A Man of Great Bulk inspired SI (Power Rangers OG Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)


An alarm clock starts going off somewhere near me and this isn't the cellphone kind of alarm clock but the type of alarm that comes from those blocky Westlock alarm clocks…like my dad used to use to wake up for morning chores on the farm.

I groan at the loud blaring noise and roll over, slapping near where the sound is coming from in an attempt to shut the damned thing up.

My hand luckily finds purchase on the snooze button after a couple of dozen wacks on the clock and nightstand.

With the alarm finally off, I find that I'm now too awake for sleep, so I start to open my eyes, and find that my vision is blurry with sleep, I start to slowly blink away the sleep from my eyes, as I sit up…I feel strange…cold…light and heavy all at once.

"Farkas!" a woman's voice calls out from somewhere below me, and it's like a door opens up in the back of my mind, and memories rush in to fill in the blank space.

'Oh, FUCK ME!' I internally groan at what I learn of myself not only have I transmigrated into a new body in a massively dangerous universe…I'm a comic fucking relief character who's got his own zip code and is a shit bully.

"Are you out of bed yet?" The woman's voice shouts from downstairs again holding me out of my own mind, making me groan again.

"I'm getting up, mom!" I lie to her hoping to get just a few more minutes to process my new situation. Alas, it is not to be as the door to my bedroom opens and an overweight woman in her thirties huffs and puffs while she stampedes her way towards me somehow managing to struggle for breath while starting to yell at me.

"Don't give me that!" she yells at me and makes me cringe. "l'm not letting you miss the damned bus again! You think I have nothing better to do than drive your ass to school? Well, I've got news for you, I do have better things to do!" The woman "Beth" to her friends, "Mom" to me), managed to make her way across my cluttered room, without even stumbling.

Once "Mom" reaches me she grabs my comforter and rips it off of me, then she proceeds to grab hold of my arm and with an impressive display of strength she starts to haul me out of bed.

Having been through this enough times with my mother of my first life, and from Bulk's memories to know that it would be an effort of futility to try and shake her off or resist.

So I get up under my own power and get rewarded by a huff of annoyance from Mom, who starts picking out the outfit that she wants me to wear from my closet.

"Thanks mom." I sigh tiredly as a yawn tears out of me, I see some concern flash over my mother's face, but she quickly shakes it off and carries a set of clothes over to my bed and lays them out for me.

"Take a shower Farkas, honey." Mom says to me as she exits my bedroom.

Through my inherited memories I know where everything is, grabbing out a fresh pair of boxers, I head into my private bathroom, quickly shrugging out my clothes, I get into the shower.

My head resting underneath the warm spray of water, 'Just last night I was a grown ass man, living life on my own…not making a decent living working in agriculture, and now…I find myself in the body of a fictional bully from a fictional TV series… I guess the fact that I'm here means it's not fictional anymore…but…' I internally express and let out an explosive sigh as I finish my mental monologuing

"Well…I'm here now best make the best of it…though how I got here and why I'm here in the first place are questions I hope get answered at some point." I murmur softly as I lift my right arm and extend my hand towards the bar of Irish Springs soap, coming up short by nearly a foot.

Letting out another sigh, while pretending to be Darth Vader and willing the soap to fly into my hand…I let out a shocked sound that totally wasn't a girly scream as my right foot starts to slide forwards and I nearly fall in the shower but manage to catch myself by grabbing the shower water control lever.

"Whoo, that was a close one…" I murmur as I raise my right fist and look at the clenched bar of soap in my hand.

'I don't remember Bulk, having telekinesis in Power Rangers…as far as I remember that was just Andros, Karone/Andromeda and Zhane…that showed telekinetic abilities…' I express internally as I stop staring at the bar of soap and begin to wash up.

…20 minutes later

Out of the shower, fully dressed sitting at the kitchen table trying to eat a plate…no a player of breakfast foods consisting pancakes, sausages, waffles, and bacon, with everything being covered in whip cream and chocolate syrup except for the equally large plate of scrambled cheesy eggs on a similar sized platter both trying their bests to look like mountains with mama Bulk adding more to replace what I eat.

'No wonder Bulk is a fat ass!' I internally groan as I stop eating once I begin to feel full.

"Farkas honey, you need to eat more, you're a growing boy!' Mama Bulk croones, and I feel like I'm going to puke at the thought of eating more.

"I can't eat anymore Mom, I'm starting to feel sick to my stomach. I think I might be coming down with something…" I reply to her while trailing off hoping that she'd offer to let me stay home for the day.

"Hmm, you aren't trying to get out of school are you, Farkas honey?" Mama Bulk hits the nail on the head as she puts her hands on her hips, and looks down at me with her right eyebrow arched in knowing questioning.

"Uhh, no ma, in fact I think that I'll walk to school today…since I already missed the bus, I'm sure Skull missed the bus as well…" I quickly reply to her so as not to initiate an angry bitch fest.

Mama Bulk, looks at me in concern before making a sound of reluctant approval, "Farkas…If I find out that you ditched school to go to the arcade…I'll ground you and stop giving you an allowance for a month."

From my memories I know that Bulk's allowance is one hundred dollars a week, which for the early 90's is a small fortune for a highschool sophomore…

'Definitely don't want to lose the allowance…'

"I won't mom…have a nice day…" I quickly stand up from the table banging my fat belly against it, which makes bile rise up in my throat, but the feeling quickly recesses giving me a small comfort…I make it twenty steps down the sidewalk and I'm gasping for breath and feeling sick to my stomach all over again.

… Two hours late for school

I reach Angel Grove Highschool at the same time as my predecessor's best friend since childhood, Eugene "Skull' Skullovich.

'I honestly don't understand their…I guess our friendship…it's like Skull defers to me for everything, it's basically I talk he listens…'

"Hey Bulk!" Skull expresses happily as he stands up from the front steps and runs over to me and throws himself at me initiating a hug.

"Uhh, hey Skull…" I reply and pat him on the back, Skull quickly exits the hug maybe from feeling my uncomfortableness at being hugged I don't know but I feel relieved that it's over.

"So…should we hit the arcade?" Skull asks me and wiggles his eyebrows making me smirk back at him, "Nah, not now Mom threatened to take away my allowance if I cut school to go…"

"Oh, that sucks…guess we have to be geeks…" Skull murmurs dejectedly.

"Mmm-hnm." I hum my reply back to him and we enter the school together…

Skull and I stand in the halls of Angel Grove High School, me I'm just lost in nostalgia of sitting up late at my Dad's house watching Mighty Morphin reruns on Disney' Jetix or XD whatever it used to be called.

"Hey Bulk, what color do you think that wall is?" Skull asks me randomly while pointing to a patch of the right hallway wall just after the stairs that lead up to the second level of the school, and I know in an instant that an argument is about to arise that can drive an utterly irreconcilable wedge between Skull and I.

I point to the patch of wall in front of me that is the same two toned collar throughout the whole building which is, light orange…almost a salmon color if I'm being nit picky on the upper half of the wall with tan on the bottom half of the wall. "Light orange on the-" I start to reply to Skull only for him to quickly interrupt me with a loud shout. "What, It's Tan!"

"Look, let me finish talking before you interrupt me, you knumb-skull." I say and walk closer to the wall and slap my hand down in the decidedly orange part of the wall. "Look at this color, it's orange!" I say with anger slipping into my voice.

"And yes, I know it may be a little desaturated, but this is definitely light orange. It would fit in with any box of pastel chalks." I say and pat the wall again harshly, and then walk the lower half of the wall. "And this part of the wall here is Tan…

"What are you, crazy?" Skull immediately argues back, "That wall, like all walls in this school, are tan!" Skull starts on a tangent.

'Why are we friends?' I internally wonder while letting out a groan.

"Skull, just shut the fuck up for a second, Look, I understand if you think that this part of the wall is tan," I say while smacking my right hand against the bottom half of the wall again. "Look closely please, this part of the wall is obviously tan," I affirm and bring my left hand up and smack it against the upper half of the wall, "See the upper and lower walls are split in half by this green divider line." I say to Skull, as I slide my left hand down to the green dividing line.

"Ohhhhh," Skull finally expresses and it is as if a light bulb has turned on inside his empty head, making me release a breath and relax.

'He got it, he Finally Fucking understands, now we can put this misunderstanding behind us and get to class!' I cheer happily in my mind, while being unsure as to why I put so much effort into arguing with a teenager over what color a wall is painted…

"Nah, Bulky you're wrong…" Skull says to me, "It's tan."

I shut my eyes and explosively and angrly release a breath of air from my nose while clawing at the air in front of me in both exasperation and frustration.

The principal of the school, Mr. Caplan, speaks up, 'He must have snuck up on the two of us while we had been debating wall colors.' I internally groan as now I know I'll have to stay after school until four o'clock today in detention with this fucking Knumb-Skull.

"You two," Mr.Caplan says in a mix of annoyance, exasperation, disappointment and something else, "Need to get to class now or you're going to be late." I open my eyes and Skull I's gazes meet, we share a look and give one another a nod of understanding, and then we both bolt from the principal together heading in the direction of our third period classroom just as the bell rings.

"Personally, I always thought it was more of a salmon color myself." Mr. Caplan sighs to himself, "Why is it always those two?" He continues to sigh softly as the hallways flood with students leaving and heading to their next classes.

I watch the clock as it ticks by ever so slowly, 'God, I forgot how boring school is…'

Finally two thirty in the afternoon comes round and the final bell of the day rings like most everyone else in Miss Applebee's class. I throw everything in my bag and get up to leave with the flowing chaotic throng of students. Miss Applebee calls out to me multiple times, but I ignore her.

'There's no way that I'm staying here a second longer than I already have…' I say in my mind as I dodge the principal's out reaching hand and exiting the school.

"So…Bulk wanna go to the center?" Skull asks me and I nod to him and so the two of us start heading in the direction of the Angel Grove Youth Center.

When I can see the roof of the youth center I start to slow down, as I begin remembering all of Bulk's interactions there, even ones that haven't happened yet from the show as he…I attempted to impress Kimberly Hart, only to wind up humiliated and mocked.

"Oh, please," I hear myself say with a mocking sneer, as the image of Bulk approaching Jason in the youth center.

"Anything he can do, I can do better." I say and attempt to perform a spinning kick and fall flat on my face…and hear everybody laugh at me…even Skull, but the visions didn't end there.

"Let me show you how it's done!" I say again proudly marching up to a climbing rope and then falling off said climbing rope only a couple of feet off of the ground I hear everyone laughing at me again.

"Skull, get him!" I hear myself say and watch as I lunge towards Billy who just completed his first Karate lesson and somehow I manage to land in a garbage bin…again I hear everyone laughing at me.

My walking speed slows to a complete stop as the Angel Grove Youth Center comes into full view.

Skull continues walking on without me but stops after a few steps and turns around to look at me.

"Bulk, you coming?"

"I... I don't know."

Skull takes off his sunglasses and stares at me awkwardly. "Whaddya mean, 'you don't know'?"

"I don't know, okay?! I just... every time I go in there I try to show off, and I end up humiliating myself…and you, So, why do I-we even go?"

Skull looks between me and the Youth Center building, his gaze filled with uncertainty. "Well... what do you want to do…go to the Mall's arcade?"

"I dunno…what I want, other than I want to stop being fat…and to not be the laughing spot for everyone in Angel Grove…" I sigh and a wash of memories that had been repressed come rushing towards the surface of Farkas Bulkmeier Senior, my father, who was a hero cop…who was gunned down while trying to stop a bank robbery in front of his seven year old son.

I remember the crying and bullying that insued after that…how kids would jeer and say I got my dad killed, all of which lead to a very depressed Bulk to become a bully…and comic relief by accident…as it was better to be laughed at then to be called daddy killer, Skull showed his support by defending me and becoming a bully/ and accidental comic relief as well.

Skull sighs and shows a shocking display of maturity, "Bulk buddy old pal, I don't know how to help you do that. All I know is, I'm not going to turn my back on you…" and during this touching moment…my stomach gurgles…making Skull giggle like a little kid.

"I'm kinda hungry...and I could go for a smoothie right now." I murmur while feeling my face flush as I'd skipped lunch today thinking that my breakfast was enough.

Skull perks right up at the mention of a smoothie. "That's my man! Let's go get you a smoothie!"

I chuckle and walk side by side with Skull the rest of the way to the Youth Center.


Skull and I enter the Youth Center's main area and look around. "It's cool that Ernie was able to repair the damage caused by that giant monster in gold armor attacking the city…yesterday…" Skull murmurs from my right and it hits me that the Power Rangers only became power rangers yesterday.

The memory of something heavy hitting my head, making me black out just as I watched Jason, Zach, Billy, Trini and Kimmy turn into color coded blurs of energy and disappear.

Surveilling the Youth Center I find that it looks exactly like the tv show with a raised dining area/juice bar/seating area, while the rest of the large area is taken up with floor mats and other various gym equipment.

I also manage to spot the golden fivesome, though while his friends are all doing more physically laborious tasks, Billy himself is sitting by himself at a table in front of Ernie's Juice Bar…with textbooks and notepads spread out in front of him.

I find it hard to take my eyes off of Kimberly as she is practicing a gymnast routine on a balance bar…her tight hot pink one piece leotard hugs her round, bouncy perky tight ass, the thin strip of pink material sinking between her ass cheeks, while the front highlights her cameltoe.

Though through a sheer force of will I manage to put my tongue back on my mouth my eyes are then magnetically drawn to Kwan who is wearing a similar leatorad but in yellow, Trini seems to be practicing what appeared to be a kata of Tai Chi.

Struggling to peel my gaze off of her I find Zach and Jason are having a friendly spar on the mats.

Skull and I head up to the counter, "Hey Ernie, glad to see that you were able to open today…I'll take a Kiwi, watermelon, strawberry smoothie please." I greet Ernie, the ever-friendly owner and employee, of the Youth Center who shoots me a look of surprise as he takes my order and then does the same for Skull.

As Ernie makes our orders I lean forwards and start making small talk…with the man.

"So... Power Rangers," I murmur subtly.

"Yeah, Tell us everything you know!" Skull boisterously chimes in,

'Okay, so much for being subtle.' I groan internally and resist the urge to smack Skull upside his head.

"Well, I probably only know as much as you two," Ernie says but I notice him looking behind us, his eyes scanning the Rangers.

'Ahh, so he does know who the rangers are…'

"But, god am I thankful that they stopped that giant monster…"

"Come on Ernie you gotta know more about them Power Rangers than that we know how connected and on the know you are…" I co-conspiritually whisper to the man making him glow with vanity and price at having his ego stroked.

"Okay okay, so these Rangers were seen around town last night several times, helping find survivors and clean up the remains of their fight…from yesterday…luckily most of the fighting happened in the abandoned docks area so there weren't too many people in the way." Ernie murmurs softly, his eyes again spanning the golden fivesome or maybe he's just checking out Kimmy and Trini…like I did previously.

'Huh, I didn't know they did mop up…but knowing that I'm at the start of cannon gives me a decent guess as to the timeline and when certain events will take place.

Tommy, will probably be abducted by Rita Repulsa…and brainwashed into becoming her Green Ranger…in three to four months…'

"Ah, yes, the abandoned warehouse district," I mutter dryly…and continue on to say, "That place where giant monsters and robots can fight to their heart's content without worrying about too much collateral damage..it's a good thing that Angel Grove has one of those."

"Actually, it has three of them," Ernie replies helpfully.

"Of course it does," I mutter dryly…as I take the smoothie Ernie slides across the bar to me.

'I should probably start changing the way the rangers view me…I probably shouldn't even involve myself with them at all…' I say to myself even as I stand up and begin walking over to the table where Billy is sitting.

Billy, who is so engrossed in his reading material he doesn't even notice me and Skull sidling up beside his table.

"Hey, Billy. Mind if I-we join you?" I ask the Blue Triceratops themed ranger who is both autistic and a genius that few can compare to.

"Not at all," Billy says absentmindedly, but then stiffens and slowly looks up from his textbook and freezes.

'Damn he must be terrified that I'm here to bully him…'

"Relax, Billy" I say while trying to make my voice as soothing as possible as I take a seat across from Billy, Skull takes a seat next to me and as far from Billy as possible…probably afraid that he'll catch whatever Billy has.

"I'm not here to bother you or ruin your textbook/homework…in fact, I'd actually like to apologize to you for the way I've treated you in the past, I hope we can put it behind us and move forwards…hopefully to the ends of becoming friends."

"Yeah!" Skull quickly yells out, "He's not here to start trouble! Wait, you're not?" And is so shocked that he turns to me with his mouth hanging open.

"No, I'm not, Skull…" I reply to Skull smoothly and without hesitation.

"Remember the conversation we had earlier? Well, I've decided to change the way I act and treat people."

'Especially people as powerful as the power ranger who could one day snap and snap my neck, like a thong dry twig…'

"You have?" Skull asks, his jaw dropping at my words.

"You have?" Billy echoes in shocked amazement.

"That's right, I have…I'm trying to turn over a new leaf."

Neither Billy nor Skull seem to have anything to say to that…both just sitting in their seats staring at me like I've grown a second head…the silence quickly grows into awkwardness.

Trying to break this feeling of shocked silent awkwardness I do the first thing that comes to mind…I ask Billy what he's working on, "So what's that, that you're reading, Billy?"

"Oh, this? It's a book on amplifying harmonic frequencies in a technological resonance cascade. My Physics teacher suggested it to me."

My reaction is to mindlessly blink in confusion, while Skull laughs his ass off and jeers. "What a nerd!"

Billy develops a crestfallen expression at Skull's reaction…

'Billy looks like a kicked puppy that just wanted to play fetch…' An errand derogatory thought crosses my mind.

Extending my right hand, I reach over and swat the back of Skull's head with my hand.

"Hey, Don't be mean…to Billy just because he says something we can't understand." I chastise Skull who now looks like the kicked puppy in this awkwardness filled interaction.

"So Billy…are you doing this for one of those college credit programs?" I ask the teen hero.

"Well, it is the assigned reading for a college course but no, I do it because I've learned pretty much everything I can from the teachers at school." Billy replies to my question quickly though I can tell he's a bit embarrassed and self-conscious.

"See Skull, that's what I mean…when Billy grows up, I'll bet he becomes a billionaire by inventing something amazing…or something like that…" I trail off not sure where I'm trying to go with this.

"What are billions?" Skull asks me, with an unfamiliarity with the word Billions.

"It means a lot of money," I clarify for Skull.

Skull's undivided attention is now suddenly on Billy, and he lets out a quick laugh.

"Well, why didn't you say so?" Skull asks me…while staring at Billy hungrily…like a gold digger.

"Billy, buddy ol pal, you got any money you can, er, loan to us?" Skull asks him in a cheesy way…while I facepalm.

"Skull, I said…he might become rich when he grows up…Not that he is rich..." I groan with my face on my hand.

"Oh." Skull expresses and I can hear him slumping back in his seat.

Closing my eyes I shake my head from side to side in exasperation before opening my eyes and removing my head from my hands.

"I'm really very sorry about him, Billy. I swear, he's not a bad guy once you get to know him…"

'Oh wait, you have gotten to know him…' I say in my mind and hear the chime of Zordon's wrist communicators sounding from Billy's wrist.

"Yeah, yeah…I uhh...I have to go," Billy says as he stands up and starts grabbing his books and notepads and leaves the table.

I groan more verbally this time and bang my head against the table…a few times.

"Well, that went well!" Skull says to me cheerfully.

'No, no it didn't…I'm gonna have to work hard if I want to expunge the taint of my predecessor…'


"Hey Bulky, should I call my mom for a ride home?" Skull asks me as I nurse my second smoothie, after my mile on a sitting elliptical machine.

"You can but…I'mma gonna walk home Skull…" I reply to him and suck down the remains of my smoothie, standing up from our table I head towards the restroom.

Coming back out I find Skull lingering by the bathroom's entrance waiting for me.

Skull and I are about a quarter of the way home, even though we'd left the youth center close to forty minutes ago.

'I really need to get into shape…or try writing out the speed force equation…' I internally complain as I watch the sunset, luckily this is California so there is still enough light from the horizon to brighten our path where there aren't any street lights.

"Hey Bulk…I think cutting through the woods using the jogging trail would be faster…" Skull points out and I look to my right finding my predecessor's best friend sweating and panting for breath just like I currently am.

"Sounds like a good idea, I'd rather walk through the woods anyways." I reply to Skull who nods as we turn off to the right and begin walking through the woods.

'In just an hour or so it'll be completely dark…and at our pace we've probably got two hours of walking left to go.' I express in my mind as we walk along the forest pathway I take in the beautiful, forest surroundings…the smells of the outdoors,

the crunching of dirt, leaves and pine needles underfoot, combined with the sounds of birds chirping.

The fresh, clean, cool air burns as it enters my nose, mouth and lungs... it's not the same burn of asthma that I had to live my previous twenty eight years of life with, but it is still uncomfortable.

"Buuuuulk...why did we have ta walk home? We could have called my mom for a ride, man. We could have been home by now…having dinner!"

'Why is...Skull bitching now?'

"I told you, I was walking home…I even said that you should call your mom…but, my good buddy, my oldest best-est pal, let me share a secret with you, if you want to get hot chicks to dig us, we have to get healthy…for me that means I've gotta lose a few extra hundred pounds…for you…"

"Yeah, okay…but…I'm not...I'm not, well, you know."

"Fat? Yes Skully you aren't fat." I fill in for him calmly.

"Well, yeah," Skull admits sheepishly.

"Okay so we've established that you aren't fat, but are you out of breath?" I ask while trying not to come off as snide.

"Yeah." Skully replies to me his voice developing a nervousness to it.

"Hmm, hmm." I hum and nod my voice coming out light due to oxygen starvation.

"Are your lungs aching, muscles sore?"


"Then you're out of shape…and need to exercise just as much as I do so stop acting like you're on your period and keep walking."

"Aw-man." Skull sighs sadly.

"Good you get it, Now let's pick up the pace a little…I don't know about you but I'd like to make it home before the sun rises." I say to Skull as I pick up my pace breaking into a jog which Skull reluctantly copies.

Suddenly I hear a noise…that sounds like it's coming from close by, "Wooblooblooobloob!" And it almost sounds like someone mangling words…the sound tickles at something in the back of my mind but I can't place it. I look at Skull.

"Very funny, Skull," I try to joke but the uncertain expression on his face as he looks past me on my right makes a pit form in my stomach.

"Uhhhh, Bulk?" Skull starts tapping my shoulder frantically to get my attention…though he already has it, "I didn't make that…noise!"

"Yeah…I know that now…" I mutter as I look past Skull to see several humanoid figures, lumbering through the trees and they appear to be wearing grey full-body spandex outfits, with craggy grey faces, as if somebody had been molding a human face out of clay but gave up before they got to the fine details finished.

The figures swarm from the trees and surround us while making that mangled warbling noise as they dance around us menacingly…like gorillas protecting their territory.

'Putties!' I yell both in my mind and externally…Skull and I screaming in terror as we

take off running down the path to escape the Putties…neither one of us stop until we reach my bedroom, once inside we quickly pile my bedroom furniture up against the door.

"Hey…Bulky…can I stay here tonight?" Skull's voice trembles as he fidgets.

"Sure thing buddy, you're sleeping bag's in the closet next to the box of porno's…"

"Thanks Bulk…"

"No problem buddy…" I reply to Skull as I grab out a clean set of pajamas and get into the shower.

'I can't believe I ran away from cannon fodder Putties screaming like a little bitch…I have to get in shape and…get powers by any means necessary…' I internally groan as the warm water soothes my aches and pains from running for so long with such an unfit body.

Turning off the water, reaching out from the shower grabbing my towel I dry off now dry I step out of the shower and dress in my pajamas…entering my bedroom finding Skull in a fetus position on the floor burritoed into his orange sleeping bag, sucking on his thumb murmuring in his sleep.

Walking over to my bed…my predecessor's bed…I crawl underneath the covers, there's no doubt in my mind that this world…this reality…these new memories, this new body, are just a dream. I know that this is real and that makes me feel a deep aching pain in my heart, that just reinforces that my situation is real.

'At least the bed is comfy…'

'I'm not sure how I got here, whether I died to get here or not but I don't plan on dying anytime soon and that means I need power…I need to be stronger, tougher, faster…' I stop my little mental tangent, as my idea that I had earlier to try and get the speed force comes rushing back to me, I stare up at my ceiling which has a nude poster of Ann-Marget from the late 70's, plastered on it directly above my bed to the point that when I look up I'm looking directly into her beautiful blue eyes while her entire nude being is exposed to me.

I begin to whisper, in a voice so low that my voice is so quiet that it is difficult for me to hear myself, even as the words equation flows from my lips like a river flows downstream.


For a moment, nothing happens…and then it's like the entire universe stops.

'When you're afraid…you tend to act impulsively…like…say, trying to access one of the greatest multiversal forces that exist, without considering the potential consequences…of doing so…like I just did.'

As the world seems to stop, I feel a glimmer of hope that I have successfully made contact with the speed force…

'What the fuck…I can't move!' I shout out in my mind as I realize…that I can't move…at all it is as if every inch of my being is frozen…like the rest of the universe.

'I think…I made a big ught-ohh.' I internally sigh and mentally jolt as I hear footsteps approaching me but since I can't move I can't see where the sounds are coming from or even attempt to see who…or what is approaching me.

Suddenly I feel electricity coursing through my body and for a brief moment, my frozen state thaws, I find myself standing on the roof of my home…and as suddenly as the feeling of electricity came over me it disappears.

Somehow even though I'm frozen I manage to take a deep breath, and blink in confusion as I…see the origin of the sound of approaching footsteps…the person is a woman who is wearing a red suit adorned with silver lightning bolts…on it…she has long flowing red hair that seems to wave in a non-existent wind.

'Wow…she's got an amazing body…her face kinda looks like Katherine McNamara.' I admire her as flashes of blue energy serpentine around her body…and a warm smile blossoms on her face as she looks at me…and I can't help but stutter.

"Uhh, hi-high sp-speed force?" I ask and the woman smiles broadly and replies.

"Yes…" She says and her voice is strange, like several voices overlapping, and speaking at the same time.

And it is only now that I remember

something... extremely important about The Speed Force…and that is that The Speed Force is a sensitive cosmic entity, and that it has a consciousness, and that it is capable of choosing who carries it and who does not.

She…The Speed Force raises her thumb, giving me a thumbs up, her smile never faltering…her…it's eyes seem to scan my body before…she…it? continues to speak.

"How interesting…" She murmurs and looks up at the sky…and though I don't know why it feels like she is seeing something different…than a starry night sky with a full bright moon.

She…doesn't say anything for a few minutes before finally giggling in amusement…

"You know, I'm not sure if you're stupid or a genius, probably the former…but I'll give you the benefit of doubt." I knew she…it was insulting me but I didn't feel any offense at the insult…as I'm more concerned with continuing to live after drawing the attention of the living embodiment of an omnipotent force…to the point that it decided to appear before me.

"Your knowledge, although correct in

some aspects…is, let me put it nicely… is incredibly incorrect in many…many more than it's correct, If you had attempted this in a universe like your old one…reciting the formula for the speed force would have been completely useless…in what you refer to as the DC universe you don't have the mathematical knowledge to comprehend me…but would have summoned a fraction of my power to you anyways…and turned yourself into an extra crispy critter…"

At her words…almost forgotten memories come flooding to the surface of my mind, and I remember reading about the Speed Force on Reddit after watching an episode of The CW's The Flash.

In all my haste to gain power, I had ignored several key points…about the speed force and those that can harness it.

"But you're here…" I murmur as even though I had messed up I had still succeeded, or at least partially succeeded…

"Yes, I'm here" the entity known as Speed Force says, while nodding in agreement…and begins to walk around me like a hungry predator…examining me inch by inch, which honestly arouses me as much as it puts me on edge.

"It's been a while since I visited this little corner of the Omniverse…and although it's connected to me, I've never really paid much attention to it, so when I felt you establish a connection…to me…even with how insignificant…it is, you managed to catch my interest…you are especially lucky…that there isn't a suitable bearer of…well me here, or else I would have appeared before them…so congratulations…you have my undivided attention…"

'I should have known it wouldn't be as easy as reciting the mathematical formula…the formula…is just a doorbell…'

"So basically I'm the street urchin that rang the doorbell in a rich community…and either luckily or unluckily…depending on what you decide to do to me I caught the owner of the house's attention…" I find myself murmuring as I try to understand what the speed force is explaining to me.

She nods to me and stops directly in front of me and stands so close to me that our noses touch…she doesn't say anything further just stares into my eyes intently…and I stare right back too afraid to blink.

"Yes, you managed to make me open the door…so tell me "Shane" do you want my power?"

The way she says my name is both seductive and terrifying as she makes it perfectly clear to me…that she knows who I am and where I came from…though I suppose I should have expected that a primordial cosmic force…would be able to tell…that I am a Transmigrator.

"Yes, I need your power!" I reply to her without an ounce of hesitation…my chances of survival in this world are too low for me to hesitate at any chance to seize power for myself.

"Hmm…" She purrs while also seemingly becoming thoughtful for a moment…while seemingly looking into my soul and glimpsing something...interesting within me.

"Your future is blurry, your very nature is so chaotic that it causes my connection with time to blur and twist…I can't say if this is a good or a bad idea…you could end up destroying the entire local multiverse or simply die due to a stupid mistake…and that's amusing to me…" She says and though her face grows cold her eyes are warm and full of caring as she presses her soft warm lips against mine and streams of blue electricity flow into me from our connection and tendrils of multicolored electricity begin to run through and coil around my body.

She breaks the kiss, but doesn't move away from me, "Don't get too excited…you're not yet a suitable user…of my power, and your connection with me can barely be considered superficial at best…it is entirely up to you to change that…" I feel her gentle hands cupping both sides of my face, and she presses her lips against mine once more and although she doesn't seem to physically move the distance between us begins to grow.

"I don't care if you play the hero or become a monstrous tyrant…but whatever you do, make sure you don't die too quickly…" She murmurs and waves her right hand in an expression of farewell, before her image fades away completely and I find myself snuggled back into bed.

The world returns to normal, and I find myself gasping for breath as my heart pounds quickly in my chest.

I feel a connection to something, something superior…not something…it's my connection to her…it is weak…faint, and I can tell that I'm barely able to access a tiny fraction…her infinite energy, but my connection to her is there, coursing through my veins…my soul…like lightning.

I close my eyes and release a breath of relief, somewhere deep down I knew that my chances of successfully gaining the speed force…were below none…it was just a vain desperate hope at increasing my chances of surviving in this new and incredibly dangerous universe.

But somehow I had successfully managed to gain The Speed Force's attention and the Speed Force who could have just decided to easily erase me from existence, or ignore me all together…. actually deemed me…a loser interesting enough to let me access it.

Keeping my eyes closed, feeling the way that the electric current of the speed force flows inside of me, I begin trying to interact with it, to use it.

'Damit…' I internally curse as trying to grasp the speed force…is like trying to hold onto something slippery.

Thinking deeply on my struggles I raise my right hand and cover my mouth and murmur the equation…


This time the world doesn't stop, but something changes…my eyes snap open and I can see sparks of red lightning arching off of my body…while the energy within me stirs.

This time when I reach out for it the speed force feels as though my own limb is responding to me and reaching out to me at the same time…every cell in my body seems to vibrate with energy.

'I wonder how I should train my new power?' I wonder and feel the feeling like an electric current is coursing throughout my entire being, and it slowly decreases but does not disappear completely, a feeling of exhaustion hits me and my stomach growls/aches with hunger.

"That's…it?" I feel myself settling down to a new normal…my new normal being at least ten times faster than what it was before meeting the Speed Force but nowhere near what it was when murmuring the equation for the second time.

'How long was that? it couldn't have been more than 20…30 seconds…it seems that gaining the Speed Force isn't the super power up that I thought…it was…' I internally express even as a smile finds it's way to my face as I remove my right hand from over my mouth and clench my fist before raising it into the air…and out of reflex I summon the speed force to my right hand tiny little sparks of red lightning flicker around my fist as it moves so fast it seemingly blurs.

'Wait…is red lightning a symbol of a weak connection to the speed force or…a connection to the negative…speed force? I really wish I was a DC/Flash nerd right about now…' releasing a sigh at my current track of thought I stand up from bed and remove the furniture blocking the door at a speed…that maybe a ranger could match…but not a regular human, and then I speed down to the kitchen and whip myself up some food, eating peanut butter sandwiches until I'm full.

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