It's Still Going

It was our third day of exams, and I kept on freaking out. It's a common thing for me, I get nervous, freak out, do extremely well, and pass. Sometimes I don't even know why I bother to panic but it just happens. 

"Pens and pencils out. Bags behind you, no talking. If caught talking your paper will be taken away and you will be sent out. You may start as soon as a paper is placed before you." The invigilator said going around handing out the papers, today we had the two subjects that we chose extra apart from our main subjects and skill. "As soon as you finish your paper you can leave."

I'll be doing literature first while Mandy has Spanish and Eve has Accounts. This consists of a lot of writing and short answer questions. I began answering the question I had chosen, as I got lost in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar all over again. I absolutely admire that play and overall fascinated by the way it played out.

I hurriedly completed my paper because I was dying to get out of the classroom. It's as if the temperature went up and I was frying. I wrote the last word in my essay and handed up my paper and walked out of the room shakily, making my way to the cafeteria.

"Why are you avoiding me?" Jake asked as he sat down next to me.

"I'm not avoiding you, just focusing on exams." I lied. 

"Don't lie to me!" He yelled quietly "what's been going on Rosanna? Every single time we're supposed to meet up you go home or wherever it is that you go and you're online, but you seem to have no interest in texting me. Now we're at school and you're not even looking at me." 

I took that moment to turn and look at him. He looked so hurt like he can't believe I'm doing this to him. Truth is, I've grown him out, he's too sweet and clingy though his controlling side is a turn on. "You should have listened to your sister." I looked away looking to see if any of my friends were coming, I'm starving but I want to have lunch with them as usual. 

"What?" He asked shocked laced his voice. 

"She tried so hard to warn you, telling you that I was just using you and you, being so naïve, you wouldn't listen to her. She's your twin for crying out loud, if it were me, she wouldn't have to utter a word, I'd already know." I said, still looking around. 

Wrong move, because the next thing I knew Jake was squeezing my throat as a look of anger, hurt, and disgust crossed his face. "You bitch!" I grabbed his throat, my nails giving me an advantage as I dug them deep. 

"Let me go or I'll go to the principal right now and have your badge removed and you stripped from the privileges' of it." I threatened using the little oxygen I was getting. In my peripheral view I could see Mandy making her way towards us. "I have a witness." I cocked my head to the side. 

He let go of me and I did the same, admiring my nails printed on his skin. "You're the devil reincarnated Rosanna Blake." 

"I try my best to let as little people know. Run along." I waved him off. 

"What was that about?" Mandy questioned putting down her bag and we went to join the line to get something to eat. 

"He didn't take our breakup very well." I said to Mandy then ordered lunch "two chicken and chips with two orange juice please, extra mayo." I handed the lady the money. 


"It's not for me silly, I'm buying for Eve." I explained the extra food even though I knew that wasn't what she was referring to. "I broke up with him, he was whining about me not spending as much time with him." 

"Chicken and chips with orange juice for me please." Mandy ordered "so he grabbed your neck?" I nod my head "what did you say for him to let you go?"

"That I'd ensure he wasn't flaunting that badge or tie anymore." I smiled "after which he told me I'm the devil reincarnated." 

"Which you are." Mandy said as we collected our food and made our way to the table. Which was occupied by Rick, Shawn, and Jason again, as well as Eve. Jason seems to be everywhere now, he even showed up at my house unannounced and we went to the ice-cream shop. After which, we sat in the park and talked a lot about a lot of stuff. We've been texting often too. 

"Thank you darling." I faked a British accent as we took our seats. 

"Thank you for?" Eve questioned. 

"Buying you lunch since you took so long to finish." I placed the box in front of her and she dug in, not sparing a second. The cafeteria had become the jam-packed place I've gotten so accustomed to over the years when it was time for lunch. 

"It's not my fault, that accounts paper was being a bitch." Eve rubbed her head as if she got a headache just thinking back about the exam paper. 

"You poor thing." Mandy cooed "anyways, Rose ended things with Jake a few minutes ago. You totally missed it." 

"What!" Eve said almost choking on a fry, she had to take a drink of her juice. 

"My reaction exactly." Mandy said. I dozed off as I stared at a shock Jason who was looking at me, we stared at each other until Shawn hit Jason on the shoulder. 

"Guess you can make your move now." He said, pointing at me. 

"What? Oh yeah, right." Realization laced his face. 

 To say Jason and I texted would be an understatement. We outdid all the conversations I had in my inbox within the space of four days. We talked about anything and everything, it was freaky. But I didn't neglect all the others, I paid them just as much attention, especially Damion. What made me sad though was the fact that Mark and Daniel would always be too tired after work or too busy with work. 

My weekend was completely booked, I wasn't even going to church this Sunday. On Friday I'll see Mark, that's his day off, which will also be one week since we've met. On Saturday I was going out with Tyler, he finally has some free time, finally finished with his exams. Did I mention he and Dane go to the same school? Then on Sunday I'll be seeing Daniel. 

I kept Eve and Mandy up to date on everything that takes place in my life as I should, and they do the same. Suddenly my life has been a little much, like it's moving too fast. I told myself that it's only because it's coming to that time of year again, when I lost everything. 

"Ok everyone, next exam starts in five minutes, use the bathroom and get ready." Our vice principal, Ms. Harper, announced. We had already done our main subjects and had only Information Technology and skill area remaining. My next subject was History and I had that with Eve and Jason while Mandy was going to Social Studies. 

We made our way to the room that was scheduled for our history exam on our timetables and Eve, and I sat as far from each other as possible. These kids were quick to say that you cheated in an exam if you got high marks, so we agreed to do this in all exams we had together. 

 After the exams and we met up we decided on just going home. What I didn't plan on was Jason asking me to go home with him instead. 

"I have to be home by five or else you're not seeing me again." I warned. 

"That's not a problem." We took a taxi to his empty house, and he explained that both his parents were at work and wouldn't be home until very late. We were sitting on his bed playing cards and I was winning. 

"This is not possible!" He shouted in defeat. "How are you so good at this?" 

I laughed at the expression shown on his face, he was pouting arms crossed above the chest. "I used to play cards with someone a lot. It was our way of bonding and spending time together. But if you want to play something else, I could kick your ass at FIFA too." I said pointing to the Xbox. 

"Told you that you were interesting." He winked. 

"Yeah whatever, what time is it?" 

"Just a little before four. What do you suppose we do?" He said coming closer making kissy lips. 

"What are you doing?" I asked holding in my laughter. 

"Making a not-so-subtle suggestion." He laughed, which caused me to start laughing. "Come here." He patted the place next to him and I inched closer.

"You are truly an amazing girl Rosanna Renae Blake, and I can't believe it took me this long to see that." 

"Is Jason confessing his undying love to me?" I mocked him. 

"Just a mere liking babe. But when I do fall in love with you, you'll be the first to know." He used his index finger and thumb to cup my chin then kissed me, I wasted absolutely no time in kissing him back. Slowly he laid me down on the bed and kept on kissing me, he then moved down to my neck sucking and biting. I got so caught up in the moment that I didn't realize what he was doing. A hickey.

I moaned and he continued until he went for my shirt. "Oh no Playboy." I pushed him up sitting up myself. "Jake and I were talking for months, and he didn't even see the cookie. You waltzed in my life for five days and expect to get the cookie? No, you don't." I shook my head. 

"I'm sorry, I hope I didn't disrespect you in any way. I just really like you." He said getting up and rubbing his hand on his legs. 

"And I really like my virginity. Now get me a taxi so I can go home. Text me later." We made our way to the front door, and I got a taxi in split time heading home. 

"Hello" I answered my phone. 

"Where are you?" Damion's voice rang through the phone.

"On my way home." I hung up. 

I opened the front door to my house and stepped in. It's now four forty-nine, which means I'm not late and for once there will be no yelling this evening. Nicole was still at work; she wasn't getting home until eight and by the smell of things Damion was making dinner. I love it when a man can cook. 

"I'm home." I said, taking off my shoes and going to my room. I did the usual in there and changed into shorts and body blouse. Taking out my phone I made my way to the kitchen sitting around the table. "Sup?" 

He turned around still in his clothes from work. "Sup?" He questioned "did you hang up on me?" 

"Yup" I said, changing my wallpaper to a picture of my best friends and myself. I look him in the eyes challenging him "anything else?"

"How many guys are you talking to Rosanna?" 

"Excluding you, four. Why?" I asked enjoying this. 

"How many of them have touched you?" 

"Excluding you, none. I'm not some whore you know. Or is it something else, are you jealous?" I asked smirking. 

"Jealousy Is wanting what you can't have, last time I checked, you're mine. So, I'm being territorial, protecting what's mine." He smirked and turned back to the stove. 

"A part of me." I muttered before I started texting. 

'Baby I miss you' I sent to Tyler followed by 'can't wait to see you'

Mark- 1 

 'Ready for tomorrow?' 

'I'm jumping out of my skin.' I replied. 

"How much exams do you have left?" Damion asked, covering the pot. 

"Three. IT theory tomorrow, IT practical on Monday, and Electrical installation on Tuesday." 

All I got in response was a "Hmmm." Moments later "Go take a shower, dinner is almost ready." He said walking towards me and grabbing my phone. 

"Give that back." I tried taking it. 

"Mark, Daniel, Mandy, Tyler, Eve, Dane, Jason, Whitney..." He paused, "what did you do with poor Jake?"

"None of your business. Now give me back my phone." I huffed. 

"Tell me or do without it." 

"I got tired of him. He was getting boring and clingy and so I told him we're finished. Phone. Now." I stretched my hands trying to get my phone away from his typing hands but had no such luck as he was taller than I was. I frowned as he kept typing, "what the fuck are you doing?" I was getting angry. 

"Here." He gave it back and I quickly checked what he did. 

'I don't like you texting my girlfriend all the time or the fact that she's planning on hanging out with you. Or the fucking fact you kissed her. You either leave her the fuck alone or I go to the police and make sure you do.'

Oh my God, he sent this to Mark, and he read it. 

'I don't like people lying to me Rosanna' He replied. 

'Well get used to it.' I tried to reply but then I noticed he blocked me. I groaned, glaring at Damion. What a fucking wimp.

I took off my clothes right there in front of Damion and modeled slowly to my room, ensuring he got a good view of my broad hips and ass. I grabbed my stuff and headed to the bathroom to take my shower, then to the dinner table. Dinner was quiet, with only the sound of the cutlery and swallowing sounding in the house. After dinner, Damion was deciding on a movie while I posted on my status. 

'Friday evening free, who wants me?' 

A few minutes later when he had settled for ghost rider, which we have seen a billion times, Jason replied to my status. 

'Where would you like to go?' 

'Doesn't matter. As long as I'm coming home late.' I replied then switched my phone to silent and started paying attention to the movie. 

"Ro! Rose! Rosanna!" My door was being brutalized from the other side as someone yelled my name furiously. "Come on Ro, get up or you'll be late for your exam." 

I groaned at the sound of Nicole's voice, "I'm watching the movie!" I yelled back. 

"What? Rosanna get up now!" I groaned rolling over on my back and sighed in misery. I looked around not understanding how I was in my room, the last thing I remembered was watching Ghost Rider with Damion. I rolled out of bed and opened the door, taking my uniform from Nicole. 

"I'll be home late today." I said yawning "do I have permission?" I leaned against the door for support. 

"Sure, just check in with Damion about where you are. I'll see you later." She left and I laid my uniform down on the bed before going to the kitchen. I started the kettle to make myself a cup of tea because that is all I will be having this morning. 

"Good morning." Damion stomped into the kitchen tying his tie. He opened the fridge and took out some juice then kissed me on the forehead. 

"What happened last night?" I asked, crossing my arms. 

"You fell asleep, I brought you to bed. You were out cold; I didn't even notice when you fell asleep." He poured his juice and put the jug back in the fridge.

"Well, go on and get ready you have an exam and it's already 7:30." 

"What! Why the fuck did no one wake me?" I ran off to my room instantly stripping out of my clothes and combing my hair. I'm going to make record time this morning. 

"You are so fucking sexy it's a sin," Damion said from my room door. 

"I don't have time for this, go on and get to work. I'll be home late this evening, so you don't need to call and check on me." After putting my hair into one I grabbed my towel and bolted pass him heading straight for the bathroom. I quickly did my business and made it back to my room in flash time. 

"God, I'm so late!" I yelled out in frustration putting on my panties. I lost my balance and tumbled over on my bed but quickly recovered and stood to put on my bra. I applied lotion to the parts of my skin that would be seen when I was wearing my uniform, I tossed the bottle on the bed and did all the other stuff before slipping on my uniform. "Socks. Shoes." I spoke to myself as I put them on. "Tie," I did a full surveillance of my room not finding it. "Ugh, Jason!" 

I grabbed my bag and made my way to the kitchen. On the countertop was a perfect cup of coffee and a note 'good luck with your exam princess.' I smiled and started drinking my coffee daydreaming and savoring the taste. There were three knocks on the door, and I downed the last of the contents before fulling some water in my mouth and heading to the door. 

"Where your phone at?" Mandy waltzed in as I opened the door. I chucked her my bag then ran to the bathroom spitting out the water then to my room where I dried my mouth and unplugged my phone. 8:03. Five missed calls.

"I'm so sorry, I got up late as did everybody else this morning." I said as we made our exit and I shut the door. I entered the car where I greeted Eve and Nick like every other morning, and we were finally off to school. 

We made it just in time for the exam and the paper was a breeze. Nicholas was the first person out and then Jaden. I followed next and sat in the cafeteria awaiting my besties. "I believe this is yours." Jason said sitting down beside me and placing my tie on my bag. "You left it at my house yesterday." 

"Obviously. Thanks." I put it on and instantly felt complete. 

"It's nothing. Ready to go?" He sat down opposite me. 

"Go?" I said looking at him confused. He nodded "go where?" 

"I'm meant to be taking you out Mrs. Grey. Have you forgotten?" Mrs. Grey? 

"No, I haven't, I'm just waiting on the girls." At that moment I saw them both approaching. 

"That exam was un'bear'able." Mandy said dropping her bag on the table and sitting down. Eve followed suit. 

"Yeah, it was such a cat-astrophe." She giggled and we all laughed. 

"It wasn't that hard." I defended the exam paper. 

"For you it wasn't, I hate IT." Mandy groaned. "So, what's up with you two?" I looked at Jason and he looked at me. 

"We were just waiting on you two so I could tell you I'm leaving." Rick engulfed Eve from behind bending down to kiss her cheek.

"Ready?" Rick asked her as Shawn sat down. 

"So, you're all going out. What am I meant to do, it's just a little after 11?" Shawn looked at Mandy who rolled her eyes then gagged. 

"I'm out." She took up her bag and swung it over her back "text me later bitches!" she yelled as she walked down the corridor to the exit of the school. 

"We should go then?" Jason said getting up and I followed as did everybody else. We made it to the gate and went our separate ways. 

"Where are we going?" I asked Jason as we walked into the town.

"I don't know. Let's just walk and talk and since it's not that late and you probably didn't have breakfast we could go and have breakfast. After which we could keep walking and talking." 

"As long as food is involved it could never be a bad idea." he chuckled. 

After spending the past hour and a half walking around in the town like headless chickens, we were now sitting in a Chinese restaurant deciding on lunch. "Then what happened?" I probed Jason to continue the story he was telling me about him and his older brother when they were younger. 

"Well after he went hiding and I was seeking the story ends." I rolled my eyes at him "ok fine, he was really good at hiding and I got bored, so I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge taking the milk and the powered chocolate. I climbed up and took down a cup and a spoon and dumped a lot of the chocolate in the cup and added a little bit of milk. So now I had this gooey chocolate mixture and I dug in and started eating it like ice cream." I started laughing. 

"What about Dillon, you still haven't found him?" He held up a finger telling me to wait. 

"Halfway through the cup of goop I heard him calling my name, I didn't dare make a sound because I knew I was in big trouble. I scurried to my feet, but it was too late to hide the evidence because Dillon entered the kitchen. Long story short he was shocked but then he joined me and made his own cup of goop following my instructions. We ate until we fell asleep on the floor, and I was awoken to my brother getting a spanking. Sadly, I was next, and my little legs could only get me so far." 

I busted out laughing and thank goodness we were the only people in here at this time of day. "How about you, you must have sibling stories." I shook my head. "You and your sister never did anything crazy or worth a spanking?" 

"I didn't meet her until about two years ago. I grew up as an only child." He nodded his head in understanding. 

"Where are your parents?" he asked calmly. 

"I'd rather not talk about it. You should go order; I'd like fried rice with sweet and sour chicken and a lot of sauce. Orange juice." Jason left our table and went to order our food while I got lost in my thoughts. He came back with our food, and we ate and talked the day away. People came and saw us there and they ate and left us there, some came in and made their orders to go and he and I were just there, watching this little part of the world work. I checked the time on my phone. 

"If you feel like going home it's no big deal. I can see your mood has shifted." Jason said as we walked out of the restaurant and made our way to a plaza. 

"I'd like to take you somewhere first." I pulled his hand "let's go." 

"How did you find this place?" Jason asked, taking in our surroundings. I had taken him to a little spot all the way on the other side of town. It was hidden behind trees and tall grass but once you followed the path that Mandy, Eve, and I made you would reach a little clearing and a river ran right through then a little pool was in the middle then the river continued straight ahead. 

To me the place had always seemed like magic because it was just breathtakingly out of this world. Birds are always chirping, and it's filled with butterflies and bees because of the flowers that sprouted on their own. We had built a swing in one of the trees and had Nick built us a table and three chairs. It was just mesmerizing, and it brought me so much peace and comfort. 

"I didn't." I sat down on one of the chairs putting my bag down and kicking off my socks and shoes. "We skipped a day of school and wanted to get as far away as possible, so we came to this side of town. After walking and walking we stumbled upon it. We kept coming back over time." 

"Who's we?" Jason asked. I gave him a look "ooh, never mind." I chuckled as I took the rest of my clothes off, putting them neatly on the table. "What are you doing?" 

"The water is beautiful, isn't it not? It feels a lot better on your skin." I smiled as I walked towards the water in just my bra and underwear. "Coming?" 

"Why did you bring me here Rosanna?" He looked around while removing his clothes. 

"I don't know, I guess it's really for me and I just don't want to be alone right now." I jumped into the water making a splash. Jason joined me shortly after in just his boxer shorts. We stayed in the water just laughing, talking, swimming, until the sky changed its hue to shades of reds and oranges. It wasn't the most beautiful sunset I've seen but it was still gorgeous. 

Jason brought me home and kissed me good night then left. He's an interesting person to hang out with and he understands me so much. Jason is almost perfect. I snapped out of my daze when the front door was pulled open. 

"Which one was he?" Damion asked, looking at Jason walking away. 

"He, is the guy I just fucked." I pushed past him going inside. 

"You what!!!" He yelled shutting the door coming after me causing me to scream and pass my room going straight to the bathroom and trying to shut the door. 

"I fucked him!" I yelled laughing as we played a game of tug and war with the door. 

"Rosanna Renae Blake you better still have your virginity!" He yelled and I laughed so hard that my muscles gave out and the door was pushed open by a very angry Damion. I fell on the hard concrete and doubled over laughing. 

"And what if I don't?" I suddenly leaped off the floor and jumped into his arms wrapping my legs around his waist. He caught me and I kissed him like I've never kissed anybody before. He was in limbo for a moment but then he kissed me back just as hard, Damion made it to my room not breaking our kiss, not even for a millisecond.

"I'm going to be your second and your last." He breathed after putting me down on the bed. 

"What?" I pulled off his shirt and threw it on the floor.

"To answer your question. If you don't have it, I'll be your second and your last." He took off my blouse. 

"How about first and maybe last." He gave me a puzzled look "I didn't have sex with Jason." 

"You didn't?" I shook my head no "oh" he kissed me again, but it was different, I couldn't figure out why. "Get changed, I'm going to watch a movie." 

"You what!" He just walked out of my room not giving me a second glance. I followed behind him getting my bag from the floor where I had dropped it and going back to my room to change. I took out my phone and joined him in the living room where he was watching X-Men the Apocalypse. 

"What was that for?" I dropped myself on the couch beside him.

"What was what for?" He kept his attention on the TV. 

"Do not play dumb with me Damion McKenzie. Why the fuck did you stop?" I stood before the TV blocking his view and crossing my arms. 

"Because you're cruel to yourself." He was still not looking at me. 

"What's cruel Damion, is getting me horny and then leaving me alone!" 

"Listen to me Rosanna," he finally met my gaze, "I will not give you the satisfaction of using angry sex to get rid of your feelings, especially not to take your virginity." He took my hands and stood up "sex won't help love, after it's over the feelings will come back, what do you think is going to happen then? You're going to feel a lot worse than you're feeling right now. My advice to you is to talk to someone or even go look for her. You haven't been there in so long." 

He wiped my tears and kissed my forehead. "How did you know?" 

"I've been with you for a while now princess, I learn." The sound of his voice and the meaning in his words caused me to smile "one more thing" he held my throat and just like that my mood shifted, he came down to my ears and whispered, "don't ever try to use me like that again." He bit my neck. 

"It's..." a shiver ran down my spine, "it's what I do best," I moaned. He left me hanging once more and sat down to continue watching the movie. I sighed and did the same. We sat there in silence allowing the tv to do all the talking, until my phone vibrated.


'I had fun with you today. I just wanted you to know that I'm here for you in any way that you'd like.' 

"Which one of them is that?" His eyes were still glued to the TV.

"Jason. He said he had fun with me today and he's here for me in any way that I want." I started typing my reply. 

"You're going to hurt that boy, Rose." 

"And still, I don't care." 

'I had fun with you too Jay, haven't had that much fun in a while. And thanks, I really need someone right now.'