Impossible Is Not A Fact

"I hear you are her brother," Tony said, and he nodded. "Is it okay if we talk to her?"

"No," Tyler frowned at them.

"Tyler, let's leave," Lara said nervously. Just then, the bikers returned, and the crowd cheered heavily.

"Now it's our chance; let's go," he said, holding her hand, and they turned to leave when Tony blocked their path.

"Why are you leaving? The party just started."

Tyler stared at Tony, who seemed to be in his twenties, with a dirty look on his face. 

"We don't bite, so stay," he added. Tyler stared at Lara, who nodded.

After the bikers jubilated, it became unusually quiet, and a lady walked to the center beside the bonfire. "As tradition demands, any new girl in the community is to open the dance floor with a strip dance," she said through the mic.

Tyler noticed her as the lady who had just given him a tip to leave with Lara, and then everyone's gaze moved to Lara.

She wondered how everyone knew they were the new ones in the community. "Do they know everyone in this community?" she whispered to Tyler, who shrugged his shoulders.

"Do you remember the words Aaron said when he had no plans and Lincoln's men discovered us?" Tyler asked, and she thought for a while.

"When I count down to three, then you run?"

"Exactly." Tyler nodded.

"What are you whispering about? It's nothing serious; come on now." Tony frowned at Lara.

"It's just a strip dance, not like you will be going naked in front of us," some other men said mockingly.

"Does stripping not mean taking off your clothes?" Lara asked loudly.

"Come" Tony grabbed her hand, and Tyler was about to stop him when some men blocked his path.

"Leave me," she said, pushing Tony away from her. He almost fell, but he grabbed her hand tighter and let her stand where everyone could see her.

"What's your name, beauty?" He stood beside the bonfire and asked.

Lara didn't respond. "How old are you?"

She still didn't respond. Tyler pushed those men beside him and hurried towards Lara.

"We are not interested in your activities; come on," he said, holding Lara's hand when those men blocked their path.

"Get out," Tyler warned, but they didn't move. He hit one across the face and used his leg to kick the other.

Lara pulled the other by the hair, and he slapped her. "Don't let me hurt you.".

"Ahhh!!!" Tony screamed as someone shot a water balloon at him. They all turned their gazes to find an angry boy standing there.

Seeing Aaron, Tyler, and Lara, smiled, pushed those men, and hurried to him.

"You," Tony frowned at him. "They said you weren't feeling fine and couldn't show up; turns out it was just pride." He took a step closer, and Aaron lit a lighter.

"I will advise you not to come closer."

"Why? You think I am scared of you?"

"You should be." Aaron smiled, and this irritated him more. "What do you take yourself for?"

"Take the girl," Tony ordered one of his men, and Aaron lit the lighter again.

"You think you scare us with some lighter?" Tony burst out in laughter.

"You are soaked in gasoline," Aaron blurted, and everyone was shocked. Tony scanned his body; he thought a water balloon was being shot at him, but that was not the case. Was Aaron trying to burn him alive?

"What? Have you lost your mind?" Tony asked in disbelief, then stared at the bonfire. He couldn't be around the bonfire, so he pushed through the crowd and ran away.

"Finally," the lady chuckled and picked up the mic. "Now we can have some real fun."

The others cheered; the atmosphere was tense because of Tony and his men, but they all ran away to follow their boss.

The lady smiled at Aaron; he remembered her as the lady from the library.

Then he turned to leave with Lara and Tyler. "Hey, you guys shouldn't leave; we aren't like Tony," the girl named Giselle said, and Aaron sneered.

"You all stood idle and watched a man harass a girl. It was unbelievable." 

He stared at Tyler and Lara, wondering if they still wanted to stay. He walked past them and headed to the apartment when they followed him.


Once they got to the apartment, Lara and Tyler had guilty looks as they were expecting Aaron to throw words at them as they didn't listen to him, but Aaron did no such thing.

He closed the door and turned the TV on. "Can we now look at the next mission?" His dream was to become a top gangster, not some teenage boy living in a local community.

Then he pressed the button on the watch when the robotic voice came in.

[SYSTEM: Top technology equipment from Luka to Rodrigue-Canada]

Then it displayed the picture of Luka, who looked like a tech guru, and then a picture of Rodrigue, a gangster.

"Let me understand. Does it want us to steal technology equipment from Luka and give it to Rodrigue?" Tyler questioned, and Aaron nodded.

"We need more info" She clicked the picture of Luka

[System; input password to view more,

"This is irritating; with little information, how will we even know who Luka is? Canada isn't a city; where exactly is it?" she said in an annoyed tone.

Even Aaron seemed annoyed; he wondered what type of information was hidden because of the password.

"Why is it sending us to Canada? And what area of Canada? This is already a mission impossible," Lara pouted, and Aaron smacked his lips.

"Muhammed Ali once said that impossible is not a fact; it's an opinion," he explained, then tapped the table.

"Screw this; our next mission is to get the password from Martin," he blurted, and they stared at him like a joker.

They were wondering: does he mean the Martin they have been escaping from?

Is he insane?

Has he lost it completely?

"Are you that desperate?" Lara sneered, absolutely not; there was no way she was going anywhere close to that man; what she experienced with Lincoln was already traumatizing enough.