I typed the wrong word

Currently, Olivia still needs Frank as her teammate.

Alone, she really couldn't guarantee survival in this apocalyptic world.

So, even though she didn't like Frank very much, forming a team with him at least meant having someone to look after her.

But now, Frank had a kind of restlessness that caught her off guard.

Olivia always felt that Frank would eventually turn against her.

Several times before, it was because she vehemently disagreed.

Otherwise, Frank, who had always harbored ulterior motives, would have eaten her long ago.

And today, the near altercation made Olivia somewhat anxious.

If only her teammate were Alex...

Olivia opened a chat window with Alex and subconsciously typed: "Alex, how great it would be to have you by my side."


These days, Alex had been trading intelligence with other survivors.