Was it hopeless?

In a surprising twist of events, while a lot of people did pass by Alix's booth and make enquiries, nobody was keen to purchase such orchids at a sky high price.

By the time the sun started to set, the two aunties had looks of frustration on their faces. What puzzled them more however was how unbothered Alix seemed to be on the other hand.

She was playing a game and even laughing as if all was well and this worried them.

"Dear, are you okay?" Auntie Mo couldn't take it anymore and she had to ask. She was sitting on Alix's right hand side and she put an arm around her shoulder in a move that was meant to comfort her.

Alix nodded absent-minded. She even wondered why she would not be okay. "Don't worry auntie, someone will come."

She could see the worry on the woman's face and she wanted to comfort her.