Are you actually a treasure-hunting robot


The rocket exploded, emitting thick black smoke.

The members of the Flame Legion couldn't see what was inside.

"Is this robot dead?"

Then, a vivid red emerged from the rolling black smoke, like the eyes of the Grim Reaper.

In an instant, Twenty-Two dashed out of the smoke, swiftly striking down the person at the forefront.

"What the hell! How come the rocket couldn't kill this robot?!"


"There's no better time to run than now!"

The members of the Flame Legion turned and ran directly.

Avenging the boss was one thing, but if it meant risking their own lives, they'd rather not bother.

With a roar, the thrusters behind Twenty-Two reached their peak output.

In an instant, a supersonic pursuit erupted, killing the fleeing members of the Flame Legion one by one.