Testing the Herbicide

Not long after they set off, Alex and his group encountered mutant plants.

They were currently besieging a small team of survivors, rendering four or five of them powerless against the vines' onslaught.

Seeing this scene, Alex nodded.

"Perfect timing to try out our special herbicide and see if it works."

"If it doesn't, we retreat."

The three of them got out of the car and headed towards the mutant plants.


Nelson was having a stroke of bad luck, encountering mutant plants.

Encountering mutant plants now was like hitting the jackpot in a lottery.

One was lucky to the extreme, the other, unlucky to the core.

Nelson and his team had just endured an attack by mutant plants and didn't have any Molotov cocktails on them. Moreover, they were all somewhat injured.

Their captain had even been pierced in the abdomen by a mutant plant and was currently gritting his teeth in agony.