Emergence of Mutant Creatures


The appearance of higher-level zombies and mutant creatures was becoming an established fact among all survivors, much to their dismay. Little did they expect this day to arrive so swiftly, catching them somewhat off guard.

Just recently, the sheriff's team issued an announcement on the public chat channel.

User 12315: "Greetings, survivors. I am the sheriff. I am extremely excited and eager to share my joy with you all."

"Our team just hunted down a mutant zombie boar. This marks the first time survivors have hunted down a mutant creature, a momentous occasion that deserves to be recorded in history. I believe it's necessary to share this with everyone."

User 352525: "Mutant creatures? Mutants have appeared so quickly? I can barely handle small zombie groups, let alone keep up with the evolving threat. This is madness!"