Sold out.

Alix could see the hesitation in the older man's eyes. He desired all of the orchids but he wanted knowledge far more than just taking the orchids away. 

She looked up and pretended to be considering something so deeply. Then, she sighed and put a pained look on her face by twisting her lips and rolling her head around for a bit. Finally, she looked at the older man and said reluctantly, "Elder, why don't I take your information and pass it along to that guy. If he wants to contact you, he will send an email or call you." 

This was better than no communication at all, she figured. The blue elf was always looking for things to do, pretending to be an expert on orchids would be a simple job for it. 

"You will have to pay me well. I don't work for free. I am a gaming system but you just use me in any way you please." In her mind, she heard it speaking sarcastically.

Another business card was given to Alix. This one had the identity of the older man.