James suddenly felt a twinge of regret

"Olivia, look over there, there's a jewelry store!"

"I see it, I see it! Mia, there's a cosmetics store over there..."

No matter when women see beautiful things, they can't help but get excited.

It's like when men see a car they like, they can't resist stopping to admire it.

Alex smiled.

They had indeed been cooped up for too long lately.

It was necessary to relax a bit now.

But what Alex didn't know was that someone was already eyeing them.

"Target locked!"

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely sure, matches the intel, accompanied by two beautiful women, a mutant tiger, and a robot."

"Copy that."

Alex strolled behind Mia and Olivia, unaware that someone was approaching them from the shadows.

"Alex, you've finally arrived..."

After receiving Alex's message, James had already dispatched someone to keep a close watch on the entrance to the East City district.