Could one survivor really rival our entire team


The Suicide Squad was shocked.

How could there be a Gatling machine gun?!

Though Spectrum Squad also had them, they were only fixed defensive installations at their bases.

Alex was directly carrying a Gatling to output firepower. How could they fight against him?

"Damn it, is this Alex Doraemon? How can he pull out anything?"

"We can't let him shoot!"

Immediately, the captain of the Suicide Squad opened his shirt and attempted to rush towards Alex.

But he was mowed down by the Gatling machine gun, directly triggering the explosives, blowing himself up into a spray of flesh and blood.

Following him were other members of the Suicide Squad.

Alex didn't even give them a chance to get close, simply gunning them down.

It wasn't that these people were weak, but when they encountered Alex who was prepared, they had no chance to get close enough to detonate themselves.