Ambitious Frank

Every night, Frank would lie awake, seething with resentment over these matters.

Especially Alex.

Before, he never even considered this loser.

Because they were never of the same class.

Living in the same dormitory was their only intersection in life.

But now, this Alex, after coming to the end-of-days world, could actually afford the sky-high barricades!

And he could live so comfortably, with electricity and a villa, without any worries about food or drink.

In contrast, Frank found himself relying on exchanges of supplies between Olivia and Alex for sustenance.

What am I? A beggar?!

Frank couldn't accept this reality.

Someday, I will mold you, Olivia, into my plaything.

And Alex, I'll dry you out and feed you to the zombies!

These were Frank's innermost thoughts.

But he had no chance to realize them.