Arrival at East City District

"Let's go."

Alex, accompanied by Mia and Olivia, was about to leave.

Since they had already tested the power of the special herbicide, there was naturally no need to linger.

Continuing on their journey was the priority.

At this moment, Nelson suddenly spoke up.

"Boss, may I ask your name?"

Alex paused his steps, without looking back, he replied, "I'm no boss, just A...L...E...X--Alex."

Then, the three of them left.

Nelson watched Alex and his companions disappear into the distance, his eyes filled with longing.

"Alex, huh..."

Alex's group continued their journey to the East City District.

Little did they know, news of their ability to eliminate mutant plants had spread throughout the entire survivor community.

On the chat channel, Nelson was fervently advocating.