rex or some other carnivore after sneaking around the park at night…wouldn't be the same as getting caught kidnapping and performing genetic experiments...on a human…child." I say and all the kids gulp and turn pale…well except Darius.

"He's right…whoever did this to him would make us disappear." Brooklyn says with a nod.

"My man Mesrani would protect us, he'd never be a part of something like this…he loves this place!" Kenji says loudly but unsurely.

"H-hi, I'm Ben…I found your things in a storage bin outside." A scrawny lanky kid wearing a fanny pack says to me as he hands me two clear plastic bags one that contains a pair of dark blue jeans, black t-shirt, brown leather wallet, a set of black underwear, a phone in a black case with a kickstand on the back of it and a black army jacket, and another that has black leather work boots inside of it.

"Thanks Ben." I reply to him as I take the bag from his pro-offered hands and stand up from the bed, my legs unsteady but strong at the same time.

I start to open the bag containing my clothes and other possessions, but instead of just opening it I accidentally tear the plastic bag apart making my clothes and things fly all over the place.

"Guess you don't know your own strength." Sammy laughs gently and I can tell that she's just trying to ease the tension in the room.

"Yeah…probably has something to do with being made a fucking freak…in some madman's lab." I curse harshly while looking at the two remains of the bag clutched separately in my hands.

Sammy brings both her hands to her chest and looks at me in worry before tentatively reaching out and resting her hand against my shoulder.

"It's going to be alright you have me, Yaz, Darius, Brooklyn, Ben-"

"And me Kenji the K Man." Kenji interrupts Sammy and I roll my eyes at him.

Brooklyn clears her throat and opens my wallet for me, "Your name is Shawn Fitzgerald…you're 16..and have your driver's license…" Brooklyn says to me while I turn to look into her slightly shy big green eyes as she offers me my wallet back that is filled with cash…with bills ranging from the 20's, 50's and 100's…so much so that the wallet should be bulging and fat, not normal like it currently is.

"Thanks…I didn't remember my name." I reply to Brooklyn honestly and receive a collective gasp of surprise from the gang of six, and I'm suddenly hugged tightly by Sammy.

"It's okay we're here for you." Sammy says to me and I find myself hugging her back.

'She smells really good.' Is the first thought that crosses my mind. 'She's so soft and warm…and really strong…definitely a farm girl.' is the second thought that crosses my mind as my teenage body reacts to having a pretty girl with a full figured body pressed against it.

Sammy coughs in surprise, slips out of the hug, holds me at arms length and looks down with a heavy blush on her face.

"Sorry…" I reply to her with a shrug as I as gently as possible retrieve my underwear from the bed and slide them on using the waistband to keep my cock pressed against my abdomen.

"It's totally okay!" Sammy expresses while letting go of me and waving her hands in the air while Yazmina and Brooklyn both cough while blushing and pretending to be shy and looking away while staring at me.

'I shouldn't be feeling an ounce of pride over this but I am…' I mutter in my mind as I manage to get the rest of my clothes on without breaking or ripping anything else to shreds, while Darius hands me my phone and gives me a bro nod…while Ben hides his face behind his hands and Kenji just stares at me with a gaping mouth.

"Thanks man…hey is Dino-nerd something you're okay with being called?" I ask him curiously…and the short black kid with a budding fro shrugs.

"It's fine…my brother calls me it too…" Darius says…and looks down unsure of where to look at me as he uses his left arm to rub his right.

Suddenly an alarm starts going off.

"We have a Code 19, I repeat we have a Code 19, all ACU and related staff report to designated congregating areas…non-lethal gear only!" a voice comes over an intercom.

"Can we go now?!" Ben asks nervously, folding in on himself while trembling.

"I think that is a good idea." I reply to Ben with a nod.

"Leave to the Ken-meister, I'll guide us back through the tunnels." Kengi says and the group collectively agrees…though in exasperation.