Samurai Sword Blueprint

Olivia chuckled bitterly.

She forcefully pushed away the lingering thoughts and sent another message: "Forget it, I still rely on Alex's generosity for daily necessities now. If I have any little emotions, I'll just swallow them down even if it's like pulling teeth, because I can't afford it (crying emoji). But, I really don't have many daily supplies left, I still want to exchange some with you..."

Alex: "No problem, with the firewood you gave me before, I've burned quite a few zombies."

Olivia fell silent for a moment.

"Alex, can you sell me some weapons... I really need them."

Alex frowned upon seeing this message.

You see, Olivia hadn't asked for these things before, only basic necessities like rice, noodles, water, bread, and such.

Apart from some crossbow arrows and molotov cocktails Alex had given her before, Olivia hadn't mentioned weapons since.