Sold Out in an Instant

"Is this it?"

Alex was taken aback.

Mia nodded solemnly.

Clearly, this matter was important to her.

So, Alex explained, "Emma is the person who sold me the information about the gold-level supply box earlier. Remember when I told you today that I wanted to buy a special katana blueprint? Well, that's what Emma wanted to trade."

"Initially, I just wanted to negotiate, but she unexpectedly showed me a video of my face."

"Of course, I couldn't let it leak out, so I found a way to locate her, captured her, and lured out her father."

"Guess what happened next?"

Mia, who was listening eagerly, scratched Alex's ticklish spot when he paused and even urged him to continue.

"I won't guess. Just tell me."

Alex chuckled and continued, "Then, I found out that Emma isn't afraid of zombie bites. After asking her, I learned that she had taken an antivirus serum."