Chapter – 10.1: The classes begin and Teary-eyed Nicole

Chapter - 10.1


Next morning,


The classes were going to officially begin today. And Alex was woken up by the already awake Erebus, jumping up and down on his chest.


"You are unusually jumpy today," Alex smiled, looking at the cheerful Erebus and sat up. Since he got Erebus, Erebus has done nothing but eat, sleep and repeat. So now, looking at him so energetic was unusual.


So as to not fall behind, Alex left his bed and fed Erebus. After that, Alex did not waste any time, and after washing up, he made his way to his first-ever class at Hogwarts. But just as he got to the common room, he met the girl from yesterday. Her name was something crass?


"Hey, good morning," the girl actively greeted Alex, only to get a nod from Alex, who walked past her without stopping.


'Which grass was she again?' Alex thought, moving forward. He did not remember the girl's name.


On the other hand, the girl felt that Alex was ignoring her. But she did not give up.


"Hey, wait for me, buddy. Let's go for breakfast together," the girl said, catching up with Alex.


"Let's not," Alex stopped and, turning towards the girl, denied it right away.


"Why? Do you not like my company," the girl asked.


"I don't even know you," Alex frowned and said, "And more than that, you stand out too much." Alex leaned a bit and looked at the girl's behind.


"How naughty!" The girl exclaimed, "Where are you looking at?" The girl put her hands over her ass. And though she acted shy, she looked more coquettish, "Isn't it too soon for that?"


When Alex heard the girl, he knew where she was going with that nonsense, but he chose to ignore that.


"I want to keep a low profile, but with you..." Alex shook his head and, with his eyes, gestured to the girl to look behind her. Several Slytherins were already looking in their direction, curious to know what the two of them were talking about. And most of them were first years.


"Aren't you a smooth talker? But what you did last night, can it be called keeping a low profile?" The girl ignored the others looking her way.


"That was different. It was a one-time thing," Alex said.


"Okay, fine, don't mind me. And I will just walk beside you silently," finally, the girl compromised.


"Suit yourself. Otherwise, you will come crying about that feminist shit," Alex said, walking away.


"Femi... What?" the girl had no idea what Alex was talking about. But before she could ask what it was? Alex had already walked ahead of her.


"Hey, wait up, Mr one-timer," the girl called out and, throwing her arms in the air, she ran behind Alex.


Though the girl said she would walk silently beside him, not for one moment did she stop talking? She continued to pester Alex, asking him questions that revolved around him. Where was he from, what he liked, disliked and stuff like that? It was so much that, pretty soon, Alex stopped responding to her, no matter how much she tried.


He could have had a better breakfast if not for the girl, but however noisy it may be, the breakfast was good. Soon after breakfast, Alex, along with the girl sticking to him, left the Great hall for their first class of 'Transfiguration' taught by Professor McGonagall.


When they arrived for the class, they were the first ones there. Well, except for a cat on the teacher's desk. Walking towards the cat, Alex slightly bowed at it and walked to a seat. The girl, too, followed him and sat on his right.


Soon students began to arrive one after the other, and a low buzz of chatter filled the classroom. Nicole and Hermione came together, but unlike everyone else, Nicole meowed toward the cat and even went on to stroke it a couple of times before walking towards Alex and sitting behind him. Hermione, on the other hand, on seeing an unknown girl sitting next to Alex, her face went stiff. Instead of sitting next to Nicole, she went and sat beside the girl pushing her.


The sudden arrival of Hermione came as a surprise to both Alex and the girl.


"Hey... Hey.... Hey, What are you doing?" The girl asked Hermione, "Who are you? And Why would anyone from Gryffindor want to sit with the despicable Slytherins?" The girl asked with her tone filled with sarcasm.


"Who are you?" But instead of answering the question, Hermione counter-questioned.


"I asked first," the girl said, crossing her arms.


"But you will answer first," Hermione was quick to reply.


"Fair enough," caught off guard, the girl agreed, "Wait, what did you...?"


"Now that we have agreed to it. Go ahead, introduce yourself," Hermione said.


"Fine, I am Daphne Greengrass, Slytherin, Pureblood," Daphne introduced herself with pride.


'Greengrass,' hearing the girl, Alex finally remembered.


"And I am Hermione Granger, Gryffindor," Hermione also followed suit. She was no less confident than Daphne.


"It was a pleasure meeting you," Daphne gave Hermione an elegant nod, "Now, would you mind sitting somewhere else?" Daphne asked.


"I won't. Alex is a friend of mine. He won't mind me sitting here," Hermione was not at all sophisticated in her reply and tilted her head to look past Daphne at Alex.


Meanwhile, Alex had no interest in whatever these two girls were fighting about. He turned to look at her sister, hoping she would meddle in. But Nicole was busy enjoying the situation unfolding. In fact, she wanted them to skip a few steps and get on with the hair pulling.


But alas, Alex did not give Nicole the satisfaction. Without saying anything to the two girls beside him, Alex stood in his seat and, stepping on the desk, went back to sit with Nicole.


"Why are you sitting here? Are you going to ignore the two beauties fighting for you?" Nicole asked teasingly, pointing towards Hermione and Daphne, who were now blaming each other for Alex going back.


"More than them. I feel like I should be more concerned about you," Alex ignored the girls and looked at Nicole, smirking.


"... After all, you became the Gryffindor Bella on the very first day. You must be proud. But should I be concerned about my future brother-in-law?" Alex taunted Nicole, bringing up what he heard last night.


"Hey, don't bring that up," Nicole's face went red, "Let's manage our own affairs."


"Is that so?" Alex smirked. It was only a matter of will. Even he could one-up his sister if he tried.


"Having fun with your little sweetheart?" Daphne suddenly spoke, interrupting Alex and Nicole. Last night, after Professor McGonagall made her appearance, Daphne knew the episode had come to an end. So, with the same misunderstanding that everyone had about Alex and Nicole, she left the Great Hall.


After their conversation, Daphne was a little interested in Alex. But with Nicole in the scene, she had some reservations. But by morning, Daphne was again thinking about Alex and could not stop herself from waiting for him in the Slytherin common room. She felt silly in herself, but her body wouldn't just leave without him.


"Sweetheart?" This word caught Alex, Nicole and Hermione by surprise before the two girls began to laugh out loud, taking the whole class by surprise this time. Alex, on the other hand, shook his head and looked away, not wanting to clear the misunderstanding.


But before Nicole or Hermione could clear Daphne's misunderstanding, the door of the classroom sprang open, and Potter and the Weasley came running in.


"Made it... We finally made it," Potter said as the two of them stopped beside Alex's bench, panting for air.


"Can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were..." Ron put his hands on his back and tried to stand straight.


But before he could finish, the cat on the desk jumped and transformed into Professor McGonagall. And not just the two latecomers, but the whole class was left dumbstruck.


"That was bloody brilliant," Ron managed to speak despite the surprise.

* * * * *

[A/N: Read my other stories as well... They have 200+ chapters]