How it continued

Monday morning rolled around too early as I was still getting my beauty sleep when I heard the echo of Nicole's annoying voice. "Samantha, it's seven o'clock, get up. I'll see you later." She was ready and leaving for work or school. Nicole is studying to become a pharmacist, she loves the medical field and wanted to be a doctor but couldn't handle seeing the blood, so this was the next best thing. She also has a part-time job at the pharmacy on campus.

I groaned as I rolled out of bed, amazing, another Monday. The only good thing about this one is that I'll only have half a week to go then school closes for summer vacation. I unplugged my phone and dropped it in one of the side pockets of my bag. As soon as I finished taking off my clothes my room door opened.

"Do you have some sort of obsession?" I asked not turning around and wrapping myself in my towel. The answer I was given was me being pulled around and his lips on mine.

"I'd make you my obsession, but that possession is reserved for people who actually want to settle down." I scoffed.

Damion was dressed in black pants and a blue dress shirt with a black tie. He looks charming as usual. He's a bank manager, graduated high school early then did a quick course in Business Management. This is how it goes every morning in my house, my sister leaves then he leaves then I get ready for school and leave. I'm usually late.

"Whatever. Did you see my uniform on your way..." He held up the blue skirt and white blouse and I smiled in appreciation. "Put it on the bed." I pointed.

"I'm leaving for work. Don't be late for school. And please Rose, if you have plans after school call to check in with your sister." He gave me a quick kiss and left my room. I'm becoming too chummy with Damion.

After having my shower and brushing my teeth I got dressed in my white blouse, blue pencil skirt, which is supposed to be three inches below the knees but mine is only two. I put on my white ankle socks and my black flat suede school shoes. I combed my hair in two, puffing out the ends and adding blue bows to each side. I grabbed my bag and my tie and quickly headed for the kitchen.

I took out a teacup and poured hot water from the kettle and made myself a nice cup of coffee which I'm starting to think I am obsessed with. I quickly made a grilled cheese sandwich to have on my way to school. I made haste and quickly drank my cup of joe then dashed for the bathroom to rinse my mouth clean. When I got back my phone was ringing.

"I'm ready, I'm ready." I answered the phone.

"Good, we're outside." Mandy replied then hung up the phone. I put my tie around my neck and took up my bag and spare key heading out and closing the door. Walking towards the car I fixed my tie under my collar.

"Good morning bitches, and Nick." I laughed. Nick takes us to school most mornings seeing that he starts work at nine.

"Eve said you have something to tell us. Now spill." I looked at Eve and she shrugged.

"Well, Damion and I have been doing naughty things." I started.

"Yeah, we know." Mandy interrupted, looking at me from the front seat.

"No, I mean he fingered me, and he ate me out. It was pure ecstasy." I swooned at the memory.

"You dirty little bitch!" Eve exclaimed, almost jumping out of her seat, while Mandy turned around fully in hers, a look of shock plastered on her face.

"Wait, wait, wait. Let me get this straight," Nick said driving "isn't Damion the guy you used to talk to but then he stopped trying because you wouldn't settle with him and then he met your sister, and since he moved in you've secretly been having rendezvous with him?"

"That sums it up." Mandy smirked. "When?"

"Friday night, I've been meaning to tell you, but it kept slipping my mind."

"What happened after that because we know you, that wasn't the end." Eve stared at me with bright eyes like an eager child waiting to be taken out.

I smiled at the thoughts of yesterday and this morning. "Just teasing. A little bit here and a little bit there. Also, I think he's cheating on my sister."

"Yeah, obviously with you." Nick chuckled.

"No, I mean Saturday night after you dropped me home and I opened the door I saw a girl going to their room. She was naked, and sexy." I explained myself.

"Where was Nicole?" Eve asked.

"That's what I don't know. I quietly shut the door and made my way to my room. Then yesterday morning he was in a really good mood."

"Damn, I want to be like him." Nick smiled, not noticing the real meaning of what he had just said. Mandy immediately slapped him in the groin causing the car to swerve as he did. "Babe, I'd never do that." He groaned.

"Then don't say it." She spat angrily. They might not look like it, but they are madly in love with each other, it's sickening.

"I'm sorry." He parked the car and kissed her as Eve and I got out, we waited for Mandy by the gate then walked in together.

There were other students walking around the corridors going to classes, bathroom or wherever. This is how it is at Maybrook High School; school starts at eight a.m. devotion period is ten minutes and classes begin at eight fifteen a.m. On Mondays my timetable is pretty boring with mandatory classes, and skill ending the day. This is probably something that is a cliché, but we've all been in the same class from grade seven and that's how we became best friends.

We walked to our home room where we would have English. Taking our normal seats, we chatted and waited for the teacher.

"Eve." We looked up to see Rick smiling at our bestie. The boys uniform consisted of khaki pants, sky blue inside shirt, royal blue vest to match the girls' skirts and matching ties. It fitted a lot of the guys while some of them just looked weird, as for Rick, he was scrumptious. She raised a brow at him "come sit beside me."

She looked over by the window where he normally sits "Shawn and Jason are already there." She pointed at the boys, oblivious to anything else as their heads were tucked into their phones.

"That's not a problem." He said and she gave us an apologetic smile. I'd probably take it if I was upset but I wasn't, she likes him, and he likes her. It's cool.

"Go on, we'll be fine." She quickly got up and went with him to his seat. A few moments later while Mandy and I were deep in conversation someone sat down in Eve's seat.

"Can I help you?" Mandy glared at Jason. He just smiled and relaxed in the seat saying nothing. Mandy was still a little upset from what Nick had said this morning and what Jason did only tip her over the edge. "I said can I fucking help you?" She yelled at him and pulled on his tie.

"Calm down bruh, just helping a brother out." He pointed to Rick and Eve.

"And trying to take a pretty girl out." He smirked at me. Mandy started laughing and that caused me to laugh which caused him to frown.

She sat down and gathered herself from the fit of laughter then said, "good luck with that." and pulled out her phone.

"I don't need luck. Rose I'd like to take you out." He looked directly into my eyes and smiled. Now this is the part where you look away from his piercing gaze and blush and say yes, but I continued our staring match, searching his eyes and smirked.

"Why?" It was clear that my response had shocked him. I watched as his expression morphed into one of confusion.

"Well, I've noticed that you're the only girl in class that I don't talk to that much and I'd like that to change starting very soon." He continued smiling and looking at me.

"Lame, try again." I continued to stare into his eyes, challenging him.

"Rosanna, I'm being serious. I've always liked you, it's just that you don't let people in and you're so intimidating." He sighed in defeat, his brain concluding that this wasn't going to be an easy task.

"Let me get that for you." Mandy interrupted putting the phone at her ears, "the answer you have given is incorrect, please think about it, and try, try, try again." She said sounding like the voicemail recording you get when you dial someone's phone and get no answer. I tried to hide the smile on my face.

He sighed, "I'm being honest Rosanna, please." Was Jason Grey begging? Where's a camera crew when you need one? This could be fun and interesting, and he seems so desperate. Let's play Jason.

"Fine, I'll go out with you. You have my number, text me tonight." I quit looking at him and looked at a very shocked Mandy.

"Will do babe." He got up and went back to his seat pulling a spare chair and sat down with the boys and Eve.

"What the actual fuck!" Mandy almost screamed.

I laughed and shrugged "chill babe. I'm going to play the player."

Our English teacher did not show up for class like I suspected. The entire hour was spent reading and gossiping and playing games. Our second lesson had no teacher either, but there was work in our emails sent from her. We were meant to be starting exams tomorrow, so my guess is that they were making final preparations and sorting through papers.

Break time rolled around at ten thirty, and we made our way to the cafeteria. I bought a bottle of water while Mandy and Eve bought juices.

"I can't believe you agreed to go out with Jason." Eve said sipping her juice.

"Why is this such a hard thing to believe?" I asked looking over where Jason and his friends were sitting. As we made our way to home room where we'll be having Mathematics in less than fifteen minutes.

"Because you had sworn him off from the seventh grade, now four years later you're going out with him."

"That's true." Mandy agreed.

"I am not going out with him. He's simply joining the group of guys I'm currently talking to. Speaking of which." Jake was making his way towards me.

"Hi beautiful." He kissed my cheek.

"Hey handsome," I smiled "how are you?"

"I'm ok. How's my sunshine?"

"We'll be in class." Mandy said as she and Eve removed themselves from the table and made their way to our next class. I looked at Jake's prefect tie, his name badge, prefect badge, and sixth form badge latched on to it. He was

"I'm good, dreading exams though." I took a sip of my water. "Can I get a wear off your badge?" He looked at me then at the badge.

"You'll do fine, just relax." He gave me the name badge. "Speaking of which, I'll be invigilating your first two exams." Is that good or bad, I wondered. I'll be flirting with him, as he is my boyfriend, and Jason will probably be there, depending on which exams we had first. Oh, who am I kidding, I don't care.

"Hello, earth to Rose." He waved his hand in front of me "what are you thinking about?"

"How I'm going to miss you after I graduate." I pout.

"I'm going to miss you too." He was about to peck my lips when a male's voice stopped him.

"Mr. Morris, Ms. Blake, it is now class time. Now get to class." My math teacher Mr. Shaw broke us apart.

"I'll see you later babe." He said before heading to block B for his class. I on the other hand followed closely behind Mr. Shaw as he made his way to the classroom where math's was being held. We entered the classroom, and I took my seat while everyone else scattered and shuffled to theirs noticing Mr. Shaw's presence.

"Today we'll be revising seeing that you will have my exam first thing tomorrow morning. We will start with algebraic equations, then simultaneous equations. After which we will do a revision of fractions and you will complete a work sheet in groups of four." God just kill us already; Math for the next two hours is torture.

The class went on slowly but surely and Jason kept on giving me glances and would smile occasionally. It was weird. Time came for us to complete the paper and Jason and Rick were fighting over who should join our group. Mandy got fed up and said it only seems fitting she goes seeing that Rick and Eve were becoming a thing and Jason had ask me out, so she sat with Shawn who was later joined by Britney and Sabrina.

We completed the paper and math class was also concluded when the bell rang signaling noon and my favorite time of day, lunch time. We all made our way to the cafeteria, and I quickly drooped my bag on the table we ate at every day and joined the line to get some jerk chicken, I was starving.

"What will you be having Ro?" Mandy and Eve teased. They knew I was going to buy jerk chicken. I was obsessed with it. It was sweet like barbeque but then spicy like scotch bonnet peppers, it was heaven.

"Shut up." We all laughed. Our little laughing quickly stopped when Kevin came to stand in front me.

"You blocked me." He spat angrily.

"So?" I asked not knowing what the big deal was.

"Unblock me."


"Because I said so." He said simply.

"You," I jabbed his chest "or anybody else in this entire world don't tell me what to do. We're done, leave me the fuck alone." I turned to the cashier.

"Jerk chicken and a cream soda please." I handed her the money, and she gave me back my change and ticket.

"Don't make a scene." I heard Mandy say to him. He hissed his teeth and walked away.

Mandy ordered pasta and baked chicken with a cream soda and Eve got chicken and chips with orange juice. We collected our food and made our way to our table where Shawn, Rick, and of course Jason was already seated on one side eating.

"Don't argue" I said to Mandy "I just want to consume this tasty goodness. Lord knows I'm hungry." She sighed and we sat down on the other side of the table and began eating.

"So, Mandy," Shawn said stuffing chips into his mouth "how about you and I become a thing like our friends."

Mandy swallowed "my man drives, works in a bank, he's not a high schooler, he takes care of me, fucks me good and is so sexy that I get wet just looking at him. Tell me why I'd give up all that or cheat for you?" Shawn eyes were wide, and his mouth was just gaping like a fish out of water. "That's what I thought." She stormed off dumping the rest of her lunch in a nearby bin.

Eve was about to go after her, but I held her back shaking my head "let her cool off."


"Yes baby." I acknowledged Jason, he looked at me in shock but quickly recovered.

"Uh, why is Jake staring at you and glaring at me every chance he gets?" I turned around and true to his words Jake was sitting with some other prefects, the head girl and head boy and staring intently at me.

"Excuse me please." I wiped my mouth, took a drink of my soda and made my way to his seat. I sat in his lap and kissed him until he held me back and slipped his tongue into my mouth. "I hope you're not getting jealous, they're just there because of Eve."

"I really do hope so Rosanna. I want you nowhere near another man." He squeezed my thigh hard causing my breath to hitch and I almost moaned. He chuckled "go finish your lunch and get to class. I'll see you after school."

"Hi Jade." I waved to Jake's twin sister who is our head girl. She doesn't like me, and I don't like her, mainly because she knows I'm playing her brother and she's trying to turn him against me.

"Rosanna." I laughed as I walked back to my table. I touched Eve on her shoulder gathering mine and Mandy's things and signaled for her to come on.

"She's in the bathroom." She said as we left the table.

"Mandy?" We started yelling in unison as soon as we reached the girls bathroom door. "Mandy!"

"What?" she answered as a stall door came swinging almost hitting me in the face.

"Well bitch don't break my nose." She let out a sad laugh and Eve handed her things to her. "Ready to talk about it?"

"I know he was just messing around when he said it, but what if he's cheating? What if he just sees me as a desperate teen he can just fuck when he wants to?" She was close to tears.

"Come on Baby girl, you know Nick loves you. You guys have been together for one year and seven months. He cherishes you and treats you like his queen. He'll never cheat. And if he ever thinks about it, I'll personally castrate him."

"I'll help." Eve piped in.

"No, no. Leave his God blessed dick out of it. It is too magnificent to go to waste." We all burst out laughing. The bell rang at that moment, and we exited the bathroom heading our separate ways to the last class of the day.

Walking to block B to electrical class a presence joined me. "You and Jake huh?"

"Are you jealous?"

"What? No. Just thought I could have you to myself." He frowned.

"Hmmm, I like the sound of that. I could break up with him if you want me that much." I looked at Jason to see that he was already looking at me "what?"

"Nothing." He smiled stepping into the classroom. We took our seats and Mr. Pierre walked in with some papers in the form of booklets handing them out.

"Use these to study. You can do so by yourself or in groups. If anybody needs me, I'll be in the staffroom." He gave each person a booklet and left. I loved when exam time came around, the teachers are always caught up with preparations.

I sat by myself putting in my headphones and started going through the booklet revising and making notes in my notebook. Somewhere along the line I fell asleep and woke up to a slight tapping on my shoulder. It was Denique.

"Jason said to wake you." She said after I glared at her. Not on purpose, I just don't like people waking me. I looked by the door where she was pointing, and Jason was standing with my bag and book by the door.

"Thanks." I mumbled and she smiled and left. "Why not wake me yourself?" I asked standing up and stretching the sleep away.

"The way you looked at her." He handed me my bag once I got to where he was standing, and we made our way to the gate. He left with Shawn and Rick and Mandy, Eve and I stood contemplating what to do or where to go."

"We should study, so how about you guys come over and we do so." I suggested.

"Can we do it via phone? I feel like I want my bed." Eve yawned.

"And Nick leaves work at three thirty, I really want to see him." Mandy said.

"Weren't you supposed to meet with Jake?" Eve asked pointing back in the direction of the school.

"Yeah so?" I shrugged.

"That's the fourth time you've stood him up since last week." Eve continued.

"He'll get over it." I said as we made our way to the bus park to catch our bus home.