As soon as my Dad saw me with my brother, he was shocked, and I swear, the reaction was very satisfying. One of the reasons why I never came down in 5 years was because my "Dad" didn't want me to.

As I am seeing, Aiden is really very interesting as a person once you get to know him. He will give you his everything and love you with all that he has. Now I see, why Mia loves him so much.

"Seems like you've made up." Dad said, his voice full of dissatisfaction and shock.

"We just never met." I replied and my Dad raised an eyebrow. It was clear he was shocked to his core. He just never expected us to get close on our first meet.

"Now that we've met, do you think you can win against us?" Aiden asked putting an arm around mu shoulder and pulling me close. For the first time I felt good about having a brother, especially an elder brother. Even though we were just 1 year apart.

I turned to face him with all the confidence I had gathered and winked at him. "He can't." I replied and we both faced our dad who looked pale as dead..

"Is it? Okay. Come to eat now.." He said trying to brush us off.

We were about to walk in, but we the loudest "Aiden, you're up!" and "Bran, I told you Aiden is a good brother!"

Mia. She had to come running and her feet got tangled in the carpet and flipped forward. Aiden was quick to hold her up.

"It's okay, you're fine. I got you." He repeated those words hugging her tight and brushing her hair. My heart almost popped out of my chest with fear. And Mom came running as well. Only my Dad stood at a distance.

"You little brat. Can't you just walk? Why do have to run? You're not a little girl now. You've grown up. Why do you keep on running around? If you disfigure your face, do you think anyone will marry you? Just because all these people care for you, you can't expect the same after you leave with me. J can't and won't leave my work for your sake and sit home." He said without a second thought and sat at the dinning table with a sigh.

"Is he serious right now?" Aiden said angrily and Dad happened to hear it. He quickly looked up and tilted his head.

"What did you say, Aiden? I have been very lenient with you. Is this what you give me in return? Is this what you've taught our children, Alice?" Dad's voice was deep and it was angry. But Aiden wasn't the one to back down.

He carried Mia to the couch and asked Mom to sit by her. Then looked at me. "Stay there." I nodded and he walked up to Dad.

"Get out." He said his voice trembling with anger. Aiden took a deep breath and repeated. "I said Get. The. Hell. Out of my house." His voice was very deep and low which sounded like a growl.

Dad stood up and walked towards Aiden ready to slap him, but Aiden held his hand and twisted it. "You don't get to stay here. And every step you take, every action of your and every word you speak from right now will be held against you in the court." He warned our Dad who looked at us and back to Aiden.

"Fine, Mia is going with me." Dad said and started walking towards Mia, but I stepped in front of Mom and Mia this time.

"I don't care about him, but you are my own blood. Step aside. Or you can join us as well. You and your sister." Dad tried to convince me and I laughed at him.

"Seriously Dad? I did everything you said. My only condition was that Mia stays with Alice and Aiden. Safe. And I did everything, even staying away from what was supposed to be my family, my home. Five years, I did everything. Not now. At least I know my brother got my back. Nope. You're not taking Mia away. If you want, fight for her custody in the court. Let's see who wins. Now, please." I said and showed him the way to the door.

I could hear Mom's sobs and Mia whispering faint "I don't want to leave, mommy. Please don't send me I will be good, I promise." My heart broke at her voice. She was scared. And last time I heard those words were at my Mum's funeral. I closed my eyes.

"You all will pay for this. Know that." He said and then with one look at Aiden and back at us, he left the house. We all sighed in relief when we heard the car engine start and the sound drift away in the night.

"Mia, are you alright? Were you hurt?" I asked patting her head and she instantly jumped into my arms. "I don't want to leave Bran. I will be good I promise." I held her very close to my heart as if my life depended on it...

Honestly, my life did depend on her. Because she looked like mom. And she was the only reason, why I was still alive and working so hard. "It's okay baby. It's okay. Come on, stop crying. Let's eat, huh?" I asked her and she nodded on my chest.

I carried her to the table and even there I didn't ask her to get down, I didn't want her to feel that I didn't want her or love her. I fed her dinner first and then had mine. Everybody else had their dinner as well.

"Mum, Niko- sorry Nick will be coming over tomorrow morning. He's my friend and a divorce lawyer. Get it done. Also I have spoken to him about the custody. Bran can speak for his own. So as long as he wants to stay with us, it will be fine. But for Mia, we will have to prepare. I don't want her to get questioned by those pigs, so you as a guardian will have full authority, also she isn't 18 yet, that gives us an upper hand." Aiden told our mom and she agreed.

"Umm, I will put tuck her in bed. She's already asleep." I told them and mom nodded, but Aiden, he had a very... Some weird look in his eyes. I couldn't point what it was. I smiled at him and left to Mia's room.

I heard Aiden tell mom he was leaving while I was going upstairs. So I stopped and looked back only to find him looking at me. "Don't worry, I'm here. Go." I told him and he nodded and then left.