Hey everyone let's start things off with a little introduction, my original name was Shane T. I was a late 20's something…I underachiever, obsessed with reading fanfictions, from anything from anime, tv shows, movies and even books; I would read anything that interested me, even falling into the endless abyss that are cultivation novels... though I'm happy to say that I've been sober of that genre for a few years now even got my Wuwuxia 2 year sobriety chip…but anyways.
When Covid 19 hit, I lost my job and was forced into quarantine, and…by circumstance became an introvert...maybe the tendencies were always there I don't know.
But like many I fell into wasting away my days…watching TV shows, reading ffs and trying to write my own ffs, novellas and novels with little success.
During that time…those antisocial tendencies kicked in and I found that I craved social interactions with other people less and less.
It got to the point where when the lockdown was over I would still stay inside and avoid people, since I'd rather not interact with anyone unless I absolutely had to.
The only reason I went out was to earn some money to keep being able to stream/read, and to help out my family if needed.
Doing a little bit of Facebook stalking, I came to find out that everyone was basically the same as before the lockdown if not worse off, especially after living fat on that Stimulus.
Except for a few people, I was disappointed to find that almost all people my age were still immature and unable to perceive a future outside of high school, even though we'd already graduated 4-5 years earlier, and were still slowly killing themselves by doing/selling drugs and partying every night.
Even though I knew it wasn't true, sometimes, I'd think and feel that they'd become inferior to me…because I grew out of that bullshit.
Though deep down I knew the truth that it wasn't long ago that I was just the same as them partying away, acting irresponsible until I got jammed up with the law one too many times and had to change.
So in the end I didn't judge them too harshly, in fact even felt worried for some of them as we'd been close before my antisocial introverted disposition became so pronounced.
~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~
Waking up on a gymnasium style folding bench seat, my back pressed against square metal tubing, while a decent song plays, I can hear dozens of laughs and conversations going on at once…
'The Fuck….' I groan as I flutter open my eyes seeing a Luau themed school dance going on, 'Wait…this scene looks familiar…' I murmur in my mind as I watch a shy, lank scrawny kid in tan pants and a brown hoodie nervous try to approach a girl from behind, then freezes when her posey comes over…and slumps his shoulder before looking to his right flinches and then starts beating feet in the opposite direction only for a posey of fuck boy jocks to cut him off.
Over the noise of the dance I can barely make out what's being said…and it's stereotypical TV bully shit. 'Yup, this is The Gifted... universe…I guess my wish of becoming a Transmigrator finally came true.' I say in my mind while watching as the three cunts gang up on Andrew/Andy Strucker.
'Help Andy…someone who in the near future will be capable of leveling buildings…and ingratiate myself into his sexy big titied big sister's good graces as a happy side effect…at the beginning of a very emotional…and unstable time in her life…yup…time to play Hero…but not too soon…gotta let Andy awaken his X-gene.' I murmur in my mind as I get up from the bench seat and walk down the seats to the wooden gymnasium floor, and notice I'm not the only one catching the tail end of Andy being dragged into the boy's locker room kicking and screaming for help.
~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~
'Damnit, why can't they just leave Andy alone?!' I ask myself as I spot the boy's locker room door shutting, something draws my eyes over to the bleachers, and I see the handsome and aloof quiet orphan foster care guy Jason Clark heading towards the locker rooms just as all hell starts to break loose.
Jack grabs my arm in panic trying to pull me towards the exit of the gym as Jason rips over the boys locker room door.
'I've never seen him anything but calm…almost like he wasn't here…but now he looks absolutely pissed off.' A strange feeling flutters in my chest and I stop a beam of metal from crushing Jack and I by forming a shield of air.
I flinch at the sudden look of fear that quickly turns to hate…in the boy I was going to give my virginity to, tears threatening to fall from my eyes I turn away from him and begin running to the locker room.
~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~
Grabbing the door handle, and ripping it open seeing Andy restrained by two boys his pants and underwear pulled down as a red haired one jeers something and turns the water to scalding hot, while holding his phone recording the whole thing.
Feeling something hot and angry bubbles up inside of me I let out a shout while throwing my hands forward, wanting it to stop…and the entire scene freezes in front of me in time.
"What the fuck!" I murmur and bring my hands up to my face to inspect and suddenly time resumes again…and the bathroom starts to tremble tiles falling off of the walls water pipes crushing, Andy screaming in pain and rage, I make the gesture with my hands again but this time instead of freezing time it's like a bomb goes off and the bullies are blown away from Andy into the wall with a loud wet…thunk.
The bathroom continues to be destroyed but I seem to be unaffected by Andy's powers shrugging off my shock at what I'd just done I run over to Andy, flicking my hand out destroying the metal piping of the shower completely making even more water in a mix of hot and cold spray all over the place.
Andy's screams grating on my nerves as I grab the boy's arms.
"ANDY, ANDY STOP IT'S OKAY, THEY CAN'T HURT YOU ANYMORE!" I shout at Andy while gently jostling his shoulders, and Lauren quickly joins me, her voice even louder than my own.
~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~
I couldn't help but stop and stare as Jason seemingly makes the world stop by throwing his hands out in front of him, the water just suspended in mid air, Andy with his pants pulled down around his ankles, his legs kicking in the air paused like a movie on pause, Chris, Micheal and Davis standing around him, either holding him down or recording what they're doing to him.
Suddenly time starts again and I hear a primal growl from Jason who makes a gesture with his hands again but this time instead of freezing time…it sounds like an explosion is taking place which sends the three assholes into the wall, I hear bones break and red streaks sliding down the wall.
My heart pounding in my chest as I watch Jason run to Andy making the shower piping explode as he makes an unconscious hand gesture, seeing him hold Andy trying to help him…when no one else would…including me makes me feel something I'd never felt before as I rush to join him.
"Laur-en Lauren, Jason?" Andy asks in shock and then quickly covers himself with his hands a sob slipping out of him.
"Andy, Lauren we have to get out of here Sentinel Services and the cops will be coming to arrest us, I know it's not your fault buddy, but we have to go now." Jason says his voice so strong, confident and firm I feel my thighs unconsciously wiggling together as he puts his arm around me and lifts both Andy and I up…a warmth like that day in the park with Andy when he tries teaching me how to skate flows through me from both where Andy and Jason touch me.
"Come on guys we gotta go, Now!" His voice a bit firmer and louder snaps Andy and I out of things
Andy gets his pants pulled up and I notice Jason looking around for something and he spots it he, picks up a phone from the ground, that is still recording, he points the camera at himself.
"I know even you have all seen this footage you'll label us terrorists and murders…when this is a case of self defense and accidental manslaughter…it's time to take our power back my mutant brothers and sisters…it's time for a revolution…let's no longer let them oppress us, let's no longer, let them name us, we are Metahumans the next step in human evolution…Homosuperious, Metahumans, it's our turn to rise!" I watch Jason say into the camera and I can't help but hope that it comes out alright as he hits the stop recording button…I can tell Andy is eating it up…but I don't know how to feel about it..
"What the fuck are you two standing around for? Go!" Jason barks at Andy and me, making us jump and I grab his and Andy's arms and drag them while looking at him. I see him uploading the video to Twitter, My Space, and Instagram…I bite my lip…I really like it when he tells me what to do like that.
'Bad Lauren…you're brother just went through all of that and you're thirsting for the hot guy…who probably killed his bullies when his own…X-gene just awakened.
~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~
'What the fuck, everytime…Lauren touches me I feel this warmth and power flood into me…no not flood more like wrap around me like a blanket and then sinks into me…and what the fuck was I thinking making myself the face of the Mutant uprising…? Maybe the hormone imbalances of being a teenager or the shock of this world "not" being real but a TV show as I let Lauren lead me out of the gymnasium to her car, there wasn't even a question of whether or not I was leaving with them.
~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~
"John, Marcos…you're gonna want to see this!" Sage shouts and messages the two main/core leadership of Georgia's Mutant Underground Railroad…with Lorna being in custody.
All four watch in disgust as Andy is sexually humiliated and physically abused bordering on torture and awakens his X-gene.
And then the message at the end of the recording of the assault and awakening of the X-gene, after the sound of an explosion.
"Things are about to get bad…what about reaching Lorna?" Marcos murmurs his question.
"It's too hot to try and rescue Lorna now, We should start looking for them…they need our help more, Lorna would want us to…help them." John says in a firm righteous tone, before hugging and sharing a kiss with his partner Marcos.
"We aren't abandoning her, we'll get her out…" John continues to say though he also wants to go rescue their best friend.
~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~
Lorna standing in her polycarbonate cell as the tv plays the assault video, and the message made by the handsome young man in his late teens, his message filling Lorna with a drive and passion she's never felt before even with being part of the MU.
'I shouldn't feel like this because a teenager said some fancy words and posted something on social media…' Lorna internally monologues as she feels an itch between her legs.
~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~
Esme's eyes widen as she watches the post that is trending on nearly every social media outlet in existence, and of which making those outlets work hard to delete it but it is being reposted faster than any outlet can shut it down.
Reeva glares at the TV before smirking.
"Esme…be sure to try and recruit him while rescuing your sisters…all three of them…if you can't kill the revolutionist, but the Von Strucker kids will be paramount in my goal to establish a Mutant Homeland." Reeva commands while angrily stomping away in Louis Vuitton's…which is a feat.
"Yes Reeva…" Esme replies to her boss but the look in her eyes says something else as they glow a beautiful blue. "I like MetaHuman better…it doesn't sound as derogatory as Mutant." Esme murmurs to the empty room.
~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~
"Drive quickly but within the traffic laws Lauren…the last thing we need is to get pulled over for speeding…once we get to your guy's house, you both need to pack clothes, food, any quick and easy medical supplies and cash…throw your phones out the window even with the sim cards out the Feds can still track them. Andy please don't argue, you either Lauren…Sentential Services is going to come for the three of us it wouldn't have mattered whether or not I posted that video they still would have come…Andy I'm sorry about showing the world what happened to you…but someday people will call you a hero for being brave enough to share your trauma with the world like that. I know it's empty right now…"
"It's fine…actually I'm happy people know what assholes Chris, Mike and Davis are…maybe now teachers and other classmates will do something when they see someone like me being bullied."
I see Lauren giving me the side eye like a girl in love while looking in the mirror at her little brother with a mothering light in her pretty hazel eyes.
"Still…I'm sorry you had to go through all that…is that the first time-sorry it's none of my business…if you need to talk to someone though…I'm here for you buddy."
"Thanks…I appreciate it." Andy murmurs, sounding shy and embarrassed.
'Oh God, I hope he doesn't think I'm gay and flirting with him…'
Reaching the Strucker's home, I suddenly feel unsure whether or not I should go into the house or wait in the garage Lauren and Andy pause at the door…both look to me for emotional support and I find myself joining them.
"Andy Lauren of my God, are you both alright?!" The woman moves from inspecting Andy to hugging him and then repeating the process with Lauren and then me…which makes me feel a bit weird.
"You're Jason right…the Tragger's foster son?" Caitlyn Strucker asks me.
"Uhh yeah…look Andy is a Mutant his X-gene Awakened when some bullies were borderline trying to rape torture him in the boy's locker room." At my words the house starts to shake and I hear Lauren hiss at Andy to stop and then drags him away.
"Wha-what are you saying?!" Caitlyn's voice gets all high pitched and county.
"Ma'am, shut the fuck up and listen, time is precious right now, Sentential Services is coming to take your children into Custody they're too powerful to be allowed to be free, if you love your children you will get that damned fine milf ass of your's in gear packing away essentials." I say to Caitlyn in a calm slightly cold but firm voice a flush coming to her neck whether our of anger or flattery I don't fucking care at the moment.
Surprisingly the woman bites back whatever retort she was about to utter when Lauren and Andy come back with bags, one of them a large orange first aid kit.
"Mom, you know the night coming home from the church concert…you said it was a miracle that saved our lives…it wasn't, I did that…I'm a mutant." Lauren suddenly says randomly like something was unconsciously making her speak the words.
"Wha-what?" Caitlyn stutters in shock as someone knocks at the door..
"That will be Sentinel Services." I mutter and walk over to Lauren and pick up the bags heading for Caitlyn's van/suv thingy.
Putting the bags in the back of the van coming back into the house just in time to see Caitlyn begin shoved to the floor by over eager agents forcing their way into the Strucker's home.
"Get out of our house!" Andy practically snarls as the whole house shakes and the agent behind Agent Turner raises his gun to fire. I throw my hands up making them freeze, like time has stopped.
"Let's go!" I bark a command making the Strucker's jolt into action, once in the van Caitlyn wastes little time and begins driving out of her garage.
'This is a really cool power kinda like Piper in Charmed!' I internally express as we back out of the garage and my powers seem to ware off as Agent Turner and his partner Agent Fuck-face exit the house and start firing on the van but Lauren unconsciously blocks them with a compressed air shield.
And Caitlyn smashes the ass end of her crossover into the Sentinel Agent's cruiser luckily Lauren is on her game so her powers protect our ride.
"Okay the first thing we need to do is go to a fleabag motel and get a room, make sure to pay in cash, while you're doing that I'll switch the plates on your car…hopefully that throws Sentinel Services off long enough to get us all somewhere safer."
Half an hour later we pull into a hotel parking lot, Lauren is snuggling against me snoring cutely and drooling on me, Caitlyn keeps sending mysterious looks over shoulder at me and Lauren while Andy shrunk in on himself in the front seat.
I stop once I realize I'm running my hands through Lauren's hair, 'Maybe that's why Caitlyn is giving me the mysterious mom glare of a thousand deaths…you'd think she'd take my complement of telling her she is a milf with a sexy ass…positively but I guess not.'
'Or maybe she's trying to think of a way to pin all the blame on me, and return to her and her kids to their normally scheduled lives…phat chance of that…that boat has sailed and sunk already sweet cheeks.'
"You guys stay here I'll go get us a room." Caitlyn mutters and gets out of the car leaving the keys in the ignition, and I gently shake Lauren awake who tries to cutely snuggle against me even more to get me to let her sleep longer.
"Come on, wake up beautiful…you're mom's ready to kill me from all of your snuggles…" I tease lightly and hear Andy scoff from the front seat.
"Mm-wh-wha?!" Lauren suddenly gasps and jumps away from me on the bench seat pretending to fix her hair while self-consciously wiping the drool off of her cheek, and managing to look ever so cute with the blush on her face.
"I'm gonna go look for a car similar to this one and swap the plates…you guys stay here and wait for your mom." I say to the two and get out of the crossover…and yet both get out to join me.
"Shit, wish I had an adjustable wrench or a pair of channel locks." I curse as I imagine unbolting the damn license plate lugs with a wrench and watch in fascination as they start tuning in their own.
"Holy shit dude, how many powers do you have?" Andy murmurs next me and I start to feel a little dizzy as the lug bolts clatter to the ground.
"Don't know, only awakened my X-gene when I went to help you." I say to Andy and both Lauren and Andy stare at me with gaping jaws.
"What?" I look between the two of them and ask Andy and he shakes his head in surprise.
"Well it's just…you've pretty much been keeping us safe all night I just thought…" Lauren murmurs and I smile at her the shyer she gets and the deeper her blush becomes.
Getting the plates off of the crossover I find a silver sedan and swap the plates of Caitlyn's car to take the new plates over to Caitlyn's car putting them on just as the woman gets back.
"Andy, Lauren take our stuff up to the room, here's the key." Caitlyn says to the two and crosses her arms over her chest while angling her hips brokering no room for argument…from those two teens.
Once they were out of earshot…Caitlyn starts to open her mouth probably to bitch about everything.
"Look I'm sorry for swearing at you on your own home, that was wrong of me but, Andy's and Lauren's were and are still in danger…the rights as Americans that we enjoy go right out the window when you're a MetaHuman as powerful as them…I know you want me gone so I'll go…good luck…you're going to need it." I say to Caitlyn and wave to her as I turn towards the street and start walking away.
'Please stop me and tell me to stay after my little stunt. My face is probably plastered everywhere…haa it was such a stupid impulsive thing to do, I probably won't make it halfway to Dawsonville without being spotted and arrested…or worse shit on sight.'
"W-wait don't go." I feel Caitlyn's hand on my arm, 'Her hand…she's trembling…'
"Please…if it wasn't for you Sentinel Services would have taken Andy and Lauren…I-I don't know what to do."
~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~
Watching from the window of the second floor room mom got us, my heart skips a beat as I watch Jason turn around and start walking away from the motel.
'Don't leave me…don't leave us…please we need you.' I find myself thinking while Andy stiffens up as he spots Jason walking away from Mom.
I feel a sudden surge of jealousy at the way my mother desperately reaches out for Jason and asks him to stay…at least I think she's asking him to stay.
My anger and jealousy peaks when my Jason turns around and hugs my mom, and my clings to him like a scared little girl clings to her daddy.
"Wow, I know Mom and Dad are having issues…but damn I thought he was into you Lauren." Andy mutters and my temper flares my fist is sailing through the air and connects with Andy's shoulder, "Fuck you Andy!" I whisper-shout at him and immediately feel awful for it, the wetness of his hoodie reminding me of tonight's earlier events and the caring Jason who tried to comfort Andy, all my jealousy at the way my Jason is hugging my mom…comforting her…melts away.
"It's alright…just glad that you finally found a guy who isn't boogie and genuinely cares about people."
"Though…mom might try to fuck him before you do." Andy snickers at my flaring nostrils and glaring gaze.
"She wouldn't, she loves Dad!" I quickly protest but I suddenly feel very insecure inside and need to look out to make sure mom isn't doing anything besides hugging my Jason.
"I overheard them both talking to divorce lawyers…dad's been banging his assistant…it'd be good for Mom…to… I can't believe I'm saying this hookup with a genuine good and caring guy…"
"Like My Jason!" I murmur and immediately whip my head to Andy who is looking at me with a victorious smirk.
"All ready over Jack…the guy you were gonna give you're virgini-Ow what the fuck Lauren?! that actually hurt!" Andy cries as I hit him with one of my shields.
"Oops, sorry..." I reply to him though with a smirk on my face that tells him I'm not sorry at all.