Chapter – 10.2: The classes begin and Teary-eyed Nicole (Part-II)

Chapter – 10.2


"That was bloody brilliant," Ron managed to speak despite the surprise.


"Well, thank you for that assessment, Mister Weasley. Perhaps it would be more useful if I were to transfigure Mister Potter and you into a pocket watch. That way, one of you might be on time," Professor McGonagall said sarcastically.


"We got lost," Potter replied meekly.


"Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find yourself a seat," Professor McGonagall suggested. And with that, the hero of the wizarding world did not have the best possible start to his Hogwarts journey.


Soon after Potter and the Weasley took their seat, the class finally began.


"For those from wizarding families, you have seen and experienced magic from the day you got your thoughts together," Professor McGonagall began to explain, "But for those who never had a wizard in their families and have never seen magic up close, let me tell you something. Magic is the closest thing to what you have in the muggle world called chemistry."


And as expected, as soon as everyone heard the word chemistry, a buzz broke out in the classroom. The muggles were excited to listen to that analogy, while others were confused.


Professor McGonagall was also in no hurry. She let the students talk among themselves for a while before continuing again.


"What I am going to teach you is Transfiguration. Which, as the name suggests, is the branch of magic that focuses on changing the figure, the shape or the overall appearance of an object." Professor McGonagall told everyone.


"... The alteration of the form of the object is via the alteration of the object's molecular structure," Professor McGonagall said as she picked up a chalk and wrote 'Chemistry' on the board, "Which is where Chemistry comes in."


Hearing the Professor, those with a slight background in Chemistry, particularly the muggle students, were excited. But the others, with no knowledge of whatever this was, could not help but whine.


"No need to cry buckets," Professor McGonagall sternly said, not wanting to hear another voice.


"... I just want you to give a brief knowledge about some stuff. However similar they might look, magic is unique. It has nothing to do with any muggle stuff except for some basics." Professor McGonagall drew the line as to neither excite nor discourage them.


"Over the years, we have known that everything around us is made up of atoms," Professor McGonagall continued, "The smallest particle that can actually exist on its own." Professor McGonagall said and even got a nod from virtually everyone in the room.


"... These atoms then club together to form molecules. It can be similar atoms or different types of atoms bonding together. Any questions?" Professor McGonagall raised her eyebrows and asked. But none of them spoke.


"... Now, when using magic, we alter this molecular structure." Professor McGonagall paused and looked at everyone in the room. She could sense that every one of the students looked confused and, to a certain degree, terrified by her words.


"... Coming back to Transfiguration, there are many factors that you have to take into account when performing a Transfiguration spell," Professor continued with her lecture, "The mass of the body, its viciousness, power of your wand, concentration and a few more things."


"Are you sure we are actually learning magic?" Ron said out loud, "Shouldn't it be just waving your wand and poof! Abracadabra, and the cat becomes a human."


"Is that how everyone does magic at your home, Mister Weasley? Or it's just how they taught you? Because your brothers are quite good at that. Even the twins?" Professor McGonagall asked Ron, and the whole class burst into laughter. It was very brutal of the Professor. After all, she has been teaching for so long that she would have developed patience for such remarks.


"Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts. It is more scientific in muggle terms than any other form of magic," Professor did not linger on Ron much and said.


"Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned."


Then Professor McGonagall changed her desk into a pig and back again. Everything happened so fast that none had a chance to actually understand how everything happened.


But despite their confusion, everyone except for Alex and those with a background in the wizarding world was impressed. They could not just wait to get started. But before they could do so, they had to take notes of the lecture first.


And after they were finally done taking a bunch of complicated notes, they were each given a match to get started.


"You saw how fast I changed this desk into a pig and back to its original form, didn't you?" Professor McGonagall put her hand on her desk and asked, only to get a nod from everyone.


"Do you think I did all the calculations from earlier?" Professor McGonagall asked again, "The atoms, the mass, etcetera... etcetera?"


But this time, no one said a word. There wasn't even a nod or shake of the head.


"All I did was visualise," Professor explained, "I know what a pig looks like, and I visualised it while performing the spell. Everything else was easy because of the number of times I have done it. Now all of you are going to do the same. We will start with something easy. You see the matchstick in front of you?" Professor McGonagall asked, and everyone nodded.


"... I want you all to try and turn it into a needle."


"Huh?" Everyone exclaimed, 'Not a pig, a cat, or a toad?'


But even though they thought that none was willing to stick out their neck on the chopping block after the one-liners on the red-hair Weasley.


"The incantation for the simplest of transfiguration is..." Professor McGonagall paused and raised her wand, "Forma Mutatio."


And with that, everyone pulled out their wand and waved their wands in the air, trying to pull out the trick.


It took some time, but Alex was the first to transform his matchstick into a needle. Actually, Alex deliberately passed the time, trying not to stand out too much. But when a lot of time passed, and no one could do it, he decided to be done with it.


Professor McGonagall, when saw that Alex was the first one to complete the task, she was genuinely elated. She showed the class how it had gone all silver and pointy and gave Alex a rare smile. By the end of the lesson, only Alex, Nicole, Daphne, Hermione and the silver-haired guy who left an impression during the sorting were able to change their matchstick.


As the class ended, Professor McGonagall awarded ten points to Gryffindor and fifteen to Slytherin.


"Aside from the points for the successful transfigurations, I award twenty points to Mister Ashbridge for successfully identifying my Transfiguration," Professor McGonagall announced when she saw students packing their stuff, "Now you all may leave."


"What about me?" As Professor McGonagall was on her way out of the class, Nicole ran in front of the Professor and stopped her.


"... I was also able to do so," Nicole spoke.


"Ten points to Gryffindor too. Now step aside, Miss Ashbridge" Professor McGonagall didn't want to drag her conversation with Nicole, so she just awarded her points.


"Why did he get twenty while I got only ten?" Nicole questioned the unfairness.


"Because he was the first one to do so. Now, I have to be somewhere. If you would please step aside," Professor McGonagall said.


"That was because he came early," Nicole said.


"And how is that my concern?" Raising her eyebrows, Professor McGonagall asked.




"Fine, ten more points to Gryffindor," Professor McGonagall said. She knew that even if it was not right, since she had started it, Nicole would stick to her like a leech, pestering her all day. So, not wanting to get tangled with Nicole anymore, she decided to award her the points.


"Wait..." Nicole thought she had lost it and was about to give in. But hearing Professor McGonagall, she had the upper hand again.


"You were biased in your judgement because of your prejudice towards me. I need you to compensate me for that," Nicole demanded.


"How many more points do you want?" Professor McGonagall was about to lose it. She extended a finger towards Nicole, but now the little devil wanted her whole hand.


"Well, that's something you should decide," Nicole said innocently.


"Five more points for Gryffindor," and without giving Nicole a chance to say anything, she pushed Nicole aside and went past her. Meanwhile, Alex could only look from the sidelines.


"Your sister is something else," Daphne said in admiration, "She went head to head with someone like Professor McGonagall and won," Daphne whispered to Alex.


"I just hope Professor McGonagall does not reach her threshold anytime soon," Alex said, looking at the retreating figure of Professor McGonagall.

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