Weapons are righteousness

"Why did you kill that survivor? I told you to aim for Alex, what are you doing!" Ronald looked at the gunman next to him with anger.

The subordinate weakly replied, "I missed the shot, it went off target..."

On the other side, Alex and his group had already swiftly put on their combat gear and entered combat mode.

It seemed like they were seeking revenge.

The gruesome death of the shopkeeper was purely a disaster brought upon themselves.

This made Alex very angry.

Alex asked coldly, "Who are you?"

"We are from the Spectrum Squad!"

"Alex, you killed our young master James, and we're here to make you pay with your blood!"

The Spectrum Squad members yelled wildly.

Only Ronald remained silent, sighing with a sense of despair.

It seemed that today was the day he would meet his end.

Damn, these ignorant fools.